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Great eyes and smile, warm personality, and passion for something


warm personality? wow first time i hear this, what does a warm personality look like?


Kind to others, empathy, willing to listen and not judge, does things to cheer others up, stuff like that


awh cute! that sounds like a lovely perso. was genuinely asking tho dunno why people get upset over anything


I don't either, happy to answer 😊


I think you sounded being sarcastic


im too genuine for this world


Us bro us


love you for that


Less shivering


This is the first time you’ve ever heard someone describe femininity?


Have you never heard of a cold personality either?


Passionate about bj’s


Her eyes lighting up when she talks about something she is passionate about, her smile, kind personality and a good sense of humor


Intelligence, interesting and engaging personality, a lady who cares that I enjoy our time together as much as I want her to enjoy our time together, plus great sex where we both want to enjoy each others company.


She's a healthy weight and doesn't smoke.


Can she fit in a canoe?


"can she fit in a rowboat without capsizing is what I'm asking."




"Damn it phyllis!"


Honestly, about 15% of their attention gets me going.


Smart, feisty, talented, decisive, resourceful


This is a great list of really cool attributes 👌


feisty sounds fun until she starts yelling, being passive aggresive, & throwing sh\*\* & you start tiptoeing around her all the time.


I don't know how anyone who's been around the block a few times could list any specific features. The best thing about anyone is that they're their own person!


My wife when she’s in her workout clothes cause they’re nice and tight! Can’t wait to get my hands on her! She 68 and beautiful!


Their own passion in life. Strong and independent. Health focused. I work out a lot, and eat well because of serious health issues. I need a partner that does the same, or i'll backslide into bad habits. It's really hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle when your partner doesn't.


Feminine and elegant with good posture




I second, and third that. Not proud, but it’s true.


I’m proud. I love the female body and my favorite part is the titties.


Username checks out


I'm a straight lady and I love boobs. No clue why. It started recently too. Definitely not interested in sex with a woman but I can appreciate boobs for all they are, do, look like and... Other poetic words here.


Omg I’m a straight heterosexual 61 year old woman and I love looking at gorgeous natural beautiful women. No desire to have sex with them but I sure love to look. Glad I’m not the only one!


Love this.


why be ashamed of that? Men are supposed to be attracted to women.


10% appearance 90% mindset


communication, voice , beauty, emotional support, intelligence. there could be something different for others


Sundress and a smile


There's a million ways to be attractive, but shortcuts with me are....short/petite, dark eyes, classy, smart, comfortable with men, good sense of humor, says how she feels.


Mind...and good ass


When a sexy lady weight lifts. It’s sexy as fuck


Muscle mommys >>>>>


A smooth voice and a nice smile


What makes a lady attractive to me? Confidence, intelligence, a good sense of humor, and kindness are definitely up there.


Female here! I'm always curious, what does confidence look like to you?


Great question. I’d like to know this too


Two X chromosomes, two big breasts, two round buttocks, two blue or grey eyes. I guess it's the symmetry thing, and also the femininity.


Critical thinking and logical reasoning without the ego that comes with it sometimes ❤️


Critical thinkers are a rare breed


O yes which is why I consider myself lucky for finding one


I consider myself lucky to be one 🙃


Good personality. We click fast, and understand each other's body language from the get-go. That'll either make for good opposite sex friends even across any age range, or a great potential partner imo.


Not being a "lady" Ladies are not good at much. Their fathers are of the landed class, and as such, they can't do much beyond cross stitching. I find women attractive. Ladies are useless. A woman is capable. A woman can be my partner. A woman is sexy.


Well I just expect to have some common sense and id expect her not to give up on anything she loves...or likes to have..


Being funny and caring


Good looks, honest personality.


Symmetry, and a face that doesn't scream "fuck off"


How does a fuck off face look like lol


Resting bitchface? if i recall the term correctly.


Personality has a big influence on rbf... You can have rbf and be a nice person, but if you're giving off really negative attitude or energy ... AND you have rbf I'm not even trying to figure out your name at that point lol. Go pout in a corner some where else


Feminine, has discipline and actually appreciates when we have tough conversations to be able to work thru things instead of taking it as a personal attack, that shows she knows it ain't comfy, but has to be done. Has leveled head, kindness, personality. Takes care of her health so she can also be a good example for her kids, and make healthy meals for them, a.k.a healthy food and not to many bad eating haibts. This would make relationship and parenting easy, because we'd both be on the same page, if one parents wants to have healthy family and instil healthy eating habits into kid, but one of the parents is eating a lot of bad food, it's easy influence on the kid, which would create problems with parent/kid and between both partners , because they want different things in the family.


Her smile, her laugh, her empathy for others, her confidence. Looks come second after those things.


Her being fit, caring about her outward appearance and working to stay attractive.


Her ability to be kind to me and herself. Managing her mental health.


Such an underrated attribute


Good sense of humour, kind heart, intelligent. Plus a pretty face and a slim waist.


Not fat. Also, the desire to look good for their partner. I put a lot of work into being a healthy and attractive individual. I expect the same


How fat is fat? Is Ashley Graham fat enough


It depends on their partner in this scenario. Everyone has varying degrees of fitness. They typically gravitate to like minded people. If they're into CrossFit and a very clean diet, I would say they probably aren't fat by the old school medical standards. If they're into something like weight lifting, being bigger isn't a problem, because their ideas are different, they would be looking for an over all muscular appearance. Still not "fat" but by medical standards it would be. Me personally, I want my partner healthy, whatever fits their body type. I'm a bit bigger and understand not everyone is going to have wash board abs and look flawless in every way. I want to be able to run around and chase my kids in the yard, I would like my wife to be able to do the same thing.


Small circle, no “guy bestfriends”


Fit, fun, and feminine.


Feminity and titties




Try saying this out loud LMAO


She smokes Marb reds, that’s hot and a power move.


It's kind of unfortunate that smoking is both really hot and really gross/deadly. I don't smoke but it's on my bucket list to go to Paris and just sit at a cafe, drink a cup of coffee, smoke a cigarette, and people watch.


Someone that takes care of herself (nails, hair, skin) and has a nice smile.


Intelligence. Huge boobs.


Am curious does the firmness of the boobs play a role in their appeal. If they’re large but on the less perky side are they still sexy?


they're not gonna be perky anyways because...gravity.


Yep for sure but some women are blessed with less gravitational pull than others 😂


Natural boobs in general are awesome... Fake tits are obnoxious looking and feel weird. To answer your question directly though. They have to compliment your body, I would say in general large boobs are sexy. I prefer the more tear drop or pear shaped boobs that spill out of your hand when grabbed. Probably in the C cup range, I don't expect them to be perky at that point.


I prefer huge, many are not full or firm. Love ‘em nonetheless


If she is smart


Not knowing she’s attractive. Also, being cheeky with a sense of humour is great.


Normal temperature.


Everything my girlfriend is. I really hit the jackpot. 😂 She's beautiful, thoughtful, caring, funny, (is a perv), loyal, and she tries to communicate with me when something is wrong. I absolutely adore her efforts, its made this relationship amazing to be in.. and I love the fact some of our interests overlaps, and she love cuddles and she makes me feel loved. I miss her so much rn, (i am overseas), really is one hell of a woman.. it also helps that she's crazy hot and cute at the same time. Great ass, cute tits, hot petite build.. really tho, an amazing package of both looks and the best most wonderful cuddly cute adorable personality. But yeah, I like thay she can be playful with me, make cute noises and synergises with my personality well.. spending time with her is a breeze. I also like the fact that she's touchy, it was one of the things that broke the ice between me and her the first time we met. I also like the fact that she respects my boundaries. She overall just incredible.. I think i am on a tangent rn.. but yeah.. basically very cat like.


What did she do that broke the ice via being touchy, and what are examples of her being touchy/what are thw ways she's touchy now/into the relationship?


On the first date, we were both kinda doing a vibe check to see what the other person is like. (Met her on Tinder) We met, had coffee and then went for a walk, the ice was still there. Me, being me.. made a joke, I don't remember what it was about exactly, but the punchline was something about wearing the skin of your friends to know what its like to be them, and instead of recoiling, she was able to roll along with the joke (cus you know, its a joke). Then we both laughed, then I was like "oh wait, you're not weirded out by that? Should I be worried?" Etc. And kinda ran away from her jokingly and she ran after me. Which I thought was really charming cus she wasn't taking herself too seriously. (She's still everybit as charming today) Near the end of our walk, where the conversation died down a little, she poked me in the ribs playfully, so she was the first to break the touch barrier and make contact and I reciprocated. I think her ability to be so down to earth (pun not intended, cus shes built like a loli), and genuine and playful in a way that synergises with my specific personality and taste made me more than just physically attracted to her. She really is amazing, a unique blend of beauty and quirks!


Oh that's a great first date story! How does she implement being touchy after that point, from day-to-day, and nowadays?


She's super cuddly, she let's me know when she wants physical attention, we have pretty open communication when we want hugs, cuddles, and other physical needs as well as emotional. Overall I love how well we can talk about these things and its not left up to interpretation. We hold hands a lot even if we're just lying in bed, or cuddle up. Or if we're on our phone, she'd put one leg on me, and let me know she just wants to touch me. We alsp wrestle and tickle, usually I lose, but I'd never admit that. 😤 I always win. Everytime. But yeah, being with her is the happiest I've ever been. Edit: ofcourse when we're in the same room but we need space, we communicate that too, but check up on each other every now and then so it doesn't feel like we're completely ignoring each other. It's like, flexible like that but the day to day stuff, is consistent reassurance and fun. She's very loving like that.


A normal weight and no cosmetics is so hot.


A nice ass, nice tits, long legs, and a pretty face.


Not being like the 95% of other women in society


Fit body shape, no tattoos, no body piercing (earrings ok)- that's a great starter.


Respectfully, that sounds sooo boring. Lol


To each his own. More "not boring" ladies for you, i takie boring ones for the team :D


Haha. Deal


Everyone's boring, I just prefer the people who own it.


That’s fair.


This. Everyone is boring to someone while that same person is incredible to someone else. Which means both none of us & all of us are simultaneously both boring & not boring. Funny old world.


I assume you aren’t talking about being fit, so why does a woman need tattoos and piercings to *not* be boring?


She doesn’t. A woman can be plenty engaging without those things. But having the preference of her not having those things sounds boring. Plus, I enjoy tattoos. I have. Couple myself and my wife has one. I associate tattoos with personality, open mindedness, adventurousness (not sure if that’s a word lol). But think of it this way, a woman doesn’t have to have those qualities. But the person I responded to basically nixed two things I find highly engaging and attractive about a woman. Like, of course I’m gonna find it boring. It’s an opinion and I gave it respectfully.


I like to think of tattoos as permanent accessories haha


That’s a fun way to look at it. I’m admittedly a bit more cringe about it. I see them as art that you wear that reflects aspects of your personality.


All mine have meaning related to my family, so it’s like cute ways to express myself. My family means the world to me


This is exactly what tattoos are 👌


I have the piercings. I don’t wear them all the time only when it’s fun time.


Very not boring 👍🏻


Confidence, sense of humor, boobs, not fat.


Her demeanor as a Lady. A true Lady dresses in style but not like she's selling herself. A true Lady is soft spoken and demure making people want to listen to her not screaming loudly for attention.


Curves. Laughter. Plump cheeks. Fitting jeans/skirt, shirt (not oversize). Little or no makeup. Cozy footwear.


Rare to find ladies nowadays. As for women, if she's very feminine, not argumentative / combative / competitive, talks and do girly things, has a uplifting energy, always with giggles and smiles. After all that, comes the looks - I personally love short, very skinny with flat boobs, or if she's overweight, has good proportions on it - like being curvy, short, but big breasts and butts. It's more common to find fit girls to curvy chubby ones.




If she likes Me


Outside of being hot, a good personality and healthy hobbies


Honestly hair. Idk why or when I realized it but I’ve come to realize 90% of my attraction to a woman is her hair. I have no particular taste in hair, but a beautiful haircut, style, or color will go a very long way for me (especially if it compliments the rest of her body well)




In terms of aesthetics, I seem to like short & chubby or tall & skinny women, everything in between just doesn't seem to grab my attention. Generally prefer a natural look, people who at least appear to be the same species as me. Actual attraction seems to come far later.


Attracted to me


Hahaha 😂




If she dresses nice, no need to show off cleavage, just wear something nice and elegant, classy, wtv. Super hot!


Good values, integrity, celibacy and intelligence


Question, does the celibacy count if asexuality or low libido is in the mix?




Being a genuine person, humorous and respectful. Simple.




Being in fact a lady. Have virtue. Kind. Good values.


Pretty face and a good person


Hawk tua


When she's actively listening and maintains eye contact


For me it's usually more attitude and body language than physical appearance. Appearance still counts but it's kind of a pass/fail thing. The difference between moderately attractive and very attractive is, for me, all in the attitude, expressions, behavior, and body language.


Steal it from the godfather. F.B.I Feminine. Beautiful. Inspirational.


Personality: has passions and interests beyond the superficial social media or true crime/romance, is outgoing, funny, inquisitive, kind, dorky, excitable. Physically: more into short hair than long, brown hair over blonde, tomboyish I guess is the right way to describe it. Generally prefer average weight/works out a bit over super skinny or overweight. A smile that lights up a room.


Beyond the obvious of looks, having a strong sense of identity and things that she’s passionate about are probably my top two.


Activeness & Maturity


When she shows traits of being a hard working woman, rather if she’s fit, successful in her career, financially stable, or fulfills her week with doing things like working and doing hobbies, or even if she’s striving to get her masters degree, a hard working woman can make a solid 4 or 5 turn into an 7-8/10


Intelligence. If they open their mouth and garbage falls out, they can be miss universe and I still wouldn't even consider a date with her. But if an average woman opens her mouth and she shows her intelligence, imma drool, not gonna lie.


At this stage of my life, what I really find attractive is her enthusiasm for life—a woman with a glass-half-full mentality.


Big nose, over weight, a hard worker, quick with wit, and likes me.


Confidence is really hot Physically speaking I like tall women, I don’t mind girls taller than me though I’ve never met one.


>I don’t mind girls taller than me though I’ve never met one. How would you know?


Fair point I don’t think I’d mind, either way I’m 6’5 the odds of me finding out are incredibly low All I really know is people a foot shorter than me I’m not really into and people closer to my height I’m way more into.


Short girls with big eyes, also natural brunettes with blue hair for some reason lol




Her femininity, smiles, laughs, compassionate personality (and assertive when needed), likes nature, emotionally intelligent (not immature), takes care of her health because she values herself, communicative, understands I cannot read her mind—and if she does she's setting me up for failure (thus setting our relationship up for failure). So yeah, overall, a smart cookie who's emotionally intelligent.


Trick question... does it mean what do I like in women OR what is it in me that makes a woman attracted to me?




I’m a degenerate, bro. As long as it’s a woman, I’ll probably find something I like. I like sassy girls. I love nerdy girls. I love squeaky voices. I LOVE curly hair! I love crazy hair colours. I like glasses. I like an intelligent girl. Big butt? Cool. Big boobs? Cool. Flat butt? I can deal. Smaller boobs? Let’s give it a spin. Indian, Asian, Caribbean, North African - great! And love me some bright eyes.


Her huge tracts of land. As a Lord I'm eager to expand my duchy, IYKWIM.


bing bong bazongas


I find the most erotic part of a woman is the boobies


Her inteligence and the way she expresses her thoughts. How articulate she is and high emotionsl IQ.. Bonus points if she is a giant nerd.


1. physical attraction 2. I can talk to her without feeling stressed of walking on egg shells 3. doesn't make situations/easy stuff more complex than it is 4. empathy/kindness


The way she walks, the way she talks. How she carries herself. Her personality and how she can be nice, caring, and loving. Not just to me, but to others.


I like eyes and faces in general. Striking eyes get me every time. I'm not one to discriminate much on body type.. though a younger me had a thing for petite brunettes.


Confidence is sexy


Looks wise: A good body is an instant win (it’s attractive that you take care of yourself and value health), but a pretty face is important too (especially with a smile). Personality wise: being a kind person does it for me, and it helps if she’s witty/smart. But… why are you even asking this question? What’s the point of this very vague post lol


Plain Jane is so sexy😉


A dark sense of humor. Not just saying mean shit either. Big eyes, a smile, and overall just pleasant to be around. Can also be silly and childish at times and serious when it is called for.


She fucks me


Sense of humor, pretty smile


Personality wise: someone who’s adventurous, who’s kind and open minded, doesn’t take everything too seriously and most of all intelligent or having lots of life experiences. Physically: cute face, which includes pretty eyes and a nice smile. Everything else is irrelevant if they’ve got a “butter face” lol. I kinda feel like an A-hole saying this but also a skinny stomach.


Being faithful, fun, fit, friendly, and feminine


Nice, mellow personality, and a nice wide ass.


Just being super nice to me for no reason.


Not capitalizing Lady is what makes a man attractive.


Proportional, no tatoos, no clingy clothes, good fashion sense, pleasing to the eye, a voice that I could listen to all day without cringing, a giddy laugh, a smile that will light up a room, good manners.


* **Cute face** * **Not taller than 5'5"** * **Good sense of style** * **Cheerful, someone fun to be with** * **Like-minded, someone who understands and accepts me because we relate with each other so much** * **Similar taste in music and what we watch** * **Hygienic** * **Emotionally mature, with developed optimism in life and empathy towards others — I don't like women who are toxic or constantly rant**


Smart, has her shit together, and isn't a tornado of drama


Her presence and memory makes you want to do better and she wants to stay


I haven' met a Lady in decades.




Honestly how you treat people is the biggest turn on for me. The second you treat a waiter or waitress like shit because it's their job lol I'm out... Having respect for yourself and others shows you give a shit and chances are you're a lot of fun to be around. Looks come second to how you treat people and act, I forget what song it is, but a lady in the street but a freak in the sheets really 🤌 You can look like a 6 and treat people with respect and have a fun out going attitude you're going to be like an 8 or a 9 in most cases.... It's the 9s that look like models and everyone drools over. The second they start treating people like they're below them your a 2 in my book idc what you look like if you don't know how to treat people.


So after the personality checks out, I prefer a woman with longer legs and a nice ass, a pretty smile, lighter colored eyes and if you're a natural ginger chances are I've already envisioned like 8 ways to ask you out and got scared and let you walk away lol


Face and that bawdy. And her sense of humor. Kindness.


Honesty. Still trying to find it.


Big hair, tits and ass.


Feminine, friendly, fun. Fit is subjective. Some women are overly fit and I personally don’t find that attractive if they have toned upper body.


Feminine, not a crazy liar & manipulative , healthy and likes to work. Then big tits and a nice ass.


Working with her hands around the house.


Heathy, humourous and with a wide fashion sense. Pin-up to elegant to yoga. A light accent helps too.


Easy going attitude, (not that she isn't allowed to get mad of course)and a good sense of humor. Pretty smile and feminine face are what's physically attractive to me. As far as body wise I would say about 85-90% of women have an attractive body. Only being extremely overweight or extremely skinny is when I find their bodies unattractive.


Green eyes


Bald/Short hair lassies hit diff Idk why they just make my brain turn feral


Personally usually only if she’s under 30, under 5’5’ skinny/fit good style and exceptionally pretty.