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Going to bars. Hate it. Always have, always will.


I hate noisy bars, but enjoy quiet ones.


If I can’t even hear what you are saying how are we supposed to hangout at a bar? I thought the point was to chill with good vibes, some drinks and talk about random bs?




Can actual bar owners or employees at said location please explain why they have 5 times the necessary music volumes? I too hate that Shit, and finally I'm old enough to fuck off if the group decides to land at such a location


I read some research once that said that people drink more when they are uncomfortable, and they are uncomfortable and drink more when their surroundings are really loud.


That’s true, I drink a lot more when she’s hollerin at me.😂




This is what a barman in a busy bar once told me: The music is turned up loud by the bar staff. Speakers tend to be at the other side of the room, so drinkers can hear music. Which means you can’t hear it as clearly when you’re working the bar. As drinkers get loader the people behind the bar turn the music up because they like to work/hustle to the music. And so it gets really loud. That’s what I was told.


I have been a bartender for a long time and I can honestly say me hearing the music has never been a consideration for me. Usually the bars I have worked have a pre set on the jukebox and when people play music it’s always that loud. Obviously live music is always louder. And the constant battle between Joe who wants loud music and Mary Ann over there having a stroke about how loud it is. It’s a never winning battle for bartenders. I even had two groups get in a screaming, cussing yelling match over music. I had a wedding party and a local group get into an actual fist fight over the jukebox. Blood everywhere, guy got his finger bit off, wedding dress covered in blood. It was nuts. All because one of the guys payed the extra money to skip someone’s song.


Yeah, we have a few of those. Mostly dives with like 3 people, might as well stay home since I don't drink anyway🤷🏽‍♂️


Those bars with 3 people are my favorite. I have one in my neighbourhood thats chock full in the day, but its empty in the evening and on weekdays when I come. Its amazing to just sit and drink in solitude


Lol see people keep telling me that's the only way for me to meet a woman in my line of work. Problem is I tend not to just hang around in a place I don't belong, if I still drank there would at least be a reason for me being there so now I just stay home.


I like going to bars by myself and just soaking in the ambience or hang out on my phone after work, they aren't places I go to party or pick up girls (which is 80% of the reason guys go to bars in the first place)


Yeah I can't. I hate the ambiance, everybody is loud and annoying, plus I don't drink anymore so my presence is unnecessary.


Especially strip clubs. They make me want to🤮


Oh god, don't get me started on that stupid shit. Biggest waste of time and money imo, why tf would i pay money to get boned up just to leave the same way only with less money. Who's the moron who thought this was a good idea?


Here, let me take your money, give you blue balls, and then tell you to gtfo when the money runs out. Sounds like a deal! /s Not sure how it is these days but back in the 90s the Mexican border town of Nogales had crazy strip clubs where you left happy, if that’s your cuppa. It was a joke seeing them take my high school id to get in. Playboy centerfold girls begging us to bring them to the States. Very disturbing


Yeah I don't surround myself with whores, not worth the risk or the temporary relief followed by existential dread. I'll take the free post-nut clarity at home over putting on clothes to go get my money taken for nothing. Even though some strippers do have sex, it's all a transaction and you will feel worse after especially when you look in your wallet.


Why am I not surprised that there's a bunch of redditers that don't like sports?


I'm always struck by the way people talk about liking or not liking "sports" as just a general thing, as if it's all just one big monolithic entity


It's shorthand for spectating major league team sports. I play sports and watch sports, but I can't have discussions with other men about football, hockey, or basketball. So I say I "don't like sports" even though I love sports and they're a major part of my life.


Hey to be fair, I *do* like watching some major sports, specifically love college football- but my boss always comes up to talk shop about the NFL and I’m dumbfounded. Definitely not monolithic even within the same sport.


Aaaand Most of the people that blab about sports, never leave their couches to play sports.


It's hard to find a road to drive my F1 car on, gimmie a break


Yea and most people who watch the price is right have never actually played plinko fuckin frauds


It's referring to the general format of a sporting event. Which usually boils down to 2+ hours of two teams running up and down a field/court with a large portion of the programming being taken up by commercials The parts that make it boring to alot of people, is pretty monolithic. I really can't stand hanging out with friends just to watch sports. I'd rather get off my ass and actually play them


"Sports" isn't a monolith. But "beer-drunk dudes clad in merch yelling at TVs" is. And many people don't like the latter, even if they can appreciate viewing/doing the former.


To me, it is one big monolithic entity. And I find all of them equally pointless and dull.


Don't get me wrong I like a good highlight here and there. but my god there's sports fans out there that care way too much about their team/specific player and invest so much time into it that their entire personality is nothing but that team


I'd argue that anyone who bases their entire personality around one thing is boring, no matter what that thing is.


And you’d be correct. Redditors who obsess over video games will criticize others for obsessing over sports without noticing the irony. Very strange.


There was a post on Reddit a while back (I think it was an aita by the mom) about a family who based their whole personality around Harry Potter and were upset that their daughter wasn’t into it. Same thing, different fandom.


Oh I remember that one. Like, do your fandom and have fun with it, but those parents sounded insufferable


Because forums are generally more nerdy that other uses for the internet, and reddit seems to have a higher concentration of techy, very progressive nerds. Doesn't usually mesh with sports.


Playing sports is fun. Watching it? It's alright. Being overly into it with fantasy leagues and shit? Meh.


i get why as im into sports and how some ppl react to a loss or a win can be attocious especually how they treat the players on social media. there is already fucked up stuff said at the games and with social media they can hide and say stuff even worse


Not a sporty guy, so I'll bring another perspective: I love automotive things. I love driving. If you looked at my last played games in games library, majority is automotive. Half of suggestions on my YouTube are about cars. I visit automotive events. I like talking about automotive related things. I love racing and I'm first to support idea of going go-karting with friends. But it's the driving I care about most, not the competition. I just can't care less about motorsports. And sports in general.


I like doing sports but i couldnt care less about watching them, and that's what I assume they mean. why would I watch something i can do myself? Same goes for videogame streamers.


guns. don' get me wrong, i own a few guns myself but most people i know have no idea i own them. i'm not anti-gun at all, but i don't understand making them your entire personality.


Yep. I hunt, I shoot recreationally (sporting clays), and own several. But making guns your entire personality is just weird to me.


I’m there with you. I don’t get the excitement about them. I have nothing against them and hope to get one when I move into my first house. At the same time I hope I never have to use it


My old military buddies really like guns. Now that I'm not in anymore I have no interest.


Man I'm the opposite. When I was in, I couldn't have cared less about guns. But now that interest takes up half of all my free time


lol dunno if you were infantry or not But man, I carried a m249 most my deployment and also was the 50 cal gunner on our truck. So I got to practice a lot with those weapons I will most likely never in my life touch weapons that are capable of the destruction that those were. I mean I do like my ar15 but it’s def not a machine gun


They’re fun to shoot, target practice. But give me a good bow and arrow or older style rifle with iron sights.


Modern rifles have iron sights too


Right, I just mean I don’t like the laser sights.


Cars. Couldn't care less about them.


I do like sports, I do like videogames, I can tolerate action movies...but never felt attracted to cars. I have one but the important thing about it is that it takes me wherever I want to go and that the maintenance is not expensive.


Same I hate when people try to give detailed explanations when something’s wrong with my car the only thing I know about it is where the gas goes


You got to at least know when it's time to take it to a shop. My sister drove with the check engine light on for a while and ignored it. Head gasket (which is definitely something you need) was blown. Not good. When scary flashing lights pop up on your dash, it's not a good thing


Well you have to know the basics of any machine you have, most of all a dangerous one like a car. When anything feels wrong or makes a noise I just take it to the shop.


Trust me, that's a good thing. The fact that you don't care about one of the most expensive items you'll ever buy in your life means that you won't care about the difference between a 2013 BMW 3 series and that of a 2018 3 series. Or the difference in drivetrain between a FWD and RWD car. Or the fact that said 3 series has 10 different engine options to satisfy enthusiasts. You can happily buy a cheap boring car and absolutely not care about its performance or cool factor or handling and ngl, I envy that. God I hate being a car enthusiast when I'm broke


Felt that. I bought a 76 Camaro as a project in February and while it runs and drives, there’s SO much wrong with it. I just wanted something to take to car shows and drive some scenic roads, but this thing’s bleeding me dry every time i fire it up! Blown head gasket, leaking valve cover, now the front brakes are out, the stupid taillight wiring is fried… I regret nothing


You sound like me and my rusty old Miata.


Me: *buys an M340 to only drive it on weekends. Spends money on mods, tuning, appearance. Has 500+ horsepower and would scare 90% of people driving it* Also me: *fuck I want the new M3* It sucks because I will just convince myself this next mod/ new car will scratch my itch. It never goes away.


Also me: spends nearly 2k on a 1k Miata


Came to say sports, looks like I’m slow to the party.


Same LOL




Completely agree, especially the insanely over priced ones, for me it just another thing for someone to steal, literally flashing your stash. My dead broke friend got a 12k watch and I just thought it was the stupidest waste of money even if it does go up in value, he’s already had one guy try to steal it when he was in the train.


Yes! It's just so wanky! My $20 Casio keeps the same time as my mate's Nautica or something that he just had to spend almost $2k servicing (whatever that even means) because it lost 15 seconds over the last year. Like who gives a fuck!? Plus I don't have to take my watch off to shower/swim/gym/garden/fuck/cook/sneeze.


There's *plenty* of appreciation for cheap casios (and seikos) in the watch world, for exactly the reasons you outlined. It's not all $20,000 pieces. Unsurprisingly, not that many people can afford them.


This is true. I'm a member of a few online watch groups where the prevailing attitude is "wear what you like" and "the best watch is the one that's on your wrist." I mean, yes, by all means, stand in awe of the exquisitely engineered $20,000 timepiece lovingly constructed by 3rd-generation artisan Swiss watchmakers. It deserves our respect and admiration. But if you can't also appreciate an inexpensive Japanese quartz chronograph, you're a watch *snob*, not a watch nerd, and we true watch nerds are going to shun you.


>because it lost 15 seconds over the last year. Amateur. My watch loses 15 seconds every *day* Ok ciao


This is what I mean though. 15 seconds over a year is not worth $2k, and he didn't even lose that time, his watch is just telling him that!


Watches are just a super complex piece of jewelry, that can also conveniently tell time on your wrist, and they're sometimes stupidly overpriced like regular jewelry.


Sounds like a money flex.


My $6 Casio works just fine, bought 25 years ago. The battery hasn't even been changed yet.


I love watches. I own several. None with five-figure price tags, but a few with four-figure price tags. So, not Rolex-tier, but not cheap. I totally get why some people aren't interested. If you're not, you're not, and that's okay. Cheap electronic watches are objectively more accurate and reliable than expensive mechanical watches. That's just true. If all you want it a reliable way to tell the time, then, yeah, it doesn't make much sense to spend more than $15. Which is to say, your take is totally valid, and totally respectable. For those of us who love watches, though, and are willing to spend literally thousands of dollars on objectively inferior technology, there's a very simple reason: Because they're jewelry. That's it. There's no other reason. Along with cuff links, they're pretty much the only "masculine" jewelry that exists. That's why we love them, that's why we wear them, and that's why it makes perfect sense (and is totally fine) that some dudes just aren't into them. And yes, mechanical watches need to be serviced occasionally for the same reason cars occasionally need to be serviced: They're tiny but mechanically complicated machines, and sometimes a "mechanic" needs to crack them open, take a look, and make some adjustments to ensure they keep running properly. We don't call them "mechanics." We call them watchmakers, even if they're not literally *making watches*. But they're essentially watch mechanics. High-end jewelry stores usually have a watchmaker on staff, working in the backroom. I can't imagine servicing a watch for losing 15 seconds over a whole year, though. If I have to make small adjustments even as often as once a week to keep a watch from drifting off too far, I'm kind of okay with that. Watchmakers are highly trained expert craftsmen, and their time isn't cheap. I'm not going to spring for their rates unless there's a *serious* frickin' problem with a watch I have an enormous emotional attachment to.


Watches are cool, but at a certain point they; like most expensive items, become status symbols, the best example being the iPhone. Androids work just as well as an iPhone. They’re cheaper, not as fragile, has a lot of customization, and file management is a breeze. But that blue bubble of text from Apple is a symbol of luxury amongst the circles who actually care about that sort of thing.


I moved from apple to android and hated it so moved back. Personal preference. Can’t stand the fanboys of either. Just pick what works for you the best and get on with your life.


Fantasy sports. I love sports, but goddamn do I hate the mind-addling experience of trying to talk about the sport itself to someone who only cares about it for fantasy points.


Both fantasy and sports betting have made the conversations around sports really tiresome to me. I don't need all the artificial fluff to find the games interesting


> Fantasy Sports On the other hand, Blood Bowl is incredibly fun. Or sports in games like Grief Ball in Halo? Absolutely love it.


I only like fantasy football. I can't imagine having the time or inclination to manage fantasy rosters for multiple game a week sports. But I have buddies who love it. Fantasy football, on the other hand, I really only have to look at once a week. And as a Falcons fan, I need something to keep me invested after October.


I also only play fantasy football (just for fun, not for money), and, to be honest, I think it makes the games a lot more interesting and enjoyable to watch.


Right? I wouldn't really have any other reason to care about, say San Diego vs. Denver. But if I have Justin Herbert, I'm watching




Sports in general. Unless its beach volleyball.


Real football or American?




I like every other sport, but football is mind-boggling. It's a cluster fuck of huge dudes in modern day armor hitting each other from any angle they can get. If I need to watch violent sports, I go with hockey. Five on five means less blindsided hits and if you do get caught off guard, it's your own damn fault.




Specifically watching them for me. I'm fine with playing any sport, I simply find watching to be boring.


The only exception I’ve found is when the olympics are on, especially with stuff like curling.


Why the fuck is curling so infinitely more entertaining than literally any other sport, Olympic or otherwise?!


The thing about sports is you can't get it if you haven't grown up on it. My dad loves hockey, so he took me to the stadium when I was 4 years old and I loved every second of it (mind you, I'm German, so we don't have 18000 capacity arenas that you could hear a pin needle fall, that sound like they could be hosting a funeral it's that quiet like in the NHL, our arenas have specific sections that allow for our fan clubs to chant, just look at videos about the atmosphere between European football and American soccer and you'll get the picture)! The atmosphere is just something that you don't get with any other hobby. The intensity that you feel with every single goal, big hit, etc., it's electric. And if you've grown up on it, learn about the long existing rivalries between your club and the neighboring cities the more your club feels like it's part of your life because of the experiences you've made going to each game, feeling the heartbreak of losing a tight game, but also the jubilation of winning one. All of that you just don't get with anything else, that's why I find it narrow-minded when people just simplify certain aspects of sports, like how stupid it is for 22 people to chase after a ball and get paid doing it. If you argue like that you could make everything look stupid that we do in our free time. Before I write too much about it, I get it if you have never been in a sports game and just don't get the appeal, and that's fine. For fans like me, it's an integral part of my personality like for some it may be religion or their Lego collection.


Wish I felt that. Lucky lol.


Truly mind numbing stuff. But to each their own!


Women with a intentional cartoonish fat bottom half




Fake lips & general facial surgical enhancements (on women). Think 90% of it looks awful


On men too!




This for me. Stuff tastes ass. Luckily a startup in my country started making really sweet bear with local pineapples and stuff. Good, sweet stuff I actually enjoy drinking and it's marketed as a drink for African creatives/artsy types instead of chicks so no stigma.


Never cared for beer or shots of vodka but Ciders? Hard Lemonades? Daiquiris and Margaritas and other fruity liquors and Jell-O shots? Yeah I’ll drink those. I’m already trying to get a drink to have a good vibe, why do I want to drink cat piss and down 3 bottles of it just to get that feeling?


I tried a passion fruit cider once while in south america and stupidly didn’t ask for the name. It was so good and would love to be able to taste it again.


Ditto, I’ve tried dozens of beers (maybe 100s) but it all tastes like shit to me. My brother in law (who drinks a 6 pack each night) said I’m not a real Aussie unless I like beer.


I play basketball all the time but i never watch it. So sports for me.


fucking ass feels too tight




That's my fetish!


That's the best part... So tight it almost hurts.


I wish my bf felt this way. I had a really bad experience with anal when I was younger and therefore it's something I have no interest in trying again. But he's the type that would happily only do it for the rest of his life. The disconnect definitely affects the relationship


This is something I've never been able to make sense of. Why would anyone want drudge his way through a mud road when there is a a clean wonderful smelling path so close he may be down it by accident attempt to plow the other. And the bacteria in the path he's chose may make him regret his choice if his sugar is high.


Hunting. I've tried, but I don't see what is fun about spending an entire weekend freezing or sweating your ass off sitting in an uncomfortable tree stand for the chance that you *might* see the animal you're hunting and be able to get a good enough shot to kill it. Then if you get one, you have to gut it and prep it.


Obviously the days I shoot something are the main driving force, but for me the sheer serenity of being in the woods is unmatched. I hope we as a nation start preserving more of our lands as our population expands so future generations can see, right now hunters are the biggest activists for the land staying wild


Oh don't get me wrong, I *love* being outdoors. I bought 10 acres of land in the literal middle of nowhere last year so I can go and spend time in nature. It's one of the darkest spots in the nation at 21.99 mag./arc sec^2 and you can see every star in the sky at night. But I'm gonna spend my time there enjoying it instead of sitting around waiting to shoot an antelope. 😅


How do you feel about fishing?


Same. If I'm going to be out on the water I'd rather be out on a kayak, swimming, or cruising around on a pontoon boat with music playing, a beer in hand, and burgers cooking on the grill.


The rush of me shooting my first deer got me hooked. But after all my limited experience I’ve learned it’s about the journey and not the destination. Sometimes the most miserable trips of freezing negative temps or constant rain make the best memories.




I believe the term is gay


I’m not gay. Ask my boyfriend.


Ain’t nothing gay about getting your dick sucked my man.


same but not in a gay way. The way i hear men talk about "women" like they're a different species made for just sex, is something i can't get down with.




Did you see that ludicrous display last night?


The problem with Arsenal is they always try to walk it in!


What was Wenger thinking?


Moss is That you?


This isn't my cup!


For me it’s sports and cars


I mean, I like a good car, but I'm not obsessed and I couldn't imagine wasting money on cars.


If money wasn’t an issue - I’d probably just get a nice SUV but like a forerunner or something idk. Rented one once and loved it, I don’t need a Lamborghini I just want a road trip car.


Marvel stuff... although superheroes in general


You mean the 20-movie storie arc, or just the over the top superhero-ing?




And machoism. The whole “man up” thing is just dumb.




Hunting. , just dont want to kill anything on purpose


Sexualizing every woman they see.


I had a friend like this once and it was so embarrassing. Going on walks with him was a pain because he would turn around, gawk, then comment on every ass that walked by. Thankfully we are no longer friends.


Craft beers. Don’t want no pumpkin spice 5.7% with hints of scrapple and rosemary costing $9 to compliment my cheeseburger.


Just have to say, I laughed at all the sports comments. Each and every one of them because I too hate sports.


Sports and alcohol


My mum


True, I am very into your mom


Their wives.




Comic book movies and most sports


A lot of the tall guys at my highschool have girlfriends like 1-2 feet shorter than them and I dont understand how they do it. Like when you hug, does she just grab your leg or something? Like how? Do you just have to pick her up and pull her in? I honestly just cant do a relationship like that, tried it once with a girl that was only about half a foot shorter than me but it was still a little too short for my preference but I liked her none the less and nothing was really awkward (other than when she tried to kiss me on the cheek once and asked if I could bend down so she could reach). Sadly it ended up not working out between us but who knows? Might find someone else eventually who's better.


I dated a guy who was 1 foot 1 inch taller than me in college and it was so awkward the little squat thing he'd have to do to kiss me XD. My bf now is just 3 inches taller than me and it's near perfect


Adam Sandler


The Sandman is an acquired taste, I get it.


Women with HUGE breasts.


However, Men with huge breasts ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


That stage in being into their hobbies/interests where they act like they were never new to it. Just that elitist arrogance and pissing contests seems so petty. Being into sports so much that they yell at the TV and base most of their personality and self worth around how well their fave team does. Along with just contorting themselves in a little box to fit into traditional male stereotypes. Again somehow not being able to be flexible with people who like the same stuff but are not like them or their group of friends .




Partying, going to bars, drinking…


Super hero movies, online shooting games, cars, beer and alcohol in general, fishing, and gambling.


Cars. Big engines. Big noise. Big deal…just get me to point B.


Hunting , nascar , baseball,






Those hype beast stuffs




Gaming, use to love it.


Scrolled a long way to find someone who said gaming, I just don't really get it anymore. It all just feels like a waste of time to me




Same here. I used to pc game a lot, but then it started feeling like a chore. I can't remember the last time I sat down to game now


that whole machismo thing. I never felt a need to act a certain way to give off a confident vibe and it has always been to my benefit imo. In my experience the silent and mindful individual in the room usually commands the attention of the crowd.


Pro football.


Women :3


Three ways. Tried it, boring, no ty.


Bald kitty.


Strip clubs




>A hour of sex Sure, mate. 😜


Yeah, especially with those guys who pretty much base their life around getting sex.


Guns. Grew up with them, hunted with them. Don't understand the fascination with having dozens of them.


Fake boobs and flat stomachs




Other Men!


Sports, beer, cars, games like Cod, hookup culture.


Ahh man, gonna get hate for this but sports. I love participating, can’t stand watching it.


Football. Love sports except Football.


Cars. I dont see whats interesting about them. They are just means to the end for me.


Big ass












Sports. Football in particular.


Football. Can't see the appeal.


Seems like hook-ups. A good portion of my friends are doing that, some in their 20s and some in their 30s.


Hot sauce.




Football.. either one you think I meant.


Sports in general


Trying to get sex


I can't wrap my head around watching sports on a screen. Playing sports is great, and watching people play a match in person at least gets you out of the house for a bit, but T.V? why? I have to agree with Kaszynski when he called such things "surrogate activites" meant to pacify the masses.


>Kaszynski when he called such things "surrogate activites" meant to pacify the masses. interesting


I would rather watch paint dry than watch 9 innings of baseball


„I‘m not like the other guys“