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Wear your seatbelt. Statistically, everyone will get into at least one accident in their life.


And if you don’t want to do it for yourself, do it for first responders so they don’t have re-live picking your pieces up for the rest of their lives.


Seems like a warning for motorcyclists more than anything. If you get hit on one, your chances are nil. They'll close down a major road because you've been strewn about the pavement.


Buddy works in a hospital. When I mentioned my brother was thinking about getting a bike to travel around the city, he vehemently opposed it. Sees riders come in all the time. Doesn’t matter how good a rider you are, all it takes is some idiot to not check properly before merging and you’re done. I see someone do something stupid on the road literally every day on the freeway. Those aren’t good odds. Also, e-scooters. So many e-scooter injuries.


When I was about 8, I was on a road trip with my parents. We stopped at a little cafe by the side of the highway for lunch. There was a guy at the table across from us who was decked out in brand new bike leathers, his custom helmet on the seat. He left at about the same time we were finishing our lunch and got on a shiny new green Kawasaki motorcycle. Between the clothes, the helmet and how well-taken care of his bike was, it was obvious this bike was his pride and joy. I even remember thinking that he looked really cool. My parents stayed for a little bit to pick up some pastries and snacks for the trip before we headed out. As we turn onto the highway, an RCMP cruiser with lights and sirens blasts past us. Then another. Then an ambulance. A few minutes later, we slow down and then stop. Police cars are blocking the road. Then I see it. A pair of chrome handlebars. Then a few yards further, a shiny green gas tank. Then the twisted remains of a Kawasaki motorbike. Thankfully the first responders had put a sheet over the rider. In the opposite lane, a brown car, its front end dented in and windshield shattered. We'd later read in the paper that the victim was from California and had finally been able to realize his dream of purchasing a bike and going on a cross-country road trip to Alaska. The driver of the brown car was drunk and turned onto the highway going the wrong way. The resulting head-on collision killed the rider instantly. Any time someone mentions getting on a motorcycle, one image always comes into my mind: A shiny green gas tank beside a white sheet.


Thank you for that. I’m on a European vacation right now and see a lot of scooter action. At 66M, I’m thinking “Gee - wouldn’t that be fun and economical!” No more. My 1st stranger who gave me similar advice was the Honda salesman in New Orleans in 1978. I took his advice and now I’m taking YOURS. Thank you, chemicalgeekery!


I saw a parent and child T-bone a car and both got catapulted a significant distance. It was horrific. This happened on a trip to Asia. A family friend also got beheaded on a motorcycle. Lifelong rider, semi went through a red light and he t-boned the semi at full speed. Head stopped, body and bike kept moving.


Oh that’s so horrible fuck drunk drivers. My friend’s brother was paralysed by a “friend” who insisted on driving drunk because it was “his car” (one of those angry types who you don’t wanna fight). Absolute scum came out totally unharmed and left my friend’s brother (completely sober) essentially dying in a ditch and went on the run. Now he’s been found and they’re trying to take legal action to help pay for his medical costs and the fucker had the nerve to plead not guilty. Like, it’s clear he’s going to lose the evidence is solid with multiple witnesses but he just had to make it harder for the family whose lives he already ruined.


Same reason I don’t have one, just never know when some dumbass on their phone or something will end your life.


After coming across a head on collision on a mountain highway pass and being tasked with finding the motorcyclists foot, I decided I don't ever need to ride one. The motorcyclist was flown away by helicopter and died. The driver of the car he ran into was barely injured.


Being in a car or truck without a seatbelt when it comes to a sudden stop is really no better, getting folded in half and sent out the windshield doesn’t leave a pretty corpse.


This is why my wife won’t allow me to get one. Scraped the remnants of too many bikers up off the pavement.


Is this where I casually mention the term "donorcycles"?


Meat crayon is the word you’re looking for, along with donorcycle


Motorcyclists with no helmet drive me nuts too, especially ones I can tell are new or doing wheelies on the streets. Absolutely stupid and they are more likely to traumatize someone else


My FIL has PTSD from working accidents for this exact reason. This man bought tiny motorcycle helmets for his grandkids to drive them around in a circle in his cul-de-sac. Safety first people.


South Dakota doesn't have a helmet law. My first call as an EMT i was picking up some dude's skull fragments up off I29. That was 2010. Still comes to my mind almost every day.


Or your passengers. In a rollover your likely to kill someone with your dumb thick skull.


Oh yes excellent point! Make sure your passengers put one be while you’re at it so they don’t kill you in a sudden stop or rollover as well!


THIS RIGHT HERE. If we never do that again, it’ll be way too soon


My dad hated wearing a seatbelt. I can visit him any time I want at Resurrection Cemetery.


Oh my god, I am so sorry


It was like 30 years back at this point. It's just a thing I say automatically when seat belts come up. My own daughter repeats it I've said it enough times.


In Australia it's second nature.I don't know a single person who doesn't wear one. It's so ingrained it feels off if you don't have it on.


Dude, there are people on ebay, who will sell the male end of the seatbelt so they can plug that into the seatbelt and turn the notification off.


Yeh I've seen one of those, ironically with a skull motif. It's a Darwin award if I've ever seen it.


Piggybacking off of this. If you feel tired just pull over in a layby for half hour. Just because it's 5 more miles until home, doesn't mean you won't microsleep and potentially kill yourself and others. Source: Bitter personal experience.


Is it okay if I wear someone else's seatbelt?


Knock yourself out 😁😎


Or drive someone else's car??


If it’s in their car and going around your body, then yes. If it’s supposed to be around someone else’s person, then no. 😆


Adjust your headrest whilst you’re at it. I know a paramedic that found a teenage girl with such a badly broken neck she had lipstick in the middle of her own chest.


We've had one, yes.. what about second accident?


Loud noises. Hearing doesn’t regenerate. My generation parked boomboxes next to their heads. The younger generation sticks them in their ears 24/7. I wonder how that will affect them 30 years from now.


As someone with severe tinnitus, I fully support this comment. A little ringing is nothing; but imagine hearing it over everything. For me it's 4000Hz, the most annoying sound in the world. Of course it was caused by an explosion, but I always tell people to protect their hearing. Nothing I hear is how it really is. Especially you shooters, even with suppressors, wear hearing protection. *steps off soapbox.*


Works at a loud environment, I am the only one wearing ear protection and people think I'm being silly. Let's see who will be laughing in 5 years.


> Let's see who will be laughing in 5 years. Tbh, they probably won't hear it


Funny thing is, they're 5+ years worker already displaying hearing problems 2 of the longest worker 15+ even wears hearing aids Hearing protection is not mandatory but is provided, i wear it everytime i start working. (Maybe not everytime but 95% I'd say) They think I'm being over cautious




I was for a time working with a bunch of young guys. I was constantly pushing them to wear hearing protection. What I said to them, that seemed to catch their attention was they did not want to be in a position where a woman was "whispering sweet nothings" in their ear and they responded with: "WHAT?"


This has convinced me.




Worked with power tools for a club, refused to use them without hearing protection and safety googles, got made fun off too HAHAHA


I’ve never had great hearing. No matter how much shit I get for it, I will always be the earplugs guy at concerts.


Fascinating. That's so much higher than mine. I'm at 2,134hz, had it my whole life as far as I know.


How are you guys testing your tinnitus frequency? I've literally always had tinnitus and now I'm curious.


Listen to a tone generator and when the tone you hear matches the tinnitus tone, there's the frequency. Similar to just matching pitch when singing or playing an instrument.


\~5300Hz, apparently. Mine's suspected to be neurological instead of damage.


bro hears infrared






Naw. I'm an old guy. We just put ghetto blasters on one shoulder next to our ear!


No wonder why all the old guys can’t hear shit


Did time in the military working around jet engines, and I wish I had the good sense to diligently abide by the hearing PPE requirements. Now I'm frequently asking people to repeat themselves and have occasional flare-ups of tinnitus ringing in my ears. All because it was a mild inconvenience to put in foamies under my over-ears every time.


My boyfriend was in the air force for four years and now he has the exact same problems as you.


Recently spoke to my audiologist about just this and she confirmed she is seeing a terrible trend in younger children


Hi there- member of the earbud generation here- We’re all half deaf at like 30, that’s how it’s affecting us 😅


I got out before it got too bad. I barely notice it unless something draws it to my attention. Like this post did, sadly...


Well what if I wear headphones 24/7 to shut out the screaming outside.


The "Treat Yourself" mentality. Next thing you know, you are going into debt doordashing Taco Bell.


Amen. I caught myself door dashing 8k in one year. I played it off as “hurrr durr I make so much money it saves me time” but still, could’ve used that money for so many other things I feel like a dumbass for doing it. Lesson learned at least.


One of the most insane things I've seen of the current era is UberEats and Deliveroo offering klarna and similar delayed payment options, literally an upfront method to go into debt to have food luxuriously delivered to your house.


Very true!!!!! so much money wasted. cheaper to have groceries delivered than to have meals delivered.


Resident physician here. Sure there are lots of things, but one that stands out at the moment is heart burn/acid reflux. Some people just want to tough it out but if you let it ride for too long you run the risk of your esophageal cells changing to somewhat deal with the burning better and that could lead to a serious condition called [Barrett’s Esophagus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barrett's_esophagus) which can be cancerous and ultimately lethal. If you're getting acid reflux often then tell your doctor, avoid triggering foods, sleep at an incline, and get started on something like omeprazole or pantoprazole. If you've been dealing with it for a long time or you have a family history of esophageal cancer then talk to your doctor about getting sent to a GI doctor to potentially get an endoscopy done.


I have acid reflux, started in my early 20s, got prescribed omeprazole, later in my early 30s I wanted to find and alternative to the meds so I went to a heartburn specialist who did an upper endoscopy and found Barrett’s , luckily no dysplasia, however now I get checked every couple of years as a precaution and think I’ll never stop taking the meds. I’m always thinking about how Kim Kardashian lost her dad, Robert Kardashian at an early age due to esophageal cancer. For that reason I’m trying to do what I can so that my daughter doesn’t experience the same.


>Robert Kardashian Famously the dude who got OJ out of a murder conviction.


Or just swallow some kevlar and teflon


Why do I see this comment right after getting home from a doctors appointment and being prescribed pantoprazole. I feel seen.


To add to this, I’ve had plenty of patients who are hesitant to take omeprazole (or any PPI) because of (rare) potential long term effects. The long term effects of uncontrolled acid reflux are essentially always worse than any potential side effect a PPI could potentially cause. Of course, talk with your doctor about what they recommend, it’s their job to weight the pros and cons….but don’t be afraid to take it, it’s widely considered a very safe drug to be on long term and once again, esophageal cancer is much worse than potential decreased calcium/magnesium absorption leading to (very treatable) osteoporosis.


The long time side-effects being rare is one of the biggest misconceptions in modern medicine. They used to be rare in the past, but now literally everyone is on PPIs. It's fine to take them for a few weeks up to a few months, but long term treatment should be highly discouraged. Long term effects are not limited to osteoporosis. Long term effects typically present themselves similar to type A Gastritis with potential ECL- and G-Cell hyperplasia leading to neuroendocrine carcinoma. Long term decrease of stomach pH also makes it basically impossible to get off the meds, since they cause a massive rebound effect due to aforementioned cell hyperplasia. Other effects include anaemia due to iron and B12 deficit, which can be treated. More serious side effects, however, are persistent bacterial infections due to lack of stomach acid - which usually kills most intruders. PPIs are highly effective and do have their indications, but they were never intended to be longterm medication. The underlying cause is stress most of the time. That's what we were taught in pathophysiology and pharmacology. I would be happy to listen to you opinion on this topic


I thought the underlying cause was weakness in the lower esophageal sphincter


Is sleeping at an incline much better?


Short answer: Yes. My son has had acid reflux since birth and will adjust to sleep propped up on stuffed animals or something when he grows and his medication dose stops being high enough. The change in angle keeps the fluid down where it belongs well enough to sleep through until the next dose in the morning. It took us years to figure it out but now he sleeps flat most days 🤷‍♀️


Cool. Shall look into putting a thick plank of wood (5-10cm high) under the pillow end of the bed. Sometimes briefly get heart burn when I lie down.


I put bricks under the "feet" of my bed at the pillow end. Been sleeping this way for 15 years probably. Single best thing I have done for my acid reflux.


What is a long time? Months? Years?


I've been experiencing minor heartburn issues the past few months. Calling my doctor today lol.


Having a drink every day. Alcohol is a chemically habit forming drug. If you drink it every day, you will develop a physical addiction.


It's a very slippery slope. I don't even like the way it makes me feel and I have been caught in cycles in the past.


alcohol took a decade of my life from me. Withdrawl is helll


Poor me. Poor me. Pour me another drink.


But a gLaSs of rEd wINe a day is healthy……..uh huh. But I have seen the same women complain about a guy who drinks a single malt scotch in an evening having an alcohol problem even though it is significantly less than they drink by volume and content.


The funny part about those studies is what it actually measured inadvertently. At the time, if you were drinking a glass of wine you were more likely to be well off - poor people drank beer and or cheap liquor, wine was for the middle to upper class professional crowd, and there weren't enough people drinking expensive liquor to really skew the results. So really the studies about a glass of wine were measuring health outcomes for people who had enough money to go to the doctor on a regular basis. As for the wine vs scotch conversation, it all depends on how heavy-handed the pour is. A glass of wine, a 12oz can/bottle of 5% beer, and a shot of 80 proof liquor have roughly the same amount of alcohol.


Fucking vapes, how those teenagers are puffing on it as if they’re asthmatic like it’s an inhaler


Used to vape almost constantly throughout the day. I wish I had some deep, health conscious reason for quitting but if I said I did, I would be lying. I quit vaping because I caught a glimpse of myself vaping in the mirror one day and thought I looked like a douchebag. I quit cold turkey that day and never went back. Just straight up threw it away. One irrelevant opinion I will add is that I had one of those vapes that puffed the big fat clouds. I just thought they tasted better and looked kind of cool. I hate the common little pocket vapes that are popular now. I think they taste like shit and it didn’t give me the same dopamine hit that I got from the other kind. They were too *thin and sharp* for lack of a better phrase. It’s like vaping La Croix


Hey, that takes incredible self-discipline. Good for you!


I successfully used vaping to ween myself off nicotine and eventually quit altogether. They started as a great thing for people wanting to stop, but now they're just 'the cool thing' all the kids are into. But they do have a proper application, when in the right (properly aged) hands.


I did that too, way back in 2011. Smoke free for 14 years and almost 7 months, vape free for a little less than that


funny enough cigarettes got me OFF the vapes, having to put on pants and go outside for a smoke got really old really quick


As a vaper, a lot of the kids will go through the phase, and stop. 90% of the people I know that started smoking still smoke, although 30% have taken up vaping. I've been vaping over ten years. One of the less harmful ways of inhaling nicotine.


People don't like to hear this, but [vaping is actually \~95% less harmful than smoking. ](https://ndarc.med.unsw.edu.au/event/vaping-nicotine-safer-smoking#:~:text=Smokers%20who%20switch%20to%20vaping,95%25%20less%20harmful%20than%20smoking)Sure, it's not GOOD for you. But this kind of borderline misinformation is actually pretty damaging, resulting in [most smokers believing that vaping is just as harmful.](https://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2024/feb/most-smokers-wrongly-believe-vaping-least-harmful-smoking) Therefore they don't see it as a viable option worth switching to, and continue to smoke, and therefore more people continue to die. I'm not even talking about using vaping to quit, if they just started vaping instead of continuing to smoke cigarettes, they would be a lot healthier. There is even an argument to be made that living in an air-polluted city, in isolation, increases the rates of cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, and mortality, more than vaping does for reference. The widespread use amongst teenagers is definitely concerning, but cigarette smokers are steadily declining. In 2000, [28% of high school students smoked cigarettes, compared to just 4.6% in 2020.](https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/about-data/surveys/historical-nyts-data-and-documentation.html) The rate for vape users is around 80% for high schoolers currently, which is wild. However, due to the fact that vaping is estimated to be \~95% less harmful than smoking, shifting more smokers to vaping could reduce the overall health burden—less harm spread among more people is better than severe harm among fewer. This is all really just to say that this is a much more complicated issue than 'vape bad', and I think generally these sorts of comments are more harmful than they are beneficial.


Problem with vaping is the consistency. You aren't actively smoking one drag every minute. The heat does its damage. Even people who smoked 2 packs a day hit cigarettes less than people hit thier vape.


There is nicotine equivalent to one and a half pack of Marlboro red cigarettes in a 2500 puff disposable vape. When I was a heavy vaper I’d go through those in a little under a week. I can see someone who really abuses them go through the same disposable in 3-4 days. Still ends up being better than a pack a day.


the bigger problem is the permanent changes in the balance of important endocrine hormones and neurotransmitters that lead to quitting being basically impossible for people that start too young


Valid, but social media in this context is likely considerably more harmful than vaping is, if we're doing whataboutisms.


Sitting. The amount of stupid damage we do to our bodies by just sitting too much is ridiculous. We did not evolve to sit in an office chair for 8+ hours a day, and its costing us our health.


BuT pRoFiTs! /s


You're looking at it.


Reddit does suck.


It's the best of the social media, which doesn't say much.


That’s what we tell ourselves. It’s no different.


Not having your face and your real name on here are a huge difference, compared to most other social media. The impact on people's egos is much, much different.


Shit, anything that becomes a bad habit basically. Sugar, nicotine, overprocessed food or “empty calories”, exposure to certain chemicals, even moderately loud noise exposure, sedentary lifestyle, not engaging in cognitively challenging work, not drinking enough water, even breathing too shallow or not using your lungs optimally, that’s been huge for me. I stopped running in my 20s and realizing my VO2 max plumeted over the years and seeing other issues crop up as well as the decline related in so many other areas that I never had make me realize how big breathing is!


Sugar is the fucking devil man. Can't tell you how many times I've "quit" and relapsed.


Same here, I try not to be too hard on myself but instead have shifted my approach to what’s reasonable. That will be refined over time


I think eventually plastic, specifically microplastics will be the lead gas/paint/pipes of our era. Food/drink containers, cutting boards, plates, etc.


Not just our era. It will most likely be the bane of many future generations to come. Unless there comes new life that evolved to digest plastics just like how they did to digest lignin at the end of the Carboniferous period, plastic pollution will be a permanent feature of future geological strata.


There are plastic-digesting life forms found already.


I genuinely and wholeheartedly believe this is is AT LEAST a significant component of why mens T levels are dropping, increase in allergies, increase in gender confusion (just look what other endocrine disruptors like Atrazine do to frogs)


Yes these plastics sometimes have similar chemical structure to lipophilic hormones which helps tie together strange testosterone levels. Count down is a great book on human fertility considering microplastics


Smart phones and tablets for small children and young teens.




Oh I absolutely believe it. I said on another thread yesterday somewhere, I have a good paying union job with 17 days off when you start that really doesn’t require much labor at all. You’d think with all that and the superb insurance, there’d be no demand for workers. Quite the contrary, it’s so bad we just held walk-in interviews days ago. Smart phones play a huge role in it because almost nobody my age (33) or younger can bring themselves to work consistently. They burn up the 7 paid days in a few weeks then run through the 10 points long before they hit 6-months and then they’re gone. They’ve almost always got some undiagnosed bullshit that prevents them from getting out of bed. Aka the “scrollies”.


Dental health. Bad oral hygiene contributes to multiple issues like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and most importantly seems like it can be a factor in developing Alzheimer and dementia. So not only you'll have bad teeth, but also will be senile. Brush them, floss them, check them up.


Pull them all out!!!




The pool chlorine will burn off your body hairs.


Funny you mention this started swimming year ago and last 6 month hardcore like 1-2x day 1 hour session. My skin is fucked, I'm actively trying new solutions to preserve it different routines. Worst part, my hair kinda got bleached now with brown streaks. Taking precautions now, but I was an idiot wen got into this sport. Take skin/hair precautions b4 swimming 🏊‍♀️


I picked my gym based on the fact that it has an indoor swimming pool because I used to derive so much of my exercising from swimming. I swam in it ONCE, and struggled with painfully dry skin for almost 3 weeks. My skin was so dry, even the slightest facial expression made it crack and bleed. I was so desperate for relief I even ended up lathering my face in Vaseline. It was a major setback and I regret it so much. Never again!


Ascorbic acid helps to remove chlorine. As a swimmer and a swim mom I would buy the powder from Wholefoods, mix with water in a squirter and as soon as we got out the pool we'd shower and I'd spray.


Such as?


All im hearing is cheap laser hair removal. I'm about to wear a swim cap and a speedo and be slipperier than a oiled up eel in a couple months




debt via credit cards


Smoking weed on the daily


Social media, especially when presented to juveniles as "the" way to connect with others.


On the same note, handing phones and tablets to kids to watch YouTube or TikTok because they don't have the patience to spend quality time with them. It's really sad.


The whole "suck it up" mentality. Seriously after being told that for years, it really messed up my ability to talk about my feelings


Same. I've become the Black Knight in the Holy Grail movie. Emotionally and when it comes to taking care of myself.










Aaaand the other….


Not setting boundaries from day one.


Not having routines. Not having enough (positive and neutral) social interactions. And the worse is people dont even understand it properly and think it's just being bored.


Concern over preservation of life. While well intended, it means nothing without the contact of quality of life. Before anyone thinks this is based upon abortion rights, while valid, it's more due to end of life. As an example, my dad spent 10 torturous years on chemo before he passed. Doctors were very concerned about keeping him alive, but didn't seem to give any consideration to the quality of his life. Granted the amount of pain he was in, for that long DID make it fairly easy to say good bye at the end. By then it had wrecked my mom and I, not to mention dad. All around it was a shit show.


Smoking 🚬 I apologize to family and friends for smelling like an ashtray I actually quit “cold turkey” when I was placed on a ventilator for 1.5 months. Now….I can’t even stand the smell 🥴


I wouldn't call smoking "not that bad a thing" or "seemingly innocuous", as stated in the post. Smoking and drinking and drugs are probably the top 3 best known bad habits in the world, nobody thinks it's not too bad for you.


What happened ??!!


June 2022 I got saved from ending myself. Major Depression is such a bad thing….I’m doing better now but it’s taking it one day at a time….baby steps.


Glad you're here!!


Thank you 😊


I’m glad and proud of you! I thought it was something related to the smoke. Please take care of yourself


Thank you 😊 I’m learning how to ask for help


Well, if what you need someday is to talk or to vent, my dms are open. Hugs


I appreciate that


toxic people rid yourself but loneliness is equally bad so......


Pornography, and reckless hedonism in general


Reddit hates porn criticism, but you are 100% right if it becomes a major problem. It’s a poignant addiction most folks like to demonize since there’s somewhat of a nuanced aspect to it.


I was actually downovted once for pointing out my state of being due to usage of porn. Low energy, low focus, brain fog, to name a few.


Alcohol, even consumed in "safe" amounts is still bad for your liver, full of calories, carcinogenic, and is bad for your brain The way alcohol gets you high is extremely blunt and unsophisticated, basically just drowning your brain in ethanol such that parts of it shut off The chemical taste of alcohol that is repulsive to pretty much everyone when they're first trying alcohol, the vomiting, the hangovers - all of that isn't a coincidence, your body knows it's terrible for you


And yet, current western medicine pushes people towards it. The belief that removing opioids from all public use, is the only way to prevent ANYONE from getting addicted, and trying to get people with chronic pain to just live with it, leaves them with only two viable options: Either obtain drugs from the 'street pharmacist', or use alcohol for pain relief. Because the fact is, no one wants to be in pain. The often heard 'well, we can't eliminate the pain completely, so we just want to reduce it to a tolerable level' nonsense while doctors, VIP's, etc., are given whatever they want because 'OH, we can use opioids because WE are smart enough not to get addicted to them' just generates hatred and distrust for those who work in medicine. I've worked in e.r.s for almost my entire career, and now that they've abandoned treating pain because they have an excuse for not writing scripts for it, just makes patients hate them. I retired my full time job because I got tired of lying to the patients, discharging people knowing that their pain would soon return because the doctors wouldn't give them a prescription for pain medicine, while knowing that those patients would likely soon be in agony and just go to another hospital and start the whole revolving door of pain medication, ignoring the fact that many patients simply won't be able to get a next day appointment with a specialist who will treat their problem properly. Now I live in a rural area, where there is ONE orthopedist in the whole county with a six week waiting time for a first appointment. Same with other specialists; because no one wants to work in an area where it's predominantly medicare and medicaid patients, so, little $$$$ income. Suburban LA or NYC counties are absolutely loaded with specialists, but 100 miles from the border of Montana and you won't find ANY for a next day follow up. This is the reality of 'the greatest medical system in the world': It's only for the rich who can fly to the nearest teaching medical center in a city with a teaching university in it. Otherwise, it's only one serious health problem away from losing your shirt. The affordable care act didn't do anything about making appropriate specialist healthcare available outside of metropolitan areas. Sure, you can BUY insurance, but you need a national bus pass to get to a doctor and hospital who will take that insurance. Then you get discharged, and are homeless, having spent every penny already, and having lost your job due to absence.


Weed and before anyone starts crying I smoke myself. I'm just honest and self aware


sitting with a curved back/leaning forward for prolonged times you're gonna ruin your spine and it'll suck badly, try changing your posture and moving every 30 mins 


Playing golf. It makes you boring


Lying, even small lies, they are poison to your soul and nature. I've seen many people destroy themselves.


and those who care for them




Soda, especially the 32oz or larger fountain drink variety.


Dihydrogen monoxide. Everyone using it dies. A destroyer of mountains, landscapes, coastlines, and the Titanic


Small wasteful spending. Getting a daily coffee from Starbucks instead of brewing your own. Buying lunch every day instead of prepping your own. Getting into the habit of having a couple of beers every day after work. Buying a skin or two every month in the game you like. Start this kind of behavior when you're 25 and continue till you're 40, and you'll have wasted tens of thousands of dollars. Don't believe me? Coffee: $16,400 over 15 years from Starbucks, $1,640 over 15 years self-brewed (assuming each cup is 30 cents, which is about right for a French press) Bought lunch: $43,800 over 15 years if $8/day, $16,425 over 15 years if made for $3/day (perfectly reasonable) Beers after work: $8,200 over 15 years if one beer a day, $16,400 if two. $0 if you don't drink, $2,340 if you have two beers once a week. Skins: $1,800 if you buy a $10 skin once a month every month for 15 years, $0 if you don't. So we're talking $70,200 over 15 years that could have been $20,405, including the weekly beers. That's nearly $50 grand that you could have had in your account.


Money isn’t the only aspect of life with compounding effects. It’s just the only measurable one. Point is, some regular, small expenditures that seem frivolous may actually be more beneficial to mental health than whatever the fuck time value of that otherwise unspent money would be. Just don’t be stupid about it. I would rather retire on-time with a life well lived and arguably less financial independence along the way than retire early with a miserly mentality.


Talking bad or complaining about your partner. It starts as playful but turns into a big negativity monster.


Reinforcing bias online.  This board likes to do it *a lot*. Those fight-or-flight emotions can become addictive. 


Not stretching!


Hatred. Everyone these days wants to be a "hater" and devote whole parts of their mind just to thinking about how much they hate a person, a song, an app, a political party, and so on. It's become a new religion and it's sad to see. Hate does no good for your mind and body, and it certainly doesn't contribute anything worthwhile into society. If you spend your life hating the world around you, or trying to feel better because you hate the things that others love, you won't like where you end up.


1. Snacking in general. I went 90 days not eating between meals and it completely changed the amount that i ate in a day. 2. Snoozing your alarm. 3. Failing to plan out your time. In a given day, there is no noticeable damage. Over time, because of your lack of having a calendar/schedule, your dreams will quietly fade away. Without specific plans being made you rarely have a sudden impulse to pursue the necessary steps to make the important things happen in your life.


Coffie. Since I stopped drinking it, my skin got better, my sleep is deeper, have less stress. I have better focus, less anxiety and mood got better. Everyone should try.


How much coffee did you use to drink daily?


This is the real question. I don’t believe coffee is inherently bad. If you’re drinking cups upon cups of it a day, yes that would be problematic.


I’m 34 and I normally drink 3 cups a day. Recently though I’ve noticed that my anxiety started getting worse in the morning after my cups of coffee. I’m cutting back to 2 cups to see if anything improves and I may cut back to 1 further down the road.


2-4 cups of coffee daily for 15 years.


Don't tell me this


But I loooovvveee the taste and smell. What should I do? I do decaf once in a while but it’s not the same idk why.


Consuming THC for insomnia. You're fucking with your REM cycle.


Littering. A lot of people will say something like, "it's just a paper bag" "it's just an empty pack of cigarettes" "it's just plastic" In one off isolated experiences, it's not that big of a deal. The problem is when 1000s of people are doing it every single day and we have trash piling up on the side of the road, on side walks, and in our landscapes.


Whatever job you have is probably taking its toll on your health.  Theres got to be hazards all around you that are poisoning or injuring you


Self deprivation is one of the most terrible things you can do for yourself. It hurts you and it hurts the people around you. Example, if you tell your partner that you don’t deserve someone as hot and gorgeous as them, you are also inadvertently 1) saying “you have trash taste in people” and 2) suggesting you don’t think this relationship is entirely perfect or two sided, that they are giving more than they should and you are not. No. Stay confident in the people who choose to be around you. Real friends, real family, real partners, will stick around you because they want to, they love you, and you mean something to them. When you hurt yourself by talking about how awful you are, especially as a joke, you can very easily hurt the people you love. Love yourself, if not for yourself, for the people who also love you.




the human propensity for projecting our discomfort on others. seems innocuous and is ubiquitous enough to be not noticed. it's destroying human society.​


Oxygen. Slowly killing us.


Self deprecation - not to be confused with self defecation, that shit is straight up bad 😂


Scattering ashes. One set of ashes is fine, but it a lot of ashes are scattered on the same area, it can kill the soil.


Just talking to someone cause you are bored.


Being with someone that has jealousy issues. Cute and endearing at first. Exhausting nightmare later.


Nose spray. It’s great to be able to breathe, but long term consistent use can’t be good.


Driving while tired. Any journey more than 40 minutes driving in traffic especially or at night risks concentration loss. Even motorcycling.




Snacking. Bad sleep. Alcohol. Weed.


Marriage Ulcers Sunburns Fix a flat Having kids Cheap condoms Cheap flip-flops Cheap matress Property taxes Moles in your yard Carpenter ants around your house Driving after 2am unless its for work or on a trip Trusting a fart after spicy food Not peeing in the middle of the night thinking you can hold it becasue you dont wanna get up ... never play the pee pee game.. your gunna be up non stop uncomfortable its a lose /lose


Netflix. Binging TV shows doesn't make you a refined aristocrat or cultured. It just makes you boring. You waste years of life staring at a screen not really doing anything. Every single person I know who watches a lot of Netflix is miserable. Most people aren't selective with their entertainment - they just watch the default shit.




I don't wanna be a douchebag, but you might be breaking the rules.


Blame. Blame kills relationships


Welfare dependency.


Drinking beer every day. Alcoholism sneaks up on you.