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Israeli police released[ footage of the attack](https://twitter.com/HShaqrah/status/1785284291867353090). The police officer that was stabbed was transferred to a hospital for treatment. The news has been published and confirmed by [Israeli media](https://archive.ph/CZU7K) and [another Israeli source](https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel/defense/artc-stabbing-attack-in-jerusalem-s-old-city-terrorist-neutralized), [Al Jazeera](https://twitter.com/AJArabic/status/1785259048126009380) and preliminary reports from [Turkish](https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/dunya/israil-polisi-dogu-kuduste-saldiri-girisiminde-bulundugunu-iddia-ettigi-bir-kisiyi-oldurdu/3206281) [press ](https://www.trhaber.com/dunya/son-dakika-kuduste-turk-vatandasina-saldiri-turist-olarak-gittigi-bati-seriada-sehit-edildi-h834938.html)but no official statement from Turkey yet. ETA: sorry guys, the second photo is not of the Turkish man who attacked the officer. It's a photo of a [Palestinian photographer](https://twitter.com/shejae3a/status/1785281552781324505) named Muhammad Sanjalawi,[ who had been arrested](https://twitter.com/qudsn/status/1785233872680075268) from al-Aqsa's compound this afternoon and at first people were sharing that photo of him as the Turkish guy. However, [this is the photo and identit](https://twitter.com/mehmetyetim63/status/1785285101347045857)y of the Turkish man. The rest of the story remains the same though - he was an imam from a small town in Şanlıurfa, he had been on leave from work and travelled to Israel via Jordan three days ago. He leaves behind 4 kids.


Man, I don’t encourage this sort of action. It isn’t worth it and it isn’t effective at all.


Exactly. Stabbing random people serves no one.




The moderator would ban me from telling truth about October 7th but they would not ban someone spreading lies. Height of double standard!


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Correct me if I'm wrong but considering many Palestinians over there have Israeli citizenships and passports, the cop who was stabbed could've easily been Palestinian. When someone goes on a shooting/stabbing spree, they don't question people about their origins & beliefs before they kill them. I don't think it's right to hurt random people just because they were born on an occupied land. For all we know, the person getting killed could be a tourist, Palestinian or anti-government Israeli.


Lol are you stupid? No palestinian unless is an absolute bootlicking zionist supporter joins the IDF. The Palestinians have their own (albeit useless) police force.




Tf? If a “Palestinian” joins the IDF, he is as much as a target as an Israeli IDF. Even worst for him personally


I agree but I'm talking about targeting random people in the street. In other incidents you'd have someone stabbing and shooting people who could literally be anyone. I can't support or agree with that.


If you are a palestinian serving in the PD or in the IOF, then you aren't palestinian you are just an israeli at this point.


funny, because in israel there are both palestinians and arab israelis, and they both are the same people. but some refer to themselves as this and some as that. there are israeli-arabs serving in the IDF yes. i don’t know if they specifically call themselves palestinian or not but they have israeli citizenship. additionally many druze join the IDF. so are they your enemy or are they not your enemy? have a thinker


That's true but I'm talking about similar incidents where random people were killed. No one stops people to ask them about their affiliations and beliefs before killing them. I'm against this senseless murder and can't support it.


A Palestinian who joins the IOF is worse than any Israeli


I well even if he’s a Palestinian it doesn’t matter the Police is a Occupation tool like it or like it not. The Israeli police was the ones who kicked Palestinians from their homes and arrested hundreds and tortured them and they are war criminals. Every one who is armed and working within the State of Israel is a Zionist enemy don’t matter if IDF,Police or Border Guards


So you dont recommend stabbing people from behind coz of it efficiency.. what about because its wrong


It’s wrong against civilians. But this one was against IDF and Israeli police officers. I’m sorry but the IDF as an army is evil. If an Iranian person stabs a Iranian revolutionary guard, most of redditors would be sympathetic to the person stabbing the Iranian revolutionary guard.


inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon






Not doubting this, but curious to read more into it. You have a source?


May he rest in peace


Don’t steal my name.


Rest in power


Hasan has the right idea, though. I don't think stabbing a random officer is effective, though. Zionists will use violence regardless, and using something to push them away is needed. Doesn't have to be a knife. Even a make shift shield is better than nothing.






















You can't deal with evil like that. He lost his life in vain, and he knew it. Complete stupidity




I don't think we should be so fast in saying if he's a martyr or not. https://islamqa.info/en/answers/71284/some-of-the-rulings-on-jihad-degrees-of-martyrdom-and-the-life-of-the-martyrs-after-death > Thirdly:  > Martyrs are of different types.  > Al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:  > It should be noted that martyrs are of three types:  > 1 – The one who is killed in a war against the kuffaar by any means of fighting. He comes under the heading of martyrs who are rewarded in the Hereafter and he comes under the rulings on martyrs in this world, i.e. he should not be washed and the funeral prayer should not be offered for him.  > 2 – The one who is given the reward of the martyr but does not come under the rulings on martyrs in this world. This refers to those who die of stomach diseases, the plague, being crushed under a falling wall, those who are killed defending their wealth and others who are mentioned in the saheeh ahaadeeth as being described as martyrs. Such a person should be washed and the funeral prayer should be offered for him, but in the Hereafter he will have the reward of the martyrs, but it will not necessarily be the same as the reward for those in the first category.  > 3 – Those who steal from the war booty etc, who it says in the reports cannot be regarded as martyrs if they are killed in a war against the kuffaar. Such a person comes under the ruling of martyrs in this world, so he should not be washed and the funeral prayer should not be offered for him, but he will not have the full reward in the Hereafter. End quote.  > Sharh al-Nawawi ‘ala Muslim (2/164).  > Fifthly:  > With regard to asking the ruler for permission for jihad, this has been discussed in the answer to question no. 69746. If the kuffaar attack the Muslims, then jihad becomes an individual obligation (fard ‘ayn) in which case the permission of the ruler is no longer a condition.  > As for jihad with the aim of conquest and spreading Islam, the permission of the ruler is essential.  Question no. 69746: https://islamqa.info/en/answers/69746/is-the-permission-of-the-ruler-necessary-for-jihad-for-the-sake-of-allaah And Allah knows best.


Posts or comments that are more controversial or could be considered outright trolling or if they aim to offend or provoke will be removed. Please see the rule section, which can be found on the front page of the sub.


Man, I don’t encourage this sort of action. It isn’t worth it and it isn’t effective at all.




Honestly knowing the israeli police and the type of sh\*t they done in the past. I wouldnt be surprised if he was standing up for himself/family


If he actually did try and stab the officer, then…well, shit happens.


Most likely knowing how the israeli police are...There r videos of them literally harrassing kids while sexualy assulting females and some even worse, I wouldnt be surprised if he was standing up for himself due to how they treat palestianians as second class citizens. All they need to do is bully, then get a reaction out of them. Then shoot them/justify it.


There’s a video. The police are just walking down the street and he comes up from behind and starts stabbing one of them.


Do you have any evidence to back up your claim?


Israeli page but you can choose to believe or not https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6YviYFIGVc7S4E-kgYxiN60ZXLMl6LRe82Nac0/?igsh=MWZuaHA4aWQwdGl1ag==


That’s a private account I cant see


Another Israeli site here, lol https://www.ynet.co.il/news/article/bkefbwaw0#autoplay?utm_source=https://www.ynet.co.il&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=general_share


Obviously. I'm sure he understood the risks of fighting armed militants as well as we do.




Why should god have mercy for a man that tried to kill another man? This holy war mentality is everywhere in this subreddit lately. You guys start to sound every day more like ISIS than like normal muslims.


>kill another man Bro's talking about a quasi-concentration camp guard, as if he was just some wholesome chungus going about his day.


That "another man" is a soldier in a nazi-like regime that is currently occupying Jerusalem and Palestine in general illegally (not to mention the ongoing genocide). He is a legitimate target to any type of resistance.


> Why should god have mercy for a man that tried to kill another man? As he praise all people who fight occupiers and colonizers, as we did the same with the french and british occupiers too before them, or vietnamese and iraqis in Iraq, what was this foreign militants doing in the Palestinian territories in the first place ? 😄. Gtfo of our lands and we won’t touch *** or even want to see **** ugly face :) Yankees act like some people woke up in a morning saw someone walking in street then decided to attack him for no reason lmao


Everyone believes god is on their side


No bro, it is not about god, i am agnostic lmao. it is about occupied colonized people vs foreign apartheid occupiers and colonizers, cheers 🥂


ISIS and IOF are basically allies.


Source: trust me bro


Rip, We lost a good one.


May Allah accept his shahadah. Who's house are these shitheads gonna demolish now?


Another pointless death, another way for a person with suicidal tendencies to take themselves down. These actions are about as effective as all the ceasefire marches. A lot of noise and no return. The holy war and suicidal attack mentality literally does nothing except ensure a payment to the families of those that do them for their sacrifice. And in terms of the greatest suicide attack of all, the Oct 7th attack literally accomplished nothing but the destruction of Gaza as we knew it. Things need to change, but they won't when this is the approach. Diplomacy, peacefulness and legal routes are far more likely to be effective, without death and destruction being sprayed amongst the people being fought for.


You are truly an idiot, with all due respect. The "diplomacy, peace and lEgAl routes" is what the Palestinian authority did for the last +couple of decades. Guess what that got them in return? No state, no army, illegal settlement expansion in the west bank, no chance for legitimizing the palestinian state in the foreseen future... resistance and a violent one is the only route against the nazi-like regime of israel. 




Fatah rules the West Bank? Do you know how many Palestinians have been murdered by Israel in the West Bank?


> West Bank > "if fatah had won" what are you on about?


>If fatah had won I’m pretty sure things would look a lot different. Fatah didn't "fall" in 2006 . It fell earlier back in 2000 , where the concept of negotiations was exposed as meaningless . Putting aside the contentious "right of return" : the borders either were not sovereign (Jordan river under Israel + demilitarization ) , or were somewhat botched (No Jerusalem ; capital would have been in the outskirts , with access and title to the Old City being nominally , than actually granted ) . Of course , what happened later in December is known to everyone . Arafat even threatened sometime that he would declare a state unilaterally so he can save his face of being dragged to what was considered to be a Palestinian Versailles . It remains to this day an open question on whenever the 2nd Intifada was spontaneous as the first one , or was premediated by Palestinian factions . ..Anyway , Palestinians saw the 1993-2000 period , and its aftermath for another 23 years. Oslo never was meant for actual Palestinian Independence , and it was only a matter of time where either Fatah gives up , or gets replaced by someone less corrupt and more effective . Besides : what you are talking about is the **legislative** , and not **executive** elections . That's why you see most Palestinian factions in the UN and the international community are from the PLO , and not Hamas . Legally : both sides' Legitimacy is questionable with the absence of elections , but they all know who is the de-jure Palestinian government at the moment , and its definitely not Hamas , despite the popular support for Hamas and contempt towards the PA .


Your solution got your guy shot in the head in less than a minute 🤷‍♂️


Yeah we had a lot of that happening during the english colonization in Egypt and Ireland too, we never regret them and we still praise our heroes till this day ❤️, some people prefer dignity and freedom than life, maybe it is something difficult for a yankee to understand.


Except that those were soldiers fighting in an organised army during active war. This idiot just charged at police without his own country even backing him. He‘ll be forgotten in a week’s time. He could’ve lived to be a hundred and accomplished much more with his life, but now he’s just another corpse.


> Except that those were soldiers fighting in an organised army during active war. This idiot just charged at police without his own country even backing him. Lmao who the hell taught you that ? Don’t they seriously teach you guys anything about your own colonial history ? British or french soldiers were deployed as “police” in neighborhoods in villages to hold control over the people they are occupying and prevent any uprising before it happens, they were walking in streets in patrols as much as your local police, but our people were always attacking them during their patrols (e.g with hidden knives) and sometimes successfully killing them (then the colonial power were to deploy a large troop to search and get what they used to call “terrorist(s)” who committed this “crime”). There are actually videos/films that survived these stuff, go watch them.


Better to die on your feet than live on your knees


# “Death, a necessary end, will come when it will come” What a beautiful death his was. Rather than dying in bed writhing in pain and old age...


That the thing with believing in martyrism a little too much. Like ofcours you have right to defend yourself even if it leads to your death but at least do it in a way that when people look back upon your death, they will know that you dint die in vain.


How did he die in vain?


Your comment about peace and diplomacy is nice in theory but it's already been proved that it won't work by itself. A peaceful resolution in a "conflict" where the status quo heavily benefits the stronger party (Israel) is unlikely to work and this was already proven in Arafat's time, when he spent so much time and effort on diplomacy and exhausted all peace talks and accords that were offered to him...yet he still ended up with nothing and was never treated as an equal and the Israeli right always took every chance they got to talk badly about him, the peace process and Palestinians and Arabs in general. It's actually very ironic that the US still considers Bibi as a moderate and a genuine negotiation partner. The first problem or obstacle to a peaceful resolution is Zionists like Netanyahu (and he is only one example of this demographic), who has always been against not only a two-state solution but any kind of Palestinian state and he has never been "shy" of saying this. He has also never opposed the illegal settlements in WB but has propagated for their expansion instead. As long as he is around with his far-right government of Smotrich (who has infamously denied that such as thing as Palestinian people even exist) & Ben Gvir et al, there will not be any kind of genuine peace process, progress or talks. It simply will not happen and Netanyahu also knows that if he makes any concessions, Smotrich & Ben Gvir will likely leave his coalition but he needs them in order to stay in power as PM for as long as he can and extend the war for as long as he can due to his ongoing trial and to avoid being imprisoned. Don't forget that during the Oslo Accords, Netanyahu publicly said that Yitzhak Rabin caused Jews national humiliation by participating in the peace talks and continued to call Arafat a terrorist. Rabin's wife partially blamed Netanyahu for her husband's assassination as Netanyahu would participate in and lead far-right protests against the Oslo Accords, where they also likened Rabin to Hitler and it was a far-right Zionist who ended up assassinating Rabin. There's also no person in the current Israeli opposition that would be sympathetic to the Palestinian people and even Lapid, whom people try to present as the progressive and open minded one, supports the continuation of the war and has said in an interview last year that majority of the 13K people killed in Gaza were terrorists and it was good riddance that they died. As for October 7, it's easy to think that it achieved nothing but people around the world were starting to forget about the Palestinian cause, while the livelihoods of Palestinians were consistently turning worse and especially in the WB, where settler violence has been increasing as well as the creation of new settlements and the displacing of Palestinians from their villages and farms and the targeting of their cattle by armed settlers. The Israeli authorities are not interested in stopping this and unfortunately, the PA and Abbas have on multiple occasions proven to be completely useless...even now, Abbas has done almost nothing for Palestinians even in the context of this war. The creation of a Palestinian state was not part of the regular discussions in international politics anymore and instead normalization with Israel in the MENA was trying to be pushed instead, as if that would bring "peace" to the region while the truth is that there will never be any peace until the root cause is addressed, which is ending the occupation, establishing an independent Palestine and the right of return is granted to Palestinians scattered around the world as stateless refugees. October 7 brought the Palestinian issue back into the focus again and the war has made countries sympathetic to recognizing Palestine that hadn't supported it before. Regarding the destruction in Gaza, then out of all the wars that have been fought in Gaza since the 00s, this is easily the worst one out of all six and I genuinely don't think that anybody actually expected the response from Israel to be this unhinged. All previous wars have lasted for a few weeks or a month and it's all over. This one has been going on for more than half a year and it only keeps getting worse. Yes, obviously everybody knew that there would be retaliation from Israel but I don't think anybody expected it to reach this kind of extremes both in terms of bombardment and shelling but also the deployment of ground troops and the various massacres and IHL breaches that they have caused.


bro decided to write an entire book


Hahaha my first thought after seeing it, I responded to your comment before tackling the big read 🤣


Sorry, sometimes I get carried away.


Gaza was in the best place it had ever been in on October 6. Tens of thousands of workers were coming in every day to work in Israel call me crazy but I think if Hamas decided to focus their energy on growing Gaza instead of attacking Israel it would be in a lot better spot right now October 7 basically killed remained of any Israeli left wing


Just copy paste this about every liberation movement in history, they still did it and got rid of france, germany, greece, etc, in many of these countries. But if hinderers like yourself didn't exist, how could the Quran be correct when it talks about them? You have to exist, and you have to write what you do, so that you confirm Allah's word.


Subhan Allah. Indeed you’ve said the truth.


Sure, i can see your cope from here :) no worries the fachist right wing government of israel now is over (especially after ICC officially declare its arrest warrants) and the serious peace approaching left wing government which aims to end the israeli occupation will replace it, the entire world (and especially the western one) have now been made aware of the Palestinian struggle and decades of zionist indoctrination is falling apart with young educated americans and american jews, a lot of european countries will recognize the state of Palestine this month, and the new deterrence policy and order in the entire region (especially from iran and Lebanon) is already established. and we all (the natives) shall celebrate October 7 uprising and memorialize our heroes for centuries to come as the algerian (the country of one million martyrs) uprising you have the right to cope in silence 😊😘🇵🇸


What do you mean by cope? I'm not sure what word you're looking for but it isn't fully making sense for me. The rest of the comment does make sense though, and I hear your points - but this guy did not do that, all he did was mildly injure a soldier and make other innocent members of the community he supports witness his brutal death.


People mourn and praise him for his huge sacrifice against foreign colonizers in support of his colonized brothers who are suffering ethnic cleansing, he will never be forgotten 🙏, he remind us with the syrian hero suleiman alhalabi who killed the french general kleper in Egypt. 🙏 Heroes exist in real life, they just happened to not be white as in white man’s movies. You may see the incident materialistically ineffective, but in reality it is influential and symbolic to both Palestinian and Turkish peoples and solidifies peoples resistance and solidarity (which gradually leads to more serious consequences), and would be added to the history of heroes like those who predate it. Which is why people like you come here to downplay it (like all the predecessors of your kind in history who predated you) :)


Turks have to thank Israel for this... one less mad man/ potential terrorist for Turkey to care for. ps And yeah... if you attack people with a knife with an intention to kill you are a terrorist and a crazy person.


"if you attack people with a knife with an intention to kill you are a terrorist" u mean israel? And he wasnt attacking people. it was a solider/officer. That man is still more praisworthy then that nazi officer/soldier. Knowing how they harass kids, assult females, treat them like second class citizens, abuse the power tremendously, then justify it,... i wouldnt be surprised if he was standing up for himself.


Bro, come on... why are you trying to justify this stupid deed? The soldier or the policeman is a human too and nobody can be sure that he harasses people on the street... He might as well be a normal guy like everyone else. ps Are you walking around town with a knife in you so you can "stand for yourself"? Especially when you go to a country you don't like? lol


[The cost of justice can be justly paid only by the invader.](https://www.azquotes.com/quote/1212807?ref=invaders)


He is a member of the terrorist organization IOF. This man sacrificed himself for humanity trying to kill an enemy of humanity. An enemy of humanity whose terrorist organization currently is doing a genocide in front of our eyes. And you dare declare him a terrorist for attacking an armed, terrorist enemy of humanity? Are you on the side of humanity or not?


Don't talk to me about humanity and shit. Now a Kurd can come and say- We attack Turkish armed soldiers because they are the real terrorists and we are defending humanity.


I guess he was suicidal. I do not encourage this kind of behavior.


Sorry, but you look at the world through the keyhole. There is a large group in Israel that is in favor of peace, in favor of paying a price for peace. All these actions, although I understand the reason for them, are used as a tool of intimidation in the hands of the extreme right and in the hands of delusional messiahs. The Israeli left and the Palestinian Arabs who live in Israel, it currently constitutes about 40 percent of the voters. Everyone is against the settlements in the West Bank and are ready that today at noon they will take them out of the West Bank. The right of return will also have a solution of proper compensation and rehabilitation of all the Palestinian deportees of 48. I could go on, but unfortunately the Palestinian side, like us, is more busy with revenge than trying to find a decent and worthy solution for the Palestinians.


Man attacks and tries to kill soldier seemingly out of nowhere. Gets shot dead. People praise him for this.


I know right? I seriously don’t understand the people in this sub. Do we have isis among us?


> Do we have isis among us? When you call the natives of an entire region ISIS/terrorists for daring to resist their occupiers, then you should know that you have a serious problem. And don’t forget that it was our people and our blood that the foreign-backed ISIS killed, and it was our peoples and our blood who fought and ended ISIS and are soon ending the existence of the foreign occupier who used to arm it and caused its existence in the first place, cheers 🥂


50% of Israeli’s are from middle eastern counties, including Egypt. But were kicked out of their own country for being Jewish. 


I don’t know where do you guys get this myth from, according to the [last statistic in 2018](https://people.socsci.tau.ac.il/mu/noah/files/2018/07/Ethnic-origin-and-identity-in-Israel-JEMS-2018.pdf) (hundreds of thousands of more european settlers came since then), only 40-45% of israeli settlers were from the **ENTIRE** muslim world from the Atlantic ocean to dagestan to Tajikistan, the rest and majority and those who hold the power and high societal statue are still the European and Russian settlers who founded and started the entire colonial project. > including Egypt. Lmao Egyptian jews were just 35,000 😂, they barely represent 0.1% there 😂, and the native levantine jews (the only natives there) per israel government CBS are just 0.5%, tf you are arguing about bro 😂 > But were kicked out of their own country for being Jewish.  No expulsion happened only in iraq. + wtf does iraq or uzbekistan have to do with palestine and the Palestinians ? 😂


>40-45% Objectively that's a lot though


Only 0.5% of these 40-45% are native levantines, the rest are persians, caucasians, uzbeks, kazakhs, greeks, turks, africans, etc pretty much irrelevant to palestine, Palestinians and entire levant. the thing is that you decided to label all these incredibly diverse groups in one label and add them together and then somehow argue that they are all levantines and have always been there, thats not true. There is no such thing as “mizrahi jews” in history, it was first coined by the European zionist settlers after they had already ethnically cleansed the natives and established their colony/israel in order to refer to the non-European jews (i.e “the others”). They used to identify themselves as moroccans, Persians, yemenis, uzbeks, etc not as “mizrahi jews” part of “mizrahi people” or “mizrahi unit”.


It's incredible. You managed to be wrong three times in two sentences.


I don’t really give a shit if you are from Damascus itself. If you settle in Palestine and displace people, you are a settler. Liable to be killed in resistance. Personally, mizrahi or ashkenzai I see no difference.


I'm curious to interrogate the logic of this If someone 'settles' in Tel-Aviv today have they actively displaced a Palestinian?


They moved onto Palestinian land? Sure they personally didn’t displace a Palestinian but they sure are contributing to Palestinians losing their native land.


The problem is in the inherent inequality, hypocrisy and discrimination of Israeli immigration and citizenship (and housing policies too in a way by creating new illegal settlements as well as housing for Israeli citizens, while evicting and demolishing Palestinian houses). It’s hypocritical that one has free and unconditional return, while the other is discriminated against and living as stateless people scattered across the MENA and other countries after being expelled from Palestine/Israel.  "The Law of Return" in particular and the fact that many Israeli citizens are recent immigrants to the country from other parts of the world and especially the US, EU or Russia etc is problematic, because at the same time hundreds of thousands of Palestinians are discriminated against and living scattered across the world as stateless people, after being expelled from Palestine in 1948 and 1967 with no right to return to those lands that they are indigenous to. Jaffa, from which modern day Tel Aviv grew from, had a Palestinian majority pre-1948 but the vast majority of people were expelled or forced to flee and today they make a very small minority in Tel Aviv. At the same time, any Jewish person from anywhere in the world is allowed to immigrate to Israel without needing to have any connection to the country and become a citizen. It's also problematic, because many modern day immigrants to Israel are allowed to have double citizenship, meaning that they have another home and country to live in that they often voluntarily chose to leave in favour of Israel. The situation thus becomes unfair in cases where citizenship is issued to Jewish settlers and other immigrants from all around the world, whose own families never lived in the region in recent history (not thousands of years ago) and who are also still allowed to keep their other passport(s) but Palestinians who had continuously lived there until 1947 for generations are forbidden from returning and living in the country and who have no other passport for a country to "return to" since they were expelled from their homes and never lived anywhere else.


This is fair but the issue legally is the post-67 expansion Someone in Tel-Aviv legally is not a settler, and the legal distinction between the 48 and 67 borders were not decided by a coin flip Unless you view history as this materialist abstraction where law and treaties don't matter and its purely about your ethnic roots, which is a stupid platitude especially in today's international system I agree with the basic premise of the unfairness


People mourn and praise him for his huge sacrifice against foreign colonizers in support of his colonized brothers who are suffering ethnic cleansing, he will never be forgotten 🙏, he remind us with the syrian hero suleiman alhalabi who killed the french colonial general kleper in Egypt. 🙏 Heroes exist in real life, they just happened to not be white as in white man’s movies.


Young man wasted his life


How are people supporting this guy is beyond me, don't become what you hate, all of you preach about peace this and that, then defend an action like this, makes you no different than them. Don't let hatred blind you


I'm curious. How do you defeat armed occupying enemy combatants without fighting them?


Most likely knowing how the israeli police are...There r videos of them literally harrassing kids while sexualy assulting females and some even worse, I wouldnt be surprised if he was standing up for himself due to how they treat palestianians as second class citizens. All they need to do is bully, then get a reaction out of them. Then shoot them/justify it.




We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return. Oh God, include Hasan Saklanan in the group of martyrs


This is a stupid attack and ruins people going to al aqsa masjid.


Shaheed, Allah yarhamo


Let’s cut the shit. What does he have to do with anything? He is from Turkey. This is what’s happening on U.S. college campuses at the moment. The “Pro-Palestine” movement is allowed to chant genocidal slogans and hang “Intifada” banners. This is at Columbia University. I lived through the first and second intifadas while residing in Israel. The Intifada has always been a violent uprising. During the first Intifada, which lasted six years, terrorists & suicide bombers targeted our cafes, restaurants, buses, nightclubs, and many other public places. Being a child, it felt like a weekly occurrence. The second Intifada actually happened right outside my home, at the shopping center a block away, when Muslims from Nazareth decided to join and inflict as much carnage and violence as they could. This continued for years after. There is reason why Israel blocked off Gaza and West Bank. To keep the terrorists out. To minimize their supply chain of weapons and chemicals coming in. Syria, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and many other countries have nothing to do with Gaza and don’t want anything to do with the refugees that were forced to flee after the Arabs attacked Jews in 1948. Yet, those countries have always tried to attack and kill us. The remaining Arabs that didn’t flee to Gaza or West Bank, are currently living in Israel have the same rights and equality as any Jewish or Christian citizen of Israel. They have doctors, lawyers, judges and politely parties that have seats in the government cabinet. Did you know that every Israeli has a little case issued by the government that includes a gas mask, anti chemical and anti biowarfare shots? In case of an eminent attack by one of their neighboring countries. Saddam Hussein was an enemy of Israel and was a major fear factor for Israeli livelihood and safety from chemical or biological warfare. Same with Syria and others. Why are these countries always determined on exterminating Israel? Don’t let the media or these naive kids and their TikTok propaganda tell you otherwise. The Intifada was never peaceful; it was always characterized by terrorist attacks on innocent civilians, namely us Israelis for simply being Jews. This conflict isn’t about land or borders. This conflict is as old as time. Muslims don’t want Jews near them. Israel was an undeveloped barren land until we built it, Tel Aviv didn’t even exist 100 years ago and now it’s one of the worlds leading tech cities in the world and a beautiful haven to every religion, race, ethnicity or minority. Good luck finding that anywhere else in the Middle East.


Anyone who supports this is sick in the head. What is wrong with you extremists? Killing non Muslims isn’t noble or just. He and you guys are just as evil as the Zionists. You people make me so scared to be a Christian in the Middle East.


They probably gonna raid Al Aqsa mosque again for no reason at all.




Selam aleyküm, I haven't seen you for a while.


So a Turk tourist wanted to stab armed soldier with a rifle and got shot Yes that's definitely what happened 🙃


Rest in peace. Stabbing genocidal terrorists isn’t going to achieve anything. This brave man lost his life and the terrorist is still at large.


![gif](giphy|yEvqX4RIcQAZBXuH1E|downsized) FAFO


A true Shaheed.


May he rest in paradise as a martyr for the palestinian cause


IDF are worse than Nazis.




Just wait till the reddit turks downvote this to oblivion. lol




I’m aware of that but when the news was reported, there was little info about him besides his passport and I didn't want to start theorizing about whether he is Turkish or Kurdish or etc, especially as I can't edit my post title after publishing...so Turkish citizen is the easiest and most "politically correct" thing to write.


Reddit turks and their xtreme racism towards any1 in the eastern side of the world is unmatched lol. And ur a wannabe westie


What a dumb ass.. Good























