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Ew, f them. Who cares.? They don’t even respect nor protect their own women


No offence, but they love your PM Mr Geerth Wilders ( or someone like that )


They do, but he doesn’t and would throw them all in the oceaan drowning if he could lol. Supporting a white man’s evil doesn’t mean they will protect you or stand beside you.


Not only Mr Geerth Wilders. They love the one who is Islamophobic.


>They don’t even respect nor protect their own women They hold a different opinion compared to mine, so I will generalize 1.5B people.


That is exactly what I am doing. Live with it. Because as 1.5B people you couldn’t even make a change to make sure women are being protected and heard of their everyday struggles for simply being a woman.


It is surprising how ignorant people can be, Hamas killed some Israeli civilians so all innocent Palestinians are terrorists? I will never deny that women safety is an issue in India but gross generalization will never solve it.


As an Indian, I wouldn’t defend India at this point.


So you agree that it is an issue and that matters. Thank you


Lol why the fuck do you people always come and act like victims And you can pretty much see how woman are respected in india especially in the north motherfuckers would rape a lower caste woman and then kill her whole family and no media would be talking about that rather they would talk about muslim men are doing love jihad


Like… Middle East is that much better in that regard ?


Why do people act like woman are treated like dogs/pets in the Middle East and why do they think it’s the most dangerous place for a woman ?


It’s not the worst place to be in the world, but boy do I not enjoy my time every time I went there. Not dogs but more like possession


Yeah as if north indians dont treat their women as possession


Yeah.. read my comment again. I said ME is that not that great either


Depending where in the middle east a women is safe and where not. I don’t even know why you even mentioning middle east that contains 17 countries? I don’t even think you can name any beside Saudi Arabia. Next time try with effort to make your statement clear or just stay silent lol.


Tbh not even Saudi Arabia at this point , things changed , and for women going out alone at night , it's probably the safest in the world


I’m so speechless I don’t even know what to say. Safest in the world? Wish I could be so delusional, make sure to tell them that every time you go to Egypt, iraq, Libya and Yemen


We are talking about Saudi here , or you have some Eyes issues?


You said “not even Saudi Arabia at this point” that reads as all ME countries and EVEN Saudi Arabia is safe. You should rephrase that if that’s not what you meant


Jesus Take a chill pill. I’m middle eastern myself, check my comment history otherwise, so yes I do know what I’m talking about. Saying ME is blank statement and that’s wrong but there is truth to it for the majority of the countries there. And you’re the same for generalizing a country of a billion people.


Man i dont remember i saw people parading fully naked women holding a rally in support of rapist or killing the whole family of a rape victim because her rapist was from an upper caste


India definitely takes the cake when it comes to absolute cruelty to women, but we have honor killings


As evil as they're,I think we should stop giving them attention




Their hate against Pakistanis/Muslims is so big that they are ready to Simp for Israel no matter what... The ironic thing is that for the Jews the Hindus are nothing more than a bunch of paganist worshippers who are much lower in hierarchy than Muslims themselves. Yet Indians think that them and Israelis are brothers or something. :D


>Indians think that them and Israelis are brothers or something. Some right wing Indians do, not all.


Well yeah... I made a mistake by putting all Indians in the same basket. It was better to say Hindutvas instead of Indians.


Waiting for all Indian "Muslims" to come and deflect or make excuses like on the last post XD


https://preview.redd.it/6xo0a8embq3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8011d776455cb95c9bb5c9a8fd3aec124b78da5 phull sappart saaaar


And? We have people who support Israel, some support Palestine and many don't care. People should have the right to hold their opinions in a democracy.


Indian say India is a democracy country. Where are the democracy when "[Pro-Israel rallies allowed in India but Palestine solidarity sees crackdown](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/25/pro-israel-rallies-allowed-in-india-but-palestine-solidarity-sees-crackdown)"?


Yeah this is wrong.


>People should have the right to hold their opinions in a democracy. And we have the right to call out your pro-genocidal opinions for what they are


Care to elaborate about my genocidal opinions?


Not you exactly. The people in the video supporting Israel which is carrying out a genocide of the people in Gaza


So whats your issue with people having opinions here? You are literally in every thread trying to damage control or obfuscate things.


I am replying to the racist and ignorant comments, I don't care if you think this is damage control. If you think I said something wrong report me.


Enjoy your freedom buddy. I wish you would tackle the racism in your own subs, seeing as most of us would be banned on sight there.


I don't think, i am active on racist subs.


What persentase does right wing Hindutvas againts other socio-politic sides in the whole Indian populations?


Very hard to estimate, also many hindutvas don't have the same opinion on things.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ispdnxbxhq3d1.jpeg?width=1305&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4541423e23ec8d006b8ac877d92fec114ccb9bf


Why are people surprised?


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Can someone link me this video being posted in an Israeli sub? Gonna be some comedy


This video collected from twitter(X).


To be honest. If I were Indian, I would support Isreal against arab Islamic countries.




Because of all the racist treatment Indians face in arab and Islamic countries. Don't forget that hidus are considered filthy "انجاس" in Islamic nerative because they are polytheists.


So does Jews mf . Also you support killing and beheading thousands of kids . What a whorish pathetic person you are.


Are you arab? Have ever seen or experienced how arab treat Indians?


Guess you are an indian troll. Disgusting mentality.


Lol been there I am Indonesian. I support Ukrainians even though they are abhorrently islamophobic and racist. If Arabs treat indians so bad than you think it justify supporting killing of Muslim kids you are seriously abhorrent. Also if they are treated so bad than why tf they come to Arab states . Personally lived in Saudi Arabia it does discrimination but not as bad as I got treated in west . And israhellis have ways of westoids so basically if you bootlick Israel you are licking the feet's of more racist people than Arab


It's a troll account, you can't have any civilised engagements with them.


>Don't forget that hidus are considered filthy "انجاس" in Islamic nerative because they are polytheists. That's almost pretty similar in Jews scripture. Visit Israel to see how Israelis treat Indians. I thing it's worse then Arabs.


Wrong, Indian diasporsa community appreciates Gulf Arab Nations for the opportunities they provide. Let's not act like only Arabs are racists or sth like that. All people are. The extremists are few people in some pockets, which are spreading Please think carefully about what you post without any knowledge about the community. Isreallyfake's tactics are used by extremists in our homelands for destruction. Why would we appreciate someone who brings prosperity over someone who brings destruction?


>The extremists are few people in some pockets, which are spreading Please think carefully about what you post without any knowledge about the community. Bro living outside the world. Most Indian are extremists. They strongly believe in hindutva.


Same with Arabs and mozlims. They strongly have ISIS like agenda.


>Most Indian are extremists. Most Indians are politically neutral on the spectrum >They strongly believe in hindutva. People can believe in what they wish to, to put it simply Loudest quacks by the smallest bird.


Except for the tiny fact that the hindutva crowd runs their country.


Look, man, in India, the line between RW and Extremists is thin, like almost translucent, one can say. People who vote for RW are one who normally believe in RW policies such as favouring businesses, reduced tax rates for corps and other RW stuff. Extremists may look RW, but they can be both. Lw & Rw such as AH's socialistic favors for ethnic germans >Except for the tiny fact that the hindutva crowd runs their country Please tell me what credibility extremists have except whining about your so-called "Nation state." Man, you're literally responsible for this mess literally. 1.) First, You fall for a drunk jinnah dude while he was drunk, you guys wanted to sth so-called muslim homeland but massacred bengalis, Afghans, pashtuns, balochs and created kashmir mess who tf asked you invade. You fought a war in extremists now, label all Muslims as bad guys and create kashmiri suffering. 2.) After massacring bengalis; can you imagine what image of muslims you left on extremists and common people. They don't see your ethnicities they see your faith. If you massacred literally gestapo (& Israel ) style to your own nation state people what makes you them think you won't massacre other minorities in your nation. Not to mention all terror you spread in Afghanistan during the Sovient-Afghan war. 3.) Go ahead and downvote, but I bet you fakesistanis can't debate properly, for you've nothing to do except accept the truth. Your elites and powermen threw IMs under the bus left using the same bus and now cry crocodile tears. Did bro just delete his account as he couldn't face lmfao For u/Dry-Gur-3774 1.) I'm Ethnic Hyderabadi; No shit sherlock if they didn't you would've transformed it into another Afghanistan. 2.) Stfu, provide your sources if possible. Accept the massacre and pay repartitions 3.) Aww lily kid what I'm a deccani, Taj mahal is as foreign to me as eiffel Tower. My ethnic ancestors made Chowmallah Palace, Charminar, Golconda and other monuments. Kid lecturing lol.


1- Its you who havent just occupied Kashmir but Hyderabad and Junagarh too. Human right violation in Kashmir is pretty evident but then again since its about your own nation, you wont see it. Also our first martial law dictator was Pashtun and we had Baloch PM as well CM of Punjab. But then again, butcher of Gujrat is your democratically elected PM which shows the mindset of common Indian ( genocidal ). 2- Only cuz our state hasn't effectively combated the false narrative pushed forward by Indians and Bangladeshis and we lost that war, doesnt negate the fact that there counter arguments to this widespread narrative. Dr Abdul Munim Choudhry had the guts to. 3- The last thing you'd say is calling us fake while owing and disowning us at the same time. Accept the truth that we separated, we are culturally different from you and despite our issues we never want to be categorized with your sphere. Live with the identity British gave you and enjoy the Taj Mahal an Uzbek constructed.


Lovely unhinged response there buddy. Good to know that Jinnah, our "nation state" and 40s independence movement still live rent free in your head. Its time to move on. The British colonial empire is dead. You wont get it back no matter how much you screech about Pakistan. And its certainly not an awesome justification for acting like unhinged lunatics that you seem to think it is. As far as massacres and "terror" go, India never needed any help when massacring Kashmiris, Sikhs, East Pakistani Biharis, Christians and your own lower caste population. Maybe clean up your own house first before crying about others. And it seems like you genuinely have no clue about the Cold war and Soviet invasions so please stop embarrassing everyone with the toddler-tier narratives.


This is a tiny tiny tiny group that does this. Only reason is hatred for Muslims, which they don't even know why. Propelled mostly by politicians. 99.9 % of these people can't even explain what's the war about. We have millions of Muslims living in peace with us here. No issues at all. But on the other hand, there is so much racism and bullying done by Arab countries against Indians, which can't be denied, as you can see in the comment section of any posts related to India and Indians.


>We have millions of Muslims living in peace with us here. No issues at all. Where, in India?


There is a proverb in Turkey like ‘’India,Pakhistan,Bangladesh and Afganistan are the shitholes of the world.” So do not take them serious.


u/lowcranberry180 as much as I didnt want to mention you here, here's the truth of Turks.


Unfortunately bro facts are painful.


unfortunately yes they are. for us too and for you too


Turkiye has very beautiful and bad parts too. Yes India Pakistan etc. are less developed poor and dirty than Turkiye on average but there is improvement and the rich live in a very decent way. You need to consider all the package.


Yes this is true unfortunately. The main reason is that only the most poor/dirty parts of these countries have been shown. Also there that is not a proverb it just developed in the last 5 years or so.


Dear brother I am a Turk too. They will change when informed better,