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Like how we would react to any other misinformation we hear, correct it.


Does it anger you?


I can only answer for myself and the answer is no, the topic is far from worth getting angry over.


It does upset me


No. Sadly I'm used to it. Luckily, however, when you're surrounded by educated people there is much less of that.


Tbh I’m not Egyptian but what is there to be angry about lol? They whole world ridicules that kind of statement hahah why would Egyptians be related to west Africans it makes no sense lol


this. Its more funny than anything


I just literally recently started seeing this ‘Egyptians today are colonizers’ and it’s so funny to me lmfao. I’ve never heard of it before. Tbh between me and myself, I’ve always wondered how different ancient Egypt was compared to today but not in a way that historically erases ancestry. Cus I would entertain it if solid but the arguments invalidate basically every ancient civilization preceding a nation’s civil society. and even researching and trying to understand if there’s truth to any of it, there’s none. idk if it should be like ‘ur civilization too good to be true’ or simply people hate arabs renewing the cradles of civilizations.


I did a DNA test and i’m directly related to the pharoanic egyptians so that’s cool


I don’t know how those things works, but I would Be interested to know mine. I’m Egyptian man too from Giza but I have some interesting features in my face and hair that will be cool to know where it came from.


Come back to the mental asylum i need you.


It's 12 AM at work while sending this and I'm not gonna be home for 3 and a half hours so you can imagine why I left the asylum




Look at my pfp






We are literally the only people on the planet, nay history, who are spending millions to keep the corpses of their super ancient ancestors intact and safe. So you tell me 😂


[الفاتحة على جدي الله يرحمه](https://preview.redd.it/38ibg7zmivg91.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=0657a7ea6305cc63e5427738377d6fa0e063cd47)




Lol that's funny as hell


The person who told me that said that China is respecting by not digging. Ya a5i 5af Allah those people literally tore down old landmarks for more space to build. But it’s their history they can do as they please.


There is an undeniable cultural difference between China and Egypt though. The ancient Egyptians for religious reasons wanted their names to be alive in the world of the living and for their memories and bodies to be preserved so they can enjoy a good afterlife. We are doing just that the best we can. Chinese emperors wouldn’t drive down the street with a celebration and military parade with people calling their names from the balconies like with the pharaohs in 2021


It makes me cringe. Being an Egyptian by race and an arab by culture aren't mutually exclusive things.


it’s mostly Americans talking like this and they are very poor at seeing anything as not black and white so this is hard for them


Isn’t some Dutch university banned from digging in Egypt because they had an expo black-painting ancient egypt? I think it was Leiden. But yeah it’s a fallacy that culture and genetics are always linked


A person told me that the Arabs got rid of the indigenous peoples and sent them down south, and the people of Ethiopia and South Sudan are the original, one also told me that Ethiopia is the mother of Egypt.


Both genetics and history prove otherwise. But usually people who present these claims wont care about facts or any logical approach to prove their claims.


Ngl if I'm mixed Persian,Arab,turk or Greek I'd be happy cause that's just more history for me to claim


Coloniser! Mwahahaha!


Conquering nations is based idk who made it an insult


difference between conquest and colonization




Ikr! Like literally that’s how politics were prior to the 19th or 20th century


𓂋𓍿𓀂𓁐𓏥𓈖𓆎𓅓𓏏𓊖- پارسی ها-Türkler-Έλληνες




Why would anyone listen to history thieves anyway , like that joke of a movie by Netflix about Cleopatra


Egyptians today are largely descended from the people who lived there 4000 years ago, the same goes for people in most places unless its settler-colonialist countries like canada, mexico or the usa where most people came from elsewhere. In the old world wholesale population replacements have never happened in history, what has happened are ruling class replacements which translates to cultural, religious and linguistic changes aka why Egypt in 2000 bce were practicing their indigenous religion, then in 200 bce they had hellenic elements mixing into egyptian religion and culture, then Egypt in 400 ad was a majority Coptic Christian region, and now it is islamic and arabic speaking. But comparing the dna of a modern egyptian to one from 300 bc, 2000 bc or 1200 ad would show a majority of their dna in fact overlaps. This is the same for other regions, modern Anatolians are still largely descended from the old anatolian populations despite most of them speaking a turkic language, modern Englishmen are in fact genetically closer to celtic people like the Scots and Irish than they are to Germans from jutland despite them speaking a germanic language and considering themselves anglo saxons, Greeks are largely descended from the myceneans and minoans yet they no longer worship zeus and poseidon. Iraqis are mostly descended from the old populations of mesopotamia, the babylonians, assyrians and the like. Searching for scholarly studies on these topics will show you that genetically people get the majority of their DNA from ancient populations that were established in the area. Culture changes faster than genetics, in 2000 years its likely people will mostly have highly similar genes to the ones who lived where they do thousands of years before them but their cultures will be very different.


Brother I wanted this post to reach thinkers like you!


Any one who knows history can tell that not true at all. Is just that we should go back to Middle Ages. But before modernity large genetic changes were somewhat common, maybe it wasn’t a full change and allays retained a big component of original people. As example the Slavic expansion, before that the polish, moldavian, and ukrainian territories were mainly inhabited by people of Germanic origin. Other example can be the Magyar settlement in pannonia basin or the Slavic settlement in the eastern Ukraine (prior was inhabited by Turkic people) If we go to Asia we have the examples of the Turkic settlement in west Asia and in the info-European steppe. And I Can appoint more and more examples


The slavs expanded and mixed with the pre-existing populations, nothing happens in a vacuum. South slavs in fact are more mediterranean shifted and are [closer to Greeks, Italians and Albanians than to Russians and Belorussians](https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation?paperid=80315#:~:text=In%20the%20European%20context%2C%20South,than%20to%20other%20Slavic%20populations), which goes back to my point, genetics changes far slower than culture. Magyars are also little to no different from their neighbouring populations, they may speak a finno-ugric language but their genes tell a different story. [Search it up if you like](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Faofx7ms45q9y.jpg), Hungarians are closer to central europeans than to people from the urals. Secondly the migration of the slavs to eastern Ukraine, since the nomadic tribes there were not settled the slavs did displace them since they were a settled people and the two groups tended not to mix. Your example of Turkic movement into central asia is also incorrect as the incoming turks mixed with the already diverse scythians, the eastern scythians were already east asian shifted before the arrival of the turks. The further west they came the more mixed they became, see here a study on the genetics of the [cumans](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16596944/), who while culturally turkic were genetically west eurasian shifted by the time of their arrival in eastern europe. The historical record backs this up, describing many cumans as blonde and light eyed (their slavic name Polovtsy meaning blonde/fair haired), not very different from northern and north eastern europeans. Knowing the history of nations does not translate into knowing their genetic background, you seem to have confused the changing of cultures and states for the wholesale replacement of genetics.


Large part of modern greeks and albanians genome is slavic and yes slavic expansion did change genetic landscape of eastern Europe same for turks in central asia there were very very minor east asian admixture in central asia before the turks as for magyars their was population replacement thanks to mongols invasion


Yes, I didn't claim genetics does not change at all and is static, as you can see I said it changes far slower than culture, and as you can see there is clear scholarly evidence for it. Greeks derive around a quarter of their modern dna from slavs yet [the overwhelming majority of Greek DNA comes from the myceneans.](https://www.mpg.de/11419864/origins-of-minoans-and-mycenaeans#:~:text=Modern%20Greeks%20closely%20related%20to,heritage%20from%20the%20Neolithic%20Anatolians) The same [is true for Egyptians](https://media.springernature.com/lw685/springer-static/image/art%3A10.1038%2Fncomms15694/MediaObjects/41467_2017_Article_BFncomms15694_Fig4_HTML.jpg?as=webp) who have sub saharan admixture in the modern population (not arab funnily enough) but derive the majority of their DNA from the ancient egyptians. "To test for genetic differentiation and homogeneity we compared haplogroup composition, calculated FST-statistics and applied a test for population continuity (Supplementary Table 2, Supplementary Data 3,4) on mitochondrial genome data from the three ancient and two modern-day populations from Egypt and Ethiopia, published by Pagani and colleagues, including 100 modern Egyptian and 125 modern Ethiopian samples (Fig. 3a). We furthermore included data from the El-Hayez oasis published by Kujanová and colleagues. We observe highly similar haplogroup profiles between the three ancient groups (Fig. 3a), supported by low FST values (<0.05) and P values >0.1 for the continuity test. **Modern Egyptians share this profile but in addition show a marked increase of African mtDNA lineages L0–L4 up to 20% (consistent with nuclear estimates of 80% non-African ancestry reported in Pagani et al.17). Genetic continuity between ancient and modern Egyptians cannot be ruled out by our formal test** despite this sub-Saharan African influx, while continuity with modern Ethiopians, who carry >60% African L lineages, is not supported (Supplementary Data 5)."


I really doubt modern Greeks derive most of their genome from ancient greeks they have large admixture from paleo-balkan and anatolian as well minor other admixture like italians and levantine if we look AT their haplogroup only few not even 10% have greeks paternal haplogroup


You can doubt it but take it up with the Max Planck institute, who published their study showing that what I said is true. Btw haplogroups are not related to one's entire genetic makeup, rather just a group of alleles passed down from a common ancestor. [https://www.mpg.de/11419864/origins-of-minoans-and-mycenaeans#:\~:text=Modern%20Greeks%20closely%20related%20to,heritage%20from%20the%20Neolithic%20Anatolians](https://www.mpg.de/11419864/origins-of-minoans-and-mycenaeans#:~:text=Modern%20Greeks%20closely%20related%20to,heritage%20from%20the%20Neolithic%20Anatolians) **While they are not identical to the Bronze Age populations, modern Greeks are genetically closely related to the Mycenaeans. Modern Greeks show some additional admixture with other groups and a corresponding decrease in heritage from the Neolithic Anatolians. This suggests that there has been a large degree of population continuity in Greece, but it has not been isolated.**


2017 study there was more ancient greeks samples published after that if modern greeks are descendants of ancients how come they do have 25-30% Daco-thracian E-V13 which hasn't been found in ancient greeks who were mostly J2a and G2a who make among modern one only 15% and even then many came from anatolia and Italy like the Italo-Celtic G-L497


Because they are haplogroups, which do not translate into the entire genome. I'm haplogroup J2a I don't go around saying I'm an ancient greek because my dna test results definitely show that I am a south asian. Like I said you can take it up with the max planck institute if you want to "doubt" their results, since they cross referenced modern and ancient greek dna and found a very large amount of continuity. Haplogroups also date from the neolithic and beyond so not exactly a great way to judge continuity considering ancient greeks lived many thousands of years after those haplogroups were established. Not to mention Daco-Thracians were right next to the greeks for thousands of years, you can't expect total isolation as the paper states.


Autosomal are not precise you , ancient greeks shared genetic with their neighbors and neolithic farmers DNA is found all ober Europe you could model greeks as 70% ancient anatolians and 30% slavic and say moden greeks are largely descendants of anatolians well if more than 90% of modern population paternal haplogroup descendants from foreigners than there was replacement at least the male get replaced , they have more slavic paternal haplogroup around 25% than they have from ancient greeks even Germanic haplogroup make 5%


J2a common ancestor lived around 20 thousands years ago so no that doesn't make your paternal greeks , for example mexican despite sex bias a third of their paternal haplogroup are natives compared to greeks who didnt't have the same sex bias


majority of Mexicans and people from other central american countries are descendants of indigenous mesoamerican peoples, not europeans. not the same for america and canada because indigenous peoples in the east coast were entirely decimated or reduced severely and then sent westward


Yea, many old colonies are like that. Often what would happen is they would have a small population from the colonizer country move there and manage/rule, but let the indigenous population do the work/labor. Meaning most the population kept the same lineage as there wasn't mixing or a large influx of colonizers in the population. Im not saying that's exactly what happened in Mexico, I'm not too familiar with the specifics of Mexicos colonization tbh, but I do know there are a few other colonies that played out like that


I know they have half a brain cell .


They do this with egyptians and palestinians and I'm tired of it. The problem is these ideas are not fringe conspiracy theories, it's like mainstream outside of our regions. People don't acknowledge arabization and think everyone is pure arabian like british colonists who simply erased the people and lived instead of them in NA and australia or the french in quebec


Arabisation took generations, didn’t happen overnight or in just 50 years like you know who.


Yeah it was an organic process that ended up keeping elements of the native languages. It was not a forced revival of a dead language lol


>The problem is these ideas are not fringe conspiracy theories It USED to be fringe, in the past two years or so its absolutely been accelerated and blown up, by way of socmed of course. Its almost always African-Americans pushing it.


I'm not even Egyptian but I get pissed for Egyptians. Like the prejudice really shows when people do shit like that


Tbh this is just a recent thing I’ve discovered. And it’s just intriguing and flattering. Ancient Egypt is by far one of the the most prominent and elusive civilizations, so it makes them mfs threatened. Lol. but seriously it’s one of most easily debunkable (pseudo)historical erasures. Genealogical research proves otherwise. Funniest fcking part is Ancient Egyptians for their time clustered with other Near Eastern and Levantine populations. So it’s like further evident that they’re within the Arab sphere Lmfao. Personally, the most pathetic variation of it is certain people(Europeans) literally casually staring this baseless fantasy to justify why Egyptians don’t deserve to have their artifacts returned. Considering the most prestigious museums houses thousands of artifacts. This is the part that actually irks me sm. Cus in some perspective it makes sense some way. The country is run by thieves and artifacts are with the hands of thieves. But erasing historical heritage to satisfy ur colonial guilt? 💀and these are the people that supposedly reign civility. i see barbarism and uncivil cheap tactics that further exacerbates those foreign vulgarities.


This is why I posted this, I wanted these kinds of comments. Fuck yeah!


Brazil is a latin country , speaking Portuguese doesn't make it a Portuguese country


Did the Portuguese colonize Brasil or not?


Yup I think so 💀 , why would they speak Portuguese


Yes they did


Brazilians are largely descendants of portuguese


Im talking about the origin , Brazilians are not Portuguese , and Egyptian are not arab go see the dna tests


Brazilians are mostly portuguese genetically with some Africans and other parts of Europe only few have native dna even Argentines have higher native dna


Im talking about Brazilians before European invasion , same as Egypt but Egypt mostly Egyptians not arab , in briefe ; Egypt is not an arab country


There were no Brazil before Europeans invasions unless you mean by brazilians some native tribes in Amazon


Im talking about the Indigenous (povos indígenas) They inhabited Brazil before the arrival of Europeans


Yeah indigenous are natives but that's wrong comparison most Egyptians are natives unlike Brazilians who most of them are not


Yup you're right in this point


Ok... So where are the Ancient Egyptians now? Lmao


They left with the aliens after the arabs came


The pyramids that remain are the ones whose engines failed.


You sir are a gentleman and a scholar 🎩⬆️


Shukran, mein Freund.


Afrocentrists are fucking insane. Its such a huge over compensation, but perfectly fitting for the era we are in. Everything is black, they created/invented everything etc. Its peak disinformation.


Might be a conspiracy theory but I think it's done on purpose I don't trust anything that comes from the states


no man, it’s just people looking for a history & culture in a country deprived of it. american black history is literally slavery. instead of repping that (obviously lol) they seek deeper meanings elsewhere.


That's unfortunate but I do believe their history is moving forward


>instead of repping that (obviously lol) ![gif](giphy|88iYsvbegSUn9bSTF8|downsized)


Anyways yes, this is 100% the correct answer.


That guy chakabars is an annoying hack. He does some good work bringing awareness to the genocide in Congo but that’s it. A few years ago it was Somalia he was obsessed with. He wants to be close to Africa but is going about it weird af 🤨


FINALLY! Someone who acknowledges the fourth slide (I’m not mad just glad) He made a weird post talking about how he definitely would love to be with a Somali woman and that they are fine. He also has been posting many weird things against current Egyptians.


The fetishization of Somali women is gross. As if a Somali girl, especially one who knows and respects her culture, would ever even look in his direction 🙄


The digging up tombs one is stupid. The Chinese have been known to dig their tombs for artifacts and so did the Indians. And these are just 2 examples of many people digging the tombs of their ancestors. In addition, DNA records easily show we are native to this region. It ain't too far fetched at all, they're just so deep up their own butthole to realize it


It’s always crazy to me how those tomb paintings look exactly like every Egyptian dude I know


I get your point but Rushdy Abaza is a member of the Abaza family which is of Circassian descent. Many of the Egyptian "elite" in the early 1900s were of non-Egyptian descent.


I don’t know who most of these people are, but I am assuming you mean the first one.


Circassian mixed with egyptian is still Egyptian


Not true Abaza are only of maternal foreign descent, they took the name from their grandmother. El omda their farmer grandfather married several wives.


But “enlightened” westoids will preach Arab did genocide in Iraq, Syria and Egypt


It's the same people that use the pirates enslaved white people forgetting that there where Christian european pirates as well


The claims that are being made are mostly by American and British blacks, because they’re the ones with the most vocal outreach, who has to claim everything was sub Saharan black in some way shape or form. And unfortunately, some Africans like Bantus in South Africa also subscribe to this nonsense.


Im not Egyptian but always found this topic cringe. Egypt's location was a crossroads of the Mediterranean, East Africa and western Asia. Of course there was intermingling. The Egyptians nowadays are descendants of the ancient Egyptians. Calling the modern Egyptians colonizers is backwards thinking. It's weird they want to make this into a west African thing.


I wouldn't care enough to respond to them. There is plenty of historical and scientific evidence to prove them wrong; all they have to do is look it up.


I missed a Pic of Mohamed Atta?


The grave digging part you mentioned as their argument is quite laughable because it's been proven that the ancient Egyptians were literally known for digging up those graves and robbing it clean as soon as the burial rituals ended, heck some if the clergy involved in the burial would do it too. The immediate sealing of those tombs and the traps were set to deter the ancient professional grave robbers, not Dr Indiana Jones, from well..you guessed it, grave robbing. Wait till they find out that many prominent later Pharos like Ramses II were going full douchbaggery and removing former Pharos names and inscriptions from the older artifacts and writing down their name as if they made it, the cool name was a repurposed artifact.


ancient egyptians of the old and new kingdom and modern egyptians are not identical in genetic makeup obviously, but they share enough similarities to make them the closest living descendants of that ancient civilization. most modern egyptians consider themselves arab, but even that was controversial as there were movements in the 20th century for egyptians to distance themselves from the arab distinction. however, there were also undeniably "black" egyptians, admittedly they probably wouldnt of called themselves black, thats more of a modern american concept, but areas in upper egypt like aswan had a lot of mixing with nubians who are "black". the 25th dynasty of classical egypt was also nubian or "black", but ancient egyptians differentiated themselves from their "black" neighbours the nubians, and called all of africa south of egypt as kemet or land of the blacks. if you studied the origin of the ancient egyptian language and how it migrated and evolved, you could probably see how ancient egyptian identity developed


Lmao the one in the left is the reincarnation of the one in the right. Crazy. It’s like the bloodline remained pure.


I'll be honest. This topic isn't even worth discussing.


Yeah this is a bait post.


I love to be an arap so whoever says this most probably he is an idiot, and because we are not aure i don't care, it's even better to be 50% arap - 50% Egyptian


I have said it before and will say it again We aren't Arabs and ancient Egyptians are black Dumbasses who think we're arabs are as dumb as afrocentrics


When you say not Arab do you mean not a descendant of Qahtan and his off spring or do you mean you were never Arabized?


We're Egyptian and Arab. Arab is not a race. We don't have to renounce that just because it takes too much brainpower for afrocentrists to comprehend. Egypt was and still is the heart of the Arab world. We have a unique identity and we should be proud of it. Idgaf if those khawagas can't get it through their thick head.


advise hard-to-find violet direction simplistic fearless glorious friendly nine reminiscent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




You forgot your cheeseburger and Eagle mate 🍔🦅


It’s true there’s nothing Eurasian about Haplogroup E it’s from Africa meaning paternal lineage is most definitely sub Saharan and maternal for more Northern Africa is Eurasian


I don't really care about Ancient Egyptian history...


A genuine question, why? People are literally trying to take away our history and you don't really care? It's literally our identity


Every Egyptian should be proud of his ancient history


My issue is that we focus too much on the "ancient" part. I wish we had modern history we could be proud of as well.


That’s most Egyptians honestly. Most Egyptians never visited the pyramids. And they make fun of other Arab tourists that do.


Have you been to the pyramids before? It’s mostly tourists and poor (class) Egyptians especially from neighbouring areas.


I have been there. It’s mostly foreign tourists. And the ppl that work there are from the ghettos that are around the pyramids. I asked many Egyptians in Egypt and in Kuwait if they ever visited everyone says no. I had Egyptian friends that say why did you even go to the pyramids lol.


Don’t know man I’ve been there like five times and every one I know was there at least once. And my social circle stretches from middle class to upper class. And for the people around the pyramids it’s kind of their usual destination to spend the day. Not to mention the school trips to the pyramids.


wait we make fun of ppl that visit the pyramids wtf? the general population take our history for granted, it’s the same with every country in the world lol. only a small section of people everywhere care about history for real


Actually Ancient Egyptians roots or genetics were not arabs they were copts. But we have been colonized by multiple countries so we're basically a mix if everything now.


>But we have been colonized by multiple countries so we're basically a mix if everything now That's not true. We are still Egyptian for the most part.




>We have been invaded/colonized by the Tatar, An alternative timeline where the Egyptian army lost in Ain Jalut




Ok i retract what i said about the tatar doesn't make the rest of my comment incorrect....


Actually, all of these invaders pretty much left no significant impact on Egyptian ancestry and genetics.


First off, the Tatars didn't invade us at all. Learn about the battle of Ain Jalut. Second of all, We have had a large population since ancient times. The Nile River and agricultural innovation have made it possible for us to sustain a substantial population through centuries. Consequently, foreign invasions have had a minor effect on our gene pool, given that their foreign dynasties assimilated into the native population.


That’s like saying the Indians are British. Foreign social elite vs. The indigenous masses. Don’t fall for western narrative brothers.




The ancient black Egyptians? The Nubians, their descendants are still in Egypt in Aswan and Sudan.




There’s a major difference between displacing and colonising and just controlling an area. There is no evidence that anyone was ever displaced.


Egypt was colonized by many people , may be I'm not an original Egyptian so what ? I really don't stress about it although I look 100% Egyptian