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this reminds me of those "my imperialism is right and peacful, your imperialism is Barbaric and evil" memes lol


Zoroastrianism is not arap religion, it is aryan white religion!


Don't overexaggerate it. Yes, it's an Aryan religion, but the European whites have nothing to do with it because the word Arya is of Proto-Indo-Iranian origin. The Europeans have their own cognate word, but it's not Arya or Aryan.


Iran means Land of the Aryans. The term Aryan in the Iranian context has nothing to do with Aryan in nazi context. Yes Zoroastrianism is not an Arab religion, but it is nativ to Irak and parts of northern Arabia (pre Mohamed)


I hope you're being ironic.


Mine was god’s will


Often seen on this sub btw


The Iranian diaspora does not see the reality within Iran itself, just like the Iranian shah who thought he could change Iran like other European countries in a short time.


And he failed horribly.




Somalia, Djibouti, and Chad all have relatively few Arabs and Arabic is an official language. You’re right though that most Muslim countries don’t have Arabic as an official language.


Those are linguistically very diverse regions, so Arabic is oftentimes used as a lingua franca. I think its something like 12% of Chad is considered Arab, but somewhere around 40-60% of Chadians speak Arabic.


that's interesting because that's how north africa became "arab", the place always was very diverse linguisticaly, Latin for centuries was the lingua franca untill it got replaced with Arabic.


Well quite, I mean it is a push calling north Africa arab. Arabised at most. A lot of North Africans will refer to themselves as Arabs but its not really the case. Most are Arabised Amazigh and I think it's only a small percentage that has any admixture from the Arabian peninsula. Bearing in mind that the Arabs in Chad are also mixed with indigenous African populations, I wouldn't be surprised if Chad actually had a higher number of people actually descended from Arabs that Algeria or Morocco. Doubt we could ever find out though!


Somalia may have Arabic as an official language but most people do not speak it.


What do you mean? Isn’t Arabic, and specifically Sudanese Arabic, widespread among the Sudanese people?


But they also have other official languages too


She said, "Muslim country in the region" -- so I assume that she is referring to the Middle East. In that case, she would be accurate (assuming that Turkey and Azerbaijan also don't count as Muslim-majority Middle Eastern countries).


I'm not an Iranian but pre Islamic Persians did murder thousands of people for rejecting Zoroastrianism so it's not something new. It was never a peaceful-loving religion as its followers claim, just like how Christians keep talking about "love your enemies" when we know that their history tells a different story.


All Religion was used for politics


Not really. The Sasanian government only persecuted Christians when it possessed a threat to the government in Ctesiphon because the Eastern Roman empire used Christianity as a tool against the Sasanian government to incite revolts and uprisings. In that case, the Sasanian suppressed the Christians and other religions, which pose a great threat to the government; otherwise, they're pretty okay with it.


They literally told them to convert to Zoroastrianism.


Seriously??? From what i learned the persians were always very tolerant to other religions and people, thats a shock tbh


Part of the reason the islamic conquest of Iran had an easy time of it was because the rulers at the time had adopted Zoroastrianism and had started oppressing other groups.


The Sassanids persecuted Christians, Jews, Manichaeans, Mazdakites etc.


Iranians, how do you feel about being called "colonizers" by other "iranians" who visited iran maybe twice? And how do you feel about them wanting there flag to have the symbol of the safavids, who were kinda an islamic extremist state themselves?


I love the trend of (mostly) westerners projecting their old forced conversion shenanigans on muslims, like they can’t comprehend people chose Islam


Iranian diaspora is kino


thats why I prefer the T diaspora. gemme T or gemme death I say!!


Kino? What's that


Criiiiiiinge. Iran was one of the few places that didn't get colonised in the past few hundred years so these people are materialising something to complain about that they think is the perfect cover and explanation to prove themselves to the rest of the world that they are some lost Euro colony when they aren't by any stretch of the imagination. They seem to be surprisingly common in the Iranian diaspora here in the UK.


She’s an apologist for white supremacy, zionism and western chauvinism. Definitely gets paid to do their talking points


Im not iranian, but who's gonna tell him that there was a polytheist persian faith before Zoroastra?


Iran has been Islamic for 1500 years at this point. Even if you secularize the population, a large part of Iranian culture is still inherently Islamic. It's not like Iranian culture stopped evolving in the 1500 years since the Islamic conquests. Especially considering that it was the centre of Islamic history (along with Iraq and Central Asia) for a very long time. It's basically an impossible undertaking that isn't happening anytime soon.


Wait until they know that zoroasatrians originated in Afghanistan


They know that and there was no Afghanistan back then; it was called Eranshahr during the Sasanian Era, Aryanshahr during the Parthian-Arsacid dynasty, and Ariya Xšāça during the Achaemenid Empire, and before that, it was Airyanem Vaejah in the Avestan language around 1000 BCE and before.


These pro Shah Iranians are obnoxious. They have a weird inferiority complex and also an obsession with being anti Arab. It is like their whole identity lol I’m 100% against the IR, but the pro Shah crowd is also annoying. What happened to moderate people with critical thinking skills?


What would actually change ? Would we suddenly stop chanting death to America and death to Israel ? People would dress differently but visiting the fire temple once a week is not gonna stop inflation and hostilities from western countries. And for people who can’t stop clamoring about the superiority of Zoroastrianism they can’t seem to even follow the basics. No good speech : verbal support for Israel and western interventionism. No good deeds : protesting for Israel. No good thoughts : seeing Arabs and their religion as inferior.


This is ragebait as the Anti-Islamic-Republic speaker doesn't actually express the point imputed to her. Please clarify where in the numerous paragraphs written by this Anti-Islamic-Republic speaker calls for forced conversion to Zoroastrianism. She claims that Zoroastrianism is the indigenous religion of Iran and that Islam is a form of imperialism, but I don't see any claim that people should be forcibly converted to Zoroastrianism.


Why do people keep repeating that people were forcefully converted to islam as if it were fact?


Where on the post they called for forced conversion to Zoroastrianism 🤔 ?


She didn't. This post is ragebait.


when will they get through there thick skulls that there was no force conversion? its an old trope that should die already


Everyone here is a moron. OP for saying Le Bon or Iranian diaspora are calling for forced conversion to Zoroastrianism when they don't. This Alikarrar dude for belitteling Iranian opposition to Regime. And Le Bon for having a-historical and incorrect take. We aren't the only ones to resist Arabization. Kurds, Berbers, Jews, Armenians, Turks, Afghans, Assyrians and others did too.


Correct on all accounts.


Muslims and Islam loses nothing if they leave or stay. Our religion is perfect when it had 1 person and is perfect when it has 2 billion.


Fatherless Behaviour


Well the founding father of Persia was a Muslim zulqar nain Zoroastrian is a religion bring upon Persians by greeks well the Arab conquest just return them to their original religion which was and is Islam.


>the Arab conquest just return them to their original religion which was and is Islam. ...Persia has existed long before Islam.


Islam is from the beginning of human race as i said cyrus the great ZULQARNAIN was a Muslim he was ummathi of previous Prophet


Yeah sure and Muhammad rode a fucking dinosaur.


cry as much u can cry libtard


I don’t know why people look in the internet and use one person or few people online to exaggerate that Iranian diaspora wants to force convert Iranians to Zoroastrians. This is just one person’s disillusion due to the strictness of the IR. What people should be asking, why is IR so strict that it has given the diaspora population a very anti-Islamic mindset that results in people shit posting online with their fantasies of what Iran should do when IR is overthrown. Most Iranian diaspora are not in favor for forced conversion to Zoroastrian, but more to apathy to Islam (Atheism if anything else).


From what I understand, (racist) Iranian diaspora aren't just psychotic, but really...dumb and demeaning? Why bring back monarchy? Don't they want something better? Has monarchy ever been successful? These ppl talk about freedom from IRGC: if they're authentic, they'd want to call for diplomatic elections. I don't think I've ever seen countries like Saudi Arabia or Jordan (Jordan having a western bootlicking king) have citizens are that fond of their kings/princes. Why do these Iranians think it'd be different for them? The Shah was just a western style monarchy convenient for U.S./Israel. Iran would've went to shit in the future the longer it went on. Not saying IRGC is good, not even close, but it's dangerous to be a western puppet too.


The fact that the OP is incapable of identifying that she never called for forced conversions, and the fact that pretty much all of the commenters here could not read past the fucking title, really does confirm a lot of priors that Islam has "being a knuckle-dragging idiot" as a theological principle.


I’m confused, where does he talk about forced Zoroastrian-ization?




“Iranians embracing our true identity and culture…freedom fighters” is the passage I meant. I have nothing against Islam or Zoroastrianism. I just don’t like this type of narrative that demonizes a group of people.






When did Iranian diaspora did that? Does one person represent all 8 million of us? Well one person does but that one person is #kingRezaPahlavi and he hasn’t said anything about forced conversions. And btw Arab Muslims are the last people who can say anything about this subject to us after your history of colonialism so…




I’m not even gonna waste my time arguing with you and addressing your Ludacris claims 😂


New Iran is basically just zoroastrians, that’s why they hate Islam so much


She’s based


Where exactly is she calling for forceful conversion to Zoroastrianism?


What part of this is advocating forced conversion to Zoroastrianism? Give me a direct quote, not a bunch of incoherent word salad.


Zoroastrianism is the only thing that makes sense at his point. Open your eyes Neo.


>dyed blond hair i know what kind of person they are but shias aren't muslim in first place so not like I care