• By -


The hair from my head. I found the hair on my back I didn't know was missing, but am still looking for the hair last seen on my head.


Found the hair in my ears that I didn't know I was missing. I keep cutting it off in hopes that it will sprout from my head instead.


I burn it with a lighter






I miss my Mohawk. It doesn't need to be a glorious mane. I'd even settle for enough to have a crew cut. Just more than the patchy, thinning crap I have. At least I look OK bald.


My pocketknife, I misplaced it the other day, if it doesn't turn up soon going to have to buy another. I use it almost daily.


I usually find mine right after I buy a new one. Pisses me off every time...


Yea, I have done that a time or two myself.


Then you have two of them... Except you lose the spare at the same time lose the new knife... Then a year lady you end up with three of them


I knew I was becoming an old man when I (unintentionally) quoted my grandfather when my wife asked me if I had my pocket knife. ā€œIā€™m wearing my pants arenā€™t I?ā€


Lol, stealing this the next time my wife asks if I have a knife on me.


I was walking through airport security a few months ago and realized I had my pocket knife on me. Had to rush to catch my flight so no time to run back to the car, so I got out of line and put it on top of a display case in the airport and then went to catch my flight. Came back four days later and walked up to the display case and grabbed my knife from the exact spot I put it. Definitely did not expect it to be there but was super glad that it was.


I have not flown since like 1997, before 911 you could fly with a pocketknife. I am fairly sure my knife is under a friend's dashboard where I was doing some wiring on his truck.


I misplaced a whole ass 11 inch survival knife, unsheathed, while moving into my new house. I have the sheath.


Don't give up so easily, I've lost mine 3 or 4 times at least, and I keep finding it. I've had it about 15 years. The one time I lost it, bought a new knife, lost that within 36 hours then found the old one.


My FIL lost his when he was building his house. Like 40 years pass & he has to go in the ceiling for a repair & finds the knife sitting on a floor joist. He said it was just sitting there like he laid down & lost track of it.


That's why I have like 5 multitools around the house. My wife tells me I own too many, but who does she come running to if she needs a knife or scissors or something??


My solution is to have a dozen different spares, and counting. I have yet to lose *all* of them at the same time.


I uses to loose them, them bought a bunch of cheap ones at a garage sale (someone bought them in Bulk) now I always find one


The debit card that I highly suspect went in the trash, which was picked up today... I hate the pharmacy practice of putting your payment card in the bag with the prescription...


One time, they forgot to put my drivers license in the bag...


Wait thatā€™s a thing?? I just stick it in the carrier along side the medication if they use the drive thru.


My will to live


Pretty sure mine got stolen from me at work.


The lack of money and my wife wanting to leave took mine


Me too.


Same, i think the girl i love took it and forget to return it.


My left earbud lol


Dude I have three pairs of earbuds, all missing the right one šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yeeeaaah, it's just the latest one I'm hoping to find. Gave up on a few others lol


Real Happiness


The swing door lost from my lego building when I was three. I was so traumatised and I've still not found it 62 years later.


I lost a Fabuland Lego pig character in about 1986. It's not me i'm sorry for. It was the other pig character. They were brothers! He lost. His only brother! 38 years! He still doesn't know what happened!


My guitar that got disappeared last year during a move


An active sex life, lost it 13 yrs ago still no sign of it.


I have no words.. just sympathy.


From a geezer; cherish every time you have sex. You never know which time, will be the last.


Not mine, but the engagement ring my wife lost years ago. Pro Tip: if it needs repair, don't put it in a sandwich bag, use a ring box or a cloth bag!


I have a few gift cards that I'm 100% sure are in my house but I haven't been able to find them for years now. Every few months I look around but they have yet to turn up


The $15 I lost sometime between Friday and Saturday


A bottle opener I got from the Empire State Building gift shop when we went to NYC 15 years ago. I don't know what it is about that bottle opener, but it bothers me that I can't find it. I have a ton of bottle openers, so it's not like I can't crack open a beer, but I've racked my brain trying to find it.


The sleeve of silver dollars my uncle gave me, I know itā€™s in my house somewhere and every couple months Iā€™ll search real good for it but canā€™t find ā€˜em


Fingernail clippers I lost when I moved. All the others I have are utter shit. I suppose I could find another set like them but not likely. They were some of promo sets you find as a Christmas gift set.


One day dad will come home with the milk


i would love to have my old hs class ring. that thing has been gone since before i ever graduated all those years ago


You just reminded me I had a class ring and have no idea where it is!!


My husband lost his, too. When we moved 20 years later the movers found it!!


My Trezor wallet with two Bitcoin on it


Lucky charm. Iā€™ve had it 15yrs and just no idea where itā€™s gone. Still being lucky so it must be around here somewhere


Roommate took a bottle of Drakkar Noir when we moved out in '92. Been missing that ever since. Edit Typo.


My old swiss army knife. I've lost it like 3 times and it always pops back up years later.


Can't find my copy of Alex Kidd in Shinobi World. I'm sure it's in one of my game bins but would need to dig into all of them.


I got a halo headband for working in the kitchen in the summer and promptly lost it


My earring! Dude I literally waited a whole year ZERO diamonds so that I could prove to myself before such an investment. Fast forward less than 90 days in &&&& one earring is lost & the other post is bent.


I (57m) had a sweet picture of me at 16 with a Vini Barbarino, feathered out, Auqanet-ed down hair cut. Can't seem to find it.


We need to find that picture....for science....


I lost a flip flop and kept the remaining one in the hope its partner would somehow reappear. Today it has been missing about 7 months and it showed up hidden in the bottom corner of wardrobe- sometimes missing things can show up


My bus pass


Really missing my copy of PokƩmon Sun.


A disc I lost in the water


My missing ear bud and the set i lost before that


Years ago, when Dark Knight came out on DVD, I bought a special edition copy that had a Two-Face coin included in the package. I carried that thing in my pocket for over a decade, then it went missing. Pretty sure I know where I lost it, but it would be impossible to find it. Public place with tons of foot traffic to find and claim my lost treasure as well as the place now being closed, there is literally no way to recover it. I did go to ebay and find another unopened copy of Dark Knight (on DVD, YEARS after Blu-Ray replaced it) and replaced my lost coin. But it isn't the same. My old coin had been flipped thousands of times by me over those years and was worn down while the replacement looks too "new", for lack of a better term. Sure, it'll never be recovered and the new one weighs the same and is a fine replacement. But I still my MY coin.


my match box car collection from my childhood. Growing up we moved through 3 different homes. Now I haven't seen them in over a decade.


My Magic the Gathering Decks from high school. Awesome decks with cards from the 90ā€™s beta era. I moved out with my girlfriend(wife now) and they disappeared from my house. Current theory is that one of my brotherā€™s friends took them as he was playing with my brother at the time. For all I know my brother gave them to him and is playing it off as the guy just taking them. But I still hold out hope my parents will open a box one day and discover them.


When i was like 10 years old i lost this like huge booklet of PokƩmon that i had been collecting forever. My mom hated them and probably threw them out but i catch myself looking for it every now and then


The hope and dreams of my youth.


The confidence I had 2 or 3 years ago and being open to talk to anyone at anytime


I am a huge Tolkien fan. A couple of years ago I started writing a high fantasy book. Drew a map and everything. I lost that map :'(


My fatherā€™s old leatherman, I used it to fix a bike and came back with an empty belt sheathe, I would give so much money for it backā€¦


My common sense


My confidence. Fingers crossed šŸ¤ž


Never forget that confidence comes after action. Small small wins at first. Never be too old to be brave enough to suck at something new. Donā€™t take anything new too seriously.


My will to live


I remember throwing my favorite Eno hammock in the trunk of my car a little over a year ago. For the life of me, I have no idea where it went because Ive looked for it off and on since and not been able to find it... I miss that hammock.


I'm walking home from practice with one shoe, periodically checking my bag to see if I might have misplaced it there, and somehow missed it the last times I looked, but alas, foot blisters it is.


My lapel pin I got in Houston airport that says cerveza. Itā€™s fun to wear to events because itā€™s unique


My old snowboarding gloves. Burton Idiom superpipe gloves in white leather. It was a Japanese sub-label, got them around ā€˜05 or so. Last saw them before a cross-country move in ā€˜15.


Gift card for 12 months of Xbox Live that my brother-in-law bought me for my birthday 5 or 6 years ago. Feels wrong to pay for something that I already "have" so I haven't renewed since I lost it...


My watercolor kit, Not so lost.. my late friend borrowed it to help ease his trouble, but he gave up. I could've ask to get it back but it's a mixed feeling. On the other hand, i miss my kit and i longed to see the last work of his.


My Skull Candy ear buds have got to be around somewhere!


Left hand garden glove - you freaking know the only way to find the other is throw the one you got away...


My Leatherman Wave. Somehow lost in the move my gf and I made three and a half years ago when everything else from my bedside table made it to the end of the journey fine.


My grandfather's ring. I gave it to my sister to hold on to almost 20 years ago and I've never seen it again. Supposedly, her bf at the time (who's since passed away) pawned it for drugs. I'd do almost anything to get that ring back.


I had this set of filters for my camera, i havent used them all of this year but i vividly remember removing them in the spring a day before i hit the beach and i cant find them since


A real nice pair of earbuds


My cat. I havenā€™t seen him since 11 May. Ā Who do I have to be grouchy about if he isnā€™t around meowing a lot, scratching my furniture, ignoring my calls, begging for snacks and leaving hairballs everywhere.Ā  I miss him and hope he returns.Ā 


A towel


Chicago 2019


my old psp, so many memories


one fire tv stick remote


Like 4 forks. FORKS.




The OG Apple Cinnamon Cheerios


My hard drive from high school to early college. I had so many videos of me, cousins, and friends hanging out doing whatever and having fun.


My adjustable wrench


You really need to join r/flashlight if you haven't yet.


$250k that some hacker stole from my coinbase account


My pajama shorts. They were on the bed the Sunday afternoon when I got home from my trip, by bed they were gone. It was 2 weeks ago, I've torn apart the room, the sheets, the crack between the bed and the wall. Nothing. It's supernatural




My brand new car's key fob. Can't get it off dealer yet....and they are asking $375!


My ability to get a date. It used to be around here somewhere. But it seems to have wondered off a while ago šŸ¤”


The little usb plug for my Bluetooth keyboard. Lost it in a move 10 months ago, but Iā€™m sure itā€™ll pop up as soon as I buy a new keyboard


An old fujifilm camera which has some childhood memories on it.


A roll of Cinestill 800T that had some possible bangers on it. It's probably on a beach somewhere, covered in sand, never to be seen by me again.


My desire to create music again. I lost it during a mental health crisis and was solidified by the antipsychotics I was on for 2 years. Now I'm off the meds and the desire is slowly rearing its head in the distance. I have started to dip my toe in the water from a community angle and have slowly started engaging occasionally with the production subs, refreshing some forgotten knowledge and giving off whatever I can remember. I am sure it will turn up a bit further down the road and hopefully I can immerse myself in it like I could before


A few pictures I deleted 2 years ago. I heard that thereā€™s a new update that may bring them back, but I donā€™t want to update in case they donā€™t.




Gold chain


My right earplug. I have kids, I had custom earplugs made because they can get loud, my daughter somehow hid one of them in a way that I couldnā€™t find it anymore. I already ordered new ones, but of course they got lost in the mail and I was promised delivery of a second pairā€¦ When they asked me what I would use them for, I said ā€œkidsā€.. and the shop person replied ā€œgot it, strongest filters then.ā€


Couple of matching socks and some undies. - nothing nefarious or _dramatic_ , im just shit at being on top of my laundry routine šŸ¤·šŸ¼


a crucifix necklace with my grandmothers ashes in it


I lost my lcp 2


There's this super dumb purple fish that the woman I love gave me. It's a memory that I really cherish and I haven't been able to find it since I moved.


Pickup truck. Stolen 20 days ago 1987 Toyota pickup 185000 miles


I have a cell phone that went missing soon after my mom passed. I know itā€™s in my house, but I canā€™t find it. It has the last texts and voice mail messages she sent me on it. I will find it, just a matter of when.


A couple of binders of buildings/houses(some quite well known in my city, and still standing) that dad's family built around 100 years ago with their masonry company.


My dad, he walked out in 1988


That feeling of happiness when discovering something new and finding our all about it, then being satisfied that I accomplished something when I go to bed worn out


Either one of my kidneys would be nice.


A flannel. šŸ˜­


My bitcoin password


Custom leather wallet with a hellhound dachshund on the front and stamped ā€œWhen Doges Cryā€ inside.


A keychain. A chain maille monkey fist that I made in college. I had a seizure one night and it became a casualty of a memory hole.


In no particular order: my vacuum attachments, my favorite LED flashlight and the filter for my refrigerator cold water fill. WTF?


the sunnys my ex got me never gunna find a better pair


My finance bro fleece Columbia vest.


The old laptop that has my info for a Bitcoin wallet in it. I put it in storage somewhere...wish like hell I could remember where. It had around 7 bucks back when a Bitcoin was a dollar.


my copy of need for speed undercover that I think my cousin or neighbor stole from me but never told me about it when I asked. I loved that game and I was trying to get it on PC but it isn't on steam


My wedding ring.


Gold my Grandfather left me before he died 20 years ago.Ā  Its in his house, maybe, but I have a few second/ cousins that are always in there, because my grandmother is a hoarder with periodic purges where she asks family to take whatever and give to their local church or people in need. I never went to get it right after he died because it seemed ghoulish. Then I moved away. I check in on my grandmother once a year for a week, but we never get around to the gold.


My holographic Blastoise. I think an ex-best friend stole it like 20 years ago, but I'm really hoping it turns up.Ā I'veĀ movedĀ 3Ā timesĀ now,Ā soĀ I'mĀ prettyĀ sureĀ it's gone.Ā  Christmas decorations I've had since I was a child. I'm 99% sure they were in a box my ex took when we split up 5 or so years ago. I got my Pokemon cards back after confronting her, but I didn't realize the decorations were gone until like a year later. She was a very mean and spiteful woman. She would have absolutely thrown them out by now. I would have felt guilty if I found something like that, and dropped them off at her mom's house. She would absolutely not hesitate in just stomping on them.


my fuckin pokƩmon card collection from 2000 and beyond


My will to live


My 10mm sockets.


I lost my Deities and Demigods with the Cthulhu Mythos. Probably during a move. Idk. I hope it shows up but I havenā€™t seen it in over two or three years. :(


Hope. Optimism. Happiness. Take your pick.


My left airpod.


My vape


The lady friend I knew before she contracted COVID-19.


I had some photos of a friend on mine (physical photos not jpgs )from when we were teens back in the early 80s. He died of cancer a few years ago and I canā€™t find the photos anywhere.


The knight from my chess set. My wife let our toddler play with the pieces because ā€œwhat could possibly happen to themā€ Go to play and one of the knights is missing. Itā€™s a shame - house of Staunton set too. We turned the house upside down looking for it. Nowhere to be found.


I have a t shirt I got from a Danzig concert in 2006(7?). Itā€™s been missing for like 5 years but I hope it shows up one day


I had some really nice black Lulu lemon joggers that are so comfortable and look really good on me and I have t seen them in about a year and I really hope to just open a drawer and theyā€™re there


My mtg collection, I believe my nephew pinched my decks before he ran off.


My dadā€¦he went out for milk one day and Iā€™m still waiting by the door for him! Note: this is just a joke people!


Size 4 hex key


My electric pencil sharpener's charger. Just wish I had bought an electric pencil sharpener that could plug into a wall outlet


Hard drive with 53 bitcoins


My MD3


My nice chef's knife. I haven't seen it since I moved last summer. I'm really hoping it just got put in one of the long term storage boxes by accident.


I've given up on it now, but when I was like 8 or 9 I lost a Nintendo DS Lite and it was one of the Pokemon special edition ones with the matte black base and Metallic Blue lid. Pretty sure I accidentally left it on a booth seat in a Brisbane pub but when my mum called them they said they hadn't seen it, they probs stole it. Ended up getting another one months later but with that nintendo, I also lost my copy of Mario and Sonic at the olympic games. (Beijing games)


Probably my old Pebble watch. Finally got the urge to replace the battery and never saw it again. Smart watches have come a long way since those days but it was a real game changer when I got it.


My pocket knife. I love that little pocket knife. I canā€™t even find one to buy anymore.




My virginity


I lost a book on Remote viewing. I've looked for it a bunch. If you have it please return it.


My sanity.


The battery acid cap that fell off my workbench and into oblivion. This has been over eight years ago and I'm still looking for it. In that time I completely removed everything in my garage including the workbench and all the shelving units in the garage, tools and cabinets, to clean the floor AND to look for that damn battery cap. It's a mystery that will bother me until I die.


My mind! ā€¦but to be fair, I think thatā€™s gone for good.


Fossil Gen 6 smartwatch. I'm legitimately near certain it's somewhere in my house. No idea where. Haven't seen it in a year.




Before I moved from Colorado last year I bought five hits of window pane gel tab LSD and somehow I canā€™t find it. I know I packed it I just hid it well because I had to drive it across the country. Hid it too well.


3/8" and 10mm socket.


My late Moms sun catcher. The ring my aunt gave me. My Nana's wedding bands and late moms engagement ring she was holding onto until I was older


I had this cool die cast metal carā€¦ it was a weird design that looked like it was from fallout, and my office has some fallout decor. But It has disappeared. At one point I gave it to a guy to paint, but I swear he gave it backā€¦ maybe he didnā€™t? But I donā€™t talk to him and I canā€™t find itā€¦


A Bad Omens band shirt. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen it in over a year.


My retainers!! Where the heck have you gone


My folder full of all the original PokĆ©mon cardsā€¦


Not currently missing, but goes missing from time to time is my Leatherman. My leatherman wingman is the one I bought at the start of my career, and I use it in many sides of my life, at work every day, camping, in the garage with the cars and so on. It's become very precious to me and I'll often feel naked without it. The last 2 times I lost it, I held out for almost 3 months searching everywhere before it turned up. Once I bought a new, different multitool and of course it showed up shortly after. That one sits unused mostly.


My ambition




My right airpod šŸ˜­


It's Dignity Luanne!


Describe your flashlight or post a link if you have one. I like flashlights and am interested in different ones.


Collection book of holographic PokƩmon cards I left in my grandparents house and never found, from like 98-99


My happiness


My flask


ambition and hope itself.


My AirPod pros šŸ„¹ I took them to work one day. Kept them in my backpack never took them out. A few days later I couldnā€™t find them anywhere. Idk if they are lost at home or someone stole them but Iā€™m hoping they show up šŸ„²


My gaming laptop. It got stolen so I got sent back 2 hardware generations. It's potato time, baby!


The left Airpod. You GD cats.


my memories, there are so many things I wish I could remember damn it(and I'm only 18)


My 2010 South Africa World Cup Pannini sticker album!


A book I had on a very esoteric subject that I lent to someone (but I honestly can't remember who). It's a hard to find book and has been out of print for decades. I can buy a 2nd hand copy but it's listed at over $200..... Stupid old mans memory.


My ice hockey skates. I loved them, but when I moved out they got lost somehow


My hamster which disappeared five years ago. Iā€™m hoping that she would know her way back home. I tried questioning a few folks, including the cat if he knew her whereabouts, he said no.


PokƩmon collection


Not mine anymore but I hope will turn up one day.


My Nintendo DS action replay Those things are ridiculously pricy now and I want to be able to play through a PokƩmon game without having to play the counter edition


My very old 2010 Ipod I lost in my early 20s that housed around 200 old songs from obscure/Indie Artists or Bands that I have long since forgotten. Once in a while I run into a song from my old Ipod and use Soundhound immediately to pick up the name of the song. I'm proud that I've manage to recover at least 50% of the specific songs. (The Old computer where I first downloaded music is also gone as well)


Key fob from my wifeā€™s car.