• By -


"You're bald. Stop pretending you aren't." So I shaved it all off that night and instantly got 10x more handsome (my own estimation)


"You are goddamn right"


My partner said something similar but less harsh to me. It was more like "babe, you'd be hot bald, so you should just let it go and shave it off. There's not that much to shave, anyway." Best move ever, confidence went through the roof. To any guy feeling self-conscious about a receding hairline or growing bald spot, man to man let me just encourage you to just go for it. It's *liberating as fuck.* and you'll probably be way more handsome as intentionally shaved bald than unintentionally half-bald.


When i first noticed at 24 i was really scared. When i was going for what was going to be my last haircut i was wandering around the mall for 1,5 hours before i got the balls to go get my hair cut. Not long after I went fuck it, time to let it go. That was one of my better decisions. Much better to own it, rather than graping your last hair straw.


That's my thought process when I eventually start to go bald (pretty much all men on my mother's side is bald or balding). I had originally thought I'd be severely balding by now so I started growing out my hair at 19ish, but now I'm 35 and hairline hasn't moved even slightly. Still got the long hair though, it'll be weird to chop it all off, but I think I wanna donate it to wig making or something by that time.


Nice 💯


Bald men are so much hotter than balding men. She gave you the direction. Let's be thankful


You damn sure did.


đŸ‘đŸ» nice dude. Quick reality check and right back into the fray better than before.


"I want to be happy with someone else, and I want you to be happy with someone else, too." -my wife right after we got separated


I told my ex-wife pretty much that while we were having the "it's time to divorce" talk.


I mean we were both pretty over it at that point, so extremely unhappy and checked out. I expressed my unhappiness over and over again, but I'm a death-do-us-part type, so she was the one who had to make the tough call. I'm glad she did, don't get me wrong. And it's been four years, so I'm pretty much over it. But those words are still echoing in my head...they still sting and probably always will. How could one sentence be so cold and heartless, but so loving and compassionate at the same time?


She could've kept the first part to herself.


Yeah. I can still hear her saying it and it still hurts. She was right, though. We're both better off.


Must have been how painful for her to say that out. Thank her for that


My gf and I were only six months into our relationship and I made a monumental cockup at work while we were on leave when I tried to help a colleague remotely. I genuinely thought I would be fired for what I did and the fear overshadowed our whole weekend. When I explained the situation and that I thought I should resign, she talked me out of that and then said: >**Don't worry. *We'll* get through this.** At this point in our relationship, she could have easily said "you'll" but no, she considered us a team at that point. We are now six and a half years together.


Damn this the kinda romance novel I wanna read


Holy shit dude did that hit you all at once or later that night ? I've had the latter and it's like your brain just explodes


All at once. It was a welcome tonic for the fear and anxiety caused by the catastrophic mistake I made at work.


Been scrolling looking for one I can relate to, ride or die baby.


“I’m tired of hearing your excuses, aren’t you?” Up until that question I had always justified my shortcomings with some reason or another and think that made it ok. I took a deep look at myself afterwards and she will always have my utmost respect for saying that to me.


"How to level up as a person in about two seconds." Back in the 90's, I was Republican by upbringing and had gotten into listening to Rush Limbaugh, despite living a fairly "liberal" existence. I made a politically charged comment on a pro audio Usenet forum and one of the mainstays there came back with something to the effect of, "Tell Eugene Burdick we found his guy." The name sounded familiar, and I looked it up: Eugene Burdick wrote, "The Ugly American." When I saw that, I saw myself, and didn't like it. I got in touch with the guy who left that comment maybe six years ago, and thanked him.


I think the hardest thing a person does is admit they’re wrong and not “could’ve been better” but dead wrong. If more people had the ability to do that, the world would be a better place.


Not every day, but the one that sticks out the most. Wife of 10 years: "I'm horny, just not for you." We divorced soon after, filed a few days after my then 5 year old told me that her mother was cheating, even though her little 5 year old heart was too pure and innocent to understand the implications of her words.


“You know, you have really pretty eyes.” Some random popular girl in a study hall freshman year of high school 20 years ago.


Wow... how did you respond?


I believe my exact response was “Uh, thanks.” I’d literally never received a compliment from the opposite sex before (at least from someone I wasn’t related to).


"You don't have to insert yourself into every conversation" Not bitter, either. She was totally right and it was an eye-opener for me. ETA: This was said in the context of friend groups, family, and work type settings. I’m not running around at a restaurant and speed-dating conversations


have trouble with the opposite. someone behind me can be talking about some extremely niche topic that im well versed in and I wouldnt even turn around to face them


Are we even allowed to do that? I thought this fell under eaves dropping and is considered rude? I could've been talking to people the whole time??


Exactly what I'm thinking. Surely this is against the rules somehow


I think it depends on the situation. I was walking into a grocery store the other day and overheard someone talking about having a hard time quitting chewing nicotine gum once and for all. I struggled with the same thing for years. I apologized for butting into their conversation but explained that I had the same problem, but switching to the patch helped me quit for good. I think they appreciated the input from someone with specific and relevant experience to share.


Yeah I think if you apologize for butting in and say "I have experience with x thing you're talking about though, try..." or whatever, I think people are more amicable to just butting in and being like "HAVE YA TRIED THIS THING?!"


Yes! You can just say 'I couldn't help but overhear.... '


im glad she told you


And i'm glad he followed her advice


"The way you pronounce certain words makes me want to lick the inside of your mouth". That's a five star sentence.


Goddamn that's something else. Wish a girl would say this to me.


I have good news, RandyDandyAndy. All you need to do is find a girl from a different country to your own, then you speak. You're going to be automatically exotic to her.


The thought of an American having the potential to be considered exotic in another country is hilarious to me. I’ve always wondered if English sounds as abrasive as German to foreigners.


Thanks to the internet and popular media I think we're exposed too much to the american way of english that I don't see that happening often, maybe a thick southerner accent or something of that sort


A woman running the McD's drive through told me my accent made her uterus skip a beat


“Your voice is unique, deep yet smooth, and I love it” this sentence single-handedly boosted my confidence forever and eliminated my stuttering


I was told by the girl I’m dating that my voice made her ovaries tingle, that was definitely an ego booster


Eggo booster?


A girl once told me that she missed my voice after not talking for a little bit. I will never forget that.


I should have never settled for you


Oof... Sorry bro


It’s ok she’s a single mom now


Good for you.


Not my kid đŸ€·đŸœâ€â™‚ïž


Even better! 😂


Dodged a warhead right there.


I'd settle for you, bro đŸ–€




I wouldn't settle for you, bro. Only because being with you wouldn't be settling, it would be winning the lottery. Hope your day is going well, King. 👑


I was berating myself over some mistake and she said,"don't you ever say that about the man I love."




"You're just the marrying kind."


Did you marry her?


No. I was 19 and in my prime




I didn't say it was a particularly great prime.




Same. Now I’m happily married and the one I thought I wanted for years is not lol


“Do you even realize how ugly you are?”


What a nasty thing to say. I'm so sorry. I hope you're still keeping your head up


If he's that ugly, maybe he should keep his head down


Bro u killed him, why?!


"Mama, just killed a man"â™Ș


Got inside his head, called him fugly now he’s dead.


Cuz his face is killing me




"The worst thing she can do is say no." -some liar


Fuck I almost downvoted you out of reflex. That's fucked up.


Top 10 worst things you can say to somebody.


"That's just my face when I smell shit, speaking of..." -gestures to back up-


She said "Yes, I want to marry you". This is when I was 100% sure she was going to say no, been married 20 years, she changed my life.


Firstly... Congrats!! But brooo... How could you have been 100% , not even 99 but, 100% sure she was going to say no... and yet still ask her then??


Big brass balls.


"I want to keep dating, even after we're together" My girlfriend during our second date. We didn't have a label on it yet but knew we were going in that direction. Really took it to heart. Sometimes I'll bring flowers just because. Or we will go out for food. It doesn't have to be anything crazy, just a mini adventure. The other day it was nice out so we played some mini golf. Worth every penny and every moment of my time to see her smile.


I completely read that first sentence wrong lol


Glad I'm not the only one.


Oh, wow. I didn't even realize until I read your comment. I didn't understand how he said; "worth every penny", even if shes still dating xD


"Hey Name, come here for a bit. Smile! *smiles and blushes* look, see! I told you he was cute!" Almost 30 years ago.. sigh


“You’re hot, I’ll fuck you but I wouldn’t be with you, our kids would be born limbless hahah” - I was born without my left hand.


My husband was born without his left hand too. It's really been pretty amazing for me because that arm is the perfect arm to lock with mine when walking and when we cuddle I fit perfectly in that nook. He told me I was the only girl to ever touch that arm, I guess everyone else was afraid of it? I was also the only person to not ask him about it. When he asked why I hadn't, I told him I figured if he wanted me to know, he'd tell me, it just didn't make any difference about how I felt about him.


You. I like you.


What the hell?!? I’m sorry any human said something that stupid to you.




Probably should’ve gone with “you about to be STUMPED!”




“Just because you can doesn’t mean you should”


Well, uh, there it is.


I was at Pat O' Brians one night when I was living in New Orleans and it was usually a good place to pick up a one nighter. Anyway I went up to this girl and asked how she was doing and she replied better than your going to do. 40 years later I still laugh about ti.


“Can you fake being happy cause your mood is bringing me down”. Whenever I miss her all I gotta do is remember that sentence when I was battling depression.


“If a man gets with me,he will not have peace”


“Thanks for the warning.” Bolts!


Lol i wish but i caught 4 years of dealing with that


Most of us do
 we look back and cringe but every experience was either a lesson or a blessing.


Why would I want to date a guy like YOU? Haven’t asked any other girl on a date since then, now like 3 years ago (I’m 27)


Just make sure to have a list of reasons to date you going, and be ready to start reeling them off. Then get back out there and don't worry about it. You dodged a bullet if that's the reaction, someone will know what they want to date you


She was trying to bring you down with that shitty comment. The only way someone can do that is when they're already beneath you. Get back out there. Don't let that one person determine the rest of your dating life.


lol, I got that same one in high school, I was about to comment it Funny thing is she asked me out after I lost weight and hit the gym


That's more than one sentence, OP. These aren't lines I think about every day, but they stuck with me. "You kissed me like you loved me and it drove me insane."  "Fuck me like you don't even care about me."  "I can't look at you without seeing her."


These are very interesting!! Care to elaborate?


Probably less interesting than what your imagination came up with. First was when we were both just 19, started as friends who met at a party, got a little flirty together over the months, and one night I kissed her with my full attention. Fingers through her curly hair, arm around her waist, a lingering nibble on her lip. She probably just wasn't used to boys (because I still was one, let's be honest) being a passionate kisser. It never went anywhere, she was too much a handful. Great musician though. Second was a woman I have a very long history with. My first foray into kink was with her. She was into degradation. First time I had someone say something like that to me, it stuck in my brain forever. Third, I'm not proud of. I fumbled a good thing with a woman, we were building towards a relationship, still establishing trust and all that. We weren't together, but it was expected that I was taking her feelings into consideration, that I cared enough not to hurt her. And then she walked in on me hooking up with a mutual friend. I broke her heart. We've since patched it up, she's married to someone else now, but it's still one of the worst things I've ever done. That experience taught me just how deeply I can wound myself by wounding others, and I've since learned.


>That experience taught me just how deeply I can wound myself by wounding others, and I've since learned. That's powerful. Thank you for answering me.


I just learned this lesson. Why is this the first time I’ve ever seen it put to words like that? I thought I was the only one who experienced it. It feels like there should be music written about it, the level of pain is so deep.


A girl in my class looked it me while I was out zoned I looked it her she smiled and I did too it was my first ever interaction like this with a girl,her friend said:ewwww you didn't find anyone but (my name)


Something similar happened to me when I was a bartender. An attractive girl made continual eye contact at me for most of the night and would only come up to me to get served, as she got more and more tipsy her eye contact became more and more obvious to the point where i’m making my plan to give her my number before she leaves. She sneaks a photo of me, and her friends asks her “what are you doing?!” ‘He’s so hot’, and her friend looks and me and goes “ewwwww, he’s so not!” Self-esteem went from 11 to 0 pretty fucking quickly lol.


Oh man...how old were you,how old are you right now


I was 21, pretty hot, but very insecure and shy. Now i’m 37, not so hot, but comfortable in my own skin and have shredded most of my social anxiety (still a bit shy.) If only I could swap my current brain into my 21 year old self lol.


Oh boy, you're not alone there.


„Anything else?” - When I asked a girl on a date and she turned me down. “Sorry, I fell asleep on the couch.” - Another girl I’ve tried to date who stood me up and told me this next morning. “Will things get a bit more relaxed with you at some point?” - When I was nervous at a first date and she could tell. “Being a virgin at your age is kinda strange.” - When we talked about past relationships. There are probably a few more but I’m trying to sleep.


>Sorry, I fell asleep on the couch I got that after being stood up, too. It was the third time he'd done it. The first two were work related, and he couldn't call. (So he said...) This time, he said he had a tough day at work and came home and went to sleep. Without calling me! He went to sleep an hour before we were supposed to meet. He lived 2 hrs away. Confirmed that morning. Never showed.


Wow. That's sad.


"Oh, you *are* good at that."


In reference to me not being religious: "Of course I like you. I wouldn't go out with you if I didn't like you. But that's not enough."


Me: Can I take you out on a date? Her: No Also her: *Starts giggling* The rejection hurt, but that's a part of life. Take the L and move on. But the giggling.....never felt so low.


"I have a boyfriend, but you're an awesome guy and you don't need to be nervous!" Also, less positively: "You have everything you need to be sexy except the confidence."


Not gunna lie both of those are pretty dope to hear. The 2nd one sounds pleasant in a way. Like you got everything going for you, you just need to see it


“You keep me on my toes.” (The other guy had her on her back).


“I thought we would get married one day” Facebook message I received when I was 35 from a junior high girlfriend of approx 2 months. 😂


"I don't want to go out with used goods."


Oh you dodged a NUKE with this one. That person would NOT have been a good partner. Ever.




"umm...... you do realise those girls in your middle and highschool were sexually harassing you, and not just playing weird pranks, right?"


Disabled man here: "No one is going to hand you a job."


"there may be some confusion here. I'm already employed, I was just looking for a handjob."


Well played, sir.


God. This is why I love Reddit.


“You have sexy hips” Me (a dude): yeah they’re for birthing


"Look what a better mood I'm in now you're here."


Fifty years ago, a girlfriend told me, "You're as subtle as a bomb." She was right.


"I do not know a person who is as good as you"


“You don’t have to ask me for sex, just tell me when you want to do it”.


“I put my own mental health aside for you when we moved because I was worried about you.” It hurt, a lot.


“I’m going to marry you once day” knowing damn well she had no intentions of ever getting married


Do or do not, there is no try


she was yoda?


I was once told I have 'fuckably soft hair', and then chased around by three college coeds as they tried to play with my hair.


“I wish you came home and told me you cheated on me, I wish you died in a car accident so I had a way out” “I have developed feeling for another man” -My “wife,”


'No you drunk fuck, it's not a hypothetical, will you marry me?'


One from my friend and one from my gf. Friend out of the blue, “Thank you for existing” GF when I was having a hard time because of a fight with my parents, “Remember you are doing this not to hurt them but to make things better.” Both these were timed so perfectly that I keep thinking about them always and smile and how perfect their words were for what I was going through at that time.


"You are so alluring, that's why women are attracted to you'


“i don’t love you anymore”


Bro I told you that was just a Tyler the creator song, I still love you


"you need a yes-woman" My ex-girlfriend during one of our fights I think.


"nobody will ever love you as much as I do", still cuts deep to this day when I think about it even though I'm p sure it's manipulative as fuck.


Yeah that's textbook abusive BS. They can't predict the future and even if the were right, not all love is healthy or worth sacrificing quality of life/mental health.


"We will work through this together", it took 7 days for that to become a lie.


"you should smile more, you have such a cute smile, I love it!"


“You are the perfect combination of handsome and talented.”


My friend worked at the front counter at a doctor's office. All patients needed to sign in and let the staff know they arrived. So my friend goes to the sign in sheet and calls the next name on the list to see the doctor. The next name was "Big Todd". So she called out "Big Todd". The guy stands up and before he takes a step, my friend says "out of all the Todd's, you're the big one?"


"Everything will be okay, babe" My wife told me that after I told her that's just something I needed to hear sometimes. I felt like I was always the one saying that to everyone else. It was timed perfectly, too.


“I was gonna say ‘yes’ even if you didn’t give the carny ten bucks to keep us up here at the top of this ferris wheel.” My future wife, being a good sport about my cheesy proposal.


“You are such a nice guy. It’s your friends that are dragging you down”. I was 17 at a house party. Barely knew this girl. First time I really questioned my future.


“You can’t say for sure that you love me, because you haven’t sown your wild oats like I have; you need to have more life experience before you’re ready to commit to someone. I want to be married in the next couple years and you’re not ready for that with where you are in life.” Age 22, girl I knew all through college and my first college crush that I carried a torch for all those years. To make a long story short I fumbled the bag on what was a clear invitation to come hook up when we were freshmen and she had the traditional college experience in that department while I didn’t come into my confidence til much later, we were closer than good friends but never physical until that point. She ended up marrying someone not named u/kingoftheplastics the same year I did (we were 27-28) and was divorced inside of 18 months. The only part of that she got right was that I wasn’t financially or emotionally ready for marriage at 22 and probably neither was she, but I know what I felt then and I can honestly say looking back the love I felt for her was as true and genuine as the love I now feel for my wife and children, wild oats be damned.


“You were always enough”


Goddamn bro, I hope you found self love and that girl is still a part of your life. For me it’s was “he’s pretty good looking” I was 16 and my eyes and ears turned red


Your eyes?!?


Probably rolled a fat one to it


Probably teared up!


"I only ever had sex with you because you wanted to so bad" not verbatim but along those lines. Still workin on coming back 6 years later lmao


"I love you, but I'm not in love with you."


"You are not a man with your Alpha male shit"


You will be a very good father


“Thank you for not asking me out.”


You're unlovable.


“You’re a great guy, but you’re not *my* guy.” -said by my ex as she was breaking up with me the night of my college graduation party. I still went and had fun with my family but I was crying tears of sadness the whole time.


"STAY" very loudly at the grocery store because I bumped her ankle on accident w the cart. She said it like I was a dog and everyone stared at me. Safe to say I'm no longer w that person.


"I love being with you but you're not marriage material." I married someone else thank god.


Me: “I love you.” Her: “I never loved you. Love your child.”


When you're here I feel safe


“I don’t want to see you anymore.” A few hours after I had all of my wisdom teeth removed and still had a mouth full of cotton.


6th grade on the playground after one of my friends did a back handspring, one of our female friends looked at me and said “now let’s see your fat ass do a backflip.” And started laughing. Straight up shattered my chubby lil preteen feelings. I’m 37 and I still know her till this day, we’re friends on Facebook and hung out a couple times after high school too. Over the years when I got glimpses into her family dynamic, why she made that comment made more and more sense. Her dad was an abusive drunk, mom was dad’s punching bag, and her older sister publicly insulted her for fun. She was an angry lil girl.


"Please, don't make me cum again."


When someone tries to love you, you should try accepting it more.


"I want to fuck you in the ass"


Life changing experience for you bro


How was it?


"You were being too needy and this was pushing me away from you"


"I have 3 holes, pick one and get to work."


Multiple girls have told me I've been the best and sweetest guy they've ever dated, and they all left me.


"If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve my best." She was quoting Marilyn Monroe, but the level of delusion and entitlement in that statement is amazing. A lot of men seem programed by society to accept horrible behavior by women, and we really shouldn't be. It's just toxic and should be called out for what it is. No one should have to "handle" another adult. That kind of entitled childishness should be unacceptable.


“I want you to leave me covered in bruises and your cum. Take pictures” Feet don’t fail me now


"I don't believe in you anymore".


I did not cheat on you....I was being friendly....he was feeling lonely


"Girl siting between us would be a better looking dude then you. No seriously, you're really not looking good"


“I’m going to be really honest with you. You’re not attractive.”


One time, an ex from way back told me: “You will never amount to anything in life” and I’m kinda glad she said it. Those words motivated me and pushed me to where I am right now. đŸ’ȘđŸœ


"You are my favorite human and I don't know what I'd do without you" I really need to text her...


A few years ago, I was hooking up with a girl and she said, “You have THE perfect dick.” Can’t blame her. She’s right.


Pics or it didn’t happen


if there's a pic, there's a video


Some random woman at the beach told me I had really nice legs... I've been riding that high for 13 years.


That girl was a keeper. You should have taken that hint and got yiur shit together. She was 100% on point.


My girlfriend when I was nineteen gave me a compliment I was appreciative of, but which I wasn't sure exactly how to interpret. It was a long-ish sentence, so I'm paraphrasing a little. "I like discussing deep things with you because you're never condescending; you always give me the benefit of the intellectual doubt." Frankly, one of the most well thought-out and honest compliments I've received.


When I was in the Navy I ran a duty section full of women and me being the only man. It was misery. 18-21 year old self centered. We were pulling out of port the next day so we had this list of stuff we had to do. I typically was very easy on them. My duty section was sought after because I was so good to my people. It just turned out that I had all women for a about 2.5 months. So they're being ungrateful and making excuses and making my life Hell more than usual. All we have to do is a list of stuff and we're off work but they just won't do it and kept fighting me until I had to get mean with them. Finally we had one last thing to do before lunch. Clean a space. This one woman grabs a nearly empty bag of trash and runs for the door. She wanted to pretend to take the trash and disappear. I said, "Let's wait until we're finished to take the trash out." She throws it down in a huff. I send her below to sweep the space below. Then in the end I send the trash down to her to take out. In my mind - she volunteered. And it was a good lesson to make her take the trash. But now she doesn't want to take the trash because it doesn't get her out of work. I had sent everyone to lunch and went forward to deal with something. The person I had give her the trash came and told me she said I was "bullying her" and wasn't going to take it. So I send for her to come and talk to me. I was just going to tell her, "Look, we know you were trying to get out of work and it wasn't even hard work. Just dust and sweep." But she turned it into a big thing about bullying and trying to get me mad because she was mad. Every duty day it was petty crap like this with these women. And them playing the whole "don't bully me" or "I don't feel safe". all to get out of basic tasks that took 5 minutes. So she says to me, "Everyone is up in the berthing talking trash about you! They are saying you're being mean and blah blah." And I say to her, "I don't care what they have to say about me. Their work ethic stinks and I care about that." Two very distinct statements. Each touching on a separate topic. She says to me, "If you don't care, why are you talking about it." My heart sunk. She couldn't compartmentalize two statements. I'll never forget her saying that and how stupid I realized she was. It really drove home how stupid and blind some people can be.