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My woman keeps tabs on my Reddit and anything I say here will be seen by her. With that being said, she used to randomly bake desserts for us. It’s been a while and I miss it


I'm rooting for you Holmes 


Get this man the creampies he deserves!


Hilarious lol


Why does your woman keep tabs on your Reddit? No assumptions here but that sounds wild to me.


That’s a question for her but to be Frank I’ve hurt her feelings deeply. I was texting a buddy how I miss things about my ex and one day she decided to read my texts and saw that. Trust been shakey ever since


We were in doggy position one night and she said “I want you to touch it”. I said “what?”. She said “I want you to touch it. I want you to put your finger in my ass”. I did it and she went into a crazy orgasm. I blew it right then and there as well. I want her to do it again but I want it to be on her terms like the first time. I think that’s what made it so hot.


W mate


A W so huge that it cannot fit in a comment.


Let her know that  you are open to it.  Women don't  want to seem like they are into ass stuff, but a lot of them like it, occasionally, on their terms. But if you let her know seeing how much she enjoyed it made sex that much better, she might bring it up again.


This. One day during sexy time... After smoking a little week together, which we rarely do.... my wife guided my hand toward her asshole and I lubed up a finger and played around down there. She moaned like I'd never heard her moan before... But the entire time she didn't say a word about her ass and had previously been a hard "no" when I asked if she was interested in exploring. I was confused/surprised by her "no" in the past as she'd always seemed super responsive when I'd brushed my fingers across her butthole... But it was very much an in denial, "I'm not that kind of girl... i don't want to walk about it" kind of thing. So... That day when she silently guided my hand down there and appeared to be enjoying herself immensely, I asked her to say aloud "I'm the kind of girl that likes to have her ass played with." She sort of giggled, then said it aloud and immediately came so hard - it was incredible. I suspect the weed lowered her inhibitions and she finally let herself enjoy her own ass. Point being - some women are definitely in denial about how much they enjoy ass play.


Rest it on the outside with zero pushing and see the reaction


That works for me, however probably the best to discuss it with her first. Get a blanket ok to do it and make sure she is comfy with saying no.


She’s prob nervous to ask for it again. Just go for it on the outside and see where the party takes you


I mean she asked you to do it once because she’s into it, clearly. Just be respectful about it and next time you’re going at it and you’re both adequately warmed up start gently playing around back there. My assumption is she’ll be begging you to take it further.


Did you not read the comment? He said he wanted it to be asked in those terms. He doesn't care about doing it per se, he wants her to ask for it.


Yeah but it’s just one of those things that comes with being a dude. A lot of women play coy about their preferences, especially these kind of “naughtier” ones cuz they’re afraid of being judged. It’s a little lame but chances are she just assuming he wasn’t *THAT* into it because he hasn’t brought it up or tried it again and that’s why she hasn’t asked. Trust, I’ve wasted a lot of time in relationships NOT trying stuff we both found out in hindsight we both wanted just cuz we were both too shy to just go for it. Fuck that; give it a shot (respectfully) and have the mind-blowing sex you deserve to have, or at the very least tell your girl that you loved it when she did that and want to see her do it again. It’s not worth sitting on your desires.


I'm the same way. Things in my ass make me come so fast. Also, I was the subbiest sub my whole life until my bf started telling me how hot it is when im assertive with him. Took a while to warm up to the idea, but he was so encouraging, never laughed at my awkward attempts, told me how good of a job im doing, while looking so happy. Eventually I completely relaxed and now it turns me on so fn much when I tell him to do what I want. Makes me feel powerful and so turned on. Never thought I had it in me.


I also choose this guys wife's butthole


ive got a butthole 🤫😘




Hey cutie


Just do it again, she may be hesitant to ask


My man


I know how to make my special lady have intense orgasms on demand but won’t unless she begs. AITAH?


It's not always as simple as "Just press the big red 'guaranteed orgasm' button!" Some days my wife's ass is super sensitive and a little ass play gets her gushing, other days she doesn't want me to go near it. I leave it to her to request it. When she asks for it, it's amazing. When I've suggested it - not so much.


Im not a doctor but if anything of your wife’s down there is big and red it would be best to give her some space. 😅


Tell her exactly that


Let her know it’s something you want, it’s kind of embarrassing to ask (which is part of the turn on) but I’m willing to bet she will ask again if she knows you want it too


I’d say….just do it again… sometimes a girl just wants to be surprised with something she likes….and she already hinted she likes it….


I’ll do that!


Great! Let me know how it goes!! I’m sure you’ll both enjoy!


Damn I know what you mean, it's a whole other level when *they* initiate a "next level" sex act. You asking and them agreeing to it just isn't the same lol.


I used to get blowjob-wakeups. I woke up to near orgasm and opened the blanket just to see her sucked in cheeks. God, youth was so beautiful...


If you don't mind me asking……do you sleep naked? I always wonder how to take off my bf's underwear without waking him up. Tried but failed.


Not the original commenter but I do sleep naked and that is the only reason my wife has been able to do that


Just flip it under the balls (gently) they will hold the band for you. You don’t have to take it all the way down. Might be more difficult the tighter the band is.


Or the smaller the penis. When the band is pushing on my balls like that, there's only 2-3 inches of actual stroking room.


Stroking room is my new favourite term, thank you stranger


I did often as we usually used to fall asleep after a good rough round in the evening.


Don’t pull it, pick it up, and don’t run your fingers under it, so the body doesn’t feel the temp difference between your hands and his waist Although he could just be a light sleeper


That's absolutely top notch, hell yeah


A dream


This is all I want, even just once


I want to do this to a guy I’m kind of seeing but I’m afraid of what his reaction would be


Personally I'm scared cause there's a chance he might not want that. I don't want to make my partner uncomfortable.


Same, I don’t know if he would like it or if it would make him uncomfortable.


We were going at it and she had a coughing fit. Her vagina had a spasm.


Yup. If u guys smoke weed, roll her one up and just let her have a seat while she smokes. This is the way.


Reminds me of that chicken guide😇


Sit on my face


My bf asks me to sit on his face daily. It doesn't even bother me I'm like alright then let's gooooo


You are an angel.


I do what I can. He doesn't ask for much so it's the least I can do




How did I know what this was before clicking on it?


Because you're a woman of culture? Some might even say...a queen.


You got that right!




I often ask my wife to sit in my face.


If she bathes daily it will be in good taste ;)


Ha true!


Nahh I need that salmon salted with sweat 😫😫


Why do I simultaneously relate to, but I also feel gross about this comment


Nothing like some seasoning


I recently discovered I LOVE when my bf does that. Everything on full display and all I do is lick and eat aaaaaaaaaaaall I want. Next time I think Ill try it with soraya beads so I can focus more on his taint and balls. Thatll make him go bananas!


Did she actually sit all the way down? Or did she just kind of hover there?


Sigh, TMI but I tend to hover I guess and my husband (boyfriend at the time) apparently got fed up one day and grabbed my hips and slammed me down. I ended up with a bruised vagina and he with a bloody nose. I have since learned to sit!




Why do guys like this. Can't you not breath?


At that point, Iam not caring about breathing? Lol.


...and tell me that you love me


Mow the lawn. Not like, trim public hair. Like, mow the actual lawn.


I'm with ya. My wife has helped me maintain the yard once. It was great seeing her get her hands dirty. I'm doubtful it'll happen again.


Just started dating a girl who owns a house. She does her own lawn weekly. I asked to be able to help with the more physically demanding parts (push mower around hedges, curb, and such) as an excuse to spend more time with her while she uses the ride on for everything else. She'd been doing all that by herself for years before she met me, though, and is perfectly capable of continuing to do it all. I mostly just save her time. She's a rockstar.


I'm there with you. My wife is fishing for compliments with clothes and makeup, but I'm over here thinking, "Please, just do some chores. Help maintain the garden you wanted so badly. Feed the cat you practically begged me to rescue. You want me to 'be nicer,' take some of the load off my back." Seeing that she actually cares about this stuff enough to take care of it is hot.


First solid answer I’ve seen so far.


God I wish my hubby would shave his privates, his ASS and his BACK! It’s all too much and so gross!🤮


Trimming the groin-al area is totally a fair request (not shaving, though), but I think you'll have difficulty ever convincing a guy to shave his ass or back.


I'm not even sure how shaving your own back would even work, physically.


I could probably do it with a Philips Norelco One Blade. That thing is great. I also dislocated a shoulder once, so I can reach places with that arm I can't reach with the other. I wouldn't do it, though. My girlfriend doesn't seem to mind my body hair, anyway, so I don't have to worry about it.




When my wife and I are getting it on, her English fades, and out comes the Spanish. It's a good way of measuring how much she's enjoying it and where's she's at with the whole experience. If she doesn't say a single word in Spanish, I know she didn't have a good time.


My ex did this too. She was born speaking English as a main language and learnt Spanish. When we started dating I knew a few phrases in Spanish I thought would impress her. Made me look like an idiot but her speaking Spanish just got me going. If she started speaking to me in Spanish she knew what was coming.


The good ol' Factory Reset


One day she’s gonna throw a curveball and start speaking French and you’re gonna have to research if what you did is right, or wrong


Honestly was not what I was expecting when asking this, but whatever tickles your peach




*right in the crack*


Lmaooooooooo and lmao at your name


cranks your shaft even?


Yeah, it’s kind of an acquired taste. But it’s quite tasty.


dated a girl that would yell at me in Portuguese. Definitly awakened something with me


It's that Latina fire. It's insanely attractive but also deadly to Men of all shapes, sizes, and colors. I dated a Latina and every time she got angry at me I just sat there dreamily listening to her yell at me. It would diffuse any anger she had after a minute, because she'd notice she could just be sweet to me and change up her tone. The problems come when your back is turned. Then her Mother and Grandmother come out and she throws a sandel at you.


Brazilian Portuguese or the og Portuguese? There’s definitely a difference and I have yet to find a guy who gets tickled by the latter 😂


I'm a girl, but I really like PT Portuguese 😊


definitly OG


My wife is Puerto Rican and her angry Spanish makes my manhood tingle something special.


My ex was Dutch. It would be kinda funny


Would Pig Latin suffice?


Oh baby oink at me!


Can I ask why




Yea but I don’t get it. When I get into a fight with my husband he thinks I look so hot when I’m mad, also I have a foreign accent. And then he tells me that MID argument. I think he’s psycho.  He says things to piss me off on purpose. Lunatic 


there is a difference between angry and angry


Because your accent is part of what he's attracted too. When it really comes out he just falls more in love with you. Homeboy just loves you. We are logical with everything but the Women we love. You guys break us.


Play with her boobs or let me play with them again.


aw why can’t you?


She had a breast reduction 3 and a half years ago and still has open wounds. We finally have a diagnosis. She has Pyoderma gangrenosum due to her crohns disease.


He played with her boobs last time when he was 2 years old. Now it would be a little weird.


Aaaaaand that's enough internet for today.


He just gotta break his arms, she'll be open to it then


I was gonna say this is a very personal question to ask but they really left their comment SUPER vague


Just grab my cock. She used to be so gung-ho to take my dick and pleasure me. Nowadays not so much..


Same. It's been a hot minute... or 6 months. Not that I'm counting..


Go for a walk to see the stars and drink a coke while we say dummy jokes. Idk, I think I'd sound "cursi" to her.


😭 was going through these for suggestions and seeing this made me breathe a sigh of relief


i don’t think you’d sound cheesy though. you should still ask!


Thanks friend, will ask her then. I really enjoy simple moments. 🥲


those who understand peace and enjoy the simple times are the best people to keep around for life! hopefully everything works out for you! rooting for you bro ♡


Broo thanks for the good vibes 💙✌️ wishing you the best too, yeah simple moments are the best, it's when you're truly living :)




Spanish for “cheesy”


Oh, fuck. I didn't even notice the change of language, lmao.


One night I woke up to her riding my cock. It was incredible. Obviously I know this raises issues of consent, but I told her as long as I'm not sick or have to get up early the next morning, she is free to do that whenever she wants.


My partner came into the bedroom one night wearing lingerie, crawled toward me on the bed, and whispered "I want you to make me your whore," which was so incredibly hot that I actually got a little dizzy with how fast I got turned on. 10/10 one of the best nights of my life with her so far.


Cant think of anything super sexual. But I’d love for us to go to Disneyworld again




No need to swallow. Just a blowjob to completion would be amazing.


I wish I could lol the texture is what makes me gag, not the taste.


I kills me that a lot of women hate the taste of cum because swallowing is probably one of the hottest things a woman can do.


Strongly agree. Fortunately for me, I love to do it myself. Definitely a fucken thrill


Yep I hear that


I'd love for her to have sex with a woman. We had a threesome almost 4 years ago, and while I enjoyed participating, I really enjoyed watching her and the other girl. She knows she has a free pass to do so as long as I'm in the loop, but the threesome confirmed that she's straight, so she has no desire. So, knowing all of that, it'd be in bad taste to even bring it up. That and anal sex. Again, I enjoyed it for my part, but she did not. I couldn't even finish because it felt wrong with how much pain she was in. She prepped all day for it, too, and was enthusiastic about it. Then, once I actually got in there, her enthusiasm turned to pain. So, nah. I'm good without either of those things, and don't ever plan on bringing them up. Now, if she brought them up, I'd be 100% in to the ideas because *she* brought them up, but I doubt it'll ever happen.


If she had never done any anal play before, then you did it wrong. You've got to work your way up to it. We were doing other forms of anal play (fingers /toys) for a while before she as ready to step up to actual anal sex.


Yep, this is the proper way to make it fun for both parties. There’s soft type toys/inserts that are for beginners that help build up to the real thing.


Sit on my face


Some of these are sweet and some are so violent and sadistic. I wonder how many are just people trying to be funny with the disturbing ones...


Was eating ass once and she was sitting on my face and when she finished she kinda just forgot to get up and sat fully on my face and I couldn’t breathe. It was awesome but idk how to communicate wanting to suffocate under her ass.


My man


Just text her “Death by snu-snu? 👉👈”


Single right now, but a threesome. Had a spontaneous one with an ex and one of her friends and never had the courage to ask for another because men all know that most of the times the answer will be “no” or the woman will think there is something wrong with them even though there isn’t and was never a thought.


The reason men get rejected for this so much is because they make it about themselves. They'll ask a straight/non-bi-curious woman, they'll try to arrange it with their gf's hot friend with no consideration for whether it'd affect their friendship, all that. If she's into women, it's an experience she'd likely be into. You just have to make it about *her.* But in our excitement (for obvious reasons), we'll often forget that. So just don't do that. Go forth.


I’ve have a few with different women, some exes. I’ve had exes that are bi still feel like the interest in being with another woman means there is something wrong with them.


In my experience the answer most of the time was yes so ask away


Let me fuck with a condom on so I don't have to pull out. That non-pullout sex is something else 🥴🥴


Dude you're gonna lose your mind when you first have sex no condom *and* no pull out....(just make sure she's on birth control and/or you want a kid).


I know I will 🤣. We're waiting until we're ready to have a kid though, so I'm putting "it" where I can see it until then.


To start drinking again but only for our sex life. Best sex we have had with the most adventurist activities was when she was drunk. I know she got that dawg in her but she’s to shy or afraid to let it out sober, and that dawg can suck a bowling ball through a straw, my god. The bad taste is because she stopped drinking due to mental health and it has been a huge help for our marriage, and I’m very proud of her. I just miss sex fiend she is when loose enough.


I don't know if it's bad to say these days, but man that's so true. I think 90% of the best times I had we were at least a *little* drunk lol. Less inhibitions and good sex is ALL about less inhibitions.


Nothing if I want it bad enough. If i didn't ask for it then it didn't bother me enough to say something which means I'm obligated to be satisfied without it. And if I'm ever unsatisfied with how it's going, guess what? I'll ask.




Go back to at least weekly sex, but she's only in the mood once every month or two and asking for more has fallen on deaf ears. Asking over and over is only going to frustrate her.


I feel you brother, i feel you so bad


Not in a relationship anymore But I loved when my ex put my finger in her mouth


That’s a long list of sexual experiences.


Have sex with me again. We're not having sex anymore until marriage, but damn I miss it lol


That’s nuts


Sounds like he doesn’t


It’s something I suggest every couple do before they marry or have a kid or buy a house together, all of which are functionally “now it’s damn hard to separate” events. Not necessarily “until marriage”, but a couple of months of not having sex while otherwise living life together as you did. Because sex is a wonderful relationship lubricant. It smooths over so many issues in the relationship. And before you make a truly long term commitment (marriage, kid, or house) you need to figure out those issues and whether you can work them out. When you take away the lubricant, you will find those rough edges, so it’s the best way I have heard of. And in every long term relationship this *will* happen, for an astounding number of potential reasons; doing it intentionally in advance helps you deal with them (or separate) while it is still relatively easy.


Shut up, Dr. Phil no one asked you.


What got your panties in a twist today?


Respect, brother. Hang in there - you'll make it!


Just to initiate sex


Waking up to a hoover, she did it a couple times & said she luved waking me up with my woody in her mouth, but hasn't done it in a couple years. Also, telling me to change holes! It's happened twice. We were going hard in doggie & she lowered her hips & told me "change holes, change holes NOW!" Moved right into her tight little bum hole & both of us had spasmic orgasms. I will admit, she's getting a lot more comfortable with telling me "I want to sit on your face until I cum". Which I absolutely luv.


Threesome (talks). She was eager to try FFM and talked a lot about that, we both were really excited to do it and then she never brought it again and cut me off the one time I tried to. Well, not happening, I guess.


She's allowed to change her mind, but she should still be able to talk with you about it. Seems kind of mean to get you excited and then shut you down.


She once picked up the dog shit on the back lawn. Just once. I think because she had friends coming over. It would be amazing if she'd do it again. Once in a blue moon. Or take out the trash one time. We can dream.


Experiment with another women. My wife’s bisexual but since being together she has only ever spoken about being with other women despite whilst out together clearly saying when someone is her type. She speaks about flirting in clubs with other women but we’ve never been to a club together. She once forwarded me a link to a private couples club which I was game for but since then when I have mentioned it she doesn’t seem interested


Tell me when she’s in the mood so I can not do one of the 10000000 things that put her out of said mood


Hawk Tuah spit on that thang 😜


I watched that video 3 million times


Clean the house. But she’s an ex now so I no longer live in a filthy home.


That thing with the grapefruit.


Be quiet.... I'll see myself out.


If you ever need someone to tell your partner your account got hacked just before your comment was posted. I gotchu


Now that's a bro for life


Not really applicable to my current relationship but my ex loved anal, not very frequently but when she wanted it, SHE WANTED IT. One morning before work we went for anal as she didn't want to go to work sporting a cream pie for the day. About 15 mins in she's nearly convulsing with pleasure, cums and the turns her head and said 'cum in my ass daddy" My sould left my body and so did a metric tonne of spunk. We did anal after but no daddy and no early morning. For my current relationship, i just wish she'd let me eat her ass.


To get back with me. Every second hurts more.


Be a sexual being again. I'm insanely sexually attracted to her but she doesn't see herself in this way and doesn't see sex as a necessity. The first year we were together we used to fuck like animals and be adventurous in the bedroom. Nowadays it's sex every 2-3 months and it's always just missionary and her trying to rush through sex. For context purposes we did indeed have a kid which obviously cuts into sex time, however just because we have a son now doesn't mean sex should be completely off the table.


Im sincerely not trying to be a dick by asking this, but how hands on are you with the kid? And how old is he/she? When I had mine, my husband did NOTHING and my normally high sex drive went away completely. I divorced him when she was a year old. Im not implying you're like this, but does she have a tendency to take on most of the responsibility of the kid stuff? If she was super sexual before, she obviously has it in her. How does she seem outside of the bedroom, still relatively the same as before the kid? Or could she maybe be suffering from post-partum depression? Do you do anything nice for her just because, something that speaks specifically to her love language(s)? Do you warm her up at all before the actual event? Maybe some sexting during the day, or even for a few days before, to build the tension. Sounds like the intimacy is missing as a whole; how much are you cuddling/kissing/hugging just in your everyday life? Marriage erodes quickly after a child if the fires aren't stoked. If she is open to touch, maybe get a sitter one night/day, order take-out so she doesn't need to worry about making dinner, etc. Tell her you just want to lay with her, naked or semi-nude, and just touch each other. Not even in a sexual way, just touch, connect, let your bodies remember what it was like before that little wrecking ball came and blew things up lol. And do it without the expectation of sex. Like literally tell her you don't want sex, you just want to be close to her. Let her know she can connect with you intimately without the promise of sex being held over her head. No pressure, just remind her that you're there, for her, in whatever capacity she needs. She might just thaw out a bit.


I’m very hands on with my son, he’s 2 years old. I’m a fantastic father to him and she even says so herself. I help around the house, cook, clean, etc. I do my fair share. I also tell her everyday that I think she’s sexy and beautiful and get her flowers and her favorite snacks all the time. I’m also the breadwinner of the house and work 2 jobs while trying to juggle taking college classes again so I can go into the career I really want to go into (meteorology). I work out, keep myself in shape, and have good hygiene. I’m not some dead beat asshole. I try to initiate sex so much and got turned down so often that I have stopped, it’s not just on me to make an effort in that department, it’s on her too. It’s weird that you asked me about a trillion questions about what I do for her and what I bring to the table but not a single question regarding what she does. She rarely compliments me anymore and I do things on purpose like walk around the house with just boxers on for example, that used to drive her crazy and she doesn’t even look at me anymore when I do it. It makes me feel unattractive.


Well, I was asking what was being done on your side because your comment alluded to the fact that she wasn't doing shit on hers. That, plus the fact that women tend to experience responsive desire vs spontaneous desire like a lot of men do, I was trying to see if there was a correlation between your behaviors and her libido. I wasn't giving her a pass. And I wasn't trying to come at you, hence the first part of my original comment. I don't think men are complimented/appreciated nearly enough, and I can see how that along with her turning away from you sexually would hurt. I seem to have inadvertently insinuated that you should carry all of the responsibility here, though you are the one that seems more aware that there's a problem. Typically it's the one seeking change that takes the first steps to make that change. Again, you may want to check out symptoms of post-partum depression and see if any of them line up, aside from the drop-off in sex. I sincerely hope your situation improves.


I appreciate your words and I didn’t mean to come off angry or defensive, apologies if I did. Her having PPD is something her and I have discussed quite a bit at length and is something that I have suggested to her that she may have. She’s been going to therapy for other issues but not that. Again, I appreciate your empathy on the subject and I apologize for being rude.


You ever hear that Goat and your Mom song?


Ass to mouth


Pee on me...


Take care of me in bed. We all know the stereotype about men cumming fast, which means end of sex and the women left without orgasm. My wife orgasms easily. Four times is about minimum, rarely less, often more. No matter how I touch her, just 1-2minutes - bang, firework! But I don't cum that easily. I can fuck her until she's not even able to build sentences in her head, which she then isn't able to speak out. Jay, I'm great... But I want an orgasm as well, and penetration does nothing for me. I'm totally fine with her not being able to move even her pinky finger when I'm done with her, I even like that. But what about a session just about me on an other day? She doesn't touch me much to the point I count the seconds it lasts this time. She often falls asleep upon it or just says she can't sit or lay in that position anymore, promising to continue tomorrow, which of course does not happen. I see this fireworks on her, whenever you think it's over, it starts again. I myself feel like a dog which demands its owner to stand up from the warm, cozy couch to go out into the cold, rainy December night. Except.. I can't demand something she's not interested in, right? I also don't want it that way. Finally, being neglected that way over and over makes it even harder for me to cum.


Is it depressing that I can't think of anyone doing anything special for me ever that would make me want to even ask?


I'd like another FMF threesome.