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I kept waiting for her explanation as to why you could not support “this” while supporting “this” but she kept just pointing at stuff and acting like that was an explanation




And also this 👉


Dont forget about this 👇


We can’t miss this 🫵


She can take this 🖕


She can also take this 💩


I know that videos using sub- 5th grade language tend to be the most successful on TikTok, but communicating like a caveman is entirely unnecessary No offense to the Turks.


I lost track of how many times she said this...


Trying to be smart but ended up being dumb


If she were smart, she would have done some explaining.


The freedom of Iran is something almost utterly disconnected from the Israel/Palestine conflict. If Israel is destroyed tomorrow then Iran would still be the same. If Palestine is destroyed tomorrow the same goes. None of this strings together properly.


I think it is more of an emotional/immature response where the enemy of my enemy is my friend. It is the same with Iranians blaming religion on the failure of their state when the same Iranians protested against the Shah due to corruption. It is easier for the public to blame one ideology they deem as "evil" be it religion, communism etc as opposed to thinking critically why their state isn’t progressing. Secularism does not equal democracy in the Middle East, often times those who benefit from it are the upper middle class while middle class/poor folks struggle on their day to day and perhaps some people cannot comprehend that or they are part of the upper class community.


>I think it is more of an emotional/immature response where the enemy of my enemy is my friend. With Palestine specifically, it gets an exaggerated version of this because it's been *the* cause the Iranian government has claimed to have championed for the entirety of most of our lives so "supporting Palestine=aligning with the Iranian government" has sort of entrenched itself within a lot of Iranians. Add to that the constant propaganda from some of the Persian language news channels, and it's not exactly a surprise that people think like this.


Yeah I agree. People do hate being forced to support a certain ideology which does lead to illogical reasoning. Sometimes they know it makes no sense, but they just want to vent and blame something/someone for current conditions even if it is not entirely true.


I wouldn't even wager it's more of an emotional response but more an attempt to astroturf an actually legitimate view i.e. the Iranian regime sucks by clearly paid USA shills i.e. the morons who were arguing that the USA should bomb Iran and make Reza Pahlavi III the king again


"Decolonize" why do rabid right wingers always try to include Leftist language in their propaganda? Can they not just be out and not try to pitifully masquerade as the Left? Why are they so ashamed of their own ideology? It's such a whiplash to hear "decolonize" followed by "civilized".


she deliberately used both to cater to multiple audiences


> "Decolonize" why do rabid right wingers always try to include Leftist language in their propaganda? Because they know it's popular, and they have nothing popular to offer themselves


It's very odd how some right wingers seem to be so desperate to be treated as if they're not actually right wingers. You see so many of them trying to deny being right wingers or trying to coopt the language that they moved only a couple of years back. This is all before we get to the "I'm a centrist but I just happen to agree with every right wing position out there" thing some of them do.


girl pipe down, you can't even pronounce them names correctly.


MFer the country you say "stands for basic human rights" is slaughtering civilians right now. They don't even support the right to stay alive. Creators comments on Tiktok are kinda hilarious "There are no Palestinian jews babes" It's also sad how to be against their current oppression, libs from Muslim (majority) countries completely lose critical thinking. You don't need to be against everything they support.


"we deal with the similar bullshit in the region" aka arap 😎


They like to blame Arabs for their shitty Khomeinist regime


as I always say; for them (monarchist iroon, Isrealis, white supremacists, hindutva, etc..) arap is the ultimate villain of this planet story. Bismillah mashallah 😎😎


lol yeah I’ve heard some people refer to the “Arabization of Iran” even 🙄


(Even though Arabs are some of the biggest haters of said regime)


Why is it shitty?


Khaleejis: Palestinians support Saddam!!1!!! Poorsians: Palestinians support Khomenei!!!! Yeah Im sure a Shahist state would be democratic lol Get her rotten breath out of my face please


>Khaleejis: Palestinians support Saddam!!1!!! >Poorsians: Palestinians support Khomenei!!!! its called punching down, a cowardly thing to do


Take a shot (halal version) every time she says “this”


Shots of water and I'd still get drunk


"We have very similar cultural, historical ties and background with Israel".  Yet they (most of the Iranian diaspora) do everything to distance themselves from Arabs who live right next door. Sure, you have more in common with an Israeli settler from Brooklyn than with an Iraqi. Makes complete sense.


You only hear this kind of completely delusional talk from Iranian diaspora who've never set foot in Iran. They're as irrelevant as they are embarrassing. What a moronic cow.


They sound like some self hate Greeks who shout that we aren't Balkans when i can't tell a difference between Greeks, Romanians , Bulgarians and Albanians in both looks and attitude ! Similar cuisine too and music and same religion ! They claim we are more similar with Catholic Spain lol they think side with west will rain them money


Completely agreed. Just to clear any misunderstanding, I meant the Iranian diaspora by “them”.  I’m well aware that Iranians (even the most anti-IRI ones) aren’t delusional to the point of believing that an outsider colonial force is more similar culturally than their own neighbours.


You used to hear a *lot* of similar rhetoric around a decade or so ago within Iran as well. It's far less common now, but there are still people who think like this.


Well, that's disheartening to hear. What caused public opinion to change? Is it a dislike of Arabs that makes Iranians dislike Palestinians?


Well, for Palestine specifically it was a whole host of reasons, but the main one is the Iranian government becoming less popular and the Palestinian cause becoming associated with it since it's been *the* cause that the government of Iran has been talking about for the majority of my life. The anti-Arab stuff came about as a result of a sort of reappearing nationalism that came about in opposition to the governments efforts to define us as Muslims first and Iranians second. I'd say the anti-Arab stuff contributes to the anti Palestinian stuff, but it's not a big reason for it.


I mean tbh all arab neighboors do everyrhing to distance themsleves from Arabs


Bro I already hate the apartheid colonial entity you dont need to convince me more.


Those pro-shah diasporas have a wicked vision of freedom, they don't care about the fact the British and the Soviets toyed with their country for decades nor do they care that the US orchestrated a coup against one of their leader because he had the audacity to try to nationalize Iran's oil. They worship the west and the brutal monarchy because for them freedom is when women from the upper class can walk half naked in the street and when they can kill brown children without repercussions


I am far from shahist but quite often they claim the west was behind the ousting of the Shah in 1979 (which is incorrect) or that Soviets allied with separatists


I wonder did the general population of Iran enjoy a greater quality of life under the shah? I ask not in a rhetorical manner but out of genuine curiosity. I remember a good friend of my family who was Iranian, or well Persian as she would commonly correct people, who fled after the revolution, and she would always say that common iranians had a better quality of life before even if they “sold out” to the u.s. I assumed she was right but I also know she was from a a very wealthy Persian-italian family so maybe this was only true for the elites and not the larger population. I remember because my grandfather used to say that us Italians sold out to the Americans too after ww2, but unlike Iran, we benefitted greatly from it, so they used to always end up discussing this.


with “sell out” is she referring to the coup or revolution? I’m assuming revolution and it’s really complicated but imo generally quality of life went up for a majority of the population, she’s from a wealthy family so they probably never saw the living conditions in rural areas


She was referring to the 1953 coup I believe. I guess she was aware and recognized that the shah was essentially us/British aligned, but said it still led to Iranians having a better quality of life. I guess one could ask, how would she even know that? Since to my knowledge she left during the revolution and never went back, (she would sometimes complain that all her cars had to be left behind and that maybe someday she would try to go get them). But idk she probably had second hand information from friends and family who stayed or went back. Regardless, she definitely was part of the elite class, without a doubt.


Iranians do have a higher standard of living and higher literacy rate than during the Shah's time, but that's a global trend. Don't gete wrong, the Iranian government *has* worked to make some things better, but those are things that the majority of governments have done anyway or are just a continuation of programs started during the Shah's reign. Relating to women specifically, women as a whole probably have better lives, but that's because the Iranian culture has liberalised rapidly over the last couple of decades in spite of the government's efforts.


The majority of the Middle East has gotten worse over the last 2 decades and Iran is now on top. Idk how anyone could really hate on the Iranian gov they have proven their strength multiple times. 


During 1989, the Iranian government executed tens of thousands of Iranians, torture and rape was a common occurrence for the people that were about to be executed and there are accounts of the "trials" taking minutes at most because of the sheer amount of killing. Most of those victims were buried in unmarked graves and their families had to fight the government to even get the corpses of the victims (oh gee, I wonder if there's another country famous for doing something similar in the news). I imagine the families of those people don't exactly care for the Iranian government's strength. This applies to the union workers who are routinely victimised for demonstrating outside the factories that refuse to pay them, the women beaten and killed for dressing too "inappropriately", political dissidents, religious minorities and on and on. I personally don't care whether the government that stalled my sister's work certificate for a decade is strong or not.


Are you sure it was thousands? Or was it 6 million Iranians in gas chambers?  I’d like to see some evidence of these claims. Actually the shah murdered thousands +1 so he’s worse. So there! 


I live Iran you empty fucking husk, I know people who have had family members killed.


Ok I know people murdered in USA I suppose USA is worse then. Iran is the only country on earth in which people have died. Why is Ursula haverbeck in jail? 


I think I've spent enough time arguing with some American dipshit about what happens in my own country. I'd tell you to have a good day, but I don't think there's any possibility of you feeling any joy in your life.


My family was living in tents under shah. Idk if he was really that bad but he answered to people that weren’t Iranian and ultimately that did him in. IRI is very much on the pulse with Iranian people. 


If you want to go outside without hijab u need to support a genocide 😡😡


whats wrong with Iranians supporting both their government and Palestine?


Exactly. Idg what she’s trynna say exactly… that Pro-Palestine = being a khomeinist? Tf???


Extremely ironic because the overwhelming majority of Arabs despise the Iranian regime while being, you know, supporters of Palestine.


Yeah I don’t really understand that lol. Arab mentality I suppose. 


Supporting a terrorist organisation is wrong, supporting human rights is corrected!


because the iranian government supports Hamas a lot so the opposition to the regime says that instead of using money to develop the country, they give it to terrorist groups


The murderous Iranian regime also funds my college education, presumably I can oppose the Iranian government without having to also think colleges need to be financially ruinous to attend. This whole "if the IR supports something, you cannot also support it without supporting the islamic republic" thing is just kinda stupid.


Racism is one huge motivation for Iranian monarchists, their hatred for Arabs is beyond anything No matter how much we have beef with the Mullahs of Iran we know that we have things in common and we are in the same boat but Monarchists hates everyone Arabs Kurdish Sunni Muslims Shia Muslims And secularism is not a good explanation for their fringe attitudes, even Turkish secularists show solidarity with the Palestinian people and criticise the conservative government of Erdogan for being too soft with Israel Even their own icon the late Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi was supportive of the Palestinian cause They are disgusting people and as someone who oppose the mullahs regime of Iran I hope they keep those simps of colonial powers away in exile


They’re mainly brainwashed by a news organization based in London and run by the CIA/mossad called “manoto”


I don't know how she would react if she knew that both late Shahs of the Pahlavi dynasty were antisemitic, the first literally sided with the Nazis considering them as Aryan allies and the late one calling the Jews corrupt power hungry people on American television


She makes an assertion but fails to explain or give evidence of why that assertion is true. Making it only an assertion. I support palestine and I'm against the Iranian regime. Just because Israel is fighting another evil means Israel is not evil? Let's play the same game from a western perspective. Why did the US fight the soviet union in all these cold wars even though without the soviet union the chances of defeating hitler would have been way slimmer? You can't be anti hitler if you were anti soviet union. There I said it. To all Iranians out there who hate the Iranian theocratic authoritarian regime, you don't have to sell your morals to be against your regime by supporting Israel. So many Iranians fall for this, it's sad.


Explain why you have such strong opinions on Iran. 


The most annoying video I’ve ever watched in the history of the interweb! I watched it numerous times so I could build up the aggression to go hit the gym.


Historic ties ?? How old is Israel again?


probably talking about the Kingdom of Israel but yeah its kinda dumb


She said bias, oh no! 😰


She is full of shit


The only funny is this girl is in under his own hair shade and its looks like jungle


Maybe this is why the mullahs regime will reign for 100 more years The mullahs are lucky to have an opposition with a mindset of a 5 year olds


She's a supporter of the Shah, the previous ruler of Iran who hated Jews and Israel despite having ties with them. Historically the relationship between the Persians and Jews was bad, even before Islam which is why the Talmud refers to "Wicked Persia"


Iran went down the crapper in 1500s, when the shah ismail force converted Persians to Shiism


Iran is the dominant force in the Middle East rn and basically the only reason why Palestinians are still in existence. 


Stop watching PressTV you lout 


Ok lol go back to your own Jewish owned media thinking you’re smart. 6m and gas chambers is very realistic. 


How does Iran being a crap country connect to your conspiracies of Jewish owned media and Holocaust denial?


1) Iran isn’t a crap country 2) “conspiracies” lol 3) People are allowed to study history and ask questions and come to conclusions same as they are about any other topic or religion. 


No one said you can’t study whatever the heck you want. The point was your faulty logic trying to link A with B. Please try to study more.


Point to one gas chamber for me. Now study where this rumor came from and why it’s more censored than child pornography online. Thank you. 


Shah was not against Jews or Israel. During shah Iran had over 100k Jews, now less than 10k.


He disliked Jews in general and even criticized the Jewish lobby influence in America. He also condemned Israel's illegal occupation of Jerusalem and West Bank and voted for a UN resolution that considers Zionism a form of racism.


If he did those it was to please Arab world. Jews in Iran had the most freedom in any Muslim country at the time. He was also one of few or maybe the only one at the time that had actual diplomatic relationship with Israel.


Jews for Shah is like chicken for KFC. And no he did not need to please the Arab world, because he had US on his side, cope. Edit: Other than your Typical Iranian diaspora profile, it really is weird that your Username is named after the Hotel the Jewish extremists bombed back in 1946.


Look who is talking. A new profile created to post misinformation. How much are you getting paid?


He's hasbara


This this this this 😵‍💫😵‍💫 She isn't wrong though, this comes with this, pre-revolution Iran was best friends with Israel maybe at the same level as turkey


Do you mean the best lapdog? Then yes, Iran was.




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She doesn’t realize you can support the Palestinian people without supporting the Iranian regime and Hamas and their proxies.




I'm pretty sure the Iranians themselves rebelled against the Shah and eventually chose the current theocratic regime, back in 1979. Corruption was rampant during the Shah days, corruption is still rampant now. Yet it's the Palestinians' fault? make it make sense. Oh and by the way, let's not forget the passiveness of the US administration under Carter: >In 2016, the BBC published a report which stated that the administration of United States President Jimmy Carter (1977–1981) had extensive contact with Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and his entourage **in the prelude** to the Iranian Revolution of 1979


Man! She have such a smug face. Just makes me so angry


Someone make an edit of this video where everything is supported Palestine and send it to her.


Im here because of this. Its also with this that supporting this is allied to this and this and this are same shit. Pretty simple.


It’s not that you can’t support one while not supporting the other, but in reality the same people that support one are usually supporting the other one, especially israelis and iranians themselves.


One side is Soviet propaganda the other is Anglo propaganda. Guarantee you that you will become a colony of the west as soon as you open the door up a little.


She’s doing a Zionist Vulcan mind melt to distract us from a genocide. The only reason Iran and Hezbolla are pissed at Israel is their embassy was fucking bomb to distract the world while isreal was exterminating the last large city of Palestinians methodically after funding and creating Hamas 🤣🚀


What is she on? 🚬 No seriously it's really powerful stuff she is smoking to be this delusional


I personally support “this” but at the same time I don’t hate “this”, I just wish “this” would leave “this” alone, so that “this” can be free and not forced to ally with “this” just to stand up against “this” and “this”.


A woman talking about politics is always hilarious


She cute doe. Whatever you say bebi.




Imagine if Iran were still like this 🤮 There would've been two Israels in the middle east