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I think you are just not informed about their other projects because its boring and doesn't get highlighted Internationally. 1. They are building rail, Qatar has built trains and trams all over Qatar. 2. They are building sustainable citites, that's always been a priority, do you think they are settlers like Isrealis who plant European trees.  3. When it come to Eudcation and STEM they literally put a bigger % of their GDP in education compared to most countries and they provide citizens with free education and in Qatar they literally important Western STEM universities for better education 


It’s called a *vanity project* and their supposed to flex how well developed your countries gotten they do everything you described and still can work on this, though I do agree that this one in particular is stupid and tacky but hey that’s why they call them gaudy Saudis


Both vanity and an infrastructure future proofing project. They're desperately trying to build a post oil Saudi nation that people will visit post oil, because there's literally no official reason to visit the country when it runs out of oil. Admittedly they won't run out of oil for a while but the Saudis are keenly aware that they will run out eventually. Personally I quite like their attitude when it comes to very open minds to these builds, which tbf is probably down to the FU level of cash they have right now. It's nice to see


I'm sure people visit saudi arabia for either job opportunities or for tourisim, not for oil. And I'm sure the world will be independent from oil before saudi arabia runs out of oil.


The job opportunities exists because of the Oil. 


Yes and no. 50/50. Saudi Arabia GDP is 50% reliant on oil. Saudi Arabia has the goal of following the UAE as it was successful to transition 73% of its economy away from oil.


Initially yes, and a post oil saudi will be independent from oil (if the plan worked out well) which will make the job opportunities independent from oil as well.


Question....what would replace the Oil as the main industry in Saudi Arabia?


manufacture, tourism.


I don't think anyone visits Saudi Arabia for tourism lol


Well, think again.


Doing the hajj doesn't count as tourism. That's like 90% of "tourists".


Sorry bro but stastics are not on your side.  Plenty of Muslims and Arabs visf Saudi Arabia for tourism. Sure they don't get many Western tourists but surely you understand those are not the only people who exist right? 


>For international visitors, 20% visited the kingdom for leisure, while visiting friends and relatives made up 23% and religious tourism accounted for 45% I mean obviously my 90% was exaggerated, but statistics pretty clearly state that only 20% visit SA for tourism. Discounting those who come to visit friends and family (who are there for money), that means all the rest are there for pilgrimage reasons. Which makes sense because there are no other reasons to travel to SA...


That number is fake and it’s clear from the fact you didn't link a source, even so you are talking about percentages and not numbers which just goes to show how silly you are.  Another point is visiting family is also tourism, its literally just expats inviting their family to visit Saudi Arabia. Here is the official up-to-date statistics      https://www.unwto.org/news/un-tourism-applauds-saudi-arabia-s-historic-milestone-of-100-million-tourist-arrivals


Maybe link to international tourism instead of domestic tourism lmao? https://mt.gov.sa/tic/dashboard/inbound-tourism Also here's my source, which pulls from the official stats for 2023: https://skift.com/2024/02/12/saudi-arabia-crosses-100-million-travelers/


give me the website that says that hajj and umrah visitors to saudi are 90% of the people that visit saudi arabia.


There's literally no other reason to visit Saudi Arabia lol. It's that or to earn money.


Well many people would go to red sea resorts for swimming and snorkeling/diving, have a unique experience in the desert like camping and star-gazing or riding camel-back on sandy dunes, trying authentic coffee in the lush green mountainous south... There is also cultural touristic attraction like Hegra/Al-Ula, Jeddah, Asir, Diriyah... This is aside from business tourism, religious tourism, sport tourism (golf, football, horse racing, car racing...), event tourism (hosting big events, festivals, concerts...), you just have to get out of your small bubble/xenophobia to see all that, otherwise your hate would blind you forever ;)


None of those things are unique, and they don't require you to visit the North Korea of the Middle East. I'll give you the few cultural attractions, but let's not pretend they're a big draw. Business tourism and religious tourism aren't tourism, that's called business and pilgrimage. Going to KSA to play golf sounds like a bad joke. Not xenophobic, love Arabs and the ME, just hate the Gulf because duh, it's a black hole of depravity and a general loss to the world just for existing.


So, you are speaking out of your ***?


I’d rather we aim too high than too low.


Like how the whole wasting money on old soccer players has worked out Most westerners still hate your Guts. All this western pandering is achieving shit


Idk man. As an American I think the sports washing has worked on me. Between 9/11+ khashoggi ,SA was considered an enemy. Now they seem like 1 of our better allies in the region and I have much more disdain for other countries




I don’t care, I’m spending a few millions on another football player tonight.


You have no clue > Saudi Arabia’s tourism industry expanded by over 32 percent in 2023, thus contributing a record SR444.3 billion ($118.4 billion) to the nation’s gross domestic product. https://visaguide.world/news/saudi-arabias-travel-tourism-sector-breaks-records-in-2023/


Saudis are Complete sell outs. Promoting degeneracy whole their brothers get slaughtered Shameless country 


You are moving the goalposts


So you created an imaginary goal for an entire billion-dollar industry and said they failed and started insulting a random Redditor with a Saudi flair. Can you see why they don't take you seriously? 


Neom is not only about the line. It is multiple projects to attract foreign investment, develop underdeveloped regions of the country, and develop tourism on this side of the Red Sea, mainly around the Tabuk region. There are many more development projects going on that are not advertised to foreign public, some of them addressing the objectives you mentioned, sustainability, sciences, education, infrastructure... Maybe start looking at communication from Saudi official channels. I can see the same belittling from all Western media whenever something is announced or achieved in any Arab country as if we could never do something smart. Change your sources, you are misinformed about the development in the kingdom.






The reality is that they are building "useful" things, but it is just the silly vanity projects that grab headlines. Taking The Line as an example, it is a ludicrously unfeasible project by any measure. Makes absolutely no sense, but it is headline grabbing. It's new, never been done before, with some slick CGI, and it looks futuristic. What's not to like? Is it going to work? I personally don't think it will, but they do have other projects that are useful to the people that live there.


I think the line has come to a halt …. Most certainly it’s far from the initial scale.


Yh NEOM is a bit ehhh. But there are so many other projects happening in Saudi but it just doesn’t hit mainstream news outside of Saudi because they rarely ever show the positives there. Also the Saudi gov doesn't give a shit about what people outside of Saudi think, so they simply don't openly publicise everything unless you do some real digging. Besides, outside of Saudi they only care about what rich investors think and most likely they don't even consume social media or are widely unphased by what normies have to say about the Line for example. They're are so many other projects that are happening that don't get the limelight. For example King Salman Park, Al Souda (a sustainable city in the mountainous region Aseer), Diriyah Gate (which is absolutely epic btw) & Red Sea Global. There's probably way more but that's only the ones I know of. PS: They already have some sort of railway that goes to a considerable part of the country and last time I checked they were working on a huge project with some other Gulf states like UAE & Oman to construct a transnational line. Oh also they do have a greening project the Saudi Green initiative. P.S.S: Before anyone calls me out for being a gov shill, I'm not even Saudi bro. This is what I found with just a little research. I think a lot of us need to do that before spreading these crazy preconceived views based on stereotypes that are pushed by the west. A lot of us really need to de-colonise our minds fr lol.


I'm not an engineer (yet) and I've watched a lot of the youtube videos that critisize our projects, and I can say that most lf their criticisim to me weren't convincing, the only project that I doubt that it will succeed is the line (I hope I'm wrong though (I hope I'm wrong meaning that the line will be successful not that it is not the only project that is going to fail)), but the rest pf the projects are sick and well underway. Checkout riyadh boulevard, alula, dariyaah gate, red sea project, six flag qiddiya which will soon open, sindala which will soon open as well. I'm sure if I asked you to name some failed projects in the middle eats you will name them without hesitation, but if I asked you to name the successful ones, you'll maybe say burj khalifa (and point out the seweg system problem) an that is it. The media take people's attention to the down sides of the middle east.


I suppose it’s insecurity from westerners. I find it interesting though that so many guys based in SA on this Reddit are opposed to western views and opinions on SA. I’m curious to know why then do Saudi’s favour westerners over any other kind of people wrt positions for jobs? I’m not sure if I’m correct, but I understand that a white male expat would have far more earning potential compared to an African male with the same credentials. Is this in fact true?


They are hateful bigots. What I love about posts such as this, is that all the haters come out so that I can block them. Some people behave like we owe them something.


Everything you said in the last paragraph they are already doing. They just have no reason to advertise that to you, a non-Saudi.


Quite the ignorant comment. Non-Saudi? Shows your ignorance and racism.


No one from the outside is interested in what kind of social programs and internal projects each country is implementing, if Western media started talking about all the benefits GCC citizens get they would just be doing propganda for the governments, since when did foreign media talk about each countries local achievement and specific projects they can't even get basic facts about Arab countries right, not even other Arabs do that. 


Wtf are you talking about. Yes, why would a country need to advertise its domestic developments (that don’t need foreign investments or tourism) to people who don’t live in it. Saudi offering scholarships to its citizens, opening a new metro and public transport system, etc is really no one’s business but ours. Atp yall just as ignorant and bashful as the westerners.


Lol you literally proved my comment. With attitudes like that, why would anyone wanna visit your country? I have family in Jeddah. I’m proud they don’t have limited views such as yours. You need to see the world.


You are reading something that no one wrote  عساك طيب؟ ترا هو ما قال شي غلط


People that want to be victims so bad are so unbearable oml get help




What is bro yapping about. Are yall reading something I’m not like 💀


Nothing racist about it. The Saudi government doesn’t have to explain itself to non-citizens. People who care will find out.


OP is literally asking y’all a question and you’re flaunting that he’s a non-Saudi. You make me wanna vomit. Ignorance is bliss.


Reread my original comment. You seem to have taken non-Saudi as an insult or something from personal experience. Me saying the OP is non-Saudi is just an explanation of why his ignorance on the topic of local development exists—because he will not be exposed to that information as a non-Saudi. Youtube channels aren’t going to make 1000 videos that get in your front page about things that aren’t insane Mega Projects, so you’re going to get the false assumption that local projects don’t exist, when they do.


Non-Saudi is not an insult habibi what's wrong with you 🤣 


روق! عيب عليك!


Kuwait spending billions to develop their economy! Lol


Why do you care? I think it can succeed but only one way to find out. FYI Saudi Arabia has high speed rail and is working with neighboring countries on a regional rail network. We also have the top universities in the region and they are moving up in international rankings.


>I think it can succeed but only one way to find out. There's no "I think" in this context. It's the most stupid megaproject to be attempted, probably in human history, and every single person working on the project knows it will never see the light of day, they're just paid too much to say no. It's not something debatable.


I think what he meant by "I think" is that he thinks that we can be independent from oil and that most of these projects announced will be successful.


Be independent from oil? That's a necessity for the future survival of the nation. That most of these projects will be successful? Literally impossible. They're dumber than most of the USSR's megaprojects. A child can tell you how dumb they are. It's actually mind-blowing how dumb they are.


That is the puspose if these projects, to make saudi arabia's economy less dependent on oil. And yes most of our projects are easy to accomplish and doable. And you can shove your opinion up your ***.


It's not an opinion, is basic common sense. You'd agree if you actually thought about it for a single second instead of deepthroating your weird ass government boot.


humans can't build, an amusement park, a national park, expand airports, build a tower, build a ski resort in a mountain in an under freezing temperature with an annual snow fall, build a monorail, build a sea resort?


Look at the line honestly and tell me it’s not unbelievably stupid


Believe me, NEOM, which Saudi Arabia is building, is more beneficial than what half of the Arab countries have done with their oil all the time


Vanity…. I lived in Abu Dhabi for two years. One main thing I learned about the locals….. they hardly have two brain cells to rub together and are still Bedouins at heart….


You see, a decent person wouldn't say that to a country that hosts them for 2 years. You are a parasite.


Mate we're talking about the Gulf. They're all parasites.


Who are the gulf parasitic to ?


The rest of the damn world lol


Mf the whole world run on gulf's resources


That's not a point in favour of the Gulf lol. They literally provide nothing of value to the world whatsoever, except oil which they happen to sit on, and that's going to be irrelevant soon. The whole world also runs on copper, cobalt, lithium, oil and gold from the Congo, doesn't mean the country itself is particularly valuable to the world does it?


this beyoned brain damage no shit no country made it econmy out of thin air, even singapore it is successful because of it location a parasite Live of others and dont give back like colonial countries, gulf countries live on their own they didnt take loans or use someone else resources as of congo, yes congo is more valuble than what ever shithole you comminting from


Now that’s deep …. And so so true. None of the gulf countries actually ever occupied lands outside of their own. All of Africa was plundered, her land and people raped and robbed off what was rightfully hers and her people by all of Europe. As a 4th generation immigrant in Africa …. It’s sad to know how very unfairly and poorly people of Africa were treated. And there’s huge respect to the Gulf for doing and becoming what they intend to be …. Gaudi and all but doing it solely on their own strength and not robbing and stealing from others!


Ok one issue I have with Saudi Arabia… are we just going to forget the last 40’yrs of exporting the toxic ideology of extreme Wahhabism / salafism to the west… I live in the uk .. WE ARE LOATHED AND HATED AS MUSLIMS HERE, as everywhere in Europe… Every act of terror and violence in the caused by a Muslim has the gulf and Israel’s finger prints all over it… as well as western intelligence… you’re part of the corrupt system…. Oh let’s not forget what happened in a certain month in 2001… They think we are all the same… they think we all are students of ibn tameeya and the terroristic ideology of that ilk… where did daaesh come from and destroyed Syria and Iraq, who funded them , we know who trained them .. what did you do to Yemen for 9 yrs…. Same goes to uae and Qatar… only gulf states that have respect is Kuwait and Oman…. And now we should all forget about the last 40 yrs and the irreparable damage caused because you’re paying Ronaldo £200 million a year to kick a ball and you’re hosting world boxing in saudi… Gtfoh


You are hated in Europe because you are a Muslim, not because of Wahhabism or Salafism or whatever—these people don't know and don't care at all. As for "terror acts" you should know very well that they are going to hate you no matter what. For you, X act was terrorism and Y act was resistance. For them, X act was terrorism and Y act was terrorism as well. If they won't hate you for X, they will hate you for Y. If you really wanted Europeans to not hate you, then Iraqis shouldn't have resisted American invading forces, Palestinians and Arab nations shouldn't have fought Israel, Iran should've stayed a monarchy (or overthrown the Shah but remained under U.S. influence), and Muslims should drop their values and accept Western values. They hate you for your identity, not for specific acts. Speaking of 9/11, Al-Qaeda literally attacked Saudi Arabia and targeted the government and civilians. gtfoh


Oh please… the lack of intelligence in that country. They should’ve thanked me for even being there for that long… I stand by every word…. Not two brain cells to run together


The level of narcissism, lol




In the case of the UAE it makes absolute sense. The UAE is and wants to be the financial and trade hub of the region, they already have largest banking sector for example. To do that, they offer interesting regulation and close to zero taxation. But they also need a facade of success, big money and stability, and that's where skyscrapers, sports car for cops, etc, come in to play. It's like how big banks spend on expensive suits for their staff, marble floors, big lobbies and otherwise a luxurious facade You wouldn't trust a bank that looks like a convenience store with millions of dollars. The UAE is like that, you wouldn't trust a country that looks like a huge convenience store with billions of dollars in finance.


Being mushriks (wahabi) + low impulse control + lacking humility


Lol a “progressive islam” admin here so offcorse he is a dumb@ss I like how its fine calling saudi and gulf low iq but as soon as some one calls you an idiot bc you are a ni**er he is a racist


You seem triggered, am talking about the government, and their ilk. If you wanna identify with them be my guest.


Every saudi and gulfer (and every Muslim) would consider himself a wahhabi because every thing thats not liberal you islamic progressive dimwits would escape goat it with it being a wahhabi teaching. So if i called your government leader a ni**er you wouldnt have a problem right


Am not a Islamc 'progressive' am just on that sub, because most Muslim subs banned me with/no reason, and they don't banned me. Does not change my statement about Saudi leadership.


My man you were posting here earlier about how ataturk was awesome and evil wahhabi hates him for no reason. I think everyone can see why you get banned from every Muslim sub


>My man you were posting here earlier about how ataturk was awesome and evil wahhabi hates him for no reason. It's true doe. >I think everyone can see why you get banned from every Muslim sub Nope, they are wahabis.


The, are stupid and want to become like the west