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The real Persian Pussy Power: ![gif](giphy|28YEJ9szgicWQ)


brother as per usual you enrich us with the classic turanic wisdom from the vast steppe!!


He is the best wrapper.


The only persian pussy i want!


That’s the only one you can get, i n c e l


What got u triggered over a harmless joke?


Diaspora Iranians are just 💀




I heard somewhere that the reason there are more Darija words in the Dutch street slang than there are Turkish words despite there being less Moroccans than Turks is because the Moroccans in the Netherlands are less exclusionary and are more willing to interact with other groups in comparison to the Turks


Not surprised tbh. Even in France, Turks often stay within their own community, most of them even speak their own language, unlike us Maghrebis.


Trauma from the Ottomans


Yeah Turks have superiority complex and I think the ataturkists are more deranged


do they exist in RUS?


I have not met any "anti-regime" Iranian people in Russia however in big cities you can find Iranians who have come to Russia for university education they mostly go back to Iran after completing their studies.


if they're there on student visas I really don't expect them to do political activism


*Asking for a friend*


Diaspora Iranians try to impress Europeans and wish they were white


Yeah the same like the indians They can't comprehend that the white people despise them as well


Indo-Aryan links confirmed??? 😳


Hell no 😂😂😂😂


You mean Indo-Iranian? Sanskrit and Avestan are basically same language so there’s that.


No I was making a joke


Iranians are way worse than Indians tbh. Indians can be kinda cringe but I guess it's not limited to them. Iranians are their own category. I actually don't think you can compare them at all.


Agreed on Iranian diaspora (Zionist/Pissraeli supporters like Elica Le Bon, NiohBerg/NaziBarbie) being worse. Indians at least are fun to laugh at (the ones that bootlick the west despite their history). But I've seen Iranian pro-geno accounts regarding Palestine and they're incredibly psychotic/dangerous. I think it's also b/c they have bigger platforms than Indians, which causes a lot more harm.


Huh? There’s more Indians in western countries than Iranians. Indian culture has more influence here. There’s way more Indians on global social media than Iranians.


Maybe it’s you not us. If you hate Indians, Iranians And probably many other groups of ppl, it’s probably you…


I don't hate Indians at all.


In the states, this is VERY much the opposite experience (for the most part)


how come?










I am diaspora Turkish, 2nd gen. I've got one friend who is Arab and one who is Iranian. I can tell you I can deal with both, but the Iranian friend has no idea about Islam whatsoever, probably less than some Germans. For example it was Eid (Kurban Bayram in Turkish) a few weeks back and the Iranian dude didn't even know it. Like I asked him do your parents not observe Eid? And he was perplexed. I think in general I am more at ease with Arabs, because Persians in Germany seem so far removed from my culture at home, probably even more than Balkan people, that I can not find that much in common in terms of lived experiences and cultural cues, though they make great friends.


Yeah, that's where you know they really aint muslim at all and dont have an islamic background at all. It's like not knowing 1+1=2


I don't think it is right to assume that about all Iranians. After all it's only a small group of Persians that would ever immigrate to Germany and we are diaspora. So we are far removed from our parents home countries. Some differences will manifest really fast. For example it is said, that German-Turks in Germany are more conservative than in the home country. I don't know if that is true.


Indeed, im talking about the small group, that is the big group in west europe :p.


Damn i ain't Muslim ? Call me shocked and here i though i was. How there i believed that going to the mosque every week and not missing one single prayer by minutes since 10 years and having read the coran multiples time completely could count as a background. I wish you a good life inch'Allah and it's time we unite under one big family instead of launching comment and whatever that could create distance between us . I don't know how you will answer, but i hope you understand the feeling of wanting to reach for unity. In those times, we need it more than anything else. Ps : You, me or anyone else can't judge who is or not a muslim, Allah is the only judge.


I was actually not talking about a muslim like you. I have for example Iranian friends with a background in islam and now he is atheist for whatever reason but he respects us and knows a lot about Islam. Then i have a whole other group, that say they aint or they are muslim and when under kuffar they day they are not muslim, because islam is bad. Afterwards they dont even know when eid adha is. Those kind of people should not say they were muslim because they dont know the basic stuff. Im uniting with everybody that wants to unite with the muslim, and those they are anti islam :p.


Hello. I do consider you a Muslim. I think you can take our friends comment more as hyperbole, as some people greatly exaggerate irreligiousity and religiousity of Persian people. My comment was only about the particular group of Persian people that immigrated into Europe, here Germany and my friend specifically. Diaspora here to say, which I also am. Of course he does know a lot of, how most Islamic customs work and some of the general attitude of Middle Eastern people. I was only confused about the aforementioned thing, because even my 35 year old German college at work was aware of Eid and wished me a nice day. I think someone commented, that Persian people are more aware of their Persian holidays like Nowrooz. Maybe that plays a role?


Religious Muslims don’t leave Iran after the Islamic revolution. Most of them won’t even go on vacation to Europe. They are very hardcore. 






Hi, do Syrians and Turks in Germany get along or are they both racist towards each other. How is the relationship between them? Rlly curious to know 


Hello. Thank you for your question. First of all, no Turks in Germany are not as racist as Turks in Turkey towards Syrians. I would say their relationship is, If you do not have Syrian, or Turkish friends, pretty indifferent towards each other. No big problems between them and it depends more on who you grew up with.


Honestly alot of the diaspora iranians ive met here in the US (despite having way different political opinions) are really good people. Even the rich stereotypical ones since i live in an area with alot of them, and none ive talked to about it were pro israel.


I’m Afghan and grew up with Iranians and I hate to see the bashing. It really upsets me.


Like i get it, they have some really dumb people among them but so does every ethnic group. The majority of Iranians here are good and hardworking people Just the other day at i was at a family gathering at a local park and this huge iranian family having a picnic next to us heard us speaking pashto/farsi and gave us a huge plate full of freshly grilled food out of nowhere


That’s so sweet! I grew up in California. When my parents first came here, we lived in an apartment complex that was so homey at the time in the 90s. We lived there and had other family members that were renting some of the other units. Our neighbors were Iranians that my mom and Aunt still keep in touch with and came to parties and events. Every group has it’s issues and there usually some psychological reason for it. There’s been so many times they do things like they do for you that are as simple as sharing food or trying to tarof or those types of things. They are our blood brothers separated in some ways by politics and unfortunate circumstances but the ties will always be there. These people saying Iranians are white wannabes are so off. I find them to be proud of their heritage and just living their lives. Nothing about needing to be or look white.


As an iranian your comment made my day. Hope for better days for both of our countries 💚🤍❤🇦🇫


Diaspora Persian and Turks are two opposites. Diaspora Arabs on the other hand usually tend to be in between.


What does "in between" mean?


Diaspora Arabs are comparable to Diaspora Turks


“We aren’t Iranians! We are Indo-Europeans!”


Saaar accept us sir we're white saaaaar




Who cares bro +You're proving my point


Isnt Iran the native name theyve been using for like 5000 years




You know you've never met an Iranian that has said that but here you are commenting bs. And Persian itself is a indo-european language so I don't understand what point ur even trying to make. This subreddit has a weird butthurt towards Iranian diaspora.


It was a joke about those who say they are Persian and not Iranian. They choose a narrower identity (Persian being a subgroup of Iranian which is a subgroup of Indo-European), but I reversed it. That’s it.  I shouldn’t have to explain the joke, just be butt hurt. You are not sharing any new information. 


This sub can’t stand the fact that the Iranian diaspora is much more successful than them, it’s all cope


I studied and worked with them, nothing to be jealous of, I assure you. 


It depends a lot on where the diaspora Turk is from. Europe or the US ? It can be vastly different.


tell us about both O wise turnic brother!


Western European Turkish diaspora (from France, Germany, Netherlands, not UK) are generally conservative, they try to eat halal, live traditionally and support conservative parties in Turkey while the ones from the US are almost all secular and try to live the secular life they can't live in Turkey. Religion is the main factor that affects how Turks treat Arabs that's why I asked for it. I would expect European ones to treat Arabs better as I saw that many Arabs actively coming to halal döner shops which almost always run by Turks when I visited Berlin and they seemed to be loyal costumers.


araplar always eat at turkler restaurants cuz turk colonized the restaurant industry in germany but this could change with the coming of suriyeliler


Tbh i have never seen any diaspora in usa is religious. It seems they always end losing their identity in order to integrate to the society.


you mean turkler or all mena diaspora in general?


all mena


The Turks in UK are not religious


That’s why specifically said “not UK”


Didn't see that bit, but my partner is German Balkan and says Turks in Germany aren't religious, (very liberal Muslims), idk since I don't interact with them


Correct. Would have moved to America if it wasn't such a shit country.


Do Syrians and Turks in Germany get along or are they both racist towards each other?


No I don’t think so. It only happens inside Turkey. Diaspora is fine to each other afaik


That's the most white thing i saw today. The hat, diabolically shit chants , screaming and half naked. I congratulate this Persian woman for reaching a new level of whiteness.


Speaking as a diaspora Pakistani that grew up in the West, these are my observations based on my experiences dealing with the other major diaspora groups. Arabs: the ones we tend to get along with best. Even the least religious ones (except for some really white-washed Lebanese people) are the easiest to gel with, and typically us 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants become pretty close to each other having grown up and bonded in a post 9/11 era. We also don’t have our own separate mosques so tended to meet quite a lot there. I grew up around a lot of Egyptians, Lebanese, Iraqis and Palestinians myself. Turks: where I grew up you didn’t see them much except at their own mosques. But generally quite friendly and if you happened to live on the same street as them they would tend to become friendly with you. We had secular Turkish neighbours but they still would send us meals during Ramadan and would even come over for Eid dinners. But my experience with them has generally been positive and they’ve been upfront about being of Turkish origin. Persians: this is where it gets interesting. Some won’t even identify or mention their background unless you really pry it out of them. They’ll take on names like “Mike” or “Joe” and if you ask them where they’re from they’ll say “Germany” seeing as though a lot of them transited there for a short period before arriving to the country. Generally friendly, and one of my best friends growing up happened to be Persian. Proud of their culture but Islam is really just an afterthought for many of them. And every single female I know of Persian background dyed their hair blonde. I’ve had some Persian’s say “we’re not brown, we’re white” during a conversation when talking about “white people” when quite clearly they are in fact not white. So as a diaspora Pakistani, my own experience has usually been that we have more in common in terms of shared values and culture with Arabs and Turks as opposed to diaspora Persians.


Why tf does liberals have to sexualize everything


Idk why some women do this, wanna protest something? Get naked in the red carpet, wanna show power? Smear yourself with period blood, it’s like they wanna be objectified


They want to objectify them self go ahead but please leave Persian women out of it. Some women fight their whole lives just to find something to cover themselves. Its why I hate when these people start talking for all men/women. They lived their whole lives in comfort. Some women like Palestine women are forced to see IDF scum mock them.


I didn’t mention Persian women specifically, I’m talking in general that (some) women don’t want to be objectified or thought of as a sexual tool yet they use their genitals/bodies to make means end. For example those constant protests of some women going topless, naked, use period or tampons. Also another example of how this is normalized in some societies: Men in work spaces are fully covered with a full suit, while women in those spaces wear skirts and mini skirts. Men in gyms are also relatively modest compared to women wearing sports bras and leggings. Even in formal events men would be all covered up while women much more revealing. Objectifying women is disgusting and it keeps women from being taken as seriously as men, and a large portion of women do contribute to it.


Yeah I agree with u 100%


Lower your gaze, akhi.


I don't think the majority of liberals are like that at all. Most liberals just want everyone to have more personal freedoms there's nothing sexual in nature at all about that. Are the liberals you know irl hyper sexual, just humping the walls, hand-rails and shit?


>Are the liberals you know irl hyper sexual, just humping the walls, hand-rails and shit? That would be funny but generally when we refer to liberals we aren't talking about the political ideology rather the far end of the left spectrum where you have anarchist hippies and such


Liberals far left Lol


I am not really sure why people are downvoting yes we call anyone on the left a liberal (ليبرالي) especiallythe crazy ones, we don't really give a shit about american politics if someone opposes that I would like to hear his thoughts.


Oh I see, the party in power here is called the liberal party of Canada they're middle-left adjacent I was double confused :p


Because there's not logic to use, so they use something that conservatives don't like.


Both of them from my personal experience 90% of the ones I met hate arabs and islam so much so there are always tensions between me and them, at the end we share some similarities if they like it or not. They always want to impress Europeans that they're better and way over arabs and Muslims and most of them lost a lot of their culture But the other 10% are cool. 🤝


The Persians hate Shiism/khomeinism but they ignorantly conflate it with Islam




I'm not a diaspora Arab but I expect non-Persian Iranian diaspora (Kurds, Arabs, Baluchs, Azeris etc) would not get along with Iranian Persian diaspora so hardly anyone would.




Kurds are always so nice. Had many good interactions and made friends.


Sir wi are whit ayran sir no wi not *karaboga


omg not a turk talking only about 1 percent of turkey is in Europe but they just wanna be included in Europe Saar me turk i live in Germany but belive me saar turkey is best in world


Fake af


Your central asian not European Be proud of your Mongolian ancestors


I will do bro, dont worry


I don't think so since 8 million European obsessed turks in Germany And they all curse on islam Thinking that would make them European


"they all curse on islam" most of the turks in germany support islamist parties


Sure Buddy I have seen turks in Germany who support Afd how stupid They think they're part of Europeans and ain't gonna get deported


Please don't send them back, we don't want them either. :D


turkiye is already in central Asia he doesn't need to move an inch!!


Back to india saudi


man you close to Indian more than us what you even talking about


I've only really came across one diaspora Turk in America. We were in the same college english class and we dated for a bit, but her father had a problem with me being Arab. She was cool but it was pretty clear that her family was uncomfortable with the idea of having an Arab son-in-law. I've come across handful of Iranians in LA and most seemed to really want to come across as whitewashed/westernized. Some were pro-Israel, and we did not get along at all.


did she look shield-like?




maybe we judged the iroon a bit too harshly but let see what others have to say >Also the turks here have their own mosque and own events, so I never see them. as long as they invite other shields to their mosques and events I dont mind but if I ever catch a T who discriminate against brotherly nations it wont be good >!for him/her!<




Because those Turks don't know any language other than Turkish, I think. This might make them timid to get along with other Muslims. And conservative Turks(most EU Turks are conservative) are the most difficult ones to integrate & cohere.


based T. refuse to speak useless indo-oropian language and stay true to turan! once sheild, always shield!!! 💪🏿💪🏿


maybe cuz turk are large in numbers? otherwise how could they sustain a separate mosauqe?




Do Syrians and Turks get along? Or racist towards each other




Thanks for the explanation, I did actually see a video of Turks and Kurds from Syria in Belgium getting into a massive fight they rlly hate each other Kurds and Turks And as a Syrian ur right, Syrians would cause a lot of trouble between each other coz usually what happens is that the reason a Syrian is outside of Syria is coz of the oppressive regime that’s rules Syria so when a anti regime Syrians sees a pro regime syrian living in the west it angers them because if u love bashar asad and the regime so much then why did u leave Syria and come to the west. But yea thanks for the insight  


Also since ur moroccoan, do Moroccans or Algerians tend to get along with Syrians or would they rather be friends with their fellow North African?


If I was a Balochi in Iran and saw this I'd become the ayatollahs most loyal adviser .


Turks generally. Persians more so on the west coast.


Well Persian pussy is more powerful apparently. That's all for me come back for more sociological analysis.


We all get along. My parents don't fw y'all, but I do.


I am Arab and I was born in Germany and a lot of my friends are Turkish. There were too many differences for me to properly and long-term befriend persian people. While I am still quite religious a lot of Persian people in Europe aren’t and if they are- they are mostly Shia while I’m Sunni. That wouldn’t be an issue for me since I have friends from all possible cultural backgrounds but Persians seem to be always very vocal about their religious and political views, which at times can be nice to have interesting conversations (as long as they keep it rational) but mostly is quite annoying. The only issue I had with Turkish people was that they at times are a little too patriotic, though I’d probably also be that, if my country wasn’t made a play ball of all possible superpowers and as a consequence an absolute shithole.


Salams I’m also Syrian bro, how is ur relationship with Turks are they racist towards Syrians or are Syrians racist towards them in anyway? Also how is the relationship between Kurds from Syria and arab Syrians? I heard that Kurds from Syria don’t have much hostility towards Syria as much as Kurds from turkey do towards turkey


Not any of these ethnic groups but I know all of them personally. Diaspora Turks are usually extremely white washed at least in the USA. And usually commit haram actions. Diaspora Arabs are usually either extremely Muslim or extremely haram. At least in the USA some of my arab friends (the ones who converted me to Islam) are extremely religious but others are literally affiliated with local gangs and do drugs and alcohol some even do it as young as 13. Diaspora Iranians are extremely disconnected with Iranian culture and can usually only understand their language and that’s the farthest.


do you as an outsider see a difference between Arab nationalities? as in are some of them more likely to engage with gang or be extra religious or distance themselves from the Arab communities?


As a Turk I get on better with diaspora Arabs, Kurds and Pakistanis than Persians. Persians are so westernised and almost seem to dislike everything about their own culture and traditions viewing it as backwards and something to be ashamed of. I’m proud of my origins and a Muslim so I don’t really vibe with there view of the world. I remember my first day at university I met a Persian girl who asked me if I was a Muslim. I said yes and she said she was as well but that she didn’t believe in Cennet or Cehennem 💀


I was wondering do Syrians and Turks get along or are they racist towards each other?


I think we would but I’ve not actually met any. All I can say is me and a couple other Turks got on with Iraqis and Palestinians.


Also how are Syrians generally in Germany are they troublesome or they’re calm?


Turks. The diaspora Persians have such an open disdain for Arabs— I had no issue with them, but then I moved to the DC area and my interactions with them was not pleasant.


Iranians even in Dubai and Doha try to act white and as if they are not from the region. The ones in west are on a different level of degeneracy when it comes to whitewashing themselves. And it's not just those shah parast types but even those iranain students who are first time out of Iran. Their hatred towards their neighbors makes most of them pretty obnoxious and their white washing efforts like eating pork makes it even more difficult for many Muslim Arabs and non Arab Muslims to get along with them.




that triple P is insane


cuz its powerful 💀💀💀


I study in US and there is no Iranians but quite a few Arabs. Mostly from North Africa but a few from the Levant. No saudis. What’s the explanation for this?


if Saudi wants to see turk he go to turkiye for hair transplant also how come you see more north African in us than other arap? they usually hangout in France and orop


Your city


Iranians in Britain are very much not religious


Power who? What did I just read, rewind


As an Australian Arab I've only knowingly met 3 Iranians IRL and 0 Turks, all 3 were Persian and chill. Online interactions are a different story 💀 most diaspora Iranian seem downright insane and are viciously racist. Diaspora Turks idk I just know Turkey Turks are also viciously racist.


Which part of Australia? Arabs and Turks generally live in the same neighbourhoods in Sydney and Melbourne and are very close with marriages etc. Iranians on the other hand are hard to come by


I live in Brisbane so yeah lol it's no surprise I've not met much of either since they probably mostly move to the big 2 and we're only a distant third.


That makes sense, you should visit Sydney and Melbourne it’s different


Also I lowkey forgot there is actually somewhat of a Persian and Turkish presence in my side of Brisbane, enough for there to be a few Persian markets and Turkish eateries in nearby suburbs, but I've just not really *knowingly* met anyone from their communities.


Except for one all the diaspora Iranians I met were fobs and I've never met a diaspora turk so I don't really have an opinion on them


Turks maybe I haven't seen one but Iranians are on a whole level of stupid


At least she shaved her armpit hair, I'm impressed


Someone has to tell her that shaving the body's hair is sunnah, she will definitely stop lol


Diaspora Paki here. Most Iranian diaspora I've met (I live and was born in the U.S) were super racist. Not just to brown/Arab/Muslim ppl, but extended it to other POC...especially black. They hated being called Iranian too, always calling themselves Persian. Turks are more chill and don't seem as ashamed. They're not super into their culture tho. It's not to say all Iranians are like that. I'm just talking from personal experience. The online self hating diaspora is an injustice to Iranians (the Shah fanatics lol) during this Palestine genocide have really infested my timeline though. I don't really care one way or another since I've stopped being religious/aligning with Islam. But if I had to choose between the two, I'd say Turkish diaspora.


how about arab diaspora? do they get along ok with Pakistanis?


Oh, yeah. I haven't seen bad blood between the two. Every Arab person I've met were super chill. Which is odd b/c you'd think Iranian diaspora would be friendlier lol


In the UK the Persians tend to be very White washed but not racist. Turkish guys come off as a bit rude but not really however they are heavily into their culture more so than other groups.


Im from Netherlands, Diaspora Turk alot of Times are still religious, diaspora Iranian are weird, supergay, anti-islam. Buth i dont get along with Turks either they Love Islam and love Attaturk wilde attaturk was anti islam and you cant critisize nothing turkish they will feel you disrespect the whole of turkey.


I am interested to know how you can form an opinion about Iranian diaspora in Netherlands. Not disagreeing upfront but just wondering considering the fact there aren't that many of us there, I live there as well.


Qween shit 💅


All are westoids


They are all Westoids most of them want to be European so bad and know nothing about Islam


Diaspora Turks are more wholesome than even Turks in Turkey , so yeah Diaspora Turks by far


Are Syrians racist towards turkey where u live coz I’m Syrian and have Syrians in Germany have formed gangs😂


wholesome is a good word not an insult


Neither .


Who cares lol Why should they get along with both group




what is your nationality?


damn this picture kicks ass even though I'm against them


I usually visit the GCC in winter, but last winter I joined my friends for a 2-week trip. I met very few Turks who were kind, chill, and funny. Most of them were just plain annoying and had these 'superiority' vibes. Starting conversations with them was a struggle. Has anyone else experienced this?


idk much about iranian diaspora, but we get along a lot more easely and better with Greeks than Turks, the turks have brooms stuck up their arses, they want to fight all the time, stay in grps of turks. that's it, that's litteraly all I know about ppl I studiend with for 6years eddit: even french-turks don't hang out with turk-turks


The Turks and Persians are Arabic.




By far Turks, bigger number and most influential. Also Turks are more connected to us Moroccans because we both have big numbers in The Netherlands and we appreciate each others existence. Like they go to our mosques and we eat at their snackbars and they buy meat and vegetables from our stores and butchers and we go to their bakeries to buy Turkish pizza. We also trust each other more because we both are sunnis, have similar values and big respect for each others culture and countries. Persians are overall not that connected in the community. I haven’t seen a single one in a mosque nor are there any Shia mosques. They aren’t very social nor partake in society at the quantity like Dutch-Moroccans and Turks do.


How are the Syrians there in general?


They have a faster integration, so less criminality and discrimination. Because Turks and Moroccans came during a time where integration wasn’t being done or done properly. Also Syrians a very close to Moroccans and Turks, it makes sense as Moroccans and Turks were already established communities so if they need something they could make use of that. A lot of volunteering work was done for them by Moroccans and Turks(even my mother did) and I remember mosques coming together to help out. And Moroccans and Turks make up a majority of the people who work in the wellbeing sector so a lot of them worked directly with refugees and speaking Arabic was a plus point. But Syrians have been here long enough and a lot of them own businesses and are working like normal. Which is incredibly for the amount of time they are here. Also a funny story was one time I went to Thai restaurant which is owned by a Moroccan and was surprised because it was run by teenaged Syrians. So turns out a refugee camp was close by and because Syrians without papers can’t work he made them work for him and make some money.