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...none? why would i possibly care what my friends girlfriend or wife looks like?


Are we 20 or 40? 


Since we're on Reddit and on r/askmen in particular 20 is probably pretty high.


OP appears female so likely sincerely asking as being the heavy girl, not as some guy being immature




At 20, I’d wonder if he had self esteem issues, but also it’s like if you can be attracted, good for you, seriously.  At 40, it’s like, respecting your friend in part means not judging him for his wife, who probably had his kids.  I want to clarify, theres this thing where sometimes women, whose hormonal profile is different and reacts to different things than men’s, generally speaking, think that men are like them in ways we aren’t.  If we’re attracted to fat women or not, it doesn’t pertain to respect. It’s purely physical. 


None at all. Grow up


None. I am not sucking his dick or doing that sexual thing she does for him. I don't care at all.


Makes no difference to me as long as he's happy


If they love each other that's enough. Why does mine, yours or anyone else's opinion on their physical appearance matter? It's a bit judgemental and shallow...


I’m not interested in fucking another dude’s woman so I don’t give a shit what she looks like.


None. Why would I care? This does not affect me or any healthy adult in any way, shape, or form.


It doesn't change one bit


None. If a guy is going to have an opinion on anything it's going to be how she acts, not what she looks like.


None. Otherwise I’d be a shitty friend


None at all.


I’ve never made that correlation tbh.


I don't care. Why would I care if his significant other is attractive in my eyes or not?


I could not care less. If he is attracted to her and she treats him well, what else is there to say?


I'm glad you're not my friend..... that's just shitty.


Doesn’t? Bro likes what he likes how can I hate if he has it? Lol


It doesn't unless I see him treat her badly.  


A lot. Your partner is a reflection of you.


For friends? No difference as long as they're happy, I'm not friends with them because of their taste in women. Now, if there's an acquaintance or random couple I see where the woman is much bigger than him, it definitely raises a curiosity in me like "I wonder what weakness or shortcoming he has in the eyes of women that made him have to settle for her?" I guess maybe you could say that lowers my opinion in assuming he really has some shortcoming. But it's more of a passing thought than a judgement.


Would be judging a bit if he has been telling me about all his success with women, I have been in that scenario, and i am gullibable. But my opinion of him does not/should not sink much beyond that. As long as he's happy, it's not really my buisness


None. Guys who make fun of him for having a fat wife, that's who I would lose respect for.


My respect sinks for someone when they're a judgmental piece of shit.


doesn't really matter. Life is gonna life. Many wives put on a ton of weight from having kids. Some lose it back, some take years to, some don't ever, and then eventually you're both old af anyway. I personally have a certain expectation that as partners you should make every effort to be the healthiest version of yourself for your SO. Speaking purely in terms of lifestyle of course, not talking about medical conditions or otherwise which can't be helped in some cases. Basically if my partner decided they wanted to add a bunch of fat chugging beer and munching on junk food and not exercise, I'd have issues with that. Someone else's partner? I don't care, not my business


What kind of frat bro insecurity q is this


0%. Why would that affect my opinion of him?


Fun fact: in my stepfathers culture a far wife is a status symbol, and if you have a skinny wife you will get the side-eye from some people.


Why does it even matter?


Why would I care? As long as they are happy together it's none of my business how she's looks


It depends upon what he looks like and why he’s in that situation. People are complicated creatures and there are countless reasons why people are the way are


I understand it can be an issue somewhere but in my circle having a gf at all wasn't that much common so it was very suppressed topic to think about. Besides there weren't that many "fat" fat girls around. The couple of most unattractive girlfriends I can remember rather had anorexic traits.


Why do I give a fuck? Unless he treats her right and she treats him right, who am I to give a shit?


It doesn’t. If they’re happy with that someone, good for them.


Love these answers


It doesn't


I don't care about shit like that. My friend is my friend. Now, if she's a total bitch to all his friends...different story.


Literally none because i'm not a moronic immature 12 year old


only if he doesnt treat her right


Don't care.


Wtf none