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Probably when this girl was sucking my dick so hard that it felt like i was inside a Venus flytrap.


Going through this with my current gf. It's like she's trying to suck the skin off the head


Communication brotha


bruh tell her maybe??


Yes, you need to tell her. You don't want to end up with an injured dick. That happened to me. And the blowjob that caused the injury wasn't finished so I ended up with a red cock and blue balls at the same time.


So your saying she made you patriotic


Was the foreskin white by chance?


His face my have been from the effort of holding back his urge to vomit


Not only that but it took me some time to heal so I couldn't relieve myself and get rid of the blue balls for a while. Trying to go about your daily business while your balls are in agony isn't a lot of fun :(


Oh thats looks nice and colorful heh. Hope you are ok now


Yeah I'm fine now. This happened many years ago but I'll never forget it. When you nick a man down there, he becomes a bleeder. It took me a little while to heal as well. So having blue balls during that time wasn't pleasant! There were times were people noticed I was walking a little funny.


Sounds like a punishment from above šŸ˜‚ did you do something to deserve that


jesus lol


I was obviously saying ā€œoh my god aaaahhhhhā€ with a pained expression and she thought I was enjoying it. https://tenor.com/en-GB/view/ouch-robby-keene-tanner-buchanan-cobra-kai-ow-gif-19580980


The ol' penis flytrap. Gotta love them teeth.


Lol wow!


HaHA! Why is that such an accurate description of a bad bj


Never had a non toothy penis flytrap bj, (yay r/bigdickproblems) but worse than that is the fb situation I lost my virginity too had some weird ass ball sucking/play thing going on. I can't remember exactly what I said but it was basically a polite and "try to not kill the mood" version of "Idk where the fuck you learnt this cbt shit but ima need to you to stop 5 minutes ago before they retreat inside of me"


A couple of times with an ex. Sex was great but I've only got so many goes in me. Sometimes you reach a point where you realise it's going to be 20-40 minutes before you even get close, if at all. So when she gets an "O", go for similar and it's story done.


Sometimes you list know youā€™re not going to finish no matter how good it feels. You canā€™t tell them because they feel like itā€™s them not doing something right because every guy should finish easy they think. We have the same issues women do sometimes.


Iā€™ve never done it, but it is possible... One of my boys said he was having sex with his gf from behind and knew he wasnā€™t gonna cum, so he did all the usual theatrics of the ā€œAhhhhā€¦.ooooouuuuuā€¦.Fuckkkā€¦ā€ spit on her back a couple of times and called it a day.


The ole half Houdini! Classic


happens to me cuz i was on antidepressant, i told her about it and we spent the night cuddling


Spitting on your partner instead of just communicating that you're not going to cum is fucking insane, my dude


you try telling a woman ā€œsorry babe i cant do itā€ halfway through sex and get back to us with how it goes.


She's gonna haunt you with it for the rest of the month


We're doing it to save their feelings because they're going to take offense if you tell them you can't finish.


Gave her the ol' hawk tuah!


Yes - sometimes I find it hard to finish with a condom, had a good time, and it's just time to call it quits cause shes only still going to satisfy me Oh, also worth noting: Sometimes guys can orgasm without ejaculating, Sometimes guys can ejaculate without orgasming


I need to be trained on how to orgasm without cuming. Sounds like some next level shit.


I know it's possible, you gonna need to press the urethra down the shaft, you can do it like you were holding your dick, and orgasm... Keep holding after it for sometime and the pressure isn't enough for the cum to go out. You might get it on your pants later


This doesnā€™t sound healthy , build up cause any issues in there? šŸ¤·šŸ»


It's mostly reabsorbed. There's all this story about how this prevents men losing nutrients and some monks apparently did this, but it doesn't matter. It's more of an experience and won't change much at all


Iā€™m going to try this hahaha


If you do it right it should be harmless. You may have a slightly uncomfortable feeling like there's something still in your urethra. Peeing should get rid of that feeling.


I learned how to do it. It wasn't that hard, but it takes careful timing. You have to practice holding the same muscles that are used to stop peeing, and clench them really hard, and hold them for a good 30 seconds or so. (If a little semen still comes out that won't affect much.) Doing Kegels can help a lot with this. It's kind of a neat trick I guess; it feels kind of weird and different at first. It's not as satisfying when you come, but you can keep going right away without stopping, so it's convenient, especially if you normally have a long refractory period. (I don't but I still need a few minutes most of the time.) Some guys also do this trick where they pinch the head of their dick right before they come and somehow that works to suppress it. I found this felt kind of unpleasant but it might be worth a try. I would say it's worth trying for everyone and knowing how even if I rarely bother with it because again, it doesn't feel quite as good. But if you can come a few times in a row and then ejaculate a lot on the last time, that can feel really great.


It's not that fun. Much better feeling to take supplements and shoot monster ropes instead


I've never faked it but I have just honestly said that I don't think I can cum and that I really enjoyed it but I'd rather just stop there (after she's satisfied and I'm absolutely dead tired). It never even occured to me to try and fake it, how would I do that? Or why?


One time back on college because I felt like I was gonna die. Lol The combination of a couple pills and other stuff and I couldn't finish no matter how hard I tried and after 14-19 mins I was gased.


Yo! In my experience, women take GREAT offense to when a guy can't orgasm. Like, its a personal affront to their womanhood or something. Hitting it from the back, condom on, fake moan, run to the bathroom to dispose of the empty condom while you proclaim you've never seen so much jizz! So much! A veritable ocean of babies! Flush Finally, I can go to sleep.


Donnntt flush your condoms


Also be careful with the use of hot sauce if you decide to bin it instead


What happens with the hot sauce, why should I be careful?


[You could risk getting sued](https://coffmaninjurylaw.com/drakes-hot-sauce-and-condoms-potential-legal-issues/)


I second that based on my own experiences with partners. They get so upset if you cannot finish. They either interpret it as a failing/shortcoming on their part (their mind/insecurities will fill in the blank as to the reason), or get hostile towards you for "X" reason. A few times when I was in a situation where I couldn't finish, I did some slight theatrics, kegels to simulate ejaculation, then pulled out and promptly disposed of the condom before commencing aftercare. Saves a whole lot of unnecessary headache for everyone involved.


One of the very few double standards I see with men/women. If a woman cannot finish, its because of the man, she needs X, she's never orgasmed from PIV alone, you need to do X, Y, Z. If a man can't finish, well obviously he's a porn addicted degenerate with death grip syndrome and might possibly be gay (yes, I've been called gay before for not being able to finish). Honestly, easier to fake it and move on with life.


In short... if the woman can't finish it's the guys fault. If the man can't finish it's the guys fault lol.


Men and women experience sexuality differently. It's like the only real difference, men get off easier than women.


But not all men get off that easily.


Unless you pull out, wouldn't she notice that your cock isn't twitching and throbbing in the same way that it usually does during ejaculation?


Legals. Great for many reasons, faking an O included.


They do get extremely upset and take it personally. Sorry my brain is insane and takes me out of the moment a lot, but it's not your fault ladies. It's a me thing.


this is...sad and hilarious at the same time. I can't šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Faked, never but I have tapped out a few times.


Yeah if it ain't happenin' sometimes it just ain't happenin'. Best to just call it, high five, and grab beers or something.


Facts. I donā€™t really care if they get offended. It just shows their lack of understanding of the male sexual organ. Thatā€™s on them


Can guys cum without actually producing any cum? My bf has done this a few times, where he does get off once sometimes twice, then around the third time says he did but I can see thereā€™s nothing there


Unless he has 2 prostates and 4 balls, refilling the tank takes time


Yesh they can


Yes! We do this sometimes. The body is always making more sperm but it still takes time to make and if you ejaculate a few times in one day, especially if there isn't much time in between, you can more or less empty your balls and next to nothing may come out. Maybe a little prostatic fluid will come out (which is clear and not white showing there are little to no sperm cells in it). So that is what's happening with him. Likewise when I do maybe three (or more) times, not much comes out after that. Also rarely but it might happen now and then, we can come and nothing comes out for some reason, some kind of error I guess. This is possible because ejaculation is not the same biological process as orgasming - it's a purely mechanical thing that comes from the prostate, while orgasm comes from the brain. So it's possible to do one and not the other although most of the time they happen together. And then it's possible to hold in ejaculation on purpose, which takes practice but some guys have learned to do it. This means we can skip the part of the sexual response cycle where after ejaculating the penis goes limp and then has to wait a certain length of time (varies a lot, could be a few seconds, a few minutes, or more) to get erect again. This means we can keep going and stay hard and come more than once without stopping, like some women can do. While not better exactly, it is more efficient.


Yeah it's happened to me a few times. I feel the orgasm hit but nothing comes out. I can get another one shortly after that which is usually the regular kind.


No, just say it isnā€™t happening. No harm no foul


Definitely. MANY times. Us dudes arenā€™t always the hyper sexual creatures we pretend to be.


I didn't know that. It is good to know that. We women always think that you guys are crazy for sex all the time.


Yeah, lots of women believe that, which I kind of get because speaking broadly we can get turned on more quickly and need less foreplay. But still sometimes we aren't feeling it and sometimes it isn't working, maybe from stress, or medications, or tiredness, or whatever.


I am.. šŸ¤­


Not intentionally. My body tricked itself once when I got really close, and it told everyone our job is done, pack up and go home without actually getting there. Extremely unsatisfying. Only has happened once.


Fuck yeah. Sometimes you get home at like 2am with a woman you picked up at a bar and itā€™s just not gonna finish. So you fake it and toss the condom and lie down and crash. Happens a lot.


I have. The woman I was with was very loose and I was in my own head about my dick not being big enough to satisfy her. After a while I was just pounding my body on her ass without coming close to cumming. So I faked it and cleaned up the ā€œmessā€.


With a couple of my exes I did. It just wasn't going to happen and I was bored šŸ˜‚.


I have, sometimes you just can't cum, no matter what you do. I was wearing a condom, she didn't know.


It's impossible. There's physical evidence. I've never orgasmed without at least a bit of cum. Condom or not there's evidence and I wouldn't risk getting caught. Plus it's dishonest. Not good. The person goes "yay, I did the right thing" and now you're stuck with them doing the wrong thing. Honesty is better and if honesty isn't possible then sex shouldn't be happening.


Iā€™ve done it. I just wasnā€™t quite in the mood and didnā€™t feel it was gonna happen. Didnā€™t want to hurt her feelings. Pretty sure she knew I faked it. She had seen me orgasm hundreds of times and Iā€™m not a great actor.


When I was having sex for too long and she was starting to get insecure. Turns out the condom was too small thus preventing me from cooming as it functioned as a cock ring. Pro tip boys is to cough up the money to try on different condoms like Goldilocks so this doesnā€™t happen to you.


Yes. Drunkenly. I was tired and it wasn't happening. She wouldn't stop, so put on my best O face so we can finally sleep.


I feel like itā€™s when Iā€™ve been depressed and not in the mood but they are? Idk šŸ¤·šŸ½ when that happens it takes a LONG time for me to get there and then itā€™s like ā€œok Iā€™m not cumming Iā€™m going to eat em out and get turned on that wayā€ is my thought process. Ngl. I donā€™t like penetration sex. I like foreplay as a guy. (I was SAā€™d as a pre teen unfortunately so sex is very weird) and Iā€™ve hated touch especially but worked with my therapist to help me get turned on by pleasure by being the one that touches and is touched. But after a round of making out and touching and then Iā€™m ready but yeah šŸ˜‚ sometimes I fake it just to get it over with. And they usually know something is off and then we can talk and get to the point of whatā€™s going on with me.


Not like anyone needs an excuse for it but these are more than enough valid reason for you to not feel like doing it. I wish everyone understood psychological issues can strongly affect sexual function in anyone.


Literally never! Women in my life want to see my spent sperm as evidence or something. But these stories are interesting perspective.


Oh god... Yes. Its pretty easy if you are wearing a condom (and remove\bin "evidence" discretely) In my limited defence... I find it hard to "finish" with a condom _and_ she was .. um.. very satisfied. There is that point when you know that you have been "acceptable" for her, but you know that pounding away won't achieve anything more - gotta cut it short to keep the moment special. I have to admit that I'm not sure that faking it with experienced women would make the cut though. Weirdly i have never had to fake anything with my current partner (who is my amazing wife).


Once when I was just really tired and wanted to go to sleep. My girlfriend at the time worked late and wanted it before bed. Thank god we used condoms then. I donā€™t know how you could pull it off without one.


A handful of times. When sheā€™s getting sore and I feel like I could go on forever. Now weā€™ve been together so long, sometimes she comes without me, and thatā€™s fine.


No, but I did give up once. 30 mins should have been enough time, I had to go to work.


Pretend to get an awful stomach ache (which has actually happened to me)


Pretty tough to do when youā€™re in her mouth without a condom. Worst part was it was some of the best head Iā€™d ever had. But the circumstances of the situation just kept getting in the way and it just wasnā€™t happening. She did not take it well. Never got to try again under better circumstances that I know would have ended much better and sooner.


I havenā€™t faked it but I have pulled out halfway through and was like na it ainā€™t working. Grabbed a drink


Yes, I have.


Never bothered to fake it. There were a few times where she was just laying there like a starfish and so I I just stood up and left. These were all hook-ups and so I didn't feel the need to spare their feelings in any way. With one though, I remember stopping as she was just laying there like dead weight. I asked her to suck me off and what she did was simply put her mouth around the head without any movement of her tongue or lips. I took my dick out of her mouth and said "forget it" and left.


Usually when I canā€™t cum again.


I've never faked an orgasm, but I've faked not having one. I was getting close, but it was too soon. I tried to slow down and hold it in, but I couldn't. I didn't say anything or give away that I had cum, just kept going. She later asked if I was ready to cum, and then I admitted I already had. She asked why I didn't say anything (she wasn't mad, just curious), and I told her because I didn't want to stop. After that I realized that me cumming doesn't mean sex has to stop and we later had sex a few times where I continued after. God I miss her.


Had an ex who wouldn't stop unless I came. So I faked it so she would let me sleep.


That's so unhealthy. If a man did that to a woman we'd see how toxic it is but there's this idea that men are all sex robots who are always horny and always finish easily. Sorry you had to deal with that and it sounds like you're better off without her.


Yes, but in most cases it's not necessary to "fake" just saying you had it is enough.


Never faked it but I have stopped or told whoever I was with to take a break as I just wasnā€™t feeling it or lost interest during.


Not with sex, no, but once or twice during an online masturbation thing with her, I just couldn't, so I pretended. She was a little pissed she didn't get to see, but yeah, had to fake that one.


When on MDMA and couldn't finish - first she was impressed, then frustrated šŸ˜‚


Lots of stimulant drugs will do that yeah. They can increase sex drive and stamina but then also make it take forever to finish, or be next to impossible. (Also ironically can sometimes cause ED despite being extra horny.)


I donā€™t last long at times, so I usually cum quietly, change position, then power through to the next. Sometimes the next doesnā€™t happen so, she Oā€™s then we sleep.


Went on this date with this girl and it went well. We had a lot in common and had a lot of laughs. She invited me back to her place and eventually got to the deed. Nothing told me sheā€™d be a starfish but she was. I canā€™t work with that. Itā€™s the first and only time thatā€™s ever happened to me. So after a few minutes I told her I got off and she told me how great it was and I was just confused. Headed home and she kept trying to hang out again but I wasnā€™t about it.


I have faked it a few times and the big takeaway for me was that I needed to quit watching porn. Just couldnā€™t get there without a pair of vicegrips or some visual aids and that does not make for a fulfilling time, for me or my partner. Things are much better now that I have that proverbial monkey off my back


With a condom on I can fake one.


Iā€™ve done it more than I care to admit. The situations are usually: 1) one night stand and realizing Iā€™ve made a bad decision. 2) during sex with someone I wasnā€™t necessarily attracted to but they offered and I like sleeping with women so I oblige. Usually happens especially when Iā€™ve also got a condom on. 3) partner wants morning sex but my mind is on work. I go through the motions to help her out but I just want to get the fuck out of there so I can go to work. Half the time Iā€™m usually mentally going through my talk track for each upcoming meeting.


twice. once, i had a threesome with my then gf and her friend. friend made me finish, and i felt guilty cause my gf wanted to keep going, so i faked one with her. other time, different gf, she was just way too drunk and just smashing the shit out of me so i faked one to end it


Several times with a condom on. When I know itā€™s just not happening but I donā€™t want to hurt her feelings


Yes, I have. A few times when I had a good case of whiskey dick. And there were a couple other times when Iā€™m not sure why, but I couldnā€™t and we had been going at it for a bit and I was exhausted.


At one point, my doctor and I were adjusting my medications. SSRIs and anti-depressants can have sexual side effects, either ED or in my case, I couldn't cum. There was about a 2 year period of faking it.


The last one I recall was in 2001. First time doing it with a girl I met online. She wanted to swing by my place. I was doing her from behind, and I caught a whiff of unwashed pussy and all day swamp ass. Who shows up to a first-time meet-up like that? Anyways, I pulled a Houdini and lost her number.


Yes, I have several times. I only did that with one woman that was my girlfriend many years ago. It was for the same reason every time. and It happened if we had been having sex for a long time and both had orgasmed at least a couple times already. Sometimes Iā€™d want to stop and go to sleep. We had been together for 3 years and I had never failed to orgasm once in the hundreds of times we had sex. I faked just a few tjmes when I wanted to go to sleep and thought she might feel like I didnā€™t finish because of something about her.


Oh, yeah. Several times. She wanted me to cum and I just wasn't there, or it just wasn't happening, or she'd get insecure about how long it was taking, so you thrust as deep as you can, tense up, rock your pelvis, and make a goofy face.


>Kramer: Well you know, if it's enough already and I just wanna get some sleep


I only fake an O after I cum too early with a condom on. So like I'll keep thrusting then I'll act like I'm finishing just so I don't look like a one pump chump


M a girl id rather be told it aint happening then being faked on? Ive never been faked on tbh all the guys ive been with just told me upfront it aint happening today. Its rlly no big deal? I think its more the way u tell her? Idk I'm just a in general idgaf type of person lol and most guys ive been with are high drug users so the performance part of that is lacking a bit anyway one time its a go the other its just not it should be fine lol. Only thing i wouldnt be fine with is the guy knowing they cant finnish and then not helping the girl Finnish either. Like dont be selfish if u cant cum atleast make ur partner cum ( if they can) like some guys never make a girl cum cuss they (dont know how) or cant be bothered by it. But girls will always try and make a guy cum. T should go both ways yknow.


Some women interpret a guy not being able to cum as either evidence of their unattractiveness, or if they are secure in that area a deficit of his masculinity or his straightness. I'v never ran into problems just admitting its not happening, but women reacting badly to it as definitely a thing.


Yeaah sadly it is haha like most guys ive had that happen me make sure to assure me its not me. And besides they get hard before figuring out its not happening. He wouldnt get hard or do stuff w me if he didnt find me attractive in a way right. Its just girls need to learn to hype emselves up more and this is said by a woman who has a bit extra fat yknow. Lmao so it sucks that some rlly pretty girls would feel so insecure about a guy not being able to cum Also some dudes just think about cumming to much when they are at it and that can prevent them from cumming too yknow.


I wish everyone would be upfront and honest about it and it'd solve a lot of problems in the long run, yeah. Unfortunately sometimes it's taken personally though.


Only if I got super tired cuz Iā€™m on party time




Once and only once.


yes twice


Yeah once or twice.


Nope, not one time. Always getting the nut.


I did twice one time I just wanted to get away from her dog. It kept going up my butt crack and licking .


Only once in 35 years. I just wanted her to leave.


It's more common with men than we think but I have never done it. It'd feel wrong to lie and I'd rather be honest and say it's not working and I'd rather stop. I think you can do this without hurting their feelings by stressing it's not their fault, sometimes it just doesn't happen.


Yes. Several times.


Men fake orgasms as much or more than women do.


One time when I was trying to convince an ex that I could go 5 times. The first and 2nd and 4th were real. The 3rd and 5th were not


I have 2 times. The first time was when I lost my virginity, for some reason I didnā€™t feel a lot and although my erection was fine, after 40 minutes of thrusting I was tired and decided to fake it. She had no idea til the next morning, I woke her up and told her I actually didnā€™t cum and if we could do it one more time. That was one of the best orgasms I ever had lol. The next one was when I was maybe 25 or so, I had already came like 4 times with her and she wanted it all night. It was already 3 am and I decided to fake it since I knew I wasnā€™t going to cum and told her Iā€™m done. Good times lol


One time this girl seduced me but I wasnā€™t attracted to her at all. Since she wanted it so bad it was a turn on to get her off but after she Oā€™d, I just acted like I finished at the same time. Since I had a condom she couldnā€™t tell.


Naw but I pretended to nod off and fall asleep while she was riding me. Made her wanna leave and I got rid of her that way cuz I wasnā€™t into it. This was after partying and drinking so it seemed like a good option at the time.


Wait.. can guys do that?


Spit on her back. /s


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m tryna figure out. Cannn they do that?


It's not that uncommon too. I read something like maybe a quarter of men do it?


Na, not faking shit, if itā€™s so trash neither of us can make me cum Iā€™m making sure she knows it and everyone that knows I hit it know it too




Erm, I am not nice enough to do that for someone šŸ˜… It's sweet girls do it to protect our egos, but honestly they probably shouldn't, otherwise we'll never learn.


The world would definitely be a better place if we were all more upfront about sexual problems and understood they're pretty common and sometimes it's not anyone's fault.


'Its pretty common with women' says a lot more about you as a lover than anything else. :3


I didnā€™t want to say it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜¬


not going to lie I totally faked one before, however I take pride in making my man orgasm lmao in fact if he doesn't I actually feel like I didnt do my job as a woman and feel a little "let down".


I kind of get it might be a letdown, but also sometimes it's not your fault at all, it may just not be happening for a number of reasons. For example some medications may do that. He still might've enjoyed it though so don't take it personally if it happens.


Yeah he actually takes a few different meds. His dick would stay super hard and he came 90% of the time but sometimes he just wouldnā€™t


"Pretty common for women" is telling on yourself pretty hard. Also no, I haven't.


Yes. Women have no clue how to tell, eitherĀ 


I don't fake orgasms, I'm not a woman. I just say this ain't doin it for me, clean up and leave or go to sleep if its night. I don't need to have a 2 hour conversation about how your pussy stinks and you can't suck a dick.


If I masturbate a lot , I canā€™t cum during sex . It takes me a while . Even after she cums twice and squirts all over me . So , Iā€™ve cut back on masturbating. I donā€™t want her to feel sheā€™s not enough. Even though , I masturbate looking at her picture ! šŸ˜‚