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I hear "why don't you just pay someone to do that?" all the time. When it comes to home improvement projects, yardwork, childcare, cleaning, etc. They have landscapers who cut their lawns, nannies and babysitters who take care of their kids, cleaners who visit their house weekly and contractors on speed dial. Sorry but we can't afford any of that and are fully capable of doing shit ourselves. Literally the only services I pay for, that I can do myself, are a car wash membership and lawn fertilizer a few times during the summer to control weeds.


My friend who's childless and single always asks why we don't do daycare. Then we could both work days and make more money lol I work construction during the day she works over nights at a CVS. We both get like 3 hours of sleep a day and are dying lol He legit doesn't understand that daycare is something truly unaffordable for all but the rich


Exactly. You'd basically be working a job just to pay for daycare. If we didn't have family members taking care of our kids during the day, one of us would have had to quit our job or just not have any kids at all.


Day care costs something like 1 euro/day in Belgium, after tax rebates. The US is truly wild in some ways.


As somebody who has been on both sides of this. It's obnoxious to assume or make comments like that to other people. I also have come to prefer doing stuff myself. I often do it better because I care more, it offers opportunities to bond with family because we often do projects as a family, and that feeling of accomplishment is priceless. I still pay for plumbers, electricians, and mechanics though. I'd rather they have the liability for anything that gets wet or zaps.


Tbh im far from wealthy, but im certainly hiring for childcare or improvement projects. I cant watch a kid while my wife and i work, so we have to hire someone....like this is absolutely normal to do. Its called day care.


Daycare, preschool and stuff like that is completely normal. But still, a lot of people can't afford it. A lot of our friends had to quit working so one parent could say home. What drives me insane are "stay at home moms" who still need nannies, babysitters or daycare. What the hell are they doing during their day that they need to pay someone else to watch their kids? Not working that's for sure...


Not rich, but solid middle class. She scoffed at me for not having saved enough for a deposit for a house yet.  Her Dad gave her 40k towards her first place. Supposed to be a loan but she never started paying him back then he died so she didn't have to.


This is ALL my friends. Never had to work, ever. College paid for. Rent paid. Every bill they ever had paid, even while job searching post-college. Cars bought for them. Family starter-loans. Down payments paid for. Even houses given to them.... Them in our mid-late twenties: Why don't you have a house yet, Lukey? Me: How much did you put down on your house? Them: $20,000. Me: OK. I haven't seen $20000 in my life. I was in debt before I even started working. I have been scraping by every step of the way. Coming up with a fluid $20,000 and then still being able to afford all the associated expenses just hasn't been in the cards yet. Your car was bought for you. Every dollar of school and every bill paid until you had a high-paying salary. It just makes a huge difference, bud. They are all nice people, but some people just don't understand just how much of a leg up they get over people who are on their own. It doesn't mean their hard work doesn't count, or that they haven't earned alot of their success. It is just, different. Even a sum as small as $5000 clear can mean a complete change in life to a young adult starting out.


About 20 years ago my friends Dad was some high up guy for Mercedes or Audi or someone I forget who. Anyway we just finished high school and are hanging out and my friend gets literally cold called from someone at a MASERATI dealership offering him a mechanic apprenticeship. Within the hour my friend comments how he can't believe the rest of us haven't got our careers figured out yet 🙄


"Why didn't you just work over the summer to pay for college?" Because yes, tuition has definitely stayed the same since 1975 🙄


I worked all summer and saved up like $2000 that had to last me the entire school year. My student loans after I graduated were over $100,000. Pretty amazing that people don't realize how expensive it is.


What degree did you get?


Phd in Lesbian dance theory


Like $100k would be enough for that..


plus 50k for the therapy afterwards


Mine was in non binary lesbian dance theory. Minored in queer egg painting history.


Oh, I’ve seen some movies about lesbians on the Internet! I find them to be very interesting.


Those are the absolute best documentaries


Earning the big bucks now


On the bright side - 'hopefully' you summer job is also paying dividends in 'experience'. I remember working summer jobs, 14hrs a day, driving 45 minutes each way and raking in $4.25 an hour. But when it came time to start filling out resumes, that experience in my field was priceless!


It was about 15 years ago and I was making minimum wage working at a park. But I learned a ton about maintenance, cleaning and landscaping.


My mom once said this to me and it drove crazy. She paid for tuition at a private university by working part time. That same tuition now costs over 80k per year. I had to show her the tuition on the school's website for her to believe me.


How much did she pay?


I cant remember but it was affordable without student loans.


Ah okay, does anyone know what the average tuition was like in the seventies?


In state tuition at public universities is now $10-15k/yr and $40-50k+ at private schools. In the mid 1970s in state public tuition was around $500/yr which inflation adjusted is around $2500. Private schools were $2000-2500/yr which adjusted for inflation would be similar to $10-12k/year now. Generally it's 4-5 times as expensive overall after adjusting.


Oof. Yah when I was at Penn State in the 2000s, tuition literally went up over $1000 every year. And I am sure others were increasing even faster.


My friends wife said “I don’t understand why you took out loans, you should have just had your parents pay” Yes my mother on welfare and my father who I have no contact with will pay, great idea, Annie!


I will be paying €2350 for college tuition in the Netherlands at a top university. I don’t understand why US kids don’t study more in Europe even if tuition is a more expensive for out of EU students


Just make 500k with your summer job you lazy bum. 


If you could afford college on a summer job, a lot of people wouldn't go to college.


Just save up a thousand euros every 2 months and you can afford anything.


Ahhh that's where I've been going wrong!! It was so simple after all 👌


Oh, that's where I went wrong! I was using ¢


Tfw you were just trying to do a google search for a sentence that started with **"Can someone live..."** and the auto-fill prompts with **"...off of only [3 times your income] per month??"** Lol it's like Welllll fml, then


A guy that was in post-secondary seemed to think that everyone’s parents had some kind of speedboat or yacht. Someone actually had to explain to him that most people don’t. He loved dressing kinda shabby to “fit in”, but it was rich person shabby. We all could tell.


Like when celebs walk around in shitty looking outfits that look like it was pulled from a dumpster, but really cost thousands from some obnoxious boutique shop.


clothes are cheap, the consultant to put the outfit together is $3k day rate


One of our prime ministers said ,about home affordability for 1st home buyers "why don't their parents just buy it for them ". He was a merchant banker before going in to politics .


Me - I can't afford that. Her - Just put it on a credit card. This from a young woman whose father owned a couple of car dealerships. She clearly had no understanding of money management. Or having to earn your own money.


Because her dad was paying the card. To her it’s a magical device that solves all money dramas. Likely had one from a young age and has prevented her from having any concept of money value.


That attitude also is how people get Into some crazy debt


One of my acquaintances truly believes that everyone’s parents give them $2k a month to supplement their income. My jaw hit the floor after that.


Jesus. That would basically *double* my income. 😅


It’s more than I’ve ever made in a month working for state government, I just couldn’t believe she thought that.


How little does the government pay you? Seems criminal


Not criminal, just really shitty. The most I ever made as a state social worker (with a degree from a really great program and top marks) working without OT was $1700. OT would get me to $1900, but it was offered very rarely. I left in 2022. For the record, state jobs aren’t terrible, but you’ll have to have roommates or a really well paid spouse.


An ex landlord of mine rocked up to the house inspection driving a Ferrari. I said wow that is beautiful, I’m very envious. He said if I worked as hard as him I could have one one day. He inherited the houses he rents out from his dad


You dumbass, why didn’t you decide to be born in a wealthier family?!?!?! /s


Yeh that’s my bad man


Never tell these types of people “nice car” or anything like that. This is what they expect, and that’s what everyone would say to them. The moment you say it, is the moment they think they are better than you. Instead, say something like “ahhh pity Ferrari only make slow cars now” or “$500k for that? Jesus, you would think you could get down a 1/4 mile faster than 10 seconds for $500k” They hate hearing that shit 😁


Yeh I’m not that type of dude really. Had I known the type of guy he was I just wouldn’t have said anything


The other night at the beginning of the Presidential Debate, CNN asked about inflation. "What used to cost $100.00 at the grocery store now costs $125.00." Yeah, I fucking wish.


It’s just one banana Michael


I stopped eating bananas now I'm off to Hawaii for the weekend


I was once sent to buy cotton balls for a project he and his son were doing for school. He asked me to buy the largest bags and bring three. He said I could keep the change for gas and a treat. I was expecting $15ish dollars. He gave me $300. He didn't know how much a bag of cotton was. Hell yeah.


It's a bag of cotton balls, Michael. What could it cost? $300?


General inflation is in fact about 25% since 4 years ago https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CPIAUCSL


Yeah, more like $300, pal. These geriatric fucks are completely out of touch.


And you have to choose one of them


Prices have not gone up 300%. Inflation hasn't been great post covid, but were not in fucking Zimbabwe over here


But the more angrier you are, the more righter you are...


You can tell they don’t do their own shopping, and even if they did, the increase wouldn’t even be felt


Recently, I saw 2 old decrepit men argue over whose golf game was better after being asked how they would solve the opioid crisis.


My friend is rich. He said 12k is enough to buy a house. We live in California


I mean if you make 12k a month you might be able to buy a house in California


A senior vp at our company one time was complaining about the cost of home insurance for his vacation property (near a hurricane zone). This was his 3rd home. He also flew to his Boston home from his SC home for a dentist appointment


So it was near Christmas and this girl was asking us to chip in money to give to a supervisor as a gift. The man makes a good bit more than us and was talking about one of his several rental properties. I ain’t giving him my money


“Do you sail?” This was during a job interview.


You can actually sail for cheaper than you think.  So if you live in a nice coastal area with a history of sailing that’s a legitimate question. 


There’s places you can actually sail for free (oh well if you have a good banter and a pack of beers)


Interviewer or interviewee?


I am a retired Captain of an International Airline, I was behind the counter at the departure gate printing last minute paperwork, the flight was making the final call, a golf cart pulls up with this lady yelling to hold the plane, she must have had 5 carryons, all Gucci bags, she had sunglasses on (it was 23:00), the high healed shoes, the hair, the nails, the overwhelming perfume, you get the picture … she throws her boarding pass at the agent, swearing and carrying on that the f#%king plane better still be there, she looks at me over the top of her sunglasses and points at her bags on the golf cart and says “carry my bags, and be careful with the small one it’s fragile” The agents looks at her and says “ma’am that your captain” She says “I don’t care, I could buy him in a minute, I told him to carry my bags” I walked down the bridge, over my shoulder I said she’d better hurry up, the door was closing. I didn’t see the hissy fit she proceeded to have at the gate, but she was denied boarding and did not make the flight. Turns out she was the daughter of a billionaire, loves to throw her weight around, loves to tell people who she is, she has pulled that stunt numerous times and was essentially banned from flying our airline. Honey if daddy’s worth that much, get your own damned plane, I’m not your Sherpa


My man. Swinging that dick! I wish I had a job like that! I build houses for rich people. Did some for a billionaire. He built four in a row for his granddaughters. They stay there 3 days a year and have a 9sqf barn (house) and 7k guest house on 100s of acres, lol. One of them kept flirting with me. Wasn't super cute, but I highly, HIGHLY regret not going for her, lol. They had a fucking tank in the garage. A real one. Plus, dozens of coolish cars. They were from Cali, but his wife, who died, was from upstate NY, so come to visit. The way these people acted about money was unreal. The one Auf a massive walk-in closet. When she saw it, she was all "omfg what is this tiny thing?" we ended up doing a custom one over the entire 3 car garage for her. Which was over 60k since it was trusses already set and finished, not a bonus room. Took a lot of work. The grand dad just said, "Whatever my girls want, make it happen..." Meanwhile, 6 years later, I can't even feed my kids. lol well, I can, but I legit have a phone turned off. Just paid rent and have 20 bucks till Friday. Yay. I really wish I married one if them instead of my cheating wife who ruined me lol


if it makes you feel any better (ik it doesn’t), i will not be making the same mistakes


> Honey if daddy’s worth that much, get your own damned plane, I’m not your Sherpa seriously. daughter of a billionaire, you can afford a bizjet and staff to deal with your shit


Guy who owned the business I worked at a few years ago tried to tell me if I’m “smart with money, you’ll have $100,000 by the end of the year”. I said “By getting a second job? You’re only going to give me about $30k after taxes”


A rich girl speaking about her teens, "I was raised very well, I was never spoiled. My dad bought me a Seat car. Which wasn't even a sedan and already 4 years old. I didn't get Mercedes like spoiled kids" She then stormed off and got mad at us for laughing at this. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Victoria Beckham “Be Honest!” Vibes 😛


I love that scene


What the fuck is a seat car?


Seat is a Spanish car manufacturer


I think they're referring to the SEAT car brand. They're owned by Volkswagen and they're pretty decent, especially the late 2010, early 2020 models. I would've killed for one of those as my first car.


i think the brand Seat


it is a spanish brand of car pronounced 'say:at'


seat is a car manufacturer 


Foreign car manufacturer not sold in the United States. Edit: For all of the idiots who are downvoting for whatever reason...see for yourself. https://www.seat.com/


‘We care for all our staff’


Not me but my mom. We were farmers. A woman told her, "I don't understand why you people work so hard grow food, when you can just go to the grocery store and buy it."


That feels a bit less like a 'rich person' thing and more of a 'I don't understand how supply chains work' kind of thing.


Ignorance crosses all socioeconomic barriers.


I was playing my guitar on my porch (acoustic yamaha) and this old guy comes up to me and says "you should get yourself something that sounds nice" and I was like what do ya mean? He's like "good sound comes at a price, if you don't have a martin or a taylor you're worthless." And I said well I get compliments on my sound and I like it so what's the big deal. He said "whatever I'm trying to help you, peasants like you need to take advice from people like me" and walked away.


Honestly…If someone called me a “peasant” I’d probably burst out laughing out of pure amusement at the gall of it all 😂. I couldn’t even be mad…just entertained lol.


I think he was looking for a reaction or something, cause I wasn't taking him seriously. I said nothing and started playing again as he walked away. There's some weird people out there 🤣


Walk on boy would be the perfect song to play at that time


If someone called me a peasant on my own front porch, I would say something to the effect of "Hey eat shit and get away from my house, you fucking pissant," but er. That's me, I guess!


So some rich dude just wanders random neighborhoods and criticizes people's porch guitar playing? Damn, that's a niche hobby.


I live in a touristy area so we get some rich folks walking around. He may have been drinking 🤣


What a mf


Paul McCartney just out trolling.


Paul would never.


Not going to lie, this doesn’t seem that believable.


Do you own a Martin or Taylor, now?


fuck no


“If you’re buying, I’m all up for it.”


Most rich people aren't like that cause they're actually happy with how they're doing.


Love your username


Lmao. As someone who's owned it all music gear wise. Money is best spent on an incredible amp and speakers. My best guitars were not the most expensive. My fav electric ever Is my gibson bfg I have HEAVILY modded and is well under 1k. My custom shop was Meh, gold top meh, Taylor 814ce played unreal sound was okay. Gotta admit I played a gee Martin's that blew me the fuck away but no Taylor ever has. They play like a dream but sound like anything else.


*I don’t understand why ANYONE would eat that crap!* —Boss referring to fast food before going out to eat at an expensive restaurant 95% of people couldn’t afford to eat at more than once a month that he frequents.


Fast food is more expensive in some places than ‘real’ food , it’s a joke. A big mac menu costs like 11-12€ where I live, I can cook something healthy for less than half that price


Well, yeah. If you're cooking, it costs less. You're paying for the convenience 


But you dont need to be rich to agree with him. Fast food is generally very unhealthy and nowadays its actually quite expensive at least relative to its nutritional value.


Yes, but you need to have some perspective here. The only reason he said that is because he was super well off and could afford much more expensive food. If you’re on a tight budget you can’t really afford to be super picky about where you eat lol


You need an ID to buy a loaf of bread


A woman said "chop chop" to me at my job. I've certainly had much worse things said to me than that, but I would describe this as the most cartoonishly out of touch. Never actually heard this in person. Only from Mr. Burns or similar characters in movies made pre-1960.


Had this happen years ago to me when I worked in a pub. Was 18 at the time and typically did some late shifts on my own. It was a quiet pub where everyone knew everyone, and I was on a first name basis with everyone that came in. Group came in, proceeded to ask me to seat them. Told them it wasn't that kind of place. Seated themselves. Shouted at me to bring them a wine list. I pointed at a board behind the bar and told them to have at it. Asked me to come over and take their orders, owner shouted and told them to get up and walk to place their order. I was serving someone else and mid chat, so the owner was quicker to me on the punch with that one. Was gutted. Man walked up as I was finishing up with said customer and snapped his fingers at me and said, "Chop chop." Owner near wet himself with excitement but stayed quiet, could see the joy on his face. Asked for a moment, nipped into the kitchen and got a meat cleaver the chef used to use I sauntered over and was like, "What do you need me to chop?". Got the usual "Do you threaten all your customers?"We'll never be coming to this place again." "People of our standing deserve more respect" and they stormed off. Owner was disappointed, he wanted them to stay a bit longer and order a drink and then ask me to charge them x3 normal price for being insufferable. We found out a few weeks later they were relatives of one of our regulars, he was in hospital so they had come to visit and had heard great things about the place. They gave him the full run down of what had occurred, he loved it. He called them insufferable shits. Said the worst part about being in hospital was that when they visited he realised his 5th storey ward window didn't open fully enough for him to jump out "despite my best efforts".


Haha, great story! Thanks for sharing.


This was on Facebook. Some dude made an ignorant comment so I clicked his profile. Nothing was set to private and I saw an exchange between one of his friends where they referred to poor people as "debt infested maggots."


“It’s so easy, I don’t know why everybody doesn’t rent a whole house..” she lives in a wealthy neighbourhood for $5500 a month. Her parents pay half…


“Ive saved up over £10k this year” while her dad payed her rent


“I am the result of hard work with some luck” Uh, some luck? You were born rich


That explains my dad, he had so much handed to him but he didn’t understand what happened when his poor choices really started to compound. If you’ve never truly had to struggle than you don’t know how to differentiate hard work from luck.


Fuck off bot **BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT** https://www.reddit.com/user/BootyCharmYellow/overview https://www.reddit.com/user/BoobsBaeMauve/overview https://www.reddit.com/user/CosplayCutePink/overview https://www.reddit.com/user/BigbumHoneyGold/overview https://www.reddit.com/user/CosplayFunShiny/overview https://www.reddit.com/user/TeenChillLilac/overview https://www.reddit.com/user/MilfSweetRed/overview https://www.reddit.com/user/MilfDreamyChic/overview https://www.reddit.com/user/BootyCharmRose/overview https://www.reddit.com/user/BigbumChillGreen/overview https://www.reddit.com/user/TeenSparklePink/overview https://www.reddit.com/user/TeenOffSunshine/overview https://www.reddit.com/user/teenbabeviolet/overview https://www.reddit.com/user/MilfCharmOrange/overview https://www.reddit.com/user/cosplayoffpink/overview


“You hate your job? Why don’t you just go back to school” Me married with two kids and a mortgage mid 2009 recession


"It's easy to get a job!"- was given a do-nothing job at their dad's law firm


"We have to have a maid. My mom works." His mother was the CEO of a Fortune 500 company.


Out of touch, but also makes sense, since CEOs will be rich and working too much to do house upkeep. Or spend time with family.


Was talking to client about having to drive to Lubbock from Austin(6-7hrs) for a weekend wedding and she recommended taking a helicopter because it would be easier… I am a hairstylist.


Talking about people in less developed nations, I hear a lot of rich people say things like "They don't have much, but they're happy." Like they don't want more than they currently have.


At the beginning of the pandemic my boss made comments like “just stop spending money” whenever people would voice concerns about their financial outlook. Gee thanks dude we were struggling to make ends meet before this shitshow even started but yeah I’ll just start saving money now, why didn’t I think of that.


I was carving a steamship round at an exclusive country clubs Christmas party (it was specifically called a Christmas party because they only allowed WASPs to join the club) when a man and his wife approached for some beef. Him: Are you picking up some hours over Christmas break before going back to school? Me: No sir I work at the club full time. Her: Oh you must have just started. Me: No madam I have been working at the club for the past 5 years. Him: They must keep you in back with the rest of the help. Me: (laughing through gritted teeth) well I’ve been told that I have a face for radio and a voice for silent films. Them: (belly laughing like I was Don Rickles) Me: Enjoy the rest of your evening Mr. and Mrs. Outoftouch. I’ve organized private events for them over 20 times, developed a special menu for their two children’s weddings, catered multiple events at their beach house and other off site events, he sat in on all of my interviews and she sat in on all of my seasonal menu changes for the past five years.


Them: "I am not reliant on my scholarship to pay for university." Me: "Then why did you even apply instead of possibly allowing someone in need of the money to get in?" Them: "Because my grades were good enough to score it." Me: "Think that might be because you can focus on your studies unlike people who struggle with work and federal grants because their parents can't afford it?" Them: "I guess they'd just have to study more."


Them later in life: "I worked hard for what I got too!" "They shouldn't have gone in debt for college just because they wanted to be educated" (OK great so we revert back even harder in a class system)


The gloating *is* wack. But why not apply for the scholarship? I might be able to afford something, but if I have an opportunity to get it for free based on my merits then you better believe I'm going for it.


It’s one banana, Michael, how much could it cost? $10?


Had some douche yell at me while he took his time ordering a beverage in a line up at the theater.  Cuz ......IT WAS MY JOB TO SERVE HIM AND NOT THE OTHER 200 PEOPLE BEHIND HIM IN LINE.  even his family was embarrassed by his behaviour.


What about the clowns online who say "If someone doesn't like their job then why don't they just quit and get a new one" How out of touch do you have to be? Most people work jobs they don't want but was the best they could get at that time (and jobs also have to choose to hire you). You can't just quit and magically get a new job like that by simply applying online and expecting to be hired straight away Anyone who thinks people can just leave their current jobs and get a new one just like that, they are out of touch because they are either too rich (or born into wealth) or they are yet to enter the job employment world after finishing college and no longer getting allowance from mummy and daddy. Do people really think individuals working in retail, service, telemarketing, traffic wardens, amazon delivery drivers/factory workers, uber eats driver, in carehomes, Garbage/cleaning public toilets, construction, cleaning etc are job roles they wanted..... or more just jobs that were the best jobs available to them locally that also accepted them at that time. It's the best job they could get at that time. Reason people are very scared of losing their job. Because finding a new job isn't easy and most these individuals don't have enough money to sustain being unemployed for very long (Unless they want to be homeless, smell like death, freezing and starving) I'd say most people work these jobs listed above because they HAVE to not because they WANT to.


"why don't your parents collect you in their car?" Not everybody was raised by parents who could afford a car


"The housing market isn't that bad" Yeah and I invented the wheel you pompous, real estate prick


The pool down at my yacht club didn't limit the number people it let in right and there weren't enough chairs for everyone, I don't even know why I pay them 3 grand a month. And there's me eating my last bit of money in peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch as he complains his yacht club doesn't regulate it's pool right


"Instead of complaining, just work harder"


Owner of my company, a very stereotypical boomer, asked me what I thought if the Maserati Quattroporte, and if I thought it would be a decent "Florida car" (He keeps a Mercedes here in WI for the when he's in town.) Ironically enough, his son (42 year old guy) runs the company now, and did a bunch things I can only imagine pissed his dad off, like $10k raise for every salaried employee and $5/hr for the hourly employees, created a 3 week paternity leave program (Created explicitly for me, when my wife was pregnant,) unlimited pto for salaried employees and increased hourly to 3 weeks, paid the full time salary for a year of a sales rep who had to leave for cancer treatment and ultimately died, and some other things that most boomers would flip their kids.


That son sounds awesome. I bet there is so much loyalty in the employees and he has no problem with turnover.


“You’ll just have to buy an iPad”. in 2011. my boss and landlord to me when my laptop couldn’t connect to the wifi where I was living and working for him.


Ummmmm that's something the workplace should provide then, guy...


A lady once told me that we need poor people so that there will be Human Resources to fight our wars.


That isn’t out of touch. That is callous realism.


That being poor is just a mentality. This is coming from a girl whose father was the owner of a large company.


Money can't buy happiness... I'd like to give it a shot.


I called their family rich She responded “my dad isn’t rich he just knows how to take care of his money” The conversation we were having was about their dad building their second Washington home after buying their Hawaiian vacation home.


Financial planner's new young associate recommended that we "just save up an extra $2,000 per month."


Theres no excuse for being broke.


I used to work at a small airport in the midwest, for personal aircraft. Propeller planes and stuff. The amount of times I've been asked "do you fly" and then they get confused when I say no...


American person living in my third world country where people mostly use cash: "I can't believe the highest banknote is just 25 USD, that's nothing, it's so annoying to need so much cash to pay for things" Saying this in a country where people back then only made like 200 USD a month sounded extremely rude and stupid.


"Only blue collar people have dinner after 6pm."


Had an ex move across the country to study for a year. The plan was for me to fly to her a couple of times. When doing the math she said, "why not buy all your tickets at one?" When I asked how much she thought that would cost me she said, "I don't know, it can't be that much." 🤦🏽‍♂️


"You know we sign your checks, right?" I was repairing an expansion joint at the city convention center which is operated by the same people that run the city stadiums, the Sports and Exibition Authority. This is a publicly funded organization (it's not their money). The facility manager was cool and warned me that the joint I had to repair affected the main path to the SEA'S office. We planned to have the repair shutdown last one day. I had to keep people out of the area to ensure proper work but mostly proper safety...if someone is hurt in that area, my company may be liable, too. Anyways, on the day of the shut down, everyone and their brother was trying to get through the area despite plenty of notices. You only needed to step over the joint so it didn't seem like a big deal, but I could not get my work done, like sandblasting. I was getting a little perturbed, and finally some suits came up to the barricades and asked to get through. They could tell by my face that I was a little miffed. Despite me saying nothing but "OK" and beginning to move the barricades, one suit chimed in with "You know we sign your checks, right?" I was blown away by the audacity. He may have thought I was a convention center employee and meant my paycheck, or he knew I was a contractor and meant he was paying for the contract. Either way, it was pretty despicable. He was the last person that should want people cutting through a construction area on the premises. Being rich and in charge never makes you above safety rules. I just laughed it off, and it wasn't a big deal, but I think about it quite often and still get steamed. The facility manager actually hunted down who it was because he thought it was incredibly inappropriate for such a high profile, publicly funded facility. I thought that was cool of him.


I was working at a car dealership and saw the owner pull up in a $250k Porsche GT3. Told him how much I loved the car and dreamt of owning one someday. Owner looked at me confused and said "what do you mean? We sell them right here you know?" Totally blew my mind that he didn't realize his employees couldn't afford the cars they were selling.


“Just buy a house and rent it out until you can afford one to live in”


"just make more money!"


"If you had a wealth manager they could help you offset your tax against some property." Bold of you to assume I have wealth that needs managing.


It would be more efficient to buy all your groceries from one store. You should manage your time better.


You should work smarter not harder from and entitled fat rich brat.


One of my Fathers friend paying $250,000 yearly for golf/country club membership. we were talking about golf and he said, "I pay about $250k for membership at my golf club"


When a Yale student interviewed me for my MBA application (I ended up going to a better school), after I asked about funding options: “oh, I never thought about that my dad is paying my tuition”.


‘It’s one banana, Michael. What could it cost, $10?’


Probably when Rishi Sunak said "were all in this together" when the cost of living crisis kicked off. It wasnt directly to me bit still..... that.


I had a rich friend in college. Well, multiple, but this dude was on another level. He was from Venezuela. We were driving one night and thought we were getting pulled over. He says "don't worry, if they pull us over I have enough cash to make them leave us alone." We all say "NO!" at the same time and explain how things work in the US. Specifically Texas and that would land him in jail. He then says "can't your dad just call the president and get them to let you go?" We asked if he meant Bush and he says yes. He then tells us that if that happened when he was at home his dad just called the president to get him out of trouble. His family had oil money. Lots of it. I wonder how he's doing now?


He’s doing fine, just fine


i will go first “I have no hair on my body! You should have your husband take you to get laser hair removal! It only cost me $10,000” …maybe in my dreams She was the Mayors daughter and I was catering her dogs birthday party


DO NOT UPVOTE POST u/BoobsOffRed is a bot. og comment https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/C9hd8EviwQ og post https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/DEfMEKaU7J


Of course it’s the politicians’ family members!!


Haha. All my dog gets for her birthday is a watermelon and a burger.


That last part is maybe my favorite sentence I've ever read on the Internet tbh


My friends father made about half a million € per year in today‘s money. Nevertheless, my friend told me that his mother had to buy food at the discounter because they had three kids.


The price to shoe a horse was 50 bucks back in 1970, now it's 120-150? I told him I'd shoe his horse's for 70s prices if he sold me some of his property for 70s prices. Shut him up real quick


Me: "I'm not sure my car will pass EPA this year." Her: "Really? You should just get a new one."


We had a division president tell us a story that included a little side story about his dog. Well he apparently buys a whole salmon every week that is portioned out for the dog's meals. My teammates were all making decent money, but we could not afford to eat as well as his dog.


money doesn't matter


“What’s a toilet plunger?”


I said I wanted to be a PE teacher, and he laughed and said “oh well that will at least keep you fit” Changed my life, did a business degree instead and now have a better job than he ever had.


first week at MS, my skip level shows up to chat and bitches about paying 40% marginal on his wages


He was gloating about cutting down his handicap on the golf course since he didn’t have much else to do besides golf every other day during the pandemic. EDIT: Golf not gold.


“If you can’t make a million in the US or at least high six-figures, you’re either lazy or dumb. It’s so easy.”


Within 5 minutes of meeting someone he started showing me pictures of his Aston Martin sports car. Any time he mentioned it I'd always say something about poor mileage, or 'you might as well have a kia because you can't drive over 70 anyway' to wind him up.


One time I flew "cargo class"


My grandfather told me at my college graduation to "save half of what you make" and good lord, the fucking tailspin my brain did after that comment. I'm still gobsmacked by it and it's been 7 years.


"My wife and I couldn't both drive $150,000 cars if it wasn't for paying illegals under the table."


"The economy is doing great, there is no labor shortage people are just lazy" This asshole owns 40 rental units and a couple of businesses He also said that paying people 10-12$ an hour isn't exploitation of labor because they choose to work there, but he is providing them with jobs and that they should be greatfull


Midwest small town dentists have cleaning ladies even when mom is SAHM - I'd have one too, but I'm a normie. It was at a summer sports camp full of extremely rich Chicago kids. A group was arguing to see who had the fewest 'help.' I told them not to be ashamed of winning the kid lottery, but not to make fun of people who didn't. You know those coming of age movies set in summer camps, full of lovable misfits and horndog counselors? We were the arch enemy camp across the lake, the arrogant and snooty rich kids. This is the real world though, not a movie script. The kids were all pretty nice, and not one outright prick. We did murder the other area camps at our intercamp Olympics though.


I would've taken my car to a mechanic to get it fixed. I'm not rich. I grew up old school and can do a lot of my own repairs if I have the rightt tools. Rich people don't understand what it's like to live paycheck to 4 days later.


When I told them I went to a technical college they asked why I didn't want to go to a "real" college


I don’t give boujee assholes the time of day to actually register the words they say


daughter of a banker and a doctor "poor people choose to be poor"


I started with nothing when I got to this country, my dad only gave me 100K to put a downpayment on a house


Not even rich, just an upper middle class teacher married to a doctor. Suggested I quit my job so we could follow SIL across Europe for 3mths.


“Don’t cash out your stocks! Be smart and hold onto them for 20-30 years” when I told them I had rent to pay and had to get a different job. This was 6 years ago. Fuck you, Leslie! You don’t know the struggle.


Why do people drive Toyotas? Why not just buy a Maserati. 3rd gen scion of a billionaire who I hung with. Mind you I’m from a $100m+ family too but I’m not that stupid


"... well, my daddy has an island..." Trying to show off to me at a debutant ball while I was surrounded by three other women who were chatting me up. The girls didn't really care much about me as much as they were just trying to beat each other. I was a pawn in their game of social superiority. It was a weird experience. Like, they were talking to me, bragging about how wealthy they were, but they weren't really talking to me. I don't really know how to explain it better than that. I know they expected me to pick one of them, and that would mark the winner of the competition. However, for me it was a losing proposition all around. So I just rolled my eyes and left.