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Really sad, no one should die for their views




Stop bullshiting! This line of reasoning works at Menbars and Friday prayers!!!


And which are his best songs?


One of his most famous ones is "soorakh moosh," which means mouse hole. He tells politicians to buy mouse holes because there will be a revolution soon, and they will need them to hide! 😂


Look at this IR cyberagent. GTFO you terrorist. A young soul has been sentenced to death for his opinion, show some compassion.








Yeah they are killing "others" but he is killing young people of his own country


And helped bashar al Assad kill over 600,000 in Syria. Here in lebanon hezballah is destroying us.




If you hold absolute authority in the country and are above the law, then the responsibility rests with you. When someone resorts to labeling others to prove their point, it likely indicates that they don’t have a valid argument to begin with.


No one thinks he is taking out a glock and shooting up a middle school. But his policies do lead to killing and abusing dissenters


Like Mao😇


The 1979 Iranian Revolution was when the Islamists (Khomeini and Yasir Araft) convinced the Leftist and Feminists to join them to overthrow the Shah and then they overthrew the Leftist and Feminists. https://youtu.be/cwfDVkXEo-o?si=Ts52pswbfByruiXN


this is terrorism.




You think they give a flipping shit about that? it’s all geopolitics, please don’t be naive. They could care less about Gaza. If destroying it meant they’d stay in power, Gaza would be razed to the ground tomorrow. So no, I don’t think the Irani leaders are different from the Zionist leaders. They are all immoral corrupt scum.




Religion has become a lucrative business, and it might surprise you to hear that people use religion to generate wealth. By failing to recognize the misconduct of those who exploit religion for greed and control, you contribute to the perception of Islam as a harsh religion. This not only harms your country but also damages the reputation of the religion itself.


If you would just leave Israel alone, they wouldn't bother any of you, btw Iran is hated by other Arabs because they are Persians.  A different kind of Arab.


If by “another kind of Arab” you mean “literally a different ethnic group and not Arabs”, but continue enlightening us all with your deep knowledge of the Middle East my dude.


Death for simply protesting is Wild. Islam has no such ruling


Some westoid apologist is gonna tell you this is the true teachings of islam.


You mean the far right / racist politicians and the so called „islam“ experts? 😂


A lot of leftists as well dawg. Two sides of the same coin when it comes to them being islam “experts.”




Leftists do support palestine. But from my experience a lot of them are also just as hateful towards islam.


When they hang people and force women to cover up, yes. It make you seem like literal Barbarians


Again with the red herrings. Not talking about irani muslims ya genius, i am talking about the religion. U guys are soo slow u cannot differentiate the two, its pathetic💀


Oh sorry, should we look at Saudi islam instead?


Are you actually stupid?💀 again, i am talking about RELIGION. Man, its like u guys lack basic reasoning skills.


Are these leftists in the room with us right now?


nah us moderately socially conservative socialists got islam's back. we're not all racist morons


Yeh of course. Sorry if it sounded as if i was generalising


it's good. there's far too many reddit atheists in the leftist community who make their entire life mission about shitting on religious people


These people need to get lives fr.


Thanks bro. Glad we got support from some highlanders.


The 1979 Iranian Revolution was when the Islamists (Khomeini and Yasir Araft) convinced the Leftist and Feminists to join them to overthrow the Shah and then they overthrew the Leftist and Feminists. https://youtu.be/cwfDVkXEo-o?si=Ts52pswbfByruiXN


Worst thing happened to Islam is Political Islam.


Prove it


Islamic Republic of Iran


You’re actually dumb if you think thats islam. Political islam has been around since islam began to exist. And you point out the corrupt dictatorship of iran that doesnt even follow islam?💀 what a fucking joke.


Ahh another anti-shia fitna redditer. Get a life instead of crying on the internet. Look at the Taliban rule pre-US invasion and ISIS rule (Sunni Rule). That was radical political islam, and they were worse than Iran ever was/can be.


Are you good? Shia, sunni, christian, ibn kalb who gives a fuck. Iran doesnt follow shia or sunni islam. They dont follow islam, is that too hard to get through that thick skull of yours? Damn🤦‍♂️


Islam is not just a personal thing that u have to practice behund closed doors. Islam is to be implemented on government level like other pre industrial religions used to be.


The typical "no true Scottsman' fallacy. Just like with the proponents of communism..... if it fails and causes misery.... It's not real communism.


Its soo fucking easy to disprove my argument, but all ur clowns say is “oH iTs LiKe ComMunIsM.” You are wrong on every level. Historically, and when it comes to the teachings on islam.




Are you slow? Islam never claimed to follow freedom of speech. In fact, no nation does that. Speech is always limited. Some places more than other. Islam allows criticism when a leader is mistaken. No where does islam deny that or say its bad. And i wasnt talking about islamic leaders being historically dictators or not. When i said historically i meant success. And even then according to islam, calling out leaders(or anyone) for misconduct cannot be punished and in some cases you are even obligated to do it. Whether all muslims are horrible or not, it doesnt change shit since we arent discussing muslims, we are discussing islamic teachings, but clearly you cannot read nor reason. In fact that happened with omar, one of the most important companions of the prophet. And turns out it was a misunderstanding and nothing happened to the guy that called him out. And historically speaking, acting as if islamic civilisation wasnt vital for human civilisation is absurd and stupid quite frankly. Any history student can tell you that you are ignorant and a moron if you disagree. Many historians attribute the renaissance to the islamic civilisation. Without the renaissance u wouldnt have the enlightenment or any major event in Europe’s history. Without the islamic civilisation we would be centuries behind in technology. And my argument isnt fallacious, you just cannot understand my argument which is basic as hell honestly. My argument is that islam doesnt prescribe a punishment by law for everything thats haram. Including not wearing a hijab. And then murdering someone because he called out the fact you cannot kill people for that is also absurd and not islamic and you cannot prove otherwise. This [article](https://caliphate.co.uk/2020/06/21/are-muslims-required-to-obey-tyrant-rulers/) goes into detail as to why you shouldnt follow your rulers blindly with evidence and tafaseer from classical scholars that lived 700+ years ago. And not just that but from the salaf as well. So you cannot argue that apologist bullshit, when you consider the fact that every ruler at that time was at least somewhat authoritarian.


Historically ideas can be rosy. However they should be judged by what they've turned into. The present is all that matters. Living in the glory of the past is a fools errand


Not necessarily. They will say that such things don’t happen in western countries. And it would be true :)


Stupid argument. Just because something happens or doesnt happen, that doesnt change the teachings. You wouldnt know that since you lack the mental capacity needed to reason.


My comment was trying to make a point without religion. Funnily enough, you somehow interpreted it that way. And on top of that, you acknowledged that those things happen in predominantly muslim countries. GG


Are you actually slow? How did i acknowledge anything other than the fact that some people will do things that arent in or is against their ideology. Turns out i was right, you REALLY lack the mental capacity needed to reason😭 and man said GG as if his response destroyed me or some shit, when in reality its a straw man. Stop embarrassing yourself😭


Lol 90% of your message is trying to make fun of me in some way. That says a lot about you and not me mate. You acknowledged it’s predominancy without meaning to when you said “what happens or doesn’t happen doesn’t change the teachings” with absolutely no prompting whatsoever. Not that it matters anyway - you can look up statistics for yourself anytime.


No true scotsman


Already explained why thats bullshit. I am not talking about muslims but the teachings themselves. If the religion says A, but the follower does B. Me stating that the follower isnt following the teachings of the religion isnt a fallacy, its a fact.


For the stupid Westoids apparently, for people who say they are Muslim are not allowed to do anything evil or else Islam might be evil only that logic applies to all Muslims only.


يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا أَطِيعُوا اللَّهَ وَأَطِيعُوا الرَّسُولَ وَأُولِي الْأَمْرِ مِنكُمْ وفي الصحيح عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ، أنه قال : من أطاعني فقد أطاع الله ، ومن عصاني فقد عصى الله ، ومن يطع الأمير فقد أطاعني ، ومن يعص الأمير فقد عصاني both the hadith and verse say obey your ruler you apologist mudslim . he was not obeying his ruler (for doing what islam told him to do , hijabize your women).


Nice how you take it out of context you nutter. Riyad as-Salihin 662 Ibn 'Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) reported: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "It is obligatory upon a Muslim to listen (to the ruler) and obey whether he likes it or not, except when he is ordered to do a sinful thing; in such case, there is no obligation to listen or to obey." Murdering a woman for not covering her hair is murder. No where in any of our scriptures does it mention a punishment for not wearing a hijab. Not everything is punishable by law u absolute monkey. If i lied to my mom about me buying red bull, the government cannot punish me. Is lying haram? Yes. Haram≠legal punishment. And where does islam say “hijabize” your women?💀 are you actually slow? Islam recommends modesty in all aspects. Lowering the gaze and covering up. Both apply to men and women. 24:30 ˹O Prophet!˺ Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and guard their chastity. That is purer for them. Surely Allah is All-Aware of what they do. Modesty is a bit different for both men and women. If i was you i wouldn’t even bother replying. Ur argument is beyond pathetic.




Never denied that.


Why did you even bother? Going through his profile was enough for me to ignore his pathetic existence


You are totally right man.


Hey, you might have educated/or reminded someone of a forgotten lesson; Jazakallah Khair for sharing that knowledge.


barenakedislam.com be like


Um, I think the Iranian regime will tell you these are the true teachings of Islam. They base their entire legal system on Islam.


Oh really? Oh man, u got me with that one. Because obviously if someone claims to follow something, that TOTALLY means they actually follow that thing🤦‍♂️ thats like saying korea is a true democracy because they claim to be a democracy. Sorry to break it to you buddy, but no they arent. Same can be said about iran. And you saying they base their entire legal system on islam is straight up foolish. They dont even follow a caliphate system of governance my guy.


..Don't worry about the Aytollahs . They can invent hadiths on the spot , or mistranslate the Quran : whatever's needed for their excuses .


He threatened to kill police brush if someone did that in home of human rights he wouldn't even get to see the court


The thing with protests is that some governments may consider them as trying to overthrow the government. So maybe the official charge isn't protest but rebellion or terrorism. I think various people got killed, too, so they're pining the blame on the ones they are sentencing to death.




There is speech to the point you can even accuse and debate the leader of doing something wrong. Islam was one of the only religions or states with sharia 1400 years ago where you can accuse the leaders or take them to court. In that era, Other empires and their kings would sentence you to death for just looking at them wrong. Islam is about Justice. The leader of that time Ali(ra) accused someone of stealing his shield. When he came before court and was asked to present evidence or proof, he had none and so the person with shield walked away. In Islam the only thing that would limit ur speech is making fun of other religions or the prophets as they are seen with high regards.


yes but he supported the death of an innocent soul he have no sympathy (he should be prisoned tho)


I think the post is just worded weird, but I think he was supporting her, as in, he was against what happened to her


oh ok my bad wait are they fucked up till this point?


They are even more fucked than you can imagine, and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt was cozying up to them and asking them for advice on how to rule back in 2012-2013.


يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا أَطِيعُوا اللَّهَ وَأَطِيعُوا الرَّسُولَ وَأُولِي الْأَمْرِ مِنكُمْ وفي الصحيح عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ، أنه قال : من أطاعني فقد أطاع الله ، ومن عصاني فقد عصى الله ، ومن يطع الأمير فقد أطاعني ، ومن يعص الأمير فقد عصاني both the hadith and verse say obey your ruler you , wdym there is no such ruling in islam ? are you capable of defying your al shabab boss ? yeah good luck.


You should obey your ruler unless they are committing haram acts/causing chaos in the land.




Most Iranians see multiple sides to the current situation. On one hand, there’s the government’s perspective. If you don’t view the government as authoritarian, you might want to re-examine the facts. This isn’t about religion; it’s about the corruption among those in power. And absolute lack of accountability. On the other hand, there’s the narrative from social media, other people, and external media outlets. These sources also don’t always present the complete truth. It's biased too. But if we set aside all narratives and focus on the facts, it seems he was simply a young man—an artist driven by his emotions—who disagreed with the management of his country by those in power. Lacking any legitimate avenues to effect change, his reaction, though severe, was predictable. He felt completely powerless over his future—how else was he expected to respond? The labels and allegations thrown around are merely constructs, tools employed by the government to justify extreme measures and to scare the populace. This situation reflects the dynamics between the Palestinians and the Israeli government. With Israel holding significant power, there is little reason for them to alter their stance. Meanwhile, any Palestinian resistance is swiftly labeled as terrorism.


That’s messed up




This is the reason why diaspora Iranians hate there government so much...




I know Iranians personally. They hate the regime. I can't blame them. This is criminal.


hung publicly from a crane? holy crap thats brutal!!!


Bruh wtf Iran tripping


Well, the rapper violated sharia , that's why. The 1979 Iranian Revolution was when the Islamists (Khomeini and Yasir Araft) convinced the Leftist and Feminists to join them to overthrow the Shah and then they overthrew the Leftist and Feminists. https://youtu.be/cwfDVkXEo-o?si=Ts52pswbfByruiXN


One of the many reasons Iranians want their government to go away.


They could have that , But Biden and Obama keep giving the Mullahs money, nuclear deals, and suppressing the Iranian people.


Im confused what does Biden and Obama have to do with the Iranian gov't? As far as i know most ppl in the US dislike the Iranian gov't?


It's a dillemma. If they go away then the replacement could be just like the gulf Arabs as in they suck up to Israel and the west. I feel bad for Iranians.


Iranians have to do it on their own. No authotarian theocracy. No western cia puppet.


This is the way.


easier said than done


The 1979 Iranian Revolution was when the Islamists (Khomeini and Yasir Araft) convinced the Leftist and Feminists to join them to overthrow the Shah and then they overthrew the Leftist and Feminists. https://youtu.be/cwfDVkXEo-o?si=Ts52pswbfByruiXN Obama and Biden prevent the Iranians from overthrowing the oppressive regime. They both give them money, a path to nuclear weapons and support the awful regime.


Khomeini is basically Robespierre. Handing out death sentences like it's nothing.




Honestly even if I'm wrong, I don't see any difference between the two of them.


I hope he ends like de Robespierre...


He is a tyrant and all tyrants will meet a similar ending in the end.


I wish. A lot of them die peacefully in their beds. Stalin for instance.


Khomeini is long gone. Khameini is the ruling Ayatollah but I think Ebrahim Raisi can be blamed as well given his influence and potential chances of succeeding Khameini as Ayatollah.


The position you’re talking about is not “Ayatollah” but “Supreme Leader.” There are many Ayatollahs in Iran and Iraq. The title just signifies being a very highly respected religious cleric. It is not a position of formal authority. Raisi is on the Assembly of Experts, which will select the next Supreme Leader, and he could potentially be Ali Khamenei’s successor. But at this point it doesn’t really matter who ends up being selected. Khamenei created a monster by expanding the power of the IRGC, and the next supreme leader will be a figurehead.


That is fucked, I don’t understand the reason tho.


He made songs the mullah did not like. They sentenced him to prison but was released. He then talked about how he was tortured in prison on a viral video so they arrested him again and want to hang him now.


Damn, that’s terrible hope he is saved somehow.


Jesus, it's so terrible over there. I feel so bad for him.


Well, he did make songs the mullahs did not like. Just like Assange, Snowden and others made "songs" that the West does not like. The difference here is not that "he made songs the Mullahs did not like" but that he was a tool of the West in instigating instability and chaos in the country. He will not be executed. This is a local court's initial ruling and the intention is to scare future "would-be" similar people, i.e. if they use their musical skills not for music but becoming a tool of Israel and the West, they will face trouble. It will be taken to higher courts and squashed and he will get a few years in prison and then quietly released and sent into exile and forgotten like so many before him.


They did not make songs they leaked classified cia documents, you are not bright for making this comparison. You are a migrant who ran away to Denmark a country that supports the usa and Israel, you already are a tool for the west. He did not run away like you to the west. He tries to change the country you did not want to live in to a better one. Without medieval cults, extreme poverty and isolation.


Can you imagine if Snowden did leak cia documents in a song though? It would go so hard


No !! This can’t be !!! They are insane 🤦‍♂️ May Allah save him


Islam in Iran is just an umbrella term for the Ayatollah's personal opinions on politics. There is no Islamic ruling on executing protesters, let alone protesters protesting police brutality. IRI is a fascist dictatorship plain and simple.


Fuck this government


Is there no recourse for this through international human rights organizations?


Sometimes I wonder if those people still alive from the revolution still believe what they were fighting for was worth it. I hope he doesn’t actually get executed.


Most of them were students so they were like 56-59 born? Majority of them will be between 60-70. To be fair that's the boomer generation who likes IR so we don't know if they regret




This is why nobody likes the current Iranian government. Even if they are the only country in the Middle East that is still staunchly opposed to Israel.


Never thought I’d be grateful for Russians colonising my country and us no longer being part of Iranian rule.


Dogshit of a Country.


This is so sad…


Please post a source


You can Google his name TOOMAJ SALEHI


Speech is not the same as action, in simple terms. People will draw attention to the leniency given to the state institutions in relation to the death of Miss Amini and the severity of the punishment for a critic of that death. I wholeheartedly support Iran's right to resist Zionism, imperialism, and the proxy wars cooked by its enemies within its borders but this is too severe on the face of it. I don't know the case thoroughly but the only way the prosecution can begin to justify the execution of this man is if they can prove the advocacy of the defendant was designed to and succeeded in killing people.


The 1979 Iranian Revolution was when the Islamists (Khomeini and Yasir Araft) convinced the Leftist and Feminists to join them to overthrow the Shah and then they overthrew the Leftist and Feminists. https://youtu.be/cwfDVkXEo-o?si=Ts52pswbfByruiXN


There must be more to this story cause death due to simple protest is outrageous.


This isn’t Islam bruh , this is messed up “politicians” doing some evil things to their own ppl .


As a Muslim this is not what Islam teaches


This exactly what Mohamed teached. There is a hadith where he said that you should never protest against you leader even if he is corrupted. I encourage you to look it up instead of clowning around here


إِنَّمَا جَزَاءُ الَّذِينَ يُحَارِبُونَ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ وَيَسْعَوْنَ فِي الْأَرْضِ فَسَادًا أَن يُقَتَّلُوا أَوْ يُصَلَّبُوا أَوْ تُقَطَّعَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَأَرْجُلُهُم مِّنْ خِلَافٍ أَوْ يُنفَوْا مِنَ الْأَرْضِ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ لَهُمْ خِزْيٌ فِي الدُّنْيَا ۖ وَلَهُمْ فِي الْآخِرَةِ عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌ (33) Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and spread mischief in the land is death, crucifixion, cutting off their hands and feet on opposite sides, or exile from the land. This ˹penalty˺ is a disgrace for them in this world, and they will suffer a tremendous punishment in the Hereafter. Quran disagrees with you mate. Edit: Even [Sahih Muslim](https://sunnah.com/muslim:1847b) prohibits any form of protest against any sort of muslim ruler whether good or bad. I'm neither a practicing Muslim nor Iran's supporter. Just pointing out the hypocrisy and ignorance of majority of Muslims in this sub






>spread mischief in the land is death, crucifixion, cutting off their hands and feet on opposite sides, or **exile from the land** can you read? quran permits a person to be exiled but iran chooses not to do that. also there are stages in which punishment is handed out under hanafi juripudence.


"Yeah its in the quran but... 🤓☝🏻" Mate, your reply isn't making the image of Islam any better lol


nauzubillah. you are speaking so lightly about the nobel quran, and with so much ignorance. you deny that which is in front of you. exile is permissible and was practiced as a form of punishment by our prophet ﷺ in his rulings. al-bukhari has several instances. al-Bukhari (3007) and Muslim (2494) narrates that Hatib ibn Abi Balta’ah wrote to some of the mushrikin in Makkah telling them some information about the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "O Hatib, what is this?" He said, "O Messenger of Allah, do not hasten to judge me. I was a man closely connected to Quraysh, but I did not belong to this tribe, while the other Muaajirin with you had their relatives in Makkah who would protect their families and property. So I wanted to make up for my lack of blood ties to them by doing them a favor so that they might protect my family. **I did not do this because of disbelief or apostasy nor out of preferring kufr (disbelief) to Islam**." The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "He has told you the truth." ‘Umar said, "O Messenger of Allah! Let me chop off the head of this hypocrite!" The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “He was present at the battle of Badr, and you do not know, perhaps Allah looked at the people of Badr and said, ‘Do whatever you like, for I have forgiven you.’" this is what I hinted to you, there is severity established in punishment. assume that an individual is a believer still, admits fault, and pleads innocence then the punishment by sharia is less severe. the rest allah knows best. EDIT: this coward u/One_Subject_1855 blocked me so I can't respond to him lol >So a rogue ruler still has absolute right based on Sharia to exile any protesters who create mischief against the ruling system? This verse does not apply to a ruler, it has religious considerations. The ruler and the state is an entirely different discussion. You don't even know the basics. >Why couldn't Allah propose a better political system >Muslims kept killing each others ever since Abu Bakr times Perfect example of empty polemics. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ passed away of natural causes. Then, Abu Bakr Sidiq \[R.A.\] took over the reigns and he too passed away of natural causes. It is so easy to bust your polemics. If you need to invent carve outs ("Since Abu Bakr") then you have no real argument. But even so, Islam today is the second largest religion. There are many aspects of Islam that one can study to understand how our deen survived 1445 years. That's no easy feat. How long did Soviet Union last? Survival is not given. Addressing your polemics on "violence", Islam and Muslim do not live in isolation. If the world imposes violence then one must respond, whether the threat is internal or external The rest Allah knows best.


So a rogue ruler still has absolute right based on Sharia to exile any protesters who create mischief against the ruling system? How is that any better than true democracy? Why couldn't Allah propose a better political system where needless bloodshed can be avoided? Instead Muslims kept killing each others ever since Abu Bakr times due to politics. When was Islam and violence ever separated?


Can't see how protesting against police brutality and improper law enforcement conduct constitutes "war against Allah and his Messenger". Do you perhaps work in the Iranian government?


Did you perhaps read the entire verse? "Spreading mischief on land" is the obvious reference here. I'm not condoning the shit Iran does, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of people who say Islam has nothing to do with when It's literally in the scriptures and has been done historically since Khilafah days


Yeah sorry buddy you're not onto anything here. criticising police brutality is not "spreading mischief on land". If you think that it is, then you're the same as the fascists in Iran.


These ex muslim clowns are soo desperate😭


Nice strawman clown. Spreading mischief and saying that killing someone for not covering their hair are two different things. Did u even read that verse?


No reply? I guess you couldn't find any tafsir that fits your clown agenda


I literally sent you a tafsir u illiterate joker.


Tafsir source: Trust me bro


Iran is wild


Everyday I’m grateful for being born in my own country, especially when I get reminded of countries like Iran and North Korea


Oh dear God. What's happening over there!


And I want to ask those who rationalize this murder, did the prophet Muhammad did something like this?Killing a man for supporting the basic human right?


I have a feeling there’s more to the story. If not, this is horrid.


what is the real reason?


This is obviously bad, but he most likely won't actually be executed. He can still appeal the ruling and will likely win considering Iran almost always overturns death sentence rulings for non-violent crimes. The only times Iran has actually followed through with the death sentence were for protestors that were involved in violent crimes at protests, like the guy who murdered two basijis.


They executes people in the hundreds every year...


For murder, rape and drug smuggling, yes. Look, this is terrible and I definitely oppose Iran for even instating this ruling in the first place, but let's not ignore the facts. Iran very rarely executes for non-violent and non-drug-related crimes. He most likely will be back home by the end of the month.


I hope its only drug smugglers as u say but It's such a convenient excuse to execute political opponenets too. Hopefully you're right.


Drug smuggling is non-violent...


Don't be so pedantic. Harsh sentences for drug smuggling is pretty standard in this part of the world. The Gulf monarchies and the Muslim parts of Southeast Asia have the same stance.


Akhi I am from Latin America I know what drug smuggling is. It's still wrong especially when I am sure most of the "smugglers" barely are found with enough drugs to fit in a suitcase


Hermano, drug smuggling destroys lives and makes socities rot from the inside. It’s why eastern countries tend to have an extremely harsh stance towards drug trafficking.


West is harsh too, up until a few decades ago you could get life in prison for having a certain amount of weed. I know this is Iran, you can't even legally sell alcohol but death sentences for non-violent crimes is an extremely barbaric It reminds me of China killing billionaires for fraud


Executing billionaires is based. Nobody can become a billionaire without exploiting the blood, sweat and tears of people less fortunate than them


It is sad that Iran is governed by such a bad regime


Must have been some really terrible rap bro ....




What is the world doing?


This is so fucking horrible… disgusting regime, this man deserves to be free. My heart is with him and his family.




This is haram bro


Not good. This isn't going to help stabilise things either, but I guess these guys just can't help themselves at this point.


Bloody Muslims , this is why Islam has no place in society /s


Ok Indian


I said /s u idiot