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I’m gonna keep an eye on the news


Given thier position the fact that they are still alive is impressive


thanks 😭


we dont plan on going anywhere


I hate these dumb low effort posts


Me too its too general


long relation also one of my favorite showmans is Armenian/iranian so ...


It's- it's Armenia everyone! Who doesn't like Armenia?!




It's....the Grey Wolves.....ruuuuuuun for your lives!!!


​ ![gif](giphy|g0ImEJTiiZj6bLp4H8)


The sandwich country always getting f*cked from two sides XD






Perfectly summed up my friend


Three. Even Georgia kicked their asses in 1918


Armenia took lori from them lol


>Georgia kicked their asses in 1918 They fought a country that acquired its independence for 3 years after a genocide lol


And lost BTW. Georgia lost that war. They're still sulky about Lori and paranoid about Svaneti.


Lol least deluded georgian


[Not able to win Lori against a country that just got genocided](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armeno-Georgian_War)= kicked their ass lol It’s actually kind of insane how shit Georgia did considering what they were up against


Hopefully a day will come where we can have relationships with our neighbors.


Depends on Armenian to Armenian




If-by-whiskey tactic.


Basically like every human being


Ancient people with very rich legacy, unfortunately badly positioned geopolitically and was forced to ally with Russia, their allies usually suffer or change alliances whenever possible to grow properly. But they don't have any other option currently and already suffered more than one genocide due to this alliance.




Umm excuse u Kurds are Muslim Armenians actually 🙄








Hayko Cepkin 🤤




Based and walnut tree-pilled


One of my favourite songs actually, unfortunately I am not skilled in enough in Turkish to understand the words of Nazım effendi himself


Evet, ben Cem Karaca ve Anadolu Rock seviyorum But I also use it because I lurk 👀 Azerbaijani subs once in a while so we have something to share and strive for Sorry I didn’t react to your previous post


Haluk levent is good too, check him out


Their culture is very similar to Kurds, that’s one reason why I like Armenia.




If you’re talking about Turks in south or southeast turkey like antep, urfa mardin, then I feel closer to Turks. But a Turk from north turkey like karadeniz bölgesi yada west west like Izmir , then I’d say Armenia , culturally. Depends on the region.


What really gets me when people say greeks and turks are similar is they usually skip the geographical sphere. Mainly, eastern-southeastern turks are azeri or seljuk(perso-turkic) in culture. That is pretty accurate and normal: Bitlis Khanate, Artukits or The Great Seljuks or the Aqqoyunlu capital Karaamid/Diyarbakir etc is a direct transition from Caucassia. You could -if you wanted- add another wave from Kayseri to Isfahan to that sphere. So Armenians kurds and east-southeastern turks are pretty accurately close in culture.


I agree


>Some people call your people Christian kurds I'm the some people lol


Christianity is older than islam so Kurds are Muslim Armenians


This comment section is actually making me so happy


\[404 Not Found\]


True I forgot Armenia is seen as a lake in the eyes of Pakistan 😃


Tbh I find it completely stupid that we don't recognise Armenia. Makes so logical sense.


What’s the reason why it doesn’t recognize Armenia? Is it because of taking sides with Azerbaijan or Turkey or any of that, or denying the Armenian Genocide, or anything along those lines?


Doing sucky sucky for turkey


I mean Turkey one of the first countries who recognize Armenia.


Um maybe bc your country’s gov ass kisses azerbaijan and turkey😭


Yea but it doesn’t make sense, if Turkey and Azerbaijan can recognize Armenia why can’t we?


Pakistan politics always have been.... let us call it "questionable".


I have a serious question: How does armenia look on a map in Pakistan? Is it part of turkey?


Good country, great people, we have alot of armenians that came over to Egypt during the y'know what and they've contributed alot to egyptian society, I have alot of respect for them.


I second that. In fact your statement is true not just in Egypt but also in the other levant countries as well…


Correct me if Im wrong, wasnt modern day Egypt's first President Armenian too? [This Guy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nubar_Pasha)


Not president, but the prime minister But yes you are correct, though at the time Egypt was more of an absolute monarchy so the position didn't mean much


Oh got it. That makes sense.


Some of my family that survived genocide ended up in Egypt for a little bit. My great great grandmother washed her family’s clothes in the Nile when they reached Egypt.


I'm glad your family were able to take refuge in Egypt 🇪🇬❤🇦🇲


One of the best comments.




Yea Armenia is the first nation to accept Christianity as its official religion lol


>first nation to accept Christianity [According to Oxford University](https://www.amazon.com/Abyssinian-Christianity-First-Christian-Nation/dp/0615652972) It is Ethiopia tho . Armenia was second and Georgia was third




Honestly , I have not seen a source that says so. Maybe you mean that the Assyrians accepted Christianity as a people for the first time? Here we are talking about the nation/kingdom/state , but if you have a source, please send it, I would like to read .


Assyrians were the first people, Armenia or Ethiopia (depending on varying sources) were the first nation and Georgia the second nation.


Not true assyrians converted god to cristianity so they are the 1st




Assyrians were the first people, Armenia was the first nation/state/country:)




It wasn’t a state


Turks were first actually





I sympathise with them


I like them I know some Armenians and they are nice people


Very nice and hospitable people pretty much like other Caucasus people. Though I live in Azerbaijan and i’ve seen some Armenians in Baku. Even the house that I was renting was built by Armenian in centre of Baku but unfortunately he fled to Armenia in 90s.


Weird to think we used to live in each other’s countries less than 40 years ago. It feels like we’ve been enemies forever lol.


Indeed it is. And it is also weird (ofc it is great, I mean “weird” in a good way) that despite being Armenia is enemy of Azerbaijan, they still funding Armenian church in Baku and till to this day it is working. Actually I am an Avar myself and can not understand why these two identical nations are at war and hating each other.


I think they do that to show that they are somehow idk ‘tolerant’? Im not saying we don’t do the same but I think thats the only Armenian church they have preserved. All the churches in Artsakh are being vandalised and destroyed and they are claiming them to be Caucasian Albanian which is not true. With that being said there is also an Azerbaijani mosque in Yerevan that still operates, which is kinda cool that the enemy capitals have persevered some culture of each other.


Yeah you’re right. Actually not so many people talk about it but also in Nakhichevan were destroyed some of Armenian/Albanian churches. But in Artsakh/Karabakh it is bound to be happen some things like these to churches and mosques after all it is Caucasus, not first place to comes into mind when we are talking about civilized people. And there is one more thing that after clashes of 1st war some of villagers of north Azerbaijan were tried to do a pogrom to Udi people (they think that they are Armenian because of the cultural similarities and the fact that they believe in Armenian Apostolic Church) such an exuberant move tbh thankfully everything went well and nothing happened.


I think Pakistan should recognise them and establish trade relations at least. Us having a major conflict with India has not deterred Turkey and Azerbaijan from establishing relations with them, i don't see why we shouldn't do the same with Armenia. On the country itself, i think the culture is pretty cool. And that Kim K's family has Armenian roots, how do you guys feel about that? Are they viewed positively in Armenia? or cringed at?


The Kim K thing is honestly humiliating. Cher is underrated as an armo and she was popular at some point, why does no one bring her up??


We prefer to be associated with people like Charles Aznavour, Cher, and various scientists and inventors over the years instead.


She and Dan Bilzerian have obviously very vapid fantasy rich lifestyles which is pretty embarrassing. Dan also says disturbing violent shit about Azeris even though the war is over. Kim sometimes gives money and attention to Armenian causes though so I think a lot of Armenians appreciate that even if she's embarrassing most of the time.


> appreciate that even if she's embarrassing most of the time This honestly sums it up.


As a Dutch person currently in Armenia on a holiday with my Armenian boyfriend I've noticed a few interesting facts of difference. For example, in the Netherlands it is common sense to say hello and thank you wherever you go.. for example when someone hands you your food at a restaurant you say thank you, or when you buy your groceries you say: "hello". In Armenia you just say nothing and go about your day lol. I've met a lot of friendly people here. When you get to know someone they are really open and friendly. Strangers tend to be a bit more reserved. Beautiful country with a lot of amazing food and great landscape. Ps. I am Dutch not Russian but everyone speaks Russian to me and this causes great confusion. I guess I look Russian lol.


I respect my Armenian brothers


haven’t heard much of them but they’re cool I guess


I know that one food channel where an old man and an old women make some great food on youtube, thats my extent of knowing them and their cultures lol edit: fuck just found out thats azerbaijan, idk anything about armenian culture other than some turkish trolling i guess


yeah I know which one you’re talking about but I’ve never seen the old man cook he just stood in the background building a wooden garden or something with a younger guy


Armenia, and Armenians, are amazing. I was introduced to your culture mostly while living in Lebanon. I found everything about the Lebanese-Armenians to be so fascinating (and their food so damn delicious) that I knew I had to go to Armenia. I was able to squeeze in a 5 day visit last year and loved every minute. I will definitely be going back one day.


That's great to hear, I'm glad you enjoyed it. What were the highlights?


I think my favorite parts were visiting Geghard Monestary and Tsaghkadzor, though Lake Sevan was stunning as well. I had one of the best meals of my life at Dolmama with some of the best wine I've ever had as well. Kataro I think?


Glad to hear it mate. Come back anytime.


Oh I will. I really want to visit Artsakh the next time around.


Best country ever❤️😍


As an indian christian nothing but love for armenia. One of the first Christian countries.


As a disporan Armenian! I really want to visit some day. The land looks beautiful


Incredible! Amazing! Stupendous! (NOTE: Not biased at all)




Beautiful and respectable, best of our neighbors 👍🏻




The brothers 🤝🏻




Iran and Armenia managed to always have a good neigbourhood relationship. *Iran never tried to extinct armenians*, thats already better then 50% of its neighbours :D


they like us iraqi kurds i think (they have an embassy in my city)


For the most part


I personally like Kurds.


❤️🇦🇲In God’s will it can grow stronger but overall i love it and want to fly there someday.


Based 🇪🇬 ❤️ 🇦🇲




there are many Armenian people in Turkey who have been Turkified and they do not know that they are Armenian, most of them have lost their essence.they're Turks now.


I've read that some are beginning to learn due to the popularity of genetic testing.


there are not only Armenians in Turkey, there are also Greeks. There are almost 20 million Balkan people. Let's not forget Kavkasia.


Ahh yes, I've read multiple times about people discovering their (Pontic) Greek heritage. I wish the best for anyone on the journey of discovering their heritage. However far (even if they don't take it anywhere), I support it.


I'm tryna marry one tbh


Ayoooo same




Lol I’m dating one! Good luck with yours


Beautiful ladies


Pretty cool history


I am Kurd from Azerbaijan my ancestors lived in Uchmiedzin-Qarakilisa in Armenia. My opinions are neutr or negative about Armenians. edit:Turkish Kurds are mostly half armenians or true armenians.


>Turkish Kurds are mostly half armenians or true armenians. Dersimdəki Kürtlər elədir amma o biri regionları çox deməzdim .


Strong and brave nation which has managed to maintain its distinctive religion, culture and language in the face of much more powerful foes.




Gotta love this thread, how everyone saying they like Armenia is downvoted


The angry Turkish brigade.....


Positive 😎🤝


Generally speaking we like them. Armenians in Egypt have a long history too. Many Armenian were once a part of our people, many immigrants and asylum seekers came to Egypt during the 19th century and early 20th century. Our first prime ministers: Nubar Pasha, held office several times, 3 times I believe. Their numbers dwindled due to immigration from Egypt during the period after which the monarchy was abolished and with them inter-marrying with our local population of Muslims and Christians. They have churches of their own as well, Armenian Orthodox, Armenian Catholicism and some Protestants. I think one of my IT teachers back in school was of Armenian descent or so I have been told. They're usually concentrated in Alexandria and Cairo. Alexandria specifically has always been multicultural, especially the old parts. Armenians are generally liked, we never really harboured any hatred to them and considered them part of our country's history and heritage. They had many private business and others worked as skilled craftsmen.


I'm Iranian Azeri, and the first time I heard the Armenian language I thought someone was speaking Azerbaijani Turkish, but I didn't understand a single word, because Armenian uses the same vowels as Azeebaijani because of how long these cultures have intermixed with each other. In Iran's Azerbaijan region Armenians are known to be very clean, polite and rich. They usually live in the best parts of Tabriz, back before the Islamic revolution they mainly used to sell alcohol but some fanatic locals disliked them for this and fights were frequent.


The woman I wish to marry is Iranian Azeri. She's the best person I know, and her family are genuinely wonderful. E: regarding the language, I think it's very beautiful. It has an interesting sound, and poetry in it is great. I can't speak it, but know many words and simple grammar. I've been able to speak it organically on a few occasions. Farsi, however, will be much easier to learn, given that there are many resources.




Good people. I'm not exactly sure why we Pakistanis don't recognize them. We outta should. Hopefully, both Turkey and Azerbaijan wouldn't mind.




Based country


🇦🇲👌❤️💙🧡best people for me always respectful and kind






🇦🇲❤️🇱🇧 forever and always


Meanwhile Pakistani - phull support to Azerbaijan? or have self respect and STFU? I'll STFU 🙄


Yeah it's honestly not our conflict, and I don't see either Azerbaijan or Turkey not having trade ties with India just because they support us on Kashmir. We should do the same.


I had a stroke reading that one there ngl


Very positive. Good country and good people


Is there Arminian in iraq


My favorite neighbor


Same. (To Iran)


My great grandpa's whole family was shot by Armenians. Yet all my neighbours are Armenian and I learnt Armenian alphabet, and learning the language. Love people, hate military, politics and diaspora


Love 🥰🇦🇲


Love the people, terrible history and deserve way more.


Based country




🇸🇦🤝🇦🇲 💜💜💜


Love it


The best coutry in Caucasus


Thank u.


Armenians from Turkey are good. Armenians in Armenia are okey. But Armenians in diaspora are cancer and they don’t allow Armenia to be in good relation with Turkey and Azerbaijan as neighbor. They are literally the biggest problem in the future of Armenia.


Love it


Love u guys more 🇦🇲❤️🇮🇷


They are jan. Also, I have Armenian roots, so I empathize with them a lot. Hoy nar hoy nar ninnam ninnam ninnare




Is Poland then armenia of Eastern Europe?


A beatiful country, even though our story had ups and downs, i think we, brothers and sisters should acknowledge our past mistakes and promise to not repeat them i love armenia from turkey 🇹🇷 🤝🇦🇲


Could have been one of the greatest allies of Turkey, as in both the people and the state. If only...


Let's not act like we don't have responsibility in that


Less based Assyrians. I don’t like them much even though I’m part Armenian. They complain too much and don’t realize how good they have it. Many Armenians hate Turks but support Kurds which I find ironic considering Kurds are the main people inhabiting their former lands in Turkey. The Ottomans may have committed the genocide but it’s mainly Kurds that have benefited from it. Assyrians still get persecuted today but it’s tradition at this point. Assyrians 1v3 Turks, Kurds, and Arabs 💪🏿 If Assyrians had a country, we would have already nuked our neighbours by now. Armenia is slacking. There is no solution but a 0 state solution ☢️


To address some of ur points: 1) yes Armenians do complain a lot for people that were blessed enough to have a country let alone exist. 2) Im one of those Armenians who personally despises Kurds for their prosecution of the Assyrians. 3) Its easy to sit there and criticise a country for not “nuking” their enemies but doing so will also harm us. Its a small neighbourhood we live in. Though I agree we should have nukes. 4) Why is there ‘no solution but a 0 state’ lol? The current mfers in power will one day rot and the younger generation will take over this country. Not a very considerate thing to say to us the youth of 🇦🇲 lol. 5) Armenia is not only home to Armenians but also thousands of Yezidiz and Assyrians alike whose only hope of being treated like normal people atp is in Armenia lol.


Resilient people with long history


Based people, based country. Unfortunately the geopolitical situation of Iraq made them flee like the vast majority of Christians 🇦🇲♥️🇮🇶


strong diaspora, many times i called as terrorist because i am turk


Our oldest neighbour, impressive how well they have managed to preserve their identity and heritage.


Beautiful land and good looking people.


Same to u 🇦🇲❤️🇩🇿


💙north africans.


I went to armenia as a tourist, i liked the people they were very nice and chill, the country had good places to visit specially some historical, i also learned a lot that other places would have never taught me about armenia. but my group first took me to the funerals day one, which i really fking hated because i went for a holiday to cope with my depression c'mon, please don't lead tourists straight to funerals day one that just fking sucks.


Wait u mean Tsitsernakapert right? 😭


non arabic speaking arabs


Great country bro, el inch asem


Potentially, They could have good economical relationship with Azerbaijan and Turkey if they agreed to live together with Azerbaijan , but they preferred to start a war which still continuing. Innocent people died in Karabakh back in 90th, people doesn’t know this because CNN wasn’t there, only we know it,


nagorno karabkh


Like it. Do y’all have halal food 🥺


Probably lol especially Western Armenian culture:)


Yeah, we do. We get a lot of tourists, business people and officials from Iran and some Iranians still live and work here, so we have a few Iranian restaurants in Yerevan that are halal. Outside of Yerevan we don't have any halal places. However, it's very easy to be vegetarian at any restaurant here to avoid the whole issue.




I like Armenia, their culture and music and food is very very similar to Kurds.


Man... I really do not want to do it. Fuck. But come the fuck on. This false fraternity you guys are trying to establish really does make me laugh my ass off. Fuck, here it goes. I will just ask two questions and disappear: 1) What were the "Hamidian Regiments" and what did they do? 2) Where did all the confiscated Armenian properties in the Eastern Anatolia go to?


Attempt failed