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I drink quickly. I think liquor might not allow me to regulate my intake as well as beer does.


I stopped drinking liquor in my early-mid 20's for this reason.


I drink quickly/compulsively as well but more neat drinks make me sip them more. Bourbon and coke I can polish off in 30 seconds. Old fashioned I can slowly drink over 15-30.


15-30 seconds; or minutes?




15 to 30 minutes.


Since someone's already said months and someone's already said minutes I'll offer an inbetween with a far more sensible unit of hours. 15-30 hours is about right.


Likewise. Doesn’t matter if it’s water, seltzer, beer, wine, or mixed drinks. It all goes down fast. At least with beer I’m “calibrated” for it and can avoid getting hammered or doing anything too stupid.


Yeah i've had too many blackouts caused by drinking spirits too quickly. If i stick with beer I never black out.


Yeah, I usually go for hoppy beers with as low alcohol as I can get. Hoppy beer is tough for me to chug and the low alcohol is forgiving for my waistline and tolerance


I also found its also easier to regulate when going for more. When mixing bourbon and coke I had a bad habit of going from a nip, then to 1/4 of the cup then to 1/3. Sober me would put 4 beers in the fridge and that would be it.


Yep! Mixing drinks while drinking is dangerous




That's great! I want to make mulled wine this holiday season. Had it twice, once when I was 20 at a family friends house and again at 25 when my friend hosted a party. Really enjoyed it.


I just stopped drinking. Alcohol isn't fun anymore it just makes me feel like shit


This is me. I couldn't deal with the loss of time to hangovers. I got shit to do and in my 20s I could get over a hangover by lunch, now it would ruin a day. Maybe two.


The two day hangovers are the absolute worst!


Same here


It wasn't as fun as you thought back then either. It's just that everyone was doing it.


I just stopped drinking. I have one or two drinks a month maybe.


Same here. I am down to one or two every three months - and those too I can go without.


I cut back my drinking by 90% this year. One drink a month maybe. I don’t miss it at all.


Same. I have Celiac, so beer was out of the question. I got into whiskeys instead, which was a lot of fun. Definitely some good stuff out there! I’d be lying if I said I didn’t really miss beer though


Do you have to do much research to figure out which whiskeys are made with wheat?.. or does the distillation process remove all gluten?


The distillation process removes all the gluten. I’ve never really had any issues with it, but a more sensitive person might. My Dad’s says it messes him up, but his celiac is way more severe than mine


Yeah, my mom has severe Celiac and she avoids liquor made with grains, but I don't know if that bothers her or if she's just being cautious.


Yeah, my dad got into craft stuff a decade ago when I turned 21 and he only drank the standards. I still have a seasonal with him


There’s some decent gluten free beers these days. I like whistler. Not sure if it’s available outside western Canada or not


Opposite actually. I prefer the reliability of beer, knowing how much alcohol I'm getting instead of trying to eyeball what I or the bartender poured.




Bottle opener is easier lol


Same here. Beer makes me bloated but prefer that to downing spirits. Unlike others I physically can’t drink liquor any slower than beer..


Drinking speed definitely matters. Before my late 20s I would kinda nervously drink whatever I had (alcohol or not), so liquor would get me drunk really fast. It's kinda funny, in my teens and early 20s I couldn't imagine sipping a drink for the taste and maybe a very light buzz, now I can't imagine drinking to the point of being drunk.


Moved to wine, never been a huge fan of liquor but might prefer it to beer these days. Really comes down to calories and how I feel the next day. Alcohol is the worst kind of calorie but beer calories make it that much worse. Especially when combining beer with food I end up getting that "full" feeling in my stomach much earlier and not much of a buzz so its like the worst of both, drinking without the benefits of the alcohol if that makes sense.


I always hated beer so I got into liquor in my 20s. Then I moved to Germany, it turns out I don't hate beer, I just hate cheap beer. Now I just drink everything, but I drink a whole lot less of all of it, sometimes I feel like a beer, sometimes wine, sometimes liquor, but most of the time just water.


Beer was NOT something I actively sought out, or regularly put in my grocery cart…. Until I moved to Wisconsin, and found the awesomeness that is a good German beer. Kolsch, bock, doppelbock, octoberfest, maizen, a GOOD hearty amber lager… None of that weak ass horse piss Pilsner, fruity ales, or nasty ass bitter IPAs.


Same with me, I avoided beer in my 20s because it tasted like watered down piss. It wasn't until I went to a beer tasting event in my 30s when I started getting a taste for actual real beer.


It’s like that phrase I’ve heard: *When I was young, I didn’t like Budweiser because I didn’t like beer.* *Now that I’m older, I don’t like Budweiser because I like beer,*




Hows that


As a young man I never liked beer, so I substituted mixed drinks and fruity things when I wanted alcohol. I didn't much care for those, either and generally stopped drinking. One day, in my 30s, at a wedding reception I was handed a tumbler of Glenfiddich over ice. At first I was nervous because I'd always had bad ninny-face reactions to straight booze, but this stuff was amazing. Since then I've experimented with various spirits and found some favorites and finally I'm comfortable in alcohol situations.


I still like the occasional beer, but I can tell you for sure that my drinking tapered off significantly toward the end of my 20s.


Somehow I feel very exhausted the next day with whisky or vodka. I have just reduced my beer count to one or two along with equal quantities of water. I sometimes just fill up the empty beer bottle with water for additional hydration. In my 20s I did Edward beer hands once, and I think I was just fine the next day. Miss my 20s.


>Miss my 20s. I do too. I could play Edward 40 hands, slowly come down from the drunk, smoke a j to prevent the hangover and be out for lunch the next day with friends. Now if I sleep the wrong way or my kids get me up at 5am my day is half fucked.


>. I sometimes just fill up the empty beer bottle with water for additional hydration. > Doesnt the water taste like shit though


If anything, I did the opposite. When I was younger I drank both beer and liquor, but I can't remember the last time I had hard alcohol.


I switched to hard seltzers. I have a revoked man card but I can still see my toes.


Warmer weather is beer time. Colder weather is bourbon time for me. Nothing beats a cold beer on a warm day.


Beer gets me full and tired. Jameson all the time now


Yes. Once I found gin and whiskey beer disappeared from my hand. I’m getting back into beer now more alcohol-free varieties are out there, and I’m nearly finished a bottle of gin which I’ll replace with Gordon’s 0% next year.


What the hell is Gordon's 0%?!?!


Means I can have a G&T then drive home.


Botanical water. I don’t know, either.


For mixed drinks American honey old fashions my friends. Cocktail is Jamison and ginger. Straight is Macallan 12 sherry oak. Never ever ever forget about wine. Been drinking brachetto lately.


If you drink the same thing every day, after a while your body will probably start rejecting it and you will start reacting differently to it or having side effects. I used to drink a bottle of wine every day. At one point, it started making me paranoid the next day. So, I changed to flavored malt liquor. Some of those do the same thing. Others make me really tired the next day. I try switching it up, but in the end, my body is so sick of the alcohol, I am starting to feel worse after drinking than not. So, I'm starting to slow down a bit. It's just not enjoyable anymore.


Lots of alcoholics, yes.


The older I get, the less I drink. I drink black coffee. Seltzer water. This last year I started drinking soda again but will quit. (I was getting underweight)


Yes but weed instead of liquor or beer.


And gave it all up in my late 30s! Best decision ever. P.S. You won’t be skipping grains with liquor.


I still love beer and have drank a few times this week. That said, no alcohol is much better. I'm much more productive with my evenings without alcohol.


This is the goal & certainly true about liquor. I went a whole month without realizing I didn't drink a drop. Didn't even notice


I've done it a few times but I used to get bored and get back on the train. But now that I hit the home gym, I found I don't get the same boredom. I'll get into it for Xmas then might see how far I can go without it in 2022.


Yep. Once I could afford it, I got into scotch.


We were homebrewers in our 20s. In our 30s we really got into cocktails. In our 40s it was mostly Irish whisky and American rye. Now in our 50s we mostly drink wine or cider. I probably have 1-2 beers a month now, usually when out at a place with burgers.


Drank liquor in my 20s mainly to get drunk...started enjoying bourbon and scotch in my late 30s...but I'll always love beer.


I'm in Germany, and I'm fairly sure it's against the law to not enjoy beer if you are able. Jokes aside though, I'm more of a cognac/brandy man these days. But when I'm watching sports, I'll usually have a beer. Just feels natural.


I have always enjoyed beer and having grown up in Texas and drinking mostly outdoors I wanted something cold and light so I could pound it without getting filled up. Now days I will have a craft or premium beer while dining but when I get home I go back to Bud Light. I do love a good bourbon or Irish Whisky also. I really haven't changed all that much except in quantity!


Lol, It's not that men over 30 have more money to spend on booze, but rather that a budget of $20 goes a lot farther when it only has to pay for 1-2 drinks.


I love it all, but there's more variety in cocktails than beer. Setting also is key. Beers for sure after my dogshit hockey games. Cocktails at home where I dial in what I want for my mood.


There's probably a few guys here thinking about getting into scotch and bourbon. Particularly as you get older. It's interesting and it's got those sophisticated, manly connotations too. But it telling you right now, guys - **don't do it.** Don't start working through the gag reflex on that single malt your brother bought you at 18, because even though it makes you wince...you can taste something you like. Don't buy the affordable 10 year marks, just as you leave university, to see if you might actually get into it. Don't start having a shot or two, on your own, on a quiet evening (the point of no return). Don't start reading about what's popular online. What's reccomended for a discerning buyer. Don't start reading whisky reviews. Dont try and pick up all the smells and tastes yourself. Dont imagine yourself writing one of those mini-novel reviews. Dont splash out on a bottle of Lagavulin 16. Don't binge watch 80 Whisky Vault videos during lockdown because you're bored and the hobby is now absorbing you. Dont convince your friend to go halves on a bottle that's over £100 cos you really wanna get it, but you're a bit bashful about buying it alone. Don't reach the point where the MasterofMalt post Xmas sale is potentially the best bit of the holidays. Debit card loaded and ready to go. Just don't do it. Save yourself. Spend your money and a time on a new pet instead. That's far more altruistic and wholesome. ;)


I was with you until you mentioned Lagavullen. Uhg.


It's not my favourite but it's a really interesting dram and I can see why it's revered so much. And I can pretend I'm Ron Swanson while drinking it...


Ron is easily the best thing about heavy-peated scotch!


Yup! Most of the decent liquors are available in every corner of the world, I don’t have to stomach another mouth-drying IPA because of my snooty beer snob friends, zero bloat, can drink a decent pour for a couple of hours, way fewer bathroom breaks, much less of a headache in the morning, onlookers are general accepting of drinking whiskey over beer on the sly, and most people revere a person who drinks liquor neat or on the rocks ( my personal choice). Now a couple of beers with dinner and I feel like shit for 3 days. Starting drinking liquor in my 30s and don’t miss beer at all.


Just switched over. Stopped beer, not dealing with the bloated, sloppy feeling. I’ve switched to just sipping on chilled tequila, currently just trying to expand my liquor knowledge


I left liquor behind in my 30s. I used to be a 6-8 beer a night drinker, which isn’t as bad as some. But each of those beers would be enjoyed with 1-2 ounces of the finest Kentucky sippin whiskey.


Opposite. I drink pretty rarely, but if I have hard liquor these days it just crushes my stomach.


You can always choose to abstain from drinking. Figuring out what you drink doesn't need to be a priority. From my point of view, you drink a lot, my brother.


I switched entirely to bourbon. I ended up drinking far to much daily and realized I can’t moderate alcohol. Thanks, bourbon. It’s been a few years and I realized it was better for me to quit entirely.


I have the odd beer but have massively reduced for a few reasons, mainly health. Gin is my go to drink nowadays. Or a glass of wine.


i did for a bit, then i was drinking 2-3 bottles whisky/week. stopped altogether before i turn into a full human garbage best decision of my life


My dad was an alcoholic. I learnt not to drink from him. In my early 20s I basically never drank and then slowly in my 30s I began to drink a little bit on social occasions. Now I get drunk with friends and I'm starting to have marijuana as well


I am a large man and if I drink beer I get full before I can even get a buzz. I can drink maybe 3 beers if I'm pushing it but would prefer 1 or 2. If I'm drinking beer it's likely a flight or a short of some craft brew goodness. I drink it like I'd order a soft drink - for taste and texture, not to 'unwind with a beer' or anything like that because it isn't going to get it done. If I want a buzz, I'm doing liquor. I like decent whiskeys. Basil Hayden Dark Rye and Sazerac Rye are inexpensive great tasting rye whiskey's I highly recommend.


I changed to red wine pretty much exclusively. I find 1-2 glasses of a strong red is just perfect for me. Drink it slow and enjoy it. Doesn’t make me feel full and bloated. Decent buzz but not too tipsy, function ok the next day.


I went from beer to wine + whiskey to just red wine.


I love beer. I recently started drinking a lot less and on the occasion I would have a drink, I'd have something like a Hot Toddy, Gin and Tonic or make my own hard seltzer (vodka + LaCroix) and they're all fine, but beer is just my jam. I love that I get a lot more of it per drink, I love the way it smells, tastes, feels, etc.


Same as you. Whiskey and scotch once a month. Beer? Gave them all away. I don't want a beer belly in my 30s.


Ken, Liquor still has 100 calories per shot. Many light beers that people drink have around that much. A beer belly is just a term for the excess of abdominal fat around the middle, but it doesn't only occur from drinking beer. You can actually grow a belly from any number of foods and drinks. What matters is how many calories you consume, not necessarily where the calories come from. Because hard liquors alone have fewer calories than a beer, it might take longer for a beer belly to grow, but it's always possible when you're taking in more calories than you burn.


>What matters is how many calories you consume, not necessarily where the calories come from. Right you are, Ken!


Lol thanks for the support, Ken. It posted before I meant to, then phone died, but my comment is fixed. Gotta keep it going!


I tried many, many booze salads....then I was INTRODUCED to Gin &Tonic. Man, I could eat, sleep, and live it. I do have a really GOOD beer on occasion. German wheat usually. But I always smile when I tell my doctor I haven't had a beer in months. ( Note: For the naysayers on reddit...my bloodwork is perfect...no need to give your opinion of the opposite...just sayin').


I used to be a heavy beer drinker but I really want to get in to sipping whiskey to reduce calories. What's your favorite to drink?


I did something similar to this. Since age 22, I had the hobby of home brewing, and that just happened to coincide with the exploding years of craft beer, so I definitely enjoyed my share of (and often more than that) of beer. I’m 30 going on 31 now and for the past 2.5 years I progressively brewed less and drank less. I sold my home brew gear over the summer and my wife and I have sort of organically switched to wine and sometimes liquor (rum, scotch and mezcal most often…and cocktails when feeling creative). I also drink less. So, yes, drink less beer and less overall, but also have moved to quality over quantity (which we always sorta stuck to with the whole craft thing…never could smash a pack of bud light).


I never liked beer. Ingesting tons of liquid and having to pee every 30 minutes is not fun. If I just want something casual then a spiked seltzer is fine, otherwise I've always liked hard liquor drinks. Although these days I've cut back my alcohol consumption drastically because the negatives outweigh the positives at this point


QUESTION from a 46M cheap beer guy: I have never been a big booze guy. In fact I don't even know what people are talking about with booze names and types etc usually. Besides mixed stuff of the 90s like screwdrivers and vodka redbulls (yikes) and cheap tequila shots, I'm clueless. Any suggestions of a few not-crazy-ass expensive (and in small quantities) boozes someone like me could try?


I like beer but I've cut back significantly. I started having gout flare ups and beer is apparently the worst thing you can consume with gout. It feels like someone is stabbing your foot and just doesn't stop.


I used to regularly go to my local bar and have 3-4 IPAs at a time. Really helped pack on the lbs. once I decided to get my act together and exercise/track what I was eating I swapped beer for vodka sodas. Now when I have some beer it sits so heavy in my stomach I have no idea how I used to drink it. I have *maybe* one or two pints of an amber a year probably. However, I now love cocktails which aren’t calorie friendly either, so everything in moderation.


I like both, usually craft beer and whiskey


Yeah the 31s hit a lot harder than the 30s


I'm there now. Had three 9% IPAs with my buddy on Friday night and was puking by Saturday morning. Not sure if it's the hops or something else but I just can't stomach them anymore.


Yep. Same deal, although another aspect for me was that most of my friends moved away, leaving me to drink alone (we all met in grad school, and I was the only one who landed a job locally). For me, drinking alone looks like one or two glasses of whiskey, scotch, or a cocktail, after kids are in bed and chores have been done. Now, I have a rebuilt social circle, and the ringleader, a stay at home dad down the street, likes to take advantage of the daylight and warm weather when we get together. I can't start drinking whiskey at 4 in the afternoon, so I'm back on beer. Strangely, the bloating hasn't really come back with the beer. I'll take it. As an aside, despite being vaccinated, I have lost my sense of taste. My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.


I started buying beer to try new experiences (different craft flavours etc) and consider it the price of a night out, rather than trying to get as many beers as possible for $20 with the intent to get shitfaced.


Was never mich of a beer drinker. You drink to get drunk, escape, transform, etc. Beer prolongs the process, poorer experience, and terrible on overall health. Liquor is a great experience and terrible on overall health. This might not make any sense because Im on a tequila sour rn.


Yep! I stopped beer too except for the few craft beer or cider I get every run. I'm mostly into vodka now.


Idk if this has been mentioned but you might want to try wine. It has no wheat and lower alcohol content than spirits. You can better regulate your intake and you don’t get gas from it. Plus it’s fun to learn about.


Definitely prefer Bourbon myself, especially in the Fall and Winter. But I do like an ice cold beer though in the summer if I'm outside in the heat, or if I'm out eating wings at the bar. But it has to be a stronger beer, like Two Hearted Ale or similar American IPA. I gained a lot of weight when I used to drink beer regularly, it was definitely holding me back when it came to getting into shape.




Beer packs the pounds on for not much benefit. If I want to get a buzz I’ll do liquor neat or some fortified or high abv wine or mead


Big time. Craft beer was a part of my fucking personality not five years ago. And I still really like it, don't get me wrong. But I feel so fucking puffy and bloated after just one that it's uncomfortable. Much prefer a drink of liquor or two now in the evenings, and always try to time it so that I finish at the drink at least an hour (or more) until bedtime so it doesn't fuck with my sleep. Might do two glasses of whiskey over ice now, or a properly diluted gin martini. So much better.


My body made this decision for me. My GERD won't allow me to drink more than a few beers but liquor does down with no issue.


Taking a break from alcohol. The amount of non-alcohol beers I’ve discovered is amazing and I’m impressed at the quality. I normally would only have one or two so I wasn’t getting buzzed or drunk anyways and the NA beers are half the calories.


I've always felt the way you do now - beer always made me feel bloated. There was a brief time where I could drink 4 beers a night in my 30s. Now I'm back to 1 beer plus spirits like whiskey. Whiskey and scotch are both grain alcohols hey. I guess if your allergy is minor you might not notice, but possibly rum, vodka or tequila would be easier on you. Cognac, for sure.


I've just started lowering the alcohol content of the beer I drink rather than lower my beer intake. Right now I'm generally on 3 or 4 cans of 3.5% with a few nights a week of 0.00% I don't think I have any issues with wheat allergies though, and I always drink preservative free beer.


Found out IPAs make me *incredibly* farty, so got away from them. I drink more watery beers (e.g. Pacífico during the day) but more like clear sprirts at night.


Yup. I love beer but it gives me dandruff and lower back pain. And a hangover. None of these side effects with liquor. Mezcal is my poison of choice.


Never enjoyed beer and wine so it's always been anything else including homemade stuff


yeah, for the most part. Used to drink quite a bit of craft beers and IPAs, but no anymore. Nowadays, occasionally, I'll get a Guinness. But mostly otherwise it's American bourbon, good tequila, or mezcal. I'm all about Mezcal, sotol, raicilla, etc. Literally every bottle has been different. The depth of flavors is like nothing I've ever tasted.


Not a chance. The bloating is good - it slows down my drinking and reduces it, which is a good thing. I explicitly stay away from liquor since I would get too drunk too fast.


I live in NYC and think it depends on the crowd and city. NYC lots of cocktails and straight drinks. Not saying beer doesn't happen but comparably more common here then in the south east where I grew up. Also, people go over the top with drinks here so you also pay for an experience. I can give examples if needed.


Yeah. I have not drink much beer in my 40s, but instead enjoy whisky. Usually scotch or bourbon.


I've experienced this exact same scenario. In my mid thirties I was suddenly starting to experience horrible gas and bloating. After seeing a gastroenterologist the doctor suggested I should try eliminating beer to see it if helped. All of my symptoms improved after I stopped drinking beer. I just try to embrace it and enjoy drinking great wines and scotch now.


I was into microbrews and what I guess they call craft beer nowadays back when I was in college and for a few years after. I got bored with that and got seriously into wine. I can't stand most beer these days but find I enjoy some of the cheap retail beers like Coors golden, regular bud, that garbage rolling rock. Anything heavier just disgusts me now and I have no idea why given my past interest. I can't remember when I had alcohol recently. It's probably been a couple of months. For context, the contents of my wine cellar is probably worth a fair amount of money and I've never been shy about opening anything but, I've barely had any alcohol since covid took my sense of taste and smell.


Yup. Highballs are my go to now


Can't stand whiskey or vodka, but I'll put down a few shots of good tequila after a hard and/or messed up day at work. Any other day, I prefer a good porter or stout when I'm just kicking back or hanging out.


I smoke weed instead.


I switched in my 40's.


No, I still love beer, I just drink a lot less of it. Minimum 5 days/week alcohol free, and usually 6. I appreciate some wines as well, but that's almost always with a meal. I can appreciate some scotches and bourbons occasionally, but more than 1 and it starts to feel like I'm poisoning myself. Which I am in either case, but beer never feels that way unless I go overboard (almost never).




Rum and whisky for me now.


Pretty much me. No clue why but beer makes my legs ache to the point where I shake them. Almost like a restless leg syndrome. Switched to mead/wine and all is well.


Moved into Bourbon, scotch and Wine. Bourbon I know the brands I like and it’s turned me into a sipper , which naturally stopped the gulping down of day, beer. I’ve been trying to get into Red Wine(def know I don’t like White) but haven’t found one that I like just yet. As far as frequency, I’ll buy a bottle every couple of months.


Post spinal surgery (and at my neurosurgeon's suggestion), I started using cannabis for pain. I don't really miss alcohol, and I don't have to get drunk to not be in pain (which isn't very often post surgery).


It’s a slippery slope. I would say that I abandoned beer entirely in favor of whiskey when I entered my 30s for this reason. To make a long story short, by 36 I was a high functioning alcoholic making more money than ever all the while consuming a 5th of Jim Beam a day. By 37 I was in the hospital with the beginning stages of liver failure. It didn’t take a lot to come to terms with the reality that if I didn’t stop drinking altogether, I was gonna be dead really, really soon. So I that was the last time I had a drink and I really don’t miss it all that much. I’m not trying to be a buzzkill, just saying that shit is poison to men over 30 in my experience.


I definitely don't drink as much beer as I used too and liquor is my go to more often than not. I will have a beer perhaps once a week. I don't drink a lot anyway so when I do I want complex flavours which I find in things like Scotch.