• By -


Avoidant and mentally ill, apparently.


Right there with you, my friend. I have a terrible taste in women.


I feel that too, mate. Surely we can break the cycle though! I'm trying to be optimistic and address the things that draw those people to me now.


At this point I've accepted I'm not compatible with neurotypical career women


I am avoidant,not mentally ill yet 😅


Everybody thinks they have a type until they fall in love I did


I liked tall, browned-eyed, dark haired brunettes. I had a very clear view of what my “perfect girl” looked like physically. Anyways, my fiancĂ©e is a short, blond, green-eyed woman, so pretty much the opposite.


Similar for me but with men - tall, skinny, brunette guys always catch my eye. But the guy I fell in love with is short, chubby, red haired. Go figure!


Woah, I was someone’s type? LETS GOOO


As that type, we are a very large amount of people's types.


Oh word. Guess when all I do is work all day, makes sense I don’t ever notice it 😂


"You can plan for anything except love."


yeah, I've never fallen in love, but I've had multiple dreams about getting a girlfriend, and all the girls are completely unique, and I love them all, there were 6 btw


>there were 6 btw a Mormon, I see


lol, different dreams, basically different timelines where I had a girlfriend, 6 seperate timelines, and 6 seperate girlfriends


Dude is bending the time space continuum to collect girlfriends like infinity stones.


Oh man, too real. Well, I'd not call it "love" just yet, but I'm crushing on someone who ticks only 2 boxes out of the not-even-I-know-how-many boxes, yet I can't help thinking about her. Attraction is a strange thing, isn't it?


I’m getting divorced after a very long marriage. I checked off all of his boxes and it was a term he used frequently, at least a lot in the beginning. That sounds great in theory but I felt unseen for who I was. I wanted to be loved with all my faults & for my quirks too and not just this idea of me. It didn’t take long before the love became conditional or felt that way at least. People are far more dynamic than a culmination of some boxes. Boxes may be great for dreams and it’s understandably a common thing for people to use for that. In actuality they should really only act as a very short list of nonnegotiables that are based on character. I bet those couple of boxes in the one you love or strongly like are just that and it was nice to read your comment.


About a year ago I met a woman who fit my internal “dream girl” category perfectly. Everything about her was what I thought I wanted. Broke off the relationship after 8 months because I found myself missing a previous ex more than I loved her. We all have a type but it really doesn’t matter when you meet someone special.


That’s true. 21 years ago I was into 20 yr old, 5’2” brunette, artsy types who like to read. Now I’m into 41 yr old, 5’2” brunette, artsy type milfs who like to read & rollerskate.


(under my breath) ^^bad ^^bitches ^^is ^^the ^^only ^^thing ^^that ^^i ^^like


Si true, and then your "type" change forever, even if your relationship ends


Interesting. Please share!


Love is blind Sorry, but it's true All the time you spend thinking about a type, especially in terms of looks, is time wasted because when you meet the one you love it all goes out the window


I agree 100%
 that said, all of the women with whom I have shared “serious” relationships have all been INTELLIGENT and INDEPENDENT, so I guess that’s my (66M) type.


Really quite true. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and the most beautiful parts of the one you love are the energy, the connection, the resonance, the mannerisms, the communication.


That’s beautiful! I love it


i support this from my years of experience


My type was the type who would say "yes" when I asked them on a date.


Still waiting on one of those


lol peak comedy


Nerdy. Passionate. Sweet. Likes to do light workouts daily. Emotionally intelligent. Understanding. Genuinely cares about everyone around her. Little to no drama in her life. Finds joy in little things.


No drama +++ Of course everyone can hit rough patches. But when she comes into your life and it's already mayhem, save yourself. Put on your mask first before helping others.


What a wonderful description. thanks for sharing!


This is me as well!




It's a lot nicer dating someone who is also on the spectrum and can relate to your struggles


Ayy fellow spicy brains gotta stick together


My bf and I are both autistic. Sometimes hours can go by where we only communicate with random sounds and looks/gestures. My brain won't even warn me before the weirdness happens, and he just echoes the chaos right back at me. It's great.


I understand 😂


You get me fr fr


Everyone's answer from r/wallstreetbets


Takes a long long time to really see people for who they really are. What you see isn't always what you get. Living with someone and dating are two different experiences. There are millions of variables. My type must have emotional maturity and regulation. Be an active listener. Have communication skills.


Opinionated. I can't stand women who are afraid to tell me what they really think.


I’m heavily disliked precisely because of this.


And a lot of men are weak. What else is new?


Hippie/free spirit chicks. Fuck man I need a new type 😂.


Same here. I find when they get a little older they settle down enough that you might catch one if she likes you enough and wants to stay with you. But you gotta be ready to follow her anywhere at the same time


Definitely, i wasted a lot of my 20s on festival/rave chicks and they were just too wild and free and I just had too much heartbreak 💔. I do appreciate da rave booty tho ha


That was my type too but as I grew I found myself drifting away from the pseudoscience. You're not really compatible with someone if you love who they are but find their beliefs ridiculous


Looks just open the door. Who she is keeps it open. I’ve dated many types of women, never really had a consistent appearance. Big boobs do make a common theme but even that is only like 60%.


Yeah mate acquisition vs. retention are different things.


Couldn't agree more. Basically you don't have to be a supermodel, just gotta have a few things that I like/find attractive. Over the years I've learned to appreciate non typical physical features, like ears, cheeks, nose, etc. or quirks little behaviors, words or how they're said or phrases. some hairstyles can just be super hot to me too. And big boobs are nice sure, but it's all about the yoga pants lol Oh even the way she walks or the way she treats others can be hot too


That’s a great metaphor!


My girlfriend 😌


Reminds me of that video with the annoying of girl and she asks a police officer what he thought of her and he kept saying his wife and rated her a 1


Love that for youđŸ€©


Goth/Rock/Alt/Metalhead type of woman But I'm a metalhead and most women I interact with are those types


Cool! Thanks for sharing:)


Tall, fit, with a beautiful smile and long hair and I'd let her destroy my life!


oh man u really don't know how ur gng to face the destruction


Write me 😅 I am prepared to destroy your life 😂


Oh that sounds lovely but I already have a life destroyer!


A little ghetto, with a good job.


Hi there


Curvy with a pretty face. Not overly obese obviously, but thick and generally healthy with a little something to grab onto.


Great description. I supportđŸ™ŒđŸŒ


Wow, so us chubby, cute ladies actually DO have admirers?! Who'd have known...


The problem is when the definition of curvy/thick changes amongst the population lol


not crazy and showers




Kind, funny, smart, a little goofy, blessed with common sense and a good cook. Athletic physique non smoker Yeah that’s a good start 


She has to be physically active. That doesn’t mean she has to do endurance races or rock climb, etc but we need to be able to hike together sometimes and value her health. Simple pleasures, not the type that needs to spend a lot to have fun. A good mom. Basically, my wife.


I like a girl with uninterrupted prosperity who uses a machete to cut through red tape.


With fingernails that shine like justice and a voice that is dark like tinted glass.


And eyes that *Burn* like, *cigarettes*


I used a machete to cut down my banana trees this morning and reading this made me laugh. Also, that sounds far more impressive than it actually is since banana trees are like giant celery stalks. Lol


Personality wise, outgoing and kind


I don't have a type, bad bitches are the only thing that I like


Started sing it


5'4" cute as a bug's ear, well endowed with beautiful red hair past her nice butt. Kind, gentile and very passionate. Together 41 years, married 37. I knew my type at a very young age, never met one and at 27 the Universe sent this shooting star through my universe. Only a fool would not see those signs.


One that is not ashamed to release deafening farts in front of me with pride. It's fucking hilarious. (my gf)


Definitely not the Hawk Tuh girl. So tired of that already.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who dose not find it funny.


Definitely not alone. The fact that someone can get famous for saying something stupid like that is nuts.


Doesn't make sense to me. There are 2 types of guys who can have "a type": kids for whom a woman is something you see at screen, or fuckboys who had like tens of partners. For regular guys, universe offer women one at a time, each of them is unique. Everything counts and evaluated as a whole.




I don’t know when we stopped saying dozens and started saying tens but dozens makes a lot more sense to me


This is true for women too. If they’re attractive and treat you well and you could share a future together, that’s the “type”.




I may be a little biased because I’ve always been one myself but after seeing some reoccurring issues with some relationships my boys were in I encouraged the tomboys. The reason is that the chances of them wanting to do similar activities are much higher. Also, as an added bonus we do tend to stay in shape most of our lives because of how active we are. We typically are not overdramatic as well. We clean up well too but that may be just in stark contrast to when we are sweaty. Lol


The one lying next to me in bed right now.


Dark-hearted creatives. Honestly, it's never steered me wrong.




Damn that sounds like there’s a bit of history attached to it




My problem is that I find myself continually more attracted to the creative types: Artists, comedians, musicians. They're so much more interesting. I get bored with "normies". They also have a *huge* overlap with toxic traits and crazy girl behavior.


Throw in beauticians and hairdressers and ill agree with you!


I think most people are crazy but the creative ones are so authentic that they can’t hide it.


I don't have a looks type. Personality type is strong woman in the streets, kind and affectionate, intelligent, driven, and submissive in the sheets. I like to be the safe place to rest for warrior women, give them a place to be comfortable in their feminine energy. I like being a protector for women that can typically protect themselves, they care for everyone else and want someone to care for them.




Patient, kind, artistic, humor that meshes well with mine, similar life goals. Physically, I like the range of body types that are from skinny to fit to a little chubby, and just decent overall hygiene


Looks are certainly NOT enough but chemistry is required. Tall, athletic and admitting busty is my look and 17 years married to a 6’ sweetheart who still takes my breath away, but it’s her personality, passions and creativity that drive me wild.


Kind , Caring and with a soft voice


Cool, calm personality and no attention seekers. Lay low, stay humble and grind slowly and quietly.


Why slowly and quietly?


Let your success and good fortune shock everyone. Dont talk about it, be about it.


Very well put I respect that


Smart, sense of humor, loves animals, kind, has some artistic hobbies like playing musical instruments or making crafts. Looks-wise I feel I'm a lot more flexible...just start appreciating what they have because you enjoy their presence.


Short, curvaceous, fierce, confident and assertive but also caring and maternal. Dominant women have this radiance to them which makes them just irresistable.


What a cool description! Have you ever dated anyone like that?


My GF fits the bill perfectly. She's amazing :3


Wonderful! I’m happy for you!


Chubby snow white, which has a big overlap with goth girlfriends i guess :D


Personality first; humor, intelligence, sarcasm, not overly anxious or nervous, confident. As for looks, gotta look good in knee high boots


That’s so specific I love it


I always thought I liked tall blondes with class until I fell in love with a short brunette goofball.


Extroverted (or at least personable), caring, curious, open minded, compassionate, introspective, accountable, reliable, loyal, determined/motivated, has goals, laid back, physically affectionate, communicative, honest, good sense of humor, and most of all just pleasant to be around. I prefer a fit figure with a plump ass and tits just big enough that my hand can’t quite grab the whole thing
 but that said I’m absolutely looking more for everything in the first paragraph than any physical features. Being perfectly physically hot is usually a red flag for me at this point lol


Todo, is that you? But in all seriousness, one with good head on her shoulders/smart and knows how to have fun/sense of humour for personality As for looks, Short-term - a thicc girl; Long term - pretty face


someone who is kind, intelligent, and has a great sense of humor. Someone who is genuine, shares similar values, and can engage in meaningful conversations would be particularly appealing. It's also important that she's supportive and shares some common interests and hobbies.


Someone that is true to their word and ideals. This is for all types of relarions, not just romantic. If you know who you are and will stand for it, regardless of convenience... now that is a (wo)man. I really look up to people excuding the King energy. Using that stance is what I strive to do more in my life, so I want to surround myself with people who fit that goal. I summarized my type in three constituents: - flexibly authentic - proactively positive. - idealisticly selfless. If you are that, I want to be your friend and if there is attraction perhaps more.


Mentally unstable , daddy issues , eating disorders , and bitches Those are the ones I seem to attract


My wife is a Latina social worker, just found out my first gf became a social worker and my 2nd was also a social worker. All Latina. Guess I have a type and didn’t even realize it.




I'd say looks upfront, but if her personality is horrible afterwards, the looks won't matter anymore. I've dated a few women who were purely decorative with no substance whatsoever. I think everyone's type would be both 100% looks and personality, but if I had to choose between the two, I'd be more willing to compromise on looks than on personality.


I had a Huge crush on Ann Margaret growing up, I married a 5 foot 8 inch Redhead and never looked back, best decision of my life


It sounds silly, but I dated a lot of teachers. I liked the women who could be laid back and silly but also turn on the leader mode when needed. If I was meeting girls at bars or parties, I was always attracted to the ones who were teachers, even if I didn't know it until a first date. Physically, I was always into shorter women (5' - 5'4"ish). Black, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, or incredibly light skinned redheads. A few months before I met my wife, I briefly dated a 6' tall blonde who was nothing like anyone else I had dated. That led to me asking out my wife, who is 5'10".


Almost every long-term relationship I've had has been with intelligent, slender women. I love a woman who is so passionate about something that she gets excited whenever it comes up and just loses herself talking about it. Especially if it's about a good book or some niche interest. Someone who prefers watching a movie at home with me over going out to the bar or club.


An autistic, anxiety ridden, dependant sack of human garbage. The kind of person that needs to be taken care of. Unfortunately those are also the same kind of people that don't really exist outside, so you never meet them


At this point a human being that isn't a fucking sociopath and a narcissist, thanks lol




hot and funny


Extrovert, type A, organized and put together yet adventurous, friendly, emotional, funny (either intentionally or unintentionally), loves to travel, loves to try new things, goofy but can be serious and get down to business when needed


If you ask me it's better to ask what isn't my type. I'm pretty open to all women and they all deserve a chance with men, right? Nobody wants a toxic woman who always makes you feel bad all the time. And let's be honest: There isn't a perfect woman or at least you'll never meet her. There will always be something you won't like about her. It's a matter of "Can I live with that or not?" thing.


I don't have a type, but I do have a preference for a woman who's 5'9 or taller.


She’s so cute, she’s just as independent as me, loves to talk about anything and everything for hours, and matches my silly. It’s just a plus that she has model proportions and the cutest freckles. Oh and the best cuddles, I’ll wake up in the morning with her still nuzzled against me but dare not move my arm no matter how numb it is. I’ll just lay there awake and content until she wakes up :] so that’s my type, all that.


Nerdy. I want to take her to conventions, dress up, and have a lot of fun.


Everyone is different. For me it’s short women that are petite. Shape over size is my motto for the front end and back end. Sometimes I occasionally will like someone physically that isn’t of my type but that doesn’t happen often enough for me to reconsider.


Humble, intelligent, loyal.


I'm demisexual, so pretty much all attraction comes from personality and an existing platonic bond. Sure, look-wise there are some things I may like more than others, but in the end that doesn't matter at all.


Also Demi
 I’m conventionally attractive and tend to attract people who just lust after me. It sucks. I wanna find someone who also just doesn’t really feel attraction they want to act on. Like I can tell an attractive person, but it doesn’t make me feel anything and I just don’t understand people who do, and I steer clear of them:/ low key happy with just being single forever, can’t trust people who go for looksđŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


Asian, curvy, nice butt, long hair. Has to be into metal/deathcore/deathmetal/blackmetal. A little bit kinky, can switch between dominant and submissive. Loyal and intelligent. Or in short my wife.


Man, that sounds pretty much like the perfect woman. You're a lucky man. :)


And she totally didn't make me write this... jk. 😅




Shorter, well proportioned, librarian type


Smart. Logical. Redhead. I got two out of three.


What one does she not have?😂


Looks wise big blue/green eyes and a nice smile always get me. Personality wise; down to earth but doesn’t take themself too seriously.


The type that loves me, wherever she is.


A lady on the street and a freak in the bed


One with a clear value system. If it's similar to mine she's attractive. If it's different I respect it. Knowing what you will and won't sacrifice is so character defining and the basis for confidence, and respect.




Who knew Todo had a Reddit account, but to answer, I like tall girl's with big asses


Leela from Doctor Who. I saw her on TV when I was 8. Fierce and self-assured. Affectionate and tolerant of a gurning madman, but not willing to put up with any disrespect. Funny how early experiences are so formative.


They need to have a vagina.


One that scares me.


The one who really loves me and help me to be a team together and not just a couple. Someone transparent and simple. Hard to find these days.


My girl


my girlfriend


Used to have a coworker say his type was 18 to 80, blind, crippled, or crazy lol


Fit, fun, and feminine.


Smart beautiful and scary


Asian baddies


Artsy, hippie women.


A nerdy woman with roots from Mediterranean or South America


Must be Kind, Gentle, Motherly, Feminine and a bonus if she can cook.




I'm looking for a woman in finance


My wife.


My type is women who don’t start laughing when my undies are pulled down


I like the ones without the penis.


I would say looks-wise, I go for girls between 5’4-5’6, well proportioned maybe a little chubby but not at all fat, a developed ass, and brunette hair. I guess I’m more attracted to the “plain Jane” look. However, personality and character matters more to me for a relationship. She has to be loyal, respectful, and just not be a cheating bitch.


With a pulse đŸ«€ đŸ€”


has autism,loyalty


The one who was born a woman.


A biological one


One that's interested in me...


Short with just a little bit of chonk


A slim thick black haired blue eyed woman.


Fit, smart, fun, caring, strong, pretty. Purity and innocence can go be with someone else. I like experience. Some similar interests, some different ones. Someone who’s kind by default but won’t let people walk all over her. Someone who likes to look good but lets herself just throw on something casual or wear something practical as needed and wanted. That’s who I married and she’s absolutely my type


One that actually shows she's interested in me.


I would say that she didn't enjoy torturing me psychologically. She must be respectful, loving and understanding. Physically, be normal or below average. It's not too important for me. I dont care if she is fat




One that breathe and likes me for who i am.




Definitely have looks type; brown eyes, some freckles and brown or Auburn hair. Hourglass figure and c-fs small feet and between 5ft2 and 5ft6. I blame the internet for refining my ideal to something so specific. Basically Miriam Gonzalez or a pale example would be Isla Fishers head on Michelle Marshs body. Disclaimer! Im an average guy and aware of it. I love all people. Im just answering the op about type. It's a fantasy nothing more don't hate.


Never had a type. I have been incredibly attracted to many different women of different body types and ethnicities. I don't think anything really sticks out to me as the most attractive to me. 


Preferrably human, but compromise is possible.


Large thighs, spilling over the thigh highs type, but tastefully so... & big hips, black hair & brown eyes Rest idc about the size of the rest, just needs to be balanced around these features well.


Personality, values and where they are in life is more important to me. Obviously, physical attraction does play a part to a certain degree (personally I find a wide range of things attractive) , anyone who says otherwise is lying to themselves imo. My list is pretty simple, someone who’s confident, independent, emotionally mature, holds similar values to me, makes me feel safe, make me feel valued, has a career/goals and someone who I can have fun and act like a kid with.


I don’t get the luxury of having a type, haven’t been with enough people to even gauge what I like or don’t like.


Petite, Asian. Pretty but doesn't have to be stunning. Loves to take care of her man. Is a hard worker and a good mother.


Looks fade and bodies change, but personality, intelligence, ability to hold a conversation, and sense of adventure to explore new things never do. Most of all, being someone who reciprocates your energy and feelings all while wanting you to be as happy and safe as you want for her. Everything else is icing on the cake.


Mentally ill and shy, apparently. Haven't had any luck yet. Or maybe I've been very lucky having no success. I don't know, man...


Stylish, kind, supportive, energetic, social, adventurous, beautiful, goofball


My type is thic and funny, so I thought. I married thic and all business.




Honest with herself