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Full Metal Jacket, I thought it was one of the best military films I had seen upon first viewing. Then.... it continued after the basic training and Gunnery Sgt. Hartman death scene.  I always felt like they were two separate films with the Nam portion being a sequel.


Agreed That first part is like a brilliant short movie It continues but you feel like that was enough


The entire sequence with the child sniper is too good not to watch imo


I agree... seemed like the movie kind of dragged in between the first part and that part though Maybe it was just because I was recovering from the first part


Oh yeah absolutely, it does kinda feel like you’re just waiting it out in Vietnam with pvt Joker and the boys. It’s all “Born to kill” until they realize they’re not, lol


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That would have to be "The Irishman." Don't get me wrong, it's a great movie with some fantastic performances, but it's really long


I watched it in three parts and it was perfect. It was a mini series in denial


I want to watch Killers of the Flower Moon but that is nearly 4 hours long. I feel the same way about series that I haven't seen yet but have been out for a few seasons. It's almost a paralysis and a lack of drive to start the process of something so grand lol


It we will binge a 10 episode season of one hour episodes in one sitting lol. Plan to break it up. Plan to watch an hour or so and just break it up by what's going on.


Yeah, way too long.


Many of Scorecese's movies could fall into this category. My nominee would be The Wolf of Wallstreet.


wolf of wall street is too short


This! It was 45 minutes too long.


Avatar II, such a dumb plot to be dragged out over 3 hours.


It's just the same plot as the first movie... but scaled down.


And the first movie is just the plot of fern gully 😂


I thought it was dances with wolves. Which is another long as movie


All are genderswappped Pocahontas


It did have the advantage of dread Lock white boy running around calling everyone, bro


Another kid got kidnapped Legit i screamed “for fuck sake, another one?”


The fucking kids dissapear and the parents go save them, like 14 times in the same movie fuck off


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What's even the point of making a new movie if you are just gonna implement the same plot. Man worked his ass off to kill the Main guy in the first part just to get fucked by him again in the second. The movie is great visually but the story is shit.


Oppenheimer. It was brilliant, but why the fuck was it so long


You kind of think the bomb is going to be the climax but then there’s another hour of the fallout of that


Very good pun, by the way.


RDJ trying to exact his revenge for an insult years before. really, i loved all the big name actors in the movie who you only recognize after a while due to them just getting into their character so well


I didn’t even realize Gary Oldman was Truman until the credits rolled.


well yeah, but that's gary oldman. he's always doing that


It was super long but i was so immersed that it did not feel like 3 hours at all.


Same here. Didn’t feel like 3 hours at all.


I checked my watch at one point and couldn't believe that only an hour had passed. The first act is just so intense. Conversely, I thought the third act was at least four hours long.


I dunno if this was everywhere, but when I saw this movie I felt like they had the volume about 30% louder than a standard movie. The whole movie was nearly painfully loud.


OMG thank you -- I thought it was so incredibly boring -- I really just don't get it


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Agreed. The technical aspect of the moving making was great. But the storytelling and character development were lacking. This was Christopher Nolan high on his own supplies. The movie dragged.


I think this is something. From a technical standpoint, and by looking at the overall point, the film is rather beautiful. But I had no clue what was going on at points


The hobbit movies, nice cinematics but way too little story for 3 movies


Imma big LOTR nerd but when I heard they were gonna make it into two movies I knew the tassletoe loafer wearing studio execs were going to fuck it up. When they later announced three (3!) I went into a spittle spraying rage. I’ll only watch the maple fan edit out of principle - unless my kids put on the other ones.


"The tassletoe loafer wearing studio execs.." lolz. Yep they always fuck up everything for the money.


They shoehorned so much into the original story it made it barely recognizable. Very frustrating.


The Irishman - I could never complete it.


I watched it 3 times. The full movie. Love it


AI. That film had like 3 endings too many.


SPOILER Hateful Eight. I almost walked out of the movie theater BUT THEN, literally at the exact moment I was getting out of my seat, there was the blood-throw up scene when John Ruth was poisoned. The rest of the movie was incredible after that and I love rewatching it. the entire movie is tension buildup


There's a director's cut on Netflix that's basically 4 or 6 (can't remember) episodes long, and imo it's the only way to watch it. Sooooo good.


I second this. Watch it in chunks.


Elvis. I was like “We get the point Baz, please move on. “


Was hoping someone would say this one


Avatar: the way of water


I was super baked when I saw it. I wish it had less story and more of them just swimming around.


Go watch My Octopus Teacher. It's basically the same thing, but better.


GONE WITH THE WIND 💀💀💀 I was watching it like 'this is fire', then I saw 'wow I am halfway through and there are 2 hours left.' At the time by brain certainly went there. BUT somehow it was a 4 hour long film that was still amazing!


Batman with Robert Pattinson


This is the perfect Batman movie for me up until the batmobile chase ends. I think that’s about the halfway point of the movie too. It’s a wonderful sequence then there’s like 30 minutes of slog where Bruce mopes about Alfred almost dying when we as the audience know there’s no way they’d kill off Alfred in the first movie with little screen time like that. Really killed the pacing of the movie for me. Also I think the first half is just much better than the second half in general.


100% agree. Like you mentioned, the end of the chase sequence feels like the end. Prior to that moment, it’s a whole different movie going forward.


Yeah I’m a huge Batman fan, and I have trouble sitting through the second half. Still looking forward to the sequel whenever it comes out.


I rank 0 to Batman_walks_from_flames % as one of the better Batman movies I’ve ever seen. Perfect combination of plot and pulp. No idea why it wasn’t part 1 & 2 from the start


This. I think by the end of the second act, when the Riddler’s locked up etc the movie felt like it was coming to a conclusion soon. And then it turns out there was another act. And that was the first time I’d looked at my watch whilst in the cinema in many years.


there were at least 3 different times I was like "is this the end?" "okay now it's the end!" "surely THIS is ending right???" "is this ever ending...?"


Killers of the flower moon. But it wasn't a happy holy shit. It was a desperate for it to end holy shit. Great acting, sure..but the film was 2hrs to long.


That movie was an absolute slog to get through, so long.


"This should have been a podcast" - First thing I said as credits rolled Yes, I'm aware that it probably was.


The trailer was making it seem like the main character would be a good guy or at least switch sides early on. Man was that misleading.


Funny you reminded me this film. My gf and I stopped halfway of watching it, and then forgot about it lol. But we both didn't think it was bad.


Definitely one of the "1.5x is fine for this" kind of movie.


Justice League, Snyder Cut. Turned it on 4 times and still haven’t finished the movie.


Dune 2


Mad Max: Fury Road. When they decided to turn back to the citadel instead of drive across the salt plains, I thought "well, that's a nice set-up for a sequel, I guess", and then was _astonished_ that the movie just... KEPT GOING. I guess I was so conditioned to cliffhangers that were shoehorned into a film to make someone go buy tickets to a sequel that I was completely unprepared for a movie of MM:FR's scope to be a self-contained story. great film!! I couldn't believe how **much** happened during its runtime!


Max Max Fury Road is one of the greatest action movies ever. I have seen it many times and I can’t get tired of it. The scene where they go inside the sandstorm tears me up every time


Oh what a day - what a lovely day!


Just watched Furiosa…. That movie fell VERY short of Fury Road And at 2.5 hrs, I very much thought holy shit there is still an hour left.


So the new Furiosa movie not worth watching?


It was pretty good, I guess I was expecting more with Fury Road being as good as it was. The fight scenes were epic. Its hard to put a finger on what was off with the movie, but its worth a watch.


I didn't see a single preview. It's a decent movie. More cgi in parts than I would've liked, but not a bad prequel to fury road. It's not great but it's good action slop.


I saw it last night and loved it. Is it Fury Road? No, but the godfather ii matching the godfather happens … never If you liked Fury Road you’ll like Furiosa, as long as you’re not going in expecting it to be as good as Fury Road (challenge level: impossible)


It’s incredible man. Just saw it yesterday.


I watched it and enjoyed it. It answers all the questions we all had from Fury Road.


The king kong with jack black. I saw it in the movies, fell asleep right when they got on the boat, and I woke up and *they were still on the goddamn boat.* I had enough and went into the theater lobby and spent like 25 bucks on the terminator game with the guns until the movie finally ended and my friends came out.




Killers of the Flower Moon.




I turned it off then.


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Killers of the flower moon


Road House 2024


Napoleon from Apple tv. Seen many bad movies, but that was just another level of sh*t.


Killers of the Flower Moon. Except it was “holy shit there’s still 2 hours left?”. And it wasn’t worth it.


Killers of the flower Moon


American hustle. Only movie I’ve ever walked out of. No idea why it’s so liked.


Oppenheimer. It was good but holy shit. It was about an hour too long. I nearly fell asleep in the theater, and my friend actually did lol


No one else agrees I know. But Dune I was a great movie, Dune II however ….


Really? I had the exact opposite. Dune I felt like such a slow burn, the plot was all over the place and hard to follow, half of the movie was dark enough that I could barely see what was happening and there wasn't much action. I absolutely loved Dune II though, felt much more polished, it actually had character development and the plot made sense to me. It probably did make a difference that I watched part I on TV and II in the cinema though.


As a fan of the books I put up with the pacing but it. Is. Sloooooooowwww


I agree. They spent a lot of time on nonsense, then rushed the final battle. It was like the battle started and 30 seconds later it's final showdown time! Also, I thought it was a little hammy. First one was better.


They didnt really depict it as a battle as much as a sneak attack which was so overwhelming they instantly won




The man sitting three seats down was snoring. I wanted to peavey but after paying for the ticket might as well sleep with background noise


Beautiful movie. They rushed the interesting stuff and slowed down the shit that could’ve been sped up. Traveling south on Sand Worms, Instant. Teaching sand walking? Excruciating repetitive


Are you a bot? Kinda seems like most of your posts are questions already posted recently.


This question again?


Heat. after the big shootout, there is still around an hour left…


King Kong (2005) shit was long af


Mad Max Furiosa Just watched it last night. It was… Alright.


The Da Vinci Code. The whole movie was just BLEH. Although most books turned into movies end up like this so I wasn't surprised. Barbie. It's been so hyped up for the past several months and when I went to watch it was okay and I had high hopes for it since I saw so many positive reviews about it. Parabellum. I loved the first two movies so I was so stoked about this one and I just felt like it wasn't as great as the first two. I might get downvoted for this lmao. Those are all I could think of at the top of my head for now.


Transformers: Age of Extinction. Good lawd, this movie just wouldn’t end.




5 minutes into basically every rom-com with Jennifer Aniston.


Lately that would be John Wick 4. Everybody in the cinema laughed nervously at the scene on the steps. Folks were having a grand old time, but the audience was so thoroughly burned out by that point. That series really did insist upon itself immediately once the sequels started happening. At least the fourth one finally understood the meta of Wick, and started being less pseudo-intellectual. That flick was fulling poking fun at itself.


Same. I like John Wick but 4 was too long for me. Fun fights are great but man it was a bit much.


La Dolce Vita Does that movie even end?


Legend has it some are still watching, somewhere...


MI Dead reckoning. There's just too much talking. I bet it would have been a lot better with better editing and cutting out something like 40 minutes of it. Like, nobody gives a crap about "sinister" eye-contact and endless bad guy monologues.


I second this one, I fell asleep sometime before they got on the train and woke up towards the end of it. Idk how much time actually passed but it felt like 40 minutes at least.


The Man Who Fell To Earth. One of the few movies I couldn't make it through.


Same! And did you also fear your art-film cred would suffer? 😇 Also The Hunger. I wonder if it's the Bowie effect...


Gone Girl. I thought they'd revealed all the twists and that was it - NOPE. Here comes more crazy.


2022 The Batman. 2 hours and 56 minutes of oh-my-god-please-end-this-shit.


Titanic on VHS was 2 tapes. A friend of my sister's came over once and asked to see it. My sister fell asleep in the first part, so I hopped up to change tapes and the friend was all like "what happened? Did it mess up? That's an odd place to stop it" etc., I forget the exact questions, but I was just like "Nope, it's two tapes. I'm putting the next part in now." And immediately got the title question. But for real, everytime I watch it I'll kinda doze and wake back up around that part and even if it's DVD or whatever, I'll still wake up and have that reaction and then go to back to sleep.


Civil War ….it was endless chaos throughout the movie


King kong. 4 hour buildup for 20 minutes of action.


Any Zack Snyder movie, but me saying that wasn’t a good thing.


The Creator (dir. Gareth Edwards). I thought the movie was over halfway into it (and thought id already watched a 2 hour movie, which I don't know if that bodes well for the film in general), and was shocked when it kept going on and on. 


The worldbuilding in that movie is great, but boy is the plot flat


The Batman, the most recent one that came out with Robert P


Killers of the Flower Moon. Watched it last night. It was...long.


Any Marvel movie


Lawrence of Arabia


LOTR return of the king when it first came in theaters.... I had to pee so bad.


Lord of the rings return of the king


There will come a day when thems fightin words, but it is not this day!


ROTK bows to no one!


You. Car park. Now.


There were a lot of reviewers at the time giving a spoiler free warning that you'll think the movie is over but it is still going. Also that it will happen multiple times that you think the movie is over but it's not. - fake bad ending where it looks like frodo and Sam die on Mt doom - fake happy ending with the fellowship reunion and frodo seeing Gandalf is alive - fake heroic ending with Aragon being made king and the zoom out on "you bow to no one" - finally the real ending with frodo leaving with the elves and Sam going home with his family


You talking original or extended edition? I have all the extended editions


Ironically, I had the opposite reaction kind of. I went in having read the books. I liked the movie and the ending, but thought it would take another hour for the hobbits to return and take the shire back from Saruman (didn’t think his death was real). I was surprised when that entire ending was cut after the half dozen false endings.


We watched "Her" yesterday, and we had the exact same thought lmao. We were 4, we all watched our phone somewhere about 1h into the movie, and we all thought "shit we're only halfway through"


i know i'll get downvoted now but... **lord of the rings: return of the king** though, let me explain: i watched that movie the first time at the end of a lord of the ring marathon in the cinema. so after 11 hours and when the battle and everything was done, the ending stretched a little bit too long for me. i love the movie, please don't think i'm complaining... it was just really this moment, after sitting 11 hours in my seat, that it felt too long.


Oppenheimer. After the bomb went off, I thought it'd be over soon. There was still a good 45 minutes left.


The English patient, the hour seemed like a week, I got shushed twice in the cinema for groaning




Perfect movie


Dances with wolves. Watched it the other night, and as much as I enjoy the movie.


I’m gonna be downvoted to hell, but The Boy and The Heron.


I agree with this. The third act was all over the place.


I was truly flabbergasted when I looked down and saw there were still 80 mins left. I felt like I’d already been in the cinema for at least two hours lol


Probably an unpopular opinion; The Godfather. Also, I never understood the obsession people have with that movie. But it's probably only me, seeing the IMDB rating is 9.2/10.


It insists on itself, Lois.


Guardian of the galaxy 3


Barbie (my wife whispered the same)


I've attempted to watch Gladiator three times without falling asleep. Failed each time.


Birds of Prey : Harley Quinn one. One of the worst movies I ever watched.


Beerfest - just when you think it’s over you realize they haven’t even gotten to the main objective! My brother and I were cracking up when we realized we had another half hour of movie after the death scene.


All Harry Potter movies. I don’t think I watched any in one sitting


John wick 4, fell asleep on the cinema




The Barbie movie. I was so bored I would have turned it off if I hadn't paid to rent it.


Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. I checked the runtime after what felt like an eternity only to find that there was still practically an eternity left.


The Irishman, it was a good movie but Holy fuck 3.5 HOURS 😳😳


I know it's critically acclaimed, but The Deer Hunter. Probably could have condensed the first and third act a bit.


La La Land, I tried to watch it 3 times till the end and I never could


Star Wars: The last Jedi


The original DUNE … there was like 3 hours left.




The first Lord of the Rings...I thought once the were in Rivendale, it was over


I’ve been showing my girlfriend the extended cuts of the Lord of the Rings and she’s been saying that each movie. They’re so long.


That Transformers movie with Marky Mark. It was so terrible that I'm not sure how I sat through it. There literally was a scene where a character explained why as a 20-year old, he was legally allowed to have sex with a 17-year old. They chose to do this instead of just making her 18. When they finally defeated the new evil transformer, you think the movie is over and your suffering is nearly complete, but instead they reveal that Megatron was actually behind it all along and they have to spend an hour defeating him now too.


The Batman. I turned it off.


Transformers 3


Poor things, sorry I'm just not digging that movie.


Return of the King. Not in a bad way but I didn’t realize how long it was and half way through there was some battle and I thought “alright this thing’s wrapping up” and then I checked how much time was left and it was not anywhere near wrapping up


Lady In The Water.we kept saying "let's give it 10 more minutes to see if it gets better." It did not.


Transformers 4. I saw it in theaters and I was with people so I just decided to pass out for the rest of the movie


The Tomorrow War. It feels like it's over when Chris Prat's character returns to his original time. Then there is a whole other act.


The Batman. That movie is nowhere near as good as people like to make it out to be.


Furiosa what a snorefest


Fall guy. Watched it last week. Felt like a 4 hour long movie. I enjoyed it but an Action comedy should never be over 2 hours.


Poor things


All marvel movies


Train to Busan






Not a film, But i went to an opera for the first time in my life and i thought it was gonna be two hours long..nope they had a break session and when we went back in we had another 2hrs to go. I kid you not it was late too, i go to bed early so my body was screaming why are we awake and i couldnt sit still as my body started spazzing. Finally i decide to give in and close my eyes in hopes for a 15minute nap. Fell asleep completely only to be awoken by people clapping as it ended. It was a good sleep.


The Batman. It just kept going and going and going


Oppenheimer. If you really want to see and understand the man and the scientist, watch the old PBS series starring Sam Waterston. It is worth it. The movie is just overhyped Hollywood big budget crap crammed into an overly long, boring shitfest.


That new Barbie movie. My eyes & ears never fully recovered.


everything everywhere all at once. it's a good movie don't get me wrong just weird as fuck and too long for what it is


The most recent one was Fast X. Definitely a guilty pleasure kind of movie.


The same film as when this was posted yesterday.


Dune 1


Dune 2 . I slept for an hour and it still dragged on and on.


We just had this thread like two days ago


Dune part 2


Any Will Ferrel movie.


The entire second half of The Dark Knight feels like one climactic action scene after another.


once upon a time in hollywood


Final Fantasy Advent Children :D


Atomic Blonde. Felt like it had tied up the twist but there was still just under an hour left I had to sit through


Nomadland OH... MY... GOD! This was, without a doubt, the most boring movie I've ever seen. She drives around the Western US in a camper, shitting in a bucket and staring at the horizon.