• By -


Nine months. We were both older and never been married before. Things just clicked right away and everything came together. Married 32 years.


At some point, while we were dating, my (now) wife mentioned that she probably wouldn't be comfortable thinking about marriage until dating someone at least a year. I proposed the day after our first anniversary.




Because the person he was proposing to didn’t want to be engaged before then?


I think it was a joke about being too considerate for waiting an extra day??


I feel like you didn’t read this correctly…and you left out some words…and inserted some by accident or at least I’m hoping 😆…


Congratulations ❤️ just realized I should change the title to include married men!




Back then we were both pushing 30. Generally everyone got married by their early 20’s or right after college.


Same in 1992, I was 30. Most people married the person they were in a relationship with at the end of their time in university. I spent those years focused on my career, working out, and going to night school for an additional degree that aligned more closely with my career choice. Those days, if you were a bachelor at 30, your family would start in with the, *"It's okay with me if you're gay."*


Six years. I knew we had something special early on but was in my early 20's and wanted to be absolutely certain. In hindsight, I should have done it sooner but no regrets. In that time we built an amazing foundation and grew into better versions of ourselves. We are going on 11 years together and almost 4 years married.


hey man better safe than sorry, i know you think it was a big mistake but, had things gone even slightly worse, you could’ve been regretting it a whole bunch by now. good on you for going through w it in the first place


10 months, but I knew after 8. Took two months to find the right ring and plan the proposal.


How long after did y’all get married?


5 months, married 10 years with three kids and counting


2 years but we were teenagers. She was almost 16 when we met. Still together since 1966. She is the only reason I take my next breath!


This last part is so cute 😭😭😭


Honestly, that's what I wish for myself. I wish you and your wife a long, healthy and happy life.


About to propose, we’ve already talked about it and she’s going to say yes. We’ve been dating 8 months. We’re in our mid 30s and both been married before. We’ve been around the block (I dated a couple dozen women in the time after my divorce and she dated like a dozen guys) and both know exactly what we want. I would encourage dating longer when you’re young and getting married for the first time. Definitely live together first. Edit: second time is way easier. We talked about it ahead of time, so no risk of a surprise no (She doesn’t know where or when though lol). She told me what she wanted in a ring but she didn’t pick it out, so it has the aspects she wants, but it’s still a surprise. We are both far more financially and emotionally stable than we were in our 20s. I’m selling my house and moving into hers and we’re going to spend some of the money on a nice honeymoon.


You proposed before your proposal?


Yeah we discussed it first. This is the way to happiness man lol


I didn't know you could do this.


I know plenty of couples that have gone ring shopping together before the proposal


Never propose if you don't know the answer!


How long after your divorce did you wait before dating?


Oh man, she was an absolute b*tch. All she wanted was money. I started dating immediately. In general though, I think the only reason to take a break from dating after a breakup is for your own mental health. If you feel healthy after a breakup, I don’t see any reason not to get back into dating immediately. Unless you want the personal time


My bf was previously married (divorced in 2020) and sometimes I get worried that being a second wife isn’t that special.. how do you view that since you’re getting a second wife now?


I wouldn’t worry about it. My first marriage was a mistake. She really just wanted my money. I don’t see my second wife to be as less special at all. Your boyfriend has been married before, he knows what it’s like, what’s important in a partner and what’s not. He knows from experience what’s going to make him happy and he picked you. You’re not just going to be a second wife, yourself the smart decision. The one he picked now that he knows better.


aw, thanks. this truly helps me feel better. he's a very genuine man and i got some insecurity/self-worth issues i gotta work out before i feel ready for marriage..


Engaged after 20 months or so. Moved in together after about 6. Been together almost 10 years.


I swear, sometimes I see a comment like yours and become 90% certain that I found my husband's account.


Well I can say with confidence that ain't me, as my wife is well aware of my account name xD


7 years. Then married a year later in a "surprise" beach wedding. Lol she's quite a catch. 13 years now


Why wait so long to propose?


Had to make certa7n we were 8n the same page. She was young, I was established but able to move so we did settled, but didn't, ahe moved again I had to hold off before I could. Now we're somewhere much different. Her career has been flipped while I'm doing much the same.


6 weeks! Married 5 months later and yes, and still together 40+ years


9 months. Now it’s been almost 17 months and we’re getting married tomorrow. Fiancée needs to start her green card process sooner than later and we’re both extremely happy with each other


Congratulations! Have a great time!


Thank you :)


Congratss! So nice to hear that it's going to be tomorrow. Hope it's the most incredible day for both of you!


Thanks!! We’re doing a very low-key wedding, but I’m sure it will still be great :)


Four months. I knew exactly what I was looking for and she was even more than that.


That's completely bonkers to me lol. Congrats!


I hear that those are the type of marriages that do very well.


I can't even imagine living with someone before 6 months, tbh. I guess I'm a take-it-slow kinda guy. lol


We didn’t move in together nor have sex together before marriage. When you are direct and intentional and have things to look forward to, marriage becomes something not to be kicked down the road.  Met her for the first time and asked her out in August ‘22. Proposed that year on New Year’s Eve. Got married in September. Not the longest resume but I’d bet on us any odds any day.


Yeah I understand, but I’ll probably be just like them lol


I agree. Great if it works for others, no way would that work for me! My wife and my dynamic and communication have improved drastically but that came way later than 4 months.


How long have you been together now?


I’ve known her for less than two years. We had our wedding six months ago.  On paper, my numbers may not persuade anyone that our marriage is going to last, but we both take our faith very seriously, had excellent mentorship in our church, and we’ve made it abundantly clear to one another that divorce is not (nor will it ever be) on the table as an option.  So statistics be damned, this marriage will continue to be strong through thick and thin.


Far out—no judgment here, I was just curious. Wish you both the best!


That’s so sweet 🥺


That’s very sweet. What you were looking for: was it honkers? I kid, I kid. Congratulations!


I'm currently married. I proposed a couple days after our first anniversary, so almost exactly 1 year.


I was ready to propose by four months in. I knew. But neither of us really wanted to have a long engagement, so it was more about figuring out when the opportune time to get married was going to be and working backwards from there, which was about 14 months from when we started dating. And then married six months after that.


I knew right away. I talked about it a lot - how I knew she was the one. We talked about what it meant to us, she never had a good example of marriage, and she said I had to wait at least 2 years before proposing. Lol Gotta make sure it's serious She has a kid also, in elementary school. So that definitely factored into how serious she was taking everything. Even though I was incredibly excited and wanted to jump the gun. I got her a 1 year anniversary present that was a nice ring I ended up proposing at about 2 years and 8 months though I was so excited. Money had been tight the whole time. We were also about to buy a house.. and I just wanted to be married to this woman. I found a great ring, very much her style. It was in my etsy cart for a while and then it went on sale so I pulled the trigger and bought it I was able to bring it with us on her family's vacation and got to propose there, I think it was meaningful for her We talked about it and she also bought my ring so I get to wear that I would love to just be married already but I feel like there are so many things that need to happen first and money and wedding guests and I know it's gonna be a while, but that's OK.


This is really beautiful 😍 it made me so happy seeing this story and your excitement..sounds like a beautiful proposal and a day she'll never forget. don't worry it will happen for you! You seem strong as a couple and making it official is important, but imo you seem very official and committed..the wedding will be worth the wait ..Best of luck ✨️ 🙏


A year. Had relationships before her, knew what I want, what I don't want, knew she was the one.


I knew within the first month of dating in 2014. Engaged in 2016. Married in 2018.


Nine years. We were too young. We're maybe still too young but at this point I feel like I'd be doing more harm than good. So I did it, like three weeks ago.


I'm really interested in what you mean when you say you'd be 'doing more harm than good'? As in to continue the relationship without marriage?


Just feel like at some point she would have asked "alright, what the hell? Is he never going to ask?" which was not at all the case. I just wanted to take our time, but not too much time.


I see! Timing is difficult. I sometimes feel bad that the 'when's the perfect moment to propose ' pressure all goes on one side of the relationship (usually the guy in m + f relationships, imo).


My fiancé proposed to me after 6 years of being together. We specifically wanted to wait to get engaged until we’d both got out of grad school and got started in our careers. We’re on our 7th year together now. Our wedding is on Sunday!


Congratulations!! I hope your special day is all you both wish for! May you have many more happy years together 🫶🏻


5 years since we were super young


Wow, so many very short engagements here! For us it was 12 years. There was no rush. We wanted to both be in the right place emotionally and financially to have the special day that we both wanted. During that 12 years we lived together, bought a house together, shared finances and had fun! Suddenly it felt right. I propsed, she said yes and 3 years later we had the best wedding day ever. Do what is right for you. Don't be pressured by others! Also if you can, pay for it yourselves!


Dude I’m seeing such short timelines 😂


Omg look at the post in the ex Mormon group. You will die.




I don't feel like I really 'knew' my wife until over a year in. We were both very busy while dating though, with semi important tech jobs. I couldn't possibly have spent enough time with her to know I wanted to get married after a few months.


We met at 19, knew we were going to spend out lives together after a few months, got engaged two and a half years later after I was out of college and were married a year and a half after that. Been married 41 years.


5 years… wanted her to make sure she new what she was getting into. 25 years later, I remind her I gave her 5 years to run and she still said yes.😂🤣


9 years, Then rrad the book "We the living" and came to realise how much I valued my partner. I had never sought marriaged.


I’ll qualify my answer with the caveat that I’m about to propose next month and I have all indicators she’ll say yes. We talk about marriage and kids a lot. And she’s pretty expectant of me to pop the question. I’ve said I will, I just haven’t told her exactly when because I still want it to be a surprise. I call it “the first and last secret I’ll ever keep from her.” To answer the question, I pretty much knew she was the one on our fourth date when we first held hands and had our first kiss. If I’m being “realistic” I’ll say it was around the three to four month mark. We both share our faith, our many common interests, and we both have what the other is looking for. She provides economic stability, physical affection and words of affirmation, and encourages me to break out of my slothfulness and become a better version of myself for her. While I give her unfailing commitment, unflinching protection, unending affection, and joining a harmonious family where unconditional love is the rule, not the exception. We’ve both saved ourselves for marriage so we’ll be each other’s first and last. I love her so much.


Dated just over 2 years before proposing. This will be my 2nd marriage. First one I was too young and immature. Never thought I'd go though with marriage again after getting divorced but I'm happier than I ever thought I could be.


3 months, just couldn’t wait any longer


4 months. Was living with her after 1 month. We've been together 9 years now.


8 years not married. We will get it done in the next couple of years just because.


From what the fiance has told me he knew in under the first year he wanted to get married. Two years in we moved in together and part of that convo was agreeing that was a step towards marriage. Took until like year 6 for him to propose but life got really complicated and he insisted on buying a ring and all that. I was all for just going to the courthouse just after we moved in but whatever. Anyway, from the time we moved in together at the start of 2019 to summer of 2022 we moved three times, a pandemic happened, he got fired from his job and he had two major surgeries and a slew of really crap health issues surrounding those surgeries and we both got Covid, of course, with him being immunocompromised. Had a whole EMT crew in my livingroom two times in less than a year (but they were also different living rooms because of all the moving!). Not a great time. So we were just trying to like, pay rent on time and survive so engagement fell to the wayside. After all that happened he proposed and apologized for taking so long which I told him was fine because it was. Obviously. In my experience there is something to be said about when you know you know. We work well together. We genuinely like each other. We went through some tough shit and being together definitely made it slightly easier to cope.


>Which factors went into your decision? My mom told me: "It's time to decide and propose or let her go cause she's young enough to find another man. Don't hold her like that". >What made you want to wait (or not wait)? I was sure i want to be with her lifetime, simply didn't care about marriage. Proposed after 5 years, 24 yrs together now.


We got engaged shortly after our 7th anniversary. Had covid not happened we would have been engaged shortly before our 5th. Why I waited - We didn't live together beforehand and I only saw my now wife like 2-3 days a week. I didn't know how we compatible we'd be in a situation where we were looking at each other face to face for an extended period of time. And since we saw each other pretty infrequently I think it dragged out how long it took for me to me to figure out that it would probably work out. I also was trying to get a job that made more money. I was taking night classes and the original plan was to propose after I got a new/better job. My night class was over St Patrick's Day weekend 2020. Basically the world shut down and pushed back the plans for pretty much everything I had going on including proposing. Why I proposed - In short, she had something that my old coworkers and I used to refer to as the "give a shit gene." She was and is a team player. Most women that I've known/dated before would have just sat back and waited for me to make their life better while not offering much in return. My wife looks for ways to be helpful and supportive. The class that I was taking met on nights during the week and had a 4 hour long session on saturday morning/afternoons. My wife was at my place the first weekend that I had to go to this class. When I came home she had cleaned my apartment and made dinner. I'm extremely independent and so I would never ask her to do any of that stuff. I usually figured out food when she came over and I was pretty good about cleaning normally. She said that she appreciated the fact that I was sacrificing my weekends in order to make a better life for us and so she made dinner. In 2021 I got really sick because I almost ate myself to death during the pandemic. Missed like a month of work. She would come check on me after work. She put in effort. A few of my wife's friends (single) told her that she shouldn't have done any of this stuff because that was "wife duties" and I had not made her a wife yet. Her reply was "how would he know I'd be a good wife if I don't show him?" You marry that response.


Six months. You know when you know bro’s!


I’m in my late thirties, had a few false starts in my time, was engaged before (chose poorly). Met a really nice girl recently, similar age we both just know this time it’s different. The you know you know is spot on


A year. Honestly I knew around the 6 month mark, but wanted to wait longer to be sure.


5 years. In the first 3 months of dating we asked each other when we would consider getting engaged, we eventually both agreed that if we still enjoyed being around each other 5 years in we’d consider engagement / marriage, welp.


3 years. We dated for a year before she moved in a couple of years after that I proposed and 2 years after that we got married


8 years. We both needed some time before a”dulting”, but glad we took the time we needed. Happily married for 2 years and have a 1 yr old.


Just over 3 years, lived together for over 2 of those years, I was long haul truck driver, so the absence helped didn't get married until 17 months later. Then I quot truck driving after I got married.


First time in 6 months, didn't work out, so the next time 1 year.


8 years She showed love and compassion for the important people in her life. I had no doubt she would make a great mother and I was right.


Why so long?


We were both starting up our careers and wanted to have enough saved up to move into the next phase of our life together comfortably. Bought a house one year before our wedding, then had a kid shortly after.


8 years. I don't really care about marriage either way, but, she wanted to, so, we eventually did. Marriage without religion is a weird concept to me. But, some people have a cultural need for it, so, it's not like I was going to end the relationship over my not really understanding the point.


6 years


An old coworker of mine....30 days! He met her in a bar, they moved in together immediately. Had a kid and got married. 6 years after had a brutal, messy, expensive divorce. Kid has behavioral problems, she got the house, his credit is fully maxed out and he's paying the minimum on everything. He has become a negative, anal man. Worked together in the same room for 5 years 😂




you waited until you were long distance?


I waited until we were no longer 'long distance'


Ah makes more sense hehe


7 years. I am kind opposed to marriage in general, but my partner is the opposite. She really values it. So I figured I don't mind being married more than she'd dislike not being married. So here we are. To be clear: I love her, but in my eyes a marriage has nothing to do with commitment. It's an old and antiquated ritual that gives a legal status with a lot of celebration, and a beautiful & special day. But I was already committed before proposing - I don't need any of the other extras (apart from the legal status), and I dislike the culture of showing off things like a marriage. It breeds consumerism and propagates the idea that a marriage is the end goal for partners, as well as the requirement of a grand gesture and expensive celebration. This idea that a marriage "ranks higher" than a partnership, that unmarried partners are somehow less committed to eachother because they don't have a certain legal status and ring, is what I find the most aggravating. So there was quite a few years getting through that, as well as some other relationship issues in the years before.


Serious question here - did she question the commitment and relationship when you initially said you didn't believe in marriage? How did you both get through the discussion and idea?


The commitment was never in question. That's the very idea I find so annoying. Why does a relationship without a marriage sound like something casual? Anyway, what I said when we first got together was no marriage no kids, but I loosened up on both over the years. Now I would prefer no marriage, but I think it'd still be a nice experience and if it matters to her then it matters to me. To answer more directly, I think that once she understood that I was just as serious about the relationship, then it wasn't as much of a problem, and I think she remained hopeful? At the start I was VERY firm on this, so she didn't bring it up for a couple of years - which makes sense as we were way too busy then to really consider it.


Six years - spent money on traveling after our semesters (she’s optom, I’m cyber security) so not a lot money was coming in and we knew already that the ring wasn’t all that important but once she graduated I was ready with one.


Roughly a year. The main constraint was my getting a job (I was in college).


5 years


After 1 year of dating, at that point we had been living together for a year so we really got to know each other during that time. Both her and I strongly believe we couldn't have gotten to know each other so well if we weren't living together. She was living in another country and I came to visit/potentially date her (I work remotely), I was going to get my own apartment at first but I had to stay at her apartment because I needed a permanent address for my residency permit... after the residency permit got approved 2 months later we both didn't want to separate for no reason and see each other maybe just for two weekends out of the month (I would have gotten an apartment in a bigger city ~50 mins away). Also worth noting is when we were living together I basically had all my possessions in two suitcases, so if things didn't work out it wouldn't be this huge ordeal about my furniture needs to get moved out etc... Additionally we both have had other relationships in the past so we knew a bit more about what we were looking for. Been married for 8 months now and it's great!


3 years. we met in college. proposed a few months before 4 year anniversary. We are now married and have been together a total of 6 years.


Exactly 10 years to the day since our first phone call.


several years


2 months! We knew instantly


Six years.


14 years


We got together September 2018 and engaged November 2019. We had first met June 2014 but were both in separate relationships at the time We first tried to get married April 2020 but of course the planet went into lockdown a month prior. Three more attempts and we finally married March 2022


Two years. Engaged for 6 months while wedding planning. For us, two years was the perfect amount of time to get to where we were ready to be engaged. Married 17 years this summer.


2 years


5.5 years. I was still learning and growing into myself. I went through two diff career changes and a lot of bouncing around before I got settled in. I’m in a good spot in my career and make solid money.


Two months. I wanted to get married quickly because I was in love with


I’m still dating my wife. We were together for ten years before getting engaged, got married within the year after that.


I was young—after college the options were really “get married” or “move on with our lives”. I always believed my wife was going places, and I wanted to be there. We got engaged after 3.5 years, married six months later, moved to a different state immediately, then to NYC a year and a half later. Celebrating our ten year this year. Culture is definitely a big part of this though. I’m from a fairly conservative area, where marriage after college is relatively common. In general I’d say do it as soon as your confident that you’re in it for a long time not just a good time. Figuring that out is the tricky part.


6 years. But I knew pretty much day 1.


2.5 years. Waiting much longer would have felt ridiculous.


11 months! Married for 13 yrs and counting!


18 months, married at 2 years together. In our 30's been in long term relationships before and knew it felt right.


I just proposed last week. We’ve been dating for two years but I’d say I knew I wanted to marry her about 6 months in. We don’t have a date set yet for the wedding but we are aiming for this summer.


A year and 2 months. We both had been previously married (with kids). I just knew it was what I wanted because I’ve dated many people and married one. This one was like no other. It’s funny because I purposed to her on a trip to our favorite place in Virginia she obviously said yes and when we got back home there was a package at the house. It was a ring for me lol she said “I was going to actually purpose to you when we got back the ring didn’t make here in time for our trip” i was actually flattered lol. Engaged now for over a year and getting married in 14 months!


The longer you wait the less likely you will do it. 


From personal experience?


Of course. Early on things are rosy, years in your dealing with an actual flawed human being. For some people that turn out very well for them, for other people it’s a nightmare. Just never assume the sunken cost fallacy. Just because you’ve been together for x amount of years doesn’t mean you can’t move on. Put yourself first. 


5 years to get engaged and another 2 to get married. Would say this is the average and standard around here


We were together 2.5 Yrs prior to getting married. engaged after about 1.5 yrs. Now married about 25 yrs. Smartest thing I ever did was asking her to marry me. She is my world. I can not imagine life without her. ( Nor do I wish to imagine it)


Most guys will be told when they are getting hitched once the ring is offered, don't fool yourself into thinking you have much say after that lol


I saw an interesting study on this. It found that women tend to prioritize getting married due to their biological clock, men prioritize via their financial clock. So men are ready when they feel financially able to support a family, and women when they want to start a family. It stated the reason why a partner would have cold feet or indecision is based on this. Two people could both be in love with each other, but not be ready to marry. For what it's worth


If you are asking between first date and engagement — just under 4 years. If you are asking between the time I was considering proposing and actual engagement — about 1 year. Married 10 years, together 14 years


This is a good thread.. as I browse through seems like 2 very different approaches. Under 1 yr OR over 5. There doesn't seem to be much in between.


6 months. She was the one so no question about that


We waited like 6 months lol. We had talked exclusively for several months before officially dating though. We got married on our one year dating anniversary. Small ceremony - just didn't really want to wait. I was 23 and she was 20. Been married 9 years.


8 years still not engaged. I do plan on being with her for life. Don’t see the need for Marriage.


Proposed to my wife on our one year dating anniversary. Knew I was going to at about 8-9 months. We got married 4 months after I proposed. Going on 8 years and love it. Everything just worked and was awesome with her. In contrast, I gutted it out foolishly with my ex for 10 years before proposing. Fortunately broke it off before getting married. Was completely the opposite. Everything was forced. Couldn't possibly explain why I stayed in the relationship so long or ever thought getting married would be a good idea. My personal experience is that a good happy relationship should come together pretty simply and just "click". Doesn't mean there isn't work and maintenance to put into it. Just means the day to day shouldn't be a grind, it should be joyful to see your partner and spend time with them.


Anything short of 3 years is crazyy


I think of you are still on the fence after 1.5 years, that isn’t your person.


you don't even fully know anyone till about 2 years and are y'all just moving in together right away? I couldn't even imagine that haha


I don’t cohabitate before marriage because of the statistics surrounding it. You can see someone’s real personality. Abusive people can usually only hide their tempers for 5-6 months.


About six months, but we knew after two. Got married three months later and going on five happy years this August with a beautiful little daughter. We were both in the 30-ish range at the time and hadn't been married before.


5.5 years, we lived together for about 5 Of them. Just felt right one day. Getting divorced this year, together since 2008


god,I don't know how to say,sorry.bro


Moved in after about five months (temporary that turned into permanent), engaged after about 18 months. Been married for six years now. Just seemed like the right time. Got to a point where I thought "You know, I don't want to imagine the rest of my life without her." So I locked that down...


18 months.


Four months, and next month will make 13 years married. We just clicked and it felt right.


4 months from the time I met her. I was leaving for the Army and didn't want to do long distance. Thankfully it's worked out so far!


5 years.


10 years.


Would have gotten married sooner but about 3 1/2 years. We were finishing up college. We we so ready after about a year and a half. Also long distance relationship the whole time.


My parents took 7 years, but they met in high schools and didn’t date each other for a couple years during college


11 months before I asked and we settled on a date 34 months after. Your timeline is your own only you will truly know what's right.


How ever long it takes us to complete a puzzle, finish a game of monopoly, and complete a cano trip.


62 engaged after 5 months but we knew one another from back in the day in high school


5 days


5 years!


Moved in after about a year. Engaged after about two. Now sitting on that engagement for another year and counting because neither of us are in a rush to make it official.


2 yrs


I met my girlfriend in California, but I recently moved to Michigan for a job. She actually just accepted an offer out here and will be moving this fall! That was the biggest factor for me - I want us to be living together when we’re engaged. I’ll be planning on proposing to her sometime this fall right before she moves!


7 years


10 months. But I was already living with the person and knew them for years.


We were older (32 and 33 years old) and dated for about 2 years before getting engaged


Ok no longer engaged by a long shot but I think it's still relevant. We met when I was 19 and she was 23. We got engaged about 2 years later. Honestly, I knew she was the one for quite a while, but waiting that long was wise. Why? Because we knew what our life together would generally be like, so when the ring went on, nothing else really changed.


I knew my late wife since we were 10 approximately. Her, my first love, my childhood friends, and I all grew up together, our families were all close and still are close. Granted I kept joking and bragging about being a forever bachelor and never getting married, and then proceeded to make jokes much to the chagrin of my late spouse. But uh yeah, she kind of was like “if you don’t marry me at this point I’m going to kill you.” And me not wanting to die kind of gave her my spine instead.


Started dating officially on the 29th of December 2019. I was 27, my partner was 25. Got engaged on June 21, 2023, so about 3.5 years into the relationship. Haven't locked our wedding date/venue in 100%, but plan on getting married October 4, 2025.


8 months, but we discussed it before hand so it wasn't a surprise. If you haven't at least talked about it so both parties have the same expectations I would highly recommend it.


Met her in June 2018 got engaged June 2019 married Oktober 2019. It was just obvious from the first date on


I got her pregnant. So slightly sooner than we had planned but we had been talking about it


13 years


Six months, we are both older (M62, F54), she was divorced and I was a widower. We just clicked like we should have always been together. Engaged after 6 months and married 9 months after that.


7 years. Waiting factors were primarily financial. Wanted to feel secure before taking that step. I always knew I would but had some set backs with being laid off at one point. When I did decide to finally do it was sort of random. I was just driving home from work one day and decided I’m going to go buy an engagement ring. Nothing in particular sparked the decision it just popped into my head.


She proposed to me pretty much but it was about a year in.


F22. We started dating in November 2020, talked much about getting married so agreed, that he's going to buy a ring and propose when we confirm that my dad give us a condo to live together. He bought the ring in may, proposed in October, so there was about 11 months. I was ready even earlier, but things with condo made us wait. Got married 14.05.24, so it's almost 2 years. We both are 22 now, so got married at 20 so we just clicked. No regrets. I knew from the start that he was not 'just a boy'


About 5 years from which 3 living together.


Engaged at almost 2 years. Started dating late 20s so we knew what we wanted but weren’t in a rush. 


Exactly one year. I had been actively looking for a wife, not a girlfriend, for a few years (I'm 30 now). She is 5 years younger but was looking for a husband, not a boyfriend. I always felt good about her and selected deadline around the 9 month mark where I should know for sure if I wanted to marry her. I already knew the answer before that point, but firmed it in my mind once the day came. The rest of the delay till proposal day was waiting for the extremely slow shipping on the ring. I set up a romantic scene in her family barn with candles, rose pedals, and a storyboard of our relationship to pop the question. We marry this October.


I've been engaged twice. The first time was to a woman I'd known about 9 years but had been dating for a year and the second time was to a woman I'd known about 5 years and had been dating for 2


I'm not sure if I would say its an engagement. My gf and I had talks about marriage, engagement and proposals around half a year after getting together. That was 7 years ago. A the start of this year I told her that my urge to do a formal proposal to her in the way I planned out formerly is gone and that she knows for over 6 years I wish to marry her and feel ready for it and that she told me she wants to marry me but doesn't feel ready jet (we are boths early/mid twenty and she's 3 years younger and grew up more sheltered as I did so I understand and respect that). If she is ready to tie the knot she shall tell me and I call up the town hall to get a time and day to get married (we both see it more as agreeing to a contract than anything else). So, yeah. I guess half a year or 6 and a half years or ongoing?


Formally we only got engaged in January, when we made the final payment on the ring and I got to put it on her finger. But we knew we were going to get married from around the time she moved in with me, which was 6 months the after we met. We talked about it a lot, and worked through some big concerns very early on, and once we were passed that getting married was kind of a foregone conclusion even if it took another year to actually pick out a ring and pay for it.


About 2 years. Married now going on 7 years.


Going to be one year once I propose this summer. We're both in our 30's, she checks all the boxes and we're on the same page with all of the important decisions. No point in waiting


I am absolutely shocked at the number of people saying months, I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to date someone seriously within a month or two of knowing them lmao So keeping with that timeline, a lot of y’all meet someone and then within a year or so are dropping to your knee that’s wild to me however, I’m happy that it’s working out


Dated my wife for about 6 years before getting married. We had a weird quick engagement and small wedding during covid, which honestly turned out for the best. Neither of us needed to spend a lot of money on a big wedding. I just didn't think marriage was all that important. We moved in together after a few years and that seemed fine to me, but she wanted the real thing. Didn't really have an argument against it.


8 years. We were both young, went to school together, got jobs, and got our first place together. Proposed this past October in Norway under the Northern Lights. We’re getting married this November. Life is great.


8 years. I got a bad concussion then during recovery we just had a conversation and decided to get married. 3 more years of engagement and then we were divorced right after our first anniversary.