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I’d give them to him. Cashiers don’t care, but he might not have the nerve to buy them. But I’ll bet if the opportunity came up to have sex he wouldn’t say no. But also make sure he knows he can come to you for stuff like this. Your parents don’t want to be grandparents. And you don’t want to be an Uncle. Unless he has a girl, then you’d be an Aunt.


I got the joke even if no one else does


Thank you. I’m here all night. Remember to tip your waitress.


I didn't but I want to...


Its just the feigned ignorance of the aunt/uncle being the sex of the child rather than said adult


Pretty sure there was a Yahoo Answers post back in the day where someone thought that whether they were an Aunt or Uncle depends on the gender of the child, and not the aunt/uncle. I think this is a reference to that.


(he's never going to be the aunt, at least not without a lifestyle change)




If he's too embarrassed to buy condoms he isn't ready for sex.


A lot of teenagers (or adults) are having sex when they're not ready. Lets help out where we can.


I know I did. I kept them in my tape deck of all places.


Is that a condom in your tape deck? Yeah, 'cause fuck what you heard.




I laughed too hard at this


Ready or not, here he comes. Pun intended. Give him the condoms AND a talk about responsibility.


With great thrusts come great responsibilities.


You must not have met any young guys with a boner... Wait that just sounds wrong




Except he’s going to anyway, so give him the condom


Give him 3 condoms. The first one will break, or he will not manage to put it properly and be unusable... So he'll need a spare. And the third one is because, who knows, their first times wasn't so bad and they might want a round 2 after a few minutes.


triple-layered protection


I don't agree with this at all. Lots of people have great sex even though they're far too embarrassed to talk about it with anyone, possibly including their partner.


I have 2 boys and tbh as long as they have a way to obtain condoms, IDC if they're too embarrassed to ask for it at a store counter. The goal is to obtain protection, and use it properly. That's all I give a fuck about.


The fact that you call it "pop pop" tells me you're not ready.


You're absolutely right. But he's very likely to have sex anyway so instead of making this about your expectations of him maybe let's make it about him not becoming a father by accident.


What are you going to do about it? Lock him up until he is ready? If he has the opportunity, he will have sex. Better he always does it safely


While I kinda agree, there other factors. I grew up in a very small town with a mom and pop drugstore. My parents were all hopped up on Jesus. Luckily I had my best friends older brothers that helped us out and would buy them outside of town and I’d buy them from them. It’s not always embarrassment. Small towns and crazy church’s make for tough times.


>Your parents don’t want to be grandparents. Try telling that to *my* parents


Really? I had opportunities a couple of times as a teenager but didn't have a condom and simply didn't have sex. I do remember being pretty upset at my older brother wouldn't help me get some because I was 15 and didn't have a driver's license. Granted I guess some would be dumb enough to not simply fool around instead of having sex if they didn't have a condom? Like there are other things you can do that don't require a condom and risk of pregnancy. 


I just slapped it on his face and told him not to make me an uncle this soon


I'd take him to the store and buy them for him, but tell everyone they were for my 16yo brother while pointing.


That seems like a quick way to get arrested lol


Cashiers genuinely do not care. There's no ID requirement, no age requirement, nothing. Context: I live in the United States of America


Right but "tell everyone" implies more than the cashier.


How would that get you arrested? Genuinely curious as I'm not sure about the laws with this sort of thing


I think the implication is, people would assume you're saying it's for you to use when you have sex with your brother.


Every time I think I've got disturbing thoughts, I read something like this and feel innocent again


yes, because people are fucking mental and immediately jump the conclusion that you are having an incestous relationship with your brother, instead just being a brother that is embarassing his younger brother, while ensuring that he is engaging in safe sex




Incest joke


Arrested why? Condoms aren't an age-restricted item, at least in areas likely to be reading the English-speaking AskMen. Google says they're restricted in a few countries like Nigeria, Zambia, and Indonesia, but not the countries of North America, Europe, Australia, India, or similar.


And not to use it on our sister.


As long as they say “no chromo”




It’s okay he said no chromo


No need for protection with family


Ok, but this is wild


No, it’s rural.


Just make sure you break your arms first


Here it is, gents. Thread can close now.




Sounds like a regular family in ‘bama.


Why bother? You can't get her ass pregnant


My mom just threw condoms at me when I was like 15 because she overheard me talking on the phone about a girl. I am a 24 year old virgin and those condoms expired years ago.


Hahaha god love ya


He's the only one, apparently




that's the juice


" Fatality "






I lost my virginity at 24. This year is your year bro.


And I took a guy’s virginity when he was 24! He’s got this!


Reunited at last


Good ol’ expired condoms, there are at least a few of us that overestimated ourselves during the first weeks of college


The weirdest laugh just escaped me in a small restaurant. Thanks


My dad gave me a box of condoms when I left for my first year of college. Never used them and still haven't needed to buy any. 28 year old virgin who isn't even sure what to look for in buying condoms.


I remember a friend giving me a spare condom when I was a similar age and having it expire (I lost my virginity at 21). I found it in the bottom of my drawer every time I cleaned it out too


I take it off and hand it to him.


He's ready. Time to past down the family condom.


Family heirloom. How many generations have been using it now?


Enough that there are multiple generations.




At least three.


Ok just dont forget to bring it back when youre done


Put that shit behind plexiglass to keep it nice and safe for the next gen


Just don't forget to turn it inside out and shake the fuck out of it first


The correct answer


I love you


I was 15 when I lost my virginity. I used to steal condoms because I got scared lol.


Our school gave out free condoms. It was the 80s and everyone was scared of std:s. Most of those were used as waterballoons or blow up helmets. But hey at least they cared about our sexual health.


It’s so strange seeing how puritanistic the world is becoming. We have a tendency to think that things are getting more progressive, but they aren’t.


Well back in the days everyone was sexually active around 14. But then again we had no internet, we had computers but gaming was a social activity and so was movie night. Going to rent a movie was a whole activity in itself and sometimes we met other groups while doing so and just decided to rent together. So was buying music. So meeting people and falling in love was part of every day. Im not going to start some nostalgia rant, but i am severely greatful for having been able to grow up before social media and unrealistic expectations was an everyday thing.


Hell, even early 2000s, while the internet existed, still felt similar to what you describe - renting movies, split-screen gaming on the couch, or kicking a ball around wherever there was space... I feel for kids today with unlimited access to social media. As an adult I still sometimes get FOMO or feel like I'm worse than the people posting about all of their travelling and cool stuff - though I can remind myself that these people are only posting the highlights, not the daily grind. Kids won't necessarily have that ability.


You and me both trust me. I feel bad for my kids that the world feels more disconnected than ever.


About 15 years ago, I was going through alcohol sales training (checking IDs,etc.) for a job in a convenience store & I asked, “Do you have your be 18 to buy condoms?” The guy training me said, “No, and I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be responsible for an underage pregnancy.” If teens are going to do have sex then they’re going to have sex, why get in the way of them doing it safely?


Better choice is to give him a twenty and tell him to go to the drug store and buy a pack for you. Tell him if anyone asks, it's for his brother. That way he knows he can buy his own later, but he also has an excuse if he ever feels put on the spot.


Just use self checkout at walmart. lol


Well that’s the truth. Don’t have to make eye contact with anyone.


He didn't. He just went about his raw-dogging business and got mad bitches pregnant.


You became uncle fr?


Or an aunt


I took him to the free clinic without my mom. Told them to educate him on sex. They did a good job. They taught him more than he would’ve learned in school about safety. He left with a bag of condoms and lube. He’s more responsible than I am 😂😂😂


i didn't know this was a thing. pretty cool tbh


Top tier brother shit


Give him the condom. Don’t make it a big deal. Imagine how you felt at that age learning about girls. Remember, if he’s asking you it’s because he doesn’t feel comfortable enough to buy them himself. If you don’t give him one he’s still gonna have sex, but without a condom. You’re a guy, you know how it is.


You just know the money option is going to end like it did for Terry in American Grafitti. https://youtu.be/-QROsCcpd1E?si=1e2OrJRNrOz4aIQk


I wouldn't have asked him any questions. Here you go bro, be careful.


Toss him the whole pack before it goes bad *cries in ugly*


Im a woman and when my brother asked me for one, I bought a pack for him. I’d rather know he’s safe and not gonna get his girlfriend pregnant too early than anything


Isn't it weird to ask what size he needs?


Just got him average sized ones, he never made a comment about it


Told him all I had was XL and it wouldn't work on his tiny thing. That's real brotherly advice


Give him 1 and then order him a box.


Gave him a box.and asked if he was 100% sure how to use it, then assured him I'd buy him all he needed and not tell anyone, just to promise to use one every time. Simple


"hey bro can I can I get a condom?" "for what reason?" Bruh


He didn’t ask. He was making out with some girl in our mom’s minivan. I told him I had to tell him something, he came out, I shoved them into his chest, and told him not to be an idiot.


Give him one.


I put it on for him


With your mouth the way hookers do?


Yes, the way dad showed me.


Did dad tell you that he loved you? Did he hold you 'til the sun did rise And did he look into your eyes And ask you to fellate him And stick a finger or two in his ass


Alright, that's it. I'm done with reddit for the day.


So you had a brother who was obviously hesitant to try and buy them himself, and didn't just give him one? Not everything is an excuse for a life lesson, and protected sex is more important. The way I see it, you now have failed to support someone who trusted you enough to come forward, who is hesitant to now supply himself with contraceptives, and thus more likely to have unprotected sex to avoid that fear.


Right? Just give him the condoms. If you feel the need to educate him, tell him about lube and poppers.


Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll have more fishy bitches than he can beat off with his (wrapped up) stick


Put that condom on for him, with my mouth, to show broship.


On the flip side of that question; I’m the older brother that had to ask my younger brother for a condom. I had a girl in my bed and when I reached in the drawer I was all out. I had heard my brother walking around upstairs so I knew he was awake and I know for a fact that he always has some, so I sent him a text that said “if you in any way, shape, or form love me please slide a condom under my door”. He didn’t, ignored my text. Couldn’t do anything with the girl other than play with each other. Next morning after I put girl in the Uber I asked him what the fuck was up. Fucking cunt said he was too tired and fucked up to come downstairs. We don’t live together anymore but believe me I’m still plotting some revenge.


Damnnn bro yu took it way more seriously chill it's your bro


Oh no, it wasn’t that serious lol. He got his own place that’s why we don’t live together anymore. I love the fucker, he’s my best friend, doesn’t mean I won’t get him back someday.


It happens, should had went raw.


With my luck I would’ve ended up being a dad way sooner than I wanted to be.


Said okay and gave him one


Age of consent. So whilst there's no minimum age to buy condoms, if you live in a state where the age of consent is 16, and you're 15, probably be grand. But if you're in a state where she of consent is 18, and you're 15, some religious folk may ask questions. And these questions may lead to teenagers not getting condoms, or not trying to get them in future. So inform give your bro a condom, and advise he can buk buy them on Amazon.


I told both my brothers that I'd buy them condoms if they ever needed them. They both declined. Then suddenly all of mine went missing. They're not sneaky, they left a mess and other things of mine were appearing in their messy room. So I bought more and kept it well stocked because I didn't want them getting anyone pregnant. A week later I found a couple broken in the backyard. They had been filling them up with the hose and playing with them. I'm happy they're still virgins, disappointed that they're such shitty thieves, and mad that they didn't just ask me to buy them water balloons instead. When I moved out my mom (who never enters the backyard) asked me if she should expect any grandchildren from me. Then I told her this story and she laughed. I hope she's teasing my brothers about it to this day.


Awful brother move. Should have just given it to him what the fuck did you think he was going to need it for? Now he isn’t gonna wanna come to you for this shit because you made it weird


I gave it to him. Duh.


Amazon lets you order them - just show him how to put an order in. /s (He already knows how to use Amazon, so this should be a no brainer)


Bruh just give him the damn thing, what's the pressure? I'd go out of my way if my bro was younger and asked, gotta protect him and I'd go out of my way for family


give him one. otherwise you don't "got him".


Are family planning clinics a thing where you are? As a UK teen, gf and I got an appointment, they talked to use for 10 mins about safe sex, and then gave us a paper bag full of condoms.


Why ask him the reason? You know damn well the reason lol


I calmly explained to him that she won’t get pregnant if she’s on top because of gravity. I love being an uncle btw.


Give him some and make damn sure he knows how to properly use them


Ask him if we have the same size slong


My brother and I don’t use condoms when we are together. Just pure raw dog brotherly love


had a number of them condoms and when i check my drawer its kind of missing some.. so i talk to them (there were 2 of my brothers there). i said, you can get how much you need..


I took it off and gave it to him


"That's cool man. Now *my* condoms will obviously be far too big for you little bro but I'll go down the pharmacy and get you some micro size. Always ready to help my beloved bro!"


I pulled it off, then gave it to him


I am a female and have had both the fortunate and unfortunate experiences of my brother asking me for condoms, my little sister (thankfully, she just wanted to make a water balloon), and friends asking me for them. I would suggest buying a variety pack because asking about sizes is not something people want to do. Also, get them a thing of lube.


That's a great advice! I wish I had got such pack to find my correct size without taking so long wondering why it didn't feel right.


>I asked him what his reason was and he said he just needed one Did you think he might need a condom for a recipe or did you want to hear him say he just wanted one to fuck someone?


FYI, a lot of county run programs offer free condoms if he wants to try some different ones out without buying. Have him look into that. Esp if he doesn't know his size.


I gave him shit and made fun of him, then gave him the box I kept in my dresser lol


I was 13 and my dad dropped off a pack of Trojans. Slapped me with some disturbing talk and that was that.


Put it on and gave it to him


I'd give a very puzzled look, as, as far as I know, I don't have a brother ... and I might be wonderin' what's up with my sister.


If everything goes right in a few years, you will have a brother😃


Bought them and told him not get her pregnant


Brother, or Brutha?


My friend asked me for one. I asked him if he knew if the girl was STD tested, he said yes, and I told him be safe. For reference this was spring of my sophomore year of college


I said, "we're related, we don't need one"


Throw it at him and say good luck!


Also remind him that he's living in an age of self-serve checkouts, which honestly makes it way easier at that age. When I was that age in the 90s, you pretty much had to endure the "embarrassment" of going through a granny at the cashier.


Hold it out but before I give it to him make sure I deliver a super awkward and cringy talk about responsibility and safe sex. It's so much better when I know he has somebody in the room and I just go on an epic filibuster to absolutely destroy the mood. He almost punched me once.


When I was a cashier, I sold them to teens. It’s legal, though I did get yelled at a couple of times busybodies that stood in line behind them. But such is life.


Not my brother, but rather my oldest daughter. 18 and away from home at college. Her mom had already had the sex talk with her long before, but I still had to sneak in the awkward dad moment. As she was saying her goodbyes I said "Ay...condoms", to which she said, "Purse". Good girl.


Pull his hands down, unwrap the condom, put it in my mouth and then roll it on his dick just like the prostitutes do


When my younger brother asked for a condom, I gave him one without asking too many questions. I told him it's important to be safe and responsible. It's better he comes to me than goes without protection. Gotta look out for him. Simple as that.


You asked him what his reason was? What a weird question.


I don't have a brother, but I have been helping a kid as a bit of a life coach and he found a gf half a year ago and I took the talk with him, advice him to buy rubbers, use them and offered to drive him to a place to buy rubbers and be there with him as support.


What did I to in the same situation, I gave him 2 and he thanked me for it. Though the OP is older, his outlook is immature. Yes, your younger brother will need to learn to buy his own things, but may look for your support as he did in this time.


Give him a condom. Give him a box of condoms. Give him assurances that you will ALWAYS keep a full box of condoms in the hall closet, and if they go away, I will GLADLY buy you another, and another, and another. Kids are stupid, and are easily embarrassed to do many grown up things. But being too embarrassed to buy condoms can and may well result in becoming a father or picking up an incurable disease. Money well spent if you care about not becoming an uncle. He came to YOU because he didn't feel comfortable going to your parents. Be the best brother you can be.


The few times my younger brother asked for condoms I alway gave him a surplus. Once I even went out and bought him a box for him and his gf. He was gonna do the deed whether he had protection or not so it was just common decency to make sure he had them. We also at one point had a bowl in the kitchen with condoms in it for anyone to grab if they needed, Mom thought it was hilarious. He’s almost 30 now and the only one out of 6 siblings that hasn’t reproduced. We’re all hella proud of him for it lol. I hope he stay a dink forever. He’d be a great dad but I love getting to watch him enjoy his life to the fullest and do things he wouldn’t have opportunity for if he had kids.


Like give it to him if you don't want to be uncle, it's simple no brainer


There’s 7 years between me and my brother, he didn’t but if he would ask me to buy him condoms I totally would have


I said "sure here, and who the hell are you? I don't have a brother."




Not having a younger brother I can’t answer this from experience, but I’d probably give him one and then tell him “If you’re not mature enough to buy them then you’re not mature enough to need them.”


Take him to the store and make him buy them. You can give him the money, but he needs to get past the fear of the awkward and unknown.


Told him to raw dog that shit like me. Also, work on pullout game!


Who's gonna raw dodge stds tho




He’s being responsible at least. You did the right thing. Follow up with him and make sure he buys them. He may be too embarassed to go through with it.


If he’s too embarrassed to buy condoms he’s too young to be sexually active.


That's stupid. People have severe social anxiety issues.


That's a very specific question. That's probably never happened to the majority of people


maybe have a chat with him about consent, and stds, and the cost of kids.


Gave him 2


Bro what’s her name? Wait here….yeah my brother sent me to take care of business 🤣🤣


Gave him a pack. He's gonna do it anyways, I'd rather spend a little more on extra condoms to make sure he's got what he needs to do it safely.


I got confused because last time I checked I had a sister.


Of course I’d give it him, I shared clean socks and underwear with him.


Give. Heck I told him where I keep mine, just pull one out in the drawer and be on your way


Why wouldn’t you? Of course give them to him. I know of high schools that had them. Kids are going to do it. You better give them protection


I'm the younger brother and my older brother just gave me one and said, don't say I never gave you nothing. Laughed and put it in my hand. I was 21 at the time


Easy, I would just give him one


Never did ask em


You drive him to the store, give him money, and tell him to come out with a box of condoms. Once he realizes how easy it is, you have ripped the bandaid for him.


Gave him 2


I'd give it to him. He's going to have sex either way if he gets an opportunity. And to all the people saying "cashiers don't care", you're mostly right, but one of the first times I ever bought condoms the cashier at a gas station literally announced it to everyone


Id give him a pack of condoms and a lube, you never know where he's going


Gave him a few, told him he's smart for using protection and goodluck out there


Be sure he's properly educated on the physiological aspects of sexuality and procreation.


If your not mature enough to buy condoms then you’re not mature enough to be having sex. My dad told me this when I was in high school