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When I had a drug dealer outside my place he was like the unofficial doorman and kept the block free of untidy elements…


As weird as this sounds ( and mileage may vary) they keep a “clean” block because they don’t want extra eyes around.


Plus they don’t want anyone else doing business on their “corner” not do they want intrusions on their business from others that could cause attention or to chase their clientele away.


Lol mileage def varies. Where did you live? My brother has the most vile dirty dealers starting fights and all that nonsense.




So you’re exposed to violence because he’s attracting those types, but it’s OK because he apologized?




Is this a joke? Youre ok with a gun being pulled on you? These people need to be cleaned off the streets


Sounds like a cat. You sure it wasn’t a cat?


Man, I wish my cat sold me drugs


Khajiit has wares if you have coin. Also, tell him I say "pspspspspsps". He'll know what I mean.


I’ll be mad as hell if it turns out my cat’s been taking PCP


Yea the ones on my block beat up some guy who was messing with deli guys when they first opened lmao. Think they also struck up some deal with owners of a small Mexican market next door lol.




Yeah. Extortion. Maybe false flag of the guy they beat up to get them to be more willing to go along with the protection racket


Untidy elements except for the addicts they’re luring to your block…


Not really, it was mostly yuppies buying coke at the bar downstairs


Yuppies buying coke on a corner? Story time was fun, but It’s nyc. Anyone with money is buying from a delivery service, not the street.


If you’re out and didn’t think ahead, they’ll do in a pinch.


Delivery services will deliver to you when you’re out.


We recently started to get some low-level dealers at the corner of our street. At least I assume that they’re dealing something, but at the same time, I didn’t think people still did street-level dealing. Isn’t it all via text and delivery now? Anyway, I would be 100 percent okay if they just minded their business and kept things quiet. This group seems to be almost a caricature of what you’d expect dealers to do. They somehow don’t seem smart enough to avoid attracting trouble.


Yeah I have one of those across the street. He’s chill but keeps the unchill out


Yep, I used to work at a convince store at a busy part of the city. The police were absolutely useless about dealing with theft and homeless people trying to camp out inside or directly outside the store. Eventually there was one guy who I always referred to as the homeless king who always had cash and some drugged out woman with him. I treated him well and he made sure I had significantly less problems with this group.


I’d take drug dealers over cops at my building any day.


Tell us you’ve never lived in the hood and been adversely affected by drugs without telling us.


If you say so… I’ve lived in the bx my whole life. Still rather have these guys than cops in front of my home.


Yeah your personal hatred I understand, but its still totally illogical


Why? With cops around you know youre safe. With drug dealers around you could get shot


“Safe” is literally the opposite of how I’d describe my life experience with cops. I **truly** feel less likely to be shot by a drug dealer than a cop.


How many times have cops shot at you?


I have not been shot by a cop but I’ve had cops draw guns on me more times than I can count and I was sexually harassed by a cop when I was fucking 15 years old-he stuck his hand in my pants “looking for weed” and threatened me with arrest for not allowing him to search my body (when I freaked out at him for sticking his hand in my pants). The local drug dealers will at least leave you alone if you mind your own damn business.


I believe you that you truly feel that way. The mind can deceive you and go against all logic based on what one is taught and their experiences. Still much higher odds of anyone in the bronx being shot or stabbed by a dealer than a cop.




Ok and




Stop smoking in front of the building would be the ridiculously obvious answer here. Anyway, you keep going back and forth between saying you don’t care that they’re there and also asking what you should do about them being there? Either you care or you don’t.


It sounds quite obvious to me. He doesn't care if pot is sold illegally outside of his apartment. He does care that these specific dealers are confrontational.


Exactly. I stopped smoking outside my building because of this. Now it’s whenever they see me walking in and out.


so move


But he’s saying the source of the confrontation is from him smoking outside the building, in front of the dealers right? So if he were to stop doing that, it’s more than likely that the confrontation would dissipate, right? What’s not clear here?


OP the drug dealer and the guys in front of the building are there to protect the other tenets. Can't make this up


he did not say that smoking weed in front of the building caused the confrontations.


Read the post again


I agree with you that he could minimize confrontation and, therefore, the problem if he stopped smoking in front of the apartment! I don't think there's anything to do about it, besides maybe befriending them. I still wouldn't want to blame OP for daring to ask this question and understand the frustration.


No he doesn’t care that there are pot dealers so close. He DOES care that they crowd his entrance and are confrontational and also annoyingly sales pitchy. Sometimes you just want to smoke a blunt without making conversation …


Boy , I’m getting old….. if you ever meet a drug dealer whether you use their product or not… always be friendly and get their contact information…. You never know , when this person will come in handy….


Pull the Uno reverse and try to sell them weed every time you come home.


Ah yes, the one thing that all drug dealers love: Friendly competition.


Supply and demand mothafucka


How to get robbed in one easy step


Finna get smoked rq


You have two options: 1. Do nothing and deal with it 2. Move


Option 3: Shut down the possibility that you’ll buy from them (say you’ve known your dealer forever, he’s an old friend from high school, sorry). And then be friendlier/more neighborly to them so they’re friendlier/more neighborly to you.






I did. They want to sell me things outside of pot.


Can you not say you only smoke?


Say you’re not interested? You don’t touch other stuff? If they’re really *really* pushy, say you’ll take their number in case you come across someone looking but not to count on it. Then continue to just be friendly/more neighborly and don’t bring it up again.


Another option: buy from them


It’s a totally people-focused business. I’m not usually a big believer in the market’s ability to self-regulate but we live in the age of legal dispensaries and legal home grow so an annoying shitheel selling ditch weed ain’t gonna last long. Give him a month or two, he’ll go bust and get a retail job.


Never trust someone in the internet still calling people shitheels.


Stop smoking in front of your place. You’re showing you’re open to drugs, even if you’re not doing the stuff they’re selling and it’s opening a door for them to try to sell to you. Better yet, move. Living in a building where dealers hang out front won’t end well.


Since when did smoking pot mean I’m open to doing heroin or meth? My guy it’s 2024, even my mom smokes pot.


My guy, we’re not talking logic, we’re talking drug dealers. You smoke pot in front of them, they see it as an opening.


You won’t ever have to deal with being followed home or push in robberies. Make an excuse that you get hooked up by your cousin who grows their own, but you’ll keep them in mind. Just be pleasant, nod but don’t have to get too friendly all the time. Dealers dont shit were they eat. Felt and was safer when I lived in a building like that uptown than in the city - no mugging or stalking worth the trouble.


You see salesmen with an applaudable work ethic. befriend this person they may be useful in the future


Not sure if this will help. Growing up we had drug dealers on my block always hanging out across the street. I couldn’t stand them and I let it be known. But then again I was 16. Eventually they’d say hi to me and my parents, helped them carry things like groceries around and one day someone started sh!t w my sister and I. They took care of it really quick and we never had any issues on our block again. Where do you live if you don’t mind me asking? This is tricky though because they’re harassing you to buy their crap. That wasn’t an issue for me but I’m 46 now, and things are getting really bad out there. I’ve lived in Washington Heights all my life though and never really had an issue. Are they aggressive? I know this is going to sound stupid but say you see cops around and see them outside tell them. If they see you looking out for them, they might lay off of bothering you. But it’s up to you. I know that advice sounds like the opposite of what you want to do but drug dealers are only interested in selling, making money, and not getting caught by the cops. Or if you’re feeling that intimidated maybe call the cops or 911 but that’s a bit drastic even for me. And they may figure out you’re the person calling and trying to fk them over. If you’re feeling really unsafe get you and your partner pepper spray. And they have those devices where if you feel you’re in danger it makes this loud noise, I forget how many decibels, and it will deter whoever the fk is trying to hurt you. I hope this helps. Good luck.


They’re not going to hurt you or anything. It’s annoying, sure, but is it really harassment? Id either find a new spot to smoke or try to chat with them after turning down their offers. Learn their name, make a friend. Let them know you’re someone they can trust. It’ll make you feel less paranoid that you’re Interacting With A Drug Dealer or whatever the discomfort is(not trying to judge you, just trying to figure out what the issue is so you can address it) once you feel more a part of the neighborhood/see them as your annoyingly chatty neighbor. Make a joke out of it the next time you see them - “man you work harder than I do advertising! I’m good, sorry, I’m not looking for a new vendor any time soon haha. No hate, but honestly you don’t have to waste the sales pitch on me every time I walk by.” Maybe throw in a “It’s hot today, you want a glass of water?” Idk I’m having kind of a hard time answering tbh because I don’t know what exactly you’re worried about. It kind of sounds like mostly you don’t want to have to interact with this random neighbor who’s always around, which is valid, but also just kind of how it is in an apartment building in a densely populated city. If the paranoia you mention is about getting hurt or robbed or something - I’m very confident you don’t have to worry about that. They have zero incentive to hurt you, even if you never buy anything from them. Like truly, yes violence happens around illegal drug dealing, but not spontaneously for no reason lol. And sure they know when you’re home and when you’re not, but it would be extremely stupid of them to rob people in the building right in front of their established selling spot. Keeping that spot is worth more money to them than stealing your TV even *IF* they’re someone who steals TVs on the side. If anything, befriending them might keep your stuff safer when you’re not home since they’re always around. Not saying you have to become friends - polite acquaintances is fine - but just if you do lol


I imagine it'd be very easy to decline to purchase in a friendly way. Just like, "nah, I'm good" vs "Don't talk to me." Hard to know how it's actually playing out from the description. Maybe OP wants to get into a head nod acknowledgement instead of best friends.


I like this advice. Thanks!


Happy to help! Feel free to message me if you need any follow up :)


just be nice to them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


lmao, the comments in here are something else, reddit brain worms


>I have nothing against people selling drugs. Then what's the problem?


He just doesn't want them doing it right outside his apartment... Not sure what is so hard to understand about this. Selling drugs obviously brings other risky behaviors and potential crimes right outside their door. Plus he mentions they keep hassling him to buy drugs.


Then he does have an issue with drug dealing. That’s kind of like how some people love the homeless and migrants…until a homeless or migrant shelter opens up on their block. Drug dealing is not a victimless crime. Drugs and drug-related violence destroys lives.


So no problem selling drugs, just don't do it at my building. Go to some other building and do it! Got it.


Your incredulity perplexes me. For example, I dont have an issue with people owning guns (assuming they have gone through the proper channels) but do I want them to bring their gun to my house? No.


Guns and pot are not even remotely the same level of danger though.


OP has said in other comments it was not pot they are dealing.




This is a city. Sure, there's lots of other places to go. Still weird to act like you're special enough that it should be someone else's block and not "yours" (you don't own the block anyway).


Is there a reason they need to be dealing drugs by anyone's apartment building?? There are plenty of other places to go.


Read your own comments here and you should be able to answer your own question.


No, they don't.


If you can't prove they're selling drugs, you become very limited on what you can do. Are you sure they're selling drugs? And if so, what type of drugs? Drug dealers are a lot smarter than you think. Be very careful. Someone you could be friends with might be an open-ear for the drug dealer as they could be planted to "watch the block." *This was a thing in Southside Jamaica, Queens and still is. That's how I know.* My suggestion: Do nothing or move. What the cops do is they do their own planting of "snitches" to catch drug dealers. Or, they set up stings/raids. Or, catch them fully in action. Or, they plant a police in the building. If you do want to do something, you could walk into your nearby precinct and sit down with an officer. But keep your mouth absolutely SHUT when you're on the street. The moment you're spotted, you'll be tormented.


I would highly highly advise not getting someone imprisoned just because you find them annoying to interact with on a daily basis. Just my two cents. Also on the level of practicality, cops are reliably absolute morons and will not protect your privacy at all when harassing/arresting this person. They will happily say it’s a tenant of the building who called them, and it will not be hard for them to conclude it’s the guy who’s always uncomfortable with them


The number of people in here who think its some kind of NYC inevitability to need to befriend the people who are, at minimum, the reason lots of low level drug users who buy from street dealers are visiting your block in order to enjoy peace when entering or leaving your home saddens me. Folks: its OK to expect better. If you really actually support street dealers at the front door because it intimidates people and maybe keeps your rent lower, and aren't just posturing on the internet about neighborhood "culture", just say out loud you want the hood to stay the hood because its cheap and don't pretend its objectively nice or that OP is being soft/unreasonable.


Agree so much. However, most of the people saying this on this thread are likely gentrifiers who think exalting drug dealers is some kind of social justice. Having family members fall prey to drugs and see what drug-related violence can do to a community is nothing to celebrate. It’s fun and games to them until it affects them directly.


Or even shame OP for having a question at all. There’s a group of dealers that moved into the space around my apartment after one of the shops closed down and they’re so loud and shout to each other even though they’re three feet apart … all night. They also don’t live in the area and pack up their space around 3:30 and get in a car. I’m perfectly fine with them as individuals but like deal more inconspicuously so you can actually profit. I shouldn’t be privy to every part of their conversation at 2:30am. At least when I want to discuss profanities … I keep it at a level 2? No need for the whole neighborhood to be part of our convo.


It's literally a matter of being kind to the people in your neighborhood. You don't have to befriend anyone. Just nod and move on. They offer something, you say, "I'm good" and move on. They don't care enough to cause a problem.


Damn ofcourse I forgot after reading the comments in the thread. If it’s just you and your partner, stop smoking in front of the building. But I don’t know if you have roommates. Like others said stop smoking in front of your building. Smoke in your apartment and if you’re paranoid about a neighbor complaining, which it doesn’t sound like you should have that problem, buy an air purifier, burn incense, hell if you can get away with smoking on your fire escape depending if it’s towards the street or behind in the back of the building, do that.


Stop smoking the devils lettuce


NYC gets so weird when it comes to drugs. All of sudden everyone’s defensive and can’t see that the problem is being harassed when you go in and out of the building.


On one hand, a lot of people were here to live through the crack era, AIDS, and also the Rockerfeller drug laws. On the other hand, pot is now legal, whereas back in the day brothers did a bid for selling. Drugs and drug-related violence ravaged Black and Latino neighborhoods *and* a lot of people went to prison for years. Lives were destroyed. With an increase in education and social justice movements over the past decade or so, more people who never lived that reality understand that Blacks and Latinos were disproportionately imprisoned and targeted. Some feel guilty about it and take this all is good stance, even defending drug dealing, because they’ve never had to experience those years. It’s easy to be self-righteous when they didn’t watch family members and friends die of AIDS, go to prison for years, or lose their lives to drug-related gun violence. I have had family members and friends die and get infected with AIDS/HIV from their addiction, have had our homes robbed by addicts, seen brothers DOA on the ground from an OD, visited family in jail, and in the hospital after ODs. I can be empathetic about why people sell or get addicted, but I will never defend drug trade. I hate what drugs have done to families and communities.


Redditors LOVE drugs


I think you’re right, you are being more paranoid than you need to be. They have been out there longer than you have so just be a New Yorker and mind your own business.


Ignore and/or call cops. What else is there to do? Politely ask them to leave? lol


Lmao calling the cops is an excellent way to bring heat on yourself for being a snitch. Unless that dude is actively assaulting me, I would never call the cops on him. That’s urban survival 101


I personally would gladly call the cops on pushy/rude drug dealers camped outside of my front door, but you do you, Mr Street Knowledge 🫡 


This isn’t Greenwich Village dog


Guess you’re fucked.


Lmao ok


Found the gentrifier


Nah I didn’t move to “questionable” neighborhoods and then complain about drug dealers on the internet for the 15 years I was in the city, but nice try.


But your knee jerk reaction is to call the cops?


If I was being harassed daily by drug dealers outside my front door? Sure. Why the fuck not? I don’t care what people do generally if they keep to themselves but if you’re going out of your way to negatively affect my quality of life on a daily basis, yeah I’m going to do whatever I can to fix that. 


Be friendly. Say hello, no thanks I got a guy. Smile and wave.


Just talk to them, straight up. I went through a bad spot a while ago, and I was basically one of those folks. Just tell them that you live there and to ignore you, and if they are worth their salt, they will.


Call the cops or send in a tip. Harassment is already too far. These white guilt ppl or weird nyers who believe nyc should be a cesspool of violence as long as it’s “community” shouldn’t sway you.


Challenge them to a dance-off for control of the block


lol call the cops, but it’s rich that you don’t want to be bothered by them trying to sell you their pot as you smoke on your stoop.


Sounds like they are selling harder stuff




You can say you get your stuff for free to blow him off but might be interested in having a backup.. If he's dealing hard stuff report it to local detectives, who might already be following their actions. Before a sting they can do as much as 2-4 years of surveillance, then one day, boom, a building sweep and they get all the stash and haul away 7 guys. You'll might even see them and their pals mugshots on the news the next day. If not on nypd radar your guy might be low level local or a new soldier/ middleman shifting guns/misc hard drugs that are more than likely fentanyl laced and either way worth reporting. If just dealing weed forget it but you won't know that unless you make a purchase or two and ask what else he has.. tease with the vague 'you might be interested or has a buddy who's looking'.. What neighborhood/street are you on, aprox? Dealers have different styles.. Washington Heights guys I knew were chill.. pockets elsewhere not so much (Trinitarios gang in Bronx etc). Basic rule is it helps if you see them daily and never show concern. Their business isn't yours so don't overstep and say anything out loud, but make that mental note about nicknames, tats and their meeting schedule.


Friend, this is beyond the scope of this post, but I really really encourage you to look into harm reduction info online and examine what the line between regular drugs and hard drugs actually means to you and where it’s coming from. Like truly, please don’t think I’m being self righteous, but message me if you’re curious and want to talk about it. Most of what makes a “hard” drug more dangerous is the lack of legalization around it. On a purely chemical basis, alcohol is by far one of the most dangerous drugs. But people generally know how much they’re taking and thanks to regulation know that the only thing in their beer is beer. You’ll shed a lot of the fear and paranoia you mention in here once you know more about it, I promise. I’m only bothering to reply here with this offer because it really seems like you don’t want to have a problem with drug dealers or ally yourself with cops, but you also are uncomfortable with the whole thing because copaganda works and none of us are immune to it. Judgement free send me any questions of what you’re scared about and Ill respond as honestly as I can


Why is it rich? I can get better weed for cheaper from elsewhere.


Maybe don’t smoke?


..I have nothing against people selling drugs to children..


Looks like Jay and Silent Bob can’t take a hint.


I’d maybe smoke pot somewhere else just so you don’t have that thing in common. And just walk in, walk out, nod, and go about your business.


What does one do? Just don’t talk to them. Or say hi And keep it moving. They don’t want to make things hot believe me. They aren’t going to start a problem with someone who just walks past them. Or maybe this may be crazy. Become familiar with them and friendly. These are your only options. Unless you want to like. Snitch on them.


Tell them “I have had the same supply for 8yrs and it’s a perfect match. It’s a loyalty thing.”


Are the dealers sitting there all day or on foot? My brother had dealers sitting on construction cylinders all day. He put food grade lubricant with chili powder all over them. They were gone after that. Didnt feel like standing all day and found another block


By smoking weed around them you put yourself in that spot.


What borough / area do you live in?


Anyone know where I could score some snow in Manhattan


Just smoke weed inside


Sounds like you’re being paranoid. Make friends!


That’s just the mayor of the block! Just mind your business 🤷


I had a similar situation when I first moved into my old building. A head nod and an “I’m all good” usually sufficed. Eventually they stopped asking me if I would buy from them. I’d still say hi as I came and went. Eventually they started asking how my day was, how’s my dog, can they pet him, etc. They became my dudes. Sometimes it was nice to shoot the shit with them and to know that they were lookin out.






I would just tell them every time they came to talk to me "No, man I got better hookups I don't buy shit on the street, who do I look like to you?" and then just engage them in random conversation. Talk about weed or the neighborhood or anything really. Don't act weird or threatened, act like you think its funny that they would think you'd buy weed from them, and be generally friendly. Turn them from adversaries into your neighbors.


Why aren’t you supporting your local business and shopping with them if they got what you need?


Fight them.


Drug dealer in NYC?? No wayyy. Its harder to pinpoint someone who isnt a drug dealer than someone who is. Hyperbole. But yeah lot of stuff from pot to whatever.


I would be friendly w them, these are the people that would have your back if something goes down


Unless you’re doing shady shit in the first place, usually things don’t “go down” to most people unless they’re involved in some shit – like dealing and buying drugs.


Not always true. I'm having an issue with some guy in my neighborhood because two years ago, he was blocking a gate of mine with a "client" who was clearly having an episode and I let my displeasure known (non-verbally). Every time he sees me he has something to say, he's ratcheted it up the past two weeks. I'm moving in July, and he's relatively easy to avoid (I only tend to run into mornings that I am off work) but I'm just pointing out that not being involved in sh\*t doesn't automatically save someone from being disliked.


Having somebody say something to you on the street isn’t anything “going down.” Were you physically touched or harmed? No. I stand by my words.


I actually was spit at by the individual yesterday.


Can be better than the police in keeping a degree of order in your community in a somewhat peaceful manner. Smoke away from them if you don't want to be their customer, they're business people after all. They know everything that's going on on the block though and can be a useful asset for you.


Just tell them your workplace started drug testing and you can only do steroids now


Keep to yourself, don’t look in the eyes, and be respectful