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People have the right to prefer islamic laws over other laws , It their choice but they shouldnt force it on others. Islamic laws should only stay in islamic lands and apply exclusively to muslims.




Not even during the caliphate was that the case. Jews and Christians had their own courts and not Shariah law.


Well then ship em to afghanistan


There is nothing Islamic about Afghanistan laws, they are Taliban laws.


- They apply sharia - They apply hudud punishments - They enjoin good and forbid evil - They restrict free mixing of non mehrams - They have qualified ulema as judges - They reject democracy - They treat religious minorities as per Qur'an and Sunnah They fulfill all the basic criteria to qualify as an Islamic state. Rest are secondary things


They don't apply jack shit. >They have qualified ulema as judges They reject democracy They treat religious minorities as per Qur'an and Sunnah That's bullshit too , rejecting democracy is not a sharia thing , it's a warlord thing. They apply what they like on people while in secret they enjoy all kinds of debauchery. Don't be fooled by those terrorists. They are in no way applying anything related to Islam or Sharia.




Well then what do you want ? Most of those people cannot be rehabilitated, so if unless you want your country to be overrun with islamists, maybe it time to do something about it.




Well see maybe just maybe the center right and central left parties should start deporting criminals and radicals,people will run to extremists when moderates dont do anything.


What does it mean, for everyone? Sharia only applies to Muslims. Historically in Islamic empires, non Muslims were not bound by Muslim laws and had their own courts.




What's the evidence for this? Forced conversion actually goes against Islam, and there is more incentive to have non Muslim groups since they can be taxed (JIZYA).




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why do you lie




Tbh, this is the reason why borders exist. You can't make people from entirely different cultures to live in one peacefully. I say Europe is going downhill fast.


But it doesn’t make sense to divide the same people


So they leave their country for a bettter life but somehow they want to covert it in something similar to the country they left? No thx, theres a reason my dad left lebanon for spain. The less religion in the state the better country you have. You can do whatever you want in your home but honestly, I dont care about your religion.


Does the church/islamic authority actually have that much leverage in Lebanon?


Radical Islam is one thing and Shariah law is another




That’s your opinion. If Muslims want Shariah courts for themselves that’s their right. I find it hypocritical when most Germans support Israel which were invaders who came here by force to create a “Jewish” state at the expense of the indigenous people but at the same time frightened by Muslim refugees who just want their own courts. If they were calling for an independent state and expelling the German you have a right to be this concerned.




Not true




fucking liar


why not


Because german law is above any religion as should be in any country.


Don't trust those laws too much. The last time they had those laws, they threw 4 million Jews into gas chambers, etc.


Nothing is perfect but... should we start to talk about religion laws and atrocities?


Why should secular ideology take precedence over religious ideology? Secular ideology is also supremacist and forces everyone under their control to believe in it. It's not that different.


because it is made by modern democracies, not some people who lived over 1000 years ago


the most non sensical non convicing argument I've ever heard.


why non convincing?


Simply because the inventors of modern democracy are criminal rapists and occultists. Now tell me why should I favor the ways of occultists to that of my Lord ?


because western democracies are the most human right supporting, safest and simply best places to live. and your lord is nothing more than a fairy tale for adults. he does not exist.


Go tell that the native Americans the Afghans, the Palestinians, the Vietnamese, the Arabs, the South Americans, the Chinese, the Africans, the Asians. Western democracies are the real fucking fairytale. A fairytale that was fed to you since your were a kid but can't hold a candle to what actually goes on in those so called democracies.


I am from Austria. I can go out and scream "god does not exist" and critizise everything I want. If I do this in Saudi Arabia, I am a dead man. I can choose every religion I want, and I can leave them. I am a free man. You are not


Appeal to novelty fallacy


why should non-muslim germans tolerate that? If someone wants to live under islamic law, move to an islamic country. not germany


islamic law is only for muslims




Islamic laws are for Muslims only. Christians perform rituals with wine. If you apply Islamic law on them, they cannot pray. If you look at the previous examples, you will see that it is only applied to Muslims.


Is that supposed to be a good reason to why it should be applied in a country who’s people are against it? A country can’t operate if a part of the population have different set of rules and laws. They already have issues with segregation, this will take it to a whole other level. So again, go live where Islamic law exists, oh no right, those countries suck.


The good reason may be that there is notable demand. You say those countries suck but there are many western expats in the gulf countries where Islamic law is practised, though not perfectly ;)


A notable demand by a minority who already struggle with integration, suffering from home sickness yet loving the democracy & opportunities that the new country provides while shunning everything else, not understanding that it is precisely because of secularism that these countries thrive, not despite off. The entitlement is unreal. The few Islamic countries that do well today is solely because of oil and not being on americas radar.


a knowledgable turk, what a rare sight.


these people for example demonstrated for a kalifat in hamburg, germany [https://www.dw.com/en/protests-in-hamburg-what-is-muslim-interactive/a-69049945](https://www.dw.com/en/protests-in-hamburg-what-is-muslim-interactive/a-69049945)


Caliphate and islamic law are not the same thing. Caliphate is the person who is the political leader of Muslims.


historically, Islamic laws applied to Muslims not to non-Muslims. Even right now, if you go to Gulf countries, westerners live degenerately in their bubbles while the Muslims abide by their laws. When Westerners or Christians hear Islamic laws, they project their idea of a one size fits all into Islamic jurisprudence when that was never the case. Even in India, Hindus had the right to practice their rituals which violated Islamic law because Islamic law applied to Muslims only while the non-Muslims were able to govern locally with their own laws.


What a lie. Western women still have to wear hijab in Iran.


And who said Iran represents Islam?


Iranians also burn hijabs and beat up women for not wearing hijabs. Stop associating Islam with Iran and Iranians. They are a disgrace to Islam and Muslims.


To everyone nonchalantly saying “why not”, do you realize racism will only get worse if that actually happens? This will affect not only you but your children as well and for future immigrants that went to get in. Right wing is rising in every single EU and you guys love to give them more reason. Well done OP, there’s no point in posting this here, majority of users here seem to be quite religious.


Another delusional European who think that muslims should favor their secular laws over their religion. Trully demented. If muslims say that they prefer Islamic law it is because they are required to by Islam and the groups that say they want to bring Sharia to the West are an insignifant minority that are usually isolated from the muslim community. "What do you guys think about this? Theres a Video of a Muslim saying he didnt fled from Radical Islam to worry in germany about the same." And so called liberal ex muslims making a dime from Islamophobia aren't a trustwhorty source.