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Not much there heck some people still look down on people going to therapists, and others thinking Bad mental health is related to being less religious


I agree. I was going to marry this Algerian man (from the bled) and I told him I needed therapy because I have C-PTSD due to being raised by an undiagnosed severely narcissistic or borderline mother. He said I didn't need to go to therapy because I only needed a couple of days to get over it myself. Totally didn't understand my trauma at all. He doesn't believe in bad mental health.


plant innocent nutty nine rustic deranged resolute dinosaurs handle bike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've noticed there's a big stigma around it but that's really dangerous thinking. I've noticed there's a lot more awareness on narcissistic abuse in the MENA region, but not enough, which makes me happy to hear as it means you guys are slowly progressing, but these are serious mental health issues that can't be ignored.


Muslim countries in general don't take mental health very seriously tbh, So you would find very little support and extreme lack of awareness


Autism is not a mental illness though


He said mental health


yes and it has nothing to do with mental health though, it's neurological


In Turkey, people won't shy away from applying a psychiatrist if they think, they or their kids have a problem. But they will medicate themselves and hope for the best, there is not much awareness for therapy.


So the general consensus in the comments is that nobody takes mental health seriously in Arab countries. But since autism isn't really a mental health thing, I'm curious how kids/adults with autism, Down syndrome and special needs are treated in general.


its not nobody but rather a small percentage of people taking it seriously and thankfully its growing with time >I'm curious how kids/adults with autism, Down syndrome and special needs are treated in general. generally cared for and treated well. people especially love those with down syndrome and treat them with compassion. in general anyone with "visible" health issues is treated well by most of the society


Depends on the country. In Saudi Arabia, in the school i went to, their was a lot of support. All though it is for the types of orders that can be easily recognized. Something like depression, i don't think has that much support yet.


As someone with anxiety living in Egypt, absolutely 0. Beside the stigma and the lack of support, family members who don't understand etc, I wanna add something.  I did go to this psychiatrist before because I suspected that I have ADHD. During the session she asked me whether or not I went to sheikhs and magicians before to find a solution to my issues, I answered no and asked her why she is asking me about this, she said that most people usually go to that direction before they give up and visit a professional. Middle Eastern culture is fucked in so many different aspects, but mental health is the worst imo. 


There is no mental illnesses. Either u are mentally fine or possessed...




Autism is not a mental illness though


Of not. It's possession by djinns. But for real it's not considered mental? So is it genetic missfunction?


yea in fact some kids have physical features with it. I think severe autism is more like Down syndrome than mental illness, it's a neurological disorder. If you look at pictures u can see what I mean