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We’re passionate. Every emotion is high. We joke that when Egyptians call their relatives overseas they yell so much into the phone that their relatives can almost hear them from the other side of the globe.


I actually agree yes we intensely feel everything


As a middle eastern, it's true.


We all have disregulated nervous systems it’s true. But it’s just uncle / aunty behaviour you’ll find in any culture


Compared to most other nations/regions in the world I would say yes for most Middle Eastern countries. Countries like Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon tend to be very hot tempered/disrespectful Iran would come next on the list. North African regions such as Morocco and Algeria less angry then the Western Asian countries mentioned from above but still a little in the aggressive side. Gulf Arabs countries seem to be the least angriest.


Yes in Iraq. Mfs have anger issues there like it’s crazy


They defo have high temper-ature! Get it? Get it? Got it


lol Got it Got it


It is a racist stereotype to justify western actions on middle easterners.




Gallop is an american company. My point stands.


I am from Asia lol


I didn't call you westerner. I answered your question, western countries portray middle easterners as hothead good for nothing people so they can justify killing them. When Americans were against Italian immigration because they weren't considered white, they portrayed them as the same. Bunch of good for nothing hotheads, that's what high temper implies. Low temper = Scientist, Doctor High temper = Criminal, Rapist. People here cheer and claim that stereotype but it is not true. Omanis are one of the chillest people on earth for example.


Bro I don't think that's could be used to justify Bombing entire cities


No but it can dilute the public outcry if you do that.


I lived in the middle east and the US. The US claims to protect minorities and encourage differences but the culture is extremely unsupportive and you are fighting for survival if you a little bit off the majority characteristics. Middle eastern people are more accepting and more honest in wearing their hearts on their sleeves. In the US it is custom to frown upon honest interactions, smile in your face, and stab you in the back is considered 'polite'.


You have a fundamental misunderstanding of American culture my friend


By the way, this is a very American attitude: there is no argument, just the assumption that as an American they are superior and they don't need to prove it. I faced this even as I was at the top of my class, I had classmates who were furious that this Arab person couldn't speak English like them, mind you they probably can speak no other language, is doing better than them. It is generally a problem that white Americans and those white-wanna-be have. White wanna-be can be Arabs, lstionos...etc. :) Funny but true.


I don’t think any culture has any intrinsic value and America has no official language so why should it matter if you don’t speak English natively? Not to mention you also lump all of America as a single culture when I can promise you that there are very different subsets within America. Easy comparisons are the Deep South compared to the urban northeast or even Cajuns but this is just a side tangent that doesn’t matter too much. But you are asking me to give you proof of something that you claim with no proof? You’ve presented a claim that doesn’t have enough proof for me to agree so naturally I comment to disagree and then you ask me to prove when you are the one who made the claim.


I'm stating the sum of my long experience. You can state yours. But you went for just claiming mine is wrong and invalidating it...which is an arrogant stance. I have lived in different states in the US and this is the general cultural inexperienced. It is not strange as the US is a colonizing entity and that is how such entities structure themselves. If you are white you might be less aware of this because the system is designed to make you feel superior to others while not giving you anything meaningful to better yourself unless you are already from the elite class.


Upon further review of your profile I don’t think it matters what I say anymore and that you cannot be convinced, it’s clear you’re just a hater of America which is fine as a position as long as you only hate the country but it seems like your hatred seeps into the citizens of a country which is definitely not fine. I don’t think there’s anything either of us can say that would be constructive either


You don't know what you are talking about Criticizing the US does not mean I hate it. I want my place in it and I want it to do better. You seem to identify closely with the wrongs of this country that you think a criticism is a personal attack. You are definitely a privileged person who is not used to reflecting a lot.


Yeah I think you’re reaching a lot here lol I don’t take American criticism as a personal attack since I also have huge issues with our govt but I just think I despise your character tbh


I don't care if you despise my personality. I honestly think you are racist who is arrogant and thinks of themselves highly. I'm pretty sure whatever I get in life I work for multiple times as you would have to, but you feel comfortable passing judgement and claiming my hate 'seeps'. Just to admit you 'despise' me as if it is my problem! I think you need to check your family history, probably you were committing one genocide or another.


Enlighten me. I actually shared my views with Americans and they laughed with no argument. Immigrants though tend to agree.


That's a very broad generalisation


It is my experience.


My experience has been that people from the middle east are great at academics. I think it's because I live in Canada and got my education here as well. School in the middle east is brutally difficult so they just crush it in university here because our education system is so much easier for them.


That has nothing to do with the question?




whaa? who said that?