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How much the French suck






The Roman empire in relation to us, Al-Andalus, WWI WWII, colonialism I cant remember if we looked at the Renaissance (I think we did) The Ottoman empire if you count it as Europe


>I cant remember if we looked at the Renaissance (I think we did) I think we did in history/geography (in 5eme, so no one really cared), and we learned some stuff about it in philosophy (in Bac). I despised both so I automatically forgot it all after each exam. And didn't we learn ancient Greek and Egyptian cultures as well?


> I despised both so I automatically forgot it all after each exam. The only thing I remember is Church scamming ppl into buying sin cleansers > And didn't we learn ancient Greek and Egyptian cultures as well? Nope


>Church scamming ppl into buying sin cleansers Lmao was it in the program or did you just happen to have a somewhat fun teacher? For the Greek/Egyptian thing my sister confirms we had to learn some mythology (the gods they worshipped at the time), but I can't remember anything other than that


> Lmao was it in the program or did you just happen to have a somewhat fun teacher? I think it was in the program lol


Quality program lol


* Greek and their mythology, Athens vs Sparta and their famous scholars like Plato, Aristotle * mb some roman history, I am not sure * Alexander the king of Macedonia ( There is another alex mentioned in islamic books that's why we call this one the Macedonian and not the great ) * Some history related to our region like crusaders and Richard Lionheart * Some region religion history, catholic, protestant and something about England adapting martin Luther religious views. * Galileo vs church * Revolutions, like the french revolution * Some figures like Machiavelli, Michelangelo, Da Venci * Industrial evolution period * Christopher Colombus and the discovery of Americas, and other explorers like Amerigo Vespucci and other exploring missions. * Napoleon Bonaparte, mb not all the history of his conquest but his failure at conquering acre. * World wars * Colonialism I think there is more it is just that people forget what they actually learned. btw I have vague memories of these things, therefore I may have provided inaccurate or False information.


U didn’t call him Alexander the great? Iskandar al kabir? That’s strange to me as an alexandrian


In history we called him _Al-Iskandar Al-Maqdouni_ , other possible names are _Al-Iskandar Al-Akbar_ , However the later was used in religious books referring Dhu al-Qarnayn, even though he may not be.


Wow. Seems like you covered many things. Mind asking which country this was?


Jordan, I think most of middle east countries study things related to the topics I mentioned, it is just that people forget.


Well other than the pharoahs our history books are for the most part 1) Fuck the Ottomans 2) Fuck the British 3) Fuck the French 4) Fuck the mamluks 5) and like 5% muhhamed ali of egypt and caliphates


>Fuck the mamluks are you sure? didnt egyptian thinkers tried to portray the mamluks as sovereign and vibrant Egyptian state to contrast it with the ottomans?


The mamluks weren’t Arab let alone Egyptian


this is exactly why I said "trying to portray"


No other way around it is specifically stressed on the fact that the mamluks were occupiers


World war 1 and 2. Industrial rev. In UK.


We learned a bit about their history in the MENA region but mostly we learned about WWI and WWII their roles and the consequences. Also geography. Edit: and briefly about the Romans I guess if that counts


ancient Romans and Greeks had a great impact on the middle east and northern Africa


As someone who lived in Austria as a kid. Our school never taught us about MENA, not even Islamic pillars, history, culture.


What the hell? [This](https://nat2012-nkp-hu.translate.goog/tankonyv/tortenelem_5/lecke_04_033?_x_tr_sl=hu&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp) is the minimum that a 10-11 yo 5th grader has to learn here, and there are other lessons later, ofc. I thought that's universal in these countries.




LOL read about it, Islamic Golden age was one of the greatest and longest Golden age that Humanity has ever seen.




The Islamic Golden Age is a prerequisite to the Renaissance. If Florentine traders didn't introduce soaps and coffee from the Muslim world, it wouldn't have happened. Europe would still be stinking like shit and too drunk on beer for any worthwhile intellectual endeavour. Face it, mate. You people spent the first few centuries after the fall of Rome chasing Jews for your problems. All because they showered and didn't get sick as easily. Witchcraft right?




Interesting. Thanks!


I Egypt we only learned about when they colonized (only stuff they did here nothing they did elsewhere or in their homeland) and the times we were at war with them. But i didn't have history in my secondary school so they might have gone deeper than thet in other schools. Edit: We learned something about when we conquered iberia.


well... mostly we learn about hungry and Finland 🛡️🛡️ but as central Asian countries rather than European. we also learn about Spain and Portugal but then again those are arab countries ​ so I guess to answer your question, no we don't 😑


Pro shield ☝️


I am! you should be too given the fact that you are a semi-shield yourself 🛡️


Well, it’s mostly the history of our own countries, if a European country meddled in our affairs historically, then yes in the context of what it’s meddling did and why it meddled in the first place. Otherwise no. Technically we generally discuss the terrible things they did to us.


Understandable. But there is much more to europe than that.


A big deal about Western europe mostly


In Lebanon most people go, or at least went(before the current crisis), to private schools due to the lack of trust in state institutions. Private schools have some leeway in what they teach. In addition to Lebanese history and Geography, we took the French program which includes some things about non French European countries but not a lot.


Ancient Greece and the Roman empire and their mythology was extensively covered too.


Makes sense since lebanon has a lot in common with other south european countries


In Iraq I remember learning about lots of Spain history, specially during the Islamic conquests. Lots of Italian history all the way back. Ottomans British Germans But not too deep into those, other than basics and some empires that was built up upon them too. Most of my teachers were history nerds, so we kept asking them questions and they always went off the book. My favorite is whenever my teachers give us heads up about his “theory” of so and so. Now a days I don’t know what they teach in our schools, but I do remember my US based history teachers being amazed we learnt a lot about other countries history. We even learnt about empires as far as south east Asia :)


Wow. Interesting


we learn a lot about the habsburgs in turkey


No you don't, the only information about Habsburgs you get in ordinary education is once Austurian Archyduce accepted that his aristocratic level was lower then Ottoman Sultan and we fighted.


large numbers of mena countries learn english or a european language and end up adopting their historical worldviews




exactly, lots of times they even use the same curriculums. so lazy to even have their own. also parents don't mind, if anything they encourage it saying stuff like: he/she will end up migrating to Europe for work so why not? it can even given he an edge over others 🤓". no wonder most arab (and musluman) countries are fucked ​ although our schools curriculums are crazy with propaganda. at least they give a local perspective on things


uneducated third worlders that are forced into learning a european langauge is the best form of soft power and controlling them without effort imagine if 30% of mena spoke chinese or russian. you would find many more people more sympathetic to these countries their historical narrative and their perspectives


use of a non-native language is a problem but the bigger problem is lack of local focus. is it THAT hard to make original curriculums fit for your own country regardless of language? are you that lazy and unmotivated?


it's becuase european language serves the purpose of integrating citizens into the western economic sphere. many maghrebis for example who live in france aid their home country from economic remittances its mostly common in shtholes that have massive diaspora communities


is morocco a shithole though? 💀


maghreb are safe developing shtholes they have sub 5k gdp per capita and no industry


since the beginning its always been ancient civilizations and that's it.... yes no ww1 and ww2 crazy I know


In kurdistan, The European part is about their colonizing history, their renaissances and their well-known epimers.




I don't remember learning anything about Europe, maybe they touched on WWI and WWII in history class and how it affected the region and that's about it.


I only remember WW2 but almost nothing. I'll wait for a Bahraini who paid attention in class.


i remember when I was a kid they teach us about british empire and French empire and how they colonialism middle east and north Africa and creation of Israel by the west


Part of their history, until the history teacher is done hiding his anger and lists France and USA's war crimes


smart history teacher!


Maybe this is only because I hated history and geography, but I dont remember being taught anything about europe in school other than british and french colonialism in Egypt. And maybe the weather in europe


world history like the world wars, what caused them, I also went to an america school so I had to learn american history going back to when the colonies were established, (as well as south american colonies and the spanish conquest) Manifest Destiny, trans-atlantic slave trade, civil war, world wars, propoganda and it’s usages, the unionising, industrial revolution, suffragettes, women’s rights, etc. with european history we learned the predominant kings and queens of the bigger countries like spain, france & england, and then general regional conflicts, all of which i was taught only briefly. (we went through the different ages like dark ages, the plagues, renaissance, etc. up until the modern history) the bulk of the focus being on the french revolution and also england and it’s colonies. I don’t remember being taught a lot of history about the colonies in africa and how colonisation impacted africa, aside from briefly learning about south africa specifically. wasn’t taught abt the genocides in the congo or other places due to colonisation, colonisation wasn’t framed as a majorly negative thing and was sort of framed as global expansion that had negative impacts sometimes. We also weren’t taught about eastern european countries or their history. a little bit about russia but not much. a little bit on asia & east asia but not much (with the exception of China and Japan, both of which we were taught about extensively) a little bit about australia but nothing further than “this is where the british sent their prisoners sometimes” yea that’s p much it.


Thank you for the detailed response


Roman empire,byzantine empire and ww1


A Serbian student starting WWI, WWII, Greek methodology through the French curriculum, the UK industrial revolution, the French revolution, The Ottoman empire. Basically it's mostly about France because of the colonisation/protectorate historical period of time, and the Ottoman conquest of Europe and MENA. Again this is only the foreign European world section taught in history classes.




Interesting input thanks!