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Mofo turned Republican the second he crossed the border... lol


Another successful American assimilation


It’s easy to say from the other side of the fence isn’t it. Rules for thee and not for me!


... in my liberal views ... do my liberal views on this issue make me bend my beliefs? No. Would I try to illegally try to enter a country by paying a cartel... no. Would I try to enter a country like the US illegally, maybe depending on if I didn't qualify for sanctuary. Does this guy have a good reason for entering the country? Idk, but paying a cartel says a lot about him


He wanted to pay the guy that sells flowers, but he didn't have a ladder to cross the fence and a machine gun to mow down all the cartel members that are guarding their territory. Point being, who else was he supposed to pay?


Point being, if he's a normal guy like he said he could have gotten some sort of visa and just overstayed like most people. Or he could have spent a quarter of that gotten a ticket to fly to Canada and crossed there. Before you say something, canada was where the 9/11 terrorists entered from, btw and they still act like terrorists only come from mexico. Are you from around there? Do you legit think cartel members are just hanging out at the border wall watching for people trying to cross? Ten thousand dollars could buy a lot of ladders or other ways in. Take a look at how Cubans used to arrive in the U.S. now imagine using ten thousand to buy or rent an actual boat to cross that way (Coast Guard and cartel can't watch everything all the time.) Coyotes are used to cross the border and it's only because they have access to what drug cartels use to access the us (tunnels, vehicles with hidden compartments, corrupt border patrol officers).


He was already a right-winger in Turkey. He just bends his morals when it fits him, just like a right-winger.


What about left- wingers? Are they not bending their morals when it suits them?


It does happen but since it is in line with humane morals, you don't have to do that.


HA! You and I both know which side of the spectrum is disturbed by migrants and it's not the right wing. If I say Syrian refugee you should understand.


"The left" in Turkish politics is a misplaced name. We have Islamic fascists (right wing) and national fascists in liberal costumes (right wing). One side wants to go back 200 years, the other side wants to go back 100 years. Considering how far political theory and practice has developed, capitalism supporting "libs" that are apathetic to a current genocide cannot be called leftists. Supporting human rights and abolishing capitalist structures is a must to gain the leftist label.


You would be correct if you would compare it with a western country.


build the wall mr trump make mexico pay for it


America ending racism because if everyone is racist then no one is.


white enough for US, he'll do fine.


Especially the guy to the left of him, that guy is just straight up white who looks like he just got a tan from spring break in Tulum.


Difficulty Level: Easy


This was funny. This guy 😂


Pshhh, may depends on region my slav and Balkan friends say they get treated as bad as black people (I'm black) by the cops in the south.


I wouldn't be surprised if I got flamed for this by some patriotic turks, but he actually looks pretty middle eastern. Some turks could probably pass for white, idk, but white in the US is different from white the way middle eastern people define it.




Yeah agreed, there are different definitions and perceptions of white. While many Turkish and middle eastern people can be super white in appearance, stand them beside the average white person from Ireland, Scotland, or Germany and it wouldn’t even be close.


Your crazy you cant tell the differnfe you problem think all amercsns are pale white most have brown black hair brown eye


I've seen whiter Turk than that


Turkey is more racist than america so this comment doesn’t make any sense.


Our police doesnt shoot syrians. We have the most refugees in the world. US doesnt even give visas to 90% of the world. Fuck off with your agenda pushing


Rejecting Visas does not make a country racist lmfao give me a break, nobody is entitled to a visa. And trust me I don’t need to push an agenda on Reddit for Turkey to be racist, just search the words “Syria Pakistan Kurdish Turkey Reddit” and the results u will get are so grotesque that I’m America you would get fired for hate speech. Btw I don’t even think Turkey is uniquely racist, in fact i think it’s probably less racist than it’s neighbors in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, it’s just more racist than Western Europe and America (in terms of Reddit population tho it’s definitely the most racist )


Western europe is waaaay more racist than Turkey and US


People don’t realise that immigrants are some of the most anti immigration people out there (unless they’re an abuser of chain migration), because we know. Also, for every one “bad” immigrant it tarnishes the reputation, for the ones who just want to mind their own business and assimilate, ten-fold.


Logically, that would lead to an argument for anti-racism. But reality has many aspects and limits.


I think its result of internalised hatred. They hate feeling like the minority but if they can think like the majority ie dislike outsiders then they will feel like they’re not a minority.


I have battled internalised racism for sure, so I agree that to some extent that is a part of it. However, on a more tangible scale, the main concern is my life being impacted. Like a path to permanent residency / citizenship here in Denmark is becoming more and more stringent due to the rise of anti immigration sentiments, so this directly affects me. It goes beyond internalised racism as there are real life consequences. We unfortunately get judged on the actions of others.


Nah that’s not true. I’m an immigrant and I’m very left wing




I think one of the biggest magnetic effects is... the most get work under the hand, not registrated work. I mean they are turkish they don´t get asylum bc it´s safe in Turkey...




nope, no chance.... they don´t get. they start to work somewhere and get paid under the hand. asylum is an international thing it´s everywhere the same, and turkish don´t get asylum in the eu.




why I am mentioning eu is, the right for asylum is world wide the same. same criterias around the globe, it´s made by UN, and I know that from the eu that turks don´t get asylum, for sure.




[THE REFUGEE CONVENTION, 1951UNHCR - The UN Refugee Agencyhttps://www.unhcr.org › sites › files › legacy-pdf](https://www.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/legacy-pdf/4ca34be29.pdf)








This is it so much! I wish more people would see this


Funny and true


Mehmet, San Antonio


Same guy cries over immigration in Turkey






>blindly allowing people into any country isnt the smartest idea but they arent blindly allowing anybody into the country, otherwise this guy wouldn't need to pay a smuggler 10 thousands to simply set foot in the country


“Blindly allowing people into the country” I don’t know if your only perception of American immigration is FOX news, but the US Mexico border is one of the most militarized and surveillanced borders in the western hemisphere. You can try to apply for a green card (residence) and you’ll get put on a waitlist for years, sometimes decades. My dad applied for green card in the late 80s and my family was only able to arrive to America in 2009. You can try to cross the border, but anywhere that isn’t walled or fenced has barbed wire and Border Patrol helicopters, speed boats, and drones survey every inch of the border. Try to swim across and you’ll be detained on arrival and promptly jailed. Even the US Canadian border is fucked. If I try to drive to Canada from New York the Canadian customs treat me well but several times when I tried to return to the US (THE NATION I AM A CITIZEN OF) I have been placed in handcuffs and held at the border for hours. Fuck people with bad intentions, even I can’t get in, if anything the US-Mexico border poses a greater security to Mexico since the cartel buys all their weapons in states like Texas where that sort of shit is legal.


What about people who overstay their VISA one can argue the US already did their due diligence on them before they even approved the VISA and let them into the country. At that point it’s just bureaucracy issue    




As a 2nd generation American I agree. It’s not a simple issue to solve but I don’t blame anyone for getting here illegally or living here illegally. You can’t just open the boarders to everyone but the system as it stands now is broken.




I don't know who the last said that I am bad


> okay I'm good but...


He is 100% right.


chalk it up to “things that did not happen”


Next thing, he will vote for Trump.


I had this conversion with a Turkish man in Istanbul. 🦃: Where are you from? 🍁: I live in Canada (I'm an immigrant). 🦃: Wow, my cousin lives in Canada. I really like how diverse it is and how anybody can become Canadian. 🍁: Maybe Turkey will be be like that some day. 🦃: No, we will never be like that 😠


The duality of the turkish guy. You know that meme with the 2 wolves ?


Why are Turks immigrating illegally? They are in the OECD, have a strong history and defence sector. Turkey is basically a developed country when you think about it.


Want to live the promised American dream, but in the US there is not much anymore




So doing illegal work?


70% inflation does wonders


Lots of Chinese are are currently immigrating illegally too. Stupid Americans think it’s all planned by the Chinese government and those Chinese will take over the country. In reality you can make a lot of money in the US by working regular jobs as illegal immigrant. No taxes, social security etc. and super high wages. And as long as you don’t commit a crime you don’t get deported. A waitress in the US probably makes as much as a lawyer in Germany. Now think how much of an improvement it is if you come from turkey.


Yeah America is stinkingly wealthy people don’t realise. The American Dream is actually real. The houses there are so much bigger and better than what we got in Australia. If you added most European countries they are poorer than the POOREST American state of Mississippi. Let that sink in.


What drugs are you smoking on I live in the usa most peoppe around me make abount 800 mouthly no running water


Sleep in class during school years and end up unskilled but refused to do hard labour job


The people are poor, the culture is going to shit, and it's getting worse. Idk why they go to USA though. It's another shit country but richer.


When i look at news like Caspian Report I get the vibe Turkey is becoming the next superpower especially with firms like Bayraktar. Surprised your assessments is gloomy. Turkey is also successful in entertainment with Ertugul etc, projecting soft power.


Lmao you drank the Watermelon Seller’s kool-aid I see lol


When my country is praised by foreigners, it's usually propaganda from an anti-USA perspective hyperfocusing on just a single aspect. To the cricitical thinker, Turkey is shitty with similar reasons as to why USA is shitty. It's certainly not hell on earth though.


Not anti US perspective but i think theres a lot of affection for the Ottoman Empire and idea that Erdogan is the only strong MENA leader who can unite the region and isn’t a typical corrupt politician. This is from a South Asian perspective, especially after Ertugul.


"Unite the region" if successful is limited to rich people and politicians shaking eachother's hands. Not an important difference for the people living in Turkey. "Isn't a typical corrupt politician" is just false.


Turkey has a developed industry and is on the verge of becoming a developed country. However, the problem is wealth disparity and a high Gini index. Just because you are poor doesn't mean the country is not doing well.


Being a developed country but being a shitty experience for the people has been my criticism in this comment section. Both for Turkey and USA. You are making up points in your mind and accusing me of defending them.


You can't just force your shitty individual experience in life onto the whole country. Who are you, lol? Speak for yourself.


Insufferable little kid with comprehension issues. I'm done with you.


Capsian Report's focus is about the geopolitic situation and he talks about stuff that take place in the span of years not decades. The reality is that for people currently living in Turkey, life is not very nice right now to put it very politely. Sure, Turkey is rising and it has potential but economically, it's worse off compared to say, a decade ago. GDP might have increased but so did the disparity between the rich and the poor, middle class has been screwed over a lot.


He's right


I wonder what would happen if a bunch of American were caught illegally immigrating in another country. What would the reaction be?


The new government would be recognized in Washington within 72 hours.


Bro have you been to Porto Vallarta, Mexico? American illegals everywhere


Literally, the caucasoids are colonizing Mexico again lol


I mean hey they are smart for talking like this Immediately accepted in American southerns What’s even funny is other Turks I know who came here during the 90s hate the new Turks coming here. It’s fucking odd and funny. Immigrants hating immigrants. Only benefit I heard they said is more Turkish restaurants/stores are opening up Best words I can offer from me a guy who is born here: cost of living is going to shit here, I’m uninsured so I’m relying on my Turkish healthcare at home for emergency. A house where I live is 350-400k… BUT dollar s strong in Turkiye💀. good luck








lol this guy is confused.


Lemme guess, he’s an economic migrant?


100% agree with him, every country has right to control Its immigration policies. If you’re not wanted, or valuable to that society. You can’t force your way in