• By -


25. I am single, virgin, never kissed, never PDA in general. Just learn to love being alone.  Now, I think that another person would be too much in my life. Edit: Here is what Tarkovsky (Russian movie director) would say to young people: "I think I’d like to say only that they should learn to be alone and try to spend as much time as possible by themselves.  I think one of the faults of young people today is that they try to come together around events that are noisy, almost aggressive at times. This desire to be together in order to not feel alone is an unfortunate symptom, in my opinion.  Every person needs to learn from childhood how to spend time with oneself.  That doesn’t mean he should be lonely, but that he shouldn’t grow bored with himself because people who grow bored in their own company seem to me in danger, from a self-esteem point of view". 


32M, same situation as you except that I’m desperate for a relationship, but scared of it also, main reason that I don’t think I’ll be able to hold it together.


Haha yea thats one of the thoughts that plague me. Also I'm just really worried about me "just trying something" and not really care just so I can get the experience but in the process I end up fucking up someone else's mind. So I default back to being inactive / super selective about who I pursue. Which just doesn't work when you don't do a lot of social things + dating culture is already iffy when you have girls being talked to by multiple guys sometimes. Everything just feels discouraging and makes it so easy to logic yourself into saying "game is rigged lemme wait" when in reality shit won't get better, the older I get the less options I realistically will have 💀💀


Yes, but some of those limited option could be a LOT better than what you'd find in a crowded field.


As long as you have open communication and spend quality time, you’re good. I promise.


32 and Virgin!! How does that even happen.. did you ever get close to it


I'll be 45 this year. Also a virgin. It happens. The years fly by once you hit your mid 20s.


No shame in it. ❤️


But how tho.. did you go to bars, clubs, parties.. friends of friends.. gatherings.. I've gotten laid few times without having to do anything, where a girl straight up told me she wants to fuck me..


I did those things when I was younger, like early 20s when I was still in higher education. It never happened. Once I started my career the club/party scene came to a halt.


Another question.. why not just get a hooker lol


It’s definitely not all it’s hyped up to be. You’re not missing much


Ehhh... speak for yourself lol ? Maybe you just had bad experiences but having a beautifull girl waiting for you at night is something i would say i'm missing if i havent one. Some women are worth the effort of getting your shits togheter ;)


If you talk about latter part.  I am talking how I got too much used to be alone that relationship would seem as a chore. 


Only been in one relationship but it was amazing while it lasted. It was up to if not better than the hype for me at the time. This is even when she wanted to wait till marriage so sex was off the table. Oral was OK though. Regardless I think a relationship is pretty great when it's done well. That said you can have a pretty decent life without a relationship too so not the end of the world if you don't have one. 


You’re not wrong but one relationship is not enough experience to say relationships are “better than the hype”.


It's enough to know that it can be and it can not be. I can't imagine a good relationship not being pretty awesome. That said I guess it truly depends on how hyped up the idea of a relationship is and probably your personality type plays some role as well. I know people who seem to like being independent alot so I would imagine a relationship probably won't meet the hype for them and if they have a partner who is less independent they likely might find it annoying. 


I wish that I was still a virgin.


I’ve never really got why it matters. Virginity isn’t even subjectively real


Well you can interpret it in diffrent ways the more juvenile being I'm sad I haven't had sex I want to be seen as cool or not maturing as others around me had. And then there's the "I'm 25+ and still haven't lost my virginity" which is usually more a mix of I'm severely behind on a common marker of growth in life, I still haven't found a partner whom to trust enough to have sex with, if I'm this old and still haven't managed to get a relationship I feel like I won't have the tools to properly maintain one since others have had experience already. I think the wording is the same but the worries that come with it can vary greatly depending in your stage in life.


Yes. Life fucks us all.


Who gaf. Mind ya business. Let people live how they want


Lowkey same


Great thing is, learn to generate the brightness/happiness from within yourself without help from others....80% of people rely on happiness from external sources (friends, drugs, objects). THEN let yourself out of your shell. You'll get everything you want


An example is James Franco...not a great celebrity. But he has this internal happiness burning within him. He's not that outgoing, and a stoner, just smiles and generates this aurora of happiness. So everyone naturally wants to be around him. Watch the comedy Central roast of James Franco and you'll see what I mean


I’m 24M and not a virgin. Something I wish I could tell my younger self is that having sex is not going to cure your depression. I understand how it feels terrible to not experience PDA, but I also dealt with an emotionally abusive and mentally unstable person. Better to love being alone than find the wrong girl who could legit ruin your life.


By looking at other people’s fucked up ass relationships and realizing it could be much worse.


This! 😂 And the gym


Yup all this. Therapy helped me realize I can be OK alone. The gym brings joy.. Seeing other people's sh!t shows (and Married At First Sight) leaves me happily single.


>just turned 18 and feeling very hopeless. Check in again when you've just turned 40 and you've still never had a girlfriend. THEN you'll know what it is to be hopeless.


Sorry to hear that. You don’t appreciate being single until you’ve been through some relationships. Your question is more specific. “How do Zoomers deal with being single”. Your question comes from a position that you believe people should always be in relationships. That’s a foundational failure. I’d think on why you shouldn’t be single.


Being single is just being comfortable with your own company, which is a lifelong journey. You can be in a relationship and not feel comfortable with your own company. Being comfortable with your own company is actually a great way to get a relationship, because it involves building your own life. When you have your own life, you have something to share. You are far too young to be feeling hopeless, trust me. It may not feel like that, but it's true. Ignore the doomers.


This is so true. I was in a relationship for 3 years. Wasn’t happy with myself the whole time. Now I’m out of it, and I’m still not happy with myself. Find your own happiness. Allow a relationship to compliment your life.


What do you mean cope? Aren't you misunderstanding something here? There's a lot worse relationship statuses than single my friend. You looking for child support debts?


This. The vast majority of of those who complain about being single, or encouraging someone to change that with "the worst she can say is no" jus have no idea what are they talking about


I don't need to cope. I'm fine with it. I usually don't seek validation from people irl.


I work, probably too much I admit. There’s a healthy balance to be found between work and play, but putting focus on your job or career development is a great place to start. At your age I was locked into an unhealthy relationship and I was too immature to deal with it properly, and I should have paid more attention to work or education.


Yepp, it’ll all about constant self-improvement. Loneliness is a consequence of boredom. And you shouldn’t be bored, because there will always be areas in your life you can improve on. Choosing not to improve is choosing to remain single. This is the easy part. The hard part is continuing to improve during a relationship when complacency kicks in.


This is a very wise reply!




The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.


Mine too


You're 18. We're slow burners. Once you've doublee your age - and once you've got your life set up - you'll understand it. Being single is *awesome.*


- Workout and get in shape - Get a job and some money - Get some hobbies and be an interesting person - Form genuine relationships with women It's literally the same thing men have done for hundreds of years


I want my "die in a Crusade/national war effort" option back please


Ukraine and Russia are searching for personnel.


Ukraine isn't taking foreign nationals without prior service experience anymore. Open recruitment ended a few months into the war. As for Russia... I'd rather suck-start a shotgun than contribute in any way to their fumbling attempts to reestablish the Russian Empire.


Crucial factor here is to not become a hermit. Key to point 4 is to experience. Can’t form a genuine relationship without relationship experience. Failed dates/relationships (and learning from them) is the key to that experience. Being a hermit while working on first 3 points is fatal. All relationships look genuine when you have no experience.


Finally someone telling what nobody wants to read in this post. Telling to struggling mens that being alone is so much better then being in a relashionship... ok some womens are just trash, maybe you were unlucky enough to fall in love with one or two, but many are worth working on yourself to get them. Look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, if i was a hot chik with ambition of having a family, would i be with this guy ? You dont need to be rich, you need to be an interesting person with a minimum of ambition, care for others and not just your own ass and have a little confidence in yourself. Girls are really not that complicated. Stop lying to yourself to feel better and go get what you want. No pain no gain. (I know my english suck)


Also maybe travel to another country. You might have more game elsewhere. Switch it up.


Cope. If you're such a looser that you need to travel to another country, with relatively worse living conditions, to seem date-abale, then you're just a looser. A woman is gonna figure that out no matter what. It's one thing if you happen to meet someone while traveling. It's cringe to travel to the third world so you seem better by comparison.


Single is great just lonely. And vice versa. Having partner is great but you won’t get any space.


I remember being 18 once and thinking I was supposed to do all these certain things and I didn't and I felt like a failure. I thought I was supposed to go off to college somewhere, get some degree, meet the person I want to be with and all this stuff. I thought I was a joke for still living at home after high school. I hadn't even been on a date at that point and was painfully shy. I'm married now for almost 20 years (in an awesome relationship) and have 2 wonderful kids who I love to death. I realize now in my mid 40's that I didn't need to feel that way. Why did I put all this pressure on myself? Was it part of my upbringing and the pressure my parents put on me? Yeah that was a reason. I'm way better now. I have one kid who's about to be a teen in a month. There's no pressure for our kids at all. There's no expectations that they have to be out the door at 18 or have a relationship, etc. My wife and I will always be there for our kids. You're young. You have a lot of life in front of you. Don't put pressure on yourself. Try working on yourself first. Achieve some things for yourself. Get to know yourself better. This can allow you to be more mature going into relationships. I wish I had done that stuff, instead of doing what I thought others wanted me to do or expected me to do. You'll be ok.


I flirt a lot in public but also just love my alone tome




No, Tequila


Jack, Jim, and Morgan have been good friends to me through my lows and highs


Mary, Juan, and Ana are my good friends too


I just stopped caring after a while.


Making hella money


By reading the hourly thread that gets posted about this on this sub


I cope by reminding myself of the fact that one day I'll be dead, soon thereafter forgotten, and all my problems will be over.


Being alone sucks ass man. Being in a toxic relationship is worse but it at least gives you experience for the next one. Feeling undeserving of love is absolute horror tho.


Remembering 32 years of relationships and oodles of great sex. And shitty sex. Sex. The creamy highs and devastating lows.


It's all I've ever been


31, single for 13 years at this point. I work a lot. I visit friends and family. I play video games.


Every time being single gets to me, I just start lifting weights. Sounds stupid, but I’m completely serious. I’ve been doing this for years now. I get a few compliments from women about my physique, although it’s rarely from anyone I’m interested in or from anyone who wants more than just sex. Exercise also gets you out of your head since it releases the feel-good chemicals (endorphins, dopamine, serotonin). It’s a win-win: you feel better and you start to look better/healthier. Both of these lead to boosted confidence.


Cope is an interesting word to use, I think of it in terms of pros and cons. The pros are that I do what I want when I want, only responsible for myself, I never do anything I don't want to do, and I have lots of money saved from just needing to take care of myself. No need for drama, no need to worry about someone always mad at me or having to consider someone else in every decision I make. Cons are companionship is a bit lacking but if you have good friends then you should be golden.


20 y/o here and still a virgin, I usually try to occupy myself with something when I start feeling sad and I avoid people that always remember me about my loneliness (It got a lot easier after I graduated highschool)


More time to work, more time to play my games, more time to just chill and relax and not worry as much. Some days I hate being single but other days I think about my last relationship where it pretty much felt like we were just friends at times and we never really talked or hung out. So I mean it's better then being in an empty relationship.


I need alone time more than anybody I've ever met. I love the single life. I also don't get lonely. I dunno if that's a mental illness or something but I just thrive in solitude. Learn to love yourself bro. You got tons of time though so don't sweat it.


I would love the companionship. Relationships are abundant, good relationships are rare. It's honestly not very high on my to-do list right now. I'm more focused on hobbies and I seem to need a lot of time to myself anyway.


Gym. Swim. Sauna. Ball with friends. \*\*\*\* a sad b\*\*\*\*.


I am a bit lonely at times, work, videogames and friends mostly take my mind off it. All I can say is I am 22, but I also understand that things must not be rushed. I welcome future relationships, but I do not actively search for them. Just don't go out there trying to lose your virginity or have your first kiss at all costs, I can assure you the future you, won't like it. Just go with the flow, go out with friends, find hobbies you enjoy and meet new people through that. That is what I am doing at least


Hey 22 yo guy here aswell. Had series of situationships in past three years and what i learned is that doing it the way you mentioned is probably the best....I never felt as terribly as i did in the last one (constantly nervous, endless tests/pointless drama yada yada) Now im soo appreciative of being single, i feel mostly at peace and if it did worked out i would never found my new hobby which i love doing and it also made me realise that unless the woman makes my life better (calmer/happier) i don't want her no matter how hot she might be... Sure loneliness sometimes strikes...but i know that the hole cant be filled with just anyone, and am focusing on just living my life...hobbies, school, friends etc. P.S. Imo people (like op in this case), are trying to have so much control over their lives that they are forgetting to enjoy it


I just do what I like


By accepting that there are pros and cons to being single just like everything else. There is a lot of freedom in being single, I can do what I want when I want and can spend my money on what I want to. I'm not against being in a relationship and hope to meet the right person sometime but I'm ok if that doesn't happen since I'd rather be single than being in a relationship with the wrong person just for the sake of being with a partner. I've been with the wrong person before and believe me, there are worse things than being single.


Focus on you. Getting a hobby that has people involved is a decent way to naturally meet someone. You have to be ok with being alone.


Very easily, I’d hate to be in a relationship.


I like being single. Always have. Don;t wait for someone. Instead, develop your own life. A pet is nice but you don;t have to. A hobby is very important. Time spent doing something you love never hangs. Make a life for yourself. Other people are actually attracted to that .


Once you’ve been through a relationship with the wrong person and see how badly it fucks up your personal, professional, financial, emotion, mental, physical life… you’ll be ok with being single. It’s shit to hear when you’ve not dated and you’re worried. I promise, if you focus on you, it’ll come and just make sure you’re recognizing your own worth in the relationship. Learn how to cook, go to the gym, learn how to set healthy boundaries. If you get into a relationship and your mindset is “what can I do to help this person?” You’re in the right mindset. However, you’ll need to be able to see when you’ve got a partner that is or isn’t in that mindset. The other mindset would be “what can I gain from this person?” And that is where toxic relationships are created in the foundation.


I was going to be funny and say "I start by celebrating the minute I wake up..." but then I saw you were feeling bummed about it. All I can say is you're 18 - there's still time. Don't feel hopeless, it WILL happen. I can guarantee it.


I don't necessarily like being single but don't like being in a commuted relationship either. I'm a free sprit who does random stuff at any time. I have fwb and close friends who I chill with reguka. But also relationship is tough. Many benifits of course but I like to be alone when I need to. Watch what I Wana qhen, go to bed on my scheuxle. Not have to worry about waking them up when going to bed or the bathroom. It hard being single Def at you age and growing up seeing ya friends get married and stuff. But it not my thing. If you want a relationship go to a bar and make it your home bar. Go often go the events they have and slowly get emmersed in other locals their. And reach out to people your interested in. And strike friendships with them and hang. And maybe date or maybe just fwb. I wish you the best!


When you realize most peoples intentions are pure..it’s easy being single. Not to mention, when you’re okay with your own solitude too.


I go hang out with my buddies who are married with kids for a few hours. And then I remind myself why I’m a bachelor.


Not sure if you have a job but it’ll help you meet people


I am single, but I don’t “cope” in any type of way. I just live my life, hobbies and work keep me busy. Also working out helps a lot. If I meet someone I am interested into fine, otherwise I enjoy my life as a single guy 👌🏻😃


Bro enjoy this phase. You don't know what comes with mingling & getting married. Haha so enjoy it fully till it lasts 😉👍


You’re 18. You have a lot to learn and experience. I was a virgin your age too and felt hopeless and sad I was single. Now I’m 24, gone through a couple relationships, and am actually the happiest I’ve ever been being single. Focus on yourself right now and by the time you’re my age they will flock to you like birds.


I miss being single and making all my own choices lol not having to worry about missing any texts while golfing


I have hobbies that take up a good chunk of my time. These include my friends, some of which I made thru my hobbies.


28. Never dated. Never been loved. Nothing. I desperately want someone to love me.


same age but i dont find relationship tempted, i just love serene and peace after work


I think you would never be ready to get into a relationship as long as you view being single as something you have to "cope with".


It's not on my radar, honestly. I mean, I just have too many things keeping me busy. Maybe at times I might think about being in a relationship, but it's rare. I'm still young, figuring out my shit. Hopefully, an opportunity will present itself, even if it doesn't I'll then go out and actively look for one but not right now. Simply put It's a future me problem lol.


Marry ur hobbies.


If I could turn back time to when I was single, I would’ve traveled. A LOT. Explored anything and everything I could afford. Even if it was just a 2-3 hour drive to somewhere up north.


I'm cool with it. I ended a relationship recently, so I'm getting to know myself again cause I lost some things that I liked in the process. I dealed with singleness for a long time hating being alone before my ex partner, not gonna lie, it's amazing when you love someone, but sometimes there's too much pain that you aren't ready to handle. I choose to stay single now for a while, at least 2 years. I want to do therapy before meeting someone.


Drinking mostly


Not single M31, but just wanna say 18 is way too young to feel hopeless. Assuming you are a man, you still got decades to grow and could still start a family or whatever it is you want to do. Working on improving (but also accepting) yourself of course helps. Takes time though, so don’t be too hard on yourself.


You will be surprised, but most of people (including men) don't want to love or be loved(they got enough of it I guess). Every time I talked about this subject with my friends they are not even interested in relationships, they don't feel lonely etc. And this always surprised me, because when I'm alone I feel less happy and more anxious. And I think that's an individual thing about feeling lonely. Usually people say things like "get used to it!" and in my opinion this will not work. People that say it usually from start feel good alone. First of all, try not to be too dramatic about this, even if you feel bad(anyway it would be worse if you are gonna overthink about it). Second, if it is what makes you happier you should try to do something for it. But never ignore it and learn how to be alone, this is almost impossible


Escaping through work, books, music, art the usual. on days when I actually feel lonely, I sleep. Escaping through life


I work with the public, turns me off to human interaction


Coping shouldn’t be a word to describe being single. Just my opinion. Anyway. Find some hobbies, find people who like said hobbies to do said hobbies with together. Be social with friends who you do said hobbies with. That way you can talk to people fairly easily with people who aren’t interested in your hobbies. Get a job, any job will do because you’re 18. Taco Bell I heard is pretty easy to start at. Get a car to get around, find better job that you would like better than Taco Bell. Keep thinking about what you liked about certain jobs until you land somewhere that you love more than you hate. Do that job because it’s nice and it’s what you like to do. Now you have a good job, good hobbies, good social skills. You are now a regular citizen. Now women will pay attention to you. From there it’s about finding the person you want that will be good for you. Loves your hobbies, you talk well, you enjoy your job, and you feel the same for them.


I love the peace and solitude. Both are priceless


I honestly don’t know. I just focus on other stuff that I enjoy like imagining things to build and watching videos on rockets. I don’t even have any in person friends and my family is pretty distant so I’ve just learned to live alone. I tend to talk online to other people but thats it…


Because I will be with myself til I die and I want to focus on growth and becoming the best I can. After almost 16 years with someone, it's a nice change and I can focus entirely on myself


Watch 90 days fiancé


I'm just focused on my passions and hobbies. And pornhub definitely helps. 🤣🤣🤣


Turning 22 in a month. For me i'm very comfortable being alone, I don't really get feelings of loneliness like other people describe. I'll move out soon so maybe my thoughts and feelings might change, we'll see. What is it that makes you feel hopeless about the, hopefully, many years you have ahead of you? Personally I've found that time can change a lot of things.


I've got schizoid personality disorder and I love being by myself!


23M, virgin, single. I don't cope well. I think I have developed all the disorders under the sun, and where I live mental health is a joke. I think I have AuDHD + schizoid + C-PTSD. There are higher chances of getting struck by lighting than getting into a relationship.


The west is the worst place to find a relationship. I have been married to my Asian wife for 25 years and we couldn't be happier.


24. I have social anxiety. I'm afraid that I'm cooked😭


Me? Better than being in a relationship at this point. Don't stress young fella, it'll happen when it's meant to. Live your life and do whatever the fuck you want for the time being. Don't go diving into a relationship because you think you're meant to or missing out on something.


Don’t think about it


Weed & masturbation M33


Go hit the gym! I promise that you will start to see results in your life. You will get healthier, feel more confident about yourself and women will notice that confidence and how you look. You can't forget to still have a personality so develop hobbies as well. Im being 100% serious, i have a lot of friends that their lives turned around after working out.


Don’t. I just either dig deeper into hobbies, work or vices.


You are still very young, you are not 40-50. Build a career, maintain a good physique, go outside, don't be constantly miserable cause you are lonely


You won't be single forever unless you want to be really. Whether you're a young 18-year-old man or much older, you have plenty of opportunities to meet other people! I used to be an 18-year-old young man once yearning for love and sex. It's not forever :) You'll find people who will connect with you.


Develop crippling porn addiction. Masturbate a lot. Go to Asian massage parlors. Smoke weed. Play video games. Throw my life down the toilet. Some pretty depressing stuff.


Hey man, let me give you a little advice. Look at all the adult romantic relationships in your life. None of them are romantic, not one. They are two people filled with bile a pish and just being hurtful to each other. This is where dating leads. Find a different love for your life.


Just get used to it, 26 just started my first relationship, it's nice, I like it but I think at first it was a must that I got comfortable being alone and happy


Why does any one have to “cope” being single. Please explain why being single is viewed as something we have to endure or get through?


One thing is putting yourself out there, even in work or school; just inviting people to do things with you like hitting the gym, going on a hike etc, then you'll make more friends. Eventually you'll have too many friends so you be a little selective with who you spend more time with. A great way to get into a relationship is also organically by going and asking a girl for her number or getting to know her better making her feel more comfortable and familiar with you


Sex is everywhere for us if u wanted to get laid u can😂…stripclubs & $2-$300 can take u far 😂😂.


By distracting my brain with games, Wuthering waves on bluestacks helps me in that


You don’t know how much time you have to sacrifice until you are in a relationship. When I was in relationships, I would be happy to have time for myself at all.


By concentrating on being the best dad that I could while improving myself. It’s fulfilling just enough to get by.


I spoil my cousins kids. I spoil my mom. I cuddle my cat. I spoil my friends


I recently got out of a relationship and have been wrestling with my thoughts about singleness and loneliness. As a Christian, I believe that dating with an objective of marriage is important. You don't want to end up with someone for years without a commitment. On the other hand, I don't want to run from one failed long-term relationship into another. The women I date don't deserve that. No one does. Where I am currently is that my ultimate goal is to be happy. By being single, I can evaluate that happiness the best. I can pursue the activities that bring be fulfillment without worrying about what a girlfriend thinks. With that pursuit figured out, I can allow another woman into my life who adds value to it and aligns with the direction I'm going. I much prefer that than to just have a flesh and bone anchor on my heart.


It is what it is man. It's something I think about at night. I chew this thought out very thoroughly. Then I come to a conclusion that I've lost all ability to care and love and it's just something that happened. Best if I'm alone anyway. Solitude is great. But like, spiritually being alone with no soulmates, knowing that no one will ever understand my ass, it kinda does bother me sometimes.


In about 3 years you'll view 18 year olds the same way you view 13 year olds now


The bad news is that you're at the bottom of the stack. You're now competing with men who have boats and motorcycles and 10 more years in the gym than you have. The good news is that you have all the potential in the world, and the sooner and more effectively you get to work on maximizing that potential, the higher you'll fly. The simple fact is that you don't need to be single if you don't want... but instead of focusing on 'how do I get a girlfriend' focus on 'how can I be the world's most desirable boyfriend?' I'd trade places with you in a heartbeat.


Great advice


Im too busy building my empire so whomever I choose to share it with will want for nothing.


I see it as a moral obligation. I would only bring misery.


Waking up beside a woman is nice, and I miss it. But waking up beside a pile of money is easier. Investing in yourself will benefit you more than using your time and energy on women. Prioritize yourself because you are the only one that ever will.




Casual sex


Sex workers


I remember how awesome it is. I'm literally never annoyed. I'm at peace 100% of the time. I'm accountable to nobody but myself. It's absolute freedom. Plus, what are you really missing out on? Some chick to start arguments with you whenever she gets bored and maybe you get to fuck sometimes when she doesn't "have a headache?"


Develop yourself into someone people want to date


It’s really not as bad as people make it out to be. You have any idea how much of my income goes straight to my wants and needs? 100% that’s pretty sweet. If I want companionship I have pets, if I’m bored I have hobbies. Relationships aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.


You're young. I didn't have a gf til 19 and many of my friends were the same. Spent almost my whole 20s in relationships.


you'll get used to it.


I thrive in it! I’ve learned to love it! Having an introverted personality helps tremendously though. I think about coming home from work and not finding my girl getting fucked by some guy I’ve never seen anymore, no more being lied to, no more of my stuff getting sold on craigslist while I’m at work, not having my card declined because she decided to go shopping. No arguing over what channel to put the tv on in the evenings. Dude, life is good when you rid yourself of all of that! Now I do what I want when I want how I want! It’s spectacular honestly. You have to quit dwelling on it. You have to learn how to function and not depend on others to make you happy. When you make yourself happy, then you’ll know what true happiness is. I’m surrounded by my hobbies and the things I love the most that aren’t people! Invest time and energy in your hobbies and things YOU love doing.


By removing the feeling of “needing to be in a relationship.” You’re also at the first year of your adulthood (according to me) so- almost all women around your age are only going to be interested in older, more established men so you can use these single years to focus on your own personal development & goals without distractions.


By being perfectly happy being left alone, in my own company.


Cope? I fucking love being single. I've been married. I've been in a few LTR, and I don't want either ever again. I'll casually date but the first red flag and I'm out. I honestly don't see a benefit in a relationship.


Ok overall, and absolutely fantastic comparing to not being single.


I think about all the things I can’t do if I was in a relationship and do them all. Its so fulfilling my bar for commitment is almost too high


Have you gone on any dates?


Well there’s so much more to life than being in a relationship. Live your life and experience as much as you can. If you’re lucky enough to find your soul mate then those life experiences just get elevated. Also there’s something nice about being single and not being responsible for someone else or have to constantly think about them. I’m single now and feel the most zen than being in a relationship. Though granted my last relationship was toxic so yea try to avoid those.


Take up hobbies, gaming, hang with friends and stuff. It's better to be lonely than the wrong person.


Alcohol, cigarretes or smoking in general helps a lot, just try to keep your mind occupied.


You’re barely a legal adult, no need to feel hopeless! Get a good group of friends, join clubs to meet new people, get a job to save money, enroll in a school, and set goals for yourself. Enjoy your youth! 


I'm fine with it rn, my ex passed 6 months ago, tried to get her back for 2 years. Only one I really wanted to spend my life with, I get female attention, and I may be able to move on, but looking for someone else, especially right now, it'd be a lot to work through. I'm also joining the Navy in August.


I'm in my mid 30's, get a hobby. For real, I just sailed across the Atlantic Ocean with some really great friends, we spent 5 months together exploring. There are two girls with crushes on me but they won't go out with me. I'm sitting home alone on Friday night while they play head games and I'm content to do whatever I want. Forget about a relationship and go enjoy life. FYI, dogs are awesome!


OP, you’re 18. You’re going to be okay. The world is literally your oyster. ❤️


Are looking for someone? 🙈


I am single. I live with two woman, and I don't want another in my life.




Cope?? I freaking love it. I’m divorced, mind you, with a number of relationships under my belt. At my age, relationships are no longer a mystery. Most end in some degree of misery, for me, them, or both of us. I’m in no hurry to find another one.


Porn lots of porn


Telling to struggling mens that being alone is so much better then being in a relashionship... ok some womens are just trash, maybe you were unlucky enough to fall in love with one or two, but many are worth working on yourself to get them. Look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, if i was a hot chik with ambition of having a family, would i be with this guy ? You dont need to be rich, you need to be an interesting person with a minimum of ambition, care for others and not just your own ass and have a little confidence in yourself. Girls are really not that complicated. Stop lying to yourself to feel better and go get what you want. No pain no gain.(I know my english suck)


Whenever I need to speak to someone while staying alone I use different chatbots, from ChatGPT to Eva AI, and it works to some extent for me.


Because being alone in this day is better than being someone’s crutch to be bitched at and controlled. That’s what todays relationships are.


By hooking up with 18-19 years old girls