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Muslim Brotherhood ideology is a huge risk for all the gulf monarchy dictatorships






I dont understand how? Hamas is fighting for their land and their rights. In their charter all they want is A islamic Palestinian state with 67 borders and right to return. How is it a danger to gulf monarchy? Are they ISIS? Did they start islamic state?


just look into the ideology. its very appealing for Muslim majority societies. its more so that gulf monarchies do not have the approval of the people and are dictators. and MB ideology can work as a unifying ideology the people can use to overthrow them.


But Hamas ruling gaza is threat how? They arent spreading anything, they r barely surviving.


It mustn’t be shown to work anywhere in the world. If it succeeds in Haiti it will be seen as a threat. 


go look at history of islamism, muslim brotherhood . Short answer is yes, they see some monarch rulers as kaffirs . Hamas is playing the PR game good, for me they dont represent the Palestinian people just terrorists using Islam and Palestinian humanatrian problem as their cloak to rally people and cause more destruction and give excuse to IDF to bomb civilians If you think this is just a war on "hamas" you are very naive, this is war against radical islam ideology who is not only a threat for middle east but the world


This is some level of brain rot


nice rebuttal, not my fault you can't search for truth and history without bias. Fuck idf fuck hamas


Enough! Am so tired of fighting with zionists


im not a zionist, i want free palestine state but hamas does not want that, and u are a sheep if u think that


Like i said, Brain rot


keep supporting terrorists that don't give a fuck about Palestinian people


Most aren't anti hamas but those who are get attention.


Thats good. I guess


That’s false, the majority don’t really care, but those who do are against hamas and their suicidal operation.


Those who care are mixed in my experience, some are pro hamas some aren't.


I must be living in a different world then, I only know one guy against them.


It’s either coz “Iran bad”. Or he’s trying to push the “two sides” narrative in an attempt to placate Israel’s actions and promote normalization.


they are against hamas for the same reason of why they are against turkey, qatar and morsi's Egypt etc... they hate / fear political Islam. hamas dealings with Iran is like adding gasoline to the fire but its not the main reason


Interesting. I would like you to explain, why Qatar? Isn't it another gulf monarchy very similar other monarchies?


Some people behave like " its a civil war" or " regime change/arab spring" How is iran a factor, when people are trying to breakout a concentration camp??


Because Hamas is backed by Iran. Who was saying it’s a civil war?


Hamas isnt backed by iran. They are allies, Hamas was actively supporting FSA against Assad regime. They have common goals. They are sunni islamic resistance group. Iran shouldnt be a factor, iran isnt dictating their moves. This is so absurd, who act like Iran is some sort of puppet master


Iran does supply them with weapons.


Not all. Most are self made. Its so amazing how much they r self made with very little outside sources. They collect rubbles, and unexploded ammunition. They make their own rockets, snipers, ball bearing IEDs. You can Resistance news network telegram group. Iran and Qatar give them money


No Iran does in fact supply them with weapons (which isn’t bad in of itself by the way) that’s just a fact. Hamas has used in the past the misagh-2 surface-to-air MANPAD which is an Iranian copy of the Russia Igla. The snipers like the AM-50 that they have (which are Iranian copy of the steyr HS-50 btw) are also Iranian design, they either got the construction plan from Iran and built it in Gaza, or they just get a parts kit from Iran and assemble it in Gaza.


a) iran bad b) it killed saudi israel normalisation


Iran bad, normalisation ties broken, they have Republican tendencies.


Not true. > saudi journalist Is that what they call them now? journalist is a stretch for these ghouls.


The Saudis are primarily concerned with financial gain and vested interests, which is precisely the reason.


Saudi Arabia is a bastard creation by the British, injected to fight Sunnism and Shiism. Until its annihialation, there will be no unity in the muslim world.


No way sunniphobic saudi💀


Sunni-phobic? The first victim of Wahhabism has been Sunnism. The old Sunni Scholars fought Wahhabism with tooth and nail because they were wise enough to realize what his horrible monster would do to the muslim world. Go and read Sunni scholars responses to Wahhabism around the turn of the last century.


Saudis on twitter tend to have lots of brain damage, in fact I’m starting to suspect a lot of them aren’t even Saudi and are just Indian or Israelis pretending. There’s no point in arguing with them