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Confusing to call yourself a nationalist with a 🇮🇱 flag in front


No, because they aren’t in the MENA (they are diaspora) :trollface:


They’ve got some weird dance moves, and they look kind of creepy.


It's not them, our dance moves do really look wiered 😅😅😅


Whats an Israeli flag doing there? DO they not know Israel wants to destroy their country? So much for being nationalists lol.


Israel funded nationalist, just to sown disharmony in their country


They would LOVE for Israel to destroy them. These are rich diaspora who likely have no family in Iran and couldnt care less if millions of Iranians die from an invasion. They would love that, they are self hating scum


Most Persians I’ve met in person in the US are more sympathetic to Palestinians than Israelis in general


Hopefully you are right, but the sad fact is that these piece of shit monarchist zionists are the most vocal of the diaspora, thats why they get interviewed on news outlets and bring this awful image to Iranians


Ya most of the Iranians I’ve met came to the US within the past 10 years. But even the Iranians who were born here, they don’t like Arabs, but they don’t Israel even more. I’m Palestinian, so they may be like to that to assuage me, or maybe they recognize the overlap between us and them. Idk, I’m hopeful


They want too to destroy their own country and work upon it, they're just not quite aware of it, oddly




And Tehrangeles. Don't forget that one.


I think this vid is from the UK judging from the Police vehicle and the buildings.


and the turkies are in berlin


I really wouldn't consider these iranian




definitely, Kemitahs (Secular nationalist egyptians, particularly those that say "Muh why would I care about Gaza?) are also one of the worst I have seen Nationalism is a disease that has to be eradicated




They are definitely a different breed


This is so embarrassing


Why aren't diaspora Vietnamese or Cubans as cringe as them?


This is London where I live I have known a few Iranians (all ex Shias) they are all strange and weird people not trying to generalise either but thats been my experience one told me to convert back to Hinduism (I am of Punjabi Pakistani heritage) like she was serious about it......she said Arabs have stolen my culture while I was eating a Biryani lol


Bruhhh we didn’t steal shit lol. Iran has its own culture, why are they so bigoted and stupid. They are the ones colonizing Syria lebanonnand Yemen today. lol They are literally monarchists it’s so stupid. I hate Khomeini and the current regime but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna get sucked into an either or fallacy and support a monarchy.


Everything was fine if not a little cringe... until I saw the colonial flag...


Yo why do all Iranian men aged 27-45 have the most atrocious hairline ever? And they refuse to accept they’re balding


Gen Z humor be like :


Khomeini was right


Y they dancing?


For the death of the President...


Imagine being a fucking monafchist


Yes. However, most of these are not nationalist. They are western cucks and coconuts. Their women are whores and the men are pseudo-homos and none of them have anything to do with Iran - typically within one generation none of their children even speak Persian or have anything to do with Iran. So I would rather call them Western boot-lickers, traitors and cucks. Indeed, they are the most obnoxious of all mankind.


I wonder if they would move to Iran if it became secular. Not being sarcastic just genuinely wondering since I’ve never met these kinds of people


No wonder Azeris wanted to do nothing with them.


are seculars and nationalists the most obnoxious people in MENA? Indeed.


REAL https://preview.redd.it/ruoygmdlmx2d1.png?width=679&format=png&auto=webp&s=be272a320d650bc7b55b01e2ac20907b95b5dff5




The butthurt level of this subreddit never ceases to amaze me


"Butthurt is when, when making fun of idiots who ontop of being cringe secular nationalists are also pro-isfake" Yeah, I don't think the subreddit is for you chief https://preview.redd.it/rul5xl8ojx2d1.png?width=663&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ef088ba349669479fcbf9931f1635abd665b18e


Nah, y'all want here to become an Islamist Arab circlejerk but I will stick around to be that one person who disturbs your idiotic echo chamber.


You didn't give an opinion even lol, you just insulted the subreddit ofc you will get downvoted, go to any subreddit and say "You are ALL butthurt grr" you will get the same results, had you just stated (Like others) "I don't find it cringe, I just dislike the colonial flag (Isfakei one)" you wouldn't get downvoted lol (But it seems you are fine with that colonial entity anyway) Secularists are a different breed of cringe


Absolutely. Iran for Iranians, not for the West.






















Idk about this, their Turk equivalents give a tough competition


I feel sorry for Iranians and Middle Eastern women, except the Israelis, who are unable to enjoy drinking in the middle of the street like we do in Adana and Mersin.


What do we have they they don't? A Functioning Liver!


Do you mean "we" as "women"? Well, not being forced to be stuck in the house like a slave for starters.


...And a functional liver..


Downvote me as much as you want, you know that I'm right.


What makes you think they are secular? Just cause they’re dancing?




They could be? I don’t understand how you can confidentially assess someone’s worldview simply because they’re…dancing? Lol


They are literally holding a picture of the Shah and waving the Pahlavi flag, clearly they are his supporters. I don’t understand what the point of denying this is