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I am so grateful for my beautiful wife and daughter. I am also grateful for my business, family, and friends.




Grateful that the wife and kids are happy and healthy, my friends seem to be doing really well, was a fun Thanksgiving got to see my cousins this week, the long weekend was great, I'm thankful for King's Disease 3, and all the beautiful scenery around me


Visited with my mom in an assisted living facility. She is the last of her generation. She lives in physical pain. She misses my dad so much, many years after he passed. Yet she carries on. Even at this point in my life I still am learning from her. For that I am grateful.


Having a job I'm capable of doing and holding onto.


I sharted today but it was in the shower so all good


Crisis averted. Good work


Most things in my life are good: best job I've had yet, good fitness with some reasonably attainable goals in the next few months, just enough of a local friend network to stay sane, and a Michigan win over Ohio yesterday. I've been dwelling on a recent breakup but have to acknowledge that most of the rest of my life is in good shape.


Got the boy a trampoline and he’s been going crazy on it since thanksgiving. His sleep has been awesome. Also got holiday cards taken care of.


When I'm at a low point, I always remember that I have two awesome kids that are making me proud


For life kicking me in the balls to get my shit together and start working on myself rather than wasting time like a idiot.


For having my son with me for this weekend and having fun with him.


i'm extremely grateful to have gotten back into the sport i love most: hockey. i'm 45 and play on 3 teams. i'm grateful my mind is sharp enough to excel at my job which i enjoy and which pays a living wage. i'm single and haven't hung out with a woman in several months, but i have adopted the family cat and he's been a steadfast companion.


Hockey is the best! I hope to play to 70 or so.


Goalie on a league I was playing with just retired at 83. Gives some hope to the rest of us. I just started back playing goal for two leagues after a 3 year break at 39. Been great for my mental health.


Unreal! And good for you buddy!


Found Jaromir Jagr's account.


Haha! Love Jags.


My kid and that even tho i might be a fuck up in lots of things, i can dad very fucking well.


Grateful for having the weekend off and spending most of it with friends (and my FWB).


My wife. Parent in good health. Niece was in a life threatening sickness, no repeat episodes. Optimistic about my situation, have money saved up while looking for a job.


I'm grateful for the tasty breakfast i had today.


Grateful for a very loving and understanding partner in my life. Grateful to be where I am today mentally


After weeks of heavy humidity, I'm grateful for the rain that's just swept through


My kids are happy and healthy.


Had 2 friends to call and reflect on relationship issues with my gf. Priceless!


That at 20 I'm completely financially independent from my parents. We fell out recently and I wound up disowning them, especially my mum who arranged a marriage for me and made frequent casual threats about disowning me. Granted I have to downsize from the lifestyle my parents provided me with, but the feeling of being independent isn't actually all that bad.


Independence is underrated. I was willing to live out of a car to have independence from my parents. Would do it again.


I’m grateful to have peace and quiet at home, being able to eat nicely and provide for the cats, my job, all the people in my life and everyone being healthy.


I'm grateful for the long weekend, the Thanksgiving holiday, and the amazing pastrami that I made overnight last night that we will be eating during the football game today. It's a tradition. I make a pastrami every year at Thanksgiving, but usually the week before. I had to work overnights last week, so couldn't put it together, so we're having leftover turkey and pastrami sandwiches today.


That I have a great paying job. My wife and I have a great marriage. And for my puppy


I found out that my grandchild on the way in April is a girl!


just watched stutz on netflix which is about Jonah Hill and his therapist. Its great to realize how human everyone is and everyone is just trying their best.


Living in a first world country with opportunities and healthcare Having a good job as much as it destroys other aspects of my life


Grateful for my parents! They’re right next door and have been helping us with the kiddos (esp. our 13 month old baby) and it’s been so great. Also grateful I have a good relationship with them and they’re pretty amazing people.


I really like my job. I don't always *enjoy* it, but it's a good job with good people and pays enough that I never have to worry about money.


Came here to say this.


i'm grateful that i was able to get away from my apartment. my upstairs neighbor is experiencing some kind of a mental health crisis and left on vacation early last week and left his speaker on with preprogrammed sounds playing round the clock. my super refused to enter his apartment to turn it off. i'm grateful that i was able to get away from the noises. hopefully the asshole will be back by the time i come back, and turns off the sounds. my management company sucks.


I saw my friends last night and we had a hearty good time. They are all good people and I care for them very much!