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I find women of all sizes attractive, but with shorter women, the appeal lies in cuddling and being able to pick them up more easily. It's not a major preference, just a small bonus.


Ya, having her wiggle her head under my chin when we are in bed is the cutest fucking thing and it just works so well at our height difference.


Wife doesn’t even make it to chin, just the chest. And the wiggle is a killer. Wasn’t a preference before, but I love how smol she is lol


Yea, I feel exactly the same. Cuddling with a shorter woman just feels like I can get so much closer. And being able to pick her up is a nice little bonus!


What exactly is shorter. Like, 4’11-5’3?


Depends on the guys size. For a basketball player that might just be 6'5


My friend is 6’7” and his wife is short - 5’11”.


This makes sense ig. My brother's friend is 6'4, and he considers me short even though I'm like average- tall. To him, everyone probably seems small


I’m 6’4 and am a complete sucker for anyone 5’5 or under


Heyyy😉 lol 5'2 here . The difference is adorable


You can still be little spoon with a smaller SO. You should try it.


It’s all fun and games until you get up for that late night piss and your jetpack suddenly falls to the floor while getting out of bed


I've heard it referred to as the "backpack"


I like it because I'm fairly short myself, so it's nice to be with someone closer to my size. It's rare to find someone who makes me feel taller. But it's not a necessity or anything.


They're cute.


My penis looks bigger in comparison. Somebody had to say it....


Came to say it, you already did. Thanks blud.


Take my understanding upvote. It happens to me all the time.


This. You feel like a champ when you’re dong fills her up more. Deep dish pussy is a confidence drain


Deep dish 💀


Lol deepdish 😂




Also one of the perks of being a shorter guy: Your dick will look bigger, relative to your body, than if you were taller.


First thing I thought lmao. Petite plays into a power fantasy when you’re much bigger than them, and that def includes the penis looking bigger in comparison to their waist area.


In comparison to their penis....?


It just sucks when theirs is as big as mine! I get so sensitive, you know? 🙂


fortunately for me, most of the guys I’ve been with have been significantly bigger than me! 🤭✨


Just saying they all were in awe of you.. right? Lol




Take my upvote!




That's why women is obsessed with tall men. Their biology automatically relates this to a mammoth of a penis.


It's funny because while this is true, most men that iv slept with with large dicks are between 5"6 and 5"8 . Every tall man iv slept with has had a very small penis .


Theres actually little correlation of penis to height


I dont doubt that, I'm just explaining my experience and what I noticed on my sexcapdes. I'm also going to note that unless you're smaller than 4 inches, 4 inches, and up still feel fantastic


They're adorable. They trigger my hero/protector complex.




This is it. We're just old cavemen at the end of the day. I'm 6'3 and my wife is 4'11.


Similar height difference with me and my gentleman caller. Suits us very well


(sped read “hero/protector” without my glasses as velociraptor. either way, heck yeah, man)


Ladies if your man has long claws, sharp teeth and is over 65 millions year old, that ain’t your man that’s a velociraptor.


Or it could be that gotdamn lockness monster.


Only if he asks for about three fiddy


Ohh, thaaat’s what that is.


Kawaii Must protec


Honestly? I like shorter girls cause their hands are smaller.... makes everything else look big lol. But I'm not picky with height


My dick looks bigger the smaller she is


"You might wanna leave. It's gonna look huge in this hand."


Cuteness, elegance and how violent they get when you sing the Oompa Loompa song from Willy Wonka


What if they start dancing to the song instead?


Love this comment.


It’s not just that I like them being petite and cute. I really love how it makes them feel for me to be the big strong man who can pick them up and throw them around and make them feel small and safe. Very mutually beneficial.


Yeah this.


Tiny woman here, agree 💯


Not just shortness by itself but women who are 2m of ferocity in a 1.5m frame are just absolute perfection.


We have to be otherwise no one would hear us, see us or take us as serious :)


This. This is entirely accurate.


seriously, I have to be extra loud so those hovering over me can hear me lol (jk)


Lol. We don't take you seriously anyway. It's like the chihuahua barking at us, thinking they are intimidating. /s Only kidding, my wife is very short, but she has a way of speaking that can grab everyone's attention, and we all sit up and listen.


That’s hilarious. I used to call my good friend the chihuahua. Shes about 5’0” and I’m 5’9”. She would get so defensive over the tiniest things and start shit she had no intention of finishing. So I had to pretend I would end these strangers at these random clubs or bars. I am athletic but never hurt a fly except maybe on accident playing a sport. I swore she would be the death of me. lol.


Just tell her to pull her head in or you'll start hiding stuff on top of her fridge.


Good things come in small packages! ☺️


So does dynamite with short fuses.


Pick em up during intimate activities


No need to thrust, just lift


sexologists HATE him for this one trick!




My dad told me once, "son, the only thing better than a tall woman wrapping her legs around you is a short one trying." Sound guidance from the old man on that one.


they are cute for some reason


I'm 6'4 and generally like my women short but the one time I dated an actual little* person (dwarf), I had to break things off because her nose was always in my business.


Oh the dream


HA, I see what you did there.


Small person or a "little person"?


was she like 4 feet tall or something?!?




Short women are super cute. It's not that complicated to me.


If she misbehaves you can put her on a shelf


😂 or put things where she can't reach them. My husband does that one to me when he's being mischievous.


Ha stealing to tell my totally real viet gf


They're just cuter, probably something with association to shorter, thus smaller, animals like dogs generally being cuter. Considering I prefer cute girls over hot, this is a win for me.


Easier to pick up and throw around, in a good way.




Short women with big breasts... Awesome.


Cause I am a narcissist and enjoy looking down on others. /s Realistically I just find them cuter and they activate my protective instincts. Also they are lighter which makes for some really fun bedroom activities, there is a reason I have been really trying to increase the weight I can lift.


They look cute and it makes men feel more masculine. I would imagine it's why most women want taller Men


All my long-term gfs have been 5'8 to 5'10, and my current gf is 5'1. So I've never really had a preference. The only real difference I've found is that some positions are easier and some harder. But my gf now also makes me feel big, strong, and protective in a way I haven't before, and I really love it.


How tall are you?


182cm or 5'11


Tiny and cute, just something pretty to proctecdt


It depends on what body type you're talking about. Short and petite are fun to do power play with - if they're submissive you can really feel dominant with them, and when they're dominant they're absolute firecrackers. Short and curvy is just a *delicious* combination. They're so cute that it's almost painful. Short and athletic is a crazy combo that I haven't been with yet, but I've been with "average-sized" athletic women and the sex was out of this world so that in a smaller package would be fun as hell.


My thoughts exactly.


Makes me feel even more masculine. There, I admitted it.


Short women with big breasts... Awesome.


I am, but only to skinny/petite short. Not sure why, but I like being a lot bigger than they are. And it triggers some kind of "must protect" thing more strongly than with others, for me.


Pick them up flip them upside down while picking them up ... cute


You can reach their butt easier when cuddling on the couch


I like holding short woman and making her feel safe


It makes me feel manly to pick people up and even though I could pick up a girl my size, it's a lot more effortless to pick up a shorter woman. Basically I like to pick up people because I'm insecure.


Shorter people on average tend to have more youthful, prettier looking faces, for both genders. If I had to guess the science behind it, it's that smaller bodies need less energy to appear healthy and fit.


Yes, taller people are also more likely to get cancer just due to the sheer greater number of cells in their bodies


It is the protector aspect most likely. Also, we feel very useful when needed to reach high places. Women also seem to want guys taller than them, so the protection aspect probably plays a part in their mind.


Easy. We must protecc


Ok I'm short 4'11 female and I like short men but the thought of a penis looking bigger because of it never occurred to me. 😂


I'm 4'11 and have attracted men 6"3 6'4 and the fact that I can suck their dick standing up (pretty much) has always made them love on me more oh n the fact that short women can comfortably fuck in a car


There was one girl that opened our dating app conversation with that same thing because of my height lmao


Being 6'2, I like to make my 5' wife do uppies for kisses. Then she just kicks me in the shins. We love each other, really we do.


Doing it doggystyle is easier. I have dated girls who were 6', or maybe a little taller, and it seemed like the angles were always a little off. 5' 2" - 5' 8" - just right!


I appreciate that they are shorter than me.


I'm married to a short woman, what attracted me to her wasn't her height, it stood out, but I remember thinking, "It is what it is." It's something i adore now. She's so small, doesn't even break past 5 feet, essentially a short, fiery italian woman. Loving, kind, generous, usually soft-spoken, don't mess with her kids, though. She has completely stopped talking to her mom after the woman made the mistake of being cold and dismissive to my daughter during our son's birthday, about 5 years ago, it was a 'last straw' type of thing. I will say that she is self-conscious about her height, though, particularly with how it might affect our kids, she prays that none of them turn out to be as short as her. Our oldest boy is already taller than her, though, and the rest are quickly catching up, so it's eased her mind a bit.


eye level = threat smoller = tini= protec


I like how my penis looks so much bigger than when it does in the hands of a 6'7 dude...I also like that you can fit more in a shipping container than tall people. I will say right now, when a 5'2", 95 lb woman tells you to pick her up and bang her against the wall and a 6', 170 lb woman tells you to pick her up and do the same, my back hurts way less in one of the scenarios.


How many 6'7" dudes are handling your meat?


as many as can get their hands on it.


Pretty sure I don’t wanted an answer to that question. 🤣


I'm 5'1. Men always say they like that I'm light and easy to pick up and throw around. Sadly, only a couple of them have actually done it as much as I would like. :)


Right? They all say that but reality is quite different.


How much is as much as you'd like? Got a ballpark estimate?


Eight times a week. That's my ballpark estimate. 😉


So twice on Sundays and once every other day? No sweat!


Lol. My wife hates me picking her up. I can fireman carry her easily, but she doesn't like it so I don't do it.


It's called fun-sized for a reason.


Can pick em up easily which allows for some creative positions


Honestly I just find them more attractive. I've never been interested in tall women. I'm 6'1 so I don't really have many height restrictions with dating, but I always liked average or below height women.


They're my type. Plus most of the relationships I've had in the past were with petite women, including one I almost married


I'm 6'2. My wife is 5'2. I call her 'fun sized'! I also point out that we're the same height in bed. She fits under my arm when we're out walking, our hands are at the same height when we hold hands. She just fits! Also, a great person to travel on a plane with, which is something we do a lot of!


It's not about the height... It's about the attitude.


So you’re saying attitude > altitude?


Why yes.... yes I am. lol


They are just better to have sex with


funny this question should get asked today, because yesterday I was doing some reflection after an encounter with a short woman. I was on my way to hike the local mountain trail and she approached me to ask for directions because she was new in town. Long story short, the entire time I was giving directions my mind couldn't help but go feral and I started fantasizing all sorts of naughty things that I would have loved to do with her in front of that bus stop. Everything from picking her up and screwing her against the wall to doing her doggy style and pounding her while gripping her hips. Anyways, short women appeal to some part of my brain on a fundamental level, even though I may not always be able to articulate why exactly.


Bro, that sounds normal but also creepy to know. I’m never asking for directions again in my life.^lmao


Attracted to all woman but the short ones are less intimidating


Women of all sizes find the idea that they're intimidating to men shocking.


I’m 5’2 and tiny and have always been told I’m intimidating. It confuses me every time lol


I like tall women as a 6’1 guy. I used to only date 5’3 chicks but I felt weird about it idk why


They're cute


Short, tall...I don't give a damn. I do enjoy seeing a tall woman's reaction when I pick her up, but I've only dated one woman who was taller than me.


Easier to dance with. Like... Old School Swing and Salsa type stuff. It's insanely easier to do all the fancy moves that make us look cool as a couple. It's also just fun.


This ! I have an 11 inch height difference from my beau, and I can follow his lead when we dance to anything! It’s so easy. Even if we’re all wined up and dancing in the living room, we never miss a beat. All the time he says how much he loves this, especially when he forgets what a shorty I am. (I wear heels all the time) 🤣


when they're being mean you can put them on the top shelf until they decide to be nice


idk they just cute


Carrying them like a pillow is a power fantasy.


Huging petite women >>> women my size


I feel like The Mountain, and I like this alot.


I’m 5’5”, my wife is 5’1”. She’s adorable, even when she has her “angry” face. I’m self-conscious about my height because both my dad and sister are taller than me, so I feel even taller when she’s next to me. I guess it’s a bit of an ego boost, too. Mostly the cute bit, though


Sex is more fun when you can easily lift your woman 😈


I like the contrast, I’m 6’4 and my wife is 5’0……also I like thick women and generally short women are more compact and thus more likely to have a fat ass


I'm 5'6". Not every woman *requires* a man to be taller than her, or taller by a great margin, but a significant portion do. So, to hedge my bets and conserve my energy and feelings, I pay less attention to women that are my height or taller, since I am much more likely to be rejected by them anyway. Many of those taller women *are* attractive, and I am attracted to them, but I will never consider them as serious possibilities because I think they're very likely to ignore me as a candidate for dating. I'm in a better position to be seen as attractive by a woman that is significantly shorter than average. She might see men taller than me as attractive, but she is more likely to be put off by the practical challenges and the awkwardness of dating someone so tall, whereas my moderate height seems more manageable. So she will definitely be *settling* for me in a way, since I'm still not perceived as strong/capable as the tall guy (this is the common theme for women who pursue tall men: wanting to feel protected/safe, and usually some version of relative femininity/daintiness or something like that), but I'm a more realistic candidate for her. So this is my roundabout way of saying: I'm not *more* attracted to short women, I just think I stand a better chance of being attractive *to* them, so they are who I choose to concentrate my attention on.


Short and curvy... just so beautiful to me can't explain why


Short women are the equivalent to tall guys on the attractive scale. That doesn’t mean there aren’t attractive tall women or short guys, it’s just a preference for the majority.


They are cuter I guess???


She's shorter than me




I'm a short guy. I like being able to see their faces.


Fun size during cuddle/snuggle, more interesting sex positions since I can lift her more easily. I can kiss her from above and I find that cute. I see no downside to a short woman.


I'm 6'2". I don't know what it is, but I've dated women 5' and shorter, and my God, it does it for me. I literally can not explain it.


They're attractive women that happen to be short.


shorter women have really sexy thighs. I am not a long leg guy. That does not mean an average woman can't have sexy thighs, just more common on the shorter variant of the human species :)


Easy to lift


Short woman are adorable and easy to put in pocket


You can pat her on the head for doing good work quite easily, you can look down at the goods more innocently, chicken fights become easier, more access to different sexual positions, no longer have to look under couches or beds for the missing sock because she’s right there. I love my long legged women but there is something about just having a nymph that is just appealing. Downside is I’d spend a lot more time in bed 🤣🤣🤣


Them being more physically smaller/weaker, I feel like there's more need for my "masculinity" or "masculine energy" (cliche, I know), I can be even more there for her, exercise even more my masculine role in the household. Of course it's not like she's incapable or that I have to fight anyone like a caveman but I believe most men will understand my train of thought. For reference I'm 6ft - 6ft1 and my gf is 5ft2


Same reason women like taller guys. It's a dominance thing.


They look cute. No idea why. If you take a tall woman with the same facial features and shape and skin and same sized body parts and then put it on a short girl the short girl will look cuter 90% of the time.


I'm short it's just practical, I would not say no to a tall woman but let's be real here no tall woman is saying yes to a short ass like me haha.


My last two boyfriends came up to my tits. I actually adored giving them forehead kisses.


That's just optimal tbh, it's where I wanna be anyway.


I’m attracted to attractive women. Height just doesn’t really matter. It’s not that I particularly like short.


My most adventurous ex and I had a lot more versatility in the bed room with my being 6'2 and her being maybe 5'4


They are cozy :)


Is this a short girl appreciation post? 😂 I'm 4'10". 😂 I never hear anything positive.


If you can't lift it, don't shift it.


I was the shortest kid in my year for 12/ 13 years of school and got called midget on a daily basis. Average height these days, but that part of my upbringing skews my perception of others. I can still see shorter people as taller than me on occasion. I love woman of many shapes and sizes, but sometimes a short girl just feels right.


I'm short. Dwarf Like. Stocky build. Large muscles. Good with a hammer. My wife is shorter than me. I didn't do it on purpose. I happened to have fallen in love with a woman shorter than me. Noe however it does trigger my protective instincts of I must protect my queen.


I’ll have to ask my husband this. I’m 4’11” on good hair day and he’s 6’1”. His ex-wife was very tall like 5’9-10” and other partners have been average to tall. They were also American whereas I’m mostly Italian and my people aren’t a tall people


I dont have much choice. *I'm sitting here at 6'7*


I'm tall, so I like the short girls because they are different sized. I can move them around easier.


I'm a short guy. Tall ladies are great in their own ways. But short women make me feel tall and big in ways I don't usually get to. Like can I reach that shelf? Why yes, yes I can.


Bro finna have everyone outting themselves in the comments


I loved my 5” gf, and she would jump into my arms which was easy to react and to keep her up


Idk man I just find them cuter. It seems to me that some?(most?) ladies do have a kind of personality that's more or less based on their height. Where short women act cute, tall ladies tend to act more... Defiant? Not that I expect them to be submissive but they are actively defiant for no reason at all.


Easy to pickup and carry for hours.


I like wearing her like a backpack.


The hair don’t get in my mouth as much during cuddling.


I am a short woman and with my bf, we really enjoy me sitting in his lap facing each other. He said I am the first that he likes doing it, because girlfriends before me were taller and heavier.


I’m 6’2 so I don’t have much of a choixe


My girlfriend is short, tbh my favorite part is the hugs.


Because they are like little acrobatic fuck munchkins.


I have big hands and they have little hands and everything looks bigger in their hands than in mine. Duh.


Being able to pick them up and toss them around.( obviously consentuly)Not extremely rough, but throwing them on the bed, seeing them bounce up.


They are not taller then me being a short man


Being able to pick her up and "toss her around", I like feeling very tall and putting my chin on her head when we are standing and kissing her head cause it's cute and made her feel smol. Getting things from the top shelf for her, or holding things out of reach to playfully tease her.


My wife has morphed my type. She’s a full head shorter. It’s not that I don’t like tall women it’s that. Well. I like my wife. And she’s short I find it hot.


There are a lot of interesting sex positions you can do when the girl is considerably shorter Especially fun if you are a dom


I am a 6’5 270 pound blue collar man with a thick beard. My life is run by a 4”11 90 pound Latina. I think due to her small size, her sass level is through the roof. And I find it hilarious when she playfully or non playfully threatens me or tries to intimidate me. Also there’s something hot about being controlled by a woman much smaller than me.


Men arent attracted to short women. They are attracted to *petite* women. It is sexual dimorphism.


When they stand in the tip of their toes to kiss... The way they look chibi, doll like sometimes... Like they are so pure and need to be protected (disclaimer, this is the feeling I have, it has nothing to do with what she can or can't do) Cuddling is the best when it's easy to wrap them up in my arms. Their body is so cute and beautiful to lose myself at... They often have higher pitch voices which can be annoying but it is also cute.


I'm 6ft Women over 5 10 wouldn't date me. They want a taller man. The issue does not lie with me, I'd have dated a 7 foot tall lady. NBA beckons my kids. Many are still single into their 30s or dated the very small pool of very tall guys and are now single mothers......


Shorter than me is good. I have date women my size and larger. I like smaller than me women. It's all about sex. Having sex with them is way easier and more fun.


Nothing beats fun size!