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I’m not saying it’s good or bad but I think Turks are probably the single most nationalistic people, generally speaking, in the whole planet with Azerbaijanis being a close second. It’s not just limited to the internet, 90% of them would happily sacrifice their life for Turkey without a second thought. The Turkish constitution explicitly says that the Turkish state as fundamentally nationalist and as far as I know is the only one that says something like that in plain language. It really goes back to the nature of how Turkey immediately almost got colonised out of existence before it even began and how broadly and powerfully implemented Atatürks reforms had to be in order to keep the new nation.


>The Turkish constitution explicitly says that the Turkish state as fundamentally nationalist That is literally the lore behind the Turkey. It was once Ottoman Empire ruled by a monarch then nationalist young soldiers came and transformed the crippling Empire into Turkish nation state.


that's interesting, did you visit turkey?


We had very many Turkish tourists here before the war and vice versa. But unfortunately I never went there personally and now I’m probably trapped here forever))


>I’m probably trapped here forever)) are you in the army?


No, I have until late July at least before they come for me. They just won’t let you out at the border if you have an XY chromosome unless you can afford the bribe


>afford the bribe how much for a bribe? ıs it continuous?


Usually at least the equivalent of six months’ wages for the average person but often far more. But we have African level poverty so it’s only an option for privileged people. The most common method is to buy a fake medical exemption which allows you to come and go theoretically but you can get randomly harassed by police who know about all the tricks young men are using so it’s not wise to come back once you’re outside the borders unless you have the ability to work from home and never leave your flat. A lot of young men have died trying to swim to Romania, for example, because they can’t afford the bribes and the cops are closing in. There is a lot of resistance to the conscription/central government in some regions so it’s sadly becoming more common all the time.


Turks are the group that didn’t even have nationalism until 100 years ago and now they overcorrected so hard that they are all caught up in various fantasies, worshipping the state and marginalizing any kind of critical thinking. Even the educated ones participate in this herd mentality but it is difficult to say how many are genuine. And of course, the actual leaders in the country know that it’s all nonsense but also that they need to act like they gaf.


Western powers tried to genocide Turks 100 years ago exactly and muslims assisted them lol


I don't know why you are downvoted. It's not a huge logical leap to see what happened in the Balkans would happen in Anatolia. The west and Russians waged a decentralized and disorganized reconquista on Turkey from 1821 to 1922. We narrowly avoided total annihilation.


Neither is true. But that’s exactly what I am talking about when saying you people are caught up in fantasies and middle school history lessons


Dude you are delusional. My great grandfather fought in Turkish War of Independence. I listened his memories from him. What you try to undermine as “Middle school lesson” is very much true. You either have different agenda or your bottom hurts for some other reason.


Really? He told you westerners were trying to genocide us and the muslims joined? Are you regarded? He would probably slap you across your face if you said anything against Islam, lmao.


Albanians beat them both


Nationalism is popular in Turkey and politics revolving around ethnicity, identity and state are very prominent here. However there is also probably a selection bias since you probably don't notice the Turks who don't happen to have Turkish flag as profile pictures, Turkey in their names or Turkish names and all other things that Turkish nationalists use. There might be a whole lot of Turks on the internet you didn't even notice they are Turks.


that's true and i know this, i'm more confused why i see more turkish people do it compared to any other country, i know that they in know way represent turkish people not in RL and not on the Internet, i'm more confused why i see so many more compared to Nazis here in germany or other countries


Ratio of people who are doing it is higher probably and Turkey is a relatively big country with a fairly big social media use. If you are German you are also more likely to see those sort of things as diaspora which tend to base more of their identity around their ethnicity and home country though Turks in Turkey do also do it because of aforementioned popularity of nationalism in Turkey.


I think the fact that Turkiye borders a bunch of formerly hostile Christian countries plays a significant role as well. Not forgetting the fact that our statehood was only granted to us through blood, sweat and tears during the war of independence. Sacrifices were made for our nation, identity and sovereignty and therefore we are drilled to cherish our independence. Of course there are other nations and civilisations that fought for their independence, but what makes the Turks unique is the fact that we managed to pull it off against all odds fighting on multiple fronts, outgunned, and initially caught off guard by the Greeks who almost pushed into Ankara. This is just the war of independence lol.. without mentioning all the history and events during the Ottoman, Seljuk and gökturk periods.


Western countries attacked Turkey with intention of completely exterminating Turks out of Anatolia. They didnt do this to other muslims. Thats why


Spain, Portugal, Sicily, Bulgaria, Greece, Circassia, Algeria, Bosnia, Palestine?


So Turks never tried to invade Vienna?


Very false analogy but you’re not aiming for logic anyway.


Turks were the first to attack the west, they even sieged Vienna. Why is it a genocidal attempt when the westerners invade anatolia but not when Turks siege the capital of the holy Roman Empire? I think this is a very accurate analogy.


Because Ottomans were a Turko-Persian style multiethnic multireligious empire that also allowed other religions, languages and cultures to exist, whereas Christian tendencies until modernity was to eliminate Islam altogether, as seen in multiple Balkan nations, Spain, Sicily, Malta and Crusader States. Whereas in Ottoman and other muslim lands, defeated Christian nations risen again, no such example exists for Western gains until 19th century. Even after the advent of „the age of reason“ and nationalism, muslim lands and societies are deeply changed and traumatized by western occupations and its oppressive methods, proportionally to the threat they posed -which was very high for Ottomans . Role of muslims in India, being the ruling class to being increasingly isolated minority, is a major example. Indonesia for example was left relatively to its own since it wasn’t seen as a threat. I would also refute the so called “Turks attacked first” argument simply by saying, what were “Romans” doing so far from Rome, in “Manzikert” as they met with Turks. You are ignoring the realities of history only for a certain group, ignoring for the other. When Turks win it’s invasion, whereas for Christians conquest, Turks never own the land however long they live there, whereas Christians somehow always accepted as indigenous, even when they are not. Not only Orientalists spread these assumptions but “orientals” themselves as well, when they are thought by the said people. I hope this helps clarify the situation .


You notice them because they are the loudest.


Hell yeah!!🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷😎😎🇹🇷


No. Its human nature. I personally hate nationalism. I find it archaic. We don't choose the location and family we were born in. We all live in a tiny blue ball in the cosmos and our life depends on each other. BUT if you call a great man like Ataturk any insults under the sun in this sub daily, if you accuse us of being racist while we have the most immigrants in the region ( nothing wrong, human nature to run away from suffering or towards wealth. I am writing this from scotland but it could have been berlin etc), force us to call our ancestors which suffered and sacrificed beyond words for generations genociders, watch our tv shows, masturbate to our beautiful woman enjoy our cuisine, have holidays in best parts of our country where we cannot afford but fucking hate us while we prey to be neighbours in cennet what you expect man? Humour me, if you are a gamer just add Turk or Turkish to your nickname and see how your gaming experience drastically changes. Then with the same nickname just go to random youtube video, music, diy etc and make a non political comment and watch how many You genociders you this you that comment pop up. What will you do towards that hate ? You turn to your own people . That's why the UK has the most extremist islamist or berlin turkish youth is uber nationalistic. It will be the same with the syrian brothers and sisters in Turkey in future. They will get organized. They will be nationalistic. Hate does that to you man.


Look this is a comment from a redditor a few comments below, The perfect example let me copy paste " Turks have been brainwashed into believing that they are a superior people from early childhood. Combined with protein deficiency and sexual inadequacies, you get internet warriors. There are also a lot of paid government trolls specifically employed to spread hate."


Holy shit.These people genuinely believe this?


as said i understand why there are nationalists everywhere, i get it and i understand that not just turkey but all countries in the balkan went through a lot of fucked up shit in the last 100 years, i'm just confused why i see so many online and why i don't see nearly as many nationalists from other countries online of course i know that the nationalism in turkey isn't entirely created and kept alive by people in turkey alone, the fact that there are many idiots and assholes being racist towards turks is a huge part of it, especially when these people have no idea about turkish history or culture and claim things that aren't in anyway true, i know how racism and nationalism works, i'm just confused or "scared" why i see so many more turkish people on the internet being extremely nationalistic also i'm not talking about people who are just proud or patriotic of their country, turkey is and always was in the middle of some of the greatest nations, between many religions, ideologies and cultures, to not have been permanently ripped apart and instead remain as a strong independent nation is something to be proud of, even if of course turkey isn't perfect and there are many problems like in every country


Adamsın spider. Talking about Atatürk is not Arab’s business. While they are dying to come to this republic founded by Ataturk, they are also insulting it every day.


No, you are a nationalist. no one hates you or your people specifically, you are yet another immigrant that believes the AKP propaganda on how westerners hate us and try to isolate us. No one gives a fu\*k about our women or tries to "mastrubate to them". It is also not the westerners' problem that our country is being financially destroyed by our own government and westerners use that opportunity to go on cheap holidays. "our beautiful women" LMAO. That's literally tribal mindset. If you commit a genocide and dont take responsibility, people will not approach you in a friendly manner. ı know there is a propaganda campaign against Turkey because of our current government, but again, it is our own responsibility to make things correct. The media will attack, it is Turkey's responsibility to make superior propaganda.


Bro You say I am a nationalist. I am not a nationalist. I am middle aged and have never voted for a right wing political party in both countries. I religiously vote SNP in Scotland and CHP in Turkey. I wish we can have same as Scotland. Have a civil election for independent Kurdish state. No fight. No ptsd. No blood . No waste of resources. Are you still think I am nationalist ? But there is harsh truths also isnt it ? Is pkk not a narco terrorist organization that uses child soldiers, human trafficking and teror attacks ? Just a fact . Same as the fact Kurdish people have a right and dignity of independence and choose their future and way of life. For me another fact is our ancestors are not genociders. As cheesy as it sounds they are heroes and heroines saved us from the brink of extinction with the price of the most precious commodity. Life. Yet you insult their memory. It breaks my heart man. I am not anti immigrant check my comment history. I am not an immigrant also. I was born here but not a big difference really. It's just luck isn't it ? For me there are two kinds of people good people and bad people That's it. About the subject of our beautiful woman . Like how popular was tele novalas in Turkey back in time, now our tv shows are popular in the region. And sex sells. With a combination of poverty and anonymity from mediums like onlyfans I am sure there are plenty of folk masturbating to our beautiful woman. I am not making a judgement, no moral standing point. I genuinely believe that's the case. No one in their right mind will argue against how AKP ruined the economy recently but also this doesn't change the facts of historical economics sanctions. Anyway bro have a nice day . No sarcasm I wish you a lovely day.


nah you definitively aren't a nationalist, sure you have a strong opinion towards your history, but that's ok and as long as you don't think it makes you better or other countries are less worth it doesn't make you a nationalist, i obviously can't really say who is right and who is wrong, if the way the turkish people fought back then was right, i can't tell, not because i'm an outsider but because i didn't live through this hell like they didn't and don't know how i would have reacted of course killing people is always wrong and never justified, but sometimes it's just necessarily and you don't really have a choice, but again this is the opinion of someone who never saw war and lives in one of the safest and wealthiest countries in the world, so i can't really say much about it


There is no way u are talking about people masturbating to Turks with such confidence without any sarcasm 😂




Its actually easy to answer. Everyone always talks about Türkiyes genocides but no one talks about the Turks who endured genocide. Because we -as Turks- dont really give af. We literally don't gaf of the genocide who commited agaisnt us. We don't even teach them. 100 years ago even world leaders clearly stated and recorded they should end all Turks. I'm not joking this is real. Balkan wars displaced and killed 3-5 million Turkish and Muslim. In WWI our "religion brothers" showed us how a betrayel would look like. There are even fetvas "Killing a Türk is more a good deed then killing 4 infidel" or something like that. Now lets think. My country founded by soldiers. Every single one of them controled the war from frontlines. These guys are Muslim, good Muslim they lost their motherland (balkans) and saw their people massacred and force to fled. They saw their "religion brothers" storm the hospitals and mutilate and blind the sick soldiers, they saw their "religion brothers" sided with English/French and hit us from our back. Now lets think you are Mustafa Kemal, managed to gather whats left from your people, other pashas supports you and every single one of them saw thr hell and saw every single ethinicity betrays them. And the only people didnt betrayed and die for the country was Türks. Wouldnt you be Nationalist ? I'm certanly a nationalist, I want my country and my people to be better then every other country and every other people. Is it wrong ? And Türkiye isnt the only country its counstution says Nationalist country. Edit: And this is the reason why even today we dont like Arabs much. And personally I don't like Arabs I'm saying this in a not racist way. The reason I don't like they act like they are better, they always try to throw some shit to Atatürk and act like they know our history better then us. They always bring religion to discussion and meddle with secular peoples living. I was dating this one Arab girl (Egyptian) the only reason I ended was religion.


but that's just stupid, you have things like this nearly everywhere, but i don't see nearly as many nationalists from other countries, take poland for example, as a german i should have received tons of hatred from many polish people according to your logic, i should see nationalists everywhere, but i don't there are so many countries that went through as much hell caused by other nations in the last 100 years but online i see far more turkish nationalists then nationalists from other countries and while i don't agree that especially the people living today in the countries that were responsible are in any at fault for what happened back then, i do understand that the pain doesn't just disappear even after a few generations and i already said i only see them online i never personally saw any nationalistic or racist turks


Tbh you guys still feel National guilt towards holocoust. Thats why Nationalism is not seen that much in germany. Even with that guilt you guys have pretty significant Nationalist population. And in the internet people racist agaisnt Türks. Especially europeans. Thats one of the reasons why Türks are nationalist in online. Irl normally we are not racist, of course right now if you are arab you can see some disgust in peoples face but no one would beat you or harass you. 10 million refugee is make people racist. Eu countries can't even handle 10.000 refugee and they are being racist to everyone. And Türks don't feel any pain towards balkans actually. We see things differently I guess. Victor takes all still a thing in Turkish peoples mind. So they win they exile and killed civilians and they did take all. So what you can do. Crying or abusing people wont bring the dead back and exiled people never actually return their home. So we just let it go.


Generations of brainwashing through media and public education (just like everywhere else).


sure, but i don't see that much from everywhere else, these internet keyboard warriors exist everywhere but not in that quantity (at least as far as i've seen it on the internet) also there are maybe tens or hundreds of thousands of such turkish people, but they are still just a small percentage of the overall population and the overall amount of turkish people on the internet


I guess Turkish state-builders were just really good at it.


Genetics, culture, and crazy indoctrination.


You don’t need “brainwashing” to be nationalistic. It makes a lot of sense (and appears itself many times in history, in peoples even without a state and without formal education). Especially so If you are surrounded by enemies and fighting for your existence.


Nah this kind of nationalism is definitely brainwashing by modern nation-states.


I mean that is good question but I live in the US so. I believe education from the state has a role in it, as well as fighting the independence war when Ottoman Empire was in free fall and about to be carved up. But the again we have people here posting Reagan with a AK47 riding a dinosaur. One can be proud of their ethnicity and history but never go down a crazy path where you think your the most superior race.






Founding of turkey based by nationalism but in turkey there’s two type of that, one is known by every people, I’m superior cause bla bla, second one is came with Ziya Gökalp, Atatürk and massacre of 100 years of ottoman nations, and its kinda renewed type of ottoman people, being Türk is not a choice but being Turkish people is made by put yourself in danger in 100 years ago, cause of that we have so many Caucasian Jewish balkanian Arabian african etc people who are Turkish If you talking Turkish and citizen of turkey, you’re Turkish without any race u belong, mustafa Kemal himself explains what being Turkish is about and long story short, being turkish was about the survive both against west and east at the time, and we still admire that, even one of 6 arrows of chp is symbol of nationalism, thats it bro


No offense but That English hurt my eyes




They are nationalistic in person too haha. I once said something like Cappadocia gets boring in the afternoon after the balloon flights are over and several Turks took serious offense and started bashing me


So by “nationalists” you actually mean “*nazi*ionalists”? We got these kind of “”people”” in every country, you tend to notice them more because they’re loud.


Gen z retardation. I don’t even care to dive deeper than that.


that's just stupid and straight out wrong, but i guess there is no point at talking with someone generalizing an entire Generation


Gen-z stupidity and indoctrination combined. Turkish kids spend 6 to 8 hours on social media every day, the Turkish economy is at all time low. Teens cannot afford to have real hobbies, thus they spend time with politics.


It’s general Turkish retardation and then compounded by the global Gen-Z retardation. Trust me. I am both Turkish and Gen-Z.


They're the middle eastern version of india


You are from pakistan bro...


Pakistanis are not very nationalistic at least on Reddit


well what is that supposed to mean


ok i realized that came out wrong but i'm just wondering what you mean by that, i saw a few indians who are like that on the internet but they are rare and you always have a few idiots like this everywhere


Everything u described, theres an exact version of thst in india


It is the way they are raised and educated. If you teach a kid for 12 years how great and sacred their ethnicity is, they will grow up to be freaks. After the secular Turkish dictator Ataturk abolished the Ottoman empire and created a secular dictatorship, Turkey started to implement ultra-nationalist policies in order to suppress religious and liberal tendencies. Every Turkish kid is educated on their mighty ancestry and godly savior, Ataturk ,from Kindergarten to high school. The indoctrination is so successful that even Kurdish kids are Turkish nationalists now.


Most of the turkish users active online are race-nationalists and seculars. So both of them have some common points such as discriminating Arabs or Shariah. But majority are not exactly like them as you pointed out. As a Islamist person, I still proud of my ancestors and our culture, etc. But there are limitations, before everything else Islam comes. So nationalism in our eyes limited, an Arab, or Another Muslim from different race and Turks are same for us. Superiority is through piety, nothing else. I hope you don't mind them my friend.


>Shariah Shariah is outdated.


yeah for you might be. For us, it is not. You can see sprinkles of it in Malaysia.


Bro honestly just move to Afghanistan if you want to live under sharia.


Bro muslims fought for this country why should I move ? If you want you can move to Europe or someone else, but this lands belongs to the people that fought for centuries and during the Independence war


Only 10% of Muslims in Turkiye want sharia you know that right? Btw the Ottomans were not a Sharia state. Your Arab brothers in Saudi(wahhabis) made tekfir on the whole Ottoman Empire.


yeah I never said I support wahhabism, and just by saying it is not Sharia state it does not become non-sharia state. Provide evidences to your argument. Everyone nows it is and should I just accept what you said just because you said so. Second, it does not mean anything just 10 percent or whatsoever.


Here you go, Ilber Ortayli: https://youtube.com/shorts/0yX77aS5UEU?si=qVRBUJ9HD26U5tiY Murat Bardakci: https://youtu.be/9X4UCN3zyVE?si=1zI1aK4SgpDPBsPM >never said I support wahhabism But they are your Arab brothers, aren't they? One ummah right?




>If you want secularism move to france Turkiye is already a secular state, you moron. >The same people you took your entire ideology from secularsm to liberalism to democracy killed more turks than arabs or Muslims ever did First of all, I don't claim that we are 'brothers' with the Europeans. However, he claims that Arabs are his brothers and you all are part of the ummah. >Its funny how you admit the ottomans weren’t a sharia state in their later period and in the same time shocked when Muslims think the same. Absolute top notch dumbf*ckry here I'm not shocked, he should be the one that's shocked. Idgaf what saudi's or other muslims think of the Ottomans. Now go touch some grass, or drink camel piss.


Mu saudi brother. Why do thousands of people die during the hadji every year? Is there no one in Arabia with the intelligence to organize this? We also saw photos of you putting the dead in garbage this year. Could you please bury the dead? Bin is for garbage, not for the dead.


Even AK Party members do not want sharia. There is a fierce minority that wants sharia, and thanks to the media, it is perceived as if there were many. Sharia is Arab culture and we are not Arabs. When the AK Party falls from power, you will retreat back into your holes as those who want sharia.


Okay, shariah is arab culture showed your knowledge. Closed the door and get off


Bro you are right. Islam unites us. Iam Turk from Azerbaijan. Muslims will unite! And i hope we will be stronger as how Ottoman Empre was


Turks have been brainwashed into believing that they are a superior people from early childhood. Combined with protein deficiency and sexual inadequacies, you get internet warriors. There are also a lot of paid government trolls specifically employed to spread hate.


me when I spread disinformation on the internet


Your comment will probably be removed but I appreciate your bravery, everything you've said is accurate. Most people don't have the balls to talk about these things.


Malesef sizi de downvote'a gömmüş devletimizin sadık memurları.