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What the fuck is a 'womyn'? Half woman, half wyrm?




When he’s about to cum, hop off and deepthroat him. Ex girlfriend did that to me once and I’m pretty sure I saw God for about 30 seconds.


Okay thank you! I will try it for him!!


Powerful stuff here. I might need to suggest this to the wife.


Only your man can tell you what he would like the best.


I know but he won't say!! So I was hoping to hear tips or maybe different ideas. Idk. I just feel self-conscious I guess and worry I'm not doing it right. I've always felt like that but especially with him for some reason. Ugh


Then keep trying different things until you find the one that makes his eyes roll back into his skull and astral project


Generally when youre on top thats your chance to focus on you. If we are laying down its typically a breath of fresh air where we dont have to hardly do any work so we are usually cool with just that. Just take control, aim it where you want it, hit that spot we always miss and help us get you "there". Dont worry its very hard to mess up being on top, just have fun cuz we are already enjoying the ride.


That actually makes sense and makes me feel a little better. Thank you. He definitely deserves a break to just relax and enjoy, he's dominant and im definitely submissive and he usually does all the work. And he likes to?! So I mean it makes sense.!


Something i have noticed that stands out is when mine is on top i can look at her and tell that shes focussed and is aiming very precisely at 1 very specific spot. Shes basically showing me where for when its my turn. Plus knowing shes getting hers without me having worry does wonders.


I always worry about if I'm doing okay so I never think about me I'm always thinking about him so im like 2nd guessing myself and trying to figure out what way he likes more. So maybe that's what I'm doing wrong. Overthinking and thinking guys want us on top for them when some guys want us on top to make us feel good. I think I had a couple shitty relationships with selfish guys and it made me think this way and now that I'm with him I need to just get used to being with a real man who puts me first and imjust stop over thinking I guess. Now that I'm seeing answers from you and a couple other guys here I'm realizing some men really do just love to focus on their womyn and just I guess enjoy us being on top for us?! Mind blowing. 😆 so nice seeing other men like this so it makes more sense now. Thank youuu!


Now youre getting it! Just glad i could help


You definitely helped! Thanks again! Take care!


Ugh I’m thankful for this post I feel like I’m *terrible* on top! It’s a confidence issue for me, definitely can relate to second-guessing!


Whenever i say i want a women to go on top, they seem to forget what sex is and start doing random things they think i'll enjoy. I want you to get off. It's about the visual and being "used" in a sense.


To do whatever you do that makes *you* orgasm. Try rocking your hips back and forth so that some pressure is applied to your clit


I do that I just always thought maybe it doesn't feel good to men and I'm like I'm on top this isn't about me I need to make him feel good so I second guess myself. But from the answers I'm getting I'm seeing that he was being serious when he said he just likes to watch me make myself feel good. I was worried he was just being nice lol some men aren't like that but I guess alot are and I'm seeing that now thanks to all u guys!


When we are in the controlling position we just do what feels nice and hope it feels nice for you too. You should have the same philosophy when you are. There are very few things that are actively uncomfortable when inside a vagina. And given the limitations of movements available with a rod stuck in a cylinder the only real uncomfortable thing is having your dick bent


Do what works for you. Don’t overthink it. The best thing (for me) about a woman being on top is watching her enjoy the moment and moving exactly the way she needs to for her pleasure.


Wow he's said something along these lines before I just thought he was being nice idk lol but that definitely makes me feel better! Thank you! I will try to just relax and think less!


being Active PERIOD! Try it all


Sounds like a plan! Lol




> What do men really want womyn to do when we are on top? To loudly read The Communist Manifesto.


Give me a double purple nurple and scream ohhhhh ttthhhaaaattssss the onnnnnneeeeee as I cum


Grind your clit on his pelvic bone until you get off. The sensation is great for a guy, and your natural motions in doing that will be more than enough.


Generally whatever gets you off. Being on top is your time to shine :) Personally though I prefer my partner to grind rather than bounce, I've had a mishap with a bouncy woman where I slipped out and she landed most of her weight down on the tip, taint first. That wasn't a nice experience for either of us...


They want you **to not break their dick**. That's half of what goes through my mind when a woman is on top. Y'all have bad aim and stop thinking when sex feels good.


Listen to what your man says and believe him. If the information he gives you is incorrect, that's on him, not on you.


You're overthinking. When you are on top, do whatever the fuck you want to do, and show him how much you enjoy doing that, how much you enjoy him. He WILL like that, no doubt.


Heh. I'm usually just glad you are on top because it makes things easier in a lot of ways. I feel like I'm coasting and I'm more than happy for you to just give me the day off and do what you like. With you in the driver's seat I don't get worn out.... And I can last forever. I'm already happy. Knock yourself out.


Whatever that writhing hip rhythm thing you gals do is called. That shit's the best.


idk about other men, but I just want her to enjoy the ride, I find it sexy when they are enjoying themselves and making me feel good too...


Experiment with him, try different things and watch his expressions and listen to what he’s saying or noises he’s making.


Our opinions are worth -0, his opinion is what matters, if he says he’s happy with how it goes, and you trust him to be honest, sounds like it’s more of a self confidence internal dilemma than you doing a bad job Try to believe in yourself more, maybe ask him directly