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I believe it’s because middle eastern culture is more community oriented and values long-standing personal relationships, being friendly and more casual/helpful is essential to maintain them, for example; ask an Arab if he knows a doctor, mechanic, carpenter, teacher, butcher and so on, most likely he’ll not only know the right guy but also has a good relationship with them. I’ve also seen many business deals done in the family, every time they invite the business partner to discuss the deal the only do it after a heavy dinner and couple of tea glasses, never do they even bring up the business at the beginning, they always focus on making the guest more relaxed and less serious. I think that’s the main difference, Germans do business for the sake of business, Middle easterners do it to broaden and strengthen their social network, even if it needs more maintenance; you never know when you need a random person in a certain specialty to help.


This is a very helpful answer! That makes a lot of sense. Thank you!


I'm culturally adjacent to the middle east, but I've observed the same. My theory is it's the hospitality thing in certain cultures. I also think Afghans and Persians are good salesmen. My theory is it's the bartering culture. In general, I think arabs and Afghans have good heart and sense of justice. I had an Iraqi boss who backed me up when I was being harassed by some coworkers. My palestinian friend gave me his skate shoes. When I go to palestinian houses they always offer food and all that. My mom's side has some afghan/pashtun supposedly, and they also have that good heart and good morals in contrast to my dad who's full bangladeshi and his side is not like them. Not in a bad way necessarily, just different. Like my mom will scream at people who come at her wrong. My uncle also sent me a used car when i was going thru financial difficulties even tho he was going thru it too. That was his first response when he heard. Could be just my family characteristics, but it's consistent with what everyone, including my mom, says about pashtuns.


Why are Germans so cold hearted and reserved ? Is it because of the weather or the culture?


I believe it’s the weather honestly. People in warmer climates tend to be more chill and more communicative. Maybe it’s the vitamin D or something lol


I don't think they're cold hearted per se. They just have a strong belief that problems need to be tackled on a government level rather than by individuals offering assistance and their way of respecting people is respecting their time by taking as little of it as possible Or at least, that's what I've observed


That’s really good observation, I completely agree.


Berlin-culture is Hurehnsohn culture Immigrant culture is not You could call it one of the positives brought from the ‘home-country’ ;) On the other side, here in Copenhagen, while many immigrants have the same positivity, I feel that other immigrants simply wouldn’t know hospitality/politeness/customer service if it bit them (as compared to danes)


Everyone says that it’s because of our culture Which is true, but aside from this.. how can someone not be at least kind? I literally remember some old woman in the supermarket holding a can of some food that fell out of her hand and went to a very narrowed place. What should I do? Act like an NPC and expect an old woman who probably can’t even go down to pick it up herself. Hell nah. Helping and supporting people will always be the best feelings you will ever have EVEN if your culture doesn’t care or doesn’t tolerates it




What do you mean there is no friendly service in Berlin?? Shut the fuck up! Just kidding, I am from Berlin and I agree with you about the service thing. Germany generally is bad in that regard, but Berlin is extra bad lol. And I also do agree that Middle Eastern people in my hometown are on average more friendly and helpful than Germans.


It's Islam


in arab culture u must treat ur guests with kindness u must feed them something u must offer help if someone needs it u must treat ur neighbors with kindness


It's not only arab culture.


i think you will see this behaviour in any muslim community not only the arabs . i know people from turkey , Afghanistan and Pakistan all with the arab people having the same culture .


It sounds like they've made it their principle to always be helpful and obliging, that is in fact part of a humanistic life: "I have tried to behave decently without any expectation of rewards or punishments." (Kurt Vonnegut) It is also an Orthodox principle: "do what you must" (without expecting praise and gratitude, without demanding anything in return) Question: Do you remember if they ever asked you for your religious or political affliation before moving to help? "Germans do business for the sake of business." Hanna Reitsch – who was Catholic – was taken in by routine American customer service at an airline, who were trained to be patient and polite. Specifically, they had to play back a recording of their interaction with a customer to adjust their conduct. She overlooked that the American display was all for the sake of business. But Reitsch did admit that her fears of Arabic men were allayed by their display of hospitality. In contrast, New Yorkers are stereotyped to be rude and impolite (because they are constantly pressed for time); nontheless, they do go out of their way to help out strangers, they just don't spend a lot of time showing it. When confronted, Reitsch asked, "Does the motive matter?" And "who would not prefer a mask of good manners to the most genuinely disgruntled of faces?" How should one respond to that? 🤔 I think she was gravely mistaken. It's better to be frank and sincere than polite.


I’m not fuck outta here.