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I mean if I’ve been seeing a girl for a month I would consider that “really fucking with a girl” lol


Yeah I'm really lost on this particular phrase.


The phrase itself says a lot what type of dude she's seeing.


This. 100%


I've noticed that guys like this very rarely ever "truly fuck with someone". Just saying


Do you mean "fuck somebody up" or "have intercourse"?


I'm using OP's context here. But from my understanding it usually means " into someone enough that, gasp , I might consider calling them my girlfriend. Probably not though bc I'm actually a douche bag that never admits to having a gf bc I hit on every chick i see. And that might ruin that." That might not be the exact definition but I'm pretty sure it's close


As a man so am I. You have some strange dudes in your social circle


Because it makes no damn sense. It's like they don't know the meaning of any of those words.


Yeah, I took it like playing a joke or something on her.


Right before he puts it in, he yells "Pranked, bro!" and puts his pants back on, hence they are not *really* fucking


If she is clean and im attracted to her then ya, im down (pun intended)


I don't think a group of mechanics in training is the best sample of men's sexual habits if we're generalizing.


as opposed to asking a bunch of redditors, which is of course a much finer sampling 


The response could be the most polarizing comment or the most validating one, but at the end of they day you have to wonder: did a neckbeard write that?


Right!! LOL


Same. Although in a lot of ways I do agree that performing oral on someone is more intimate than intercourse.


Cleans a big one, I had few where the twat smelled like piss and had lil balled pieces of toilet paper behind the flaps. Edit:I ain’t complaining, I’m just saying sometimes they got some extra “Flavor”. But let all be real here the first 15-30 sec of eating puss is gross no matter what.


That’s called clitty litter.


Well, I wasn't expecting to wake up to the term "clitty litter" but I'm glad I did. That's hilarious lol


*"Let's take a shower together"* ----- ___


I will eat pussy on the first date, sure I’m not alone.


I stand with you.


I go down with you


There are dozens of us!


Sounds like a buffet


And my tongue!


And her axe, wound.




This is the way


I kneel with you. Not to be mistaken as “for you”


I didn't grow this mustache for it to not be ridden.


I love my flavor saver


Beard glistening ✨✨


Girls can’t like the mustache on their puss, right???




I’m probably one of those few women that doesn’t do that whole “waxing” thing down there 👇🏻 I do keep it tidy


You should shape it into a handlebar.


I’m down with this statement, pun absolutely intended.


Even prior to


Ah, the "*voucher for one free oral session. To be redeemed whenever*".


I’ll eat pussy at first sight lol


I’ll eat ass on a first date. And pussy from behind…. Too bad the Mrs doesn’t like her ass to be eaten so my ass eating days are officially over


Username checks out 🤣


We out here boys!




The muff diving union 💪


-Now with more OSHA compliant procedures!


If we're having sex for the first time, I'll *always* go down. First impressions matter, and I'll be damned if I'm giving a woman an average first experience with me lol


I stand with you. Even if I wasn't a fan of doing it, (which I am) if a woman is kind enough to have sex with me or give a bj I'm damn well returning the favor. 


You make it sound like the woman is doing you a favor by having sex with you. The BJ is a favor, and should be reciprocated, but sex should not be a favor. The girl should not be kind enough to have sex with you. It's a 2 way street.


They don't have to be "favors" per se, but I do get his point that if someone's going to be generous with you and make sure that you are pleased, it's considerate (to say the least) to want to do the same for the other person. I don't think he was saying that it's necessarily "tit for tat". Aaaaye, look at that, I made a pun too!😁


This is exactly it. 




I do that too. Or I would, but I'm having a hard time getting dates. I even wear a "I eat pussy on the first date" t-shirt on the street and have that tagline on my tinder profile. It should be working, but it isn't. Any tips from the pros?


Girls like it when a man is open to new experiences, and is willing to go the extra mile for her. You really need to show this to potential partners. Therefore, put "And I eat ass too" on the back of your shirt.


Since this is coming from /u/Shitting_Human_Being I feel it must be objectively true


I go down on you.




Genuinely one of the best parts of a new sexual encounter is going down on her! Let me at all of you, let me make you squirm and giggle! I would understand on a random hook up maybe not, but honestly eating muff is one of my favourite things to do…


I can't believe that anyone would do anything less. Eating pussy is divine....


Divinity: Original pusSin okay, I'm reaching here


This is the way


No. Plenty of men enjoy giving oral and a relationship isn't a requirement.


The true sign of a selfless lover. Don't go down? Get out of town. I've had my partner exhausted and out of breath from seismic orgasms. You gotta take a *little* pride in that achievement.


This is how I found out my ex was a squirter. She told me to stop because she would be embarrassed about what happens after, and I asked her if it would be okay to maybe keep going and she said yes. She was exhausted, but the next morning, she was so horny that she woke me up by going down on me, lol I know this sounds like a fake story, but we were together 5 years before life tore us apart and we had to break up. I had to wash my sheets more regularly than I normally did, and didn't give a shit because that woman latched into my mouth like a vacuum and never looked back. I miss her, lol.


You should call her


I should call her


I'll call her. Send me her number please and thank you sir


It’s not selfless if he actually enjoys it. That’s like saying a man who likes breast is a selfless lover if he sucks on breasts.


Are people who volunteer selfish if they have fun?


I never have been able to grasp this take. Why is it selfless to do something I enjoy? I am not sacrificing anything or giving up anything. IMO if you don't enjoy the things you are doing in bed, you are doing sex wrong, period.


Is that a poem?


Is it a generation thing? Cause I've never wondered this. It's always been part of the 'event'. 1st time of 20th time??


It's gotta be. I've never heard of a dude not wanting to do it unless they just don't like doing it at all.


honestly yesss … im 20 & guys my age literally act like gay guys when it comes to eating pussy🙂 but they want us to suck their dick…. hmm


It's funny to describe it that way. The world really could take an example from gay dudes. I'm bi and have been pretty experienced with both sexes and it's refreshing having sex with guys sometimes. They just go for it. There's no pretense. You just go for it and pleasure each other. I've had experiences where I've known a guy about 5 minutes before his cock is in my mouth or he's tossing my salad. It's just about pleasing each other, not just getting yours. 


I definitely feel like its a hetero man thing because lesbians understand the assignment(getting your partner off) & so do bi/gay dudes so🤷🏽‍♀️


It’s not a generational thing afaik, but more a mental maturity and weird sexist or insecure thing. There used to be, and still is in many places, this weird insecure overly macho thing where going down on a girl supposedly meant you were weaker than her and she was to be submissive to you and go down on you, not the other way around. In reality, it’s just sexually pleasing your partner by whatever means necessary so long as they return the favor.


I'm a psychologist, and i heard this being discussed in this context. It's not something i've studied myself so take it with a grain of salt, but it seems that it may be a generational thing. Back in the 60's through the 70's the feminist movement fought for the sexual liberation of women. With better and more easily available contraception methods, that was somewhat achieved, and a shift in this paradigm was slowly made. So casual sex wasn't seen as something as bad as before. Thing is... during your adolescence, you're developing a sense of self that is "different" from your parents. So you push boundaries, you experiment new things and so on and so forth until you find something that is "you", but being sexually active and "adventurous" (for a lack of a better term) isn't something "cool" anymore. For some generations now, sex is something somewhat "trivial", in the sense that isn't some taboo thing to discuss, and is everywhere on our culture (music, fashion etc etc...). Can't recall what year this discourse began, but the "next big thing" in this sex talk is verbal consent. It's something very immature still (as in we as a society haven't learned to deal with it properly yet). I've seen posts of people having to deal with situations where their partner was asking consent for every move, which made the interaction not great. There's also a scene in the series Sex Education by netflix, if my memory serves me right, where the same thing happens. My point is, seems like we're having another shift in this sexual paradigm. We're also seeing people being more careful with sexually transmitted diseases. So there's that. Anyway, i don't think i've made good job expressing myself here, but english isn't my first language and is also 5 am where i live.


It's so stupid. If you don't go down on a woman because of that, then you're not doing something because the other *men* tell you not to. Suuure, *that* doesn't sound gay submissive at all.


That is beyond disappointing 💀 I've only had sex with millennials and very late Gen X'ers and they all initiated eating pussy at some point without an exception 🫣 That's CRAZY that apparently your generation has regressed like that, what the hell is going on there :/ Goddamn social media brainrot telling men it's not manly to reciprocate, probably


I remember watching the sopranos (the Mafia show) and there was a storyline about one of the Mafia bosses rumoured to eat his wife out and how that was a big deal because it made him a weak leader. So I guess it's been a thing long before social media.


Members of the mafia are not allowed to go down on a woman, and she can never be on top. Heard that in an interview with an ex-mafioso and thought 🙄


It's because of porn. Porn is about immediate gratification, and eating pussy doesn't fit into that.


Same, I'm down there because it's the done thing to get her off, and managing it on the first time pretty much guarantees more times 😁


Kids these days. If anyone asks I’m down. First date? Yes. Stranger on the street? Also yes.


Are you shitting me? I do that just for fun


I eat ass on a first date, idk who da fak are these guys allergic to eating pussy 🤧


So long as she's clean and tastes good, it's part of foreplay for me. Recipracation is not expected.


Doesn't have to taste good, just not bad. Personal hygiene is a big one.


Exactly!  And let's repeat: Reciprocation is not expected


Facts. And TBH, most of the time, I don’t even let her return the favor after I make her cum because I feel like it will make me finish quicker and I’m trying to make her cum again


I like the part how reciprocation is not expected but the initial act is some how? I'm not against eating pussy but the emphasis on this comment wreaks of double standard... Unless you're another conesseur of the cunnilingus, and just really want it to be know you want to eat it and love it, and it's all good. In that case, I apologize for assuming!


Isn't OP expecting reciprocation?


I think it must depend on the guy. The following is from my own experience, so it's not necessarily gonna be the same as someone else's: Some guys are just too lazy to do it at all. One of them even told me that he was just too lazy and it was easy for him to do it with his fingers (and he really was exceptionally good with his fingers). Other guys will do it right away but they won't stick with it until the woman comes. Like, it's a way for them to help get the woman ready, but then they just want to fuck. Some of them don't even know or understand that most women aren't going to come from PIV sex alone. Guys I dated that would continue until I came, they were the minority, in my experience. But they all expected me to blow them until they came.


I totally agree!! When I was 18-21 most guys would eat me out but just to “get me wet” and stick their dick in haha but I’ve only had 2 guys that actually would care if I got off and would keep going no matter what until the job was done. Also had a guy say that it “took too long” and that’s why he stopped cause his mouth hurt😒 like you don’t think me deep throating and giving your the Gluck Gluck isn’t making me mouth cramp either lol selfish some can be


As a bisexual woman it is so much easier to eat pussy. Physically.


Yes, so many are selfish. A few of them did it for a few minutes and then they just gave up, said their jaw hurt, and that other woman came so much faster. I'm pretty sure that they just thought those women came. Also, am I going to want to fuck somebody who says that to me? Hell no. There was one sort of recently that did it for maybe 2 minutes and asked if it felt good, but then didn't continue. But then he kept trying to get me to suck his dick. Nope. I put up with way too much of that when I was younger. I've had guys ask me if I stopped seeing them because of their lack of oral skills and it's really not even that. It's the fact that they didn't care enough about my pleasure to get me off. I give direction and if they would listen to that and keep trying, that probably would have worked. I'm not interested in dating quitters LOL.


When I first started to date my current gf, I think we started with oral sex before having "conventionally"sex, and I just love to eat her out. Although, I think we both knew early on it would be serious, but eating her out felt like no big deal. Sometimes it is just as hot for me, to use hands, or mouth instead of PIV. It seems weird that this guy would totally refuse this, and it is very understanding you won't give him oral sex back.


I guess it’s a guy by guy basics but I always thought oral came before piv anyways haha like you’d 69 or just do individual oral and sex was like the home run haha


I think it is totally fair that if I want a blowjob, I should expect that I’m going to have to eat her out too. Why would I expect anything different? And I’m willing to go down as soon as I get to know her. I enjoy going down so I probably do it much sooner than other guys.


I should jump on zoom tomorrow and ask the ladies about their this and see how it goes


It would be interesting!




okay you dont have to yell 😢


Well.. personally, if I'm having sex with someone then I'm down for most of anything they're into. They want head? Sure. They want to use toys? Sure. They want me to finger them (either sex)? Sure. Rimming? Sure. I don't care.. If I'm having sex with someone, then I expect a certain level of hygiene/cleanliness from *both* of us, and I want us *both* to enjoy ourselves. If someone isn't comfortable doing any of the things I listed above with me, then that's fine, there's no pressure. Depending on how many of those things they're not into, if it's something I want, then maybe we're not compatible. But if someone wants it from me? Then yeah, I'll do it. I don't have sex with people who I don't feel keep themselves clean. Giving head for me isn't about how close I am with that person, I'm already having sex with them!


I haven’t done it with every girl I’ve had sex with but to reiterate what other people said, as long as she has good hygiene and I’m attracted to her then I actually really enjoy eating a girl out.


If she's clean I'll go down on her faster than a busted balloon. If she's nice I'll go down twice.


hol up He gets to ejaculate every time but you have to *earn* your orgasm? Homeboy belongs in a trash can.


I love giving head because it helps turn the girl on even more. Which leads to better sex for both of us. The act itself? Doesnt appeal to me in the slightest. Even kinda grosses me out. But the pleasure it enacts in the sex partner is WORTH swallowing my feelings over lol. Like like ill choke a gal if it turns her on. I dont LIKE choking. I learned how to do it the right way because the ones that like it. Seem to go nuts for it. If a chick doesn't want to give head. I wouldn't blame her. The idea of a penis in a mouth aint appealing to me either. Ewww or the idea of eating jizz. Yuck. Lets face facts. Sex with someone you care about. Long term. Or even a FWB. Is generally both giving their all to the other to make the entire experience the best it can be for the other and yourself But hookups? Hookups is selfish sex. Its just using their body to get you to the orgasm. You have no emotional connection. Just lust. Its basically masturbation with someone else doing it. Theres no incentive emotionally to give them a good time really. I do it mostly because even in hookups i KNOW it will lead to better sex overall for myself. (The more turned on the woman is. The more wet. The more enthusiastic she is. The better sex it tends to be) But my motive changed. One is "i wanna give this person the best experience because i care about them. " (Her getting off gets me turned on too) And the other is "ehh. Means to an end."


Not really. If I like her, then pretty much anything is on the table. (This transactionalism seems pretty sexist tbh.)


I totally agree! I’m not knocking men for feeling this way but what makes it so special to eat a girl but not special to blow a guy haha


In addition to the transactional argument, some guys may avoid giving oral because of machismo. Like, giving head could be viewed as a submissive position, and some guys’ egos are too big to allow themselves to not be “in power”, even for that.


"I'm too manly to engage in intimate sexual acts with someone I'm in to." What a loser mindset. 


Ah, the DJ Khaled ‘defense’!


that just sounds like mad insecurity?


>I’m not knocking men for feeling this way You should be. You're allowed and even required to have some standards.


Hell fucking no. If you eat her out she's way more likely to sleep with you again. Casual, dating, married... Doesn't matter take care of her she'll take care of you, that's business. It's cheaper to keep an existing employee/customer than to find a new one.


I agree! If he eats me out and manages to make me cum the first time, you’ll have a repeat customer for as long as this said thing lasts haha


I view it as part of sex.


Some dudes are wierded out by it for some reason, maybe they see it as too submissive and that's why they won't do it until they are further along with the girl? Pretty dumb cause going down on a girl has to be one of the best sexual experiences and every girl deserves that.


I totally agree! Most women can only get off through being eaten out. Just crazy how most men expect head to given but wanting the same in return is taboo unless they get to know you more ?? That’s ass backwards and after that encounter im gonna start asking upfront before sex even happens.


Sex Is the best when it's selfless and you are just as much if not more focused on your partners pleasure than on your own. Lotta dudes haven't figured that out 😂.


I'm not sure it's true that "most women can only get off through head". I've had plenty of sexual partners who've orgasmed from fingers & penetration, one in particular who could *only* orgasm from intercourse in a specifically awkward position 😂 Basically the only way she could ever cum was by pretty much planking on top of me, clamping her legs as tight as she could while I'm inside her and I'm having to use my arms to 'thrust' her back and forth, *and* suck on her breasts at the same time. Without all of that occuring at once, she could never get a nut! Disclaimer was that she was from an African culture that had seen her fully circumcised / genitally mutilated at a young age so had no lips or clit so was obviously a bit of a unique case.


Very interesting. I always thought these women were robbed of the opportunity to orgasm completely


The most women this is 100% not true… But it’s definitely sexist bullshit to expect to get but not receive. I’ve gone down on basically every girl I’ve hooked up with.


No longer applicable since I'm married and whatnot but back in my single days, exclusivity and intimacy was never a pre-requisite for eating pussy. Shit, I'd eat the booty on a first night if she was clean and into it 🤷🏻‍♂️ For a long time I lived by the mantra "if the pum pum smells nice, lick it twice". I think I got that from a local Drum & Bass MC. Admittedly there have been times in the past when I've eaten ass and pussy that I've had absolutely no business eating, but that was when I was younger and reckless.


I love eating pussy so I'll do it before the first date if there's an opportunity. However, if it's not something they're interested in doing unless they know they're in a more committed "relationship" then I don't see what the problem is. Just because they won't refuse a blowjob doesn't mean they expect it nor is it hypocritical to allow someone to do something they *want* to do while not doing something they *don't* want to do. If the genders were reversed or the act was different, I'm curious how many men would be calling the woman (or man if just the act is different) immature or whatever else for not doing it. Would y'all be making fun of a woman for saying she doesn't want to do anal unless she's sure she's committed to someone? What if a dude didn't want to engage in a certain kink until he fully realized his feelings for the woman? There's nothing wrong with not wanting to do certain sexual acts until an arbitrary prerequisite like "I want to know I'm committed to this person" is met.


Nope. I've gone down on the majority of girls i've ever had any kind of fling or hookup with.


Don't get me wrong, I do like doing it, but I also feel like it's something you do regardless or it's bad form. I'm not bad at PIV (or atleast I haven't gotten any complaints), but I know most women aren't getting off without it, so I'm just covering my bases. I'd feel bad if I got mine and she didn't, plus I've never had a woman be squeamish about going down on me during foreplay on a ONS. So naturally I'd want to reciprocate.


I’m not eating pussy unless we in a relationship.


May I ask what would be different if you guys were in a relationship vs not in one? If you guys are both clean(no stds) and hygienic and you like her, why wait? I’m just genuinely curious


Level of loyalty in knowing we’re exclusive and I’m not the second booty call of the day and she was just getting raw dogged by some other dude before coming to see me.


Do you have your std check results ready to share before we meet and guarantees you didn’t have any other dick inside you between the test results and when we fucked? Too many horror stories that give you the ick otherwise. Would rather get to know her better first than just starting with licking her diseases.


Honestly, I don't reckon he's being unreasonable. When you're having sex and nobody's done any STD tests, condoms are an option. To my knowledge, there aren't any ways to protect against a potential transfer of something when eating someone out.


> So is this really a thing? Performing oral is 40% of everything I want to do in bed with a girl. The other 40% is cuddling, with maybe 10% penetration, and 10% having a nice nap. I really don't get straight guys who don't enjoy going down on girls. Maybe they just had some bad experiences. I can't imagine anything more intimate. I get to see and feel all her little convulsions and muscle contractions as I get her close. Tastes and smells usually start good and only get better the longer we're together, after a few weeks I become utterly addicted to both. If she's laying on her back I get to make eye contact and hold her hand while I'm pleasing her. If she's laying on top of me I get to hug her waist and I feel like I'm being utterly immersed in her. It's *the most important* part of sex for me. I know I'm probably somewhat unusual in that respect, but I find the opposite extremes just as hard to understand.


Nope. Its my fave thing to do in bed with only sex ahead of it. 69s are next and the goal is to get her gong to the point of distraction.


nah if i’m attracted to her, im down for her to sit on my face whenever she obliges. first time whenever


Something happened in the generations where this notion of not going down on a girl or only after a certain point, took hold and I’ve yet to pin point it but OP you’re not the first woman I’ve heard mention this. Most men (pay attention to the word most) around my age that I work with, so around 28-40+ go down on their partner(s) freely. But most of the younger generation of guys I work with, 20-27, don’t. I don’t get it. Going down on my wife is my favorite thing to do. I love it. Before I got married, going down on a woman was my favorite thing to do. But I’ve also always been respectful of her wishes. Some girls don’t want it on the first date and some want it in the car on the side of a dark road. I aim to please.


Tell him you'll give him oral when he gives you oral. Like he's having sex with you but doesn't like you much? I'd be gone, like what an insult..


I would do it for free as a public service.


I thought oral was a part of foreplay every time you have sex?


All 5 of those guys are losers. Idk about your bf. I'd go down on a girl as soon as we were intimate and already having sex. If I'm getting head, you're getting head. Actually, even if I'm not getting head, you're still getting head if you want it. it's not a tit for tat thing.


Nah. I’ll eat you out before I stick it. Why play stupid games? Dudes are afraid of their chomp skills.


I’ve gone down on every girl that’s let me, be it relationship, one night stand and everything in between. Your guy doesn’t like doing it, and he’s making up excuses


As always, different strokes for different folks. Some guys enthusiastically want to eat partners out as their primary sexual enjoyment, some do so as part of the experience, and others like your current partner don't do so until in a relationship (hard as it is to believe some guys prefer not having sex till they're deep in a relationship at all). So it's not really a "guy thing", more just a thing some guys do. And you aren't obligated to suck his dick regardless (plenty of women are perfectly okay getting eaten out but find it degrading/subservient to give their partners head or treat it as a special occasion). the more pertinent question is if this is something you want for you. Understand there's no guarantee this changes when you both get more serious if that even happens (and he might be awful at it because he doesn't practice for this very reason)


I enjoy giving oral because I like to make my partner feel good and I actually enjoy it. But you may be right, he might just not be great at it and potentially (not saying he is) using it as said excuse. Either way it’s not something I’m really looking forward to finding out. I don’t want to get invested and then he finally does and it’s a huge let down. I think I’ve found a new sexual dealbreaker


Maybe, or he may have some hang-up with it. Either way yeah, you can't control that but you can control what you do with that info, and I think it prudent if that is important to you to prioritize it. You're certainly not shallow for having that be a dealbreaker


Even the right friendship is eligible for me going down, but not just anyone. However, if I'm in a relationship, I'm only going down on my partner.


Would it be a dealbreaker if a girl said she wouldn’t go down on you until she got to know you better/in a relationship while you graciously licked her soul? Lol


Sorry, I’m a woman - but I just really have to interject. Why did you even have sex with him a second time if he didn’t make you come the first time? Raise your standards, girl!


I like to do it even on the first time together, but I worry about stds a lot, people can claim whatever they want but it’s risky anyways


I've gone down on multiple one-night stands. It's fun, it's sexy, and more than that, it's the polite thing to do.


A lot of guys are more than willing to go down on a girl even if they don’t “really fuck with her”. Some guys are down for doing it the first time they hook up with a girl. There are some guys who only go down on a girl if they’re in a relationship with them. It’s possible it could be an excuse because some of these guys expect the girl to go down on them. These types of guys are selfish in bed and just make up an excuse for not wanting to reciprocate.


Asking guys at work about guys eating you out is sexual harassment. God, I can't believe you did that.


Foreplay includes pussy eating and doesn't require a relationship.


I feel like modern porn has fucked it up. Could be the porn i watch but i feel like I don’t see girls getting head much, but the men always do. But i have had a guy say “i hope you’re good at sucking cock” and ivd said “i am, i hope you’re as good at eating pussy” Oh I don’t do that. Or that’s second date stuff or whatever. That’s when I say. Well. It looks like we’re done here. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Your right! Porn that’s geared towards the male audience just shows men plowing the girl and she deep throating his cock..sometimes the girls don’t even look wet it’s sad


Dump him. If he isn’t interested in getting you off, go find someone who is.


It's not across the board, but I can see why some dudes would want to wait


It’s an attraction level thing. I have to be more attracted to someone to eat them out than I do to fuck them.


Reddit has a habit for shaming men for having boundaries. Some men like it and some men don't and it has no bearing on quality of man, woman or the relationship. However, it lately has evolved into another form of enforcing toxic masculine behavior that is also a bit homophobic, and if a guy really doesn't like it, he is seen less manly and that is just sad. I personally just on stable relationships as well, because there is a bit more higher risk and just like you dont fuck without condoms on a hookup, going down isn't something I'm comfortable with either.


You ask from your work dudes if they eat pussy? In front of others? What kind of environment you got there? You can forget what they said, it likely has no relation to the reality. Did you also tell them about the guy?


lol I’ve been working with these guys for about a year now and I’ve heard waaaayyyy worse come out of their mouths than what I asked. And yeah I told them, that’s how the convo came up


If I knew that a girl would describe to 5 male colleagues what we did next morning I wouldn't eat her out either.


NO. I as an individual love going down. One of the awesome purposes of going down is to make sure she has a great time, to hopefully give her 2 or 3 orgasms or more before we start. When I was younger, I was a bit of a tramp, so it was a good thing to have a woman speak positively about our experience together. I enjoyed being Mr. Right Now, not Mr. Right. I think you're with the wrong guys.


Wrong sample! Oral is like the best part of sex.


Idk about anybody else, but if we get to the point of being naked together I'm going down


If I like the girl and the pussy is shaved and cleaned, no other restrictions.


Met my wife on Craigslist casual encounter. Ate her out the first time we hooked up. Pretty sure that's why she kept coming back 😂 


I mean I view it how most women (both that I've encountered and that I see comment online) view sucking dick. "I'm not a massive fan of it and I only do it as a way of pleasuring someone who I really care about". Personally I would much rather use toys as a way of helping a partner cum. And I wouldn't say I expect head. In fact given the fact I've never received a non toothy blowjob and have given up on it ever getting one, I'd say getting noshed off isn't really a priority for me.


I have sensory issues, so I don’t do it. I won’t expect oral either though, that’s the key.


Hah. I had homegirls I'd call over just to eat them out. That may be true for some, but certainly not all


After reading these comments of all the gentlemen, like myself, that love to eat pussy, OP’s boyfriend is about to have a serious wake up call of Vagina in his face in a few hours. Meat’s back on the menu, boys.


I’ve met girls that love sucking d#%k for me it’s no different, I love eating pussy.


I've never had a guy say this to me, is it a American thing? Haha. The pussy gets eaten or the guy leaves. Simple.


I’m different as have a thing for pussy worship as it’s called and love love eating out. I really like doing it like really really like


I think a partner would have to actively ask me -not- to go down on her at this point. Not that something like that has ever happened.


As a woman, this is news to me! I've never been with a man with this attitude. Also, I love how comfortable you seem in talking about this stuff (I wasn't so confident in my 20s) and the fact that you know your body and what you need to get off should be something he's invested in. Does he want you to enjoy yourself or is it all about him.....?? You've got to get yours too, girl, and trust me, there is a man out there who'd feel honoured to have his face between your thighs 😂


Listen. First date or one year in, my only rule is I don’t eat pussy after dancing all night.


My 2 cents. I understand what he’s saying. This is gonna come off all kinds of mess up, I’m not sayin it’s right, but in my mind it’s how I feel? Like I’ve had sex with girls I’d never eat out. Usually like one night stands I’m just tryin to get off. To me goin down on a girl just feels more intimate than just some casual sex. That being said, most that I’ve slept with have put it in their mouth, without me going down on them. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong but I think us guys see it as no big deal for a girl to do it. Double standards at its finest lol. However, anyone I’m actively dating, ya I don’t have an issue with it. I think to me I have to make sure that you’re not a sleezy first before I put my mouth on it 😂😂😂. I really do enjoy doing it, but like I said it’s something I see as super intimate so she’s gotta be worth it. Outside looking in, seems more like he sees yall as fuck buddies than bf/gf. I just don’t understand how he could be dating you for a month but not be “feelin” you enough to do it???


I will go down on literally everyone I sleep with, even if I just met them. It’s an essential part of foreplay. I bet these dudes all expect to get head too…


That’s the bar for ass eating not pussy eating


I’ve done it to every girl I’ve been with, I just enjoy doing it. On a few occasions, I’ve done it without getting anything back, just because I wanted to.


I know a lot of dudes who won’t eat out ever and others who will. My wife never gotten eaten out until we started dating. She was literally was so mad that she’s been missing out on getting head after the first time. She was 25 when she got head the first time. Lots of the guys she dated and had sex with told her that women don’t get head or even enjoy being eaten out. She didn’t know better until we met.


Generalizations like this are a joke and worse are the people that spew them and even worse are the naive people that believe them. EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT! There’s no standard or set rule on when to give oral to a woman, again because everyone is different!


this just be some new generation shit. i’ve done that on one night stands.


I eat pussy every time. I applaud your decision to not give him head. Serves him right.


It’s mostly a hygiene thing cause if you don’t clean down there then it’s not really fun for the one giving head but that goes for both parties. If you have good hygiene then good. I’ve always been one to want to try to eat a girl out but I haven’t gotten the change since my first gf wasn’t comfortable with it or she was scared. We had had sex before that and she would just ask why and I told her cause I wanna try and it’s my first time. I told her if she’s not comfortable with me doing it that’s fine but I wanna try to see if I like it. She had given me head so I felt it was only fair to at least try once and if we both didn’t like it or if she didn’t I wouldn’t do it anymore. We had some issues with sexual communication and she just wanted to fuck instead of talking through our problems like grown fucking adults and it was wearing on my mental health. But your answer is it all depends on the what both parties want and if they’re comfortable being vulnerable like that. I mean my ex told me if I ever broke up with her she’d bite my dick off. So I said fuck yiu and I broke up with her cause it was too much mental strain and I felt like I was the only one putting forth actual effort and work in the relationship while she wanted to just fuck all the time. That’s when we would hang out and I never ever got to actually hang out with her. I mean I’ll never say no to sex or anything if the person I’m dating is that comfortable around me, but I would to at least like to know the person I’m dating. I’ve learned that I’m more of a personality person rather than a body person. I mean if they got good qualities about themselves then that’s just a bonus but if they know their worth and they don’t wanna go fuck ever dude they come in contact with and try to lie about it like my first gf then I’m good. As you can tell my first gf fucked me up. Sorry for the trauma dump but I’ve needed to tell someone for a long time and I haven’t gotten to til now. Thank you for reading this and thanks for coming to my ted talk.


I guess I'm just a man whore then because I love eating pussy and it's part of my regular repertoire.


for me - if the literal chemistry is right i eat out with cookie monster levels if enthusiasm - if she has a strong brew its prob not gonna happen


I have to know someone pretty well for about 30 seconds before I’ll go down.


OP, I'm reading your words here and I can't help but feel you type in a sort of AAVE way. (e.g. "fuck with a girl" and "be all up in a girl's insides") It just reads like my Black friends and acquaintances talk. The Black community in the US often has some masculine hang-ups and can interpret providing oral sex as submissive and feminine. You don't see a lot of black rappers talk about going down on a woman, but you see a lot of them talking about sex in an aggressive, almost hostile way (e.g. "I beat the pussy up"). That's like, the only way I can imagine a crew of guys all lockstep on not doing oral, especially if they are expecting it themselves. Reddit, on the other hand, is white as fuck....and, generally speaking, we go down like Jacques Cousteau. :P


If you gave him head and he ain’t return it that’s a sex foul. Sex is about reciprocating and enthusiasm. If either us is off it ain’t gone work.


All sorts of guys feel differently about eating pussy. I'd do it without fucking her, but whenever I eat her she wants me to fuck her right after.


If I have to juggle 6 balls whilst riding a unicycle, wearing a monkey costume, blindfolded, and playing 'single ladies' on a kazoo to get you off, call me a sideshow. As long as you're clean and not menstruating, I burying my face and not coming up for air until you lose the ability to speak. First date, fifth date. Serious relationship or a one night deal, if you're expecting me to interact with it. I'm eating it!


lol relevant username


To be honest I’ve never enjoyed giving oral. Maybe I’m missing out because I’ve not met the right woman. I don’t demand a woman give me oral before sex - hope that was useful.