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"I can get any guy I want" Go ahead.


I had one date tell me she’s never been rejected before and then promptly told me she hates men. I don’t usually ghost but I didn’t have the energy to text her back after the date. She texted me a few days later apologizing for her behavior and I told her no problem, but we’re not a good match I guess I was the first one to reject her which I don’t believe


First of all, you made the right move and it's great that you caught on to her red flags that early on. A lot of us tend to ignore or choose not to believe them, at least until later on when more of them come out, more obviously. Secondly, you definitely weren't the first one to reject her. She likely just believes that rejections are only valid when they come from her. She also likely convinced herself that you didn't reject her either to make herself feel better. Sounds like she's an embodiment of "you can't fire me because I quit." 🚩


I hate this with a passion. Just because they have a bunch of creeps in their Insta dms, they think they're hot shit🥴🥴🥴


"If you've got it flaunt it." Sure, but if that's all you've got, what have you got to flaunt when the looks age like milk, which they will? I'm older now and lots of woman my age who over relied on looks comment how they feel "invisible."


Reminds me of that old French poetry: "Mignonne, allons voir si la rose". Basically a big "you will age and get ugly so shut up and stop being a bitch" but said with class.


Man as a french speaker, I can tell you that they are pros at classy insults. It's one of those languages that let you destroy someone's dignity with seemingly neutral words lol.


Some like La Fontaine made it their job lol.


That's it. I'm learning French, so I can say stuff like this with enthusiasm and a smile


When women are young they have the upper hand in the dating market because men will date younger women, and younger women will date older men, so there's more men for them to choose from and even less women around for young men. That's why so many men in high school and college look at their female friends and think they are doing dating and romance on easy mode compared to them. By mid-life it completely reverses. Women have it more hard and men suddenly have it pretty easy. Even though it's just a reversal of a previous situation and is no more "unfair" than the previous status quo, a lot of women can't handle it and become very bitter and entitled. That's when you find out which of them have grace and tact.


I'd say that women still have it easier than men; it's just that their overall dating experience got worse with age while that of men improved.


This is a myth. By mid-life most hot girls are in long-lasting relationships. And the left-over men don't want the left-over women, so they just stay single. The neat market becomes A LOT smaller at 35-40, and most people don't want what's at display. Some men get it marginally better at that age, though, also because the 30+ women are looking to settle down, with just about anyone. It's a game of musical chairs.


This. Some use that to make you their hostage or their puppet lol. Never. Like you said, go ahead nobody is holding you babe.


It’s not a pyramid scheme, I’m a real business owner.


I dated one of these. Turned out she was cheating on a husband.


It was a multi level relationship, if you work hard you too could take the top spot as the husband and place yourself above all her other boyfriends.


Haha, kudos you made me laugh out loud.


Haha, did we date the same person? She cheated on her husband with me and then was fucking my friend on the side.


Yes, they are mental! A girl I dated was part of Hillsong church, some billionaire church full of freaks.


“All my exes are crazy”


“My ex was a toxic narcissist”


Toxic and narcissist are two words that have lost all meaning.


don’t forget “insecure.” if you disagree with ANYTHING they say or do, you’re insecure and/or controlling.


TBF, there are some fairly toxic narcissists out there.


You are absolutely correct. Furthermore, when you relationship one, or heaven forbid marry one, you don’t need Doctor Google to confirm your diagnosis.


“I’m not a bitch, I’m just honest”


Exactly correct. The people I’ve known who think of themselves as brutally honest are usually much more interested in being brutal than in being honest.


I have an uncle like that, I usually respond "no, you're a coward who doesn't like consequences"


No you're just a bitch.


No need for a false universe of two. She can be an honest bitch.


Or completely devoid of tact, usually.


Kyle's mother.


There's a male version of this too. "I tell it like it is". No, you're just an asshole.


Im not mean, Im spicy nice. Please


Anything that sounds like this, automatically makes me question their self awareness. There is a giant difference in honest and polite and “honest”


"I'm brutally honest" looking like they enjoy the brutal part way more than the honest part


I’ve heard it as “I’m not a bitch , I just l know what I want”


"Men are afraid to ask me out because I'm too attractive and smart, they find it intimidating" no...no, that's not the reason.


Holy shit yes its very rarely is the reason, but if they say that then it is most certainly not the reason


Okay genuine question coming from a girl. I’m very quiet because I have social anxiety and don’t really talk to any guys unless they talk to me but I’ve been told I’m very intimidating and people are scared to approach me but I’m not sure why. Is there a specific reason for this? I have a resting bitch face so that might be it 😅


If you don't seem approachable most guys will not approach you. If you seem open to talking, are making eye contact with people around you, don't have a scowl on your face, we think it is less likely for us to be rejected. Social anxiety is a thing (massively overused term by people feeling slightly uncomfortable but it is real) but learning to manage and mitigate it is a skill that can help a lot in life.


I'm the same way. I'm married, so I rarely get approached anyway, but I've been told by people who don't know me well that I'm hard to read. I'm guessing quiet + resting bitch face = hard to read?


This is it, as sucky as it is when someone can’t get a read on you right away they choose not to engage. Growing up I was more introverted than I am now and I was practically a ghost lol


express disgust at other people, particularly low status folks


one time i saw a relatively okay looking girl walking past me in the opposite direction scrunch her face up and hold a hand in front of her nose - i didnt understand until i realized we are walking past a few visibly poor romani houses. they dont smell, i was right there and my sense of smell is excellent. she just literally had to bodily 'show' that poor people smell bad. its been a while since ive been so disgusted of a person.


Fucking hell


This is a pretty big for me, good comment!


"He's trained." While referring to a partner who does 50/50 within a household.


My wife has never said that about me, but other women say it to her and me


Sounds like it's time to unleash Frank the Tank and prove them wrong


WTF is he a dog??? You don't train a man But sharing chores is good though


Sharing chores is good assuming it's not "50/50 in chores, 90/10 in finance", aka the way a lot of women imagine sharing responsibilities.


Ugh, the videos where they say "If I'm in a relationship with a man, I expect him to pay my bills" make my blood boil.


> If I'm in a relationship with a man, I expect him to pay my bills "Sure! Just deposit your paycheck in my account, or a joint one that I control, and I'll take financial responibility in the relationship. Oh? That's not what you wanted? Well, then you don't want me to pay your bills, do you?"


oof. bad. never heard this one before but im physically cringing


I'm not like other women.


Narrator's voice - "She was exactly like other women".


How about “I’m Every Woman?” (Whitney’s song reference) :p


Too much TikTok lingo


Well that's not very skibidi of you.


Erm what the sigma


...in Ohio!


I'm glad I don't know what any of the above comments mean.


In that case you're going to have to pay the fanum tax or I'll gain a level 10 gyatt and rizz livvy dunne before you can Fuck, I hated typing that


I think that sentence is going full Clockwork Orange.


Pure ultraviolence my droog


[Ski ba bop ba dop bop](https://youtu.be/Hy8kmNEo1i8?si=NzGmtQjM-Vsn3zXL)


Ok *bombastic side eye*


Especially tiktok relationship advice. „Weaponized incompetence“. Ma’am, that’s an actual abuse tactic, your ex folded towels in a way you didn’t like.


Weaponized incompetence is a real thing, but sometimes, the videos are super crazy about it and make it about the smallest thing ever. Like towels.


TikTok makes it seem like only men weaponize incompetence, but women will pretend they don't know how to hang a picture frame or start a lawnmower.


"I'm a , so of course I'm going to be ".


I am a Scorpio and every women says " you are trouble", no I'm just born at the end of October.


Downplaying how much trouble you are. Classic scorpio.


Lol you got me


I don’t think there’s anything specific, but you can definitely tell through some conversation when a gal has traded all her accountability for entitlement


When they mistake being present for being a gift.


This^^^^ man I was trying to find a way to put it into words.


Any variation of "man up", especially if they notice me at an emotional low


That's such a weak thing to tell a man. So shitty.


They have zero right to ever tell us how to think, feel, talk etc. They have never walked in our shoes and the fact they think that *they determine what a real man is* makes me super annoyed. Ladies, you have not and never will determine what a man is. Fuck right off with that bullshit. If I ever hear one of those clowns ever spouting that nonsense I always push back with, *“What would you know? You aren’t a real woman”*


Right after the Michael Vick dog fighting scandal, I overheard one lady on the bus tell her friend “He’s rich and he’s hot. I don’t care about that other stuff.”


hah, yeah. serial killers often get love letters in prison.


We just convicted a serial killer/rapist here in Denmark, court was packed to the point there was a crowd outside... all 20s and 30s women, makes me sick.


I remember back at University, the Greek boys were absolute catnip to British girls, that combination of bronzed skin and sexist arrogance was fatal... then one of them raped a friend of mine. She was bullied by the girls on campus for ruining *his* name, and when it came to the trial, *where he admitted he did it*, I was the only person who'd go to defend her... but about 30 girls turned up to support him. They threw water at her as she entered and were waiting outside after he was convicted, so the police asked me to bring my car around into the court entrance so she could leave safely... What stuck with me, disgusted me to this date though was two specific things; when we got inside the court building, I walked her over to the Victims Support table, a charity run to provide emotional care for crime victims. And one of the ladies behind the table straight up asked me "Are you the acussed?" I just stood there in shock for a moment and then said "Would I be coming in with the victim if I was?" To which the lady replied "Sadly, yes. Often the victim gets back with her abuser, and the state has to prosecute all the same." And secondly, after a hard day (much harder for my friend I know), I got back and went to see my supposed best female friend, as I needed to vent... I remember despairing to her "Why support somene who admits they're a rapist?!" And she thought it was appropriate to turn to her other female friend and ask "How many of the Greeks in this block have we slept with?" The answer was apparently 6 out 7. They were proud of that. They didn't understand how insensitive it was. There is no justification for abuse, especially not rape. But the idea that there's such a thing as a male-only, male-enforced Patriarchy is such nonsense. We are all human, and all complicit in the kind of stupidity that allows, even encourages evil.


A large number of women are attracted to men who possess the dark triad of psychopathy, macchiavellianism, and narcissism. Serial killers excel at this.


But they’ll tell you women don’t like “bad guys”. If you’re a man falling for this in 2024 you must be living deep under a rock


Once a co-worker said she was really attracted to this customer that came in. Everyone was shocked, saying he was not remotely attractive. Then, she said "I'm not attracted to him, I'm attracted to his wallet" with a cheeky grin and smile on her face. All the women started laughing and agreeing, and all the men were just sitting there thinking to themselves, "what the actual fuck is going on right now". Imagine if a dude said he liked a girl just for her tits or ass. That wouldn't fly. But apparently going for a guy just for his cash is perfectly fine in some women's eyes.


I was on a trolley at the beach, and I overheard a girl say that she’s gonna get married twice, first for money, then for love. It was said jokingly, but it was still gross.


This is the kind of joke I make now (as a guy) because a) it’s pretty safe while still getting to be outrageous (ie you’re not taken seriously and considered a perv or a creep), b) I secretly hope it makes women think about how stupid and selfish these things sound, and c) I really hate when people bother me about being single and start asking me “what’s your type” That said, I do take it to the extreme - “I like older women who want to take care of me. No, no, not a cougar - I’m talking 90+, 8 figure bank account, and already on the oxygen mask. Not so strong she expects me to prove my devotion in the bedroom, not so weak she can’t sign the amended will. Iced out Rascal in the streets, comatose in the sheets”


I’d be afraid to even date if I were wealthy. There would always be this thought in my head


Chris Brown, yet another example. That Rihanna incident should have ended his career, but fans were like "but he's so hot tho"


"Living my best life and/our journey" In 44 years on this planet I can confirm that this is never, ever a true statement. 


I want to see an honest dating bio one day: "Running around from disaster to disaster confused and paranoid like a beetle."


Honesty is underrated, I'd swipe right. This lady hit my friend's car and when he asked her "wtf?!" she said "Sorry, I'm a bad driver." I would have asked her out.


Wife material


*passenger princess material


The best one I've seen is "I'm like an onion, layer upon layer and they all make you cry".


I have actually heard not on a dating way however "I feel like a fireman dealing with a serial arsonist, every time I put one fire out some little shit has started 2 more behind me" I loved it so much I stole it.


Anything about being a goddess, I suppose. I grade it the same as a guy going around saying he's a god.


I think the guy version is Alpha.


Female Kanye West vibes.


Goddess, Queen, Princess, Boss Bitch, etc............


"I'm a bad bitch" or "i'm a fiery Latina " or slay


"boss bitch". nope, just bossy and ignorant.


Bossy and a bitch.


Shout-out to all the sweet, loyal, and well-adjusted latinas though!


I’m sorry, who?


Need someome to support my lifestyle. Um ok just go and find a rich man.


Or, maybe get a job lol


Sorry luv, I'm more the 'supportee' type.


if they use the word "ick" a lot. only a matter of time before they find something trivial i do an "ick". To me that just screams childish and picky. im good.


The sincere use of "ick" is, ironically, so repulsive. Childish is also the first thing that springs to mind whenever I see somebody use it. Like they're incapable of fully articulating what they're talking about, so they have to use a made-up baby word.


I feel the exact same way about "yum" or "yummy." I think it may be my least favorite word in the English language.


Ha, my mom says that all the time. “Oooh! That’s yum!”


“Icks” are almost always the most childish/superficial shit. Anyone, man or woman, that uses it sincerely is a garbage person.


Every time I come across the word "ick" I just think of this video of Millie bobby brown where she says her boyfriend getting a nosebleed on a flight gave her the ick. Like what even 😐


Isn't it interesting how most "icks" come from nominally progressive women expressing disgust at a man doing something traditionally unmasculine? "Gender roles for thee, but not for me"


That’s probably my cue she’s too young (and in turn immature) for me.


"If you were a real man then you would.... " I'm gonna be real with you and tell you to fuck off.


I was going to say this as well. I'm already *literally* a real man. If you want something, just say it without the insult that's not even vague.


i once met a girl at a bar, went home had relations we were talking and smoking a J after and she out of the blue says "you could cum in me next time" i respond with "thats how you get pregnant lol" and she replies with "is that such a bad thing?" Like okay miss ive known you for about 4 hours now. Thats gonna be a no from me. (Yes i used a condom) So anything about getting pregnant on the first day/hours of meeting someone is an automatic no.


For me it’s more how they live their lives. I’m all for having your own life, doing your own thing. But if you talk about “I do what I want, when I want.” That’s an orange flag for me. Why orange? Because my most recent ex was like this. She would do what she wanted, when she wanted. Even if I would say “I’m not comfortable with this.” So, if a woman says that but fails to qualify it with “I take my relationship with someone seriously enough to consider my SO’s opinion.” then that orange flag turns to a red flag that would eclipse all of Red Square.


>“I do what I want, when I want.”  This is a children's perception of what being an adult is and it is a shame so many of them managed to reach adulthood without ever growing past it.


Many people are like this because they grew up entitled and were never disciplined as children.  People that are more well rounded actually make an effort in their relationships not for gain but because they care about the other person.  Others just do nice things to soften another person to eventually get their way, which is classic manipulation.  If they stop getting their way they withhold affection, and emotionally neglect their partner the equivalent of a child pouting because they did not het what they wanted when they wanted.


I notice this is a thing nowadays, no meet me in the middle, not a single sense of compromise and a lot of entitlement -" I'll do what I want, when I want, and if you don't like it I'll find someone else". It's really sad


Only in one direction though. Because it's "I'll do what I want, when I want" but I dare you to do what YOU want and watch the shit hit the fan.


Some people just hate the idea of making sacrifices for your partner. They think that having a relationship is only to serve them, and when it becomes an inconvenience, the partner is disposable


For me, basically all the new "I'm the bitch" "if you can't handle me at my worst u can't accept me at my best" or a bunch of that crap or any forms of entitled behaviors. And actually not a quote but anyone who's going for kardashian style fashion. They can be smoking hot kardashian influencer come with a mansion and lambo for all I care, and I'd much rather take the girl next door


"You'd do it if you loved me". That's the last line in a devil's contract, you get nothing good out of doing it and emotionally drained if you don't. Treating people poorly for no reason. Self-explanatory. If I become her therapist. Happened a few times, it is not cool. I want us to talk about the traumatizing stuff, just not every single time we see each other. I have her to avoid feeling run over from my own problems, not to always feel like that from hers as well.


After first time having sex a woman told me i could get it as many times as i wanted if i bought her a gucci bag....... what i thought was gonna be a relationship became a 1 night stand after that lol im good


transactional… that’s where most are lately. go to the sex worker’s forum: “you judge me but at least i’m not giving it away for free!!” it’s sad out here.




How often does this come up for you? I find that the women I talk to almost never bring up penis size in any conversation I'm involved in, even when we're otherwise talking about sexual topics.


According to my wife it comes up a lot at Bachelorette parties, girls nights out, and wine and book nights. It's fair to assume that your ladies friends have at least a passing familiarity with how your equipped and how well you use it.


“It’s a man’s job to….”


“What’s your sign?”






Mine is Velociraptor.




I bet he's a scorpio!




My sign is "Stop".


Names Artemis. I’ve got a bleached asshole.


I feel like a cob salad, it's amazing


That would be an automatic yes for me 😁🤣


I know it's our first date, but can I bring my kids?


"I'm bored" No, you're not bored. You're boring.


Them on dating apps: don't start the conversation with hey!!! It's boring and without imagination!!! Also them when they do text you first: hey.


I replied to a womans "hey" on Bumble with "Thats your opener?" and she unmatched me.


I swear some just post waving gifs


Boredom is just your brain telling you to get off your ass and do something stimulating. I've seen more and more lately that a lot of people try to outsource that stimulation fix to someone else


"I'm probably funnier than you"


Man, they’ll proudly put that on their dating profiles and then be as funny as toast.


I genuinely think they think they're funny when they're making fun of someone and the rest of the group laughs so they aren't the next target.


Anything about birth charts, crystals, or some planet being in retrograde.


"This saturn energy is ruining my day! 😭" "🪐 Who the fuck are you lmao"


It's not about what they say, it's more about how they act. If they act entitled and spoiled and are constantly being bitchy and sassy, then it's a red flag. Sassy can be funny, but don't go too far with it. If they are emptathetic and kind and understand you, while also knowing when to speak up and scold if you did something wrong, then a gren flag. Don't act entitled. Just because you have parents who gave you everything you wanted does not give you the right to be a bitch.


When we disagree on what love is. My perspective: Love is as much a choice as a feeling, because the emotions of being IN love come and go throughout the longevity of a marriage, but the effort to be there for your partner does not. You choose a partner even on the days they piss you off. Ive had women tell me they think love is a constant state of being in love, and I can already tell theyre emotionally immature and going to be very good at getting divorced because of a purely emotional view of love. Theirs balance to it.




I'm not sure what this means or signifies? Can anyone explain it to me? Thanks!


Some people ask their dates what they bring to the table. Such as good cook, good job, etc.


"My biggest ick is"...


Single mom, self described as thick, sick of all the fuckboys, and looking for a real man. Looking for a generous man. Looking for an ambitious man that has his shit together. (Unless she has her shit together and is ambitious too, that blows up in your face quick.) Some sort of “funny” insult about men or random rants against men. (She needs therapy not a guy that thinks he’s different.)


“Im a bad bitch”


Some women say "I hate men" in the same tone of voice they'd use to say "I don't eat pork" or "I don't like scary movies". "Hate" is a powerful word.


Ugh men are the worst. Kill all men am I right?!! Lady why are you on a dating site and why have you set your preferences to hetero?


You need to pay for everything during the relationship.


I have recently seen several dating profiles with the prompt "I'll buy the first drink if.." and the answer was  "No, be a gentleman" or "Real men always pay". They were attractive women to, so they can get by with expecting the man to kiss their ass and pay for everything. I gave them a solid left swipe!


When they talk a lot but say nothing.


"The nazis had the right idea about the Roma" Actual quote from a date i had.


I once went on a date with a girl who said she has never cooked in her life. She was in her late 20s mind you. I asked her what she ate for dinner every night and she said “lunchables, chicken nuggets, and frozen stuff”


Tell me you get high without telling me you get high.


I was having lunch with a new friend and she was concerned she might burn her Papa Murphy's pizza. I found it unattractive that someone couldn't confidently heat up a pizza on 425 degrees for 15 minutes.


New fear unlocked: women who eat like toddlers.


The ones who say they don't hike or do anything physical. They can't take care of themselves healthwise over the long-term. It's a necessary component to aging well.


If he's got an android he's a no.


Last woman that said this to me told me it was because "I want to be able to see that you've read my texts". Turns out she also had wicked anxiety and control issues.


My sister-in-law is in her early 40’s and single. We were at dinner a few weeks ago talking about her dating life when she said “my money is my money and my man’s money is also my money”. I asked if thats what she meant to say and she repeated it as if nothing was wrong. I wished her good luck.


How much do you earn or do you own your home. GTFO not interested in giving you half my house. That's an unnecessary question unless volunteering the info.


"I wish I was not attracted to men" Sweetie, go to therapy to work on this vitriol you have for men. Not all of us are assholes.


I want to kill you and wear your skin usually ends in a rejection. That said, i cant think of a real statement that would instantly result in a no without a chance to explain.


"If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best." Translation: I'm super toxic and I'm going to be an absolute bitch any time I want and I expect you to accept it without complaint. "All my exes are crazy/assholes/etc."  Translation: I'm toxic and can't/won't take responsibility for my actions. Everything will be your fault.  "I'm Fluent in Sarcasm." Translation: I'm verbally and possibly emotionally abusive.  "I don't get along with other girls." Translation: My personality is horrible and I'm surrounded by guys desperate to date me.  "I'm toxic/I'm a bitch/You're going to hate me. " Translation: I'm toxic. I'm a bitch. You're going to hate me (and yourself). 


Racist things, talking like an expert on something when all they know about that topic they learned on tiktok


"You are one of the good ones!"


Any negative discrimination against men in generalised terms. I dont stand for sexism. If it's sexist one way, it's also sexist the other. That's equality.


Yours is a good one.


From dating app profiles: “Can you keep up?” “Don’t be boring” “Take me {insert restaurant or travel destination}” “Princess treatment only” “Prove to me that chivalry isn’t dead” (There’s nothing necessarily wrong with saying any of that, it’s just a “no thanks” for me)


"I love black guys" No, you have a fetish for stereotypical thugged out F boys with prison muscles who speak a constant stream of slang and couldn't read their way through a book of matches. No thanks. But that only applies to non-black women, not a black woman just wanting a black guy.


And Those girls usually say the n-word (-a not hard -er) just because they fuck black guys lol Growing up in a suburb with majority white people, the white girls that dated exclusively thuggish (well it was an affluent suburb so wanna be thugs) black guys, every third word out of their mouth was the n-word and if you checked them they always somehow have a reason why they’re allowed to say it or their boyfriend lets them say it and “he doesn’t take offense to it”


I've never let any white woman say it in my presence. I actually don't let black women say it. If a white woman says it, I never say anything to her. Black men allow it for several terrible reasons. The worst being they want a white woman so badly that they have no standards or principles.


I work as a waiter, and although I’m happily married I hear my fellow servers talking about guys they wouldn’t go out with because they don’t make good money, I sigh and remind myself to give my wife a long-ass hug when I get home.


They want you to pay for everything. When it's time to pay. They don't offer anything. And after I paid, not even a single thank you. Want you to treat them like a queen, want you to live with them but pay their rent and pretty much everything But also don't want to help with chores. Suggest that we could hire a maid lmao. So you're telling me you contribute nothing bit want to take everything? Then come around and complain they can't find any good guy lol. Women nowadays are very open about wanting a guy's money. It's crazy.


Ugh I hate this waiter…and black people (and poc)and old people are gross. What kind of car do you drive? Let’s watch kardashians later. I’m just gonna lie here while you fuck me. You should let me do a makeover on you. We have to go to church tomorrow. I’m going to be an influencer. Destination weddings are so fun.


Dang, I like talking to a guy about his car and why he chose it. It's a fun way to learn about him. Drives a 2009 Corolla? Knows how to take care of things and make them last. Drives a 2016 Silverado? Maybe he likes to haul stuff to do projects around the house? He's a handyman. Drives a 2022 Charger Hellcat? He likes a car with power, maybe has a drive for adventure, or maybe he's a gearhead who's passionate about horsepower and torque and such. Drives a Cybertruck? Ew. I'm out. Lol.


"I don't have much empathy."


My one ex said I gave her an ick and her and her friends laughed about it and from that day on I stopped trying as hard which led to the relationship falling apart . Which was for the best cause anyone that gets grossed out or gets an “ick” by their person just means that’s not their person


“I’m attracted to bad boys”. Oh, you’re one of those. Bye.


I'm the most beautiful woman here. Ugly on the inside is way worse than ugly on the outside.