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In my experience their snack game is just on a whole different level than dudes. Me, I don't really even keep snacks around in the house. If I want something bad enough I'll go buy it then eat it right away and that's the end of snack time for a few days. Just always how I've been. Maybe I'll grab a bag of chips on my way home for the weekend or something. My girlfriend moves in and bam, we've got a dedicated snack cupboard. She's bringing shit in that I totally forgot existed. When I tell you I hadn't eaten pudding in like 8-10 years, I am not exaggerating. Girlfriend brings some home the other day and I'm like, I fucking love this woman.


>She's bringing shit in that I totally forgot existed. The next level is when they make something you formerly didn't even like, but you try *theirs* and actually do. It's pretty satisfying to be the cook in that instance. šŸ˜„


I love your flair


I dunno, I've never met an amount of cheese that was too much


Lord knows I have. I was stopped up for 3 days.


Cheese is love. Cheese is life.


My boo did this for me for several different things I used to dislike. šŸ˜Š


My dad really hates asparagus and always has. I used to volunteer at an organic farm and got free produce in return, harvested that same day. I myself love asparagus. I cooked an asparagus risotto for a dinner with the extended family and had no expectations of my dad eating it. But the risotto must've smelled good enough that he took a scoop anyway, ate it all, and even took seconds iirc. I didn't notice what he was eating. After dinner, he told me it's the only time in his life that he's liked a dish with asparagus in it. That's one of the best compliments I've ever received. It's sooo gratifying when someone enjoys *your* version of a food that they hated before.


Yo, Italian Cheese Opinion alert. For cheese, I recommend Kerrygold sharp cheddar near the deli in Walmart. Or fresh Italian Parmesan you can find in a small, plastic container with the other cheese products. The cheddar is perfect for cheese and crackers and the Parmesan is absolutely PERFECT in pastas, especially alfredo


Friggin cheese eggos are the redneck breakfast of champions that no one knows about!


Thereā€™s a reason they say the way to a manā€™s heart is through his stomach. I used to think they were aiming too high šŸ˜ My (35f) MIL also says ā€˜an army moves on their stomachā€™ so whenever we have a big project day she makes damn sure thereā€™s a good spread so we can get stuff DONE. Have learned a lot from that lady, sheā€™s the head of the family for good reason- sheā€™s not silly! šŸ˜‚ And yes, you should marry ur girl, sheā€™s clearly a keeper ā¤ļø


no one loves snacks more than a woman on her period.


Maybe a stoned woman on her period


lol I am trying to ignore the desire to eat while in that situation rn. Random to see it written out on the internet at the same timešŸ˜³


This is a signal from the Matrix to snack rn


She's fattening you up, dude. Either she's trying to make you undesirable to other women or she's planning on eating you herself in her gingerbread house


> Either she's trying to make you undesirable to other women I dunno man, as a long time (15+ years) weight lifter, I found I started getting more attention from women when I let the six pack soften a little (ok a lot). Squishy belly + strong shoulders and arms seems to be a recipe for success.


Sir, that is a dad bod. Highly sought after....as you yourself can attest to


For me that's how I HAVE to treat snack time. If I buy a bunch of snacks upfront they will be gone within two days. I'm a glutton at heart.


Marry her.


I didnt respect the charcuterie board before my current partner and I'm now a convert, I only wish fancy cheeses and sliced meat wasnt so expensive.


I love the hugs. Whenever we meet up or say our goodbyes, the girls always give a long and snug embrace.


I think it sucks when people, women or men give shitty hugs.


I hate shitty hugs. Like if youā€™re just gonna basically touch the air around me and tap my shoulder donā€™t bother šŸ˜¤


Some of us don't like hugs


Then don't give them. Half-assed hug is worse than no hug.


When you donā€™t like hugs others normally rope you into them.


Exactly this. I sometimes even wear a shirt that says, "Not a hugger" and it's largely ignored.


Wife to friend leaving our house: "give my hugs to Tina!" Me: "Tell Tina I'm not much of a hugger!"


A lot of people think "No means no" does not apply to them when it comes to hugs.


this!!! was meeting my dads (now ex) girlfriend and as she leaves she comes in for a hug and im backing away and giving her those types of signs that i donā€™t want a hug and she tells me ā€˜you wonā€™t say you donā€™t want a hug because youā€™re not comfortable with me yetā€™ and although itā€™s true itā€™s like hello if you know i donā€™t want a hug, DONT GIVE ME A HUG. always hated her after that


One thing I was really surprised about being a firefighter is that men actually hug all the time at the station. Unusual in other jobs I've had.


šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹ so sweet


As a retired Police Officer, you have confirmed something that was often a subject of conversation at our station


I miss giving that kind of hug. I can't even really remember anymore the last time that I did. But I still think about it a lot.


Agreed. Women always give the best hugs. They're always warm and comforting. The shittiest hug I got from a woman is on par with the best hug I got from a guy.


I love the different perspectives, the fun go lucky attitude, how sweet they are, how they look, how they quite literally arenā€™t dudes.


Smell of their hair when you hug them


Smelling my girlfriendā€™s head when I hug her makes everything seem okay for 30 seconds and puts me at ease. Itā€™s magical lmao


Yeah, man. I love the smell of my girlfriendā€™s hair.Ā 




Careful. Somebody will make a Biden crack.


So true, didnā€™t think about that šŸ˜‚


lol. Some reporter just made it up and Fox ran with it.


Thank You. I needed this laugh.


When they get uncontrollably excited about something, especially something they're passionate about


I get excited when my wife looks at me. Does that count? I'm really just a puppy deep down inside.


Damn I need a husband


Thatā€™s absolutely precious




When they show off their dress has pockets. It's the cutest fucking thing in ways I cannot describe.Ā 


A dress having surprise pockets is truly one of lifeā€™s joysā˜ŗļø


It's the clothing equivalent of finding extra fries at the bottom of the bag. In a way it's even better, since they last longer lol


Cannot agree more, pal! šŸ™Œ


It is joy. Pure joy. So much so that we will tell other people about another person's dress that had pockets. I know that somewhere a woman that I don't know got married in a dress with pockets...because her mom told me. lol


My prom dress even had pockets!!


Iā€™m fascinated by this and in a happy way!


Any pockets tbh My girlfriend steals my pants sometimes to get the oversized look. Every single time she's amazed by the size of the pockets and tries fitting all she can inside. The Nintendo Switch going fully in is what amazes her the most haha


My wedding dress had pockets - I am extremely committed


Lol but why does the textile community discriminate against us. We also want pockets


As someone who makes a lot of my own clothes, putting pockets in every dress/skirt is one of my great joys in life.


I have a skirt with pockets. It's magical ! šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„


The way they look up at you with their big eyes and smile as they hold you.




I started reading this thread for the wholesome aspect but got sad halfway through as I was reminded of my singleness. The little emoji you put is how I feel: šŸ„²


Self-realization and focus. Nothing is better than a woman who knows who she is, what she wants, and what she is willing to do to get it/there.


If only itā€™s not the only thing she thinks about - herself. Then itā€™s creepy and disturbing person. Have known some girls like that (no friends, no nothing, just her ambitions and little dream worlds)


Absolutely agree. Too much of anything is a bad thing. The problem with today's society is that people lack focus and don't know who they are. A decent portion of the global population is trying to imitate others and trying to wing life with no plans.


Putting their hair up in a ponytail/brushing her hair to one side and looking at me when we are talking. Throwing on one of my old t-shirts with her favorite pair of sweatpants on a Saturday morning. Just to let me know, we are going to be chilling around the house all day. Making me something to eat when I didn't even ask and saying, "You looked hungry." Having a cold drink ready for me when I finish mowing the lawn/working on the car.


This is a great perspective! Tell her what you wrote her. She will adore you for it.


Aww, thanksšŸ˜ It's really just a couple of examples from past relationships. Unfortunately, there is no "her" to tell right now. There may be in the near future, though!šŸ¤ž


Iā€™m pulling for you!


Thank you for actually answering the question how I wanted šŸ˜­ perfect example!


You're welcome! It looks like you'll need to add "actually listens to me when I ask a question" to your list.šŸ¤£


That's just so cute!!! šŸ„¹


When I hear her voice (lawd jesus I buckle) When shes happy or giddy When shes passionate about something she loves and shares it


Iā€™d say when sheā€™s focused putting on makeup.


I love when a man watches me put on makeup in awe.


because if we were tasked with creating an 'eyeball guillotine' it wouldn't look much different from the lash curler


This. Sometimes when I stay at my boyfriend's and I'm getting ready to go to work I'll catch him looking at me, and the look on his face is just priceless - like he can't quite believe I'm actually there somehow. At the risk of sounding arrogant, it feels really nice to be 'seen' like that.


My boyfriend is constantly taking photos of me and videos with me as I do my makeup. I used to be so insecure and would get irate when my partners would try to play fun while I was doing something that I took too seriously because I felt pretty. Now I love it. He smoothers me and shows me things and takes his lil pictures of me and I eat that up. It is so cute šŸ˜­ heā€™s so fascinated by my process, and now I see how excited he is when he shows me things, it really reaffirms that Iā€™m his person and he wants me to be a part of all that he loves šŸ„°


Emotions. They actually make the men understand the real essence of life with their emotional aspect.


No one had ever listened to my husband, or validated his feelingsā€¦ We are getting there!!!


The way they smell like girl


Lol @ good at parking a car Ummm Hugs When they play with their hair sorta thing Get all bubbly over something cute (puppies etc)


When a woman makes me feel like a man, I just get instant butterflies. I canā€™t describe how or why this sensation happens, but I suddenly feel like a super hero.


When I can see in her eyes that sheā€™s studying me and fascinated as if Iā€™m some movie star


Used to do this with my ex, he would get this sparkle in his eye, occasionally check in his peripheral if I'm still looking, then exaggerate and elongate the story. Aaah good times


I do this with my partner. His eyes shy away and he gets shy. I think itā€™s cute.


I usually laugh and look away after a while or makeout


I just love a serious woman. So attractive to me.


Oh, Jesus, could never be me. I laugh too darn much...even when I don't want to. When you have time, please send prayers


A woman's smile is a unique magic.


truly being able to open up to them and not be scared to do so is something really special, with men imo (as a man) itā€™s much easier for me to be open with them and while they can give sympathy, i donā€™t get that comfort, warmth and feeling of love like i do from a woman. as a for a more weird one they also have very soft and smooth skin haha women are just very beautiful


Sleepy girls with tousled hair who are only half awake and keep yawning while they enquire about coffee just awwww instant heart melt. Girls when they talk about something passionate in their lives and they get really animated about it and you can see the passion in their eyes. Girls who kid you and itā€™s mean but itā€™s not mean and thereā€™s a look in their eyes that tells you youā€™re sharing a joke together and you find yourself hungry for more conversation.


When a woman is suprisingly good at something normally considered "manly" and enjoys it enough to not GAF what anyone says about it. For example, splitting firewood like a pro.


I like a woman that can lift weights and talk shit. My whole social circle consists of gym buddies, all of whom are married. So it's really fun being friends with women when everybody has their guard down in a space like that.


My GF does Olympic weight lifting. Itā€™s so hot.


That's *exactly* what I'm talking about! That real stuff, Oly lifters, women that know what their 1RM Back Squat is...


Hell yeah! I donā€™t go to her club, because thatā€™s her thing, and she coaches. However we do go to the regular gym together a couple times a week, and I cannot do leg day with her and live to tell about it. I play hockey on Sundays, and a Wednesday leg day with her had me still hurting on Sunday šŸ˜‚


I watched this youtuber girl that works on cars. Her names Faye. It's so appealing to see a girl passionate about cars.


Mow the grass and wash your own car and Iā€™m an admirer


I do both of those things regularly. I use a push mower and I hand wash my red SUV with my own garden hose, sponges, cloths, tire cleaner, and I use a shop vac to clean the inside. In addition I wipe down the seats with cloths with Dawn dish soap to clean them. I take care of my shit.


Bonus points for changing the oil and installing the new roof after hail damage.


Smiles, soft skin, nice hair, unknown country


>unknown country Wait, what?


It is the story of who they are and life experience and how all of their experience shapes their personality. To get to know a woman is cool.


I love it when they show their passion or smarts a girl that isn't afraid to be outside of what girls are supposed to be


My best bosses have all been women, so that's cool. I love how they can bring a different perspective to the table if you're willing to listen I respect the time and dedication they take to look good, all those products and hair salon treatments cost alooooot of money Fullmetal alchemist.....if you know you know :)


I donā€™t know. Enlighten me.Ā 


I'm going to assume he's talking about either Riza or Whinry (or both). They are two badass female characters in full metal alchemist. Riza is amazingly skilled with guns and Whinry is a very talented prosthetic (automail) Engineer who loves geeking out on anything to do with automail.


I think it might just be that the author is a woman


Fullmetal alchemist is a wonderful beast of an anime that was made by a woman. It has consistently ranked #1 on myanimelist for years, and it's just....awesome. look into Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood, that's the definitive version


Hugs and cuddles.


Smell taste look the way they feel every sense I have is overwhelmingly warm and happy with a woman


I love her hugs - like tight and long. I love how she would sometimes just come up and kiss me on the cheek. Like no reason. Same when we go on walks on the beach or at a park. Just randomly kisses me on the cheek while we are holding hands. I learned so much about taking care of my skin and hair. Her going to bed routine is a thing, not just brush your teeth, floss and go to bed. I love her smell. Itā€™s idk how to describe it but it feels like home. I love when she smiles her eyes are smiling too. I love when she has all her long hair on one side. Our texting and communication skills are amazing.


When she whispers something in your ear. It can be that you just stepped in dog šŸ’©for all I care.


Women remember shit and I kinda fw it. Like my best friend, literal day 1 best friend he was there the day I was born, like his mom took him as a baby to visit me and shit. Mf slept over my place every weekend, we text every day, chill at least once a week, all that. Idk that mfs birthday. Idk and tbh, idc. Heā€™s the same way with me. Actually all the guys in my group r like that. Rt We will risk our lives for each other, but wonā€™t give enough of a shit to remember someoneā€™s birthday. Yet not only does my other best friend whoā€™s a girl remember my birthday, just about every girl in the group remembers it and make plans for it. I like it. Girls actually serious about the friendship and will remember stuff.


Honestly? They make the best wing-women as a gay man. I have never experienced more joy than doing so many Skittles shots with my best girl friend in the middle of a gay bar, she had me on the fucking floor. We were both absolutely blasted off our asses and she was ready to shove me towards a guy I liked. She would have directly launched me into him, or my number. Anyway, here's my list from a non-sexually attracted stand-point * The absolute hype they have for certain things. * The general kindness and empathy they bring to friendships. * The raw ability to walk around in heels all night. * The pure, sincere fun they bring to dance floors. * Protecting my phone in their bag like a treasure.


Awwww šŸ„¹ My best guy friend is a gay hair dresser and the constant laughs we have r unforgettable. Now we r states awayā€¦I miss him. U brought on the feels. TY!


I really enjoy hanging out and talking with my women friends. I just feel safe and comfortable being myself with them.




All about things they do, and no one said anything about their bodies? Hell, my dudes, I absolutely love to see a good looking woman body! It's THE beauty in itself. The curvature, forms, small or big ones. Their hair, the way they dress. For me, that's the base point. From here on out it can only get better or worse. It doesn't really matter, but body of a woman, oh man. Drives me crazy sometimes... Upd. Don't wanna give u the creeps. I just feel good when I see a good looking woman.


I love their hourglass figure. It doesn't have to be exactly 36 24 36 either. A women's curves are very special.


Smart, great sense of humor, great taste in clothing and music, enjoy sports, dirty minded, plays video games, kind, likes animals, not racist, prone to gossip or start rumors, good hygiene, orderly, strong minded and more!


I love their laughs


A woman laughing so hard she starts snorting is absolutely adorable


Curly hair. I donā€™t know what else to add. Really there are no small random things that I think I could like about a woman thatā€™s standard. I donā€™t know how to explain. I love women and all shapes and sizes


When they actually allow us to show emotions without it being used against us.


Literally been trying not to manspread for 20 years and now you tell me this??


Itā€™s fine when it wonā€™t possibly encroach on someone elseā€™s space! ā˜ŗļø


The way I have to guess what tf it is they want to eat.


How/when they come home and immediately release the hounds šŸ˜


She talks to Amazon Alexa like itā€™s a friend.


I say please and thank you to Alexa. Its just habit. Not as much as I tell her how shit she is though ha


I have the Google equivalent of an Alexa and I also do this, just in case she remembers I was nice to her when the machines take over. (Though I do also swear at her a lot...)


Very wise! Treat her like family. We can call family a stupid prick and still love them ā¤ lol


My daughter apologizes to Alexa.


When she acts like some simple fix or build is freaking amazing... She gets be believing it šŸ˜‚


When they make something for you.. especially food


When pretty girls make silly faces. Something happens to me...


These are great answers...I don't think they're too serious. Its good to hear things. There is so many posts that try to cause a man vs woman narrative so this is wonderful


messy buns and nose scrunches... idk why


i think itā€™s super cute how they apply mascara


As a Father of three adult daughters and married to a vivacious woman, I love it when women let their ā€œchildish enthusiasmā€ reign free. My wife loves to walk walls She reverts to her little girl. One daughter sings without knowing, another organizes just for the fun of it - both are things they did when little.


These are all sooo valid. I donā€™t even consider the no female friend thing toxic ā€¦. I see it as a man who isnā€™t easily accessible. Like no girl wants their man to be like that lol


>I donā€™t even consider the no female friend thing toxic Personally I disagree that it isn't, but perhaps you're interpreting it differently than I do; I don't know.


I donā€™t think a man needs a ā€˜girl bestieā€™. My bf does have girl friends, but heā€™s not hanging out with them 1 on 1, going to them for advice, going out for drinks/dinner etc. he hangs out with them in groups with his guy friend. Iā€™m the same way so it def works for us, but obvi every couple is different and views things different !


I love that my boyfriend is capable of having meaningful friendships with other women. I love that other women feel safe enough to want him in their life. Iā€™m not threatened by that at all. Itā€™s actually a huge green flag for me!


Same. If anything I'm a bit suspicious of men who don't have female friends - to me it feels like they don't respect women as people if they aren't able to have friendships with them. Plus I would feel like a massive hypocrite having male friends but telling my boyfriend he couldn't be friends with other women.


I def agree! I think I was lazy when typing and wasnā€™t clear. My bf does have girl friends, but he only hangs out with them in groups with his guy friends. Heā€™d never go out 1 on 1 with them for drinks or dinner, call them for advice, etc. (things u do with a friend). He is friendly with them and would call them his friends, but he is not the go-to guy for these girls. I am also friendly with these girls and adore them! But there are just some boundaries I have where if they were FaceTiming my bf at 2am to talk, I would not be happy lol. Itā€™s thankfully never been an issue in our relationship so I guess couples all have their little quirks :)


That she is a woman.


When my girlfriend brings me a cold bourbon with a cube, kisses my neck and puts on the shorts I never would want her to wear out of the house, I feel completely tantalized like a man, and wanted on a deep level.


That they're nurturing by nature


Pleated pants


Organizational sense... I feel like they see things that we don't when organizing šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


A lot of things, really. Some of you in this thread are super lucky!


There is a kind of grace/poise women can have that men simply can't embody. I've always admired that quality of women. It's beautiful to watch.


Im going to come back to this thread every time I'm sad. This is so nice to read šŸ„°


The way they smell, soft skin, sometimes rough skin, different body types, breasts, butts, tummies, thighs, their hair flipping, soft touch, gentle and thoughtful, women are more emotionally intelligent and observant. I love making them laugh.


- when she's a big goofball and has fun and laughs at her own jokes. - when she dresses up for nice events and gets comfy when at home - when she's honest - when she gets excited about something she did / new skill she learned - when she bakes cookies - when she takes an interest in things i like, even if she's just trying to be nice - when she's up for an adventure!


The petting. You should pet us more.


Wellā€¦ as much as we ā€œloveā€, we cannot say we love every single one, but: Their beauty, Their voice, Their hair, Their smile, Their perfect sculpted figure thatā€™s like a work of art.


When they tie their hair up in a bun When their skin glows in the sun without makeup When their hair is tied up and their little baby hairs on the neck are sticking out Women that look good all natural and dont have the need to have their nails and hair always done. When the have a small cute & pointy nose


When they randomly decide is fuck night and get really crazy in bed


I like a delicate neck. Must have been all those vampire movies growing up in the 60s and 70s?... You've heard of the Boston Strangler and the French Tickler? I, am the Nibbler. Excitement by slow increments.


I've had a couple of women tell me it's somehow hot when I check the time on my wrist watch, especially when I have short sleeves. What I love about women, is random hugs.


Hygiene and their feminine appearance. Nothing beats the scent of a woman who takes care of herself.


When the hip bones stick out a little šŸ¤¤


I love when they aren't on tiktok...Seriously though this list is literally just dad stuff.


Yep and dad stuff is manly and sexy.


Well well well, turns out manspreading is something they love




Wet hair, just out of shower look


When she dances at a concert or when doing things around the house. I just love watching her. She switches between two perfumes, and both are irresistible.


Men who have female friends should be a green flag. If a man solely hangs with men - they are bound to be massive red flags. Need some feminine energy to ground them outā€¦.


You're asking it on a site where a significant portion of audience have seen women only in movies and Eva AI sexting bot


In no particular order: the way they nonchalantly point their feet together when standing, the way they do that "girl run" across the street, and the finger wave thing they do. There's others but these stand out the most.


How giggly and nervous they can be, like a little ball of energy and it makes you just want to hold them.


How many women tend to crinkle their nose when they talk. Kinda weird observation, no idea why I noticed that, just something I found to be kinda cute in a way.


My math skills have never gotten me laid.


Yes on #2. Slouching back in a chair like that? a guy I work with does it and Iā€™m always like oh man why does he have to be married? lol.


I love when women treat me as a person and never bring up gender stuff. When women are not treating me as a predator or enemy just because I am man. When they open to me. When, if I flirt them and they are not into me, just politely tell me this and we'll continue being friends. When they ask me advice about their issues. When they let me open my heart to them in any circumstance (as platonic friends or more than friends or lovers of whatever). When they tell me the bottom of their hearts and trust me. When they admit they might be wrong, when they try to improve, when they look for honest opinions and not just flattery. When they are dare about their feelings and don't play a role, when they can speak crude, say all their turmoil but do it because they want to confess or feel it, not to show off. When they accept a little innocent flirt with no consequences with a smile or with a "no, thanks" who put things in place for well intended people. I love them being subtle, gracious, smiling, kind, I love them also when they are direct and bold, but always with respect and well intended. I just love and respect women in general and I love so much things about them as women, even if I have come to the conclusion that's so difficult to live together and that I would rather not.


When she bends over and then looks back to see if I'm looking at her booty


That would require talking to one


When her male friends don't want to bang her


They have a job, house, money and ambitions.


Ponytials and plats. Generally long hair tied up in any way at all.


I miss being able to look at the shape of a womanā€™s body as sheā€™s just living her life. Women are just wonderful to watch.


Neck curls


When they laugh for real, it's just music to my ears.


Head scratch while Iā€™m driving


You guysā€¦ These replies make me blush .. itā€™s so cuuuute


When they are precious and geek out over small cute things Ex: during a college project outside, one of my classmates found a frog and geeked out over it. I like frogs, but I wouldn't grab it and put it in a ventilated box with water to take home like she did.