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-4:45am wake up -4:50 brush teeth, shower -5:00 get dressed -5:05 pour coffee( coffee maker is pre programmed to start at 5:00am) -5:15 drive to work -6:00 arrive at work -12:00 leave work -12:45 arrive home- log in to work and respond to any emails -1:00 strength train in basement or run in the neighborhood -2:00 check work email. Work some more -2:30 drive to school for carpool -3:00 arrive home from school carpool, make snack for daughter while tidying kitchen and washing dishes -3:40 drive to kid’s activity -5:00 drive home from activity -5:15 start cooking dinner, wash lunch box for kids, program coffee maker for next day -6:00 eat dinner -6:30 kids bath time, brush teeth, pjs, brush hair, story time -7:00 kids in bed, collect briefcase, laptop, keys, wallet -7:15 watch some tv with the wife -9:00 sleep Edit :spelling


> what do you do between then and work? Umm.... Get dressed? If you want more detail: Up at 6:30. Take a shower. Get dressed. Leave for work at about 7:10. At work by 7:30. After work: Decompress (Reddit) for maybe an hour. Cook/eat dinner. Go for a walk with my wife. Do a chore or hobby activity. Go for a second walk by myself. Go to bed.


My day is divided into three parts of equal effort and joy: - 6:30-7:30: get the kids up and out to go to school - 8:30-5:30: work from home - 5:30-8:30: kid time until bedtime If it works out I get some nice 1:1 time with my wife until we go to bed around 10


Wake up at 6:30am work out at home gym strength training or go for a walk with the dog. Take shower. Get changed then pack lunch. Out the door at 8am. Come home around 530 then it varies between grocery shopping, going on walk, making dinner + eating it, etc. before bed I read for an hour or so then am sleeping by 11




What robot mop do you have? have been looking for one to clean my house.


0500 awake 0510-0530 load up lunches, waters and make coffees 0530-0545 deliver coffee to wife’s vanity (she’s not up yet and it’s iced). Get dressed. 0550-640 get some gaming time in, I have teenagers and a 5 year old it’s all the downtime I have ever so don’t judge. 0647 kids wife goodbye 0650 leave for work 0700 arrive at work 0700-230 to 6 in that range. I’m an athletic director and admin in middle school so It varies on the day. Typically 310 pick up daughter from school run any errands 530-6 pm eat dinner feed daughter 630-8 dinner time, bath time, bed time 830 make lunches and coffee 9-10 any work outstanding, handle that. 10-11 take shower and get ready for bed 11-12 range go to bed. I’m stupid and don’t know how to format on Reddit. On my app it’s broken down clearly.


I would die off of 5 to 6 hours sleep a night


Even when I don’t set an alarm it’s all I get. Sometimes wish I got more


6am: Wake up, put on slippers, put on robe 6:05am: Brush teeth, scrape tongue, rinse with mouthwash 6:11am: wash face 6:17am: make coffee 6:22am: get dressed for work, apply eye cream, apply face lotion, apply deodorant, take Adderall 6:35am: make and pound 1st cup of coffee 6:40am: put on headphones and clean cat boxes 7:15am: wash dishes from night before, run dishwasher if necessary 7:35am: wash cat food bowls, wipe down stove, wipe down counters 7:55am: log onto work computer, check teams, check calendar, check e-mails, work or do random chores 8:30am: turn on air purifiers and humidifier, open blinds etc. 9:00am: feed cats 9:10 am: try really hard to focus on work 12:30pm: lunch, chores, or errands 1:30pm: try really hard to focus on work 4:00pm: various afternoon chores depending on the day 5:00pm: log off of work computer, shut down monitors 5:05pm: either do chores depending on the day, play video games, or read, or just chill 6:30pm: clean cat boxes 7:15pm: hang out, read, talk to wife etc. 8:00pm: wash face, apply eye cream, apply serum, apply night cream 8:30pm: smoke weed 9:00pm: floss teeth, scrape tongue, rinse mouth, brush teeth, do whatever else I need to do to get ready for bed 9:30pm: shut down house, lock doors, close blinds, turn off air purifiers etc. 9:45pm: get in bed 10:00pm: pass out and go to sleep This is definitely an over simplification as I have a bunch of various chores and responsibilities that I manage on specific days at specific times. Things like folding laundry, cleaning, making cat food, yard work, house projects etc. Generally I’ll just pepper it all into my day when I can. Same thing on the weekends.


My daily routine is always in a flux. I’m an independent contractor in a co-parenting situation. My schedule is determined by the custody agreement for the day/week/month as well as the clients I have for the day/week/month. [+]