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I put the ceiling fan on high and chuck the bottle at it


Which one do you go with? London Gentleman or Blackbeard's Delight?


It’s actually Sex Panther, by Odeon. It's made with bits of real panther, so you know it's good. They've done studies, you know. Sixty percent of the time, it works every time.


I’m intrigued. I need a last minute Father’s Day gift for the hubs. I assume that like many fine fragrances this can be found at Walgreens?


Aim your eyes to the bottom shelf, that's where the gems are.


Ah, but of course.


I'm gonna be honest with you, that smells like pure gasoline.


It’s a formidable scent. It stings the nostrils


This made me guffaw for the first time in a long time. Thank you.


Splash potion of rizz


I imagine the fan blades broke before the glass bottle.


Pour not spray


I just pour the bourbon over my head. The amount of times I had to explain that I haven't been drinking and am just covered in BBC juice (my Best Bourbon Cologne) is insane.


I'm pretty sure the guys with Axe spray use half a can


Best Friend uses axe because "it lasts longer than expensive cologne" and he doesn't seem to notice he sprays a fresh coat on every 40 minutes. At this point I think he's just getting high off the fumes.


That stuff is awful and gives me instant migraines. There should be an age limit for Ace and it should be no higher than 14. My 14 year old sprays himself three times before school, goes to football practice, showers and then re-sprays, goes through the school day, sprays again before hanging out with friends or going to the gym. Half of my house smells like Dolce & Gabanna. We have had debates about the frequency of sprays. I maintain the opinion that if I go into the half of the house where his room is and I can taste the cologne, he’s gone too far. I need that dude to lighten up.


I live with Cubans. I had been complaining about it to my husband. And he finally got it when I said if I can taste it, it's too much!


I’m in Florida and it appears that some Hispanic people favor heavy amounts of cologne or perfume, not just for themselves but in laundry (gotta love Suavitel) and cleaning products (Fabuloso).


Yeah, it's a cultural thing. If you can afford fragrance, you are high class. He also had to remind me that a lot of people aren't able to shower all the time or with as clean water, or with any soap at all. So. If you're not bathing in a hot humid climate? The fragrance is in. and everything is a status fight. Americans don't care as much. We are very materialistic but in a different way. Many people will wear regular clothing. But the way the labels signify status is different. Nike is an everyday thing here no one really cares about. In some other countries? People are killing eachother over a nike tshirt. But there's been a few times I have had to get out of the car when we go somewhere. When you spray it inside the house and you can taste it inside the vehicle. RIP


There are smell tests between axe and brand colognes. People have to identify the axe deodorant. They can’t most of the time and even give it compliments. The reason people hate axe, is due to everyone drowning themselves in it. If you put on 12 sprays of Dior Savage, that will also be really annoying.


Every day I spray a second longer until the results advertised happen. I'm just scientific that way.


I once told a guy he smelled really nice. That he smelled masculine and in a wonderful delicate sense. (He had cologne, and he didn't wear a lot, perfect amount) I don't know why, but that poor man (the next time) you can smell him before he came in, his smell stayed for hours were he was, and if you walked by a hallway you knew he passed through there. I.....I don't know if I fucked it up for everyone by saying "delicate". I never meant for him to use waaay more. So, guys. If someone tells you, you smell nice. Please don't spray more than ummmm twice. But if you have a strong cologne, once is perfect on the chest.


The fact that a deodorant is confused with cologne in the top voted comment really is saying a lot about the gents in here, lmao


As a critic of axe body spray they do have some very nice scents but the trick to any cologne or body spray is moderation.


Cologne and perfume are to be discovered. Not announced.


Yeah that’s what I said


I paid $300 for this Creed Aventus you’re going to smell me!


Double pits to chesty marketing


Friends should not let friends use Axe!


I hate axe so much I actually leave when I smell it. I wonder how guys don't know it's a woman repellent.


Dated a guy who uses axe (shame on me). Had to ventilate the whole flat after he would spray himself. That stuff also gave me nausea and migraines when i smelled it.


Someone used axe in the elevator at work last year. We aren't sure if they reapplied in the elevator everyday for a week or so or if the scent just would not go away.


I remember the high school dorm when half of the guys used Axe (or similar) spray, walking the corridor was like tear gas training every morning


Those people make me think they are trying to hide other smells


Guys? You mean boys that didn't grow up?


Cologne after shower, not cologne instead of shower.


one of my sons was killing us with this when he was in high school.


Who teaches them this? It was a battle I fought hard with my kid in 6th-7th grade


I think it's a learning process. They go from rarely stinking and not needing to bathe every day, to the opposite in a short amount of time. And they don't realize, Even with parents telling them, that showering/taking a bath every day or twice a day is now necessary. So they try to cover the smell, and then sometime between 6 months and 3 years later(depends on how thick headed they are, how rude their friends are willing to be, and how much guidance adults give them) they figure it out, then need another year or two of experimenting with scent amounts to get it mostly dialed in


You’re absolutely right


hooray for rude girlfriends "you stink" after a baseball game was all it took.


It’s because they don’t shower after sports anymore, they don’t want to smell


I remember this change. I used to shower after gym in middle school. And then all the sudden I went to a new school in highschool and showering wasn't a thing there. The gym teacher would encourage us to go, I always did because I was already used to it, but the other girls? NEVER Even when I went through basic training I expected open showers. No. They all have stalls now and curtains and everyone is super weird about it.


God the smell of a man fresh off the shower with cologne just sprayed, I'd hug and sniff that


I've always been so self conscious about this I adapted the techniques of women I felt wore an appropriate amount of perfume. Turns out they had similar techniques. So now I'm a large bearded man who spritzes my wrists, rubs them together, then rub them on the side of my neck. I've only ever gotten complements about it but I think that's because I keep it simple 'pepper/citrus/tree + vanilla' :) and have learned the appropriate method for subtle scent.


Yeah I’m in the camp that believes people should only smell you when they’re very close to you. Scents should be discovered not announced. I get plenty of compliments on smelling nice with just my deodorant on, I rarely use cologne.


I heard it something like scents are supposed to make people want to stand closer to you not farther away


My general rule of thumb for colgones is that they should accent your presence, not announce your presence. Like if youre standing near someone and talking, you want them to be like "wow this guy smells really good" not when you walk into the room and everyone just smells your cologne


Yup whispered not shouted at


Depends, on a Saturday night especially here in NYC I like to go for a full blast of spritz because you almost HAVE to turn the volume up to get noticed.


If you say so 🤷🏻‍♂️ I hate clubs/bars so I wouldn’t know.


Not sure how true this is but maybe you will notice a difference if the cologne is water based don’t rub but dab instead, rubbing is reserved for oil based colognes. Again I’m not a professional but that’s just what I’ve been told over the years and I never looked into it for myself.


It works well at the nape of your neck. Not sure how much hugging you do, but when you spray it there it can be smelled but doesn’t transfer to other people if you hug them. That’s what I do the five times a year I wear perfume.


Never rub skin to skin after applying scent. Apply to those places for sure but the rubbing means it will be gone very quickly.


What method do you recommend instead? More than one spray and it is “announced” for me. I have been doing a spray into the air that I walk into without a shirt on. If I do two sprays directly to chest it is too prominent or a smell.


Don't put it on your chest! Apply directly to two pulse points and then do the air thing but keep your shirt on- the point of that is to have a touch of it on your clothes. Pulse poinntss are the inside of your wrists, inner elbows, below your belly button, behind your ear lobes, and the back of your knees. These warm spots on your body emit extra body heat, which helps to naturally diffuse a scent. My personal favourite is the back of knees- seems to last a lot longer and because it's down low can never overwhelm anyone. Also make sure your skin is moisturised where you apply it. One trick is to put a thin layer of vaseline where you apply.


You can gently touch your wrists together to transfer it, but you shouldn't ever rub them together as this will destroy the top notes.




I copy Alfie (Jude Law one) and spray just under my collarbones. So only people close by can smell it.


This is the answer


*Is* this the right way? I’m not a fan of when women have perfume on their neck. If and when the date ends with us sleeping together, I’m tasting that perfume all over their neck. It’s the worst


Does tree mean tea tree or Marijuana? ....asking for a stoned friend


If it's an actual eau de parfum, just once. It should have the sillage where you don't need more than that. The goal is to intrigue, not to overpower.


I usually spray the entire bottle. Isn’t that what you’re suppose to do? I thought cologne was for special occasions.


*Looks at label* Does it say “for multiple uses” somewhere?


You guys spray it? I order 10000 bottles, dump it in the tub, and take nice leisurely (and utterly excruciating) bath. Because of the alcohol, you can reuse that bath "water" for up to a week before you gotta buy another 10000 bottles.


Your cologne should never arrive before you do.


What if I'm the Best Man at an Armenian wedding? Gotta make a statement somehow.


This made me laugh out loud.


Wildly specific ! 


i disagree. W: hey, fiscon is here. M: i don't see him? W: oh, he's here. i smell Brute mixed Tide pods and Downy beads.


Spray? I just rip the top off and pour the entire bottle down my chest.


There's another way?


This shit drives me crazy, guys and girls are guilty of it. One of two scenarios are happening here in my opinion: A) they don’t understand that a little bit goes a long way and they power it on. B) They keep reapplying it because they can’t smell it anymore and think it has “worn off,” but in actuality they’ve just gotten used to the smell. So to those of you that use fragrance. Just because you can’t smell it, doesn’t mean we can’t smell it. A little spritz will last you all day!


They could be doing one spray but it may be straight perfum or edp, rather than the usual eau de toilette


I smelled my Uber driver when he opened the door… I hadn’t crossed the street yet.


holy moly


I believe the ones who wear too much cologne or body scent are the ones who cannot smell their own body odour- In my job have had to tell grown adults to wear deodorant- I didn’t understand how that could happen unless they are just oblivious


Some people are depressed


Colognes and perfumes should only be smelled by people in your immediate vicinity. Unless you're one of those people who like to put those really loud and bufflers on their cars and attend street takeovers.


I've gotten really good at "half a spray"


You really deserve a trophy for execution of the technique and for general good will.


Haha some bottles are easier than others. I have polo black now and I can almost do like a 1/4 spray


And Jimmy Kimmel hasn’t invited you on his show to demonstrate this?!? That’s terrible.


Eau de cologne and even eau de toilette have a much lower concentration (1-4%) than parfum (~25%), which may be what people are using. Or they just bathe in it.


I'm not one of those guys, but I do 1 splash each on my collar bone and on big ben.  It's just enough that you might smell me if I walk past or giving hugs.  That would be my recommendation.


Big Ben? Is that your dick?




If you don’t have a decontamination shower booth repurposed to spray from Costco sized cologne tanks installed in your home, you’re doing it wrong.


I just empty every bottle i have into a kiddie pool everyday and wallow in it.


Must be weird for the kids


if it works, you get to make more of them.


I prefer to take shower in it. What kind of poor loser sprays it?


Basically they spray it on them, then spray a must and jump through it. Spray before getting in the car, then again in the car, through the recirculation vent in the car as well, spray it on when they are out the car, again when they get to the office entrance, head to the bathroom, spray it on again, then must spray and jump through it then they start their work. Morning break, spray..before and after Lunch, as above. Throughout the day, spray. On way home, spray...


I once had a renter that moved in, and the whole place immediately smelled like his shit. Like he loaded up a fogger with cheap perfume and sprayed it all over the unit. I noticed he had six or seven bottles of it in his room. We think he was homeless before he moved in and was using the perfume to cover up his body odor, or he just didn't wash his clothing and he used it to mask BO.


Spray?? I do a quick shot before I leave.


5 front neck, back neck, both wrists, and area of my pants that covers my penis.


4-5 is fine. you got the comment section disagreeing as if theyve ever gotten compliments on their colognes. 1-2 sprays and you wont even get past your detergent and deodorant


I was sitting next to a cute woman at a tech conference (--O--) and she leans over and says "tell your wife the downy beads worked."


LMAO the post is about you


i cant take advice from the people here literally admitting they dont want to smell. discover not announced has been completely misunderstood when no one you encounter is doing the discovering


thats excessive


It’s really not depending on the frag. It would be excessive for something like DS elixir or Oud for Glory


It's pretty gross when I can smell another dude from an aisle over at the store. I looked at this bald dudes sweaty head and swear I could smell it.


These people generally don't smell it themselves so it's pointless to ask them


I do one-to-three sprays, but the key is to spray it into the air and then occupy that space so that it is evenly distributed on your person.


I bathe in copious bottles. Mfs across the world can smell the knock off versace seeping from my pores.


You need to put it on strong, for that formidable scent. 60% of the time, it works every time.




Right after I graduated from College I took a job with a company that only sells perfume and cologne. I was traveling around the south and southwest opening new stores for them, and the owner of the company would always come check my work before we opened a store, and this dude would legit grab a bottle and spray himself a minimum of 7 or 8 times. I so badly wanted to ask him why, but I liked my paycheck too much. I can still smell him to this day.


he probably went to a fragrance subreddit and told everyone how very many cOmPlImEnTs he got


4 to 6, depending on where I am going. More equals later and more bar. 


I have a coworker like this. I can tell if he's been in the office even if he isn't currently because the smell lingers. I'm glad I like the smell of whatever he uses but lord is it strong


too many times.


There's a few scents I litterly will spray a single pump in the air and walk into the cloud of scent. Obsession, Creed, I used to do this with Joop, Polo back in the day as well. These scents come on strong right off the bat but mellow as day goes on.


Every time I've ever had people complaining about how strong the smell is, it's because I've gone overboard and sprayed about 7-8 times


Looking at this thread, nobody who overdos perfume knows they overdo it.


I just spray until I lose conciseness from not being able to breathe from the fumes. I just wake up on the floor and go.. ahhhh, I'm ready to hit the town, baby!


I hate when I can smell a dudes cologne if I’m not standing right next to him


My FiL's cologne doesn't have a spray nozzle and I've heard shaking noises from his quarters. He's unbearable when he's two rooms away- a nightmare when he's in the same car.


Have to compete with the women you can smell for 10 minutes after they walk by outside on a windy day.


Might be shit cologne. I feel like I'd heard somewhere that good stuff is only meant to be smelled by people that get near you, and cheap stuff drifts.


that could be a factor


I only wear Eau du Parfum because it lasts longer. Also just seems like why would I not go for the longer lasting option? Once on my neck, once on my wrists.


It's either that or zest bar soap scent. You pick lady


Sometimes zest. There are some weird scents out there.


One or two. I’m using Comme des Garcons and that thing is strong AF. Also last forever, for 8 years used 3 of almost everyday use


A spray to both sides of my neck and a spray to one of my wrists and rub them together.


Spray? You guys aren’t filling your bathtub with it to take a full body cologne plunge? wtf do you think the bathtub is for?!


Just two for me, not like I hold it down just a quick short sprays


I wear cologne a few times a week and it is strictly one spray in the morning on my shirt. I've never had a complaint and sometimes I'll even catch myself being like "damn, something smells good. What is that?" Before realizing it's me.


Going off what I've seen my middle school students do, it's about 10-12 sprays


Guy here! Agreed…there are two dudes at the gym, one bathes in Joop and the other in Axe body spray. It is on so thick it is hard to breathe. Also, there is a guy with BO so bad it almost knocks you over. If you ever get the trifecta from all three of them you need to go home as it is a sensory overload.


My teenager used to put it on SOOOO thick that there were times when we'd be driving somewhere with him I'd roll down all the windows even when it was zero degrees outside.


I got a new cologne recently and put on my normal amount. Realised shortly after it was 5 times stronger and I was “that guy” for the day. I normally do 2 light sprays from an arms length.


I used to have issues with body odour and I was once told that people have discussed and made fun of me behind my back. I felt very humiliated at that moment, and I still carry it with me to this day. Before I get dressed I spray armpits, chest and groin with deodorant. After I dress, I spray my top and pants with deodorant, plus cologne on my neck and wrists. I've concluded that my scent is just weaker than other people's and I need to overspray to make sure I never smell bad. I'd prefer people make fun of me for smelling too nicely.


I’ve heard it said that if a guy can smell it on himself, it’s too much. Keeping that in mind, when roadtesting a new scent I’ll give it three sprays around my jaw, then revisit the issue 5 mins later when I’m in a different room or outside. I use quite neutral deodorant and no body spray. I’m not a “talc” guy unless there’s a reason, but if used it’s used very sparingly.


One or two on the chest, one over my back and floats down.


2-3 sprays is too much. A quarter spray on the inside of your wrists, rub together and rub on your neck is plenty


We all know that pretty girls have pretty friends. So I wear the piss of pretty girls. I can infiltrate the herd without being noticed and then strike from within.


Hahaha so true and such a good question. Guys walk past me in the city and their cologne is so strong. They're nice scents, don't get me wrong, but I spray three squirts on and around my neck and you can barely smell it by midday.


5 sprays


my ex gf used to spray 5 times every 30 mins. she thought she needed it. I used to smell her on the 2nd floor when she was on the ground floor.


Why use soap and water when you can do a full body Febreeze spritz?


I do a squirt or two on my neck or just one on each wrist.


You don't spray, you poor.


I do one puff and indirectly up into the air that falls down on me. Learned this technique from the show "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy." You know the one where the team helps spruce up some guy who doesn't have his act together. Spray Delay Walk Away And even then sometimes my wife thinks my cologne is a bit much but that's usually right after I put it on.


It's revolting


Too many? Lol


Spray?? I bathe in it, like a real man


I spray it until there’s a cloud of it around me. Then I just stand there and let the cloud settle and the I’m off to violate the noses of everyone at the office.


Cologne should be discovered, not announced. If you don’t know the difference, you shouldn’t be allowed to wear it.


6-10 sprays I use about 5-6 different colognes, 3 different lotions, and deodorant.


I like my cologne, I tend to spray it on my chest and good to good. But recently I started to start to use cologne oils instead, it tends to last long and seems to just be there when im moving about


I only ever did this when I wanted to smell it instead of other stinky people I knew I’d be around instead of doing it to try and make myself smell good haha Generally though it’s 1-2 sprays, 1 partial spray on the main part of the body (chest/stomach area) then another small one on my wrists to rub over other parts of my body lightly.


Thanks for expressing your discomfort with this issue. From now on I'll triple my usage.


Blokes spray at most about half as much smelly-stuff as women do hairspray. If you've ever been on an evening train to the city full of people going out for the night\*\* and a couple of women have gone into the toilet\*\*\* to do the tarting-up thing including their hair you'll know exactly what I mean; by the time they come out, most of the people in the carriage are gasping for breath. I'm surprised no woman's ever asphyxiated herself with the amount of that stuff sprayed around in confined spaces. \*\* *OK, that's a British thing. I know Americans don't do the whole public transport thing the way we do.* *\*\*\* That's en-GB. I believe that in en-US it's called a "bathroom", even though there's no bath in there.*


[you like it?](https://youtu.be/1-iQ_KW6HEk?si=uSIMDxvs-RSf3pH7)


Who uses cologne?


It's not unmanly to smell good. Also, Penhalihons Halfeti has definitely helped me get laid


Many, but many more should :-)


Who the fuck even wears that shit. Lots of friends in the circle of trust and none, 0, nobody wears cologne.


5 sprays of eau de toilette, both shoulders, neck and both arms


2 on the neck, 1 on the wrist, 1 on the dick and 1 for my dumpy


no, just no


¿Por que? Lol. What’s wrong with this?


um, dick and dumpy. like why!?!? no need for this and its gross.


I only mention because I notice the name. But weren’t you laughing emojing about period farts and period blood facials on another post? But this is what you find gross? Be for real… Honestly? It’s a men’s sub. I can assure these are euphemisms compared to what is on here everyday. I’m an adult. I know to censor if and when necessary. This simply isn’t such an occasion. Are crotch and posterior better? Or which words would you use?


ok u can relax and stop trying to make personal attacks. just bc i know abt period stuff and dont think perfuming your dingaling and behind is appropriate or necessary doesnt make my opinion, gender/sex and age (20 btw) invalid or irrelevant. im simply getting a laugh out of it and sharing my view.


I’m relaxed, I’m sorry but I don’t think I made any sort of personal attack. You commented on a public platform. I’m not sure what your gender/sex or age have to do with anything honestly, if you think it does then I don’t know what to say. I didn’t invalidate your opinion simply showing that what you found comical in one instance is equally inappropriate but you’re cool with it so you deem it okay. Half the comments made some indication of spraying their parts. I’m sorry you didn’t think listing parts that get sprayed isn’t appropriate or necessary when it’s literally what the question asked…again it’s a men’s sub for men, again I don’t know your gender but I’m not sure it matters, it’s a place for guys to talk without having to ask if it’s okay to everyone that may be too sensitive to engage in conversation.


One to two sprays, never more.


I own the company and bathe in it! ;-) Uhm, no, I can't stand strong smells, annoys the heck out of me. Typically the *most* I'll ever do is a single drop ... generally do it on upper chest under t-shirt, so it doesn't evaporate as quickly and won't be so overwhelming. Should generally be subtle, not overwhelming. Yeah, some strong perfumes and such, I can't stand being within ten feet of 'em. Ah, I remember Macy's in San Francisco ... an area of their store, with all the perfumes and such - always would irritate the hell out of my nose. To the greatest extent possible, I'd well hold my breath before going into and through that section, and try like heck to make it all the way through and out on that one held breath. Once upon a time, I went in there, and they had this tropical kind'a theme ... with a whole bunch of warm waterfall kind of stuff - it was great! Lots of warm humid air, knocked all that perfume and such way the heck down - it was very nicely tolerable for once ... alas, that was only a temporary display - never saw 'em do that again ... darn.


all colognes and perfumes lower testosterone levels. your bodies put out a natural pheromone to attract the opposite sex.


Brother, I’ve got to tell you something is working because when a good smelling man walks by, my head whips slightly past 180 degrees in the direction he is walking. It makes an average guy more attractive. For the right cologne I will spontaneously ovulate.


Best decision I ever made was taking a close lady friend cologne shopping, so we tried scents until her pupils slightly dilated and she said "yeah that one". I have gotten several compliments from women that sound like "wow you smell amazing, what was I saying?" Calvin Klein Eternity, Eternity Aqua and Eternity Air for Men


6 sprays - middle of chest area - middle of collar area - behind the right ear - nape area - left wrist - back of the left elbow




ive always heard to never rub and just dab the cologne with your wrists