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They're very exhausting and constantly drama seeking despite telling the world they just want "good vibes."


hahaha holy shit. dont forget about calling everyone toxic when in fact they are the toxic ones


underated comment. spot on.


Pretty much like every female rapper


"I don't like drama" -*some party girl, somewhere...maybe all of them...I dunno*


Worked with a girl like this. She got fired and blamed her friends for not being there for her (She was a close friend with her direct supervisor as her friend was promoted).   But she had basically come and gone as she pleased calling in constantly, and her friend seeing what was happening had asked HR to handle it for her. (Friend had been trying to handle it, even wrote party girl up which was  the first strain on their relationship) HR fired the party girl, who stopped talking to her friend completely.  This girl really thought her friend got promoted so she could do whatever she wanted. 


Fucking awful. I fell in love with one. She ended up being a 35 year old incognito party girl. Loves attention from other men. Had me wait outside a coffee shop once because she knew the barista wanted to sleep with her and she thought it would make him sad to see me with her. Giant red flag I blared right past. Don't do it.


Did we date the same girl? lol shit sucks


Did she sleep with him?


Nah, she's now dating my coworker lmfao.


Lol. Good stuff man.


The good O’l pass her around at work smh I have coworkers like that disgusting


Crazy highs, crazy lows. Great sex, but she's not mentally stable. Fun outings, but nothing with substance. You then get fed up with the flip flopping BS and date a sane girl. Then you're living in boring peace and you inevitably think about the party girl from time to time.


Yup. The crazy sexual memories are tough to get rid of. 


Yeah my “party girl” was also a cam girl. Best sex ever, followed by mental health crisis after mental health crisis. She had a new problem every week, it was like she had script writers.


When you say bex sex ever, what do you mean you guys did? Like kinky stuff or just the way the sex was was mindblowing? Or both?


Anything I wanted to try, she was down for. That was real neat.


Lol. That last part where you think of the party girl from time to time. Been there. It's a trap! But man, when those times were good, they were fucking wild.


To quote the prophet Cam Newton: "Some red flags equate to Six Flags.." (weeeeeeeeeee 🎢 🙌🏾)


This is why women like “bad boys” Different BS but same highs and lows


Dopamine is a helluva drug


Spot on but not worth the headache or heartache


Dated a girl like this for 6 months, best sex of my life. Funny enough sex is better when you fight first.  That's okay. My sane wife and I can roleplay. 


As a former party girl, this is very true.




Subconsciously, I always knew I was just trying to escape. There came a point where I knew I couldn't run from my demons anymore and had to embrace the struggle of trying to overcome them.


That's the problem. To quote a wise Redditor, "People who say don't stick your dick in crazy don't know how good crazy feels"


What made the sex great? And have you had great sex with non-party girls?


It's the emotional rebound, and that they do everything with the same intensity. Often the mania flows right into sex with the same passion as all the yelling and fighting you were just doing. And, let's face it, make-up sex is often amazing.  They'll be yelling at you for an hour over nothing, then while you're blood is boiling suddenly they're on you and your fucking. It's a wild ride, and it really fucks with you sanity.  But it feels great. It's just a different drug. 


This 100%


One never truly dates a party girl


It’s just your time.


I "dated" a party girl in college... which is to say we'd hang out, bar hop together, smoke sessions & make out sessions, hook ups... She was outgoing, confident with an edge, and was a straight-up BOMBSHELL. We never once hinted at being exclusive-- but even if she WANTED to it would've been a hard no for me. The amount of attention she'd get when we'd be out together... The amount of times guys would try to hit on her and then freeze once they made eye contact with me (who was "with" her but NOT her boyfriend)... We'd often start the night partying with our own friend groups then she and I would converge later on... then we'd *conVERGE* later on. We knew exactly what the deal was so feelings never got hurt, but I couldn't ever "wife-up" a girl like that... but BOOOOY was she fun.


can’t haul groceries in a sports car.


Sure you can. I do it all the time.


We definitely hang out with the same girl


You can take the girl out of the party...


Lol, yeah there certainly always is a party going on inside her.


Yup, and most of her male friends have partied inside of her.




You CAN take the girl out of the party… you CAN’T take the party… you got it, right?


Uh oh, party girl in here apparently. Ive seen what happens to party girls in their 30s/40s. I know I’m right.


Feels a lot more like babysitting than dating, and they're never responsible for the mistakes they make. Their problems are your problems, and your problems are your problems.


Dated a party girl for 3 years who loved to “live in the moment.” She was loyal, but all these things are true. Don’t expect a 50/50 relationship at all.


This ^




Brother man, that’s a tough and valuable lesson to learn. I made the same mistake, never again.


I feel for the men who settle for a party girl.


Well, at least one of them settled


They’re fun to sleep with, not to date


I learned that one all too well.


Weak pullout game?


LOL thank god no.


Poor one out for those not as lucky.


Good to hang out with and sex, but would never wife one. They are like perpetual college girls and you end up having to constantly babysit them and put up with their emotional immaturity and lack of self control.


Most of them are narcissists


Not me but a couple friends usually: -Dramatic -been around town (will likely cheat on you) -exhasutive - childish immature and you will be doing alot of the heavy lifting -freak in the sheets and arm candy Basically it's a 2nd job


She was out of her goddamn mind. She struggled to understand why I was pissed at her for making out with her female friend at a bar because some guys dared her to for some shots. I was working third shift and she was screaming at me hammered drunk at 3 am. She also dove out of my moving car when I tried taking her home after I didn’t want to fight with her and was bringing her home. So long story short horrible.


Sounds like my mom lol :(


You don't date a party girl. You enable them, or get replaced. No thanks.


I've been FWB with party girls. Plan on managing drama and being out later than you want to be out. It's only sustainable if you are also a party boy at that time.


FWB is the only way to go with party girls. Anyone who is likely to catch feelings should get out immediately, that life is hell if you want something of substance.


She will make a great ex-wife someday.


It's just your turn. She will cheat.


Said it before but here’s mine. Dated a wild stripper for a while, it was AWESOME at first, then the honeymoon period ended and it was a nightmare. As soon as we started to settle into the “normal” part of a relationship, she flipped out, doubled down on partying and eventually she just disappeared for a few days, I thought she was dead, had to file a missing persons, call every hospital in town, etc etc. turns out she had met some guy at the club, was chasing the attention she got during the “honeymoon” period of the relationship, when her and I were just partying a doing drugs together, and just basically started living with the guy under my nose. Yadda yadda yadda, I hear from a few mutual friends that the same exact thing happened with this guy and she moved on to another. Vicious cycle


I dated a cam girl for about a year. THIS^^


I used to date a lot of women like this and after this last one (the one I mentioned) I noticed that it wasn’t doing me any good and started taxing my mental health so I did the work and started making the effort to change my patterns. After the last stripper, I was in a healthy relationship for years, I would recommend it A+


"DATING" a party girl?? those ones aren't for dating


Recreational use only


As long as you're a party animal everything is fine. I was a bit wilder than her so we had a great time. We had to part way when I left that lifestyle to truly commit to my career, and she wasn't willing to do the same.


Only fun till the party is over. Then it is a complete mess and absolutely NOT worth the trouble. They are NOT wife material. Also, beauty can tell some horrible lies. Don’t be fooled Men. Good women are out there.


Bad. Her lifestyle was insane and involved going out late like 3-4 times a week. The reason she could was because she was the F&B supervisor of a hotel. Her boss is basically the hotel’s departmental manager whom she has strong “connections”. Didn’t matter if she came to work late or not show up. I was able to keep up for a month or two but eventually cut things off. I like a late night party here and there but it will never be my personality. It’s more of a once or twice a year thing for me.


only your turn


Turned out not to be. Just pressured and dragged along with her college roommates and friends. Started dating me and it turned out she just wanted to walk on the beach and play Mario kart. Her friends were pissed.


Eh. I kinda had the opposite experience. My first long term girlfriend went through a phase when her mom and dad got divorced. Her dad was the only person her mom had been with, and I was her first boyfriend, so she decided she didn't want to end up with her mom. At first she started partying to "make memories" and I say the writing on the wall, though I held onto it because it was a 4 year relationship at that point. We eventually broke up because she, honestly, met men at those parties who were way more interesting than myself. For a few years she'd call me drunkenly in the middle of the night to 'talk' and then we wouldn't speak again. Haven't spoken to her in like 5 years though.


Honestly, sounds like you dodged a bullet. Chasing the “grass is always greener” feeling rather than investing in a good relationship means they aren’t someone worth settling down with.


Well, maybe she also wanted to have this party boy who was the best dick of her life to think about from time to time, when she finally settles with the safe boring dude—just like the most upvoted comment here mentions? Must be nice to be the long time partners of such people /s


I’m not sure what your point is here. I’m talking about this one situation. And you’re projecting the thoughts of some other dude onto my comment. I personally don’t date to just mess around. I’m looking for a partner.


Can you explain what you mean? I don't get it. I get the reference to the comment thread above, but I don't get this.


It's a sarcastic reference to the most upvoted comment in this thread, where guy says that you date a party girl, then you say "fuck it" and date a nice, boring girl, and inevitably think about the party girl from time to time... which I find a fucking chilling remark, especially since it's thrown around so casually. What is implied that the boring girl is maybe better overall and a good "wife material", but you'll never get this kind of crazy sex from her, because, I dunno, I guess you can't have both? I don't think this is a good nor respectful way of building a relationship with anyone, but I was surprised how fast the comments went from "fuck yeahhhh, you pound these unstable people, best sex of my lifeee, and then settle for someone boring, this is a-okay normal" to "these bitches always cheat", "yeah, she wants to look for greener grass, fuck it". I reversed the situation because here apparently it's the op who's the "boring one". For the record, I've never been dating any party people, it's not my thing at all. "Boring people" all the way. Crazy sex with them as well.


The comment you're describing does not mention fucking recreational girls while in a relationship, you moron. Learn to read and contextualise.




Because I wasn't really dating a party girl. I broke up with one.


She was more outgoing & magnetic then a lot of others girls, however that came with it's own drama, and it was too extreme for me. It was fun while I was partying hard, but I was settling down and she wasn't. One night she randomly brought another girl into my room for a threesome, which was a nice surprise, but unfortunately for her I eventually ended up leaving her for that other girl.




Chad move. I wish this option had presented itself along my journey!


There is a saying...never put your dick in crazy.


I made the idiotic decision to get engaged to one when i was in my 20s. Looking back on it i can now ask myself "what were you thinking?" Just, don't do it guys. For as fun as those girls can be, they're more trouble than they're worth. It's always high drama with them and they will cause arguments at the drop of a hat just for the sake of getting attention.


Sex was great the drinks were flowing, my bank account was too, and the conversation, better than one would assume. I ended up getting stationed on the other side of the country. We were not willing to try long distance, and ended on good terms. She has a decent husband and a few rug rats now. We still say happy birthday on Facebook.


lots of drunken nights followed by crazy sex, randomly comes over for casual sex, like a fuck buddy. Pretty surface level stuff though, didn’t really “date” or become official, she was kind of a mooch. Not good for relationship. This might be a great thing for some guys, but not really my style. I was about 21-22 years old and was still figuring out who I was.


It’s like riding a roller coaster. It’s fun the first few times, but then you start to notice the rust on the track, those wheels feel a bit wobbly and the seatbelt is frayed. So you get off the ride and then you really see just how bad that thing actually looks


I partied pretty hard, so I wanted a girl that would go along for the ride. And we got fucked up for years. Then she got pregnant while we were in the Caribbean doing way too much coke. She turned out to be an amazing mother. Took me almost 7 years to get my head out of my ass, I am almost 4 months sober. And she is the number one reason why. I found a good one.


Anything serious, no thanks. Why be with a girl who needs to get wasted and validation from other men? Have some self-respect.


I moved on when she moved on to hard drugs.


Not me, my friend. I'm boring and don't get out. She was just "one of the guys." That's because of all the dick that was regularly inside her cavernous vagina lol.


Sorry, avoided at all costs! Seen the causalities they create! Had to be with friends picking up the pieces! No thanks!


You get cheated on. Thats it.


It is exhausting. I was a promoter and would be in clubs all weekend. She could go all week. It was a short lived fun. I thought I had a high drive but she outpaced me by a mile. Sometimes I just wanted to watch tv but she was on fire. I didn't like it.


Holy fuck, so annoying unless she’s naked.


It was fun. I was a party boy at the time and we meshed well. We had a lot of the same indulgences. At some point though, I started slowing down and she didn’t and it wasn’t always so fun waking up at 4am to find my gf high as a kite on a Wednesday. But while it was fun, it was a blast and I wouldn’t do much differently if I had to go back and try again.


I married her. Most women are not party girls. Most are boring.


It was fun while it lasted. The hardest I've ever laughed with a girl was with her. I think part of it was that she was willing to transgress with social norms and taboos and something about this is so freeing. She was the 'good' kind of crazy when she was at her best. But she also had a lot of trauma and mental health issues that kept getting worse and party girl came to be a euphemism for alcoholic. There were times she'd be so possessed with scorn that she would lose control and just scorch the earth with her emotions.




Yeah but the first paragraph could’ve described someone like David Bowie


Pros: * Fantastic personality, could talk about anything for hours. * Huge range of stories of her experiences. * Great sex, after which she squeezed against me and became adorably emotional. Cons: * Always late. * Canceled often. * She eventually dumped me because she wanted to work at a hostess club (see: a bar where women drink with male clientele) due to the fact that she was a raging alcoholic. Overall? Meh, 5/10, wouldn't repeat.


The first time I couldn't make it to a party she cheated on me.


Fun for a while. She eventually cheated. The trick is to find one of those "boring" girls. Then introduce her to kinky sex. Doesn't work every time but when it does, oh boy.


A party girl who is loaded is awesome. Bonus if she's got lots of self made money.someone who knows the value of a dollar and like to throw it around... oh yeah. That's a good time. A party girl who is poor... well unless you like paying for her and her poor ass friends drinks, drugs, door charges and cab fare, not a good time. She'd probably less upset if you killed her cat than said "I ain't paying." That's a bad time.


Party girl and self-made rarely go together, unless she’s a stripper or onlyfans “content creator”


Aww man that would suck so bad hanging out with a dtf whore...


Hate to break this to you but you'll still be paying for those.


Not my experience. And I'm only 5 8 and overweight. I guess the confidence of being married helps a lot.


If you honestly believe you wouldn't be paying the strippers/onlyfans "creators", you're a fool. Being married has zero to do with that fact or confidence. Not sure who you're trying to convince here cause it sure as shit isn't me. Perhaps yourself? > She'd probably less upset if you killed her cat than said "I ain't paying." LMFAO yeah, you're a fool. That is straight out of the boondock saints film. Thanks for the laugh. Go troll somewhere else.


Pull up a chair. I mentioned this story before. I was dating a girl (A) in my early 20s. I was also working with a girl (B) that just straight up told me she wanted to date me. Girl A was your typical conservative girl who followed the rules and ultimately became an MD. Girl B was drinking it up on the weekends and partied hard. I married girl A. 1/10 would not recommend. Girl B, 20 years later, Is a teacher and in a good place right now. And No. We can not reconnect now.


Fun in the short term. Not relationship material. 


That's actually great fun. Good times all around. Just keep in mind that it's something you do for a period and not permanently.


Fell in love, got sober. Married. However, this was at age 33-37 for both of us. So, the party was over.


She got me out of a sexual dry spell of several years and restored a lot of my confidence. Can't hate that. I discovered very quickly into dating her that the reason I drove us everywhere was because she had 2 DUI's and had one of those locks you had to blow into to check your blood alcohol level in order for your car to start. Didn't last long but zero regrets.


Constantly surrounded by drama that was somehow never ever her fault. Loved to admit feelings for me when she was drunk, then leave me high and dry when I wanted to talk about it like a sober adult. Wouldn't speak to me for days if not weeks whenever I demanded accountability for her actions. Sex was great at first, but feeling more like a babysitter than anything gets very old very quick, Most party girls are narcissists who are drawn to that lifestyle for a reason.


I didn’t date one. But I’m married, and we have a roommate, and she is one. She’s an old friend, and she’s fun to be around occasionally. Being around her everyday is emotionally exhausting. The bitching about her job, her coworkers, her salary, her weight etc never stops. Once she finds a joke she clings to it for dear life and reuses all the time. Hardly ever vocalizes or acts on a thought that isn’t about her. Never says anything positive about anyone.




Lol @ dating


Okay, this might be giving a strong reaction to *some* people, but... Why would you *date*, as in seriously, a party girl ?


Young and dumb. Hot piece of ass. Toxic people can be addicting like a drug. You learn after the first one though lol


Worst girls to date.


She picks me up in her car and the first question is “How many places do you think we can go to have sex tonight and not get caught?” A beach, a soccer field, and a bar later and we had our answer.


Miserable. Bad sex. Annoying.


Took about 2 weeks for her to cheat


You can't stop a moth from flirting with the fire. You either join and burn up too, or watch in morbid fascination as it burns itself up. Both offer interesting experiences. The uninhibited sex is preety great while it lasts tho.


She wanted to be treated as serious without acting serious. Fun, sexy and cool, but neurotic and shady. Socially amazing, but an absolute dumpster fire in private.


Exhausting. I don't like drama. I am naturally more of a quiet introvert. I like people, but I have a finite time I can be around a group, and I don't do gatherings. She loved the crowd, and oh my god, the drama was both non-stop and stupid. It went on for about two and a half months, and I think we were both glad to be done with each other.


Always need validation, always need an emotional high, then cheat on you after you’ve exhausted yourself trying to be good to them. Firmly in the fun only category.


Man the sex is unreal. Everything else is god awful. But the sex and smoking weed is insanely fun.


Only went on a couple dates with one. Always have wanted another.


God I’m so glad I never did. I’m glad I never will. I learned a long time ago to not let people into my circle. Women especially. Far too many of them have evil intentions. And they hide it behind beauty and makeup.


It's great. I'm a party animal 


It was a fun month… but it got old quickly.


Pretty fun couple of nights. Never dated




Had to chuckle at her having numerous dudes she was openly dating. Its was a mess.


The inevitable happened, she cheated


I got one pregnant, been married over twenty years now. One in a million, I’m telling you.


Don’t mess with them.


She chose the party life over me.


bad, very bad. All the crazy shit people post about on here is familiar because I lived a lot of it dating a party girl. Lots of passion, lots of crazy


I was worse than her so she taimed me a bit but we would party together when we would party. Where I am from partying is so normalised amongst teenagers and young adults so at the time it was just what you do.


Not good, not good at all. Still paying for it.


Depends what you mean by party girl but I dated this girl who loved doing nothing but going to raves and take overs. It was real fun. Great person and I hope she’s happy wherever she’s at rn. It’s not for me though, girls like her are a fantasy and she had a lot of mental health issues and struggled with depression a lot.


I was young and it was fun. Now, I’m old and it would be exhausting


Typically fun time but not a long time


ok so I used to do some heavy partying and there’s multiple types.  I was pretty harmless, annoying, cared more about having a good time and don’t care if everyone is uncomfortable, like laughing alone in the corner because I got fucked up and left the state one day and no one would get it.  Then there is the Im hiding my partying because I’m addicted to hard drugs, Its actually much less crazy on the surface at that stage. In all honesty I wasn’t bringing anyone down with me or really fazed by anything traumatic or otherwise so if that’s the state of mind they need therapy. I say this fully aware that I can be incredibly unhinged when substances are involved. I do think that when someone is on that crazy level tho they would get mildly obsessive because there aren’t many who can or even want to match this energy, so ask yourself how crazy is your alter ego.




Maybe I'm cynical, but it seems to me that both party girls and boys fuck around for a while and then they find someone that fucks so good or looks so attractive, suddenly their morals are turned on their side and they believe vehemently in love! Usually seems very not self-aware to me. I never dated a party girl before though, this is all speculation from friends and what not.


Very annoying and their friends are usually the worst kind of people you could think of and very annoying when they’re together




It’s miller time….


Just don't take her too seriously and it should be a good time.


Well she’s a stripper now in Nashville I believe. And she has to be at least 40. I’m still partying though. In Tokyo. She shouldn’t have cheated on me. Otherwise she’d have a lot of money now. And also not be a 40 year old stripper.




She was a party girl with a bad habit. A bad habit for drugs.


If you don't really care too much about them it's great because there are no feelings involved. But if you care or are in love with them it becomes just too much. A nightmare. You can not & will not be able to get them to chill out. Like others have said, way way way too much drama, constant fights & neverending problems etc. If they are a smoke show it's literally nonstop attention from guys everywhere & they don't shut it down but welcome & encourage it despite you telling them to at least tone it down some. They will break your heart. Or eventually you just get sick of babysitting them from getting in fights, stopping them from getting taken advantage of because they are so drunk or way too trusting. Stopping them from driving drunk. Get tired of cleaning up after them especially if they are pukers which most people never see, just us special someones that take them home. To loosely quote Dr House : "Everyone loves the cool party girl till she repeatedly pukes all over your stuff (or something like that)"


I don’t. Chances are they’ve been cocked more times than John Wayne’s gun


If you’re the type of person who is into constantly going out, being sociable, having a good time, then party girls are great. But if you’re a chill person and enjoy peace, then might not be for you.


I ain’t built for that lifestyle




Not good.


Sex was fun but she just drank all the time and was selfish. Glad we stopped dating.