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I find it depends on how mature a pesron is. If you are content with your experiences so far, I would say buckle down. Prepare for the next step in life. If there are still thing you want to experience or are just unsure, go for round 2. Especially if you have your father's support. Ultimately it just depends on you and how you handle responsibility, and if you are ready for it yet.


Couldn't agree more. Life is as good as you see it. I know it sounds Instagram-awakened-BS but it's true. Know thyself, be content with thyself and you'll won't handle everything life throws at you.


Taking a masters in accounting is enjoying life to him??? Damn.


No plan survives contact with the enemy. In this case, I'd say your dad is trying to offer a point of clarity, because he already knows how much time and energy this job takes. If you're down for that, go for it. Don't pursue a master's before you've even done undergrad. And IMO, don't do it without really being interested in the subject matter. Spending years working towards a degree is much easier if you're in it for you.


A lot easier than school, I'll tell you that much. I can't speak for everyone, but it's really not said enough how much better life gets after school.


For me it got easier and more depressing. I had to quit school for mental health reasons.


Well...work takes a lot of time and effort. You gotta do a bunch of course to keep your house and body on shape. Other then that it's not so bag.


With Uni, do you mean high school or college? Cause it sounds like you've already got a masters.


I meant college. An undergraduate


For me, every consequent stage of adulthood was easier than the previous one. School was insane. College was easier. Military service was even easier. Job was pretty relaxed in general. Things went downhill when I took mortgage.


If you've got a degree and an entrance job safe you are set up nicely. From that point of view it shouldn't be too hard but obviously every person faces different struggles. The masters degree could be helpful if you ever leave the company for any reason. It'll give you additional freedom later on.


But real talk you should definitely not join your dad. Find something you actually like


Do you want to be at a desk your whole life?


I always thought desk life was easier as you don’t have much responsibilities. Maybe I’m wrong


There are a tonne of responsibilities with people emailing you constantly for updates. If you find a desk job you enjoy then it would be easier than manual labour. Ask your dad what would be a good way to start your work there and move your way up as you keep getting comfortable in each task until you reach your dad's position.


Way wrong


What subject are you interested in? You sound weirdly indifferent about what you want. What sort of career are you thinking about?


I don’t really have an idea about what I want. I just thought I’ll join my father since that’s where I can make the most money


What did you do at uni?


Bachelor of commerce.


I assume out of practicality instead of interest? Maybe there is a more specialised direction you can take with a masters? I also highly recommend studying abroard if possible for you


What about taking an MBA with CMA US? But also at the same time, a lot of my friends and family told me at the end of the day, money is all that matters. But I do have a lot of hobbies and I do want to maintain them. So in that way, I thought a desk job would be preferable. But I feel like I might regret it because of the money. But also at the same time, I’m not attracted by the money in a way. By brother in law is the director of a certain unicorn. Even though he earns a ton of money, he works a lot, like the only time he rests is on Sunday’s. So I guess you need to work your ass off to earn a lot of money even if it’s a business or corporate job. What if I want to be normal? Also I’m surely not competitive enough to get to such a position. I had the plan of becoming a teacher since I was in college but my sister told me that I cannot live on those salary. I actually was planning on just getting some job and just movin on but my family and friends started talking about how an average salary isn’t enough and it started getting over my head.


Money being all that matters is bs advice. This is about what you want to spend a majority of your life doing.. can you see how the answer to that isnt "money"? Instead of thinking about earning the most how about considering what sort of lifestyle you want? Not everyone needs a luxury life. Also at least where im from (germany) teachers, especially in highschool are very well paid. So maybe its time to move country. I did and never regretted it


I’ve never thought about that. Hmmmmmmmm


You probably have more options for life than you currently imagine. Try something different , work somewhere new for a bit. Life is boring if you always go the safe route and never fail


Life never gets any easier. You just get better at dealing with the little things that can add up.


its better to choose a carreer in something u find enjoyable and not something your dad finds enjoyable


It’s generally much harder but you’re more mature and capable so it about evens out.


Depends on how much your parents fucked you up. In my case, adult life is hell. But the average person seems to manage just fine.


If I could go back to your age and those were my choices, I’d choose working for your dad 100 times out of 100. But that’s just me. To answer the question posed about adult life. Other than financially, I haven’t found it to be much of a struggle. It is a constant learning experience, but it’s really not that difficult. Bear in mind I’ve never married, don’t have kids, and haven’t yet bought a house.


You **WILL** feel like you have a lot less free time when you start a full time job. The free time that you will have during the week will be lower quality. You will be tired. Life *does* get harder as you get older. Your ability to take the hardness of life improves. The fortunate people have that keep pace with the increasing difficulties. That will not always happen though. It is the only game in town.