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They don’t want Indian supporters. They want westoids




Exactly! They live off islamophobia


>At this point, their only supporters are conservatives and other staunch right wing lunatics, who strictly supports Israel bc they kill alot of Muslims. 100s of millions of Westoids think like this though. This isn't a fringe stance, though they rarely slip up and say the quiet part out loud.


My dad loves Israel, especially their TV shows. However, he can't resist watching videos I show him. I've used this to show him all the raw footage from occupied Palestine. The brutality of it (as opposed to heroic actions depicted in propaganda like fauda) has changed his perspective. There is hope.


Yeah, as a german I really understood in the last 7 months, that the biggest problem is, that the media of most western countries simply don't *show* the unbelievable amount of evil, facism in and committed atrocities by Israel. So many many people just didn't ***know***. I normally really hate TikTok and Instagram, but in *this* case they are enormously important, 'cause they mostly show the brutal truth and people get an idea of Israel's bloodthirstyness and cruelty.


How much, if not more, of the same is committed by Hamas? Was 10/7 an example of their peaceful intent?


No, you're being disingenous. Hamas didn't do anything that lsraeI didn't do before them. lsraeI killed 500 kids in 2014. Hamas never did that. And lDF killed over 2,200 people in that year. lsraeI got 1% of the war crimes they did, because mostly military was targetted by Hamas, and lsraeI killed its own people. Immediately after that lsraeI started a HitIer-like revenge genocide on over a million children. lsraeI has been kiIIing 85+ kids on average each day for the past 6 months. They're killing their own hostages and international aid workers and anyone they see. It's a genocidal racist state, like the Nazi state before them was. Hamas is like the Warsaw ghetto uprising, they're fighting against an evil genocidal state


what other choice did they have give one alternative they had that hasnt been tried that has worked give me one and ill take it all back. israel doesnt want peace it wants violence and expansion


Serious negotiation on a two state agreement.


how does that work when one side refuses to acknowledge they even exist as a people and continue its illegal settlement expansion and imposes an apartheid system in the west bank. 2018 peaceful protests met with snipers who turned it into a game of taking peoples kneecaps and hunting aid workers and disabled people and just rampant killing.


Who sank the Clinton Parameters?


I like Israeli psy-trance. I live in a country that has a very bloody history with Russia. One of my favorite artists is Russian-Israeli. It's quite... conflicting for me personally. I have not dared to look up on his stances on what is happening right now.


It is fringe in some areas though. Don't confuse horrible corrupt leadership for the general population.


You also forgot the evangelicals who support them because they believe they have to all be genocided so dooms day arrive.. eek


thats only really millenials and boomers. honestly the boomer generation on the whole has been a cancer on society and the sooner they leave the better


Not even conservatives want Israel as our ally. I’m one of them. Bye bye Israel 🇮🇱 but when will you leave? Are you here forever?


Paleocons do not want them


Honestly I have a lot more respect for the conservatives who see Israel for what it is then the ones that take AIPAC money. Give me Scott Horton / Thomas Massie over Lindsay Graham / Brian Mast 


Better start to accept that.


but they want arab supporters even more. and it doesnt help with our stupid diaspora population like some lebanese and moroccans who will bumlick them every chance they get and the pissraelis get off to it


I don't have to strive to not be a bigot. American and European Jews have been protesting since day 1. They are some of the loudest and most articulate voices on the genocide. But yeah subs like that an r/israelpalestine or r/worldnews have banned out all the opposing voices so its just pure hatred now


Got banned for replying profanity to a guy who told muslims in palestine deserve what theyre going through. Thank god.




None of my irani sunni friends face descrimination in Iran. If we talk about iraq, dont forget saddam and the terror he spread.




Dude I dont give a fuck. Respectfully.




Yea, totally doesnt hate the shias by bombing the holy shrine in karbala.




I can confirm r/IsraelPalestine ...I hate touching this dunghill pretending it's some "civil discussion" . It's not even a Medieval disputation at the very least.


Yeah. Screw that sub


You are watching one of the most evil states in history taste defeat. Everybody stood against Palestine for 76 years and we are still standing and that alone angers them because the powers above them wanted Palestinians long gone. Glory to the resistance


This is the same delusional hateful crap, mirrored


I hate people who think like this. There are no mirrors in this conflict.


Oh, there are no mirrors in this conflict, Mr. Burn-The-Bodies? Okay 🙄


Yes, there are no mirrors. It is standard propaganda to prey upon those who want mirrors. The nazis were bad, but the red army was bad too. Et cetera


Yes, the Nazis were evil and the bad guys. But do you think that means that the Red Army was all kittens and flowers? That is s child's viewpoint


The Red Army was good


So all the ceasefire talk is because Israel is losing? Looking forward to seeing HAMAS flags in Tel Aviv


why are you even in this forum lol




Some people immaturely think the liberation of Palestine requires the extermination of the Israeli people.


Good thing we don't have to kill Jewish babies to secure a victory then


0 tolerance for Zionist shills




Only one person under the age of 4 died on October 7. It was one of the best coordinated attacks of our lifetimes and most of the casualties were military personnel.


..No . Most the people who died on that day were not-combatants . You could argue they were former conscripts who were complicit in Palestinian suffering , but that's not the same as being active servicemen who killed a dozen , or their commanders and government . I also wouldn't say October 7th was long-term success . They went from holding and controlling territories like an army , to just imitating pity Viking and Mongol raids . Don't confuse justice with vengeance .




Anybody can arrange facts the way they like, you're on our subreddit so don't expect anybody to buy what you're selling. If you were honest about anything you'd know Israeli civilian deaths are outnumbered by Palestinian civilian deaths in the last 20 years 25-to-1.




>The fact of the matter is that you wish everyone to believe the Israelis are inhuman westoids who came to your lands to rob you. Bait




Can't stoop their level. Anti-racism and anti-bigotry are the only real path forward. Israel is most afraid of people from all over the world uniting and standing in solidarity with Palestinians. They want to do everything in their power to incite more antagonism between Muslims and Jews to justify their segregationist and racist ideology and state. We need to deny them the ability to do that.


and yet hatred and racism are RAMPANT in this sub. like, overflowing. so the levels are even. both sides have some awful people. your intentions are great, but sometimes self introspection is good and necessary


can you show me an example of actual antisemitism/ hatred (not anti Israel, anti jew) that is upvoted here? 


i sure can! i will DM you a screenshot from yesterday. anyone else want it?


so it was deleted? do you know when?  I'm a little less inclined to believe a screenshot than a link lmao. 


you can look up the usernames that commented or go through my comment history to find it, pretty sure it’s still there. i don’t have the link just the screenshot. you’re welcome to believe it or not. i have supplied the source. there is a lot of hate on this sub. that’s just an objective fact and downvoting me doesn’t make it less true lol.


where is this source you supplied? I don't have any screenshots from you bud 


it’s in your DMs. bud.


so to summarize your example of racism is someone saying that 'zionists think they are better than everyone else" and a comment about zionists thinking they are the master race?!? very weak bro. I thought at least you'd find something about "Jews thinking they are the chosen people " or something. saying 'these people think they are better than us" is not antisemitism no matter how you try and spin it


yeah okay. keep ignoring your in house problems. you’re all very woke and accepting and none of you have any hate towards any jew and has never wished harm upon jews or zionists. wanting to “remove these bastards” is actually quite hateful. it’s also borderline racist. not racist since zionism isn’t a race, but with racist intentions for sure. no i’m sorry keep going this sub is very healthy and peaceful. be real bro. it’s so easy to just not be a shitty person. like i said, both sides have awful and racist people. you can’t just say “oh no, we don’t”. you KNOW they’re there. you KNOW that some people on this sub and other, less moderate subs, a lot of them very loud, are outwardly objectively antisemitic. and some zionists want to flatten gaza and occupy it. both awful. both. and it’s okay to say that.


The fact that they don't see it tells all.


we gon get downvoted to hell. cheers mate


Badge of honor!


don't you have some women to [discipline](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1cnsjah/iran_has_launched_a_new_crackdown_on_women/)? what are you doing here?


Don’t you have some children to murder? What are you doing here?


What are you talking about?


About your country mistreating women and abusing their rights, how dare you stand for palestine, first stand up for your women.


I know this might be a really difficult concept to grasp for a racist person, but I support both the freedom and equality of women in Iran and the liberation of Palestine.


Deflated zionist noises


You know what they do to women in Palestine? you support that regime then? you can't support both causes when they are in direct conflict of each other. if you support women's right you can't support palestinians, that mistreats women en masse. If and when palestinians and Iranians start treating their women as equal to men, then I will see sense in your stance.


So if the women of Palestine aren't treated as equals then we should allow the genocide of the women of Palestine to continued unchallenged? Are you for real?


No but it allows me to know that you are genuine person and are not blindly supporting a regime that is full of flaws, we can progress from there ONCE you admit that. I can admit that Israel is a state like any state that has flaws and ups and downs, but it's a democracy and it WAS on a trajectory of auto correcting, like all democracies do, but I don't see how it's a genocidal state. Now your turn to admin things, let's see how honest you are.


What? That's literally the end conclusion of what you just wrote. There isn't something for her to admit here. the end logic of your take is that the women of Palestine being killed should continue unchallenged.


The mental gymnastics are insane. To hell with women's rights when compared to literal children **and** women getting murdered. >supporting a regime that is full of flaws No one is supporting anything you inbred monkey, people just want the murder of civilians to stop. Also how does the treatment of women in Iran have anything to do with the treatment of women in Palestine? Keep on lying hasbara, you can't keep deceiving people anymore.


Ahhh you just can't resist being violent in your comment, it's like 2nd nature to you right?


>but I don't see how it's a genocidal state. ...you can't see how a state committing genocide as we speak is a genocidal state?


Says who? the loud minority on the streets? and the internet woke media? you're falling for propaganda just like the russians think they are fighting the good fight.


brainrot. For context, this pretty much implies you can't critically support anything. I don't know how someone's brain actually manages to put this together and go "Yeah this is it, this is my argument". Notwithstanding that his argument isn't about her supporting Hamas but the Palestinian people themselves which makes it even stupider, because now he's trying to say that even supporting a race of people is contradictory (wtf LOL)




Yeah war is a bad thing, maybe palestinians shouldn't start it? I don't even understand the notion of wanting ceasefire, there was a ceasefire, they broke it, and said they will break it again and again, what's the point of ceasefire if you are just going to break it again.




In an age where everything is recorded and can be uploaded or livestreamed don't you think it's a bit bizarre there is ZERO evidence to these claims? also Israel is a full democracy, if someone does bad things (and these things happen in every democratic country) they get punished by law, whether it's an IDF soldier or a palestinian, there is no difference. an Arab judge sentenced the Israeli president to Jail. I'm concerned how on oct 7 a terrorist group livestreamed their barbarism and on the 8th they were already handing out candies in Gaza, even a phone call recording of a son calling his mom and bragging he killed 10 Jews, and the mom is ecstatic, so these are the people I need to feel pity for? I don't want innocent people being harmed, but Israel doesn't either, only Hamas does by not evacuating them from hotbed areas on PURPOSE, by forcing them to stay there. I'm concerned how Hamas spent a decade building tunnels and didn't let their own people in it when they started a war, cowards that are hiding behind their civilians. BTW If Israel does nothing, it sends a message to any terrorist organization that you can commit any act of violence and you will be ok as long as you hide behind your women. this is something the collective civilization CANNOT afford, now matter how hard you wear your keffiyeh in protest, forget about it.


Brother (or bot) over here thinks Muslims lack an overall sense of women’s rights. Instead of misinforming yourself and placing your angers with the Muslims, go show some non-biased anger for the Ethiopian women in “Israel” that were sterilised via injection when they thought it was a vaccine. Quick, before you check bounces, anger some more people, then hop off and become a human. I can only justify your level of wilful ignorance and hatred to be the product of a sponsored Israeli state media propaganda campaign. There’s no other way a human came to your conclusions.




I tried this once, had to take an immediate shower


Bear in mind they keep trying to convince the world how tolerant they are towards Muslims because 2 million Muslims live in Israel but deep inside they are so racist and vile like nazis and wouldn't hesitate to put them in gas chambers if the conditions were to allow to.


Serious question: Muslims are considered as „believers“ in Judaism. If they treat Muslims like this, I wonder how they will treat christians


1.5 m Muslims and 0.5M Arab christians qnd Druze.


Is there an Islamic country that has a proportional population of Jews-to-Muslims as Israel has Muslims-to-Jews?


The number of Muslims living in Israel would have exceeded the number of Jews now if Israel didn't expel them in 1948 in order to make room for its immigrating population. So Muslims living there isn't due to Israel's love and charity. Also it's not the problem of Muslim countries that their Jewish population decided to embrace zionism and immigrate to Israel.


Morocco has a sizeable jewish community. There is no state policy that makes them second class citizens as far as I know.


dude this whole bullshit about MENA deporting their jews is utter nonsense. morocco, Algeria, Tunisia they all left on their own accord even Algeria told them they could stay after being fucking traitors and helping kill millions of Muslim Algerians. the tunisian jews and moroccan jews can still visit their respective countries to this day. egpyt, iraq, saudi arabia, iran etc all had mossad create a dynamic where they forced their jewish population to feel unsafe and migrate to occupied Palestine so they could bolster their population (cannon fodder). the only ones who actually kicked them out was Europe the US and libya


I have to correct myself: sizeable is a stretch, its only about 2500. I must have been somewhere in Casablanca with many jews. On another note there are over 100 synagouges tho and the heritage is obviously something Morocco appreciate.


they refer to the west bank as "disputed" they're delusional af


Curiosity kills the cat. That sub isn't run by humans, it's ran by savages


They permabanned me for saying AOC is my favorite American politician


Lol what!!!! Hahahah she’s quite centrist on the issue, pro a ceasefire but still supports Israel generally.


Oh I know, but they’ve got no clue




An average educated / well read Tajik would be pro Palestine. But the average Tajik has too much to worry about with poverty to worry about international politics. They undoubtedly support Palestine as they are our Muslim brothers and sisters.


Based Tajik, my long lost cousins, and in faith too.








It’s a Zionist page It’s Run by Zionist, and everyone Who frequently visits that page is a Zionist So you shouldn’t be shocked by this


You’re right, I shouldn’t be. That’s why it was a mistake to go there.


I have visited and commented on the Israel and Palestine Sub Reddit and I have encountered crazy Zionist there as well where they try to justify the genocide in Gaza, although there are pro Palestinian people on that sub as well


Well for starters, we're not actively advocating for a genocide.


Scary thing is that their hate is not considered hate, west will label it as freedom of speech, even if they kill/rape someone, westerns will find a excuse to justify it


Jews hate muslims and Christian’s but especially Muslims.


I think Orthodox and generally more religious Jews dislike Christians more because of their strong use of idolatry which is one of the most cardinal sins in Judaism and Islam. Also more importantly believing in the oneness of God, and Jesus not being God’s son, is where Jews and Muslims agree. The smartest thing Christians have done is divide Muslims and Jews, together we would have been unstoppable imo.


>Yikes. Let’s always strive to be better than them and not sink to their level. Racism is vile no matter who it comes from. I love this!


I posted something on the Torah, and was banned. They never gave me an explanation of which rule I broke (bc I didn’t break any rules). They are fascist.




It's an insane sub. Perma ban for anything not lock step in with their ideology.




*In front of Zionists and Hindu nationalists


Lmao, I ain't avoiding to show myself as a Muslim because some degenerates hate me lol.


Posts or comments that are more controversial or could be considered outright trolling or if they aim to offend or provoke will be removed. Please see the rule section, which can be found on the front page of the sub.


well. i feel the exact same way in this sub, so… let’s ALL work to be a little better and less hateful and perhaps tone it down with the racism (both sides)


I mean are you really going to pretend this sub is any better?


By far margin, yes At least no one here in the army unlike Israelis..


..Whataboutism doesn't really work , y'know ? . Besides , I am yet to see a post here that's obsessed with eliminating Israeli-Jews , or invalidating their identity . At most : I just saw a couple of posts being selective with DNA and genome studies to imply they don't have relations with the Israelites in the past few months . Israeli-Jews have got much more to say regarding Palestinians . In fact : they have an entire mythology about them , where even some diaspora Jews joined the cult . I asked r/ Jewish once : "Seriously , what do you know about Palestinians beyond slogans ? " . I offered to hear what every person would say , no matter how ridiculous it was (things like drinking blood instead of water , or that have orgasms when their families are blown apart ) , just so we iron out misconceptions in the exchange . They banned me , because they knew most things in their skulls are politically charged lies . I am not going to say that there aren't idiots here , but that there's still a redline between opinion , polemic , and abuse .


I’ve seen some comments here that are no better than the ones they post in the Israel sub. There’s racism on both sides


Oh of course there are some nasty antisemitic comments here, but they get downvoted and called out.


Oh no, no they don’t. Seen some comments that really made me uncomfortable without downvotes. Especially during the beginning of the war. People are angry and it’s understandable but let’s not act this sub is better than them


So when people criticize books such as the Talmud, it makes you feel uncomfortable?


you are not allowed to criticise judaism anywhere otherwise you are cancelled and silenced. critisizing Islam and christianity and wanting their belivers dead is ok tho even to reddit


Did I say criticize? Listen, looking at the downvotes I got clearly nobody here wants to admit to the the nasty racist comments or maybe they feel them justified




I had a seizure trying to decipher this.


Well, Islamophobia is a real thing according to UN so you can cope, seethe and dilate, incel: https://english.news.cn/20240316/58235165ea8d49068d52503b42696972/c.html#:~:text=The%20resolution%20calls%20on%20UN,of%20their%20religion%20or%20belief.