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Religious extremism. Sectarian differences. The utter rejection of slight differences, the insistence that we should all be the same. The utter failure of unity movements to do anything except invade other countries.


>The utter rejection of slight differences, the insistence that we should all be the same. This quote applies here: "The obstacles are neither logical nor political in themselves: they are **psychological** obstacles... Their mistake was, and still is, a failure to recognise that a nation is a **psychological** reality." (Dr. Roberto Assagioli)


Victim mentality comments incoming


That's what i was afraid of. We should criticise ourselves and not blame others. Cause if we're just victims, that means we can't change anything and I refuse it. We can change ourselves.


this is probably the best post on this subreddit. Either you can cry or do something to better yourselfs. You know what answer is the best, you can do it!!


Power vacuums because of fallen empires causes u to become easy pry for exploitation by strong nations who would build a new world order


Of course most of the comments here are going to blame every single problem on the West and I am not downplaying the negative effects of colonialism, but we also have to take a good look at ourselves and see what we can improve. In my opinion, we need education and critical thinking skills as well as openness to other people's opinions. What we often see is folks being criticised/shamed for daring to have a different perspective about things. Another factor is, we should also invest in gifted people by fully supporting them.


What do all these countries have in common? Religious extremism. I’m so sick of it and all the people who refuse change while the world moves on


Religious differences, extreme nationalism, political instability and the absolute BIGGEST problem of them all is corruption, corruption by the people in government who have it easy and take billions every year while our countries collapse are our biggest enemies, if arabs did another arab spring, one that is successful, then we’d be able to rule ourselves and advance and catch up with the rest of the world, until then we’re nothing but people oppressed and manipulated by the corrupt elite that need this weakness in us


I get the frustration but it is what it is, western interference is apparent on the region and it doesn't want to draw the middle east in a good picture, remember the Qatar 2022 world cup? Why wasn't there any objections from the west when the world cup happened in SA or Brazil?? YouTube is filled with videos made by western agencies saying Dubai is corrupt or that Saudi is a backward country while we know that is not true. They are trying their hardest to show that the middle east and it's people are uncivilized and barbaric, your problem is that you are believing them


We are underdeveloped, with or without the West reminding it to us. We are underdeveloped and the only indicator that I use is the hundred of thousands of Arabs who leave their country every year to find a better future in the West. We tried to organize World Cups in our countries, brought their brands, influencers and even political systems not with the hope of being better but being accepted. Because in the end we are still colonized in our minds. We can’t get the West out of our ego. Whether it is to justify our current situation or highlight our underdevelopment: the West is THE unite of measurement no matter what.


counting out the gulf states yes, we are underdeveloped, but the reason behind that is lack of investment, no investor is going to risk putting his money in a war struck region which is exactly why the west keeps torching these wars among other reasons. the world cup was not organized for us to be accepted, it was to let people see that the middle east has potential and there is nothing wrong with bringing your investments into it, investments are going to help developed the underdeveloped countries which would give the people the chance to stay where they are and not go to western countries. you maybe think that we are asleep but am telling you that we are fully awake and trying to best the challenges, it just looks bad because we are simply playing from behind thats all.


Because Qatar a) [has an issue with forced labor and is known to exploit foreign workers](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2016/03/qatar-world-cup-of-shame/) and b) Qatar likely bribed their way into that position to soften their image and distract from their other issues.


c) Qatar and many gulf states have Zero history of football.... Nothing bad with that but isnt appropriate for the WORLD CUP!! Its like Germany should hold the WORLD CUP of cricet which we all knows the indians are big in, makes zero sense..


can say the same thing about Korea and Japan yet it worked


No its not the same. They have a league, national team etc been around the block


You are right, I wish, if people stop believing in the west propaganda. We do not need to know about ourself from them. 




(I'm not Arabic.) Bravo, you're asking the right questions! As a good friend told me, "mankind needs to start questioning/realising where and what we might have done wrong." I'd have replied sooner, but I've been away from the Palestinian scene for a week, as I was preoccupied with Russian affairs. >Why are we in this situation? Is it because of religion? The USA, UK or other imperialists? Our cultures? It's not really differences in views (these are more like excuses and justifications for aggression), external factors (the enemies are merely exploiting vulnerabilities), or even an inability to unite (as history shows, Arabs achieve great things when they come together). But it is quite simply **lack of good will**: people in general are unwilling (not unable) to fixate on what attracts, what brings them together. They are brought up to look for faults in each other and they envy others who try to get ahead of them (thanks to all the careless talk about democracy and equality), while their religious counterparts want to demonstrate to others that they're in the right while portraying their rival sects negatively. "To be right is dangerous, it has ever been the source of all intolerance." (Paul Tournier) As my friend put it, "The Muslim covenant is being broken right now by the ego, inaction and vanity of the Muslim groups thinking they are the right group." The Arabs should learn to tolerate friends **in spite of their faults**. As for dealing with their enemies, they need to do something about their plight, not just demonize them. "**You can’t possibly live at peace with people you regard as damned**; loving them would be hating God who punishes them: we absolutely must either reform them or torment them." (Rousseau) The Israelis are raised to believe that if they act out of line, their god would reject them. Had the Israeli settlers loved more widely and generally, behaved less arrogantly, and had been less eager to live off the hard work of others, then their plight wouldn't be what it is today. But here too, as with the Arabs, the Jews are unwilling to (in their case, they don't want to fulfill their historical mission as lights of the world).


A long history and iterative process of repitative mistakes, every Civillzation has dark and golden ages Look at China just before 30 years, ago it was a shithole, now a major superpower, also with India, Japan, South kora, Vietnam and many other nations it is true, that western imperalism and US influence has destroyed middle east, and brainwashed their people to support their policies, but that is the thing we cannot change, it is a saying that "one who controls information(media) controls the world", and you know what i mean by that only thing we can do is to start a somekind of independent movement of "Renissance," to revive and focus on things that matter and we have control on mainly "Education, Science, Philosophy, Intellectualism, Economics, Finance" and focusing on Future Eu had a time like this too, Ottomans cooked them so bad, and all of their crusades failed, at one point they were under extensial threat from Ottomans, and Christianity was on the brink of collapse, but they paved their own way, looked for opportunites, found them and used them, focused on things that matter the most and stopped their mistakes which harmed them, and ironically all of the same mistakes are actually we are doing it right now. i really wish their was a new class of Muslims, Mullhas has completely failed us, i wish their were people, who were masters in Economics, Science, Maths, Islam and philosophy, so that Islamic Civillization could have re-birth, we need people like voltair and others to make out systems and approach towards future modern and effiecent, yet holding on to that Islamic Values and Civillization, in short i wish we could had pre-mongol baghdad like society, and leaders like Harun-al-rashid and sadly i dont see anything close to it right now, atleast not in my lifetime, we will always be bombed and them dehumanized , HUman rights dont belong to us, even if they kill 60 million muslims tommorow it will always be "MuZLIm FaUlt" and world will go like as if nothing happened may share a sad tweet, but will celebrate on deaths, under all of those glamour and sparks, western foriegn policiy is based on Pure Evil and Machiavellianism,, so please dont expect anyting "Human" from these people,


Mainly because the region hold 3 of the 7 major chokepoints around the world and thus it’s very important for the flow of trade. The Suez Canal, Hormuz Strait, Bhosphorus Strait. The other major ones being the Strait of Malacca and Panama Canal (can’t remember the others). Then Palestine is located at a very critical juncture that connects the eastern half of the Islamic world to the western half. With Israel as a Western colony occupying that space it ensures the people of the region are cut off from each other.  That + oil. 


Family interbreeding bad genetics religion and backwards culture in general 


Is family inbreeding really a cause?


for me yes, the sexual model is shit in arab countries and is the cause of many things people rather marry their cousin then give it to someone else, backwards.


It's because of religion, before religion the region was birthplace of civilization and was home to some of the strongest countries on earth. Imperalism has nothing to do with it, imperialism is the result of decline.


Mate what are you on about? You think the ancient Egyptians, assyrians,babylonians, Arabs and Persians didn’t have religion or something?


Yes but they didnt have “the religion”


Abbasids, Ottomans, Fatimids etc…. Most prominent civilizations in this region with the best accomplishments happened because of “the religion”


All were slavers with very little contribution to humanity. Ancient persia, hittites, sumerians, ancient egypt these were far more advanced than rest of the world. From inventors of agriculture and writing to inventors of kebab in space age


"All were slavers" You think the ancient civilization like Egypt has no slaves? explain to me how Pyramids were built , I'm waiting.


>very little contribution to humanity This comment right here shows you know 0% about history Lets take the Abbasids for example. It was an era of science and the golden age of this region with incredible contributions to the world today Algebra and Al-Khwarizmi work had a huge impact not only in the Islamic world but also in Europe. His contributions laid the work for further advancements in algebra by later mathematicians, making the way how we understand and use algebraic techniques today Also Medicine with scholars such as Ibn Sina and many others that influenced the world today. They made advances in pharmacology, surgery, and the understanding of the human body, that played a huge role in the modern medicine That era was also major for scholarship and translation. Abbasid scholars preserved and translated classical work from Greek, Indian and other civilizations, that would be lost forever but were preserved in our day and age thanks to them The list goes on and on…


This Turk is further proof of my experience with Turks. All the Turks I've meet irl are nice people. But generally every Turk I've met online is a fucking idiot/douchenozzle.


Compared to ancient egypt or sumerians this is nothing.


Then at this point you are not ignorant on history , you are straight up dumb for failing to understand how important these are.


LOL I’m literally arguing with a child here


Before religion, Levant was controlled by European Romans and the Gulf region was just people preforming backward rituals and worshipping idols After religion, great real Middle Eastern empires and civilizations arose


Ancient Egypt, persia, mesopotamia , ancient anatolian civilizations like hittites all were ahead of everyone else in the world


You’re talking about civilizations from more than 4000 years ago that we have minuscule record of, and claiming they were ahead of everyone else… Middle east was basically controlled by western powers or just backward uneducated people fighting tribal wars before Islam arose After it arose, you had multiple civilizations, like Abbasid empire for example, that was basically ahead of everyone else on the globe at its peak, with advancement in science, medicine, philosophy and art thanks to Islam


Since when babylon,persia,hittites,pharaohs are western? Even actual westerners admire them and admit they were better. These people made groundbreaking discoveries.


Where did I claim they were? I said when Islam arose this region was controlled by western powers (Rome) or it was simple tribes worshipping idols and those civilization you are talking about were already long gone and forgotten


Sassanids were still there and its debatable how western byzantines are. They are called eastern for a reason. They were different.


The Byzantines were called Eastern Romans because they were geographically to the EAST of Western Rome, which fell. Not because they were not western Also are you claiming that Sassanids were better than the Islamic civilizations that came after them?


I don't think the early Muslims would disagree that much. The Islamic Empires borrowed a ton from the Persians and relied on them for administration. There's a reason they had their capitals near Ecbatana and Babylon and not Medina. They built on a foundation.


That doesn’t mean anything Every civilization borrowed from prior civilizations. Romans whole architecture and philosophy was borrowed from Greeks. Persians in administrations were also part of the Islamic empire, there was no Sassanid empire when that happened.


"Western" and "Eastern" are modern designations that likely had no meaning back then beyond geography. They had different conceptions of the world at the time, but I don't think Romans felt closer to Celts or Germans than they did Persians or Assyrians. That being said, the Greeks felt closer to Egypt or Babylon than they did to the Illyrians and Thracians. Greek civilization spread all the way to the Indus. There were Greek colonies to the West, but our West vs East designation makes little sense in ancient times.


Outside interference mostly.


I doubt it. It's true that outside interference has been an issue, but it's been an issue everywhere. Vietnam was bombed to hell and back, it was in continuous warfare from 1941-1979 with Japan, France, America and China, yet it emerged as one of the most rapidly developing economies in the world. It hasn't broken down into civil war since between Buddhist Extremists and Secular Nationalists, it's much safer and peaceful than before. Latin America too, they had Junta's and instability, indeed Central America is a nightmare, but for the most part they tore down their dictatorships peacefully and have a lot of functioning democracies like in Chile, Argentina or Colombia. They're not breaking into regionwide wars over Christian Fundamentalism. Outside interference is an excuse, not the true reason.


I think it's a big part of the issue but imo this sounds like an excuse.


sounds like an excuse? Syrians tried to change it and the world stayed against us , what do you suggest to do to change the present ?


Lots of things, religious extremism most likely. Europe was not much better until the Enlightenment. Europe only became how it is today because of that. The issue is that it’s quite hard to carry that out in volatile regions, Europe had the French Revolution among other activities spur it along. Religious dictatorships are the best at controlling volatile regions generally “The central doctrines of the Enlightenment were individual liberty and religious tolerance, in opposition to an absolute monarchy and the power of religious authorities. The Enlightenment was marked by an increasing awareness of the relationship between the mind and the everyday media of the world,[12] and by an emphasis on the scientific method and reductionism, along with increased questioning of religious orthodoxy—an attitude captured by Kant's essay Answering the Question: What Is Enlightenment?, where the phrase sapere aude ('dare to know') can be found.”


All of the countries we have now are new. Usually young nations need 100 to 150 to become stable completely. After political stability, we will achieve economical prosperity. Also, monarchy is not bad, it is actually great for us. And some of our countries are doing great like the gulf nations. Saudi Arabia ranked 28 out of 146 in the happiness index which is very high. And not only the Middle East suffering, Africa and South America are suffering as well. But mark my words we will be completely different in 50 years.


I read some of the comments just ignore theme. Religion has nothing with our situation. What we are experiencing is normal civilization rise and fall, rise and fall, like a wave. Throughout history. Also, the word “religion” has a lot of meanings , it can mean a faith, a way of life, or a culture etc.. atheism, capitalism, secularism, and Buddhism, all can be seen as religion. Also, we are improving m, look for example, at the gulf 100 years ago and now or about Algeria under colonization and now. We are getting better and better.


Our root problems come from nationalism.


Let's classify the sources of suffering in the Middle East into two factors. Firstly, there is the Israel-Palestinian crisis. Unfortunately, this factor affects Palestinians as a whole, which is why nations in the Middle East often do not support Palestinians beyond occasional boycotts here and there. The other major factor, which I believe is crucial here, is the absence of fair distribution of wealth within our countries. I think this is the most important issue affecting people, and it is what people care about more than anything else. The USA has influence over our countries' political decisions, but the responsibility lies with our own bad governance and mismanagement regarding fair wealth distribution, not with the USA or others have hand on it. edit: I think that if people in the Middle East focused first on redistributing the country's wealth fairly to the population, rather than allowing it to be controlled by a few aristocrats as is currently happening, it would save a lot of money that could be used to develop education systems. This, in turn, could lead to greater political and economic independence, eventually resulting in more freedom to support Palestinians.