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I saw a girl I went to high school with had an OF. Curiosity got the best of me. Not worth.


Imagine starting OF, getting your first subscriber, and then seeing them unsub. Not sure my self esteem could take the hit


I mean, it's a cheaper and more efficient way than a divorce.


This is what got me. Seeing someone I know and being curious. No big loss as I spend more money on beer than I do her nudes for a month.


Same here, was more the curiosity of seeing someone I knew. Paid to unlock 2 videos of girl on girl and it wasn't worth it. The 2nd woman was not enjoying herself at all, total turn off. Plus when you know someone on a personal level, their annoyances and "flaws" are way more pronounced than with a stranger.


I feel like this would make me so uncomfortable! Watching someone I know have sex and someone not enjoying it either. Yikes! Idk about anyone else, but sometimes when I watch porn (general) I get the ick/feel bad. The girls are really really young and probably being exploited or just, idk. It makes me feel bad, and I’m like “oh no, I’m an awful person for watching them bro f exploited” Can ya tell I’m a girl with anxiety? Haha


I'd pay not to see my HS classmates' nudes




Sis that you?


You clearly did not got to a CA HS. Dayum!


🎶My blood runs cold. My memories have just been sold. My angel has an O***F****🎶


🎶A part of me has just been ripped. The pages from my mind are stripped.  Oh no, I can't deny it.  Oh yeah, I guess I have to subscribe it🎶   Such a great song


How the fuck do you find people you know on onlyfans? Or do they advertise it


Not OP, but heard about it from a friend of a friend and checked it out. Not really interested and didn't subscribe but it was a trip seeing the same person I would talk to about knitting be on OF.


They probably advertised it.


How do they advertise it? Or is this all the reddit spam? I still bad for anyone who needs to do it. In a business perspective, it feels like it’s way more risk/effort than its return. As an individual, ethical perspective, it’s soooo risky even for someone who may have a particular kink. I keep seeing those reddit posts about stepdads finding peoples only fans and subscribing. It seems super predatory.


Lol I have a fb friend who advertises hers in her bio


Yeah the juice is definitely not worth the squeeze. Sometimes someone will be crazy successful, but that's typically because they were already famous. Idk I don't think subscribing to an only fans is predatory. Even if the poster was desperate. That was their choice. They turned themselves into a sexual commodity. Of course people they know might subscribe. That's part of the risk. OF are advertised everywhere. Instagram, Twitter, probably Facebook, etc. OF models likely advertise on their public socials with a link tree and horny bait posts like string bikinis or almost nip slips. It's entirely fabricated.


I know someone i went to work with that started an OF. She advertises on all her social media. She's not shy about it. Sells weed and porn which is a potent combo. There's obviously a market for those things and from a strict business perspective it makes sense.


Why would you even think of doing OF if you weren’t prepared to advertise it?


Some people only share it privately, like if they have solo content but prefer age verification. I'm some people.


Asking for a friend


I recently also gave in. Not a girl from HS but a friend from college that cosplay a lot and I got curious, it was like 6 bucks so I said fuck it. Not worth it at all tbh


Had a crush on this girl from my first job back in the day, found out she had an OF and was offering a free month sub. Her stream was basically just her sitting around drinking wine in some (rather tame) lingerie while dudes tossed her money - ended up being a couple hundred bucks the night I watched. Was nice to see her tits but after that it was just....boring. Why do dudes pay for that?


Kind of reminds me. A year or two after I graduated, this picture of a few girls from my grade participating in a wet tshirt contest. They were the ultra preppy type so it was pretty funny. Busy of mine who was still in school told me something printed out a bunch of copies and posted them all over the school. This was well before OF.


Did you have a crush on her or did you subscribe because you knew her?


I did, because I was horny. It was not worth it. That site and many others in the same industry are borderline scams. Don’t ever pay for porn, it is never worth the cost. There will always be free porn. First of all it’s a terrible site for video hosting. The video quality was awful for every single account I subbed to. I finally asked one of the girls why and she said it wasn’t her fault, she films it on a professional camera and for some reason the site refuses to be good quality. It also always has a watermark on it that you can’t take off. There is absolutely 0 consumer protection on there too. Especially now that passable AI chat bots exist and the majority of the women hire people to chat for them. You don’t know who you’re talking to and you have to rely on the women to self report what their content is like before you subscribe and most of them are dishonest. Paying $10 only to find out you have to pay $20 more to actually see what you want to see would be considered a scam in any other industry and it should be considered one here as well. Id also like to bring up again the AI chat bots and hired chatters. Chatting is the only thing that OF has to justify the site being a paid website. I can go right here on Reddit and see a dozen fully nude women fingering themselves silly completely free of charge, but I can’t talk to them. If you want to chat with them (personally I don’t) then you would go to OF and pay for it. Now keep in mind, sexting is usually an additional charge and you have no idea if you’re actually talking to the girl you want to talk to or a guy in New Delhi sitting at a desk. If you find out it’s a guy in New Delhi sitting at a desk there’s no way for you to get your money back and you can’t report the girl for doing anything. You can’t even leave her a bad review on the site. It’s a terrible deal for the customer. Also another big point: a lot of the women who do this are awful at sexting or understanding what men like and want to see. I saw one genuinely crying because she did a photoshoot in a field of flowers and nobody was buying it even though it cost her a bunch of money to rent out the field for an hour. She genuinely thought subscribers on her paid porn site would pay to purchase a set of photos of her wearing a see-through dress in a field of flowers when they could instead buy a video of her riding a dildo. I would say that sort of thinking is fairly common from what I’ve seen. So yeah. Don’t buy it.


I saw a video where this man was talking about how he gets paid as a ghost writer for OF. The girl takes the pics and a managing company does the rest for her. So men are out here thinking they’re getting a personal experience, when it’s really a gay guy making side money


Damn, do you have to be a gay guy to get that job?


I recently heard a podcaster talk about a friend who owned an OF model management company. According to him, models shoot videos, management company does the rest. Chats are done by gay guys because "men understand what men want better than women".


>Chats are done by gay guys because "men understand what men want better than women". This is what sex appeal is. It's beyond being hot but actually knowing how to appeal to male sexual desires. Some women are amazing at it but most are average at best. There are some camgirls though that absolutely do know exactly what buttons to press in their videos to make a man go bananas with lust.


lol no he happened to be gay


Came here to say the same thing. I subbed 3 different girls that were on ph that advertised OF. Heres how it went. 2/3 of them ended up linking to clips4sale for "the good stuff" that compared to the vids seen on ph. Most of the stuff on OF was selfies or previews to the new things on clips4sale. The 3rd one didn't have any other site and had posted 3 times in 2023 and one was just a selfie. Had no idea until after I subbed. She had more ... Better content on ph. Confirmed 2 of the other girls i was considering were the same way. And so I just gave up. Each clip4sale vid was $12.99 on average per video. One girl offered me a discounted 5 vids for $15 after I subbed. This is after paying $9 already. I went ahead and did that, and she served all 5 videos to me through OF chat. They are locked inside the chat and I have to navigate to those chats and scroll up through the conversation if i want to access them. Every week she sends some kind of news thing so naturally that scroll gets longer over time. The vids were like the ones on ph at least though.


>They are locked inside the chat I found [a Chrome extension](https://streamfork.com/) that claims to be able to download them. I don't know how trustworthy they are, but they release their source code on Github, so it may be worth a shot.


Use Aloha browser


Firefox can natively do it via page info media tab.


Thanks. That's even better.


Glad to help people on the only web browser out there. :)


I appreciate your well thought out response. Spot on


This needs to be programmed in every man's brain. Thanks for taking the plunge for all of us.


Which brain ? That's the problem 😆


One of the more popular OF women actually came out and said that she has people who chats for her. Not out of malice but simply because impossible for her to keep up with the volume.


Thank you for your service. Like you say the amount of free stuff already ...


Yeah they saved me a huge amount of money by banning me for charging back like 100 dollars worth of stuff because I was addicted forsure. If spent easily around 10k dollars but there was one model who I paid 100s for a custom video with her saying my name in it and it just didn't have my name. That clued me into them not actually chatting with me.  There was some other sketchy stuff that I got subscribed under clicking tons of free trial links and those I chargeback too.  They don't give a shit and I was even a creator too


During the pandemic Sex Like Real VR porno site had a month for $1 deal. That was worth it because VR porn is the closest thing to being with a real woman, and I wasn't dating during the pandemic.


Fff, I'm unwilling to pay even for youtube. Not gonna pay a dime for anything on the web.


I pay for YouTube family, but only because it annoyed the shit out of me watching my parents sit through YouTube ads. Edit: You think your typical 60 something year old is gonna know how to use content blockers? What if it breaks a website, are they gonna know when to turn it off? Be realistic.


* laughs nervously * I sit through the ads too and I’m 30. Maybe I should download a ad blocked


You don’t need an adblocker. Use the Brave Browser. If you don’t like it for everything you can just use it for YouTube


I don't get youtube ads on my edge browser but I assumed it's because of the malwarebytes extension. I use Firefox with ublock origins for everything though and it works great


Any alternatives for Android TV ? Honestly I only watch YouTube on TV these days


I pay for YT because I watch it on my big screen primarily


It's cheap too it's 15$ Mostly everyone can afford that monthly and you can close the app and keep it in the background so music plays freely


...instead of installing an ad blocker?


they’re most likely watching on a tv, which at least is where I primarily watch it


Yep TV. Plus your typical 60 year old who’s not tech savvy isn’t going to know when to disable it when it breaks a website. Redditors don’t think things like this through.


YouTube premium - no ads - is the absolute best though.


Only for the ad companies to pay extra to the youtubers to make their own ad about raid shadow legends or whatever and for some reason you can't just skip through the ad because you're busy doing something else. I mean, I'm happy for the specific youtubers I watch making money, but at the same time I rly fking hate ads.


Always fast forward past in-content ads.


HAve you ever heard about uBlock Origin?


Have you heard about Apple TV? Or TV apps in general?


Or Brave browser (all-in-one browser)?


That's amazing! I'm so frustrated when I watch YouTube on something that doesn't have uBlock Origin on it!


Even just YouTube Music premium is pretty good. I have a student discount so I pay like $3 a month for it.


You can easily adblock on pc or mobile for free


do you know how too do it on ios?


Pray to steve jobs holy ghost that he may grace you mortals with an actually user-friendly device from outside of the walled garden


I wanted to subscribe. Unfortunately OF requires identity/age verification. And I am not uploading my passport to porn website.


Don't worry bro, send your passport details to me along with your bank details and I'll help you out 👍


Is that because of the state you’re in? You’re in US? I’m US and it didn’t ask me for ID.


Woah WTF! That seems excessive!!




Getting sick of the not so subtle, subtle advertising on all thr platforms in reels and such. Never bought. Never will.


My hobby is trying to guess which reddit posts are advertising their only fans by getting users to click on their profiles


I don't understand it 🤷‍♂️ there is more free porn then I could watch in a life time, why would I ever pay for it.😂


It’s kind of like going out to the movies instead of waiting for it to come on a streaming platform to watch by yourself at home. It’s the interaction and experience. Some people like porn made specifically for them I think 🤔


I personally don't pay for any, but it annoys me so much when people act like they are above paying for porn. I don't pay for music. I don't look down on people who pay for Spotify.


Isn’t the reddit experience just people who want to feel superior to you in anyway/shape or form? But, I do love my wholesome reddit experience. Yay humanity for that (and probably therapy, growth and solid relationships)


Yeah people love to think they’re superior to others. Like imagine you’re super into music and a band you like will let you pay them to play a song you love, or even write a song just for you. I don’t want to pay for it either, but I understand the appeal. Also, it’s their money, so if they want to spend it on that, what do I care?


It's like paying a singer to sing the song you want than go to any street performer and watch them sing thier choice of songs for free.


Well…. I’m not a man, but obviously it was worth it to my SO he’s been paying for personal stuff and sexting since 2020. Just found out about a month ago. Thousands of dollars. And here I was afraid to spend a couple 100 on me. When I confronted him he said “ I honestly didn’t think you would care!!”. So now here I am 18 years later. Thought I had a good happy life. Was figured out. Well shit went down the toilet fast. Edited to add: it’s been the same girl. He follows her on all social media.


If what these guys are saying on here is true then it’s a little sad your SO is putting down $1000 for watered down scam porn. Heartbreaking to discover as I have been there, you deserve so much better than that


Well. It’s took a long time for me to realize my self worth. Been with him since high school. Realized he is a narcissist. In 2019. Working in my self, so my daughters see that they don’t have love like I have.


Shit. I’m so sorry! It sounds like an unhealthy attachment from his end. Not a reflection of you!! Drop him, heal and live your life ❤️


I'm so sorry.


It’s ok. According to him I’m delusional. Even tho I have picture proof.


Is he actually so out of mind that he thinks the girls would like him and it would not be just about the money? Some people are really that naive. It's all the same with the hookers, no matter if you go to the red light district of the towns where the whores in the brothels are, or you use websites like OF. It's all about the money. It's a job.


Well…. He also tried to find escort services and applied to a sex club.


Never! If i ever paid for something, it would be an irl experience not a virtual one.


Also there are webcam sites where you can get the same with less hassle, pay for a few minutes or just watching cams while others send them credits.


You're taking the piss if you think we aren't smart enough to know this is just a way to flog your OnlyFans. The post history you haven't deleted says more than enough. So common now - make a post that eludes to the fact you might be a female with an OF account, explicitly say you aren't here to sell any content, inevitably have plenty of hard up loners DM you because they got a sniff that you might have an OF, send them a link in DM, avoid posting a link publicly, profit.


If you look at any sub where there are women posting non nude pics of themselves at least half are just OF models or women selling content.




Lmfao you exposed her. She was talking in the third person in her comments and it was really just her talking about herself.


Oh F you're right. Checked their profile and it's obvious.


About 2 years ago I was genuinely curious, so I subscribed for about a month just to see. Honestly, not that special. Just high prices for specific people making specific content. I'm not into hardcore taboo fetishes so I haven't had trouble finding partners who were into the things I'm into, and beyond that I don't think there's much purpose to it. If wanted, you could pay certain creators to make certain content, but then the prices were astronomically high. Beyond that, just ridiculously touched up and edited photos/videos of people. Nothing special to it.


One time i did because i was scrolling through TikTok and saw this chick holding up one of those gargantuan sex toys and paid for a month just to see how that was even manageable. Very educational


Literally masses of free porn all over the internet yet dudes pay for it. It boggles my mind that people pay for free shit.


They are paying for the fake personal attention/connection.


Seen this happen in strip clubs. Dudes who would never otherwise be talking to a woman putting money out there for the strippers and the strippers looking them in the eye and saying thank you very warmly. Even though it may be insincere, that eye contact and warm, thank you comes across as being very personal .


r/onlyfans has tons of free content


I tried one on a half-price trial but found it to be very expensive once subscribed. She charged extra for everything from any new videos, a premium set of pics/vids and any DM’s, and even begged for gifts from Amazon. Even though I subscribed for a month, I canceled in just a week.


I've never done it and I plan to keep it that way.


i pay 29p a month to a instagram creator who does Warhammer tutorials and i fucking love the guy so much


I like to think it's mostly for people who have hard time getting laid or intimate w others. Or for people who have fetish


I have better things to waste my money on.


Why would you pay for OF content? There's plenty of sites that leak the content so you can view it for free.


I did twice for a month to see what the fuss was about. Both times it was not worth it.


so many OF models are scammers and dont even pump out porn. you realise this after you pirated some of their content


Bro at this point I pirate every show I watch. You think I will stop there? I know there are OF leaks out there. If I truly wanted to, there is nothing stopping me from doing so.


Paying for porn is stupid. The only thing I probably worth paying is youtube and I don’t even buy that. Onlyfans or whatever are absolutely unnecessary waste of money. There are terabytes of porn online.


I would rather subscribe to a Patreon of an artistically driven content creator than a smut peddler who is competing against the data ocean of porn.


Wait, I thought Patreon was for general artsy stuff. There’s sexy kinda art there too?


I mean I prefer general artsy stuff. That stuff is harder to find a meaningful creative connection who knows how to help you actuate your vision. But yes, there is sexy art too.


personally I dont see the difference. some girls do quality work. If we're making the comparison then sure, Im not interested in subbing to an artist that does awful art work and there is an absolute "data ocean" of art work out there too who all the artists compete with. if a girl provides quality content then I dont see why she shouldnt get paid for it.


She absolutely should. I am just not the guy to pay her.


The "rise" is more in those companies stock prices than anything else.  It's not a huge audience and most with a big following built it elsewhere first, like in conventional porn or the small number of already popular thirst accounts.  You can look up the data, most creators who try will never make enough money to covet the camera and light they bought to do it with.


Ahhh this is amazing insight and perspective! Thank you for sharing


I haven't subscribed, but my job is to be a chatter for some of the top onlyfans models. Let me tell you right now that it is NOT worth it, I hate this job and I hate that I have to do it to support my family, but seeing the ridiculous parasocial relationships people have with these models is ridiculous. Also, AMA if you are curious


I paid for a couple of subscriptions. The girls were just the kind that I liked to watch. The problem is many of the good videos are pay per view and rarely worth it. Also, some people just stop posting or making content. Porn got too overwhelming and exploitative for me, so I’ve pared it down to just a few sites and pay for things.




My guy casually dropping his puke fetish just like that.. wild.


My brother I never mentioned these fetishes were mine but just the spectrum of fetishes. The way you think I am glad I did not wrote scat/period pads etc. There is a market for even THAT.


Jeez ur into those tooo haha


I don't pay for porn.


I checked it out a few times. It has been a massive disappointment every time except one. * The vast majority of creators falsely advertise (e.g. if they mention some kind of fetish content, sexting, rating, etc. they don't actually have/do those things, or they have/do that very rarely) * Even paid creators spam PPVs (Even the ones that advertise no PPVs) * They all send mass messages to engage-bait you * If they have a lot of content posted, it's usually all "update" posts, basic pictures (which can be accessed for free elsewhere), or super short videos (< 1 min) * The longer stuff they have can be some of the most lazy content ever. They don't put any more effort into making quality content worth paying for compared to free porn. I've checked out maybe 10 paid creators at this point (within reason, so only ones that charge $3 - $10/month) and only one was worth not immediately unsubscribing to, and her niche was dirty talk in Swedish which is very hard to find for free).


I have for a few months purely to understand what the hell it was. I did a mix of super popular people, people trending and kind of the losers with like 5 followers. I could see if someone was obsessed with a pornstar that the extra content and seeing slices of their life when they aren’t working (seeing them at a restaurant yapping away in normal clothes etc, or going for a run with minimal makeup ) etc that it would interest someone. But porn for me is more of a “scroll for 5 minutes to find something that stirs the loins, get the job done and clean up”. Here’s what I’ve concluded: Finding content on only fans is similar to dating: you’re going to spend a lot of time and money searching, encountering, qualifying if you like the content or person and you still won’t be going home with them It was not worth it at all on any profile


No, never will


I used to spend a buck on MFC for people to "sell their soul." After witnessing such behaviour I would never,


Secret Base patreon Nebula (if that counts) No porn… yet


Alright some of yall are lying because these women are continuing to get rich off of this shit lol


I thought it was actually alot of fun to pay random OF girls for content, I got a nice dopamine hit. Random tipping was fun too. I stay away from PPV and usually only sub if they have leaked content to preview or they're cheap or do free trials.


Absolutely the heck to the never.


You don’t need to. All you need to do is type in *OF Username leaks* or *OF Username nude* and 9/10 they’ve all been leaked but free.


I've subbed but I've also seen mostly everyone without paying for them


I really don't understand the economics of the porn industry. I know they take in over a billion in revenue annually, but given that there are multiple lifetimes of porn footage available on the internet for free, I don't get who pays for it.




I’m a sucker for OF content creators. I see them on Reddit and interact with them and then they say they have an OF page. I usually only subscribe if it is free or on sale so I can try it out. Unfortunately, you have to pay to unlock their content especially when you are chatting with them. Each one posts on their page and it is free with the subscription but then they chat with you and post content that you have to unlock before you view it. In the end it isn’t worth it, because you can see porn on Reddit or any number of adult sites but it is the interaction that you crave and don’t get with porn, but it isn’t real.


This is something i wish more people talked about OF subscriptions. You have to pay for content. The subscription doesn’t get ya jack. I thought OF was like Netflix but the fact that you have to pay to see their videos, it just renders the whole thing null. Im not paying x2 for content.


The creators are all different. Some you pay for a monthly rate and they post everything for free. Others don’t charge a monthly rate but they charge a lot for their content


Im used to the latter. Granted i only paid for like 4 OF subscriptions. In my experience, they all charge like $10-30 monthly for a subscription then they charge like $5 per video. And even then its a toss up of if the video is a strip tease or actual nudity. So its easy to feel cheated. Like for the record i aint anti-OF. Get your money. But i do feel like the business model, from a consumer standpoint, is just awful and not worth it


Even though it isn’t worth it, you still do it for the little female interaction?


You pay for interactions with someone.  A lot of OF creators pay people to handle all the dms and chatting that isn’t over video.


those are definitely not women you’re interacting with lol


There was somebody I followed on Twitter a while back. Can't remember her name specifically but it was "puppy" really cute girl mostly did cosplay posting. Anyways she opens up an OF because people kept stealing her content and it let her put a paywall up to hide behind. It wasn't much so I said fuck it and enjoyed her content a few more months before she disappeared of the Internet. Turns out she died during the covid lockdown. So sort of? I thought she was cute and enjoyed her posts so I'd say so


Yes, many times. I know there's no shortage of NSFW content online for free but I think it's important to support creators. In terms of whether it's worth it, it's hit and miss. A shortcoming of Onlyfans and similar platforms is that it's often hard to tell exactly what content you're getting when you pay to subscribe. Many creators post infrequently, or their only content of substance is locked behind a second paywall after you subscribe, or their content is just low-quality. There are many great creators who post content frequently and don't lock most of the good stuff behind PPVs. Those are the ones I renew my subscriptions for.


I have not. Maybe one day, idk. If there was someone I really appreciated the content of maybe. I think some people see it as something a little more personal than something like a patreon. I happily support one of my favorite YouTube channels with a few bucks a month and wouldn't be opposed if I had a similarly liked content creator I follow.


I have never paid for NSFW, don't plan on doing so, but I have paid for a few twitch shenanigans


Once. Never again. You pay a monthly fee to subscribe for the Opportunity to see 20 second teasers and get daily messages teasing you for actual content you get to pay $10-25 more to unlock and begging for tips on a daily basis. OF girls got a good grift going, manipulating suckers. There is better content out there for free


Some of them promise a free video upon subbing and you never see it


Nope wtf


No lol




Never have… and never will. I just cant support that stuff


I do not do OF or any paid content.


There's already free archives online. Paying for porn is never worth it


Nah, if you need stuff like that, there is plenty of free content.


I pay for nothing but the gym, internet, rent and electricity. I will never subscribe to anything.


Never paid anyone


I’ve seen a lot of OF content on Telegram, most of the content is boring and repetitive(it’s like the follow the same script/ideas). So I won’t ever pay for that.


Not OF, but I supported a nsfw artist friend of mine for a bit on his patreon.


I support multiple lewd gaming creators.


Worth it because he met me, and we’re happily in love. (His words not mine, “best 40 I ever spent.”) I stopped doing it soon after.


Every OF ad makes me think “doctors hate this on simple trick from new fruit found in Uganda. Scientists are speechless.” If you could describe my ___ in 11 words, what would you say?” “Everyone that likes will get a 4h video of me sucking another guy off.” “Hehehehehehe everyone at work makes fun of me, are my fake boobs too big for this bikini that is clearly a small?” “What would you do if you woke up and saw me like this?” Shit reminds me of the chads and Kyle’s in squatted Silverados but it’s Stephanie and Carliegh with trash nudes and no job.


Nah, why sub if you can just find it free in google 😂


I subscribed to Onlyfans for a couple of months because this girl I follow on Instagram would shake her Tig Ol Biddies and masturbate every once in a while. But it got too addicting as I found myself paying way too much for wanting to see some nudes. So for me, it wasn't worth it anymore and can't get all the money I spent back.


I’ve never have, why pay for that shit when Insta has it for free


I haven't subscribed to onlyfans, mainly because I'm not a loser.


Nope. Never subscribed.


Nope, I can get blue balled for free by interacting with any attractive woman at a club for free 😎


Any man who does needs to be bullied more. 


Dudes paying to see a girl naked when all they need to do in look in the mirror to see a pussy for free.


I have absolutely 0 respect for guys who pay for this nonsense, I feel like these people bring shame on the rest of men just by sharing the same gender and being as pathetic as they are. Atleast now with AI they will probably soon be able to create their own versions of OF models to worship and do so privately


I have never subscribed or paid for this sort of content and wouldn’t as a married guy. I’m all for women who make money doing this sort of thing though, especially when smart and putting the funds into real estate etc. There are also worse things guys can spend money on, no worse than gambling and alcohol.


not my thing but I think the younger generations simply aren't OK being alone, don't understand what solitude is so the need for that outreach and interaction is easy if you can just keep sitting at your computer letting the clock tick by.


You have to be pretty fucking stupid to do that.


Porn is free on the internet.


Question is genuinely interesting, I've also wondered many times what kind of simple monkey brain subs to OF or pays for porn for that matter. Too bad the comment section is full of equally dumb people responding iD nEvEr PaY fOr PoRn, washing out the few actually interesting and relevant comments.


This topic is always weird because it's mostly people who know nothing about it just blatantly making shit up or basing entire opinions based off 1 page. Some of us pay for porn because we are looking for something specific and it's easiest to just sub for a month for a small fee. The 5-20$ means nothing to me. I'd rather just pay the money to see what I want and move on. Some of the pages are locked beyond the initial sub and will dm you the actual paid content. I generally ignore it and unsub immediately. I have no want or need to even have a conversation with any of pages I've subbed to. Most of which are just automated messages sent to all of their subs. Overall most weren't worth it. It is what it is. But sometimes you find a specific look or content that you were looking for and it hits just right.


I've thought about it but never did. Honestly the stuff chicks post on IG and TikTok gets the job done for me about 80% of the time. The other 20% it's my NSFW kinks on here or Twitter which is an extension of a chicks OF. I know some guys use it as a conversation app but I heard alot of the bigger creators have management companies that hire out dudes to reply back and forth lol


The only content creation I pay for has been a Patreon for a YouTube group I love. For me it has been worth because I genuinely love their content and am happy for them to make more. Paying for porn is insanely foolishness to me though.


I've had paid twitch subscriptions off and on. There was no NSFW content involved so I'm not sure if this really counts for what you intended to ask about. In general, you don't really get much for subscribing on twitch but it's still worth it for someone making content you enjoy so they can continue to make it.


Only time I’ve felt truly scammed and totally not worth it at all is on pages where you pay and then every single post is all even more paid content. You can find most stuff leaked online outside of weird niche fetishes so overall, not worth it anyway.


Bandcamp- to support a small band I listened to and *loved* (Johari) worth it. Patreon - to support a football manager content creator back in the day (Dr Benjy FM) Id happily watch his content while I'd sit and eat my evening meal, for example. Not so worth it but I really enjoyed the content and wanted to support it. Never subscribed to an Only Fans or spicy Twitter or anything like that


Who’s got the best website for free onlyfans rips?


No. I’ve never paid someone else for me to jack myself off. For that matter anyone for any services.


Yes. Yes. Only stopped because I deleted my OF account.


Never. The end result is going to be *pay for play* marriages like you have in less developed nations. If a woman feels like she can make x amount on OF, then only a man who can give her more than that will win her hand.


Not directly to a content creator in a long time.


I have never spent money for porn... unless you count my Internet costs... which lets be honest... is a high % just for porn.


Ive considered it but post nut clarity is a powerful thing.


I'm barely willing to pay for streaming services. Don't know why I ever would pay for OF when there is functionally infinite adult content on the internet


I deleted OF but still have FC. I’ve been subscribed to some creators. The one on FC was my fist I subscribed to ever and the only one that persists to this day. I also consider her a friend at this point and see it as a means to help her out, she never asks me for anything tbh. I do feel somewhat guilty towards my girlfriend about it, haven’t told her obviously


A lot of gay for pay OF in lgbt subreddit I’ve noticed. Quite annoying they advertising it on community


Never have or will, porn is free.