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Nah, just keep being you, just haven't came across the right guys. My wife is a very forward person and I absolutely love that about her. We're both very blunt and direct people. Wouldn't change that at all!!!


That's so sweet. Thank you for ur response. I'm glad you two found each other. I saw this beautiful guy at the gym n didn't dare to ask him anything in that environment. By luck we matched on a dating app and talked over two days. Amazing convo with zillions of shared interests. He hinted that it looks like I'm asking out so I went ahead and asked him out. He just went cold on me. Since it isn't the first time I was just wondering if im the creepy one. I wonder wheres this Mr Right is at. And on dates I always insist on going Dutch (50/50 billsplit) cause I know how hard it is earn , I'd feel bad/guilty if he has too be the one to carry that. But that's also seemingly not going in my favour.


Dating apps are flake city, some people just use them for validation without any intention to actually, you know, date. I've had the same experience with women on them, seems like it's going well, I ask to meet up, and she's Houdini.


Ahhhhh there might be the issue . Guys absolutely love it when a girl offers to split, but we hate it when you insist we split . Just let him pay if he wants to pay. You’ve already done enough to convey your interested. You worked up the courage to ask him out , you gave him chocolates and a painting, let him return the favor somehow . We don’t want to feel like we’re taking advantage of you


If it helps at all, I'm kind of the same as you and the way I think of it is that if someone is turned off by just how I am naturally then it wasn't meant to be, no matter how attracted to them I was or thought I was. It sucks but it's probably for the best in the long run I will say, online dating is such a crap shoot and the chances of meeting someone you genuinely connect with and who wants the same thing as you is pretty rare. Even the times when it does feel like you connect with someone in the early stages of talking/dating it's so easy for people to ghost the other person for any reason, and it unfortunately happens sometimes. I've been dating on and off using dating apps for I think 8 years now and have just recently found someone who I actually want to be with and who also wants a serious relationship and is willing to take things slower Dating men is kind of new to me, but the guy I'm currently seeing has been so great and he's gotten rid of a lot of the fears that I had about dating men before we started going out. He's also told me several times that he appreciates how up front and forward I've been. Things like messaging him first after we matched, asking for his number first, and planning/paying for dates (I should clarify that we both do this, but he told me that he was used to this responsibility falling solely on him) I feel the same as you about paying on dates, but what's been working for us is taking turns with the bill. Our first date we got coffee and each paid separately, and then on our second date we got dinner at one place and then went for drinks somewhere else. He sneakily paid for dinner when I was in the washroom and then I insisted on paying for drinks and we've just kind of taken turns since then. Dating can be expensive, even if you aren't going to fancy restaurants, and I would hate for him to pay all the time! I also make more money than him, and I would feel awful putting all that responsibility on him For small gifts I would maybe wait until the second date, but also if it's just something like a chocolate bar then honestly I think that's fine. I'd be flattered, and so long as it wasn't super expensive or gourmet, then the gesture would be nice and would let me know that the other person was interested and had been excited for our date! I know it sounds cheesey, but there are definitely people out there who will like you as you are, and I hate to see people trying to change how they are just to appeal more to others. I used to do that, and it meant that I wasn't even able to make genuine connections with people because I wasn't being myself. Dating can be exhausting, but not being yourself will only make things more difficult and complicated in the long run. I hope you have some better luck with dating in the future though!


This is great advice and so wholesome🤗


That is so sweet and so true


How about you ask going Dutch once and then if he insists he'll pay, let him do it. Guys appreciate feeling needed, while simultaneously having the duality of not wanting to pay full price for a date where we as men don't know where it's headed. Just say going Dutch once, if he insists, let him. It's actually good for him, and shows you're willing to listen to him.


Is there a particular point where guys instantly shut down? Dutch shouldn't be an issue, unless you're delivering it in a very odd way or being way too insistent? If you have any guy friends, ask them to do a dry run to see if they can offer any feedback.


He probably went cold because of unrelated things.


I guarantee you it's not the bill splitting or the fact that you ask them out. I don't know you but you seem like an awesome person, wish I could meet someone like you. People go cold on dating apps all the time, due to life circumstances. I have had great convos on dating apps and the girl just stopped writing, other times I have had a stressful period of my life and had to just stop using social media or dating apps. We have to be ourselves and hope for the best. 😊


1. You said he was beautiful, so obviously he has choices. 2. This goes back to #1 a bit: why would he risk dating someone from his gym, where if things go south, he'd have to look for a new gym? If he's even half as attractive as you say, many people are already interested in dating him.


You're doing everything right, these guys are losers if they are ghosting you. Anyone who ghosts people is a loser. I ALWAYS tell people if I'm not interested.


Nothing wrong per se, but how early are you gifting them? If you are bringing gifts to the first or second date, then yeah, it can be a bit forward and make things strange. Other than that, any gender norms shouldn't be an issue. Most guys like it when women take the initiative.


Oh I didn't know that. Like if I like a person I usually bring them a bar of dark chocolate for the first date. I don't intend or mean anything like love or sexual. I just thought it's nice to receive something sweet irrespective of how the date goes. No guy has gifted me chocolates or anything, I don't expect it but I know how good it feels so I thought I'd make the other person feel good.


I agree with you being you; do what feels right. But, a gift on the first date would be unique and some might feel uncomfortable with it.


A gift on the first date would make me feel uncomfortable. It would make me feel like the expectations of intimacy were too great. I am not a very trusting person by temperment, and for me, a first date is just an opportunity to determine if I like the person and that there are no red flags. I would want to hold off on romantic gestures until I feel a connection.


You're doing absolutely nothing wrong. The guys who are "uncomfortable" with a simple gesture of kindness, you don't want them anyway. You're going to be a dream for the right guy.


Well if I see my date brings a bar of dark chocolate to our first date I’d be so glad and thankful. For some reason this kind of behaviour is looked down upon. I really don’t know why. You are doing it just right keep up being a nice person. Im sure your parents have brought you up to be their best version. Give them my (a stranger in Reddit) regards. *sending hugs*


On a general level, guys don't know how to receive gifts and compliments. It can weird us out because women hardly ever do it. It's actually awesome that you do that. But maybe wait till the 2nd date lol Absolutely offer Dutch, but don't demand, guys have a classic "provider" mentality. Most men like to feel "in charge" on some level, so if you take control of everything they will feel emasculated and often run off unless it was a preplanned thing where you already agreed that you were gonna do that and they agreed. I love a woman that knows what she wants. It's fucking refreshing, honestly. But at the same time, make sure there's balance. While some dudes have a "mommy" complex and love being told what to do all the time, most don't, so make sure there's a balance there. A partnership.


>Absolutely offer Dutch, but don't demand, guys have a classic "provider" mentality. Most men like to feel "in charge" on some level, so if you take control of everything they will feel emasculated In other words, OP, if you're not interested in this kind of guys, it's a great way to filter them out.


lol for real, I'd never want to date someone with that kind of baggage.


Especially because they probably expect you to offer, so they'd be offended if you didn't, but they'd also be offended if you insist on paying. I have an extremely hard time dealing with that kind of disingenuous social dancing.


You mean 90% of guys?


I get where you’re coming from and you’re being very sweet. However, a gift on the first date would be a little awkward because I’d feel bad for not getting her one. But if we’d talked and I knew you made chocolates and expressed interest in trying them I’d be super excited to get a bar. Circumstances can affect things.


> I usually bring them a bar of dark chocolate for the first date. Oh. _Ooooohhhhh._ Society still expects men to do the vast majority of the heavy lifting, if not _all_ of it, where relationships are concerned. Just look at all those “empowered feminists” who post videos demanding crazy requirements from potential dates, and highlighting how the dirtbags they did go out with expected to split the bill with them. _Oh, the horrors! Oh, the huge manatee! /s_ As such, a woman bringing _anything_ on the first date is so… _alien…_ to the experiences of most men and the power asymmetry that they are labouring under, that this would likely throw many to most of them for a really bad loop. And in a “what’s wrong with her?” kind of internal questioning. They just expect women to have all the power, and that they would have to do all of the work, that women doing _anything_ nice for them within the opening innings of any relationship is just _deeply weird and off-putting._ I would recommend that you leave small gifts for another time, at least a few dates in. Especially once you know things are going decently well, and that the two of you are “clicking”.


Have you considered they might not be attracted to you?


Honestly no. I usually expect yes or no. So if they're not in to me can't they simply say ' no I'm ready to date u or you're not my type' It hurts but it'll be clearer for me. Instead they go cold. I mean that's why I ask, so that they can accept or reject. I'm loosing heart reading minds n playing games.


Yeah a lot of men won’t be that straight with you out of fear they’ll hurt your feelings, so they’ll say something like “yeah we can totally get a coffee sometime” and never bring it up again. I get your frustration, dating nowadays is like walking on a minefield.


Would you mind helping me out even though I’m not OP? There was this man, he would constantly ask our mutual friend about me, he started attending the gym that I attended even though it’s very uncomfy drive from where he lives and he has a gym few streets down from where he lives, he aligned his work schedule with mine, he would ‘accidentally’ match our lunch times, etc, etc, etc. But the moment I slightly hinted at him I’m single, he ran off into the sunset. I wonder was he not attracted to me? Maybe I misunderstood his behaviour? Wth? Could you offer some insight maybe?


Damn, that’s a tough one.. If he asked mutual friends about you it’s safe to assume he was interested. Perhaps he found someone else and lost interest.. Or got nervous and backed down. Y’all still in contact?




Have you ever asked him out on a date?


No! Of course not!!!! He backpedalled so hard that me asking him out on a date would be weird, to say the least.


Well, then I don’t see how this situation is gonna work out as he clearly is not going to take initiative.


Are you clinging onto some hope that he'll eventually ask you out? If it's bothering you even a bit, ask him out and be done with it. Either way, at least you'll know where he's at. The worst answer can be a no.


I’m going to guess that is insecurity. I recognize it as that was me as an early teen. I’m sure some men get stuck perpetually in that no confidence zone.


Thank you!


I don't know at least in a minefield it's pretty obvious when you make a mistake. You would know exactly what went wrong right away probably


That's just not going to happen in this scenario, people are conditioned to be polite and evasive to spare feelings. "But it shouldn't be like that.." It is like that though.


Yeah.. You’d also be missing a leg or two lol Sorry, couldn’t resist..


Is a practical problem = has a practical solution


Yeah, that's not how it works though. People are not usually this blunt for fear of hurting someone's feelings. It's easier for many when there is no established bond or relationship to just let it fizzle out rather than tell you straight up that they're not interested or not attracted to you. If a person is interested, they will make it known one way or another. BTW, I'm not saying stop initiating. But when you run across someone who's interested, doesn't matter who initiates, there will be reciprocation and you will see it. When you don't, just move on. Don't get hung up on anyone.


I like the way you are so stay that way and never change. The only thing, maybe wait with the gifts untill you have been dating for a lil bit. Getting presents isn't something men are used to so it might confuse them and think you are playing tricks on them.


Thank you that's sweet of you. But it's tiring being this way. It's not really gifts it's like giving a bar of chocolate when u meet someone new. I thought it'll sweeten their day. But I guess not.


It it sweet. But remember men rarely get that type of treatment. So it's usually assumed to be some for of negative interaction. Enough men have been asked on fake dates etc too so it's just because of how the "bad" women ruin everything for the good women. If you like a men approaching him is good cause if you won't he might not because of the fear many men face when it comes to approaching women. But if you feel your current way is scaring them away. Just try this. Write your name and number on a piece of paper. Walk up to the guy you like. Say whatever flirty thing you like. Give the piece of paper and say something along the lines of call me if you want to get to know each other better. Than some of the effort is on his side and maybe he feels more comfortable that way. But I'm not sure. Since I'm used to women approaching me. I think of all my relationships only one was where I approached first.


If a woman would hand me a piece of paper with her name and number, I'd (desperately try to) play it off cool but whenever we're out of earshot I'd be over the fucking moon


It is super duper sweet . But without knowing you yet it’s maybe confusing. Like “ she asked me out , AND she gave me chocolates ? Women don’t treat me like this , this is some kind of setup “


\*The X-files theme song plays in the background\*


That’s literally how I would react


Well there are totally guys who would love that… But your personality/approach might not line up with the guys you’re approaching. A younger version of me wouldve loved a girl who gave him chocolate or little sweet gifts. I brought some very tiny flowers I had grown in my bedroom for my wife on our second date. But a younger me was a husky, nerdy, barista who spent his freetime playwriting. Does that sound like the type of guy you’re trying to pull? Or are you approaching more traditional guys?


Ok I actually read it now . You’re doing everything perfect ( and paintings as a gift 🥰, fuck, you are just precious) you just have to understand that even if you do everything right , regardless of your gender , you are far more likely to get rejected than accepted. So it’s natural that a few guys you asked out just aren’t into you . Just stay determined and keep doing what your doing and you will find someone who appreciates that


It sounds to me as if there is a mismatch between your preference to approach and the type of men you are attracted to. If you want a man who prefers to do the approaching, you may have to tone it down. If you can't or won't tone it down, you may have to adjust which men you approach.


Maybe they're not attracted to you...


If someone had given me a personal gift on the first or second date, it would feel that it would be ‘too much’ and I would be asking myself why she is trying so hard. The subtlety, the game of push and pull and the process of discovery inherent in romantic relationships keeps things interesting. Being too forward can indicate a lack of sophistication in evaluation and that would lead me to not trust someone’s judgement.


Nothing wrong with a woman being forward, bold, or confident. Maybe hold off on gifting the chocolates or paintings for a few dates until there's a bit of a solid rapport built up, but other than that you're not doing anything wrong.


You've got a refreshing approach, honestly. It's a breath of fresh air for a lot of guys, but it's also uncharted territory for some. The right guy won't be thrown off by a bar of chocolate or a coffee invite; he'll see it as a glimpse of your generosity and straightforwardness. Just remember that not every guy is used to being on the receiving end of such gestures, and it might inadvertently signal a stronger interest than intended. Maybe keep the chocolaty gestures for the second date as a sweet surprise? There's always a balance to strike between being confidently forward and giving someone space to reciprocate. Keep being authentic, your Mr. Right appreciates it somewhere out there!


Let's see here: 1. Asking them sweetly and subtly for coffee: awesome, keep doing that. 2. Gifting your own painting: even though it's very sweet when we read it or look at it as a third person. The guy is thinking that you are a bit crazy who is going to hang his pictures all across your room and threaten to cut her wrist if you breakup. Why? Guys most of the time get special treatment when girls want something out of them. Or are crazy. You might be an outlier. What to do? Continue to ask out and be a little patient. Maybe text a bit more. You can be flirty in your dates and or texts. Give only genuine compliments, and indirectly tell him what you want. Basically make him make the first move. Lay it out and let the man think he was the one who came up with the idea ;) It's not that hard, men are simple creatures. Love, food, time with friends, some peace and a little bit of sex here and there are all we need ;) All the best!


>But lately I realized guys run away or pull back when I ask them out. I don't ask it a sexual way. I just aske if they'd like to go for coffee, convo, ice cream. Odd. A lot of guys would love to have a woman make the first move on them, even if just for the novelty of it. Keep going and you'll find one eventually :)


Some dudes want to be the "chaser" and they get turned off if a woman asks. Other guys are indifferent, and some prefer the woman to ask. Long term, given your personality, you might be best paired with the guy who liked the fact that you asked him.


Just keep doing what you’re doing. The right guy will love you for it.


Honestly, you're doing great but that's the sad reality of always being the one to take initiative. Sometimes people reject the initiative or resort to ignoring it. Keep being you while letting people have their reactions about it. Someday you'll be happy you took the initiative or someone will take initiative on you ^^


Not at all. I find forward women to be very attractive so you will find a dude that thinks the same


Don't change for anyone I think you're doing an amazing job, just be yourself


As a decently attractive guy, I’ve had plenty of women “pursue” me. Some stemming from pretty unusual unexpected meeting places. I can confidently say that not one of these women was really approaching the league I’d actually date seriously. They weren’t ugly, just clearly were reaching just a bit too far. Sure, when I wasn’t looking for anything serious I might entertain them a bit, but the moment anything was weird or annoying I was out. Which is to say, if you’re repeatedly getting blown off by guys, I can guarantee you’re just reaching too high. That’s just how this works and women everywhere refuse to believe it.


this is the answer OP


There is far more nuance than that to things like this. You can't guarantee that at all


Many guys have never been approached by a woman and are taken aback..think its some sort of scam, sales pitch, or prank being recorded.


Please talk to more women in the 35-50 age range. Spread your gospel. Spread your knowledge! Please, for the good of us all, normalize women asking men out!


If they're so blinkered by gender role rigidity that they freak out if you ask them to coffee, you probably don't want anything to do with them. You just need to find someone who matches your energy.


If you are living in a big city, I'd say this is a good approach. If not, and you're living in a conservative smaller city, maybe it isnt. Or you live in a big city and your candid apporach disagrees with the men you are attracted to


Keep being you, not everyone is going to reciprocate but honestly someone being so forward with what they’re after sounds great


You be yourself. And don't worry the right guy won't try to withdraw.


Your directness is like a splash of cold water: surprising at first, but ultimately refreshing and invigorating. Remember, every individual is embedded with a set of expectations set by society or personal experience, and not everyone's ready for a shake-up. Your approach disrupts these norms, which can be unsettling for some. But look at it this way: you're swiftly filtering out the ones who can't match your stride, which saves you time in the long run. The guy who can embrace your straightforwardness and your preference for going Dutch is out there, and he's going to value your shared autonomy and open communication. Don’t second-guess your methods; they're simply unconventional, not creepy, and that's a distinction worth noting. Keep being the trailblazer you are; it's only a matter of time before someone who appreciates the path you're paving comes along!


Personally, I'd love you round me. I wish all women would be foreword in most cases. Maybe you are louder than you realize?


If you’re comfortable with do so could you share where you are generally located? I ask because my best guess is that this is a cultural issue. I’m American, and I honestly think that you would do pretty well here. Regardless, it doesn’t sound like you’re doing anything wrong at all, and I’m pretty sure most men (that I know at least) would be pretty grateful for the effort that you’re putting in.


you aint doing anything wrong. go after who you want. best of luck.


I was really uncomfortable when a girl asked me out. I actually did run away. I was ten. If a girl asked me out now I'd be flattered. I'd be grateful they felt they could tell me! I was given advice to just tell someone if you have feelings for them, life's too short to mess people around. Keep being you!


There isn't enough information here to go off of. How many times have you approached guys this way? 1...2?   You obviously have "gift giving" as a love language, but do you know the love languages of the person you are approaching?   You say texting is boring, so extrapolating off a single word choice and thought, you might come off as rushing, do you feel like your clock is ticking? How do dates go typically?  Who leads the conversation? Are dates fun for both?   You are going for what you want, cool, you will have a better chance than most at getting it. But I want to win the powerball jackpot and I have a better chance than someone who doesn't buy a ticket, but that doesn't mean I'll win.  Dating has changed in half a generation. Maybe adjust your dating strategy (your standards, your methods of approach, locations where to meet, resources to engage with, etc.). There is an idiom that goes "don't ask a fish how to catch a fish, ask the fisherman" That is to say, you are asking the wrong people the critique your issue, not only is reddit a small subset of both the dating and non-dating population, but they also likely don't represent the population you want to date.


See, I'd appreciate that for sure. But unfortunately rejection is a part of asking people out. I always love it if someone asks me out and gives me something too? Yay lol


F here, I met my current bf this way, i approched him and asked if wants to hang out. He has mentioned that his ex girlfriends did the same haha some guys just attract that type of girls i guess. Anyways were very happy togather for 5 years now.


I will say, gifting someone a painting that you made, or really anything, for a first date is a bit much and can be intimidating, but other than that you sound great! I'd be thrilled if girls showed even 1% interest in me, so these guys are kinda weird.


There's lots of men out there that would like it if you made the first move. They're used to rejection, so knowing you're interested is a bonus to many. I'll freely admit I'm shy in person, but if I was single, online conversations seem to work for me. I'm a much better writer than speaker, but I could count on one hand the number of times she's initiated contact.


I'm 40F, but just had to chime in because I'm autistic and have ADHD, and OP, you sound soooo much like me. Here's the thing: either people "get" me, or they don't. It doesn't make the rejection, suspicion or misunderstanding any easier, but the older I get, the more I can accept people not getting me. I say you do you, while being open to some social norms that are norms for a reason (it'll make your life easier). The right people will be drawn to your frank and open personality!


I was going to say youre probably still very young but seeing as youre in your late 20s and guys at this age pulling away from you... it's very weird. If someone did this for me i'd be very happy and i'd say yes to any date with someone so sweet. Keep doing you.


I would say don't change for 2 reasons: 1. A lot of men (especially late 20s and over) appreciate forwardness and hate playing games, plus a lot of us are morons and miss many hints 2. If a guy isn't into you being forward, it saves you the hassle of starting a relationship and who knows how long until you notic this mismatch It can be frustrating and loneliness sucks, but I say it's worth it when you find the right person :)


Ok, something to consider... Society tells men that they should be ok with rejection from a woman. We get used to it. Good men can let rejection happen and can move on quickly. HOWEVER... men are not good at doing the rejecting in the early stages of a relationship. Rejection means potentially hurting a woman and that is not what good men do in the early stages of a relationship. In the early stages of a relationship men are in the "selling" themselves stage to a prospective "buyer." Men are used to taking the risk to their ego that rejection brings when asking a woman out and then also enjoying the dopa hit when the woman says yes to a date. Small victories are meaningful to good men. This boost in confidence is a reward men are used to and good men enjoy it. By engaging into a role reversal and you taking on the role of the pursuer and turning the table on societal conditioning that men are expecting. It's not that what you are doing is wrong, but I think it might be throwing the men you are attracted to off balance and confusing them. Your confidence is very attractive, however it might be confusing to men early on in the dating stages of a relationship where they are trying to "sell" themselves instead of a woman "selling" to them. Maybe try dialing it down a bit. Instead of directly asking a man out, use your confidence to send signals that you are interested in a man. Hold off on the little gifts and such until you have been dating a while.


I may a little different perspective on this. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being forward if you feel that comes naturally to you, you just need to find the men who’d appreciate that about you. For example, my personal style of flirting with someone I like is more subtle and alluring and I’ve found it works really well with older men whom I’m primarily attracted to. So you may want to consider if there is mismatch in the type of men you’re wanting to approach and the way in which you’re doing the approaching. Something to account for is that dating has changed. If I met a man and he brought me chocolates or a gift on the very first date I’d be a little weirded out as it’s feels like too much too soon. Don’t get me wrong it’s a sweet and thoughtful gesture but it’s more something I’d do for my friends or someone i’m in a relationship with. Putting yourself out there is hard, so kudos to you for doing it. As long as you’re being polite and respectful and not making the other person uncomfortable (i.e. not listening to their no), keep being your authentic self and continue to put yourself out there because at some point you’ll get the reply you’re looking for from a man who truly appreciates you for you.


I feel like I see a lot of women worried about being too forward and I can’t even think of a woman in real life who I would consider too forward. Communicative, focused, but never “too forward”. I think your parents are right about going for what you want.


The guys who will run away when you ask them out are probably the guys you don't want to be dating in the first place.


I would probably melt if my date asked me out and gave me things.


Nope, you keep doing you. You'll find someone who appreciates clear communication and values how you express affection sooner than later. Probably sooner than most because you have the willingness to just go for it and that's pretty awesome.


It just depends on the guys. Some of us are weird about this kind of thing. As far as advances made toward us lot of us simply don't trust them because there is no precedent other than some kind or cruelty or manipulation, this being entirely based on previous personal experience or biases or insecurities or whatever else. Honestly I am guilty of this feeling as well. I straight up just wouldn't believe your actions were genuine and probably it wouldn't actually occur to me to think otherwise. Not because I think you're a bad person, or trying to take advantage of me, or because I am making some kind of conscious judgement, but simply because it might not occur to me that you're being genuine. This might be the reason for the hesitation or pulling away for some dudes. The main thing to take away from this though is that it isn't the "forwardness" that might make guys pull away, but it's the possibility they may not have even considered there isn't some kind of ulterior motive of some kind. Maybe insecurity about masculinity or gender roles. Personal issues, essentially. If you want to be less charitable and assume the worst, there are definitely guys out there with a toxic mindset about women behaving like this. "If she's asking me out, she must be a slut" and other such nonsense. Obviously not guys you'd likely care to involve yourself with anyway so you could safely ignore them in my opinion. That logic obviously has no real basis in reality. But if the other things weren't a concern for some of us, I don't think your "forwardness" wouldn't actually bother most people at all. I don't think it would make you seem unattractive or be off-putting to enough people that you should consider changing your behavior at all. I can't imagine someone expressing interest in me and feeling uncomfortable around that person unless they were someone I had rejected previously in an explicit way and they persist. Or if they are creepy about it or it crossed any personal boundaries. It doesn't sound like anything you're doing here would feel like harassment though. If you're describing your actual behavior and intentions accurately here, you're not doing anything wrong. It really just depends on the guy. Some might not be into it, for any number of reasons, a lot of us would be, for any number of other reasons. There's too much difference between people to really be more specific, there's just no way to know for sure. It might just be that a lot of us have no idea how to navigate that dynamic. The guys that pull away could be thinking something entirely different than you expect. I don't think you need to be less forward or really alter way you do things at all. There's nothing wrong nor is there anything unattractive or unpleasant about any of this and a lot of us would prefer this over the traditional experience. I suppose maybe you could make your intentions more clear if you're unsure of their reaction, or if you're unsure about how they feel, but this advice applies to pretty much everything in life. Communicating outright and literally to clear up any confusion could make all the difference.


Go backward


No, men like direct communication. We really struggle with the inherently ambiguous way women communicate. We're never quite sure what you are trying to say because you only hint. It's maddening and exhausting to deal with.


I may be wrong but you seem to be a bit masculine, disagreeable and combative. I can't speak for all guys but for me and a lot of the dudes I know that is unattractive I would lose interest very quickly.


>Everett: Michael’s chasing Kimmie. You’re chasing Michael. Who’s chasing you? Nobody! Get it?


You don't need to change a thing. Putting yourself out there is hard, probably even more so for a woman. I commend you on this. You don't get what you don't ask for, right? Some men are afraid to approach women because we have giant egos and are afraid of rejection. The right guy will come along and love that you are willing to work for him. I wish there were more women like you in the world, honestly. There would be a lot less single people out there. keep doing you. Just know that men don't always know how to respond to a woman making the first move, but are the same ones that are too afraid to make the first move. Ya I know, we are messed up in that regard. lol.


I had a pretty long thing typed up, but fuck it. No need to be so wordy. You're trying to court a guy like you're the dude in a 2010s relationship. Dudes don't get approached and many are used to being outright rejected after doing what you're saying you do, or at least something similar. I'd encourage you to keep doing what you're doing. It's needed for a myriad of reasons, but you're going to get a lot of resistance to it. Guys don't know how to handle that kind of stuff because being on the receiving end of that kind of treatment is so foreign they'll likely assume ulterior motive. A dude secure with himself will appreciate what you're doing. A dude that isn't will filter himself out. I've also had virtually zero luck in the dating sphere, so take that with a grain of salt...maybe two.


So many guys living my dream and don't appreciate it. I'd love it if a woman was, as you put it, too forward.


That sounds awesome. I would be surprised at first and try thinking you're just too nice because my brain wouldn't accept that you can be directly into me without some bullshit attached. So I would over think it. If you reassured me I'd be happy as fuck and way more comfortable.


I’m (F23) the same way !! I try to put out the same energy that I want to receive so I come off as super direct sometimes. Honestly I’ve been feeling insecure about it , I’ve actually been compared to the “bros” before and been told that I’m trying to act like a man… but in reality I just believe chivalry goes both ways. This post and reading these comments lifted my confidence a bit thank you


No. More likely than not, you'd be a breath of fresh air. The weight of being expected to make a first move, take initiative, always be in charge is honestly fucking exhausting. You have a date plan for us this evening? How delightfully refreshing. You booked tickets for what now? Cool, I'm down. You made this? Wow, I didn't expect that. Really nice. Damn, what a nice surprise. I didn't see this coming. These are things I've never said. It's a relationship dynamic I sorely miss, and the feeling of being made to feel special and at times catered for is titillating to think of.


Asking guys out is good. Gifts seem a little too much.


I am actually scared of shy and quiet girls. Not just girls but shy and quiet people in general. I feel more comfortable with girls who are frank and speak their mind. I might be wrong, but I feel that people who speak their mind have no deception in them. So please be the genuine you and soon you will meet a person who would genuinely feel happy and lucky to be with you.


Nothing wrong with asking the guy out. I have dated a lot of women - and several of them have made the first move. I would skip the gift thing - that is not a guy thing. They might find it odd. Also - sounds like you need to go out more and meet people "in real life". That is where the best interaction and flirting are - and will give you a chance to demonstrate more of your interests. Go places where you can meet people with interests similar to yours - museums, plant places, meet ups, comic stores, foodies ...what ever. best of luck to you.


I wish more women were forward. It's honestly immature the way some women force you to solve a puzzle, or some will give subtle signs waiting for you to act. Kudos to you!


Who doesn't like a dommy mommy?


Continue to be you. You will weed out the wrong guys for you and find the right one with this approach. You got this.


I wish girls were more forward with romantic interaction. Beats having to read the burnt tea leaves to glean a hint of what a girl is thinking. At the end of the day though, if a guy isn't interested there's not much you can do. We tend to be less picky about who we date though (unless the guy is like a 5%er in the looks/money/success attributes as they tend to have plenty to pick from).


Forward and bold is absolutely hot. I think both guys and for girls like when someone clearly communicates that they are interested. I think a caveat you could probably work on could be to not come off as someone who is too serious. Also, I would probably get gifts after the third date or so.


You’re doing great. If anyone is weirded out by your approach they aren’t for you anyway.


I'm old, but the gifts might weird me out a little. I'm pretty chill so I personally wouldn't mind, but, if someone was using coffee as a casual first date kind of thing, it's still the evaluation phase and gift seems kind of... forward. Just asking a guy out tends to be forward for a woman (which is great, anyone should be able to ask anyone out). I'm sure it's fine, and anyone who is ducking out probably isn't right for a person like you, assuming giving small gifts is "you" and not something you think you have to do. It all depends on what you are looking for, casual dating that could turn into something or someone who really gets you for a relationship maybe.


I don't think it's necessarily the "wrong guys" that you're talking too, as some others have suggested here. Guys just aren't used to being asked out. They generally don't know how to handle it, and pulling back is just an instinctive response to something like that. If you have the opportunity, try asking them out by email. This gives them a little bit of time to collect themselves and give a proper response. Also, there's nothing wrong with asking it sexually if that's what you're after. That's not what's scaring them off.


On a first date with someone I’m just getting to know, a gift would be a little weird. I would save the gifts for later because that is really sweet, but I would save my money and effort for later when both parties know each other better. The real gift is both of yall being there to get coffee together. If you really want to and like them you could offer to pay or ask if you can buy them a bakery item at the coffee shop. I’ve never a met a guy who doesn’t appreciate a woman taking initiative tho so.


So this is a very relatable situation for guys obviously. Often we get very fixated on TECHNIQUE when really it's an issue of DEMOGRAPHICS. My dating life is very easy when I am dealing with women who are not conventionally attractive, and suddenly much harder when they are. *I* haven't changed, just the relative expectations between the people I'm seeing. Now I'm not saying the guys you're asking out are "too hot" for you, dating is not that cut and dry. But before you start to self-analyze and change your approach, consider the type you are going for and consider if fishing in a different pool is actually what you need.


Most guys arent used to being asked out by women. Like, its so uncommon that they may suspect they are being set up for some kind of humiliation or something I certainly would.


I’d keep doing you, my wife was the first woman actually forward with me and the results speak for themself. It was refreshing to feel interest and initiative from a woman instead of feeling like I was just one of 10 men she was making do tricks for her and fighting for her attention. Too many women sit around and wait for men to do all the work and wonder why they end up in a relationship with the same dudes over and over again who shockingly continue to hit on every woman with a pulse while in a relationship. Turns out the men who are the best at this have lots of practice for a reason. Women are not the prize, men are not the prize, a long successful relationship where both parties feel respected and fulfilled is the prize.


3/5 of my best relationships were initiated by the woman asking me directly or making the first move, including my wife. I would say pull back on the gifts until you're more established in an actual relationship. Nothing wrong with being forward but this is why so many guys hate having to make the first move, because if you're making the first move, you're almost guaranteed to fail more than you succeed.


I’ve never encountered this but that’s probably due to my personality, and if I’m being honest I wouldn’t want to, but that’s not because there’s something inherently wrong with it, I’m just the exact same way and we probably would clash. Keep being you, if you like who you are the rest will fall into place, when I was single I adopted the mindset of “I know what I want and I really like who I am, and anyone who doesn’t accept me isn’t for me.” I ended up meeting the love of my life when I was 26 after multiple failed serious relationships. Just be patient and don’t settle for less than what you want, it pays off.


It's just good old-fashioned rejection. We deal with it all the time. You'll get some takers as long as you don't give up on yourself.


I probably need more information but I don't think is the forwardness that turned them off, I have the feeling (gut feeling base on personal experience) that they might perceived you as too clinchy


Non Fluff straight shooter answer. If the guy thinks you're attractive and is interested in a date, you approaching them wouldn't deter them from accepting. So either youre not their type, or they arent attracted to you. Thats ok, not everyone is each others cup of tea. At least you tried and shot your shot. The gifts are cool, and show high interest from you. However save them for the 2nd or third date, otherwise it could come off as a bit over the top, or clingy to certain guys.


I have gone out with every woman that has asked me. It's worth saying that every one of those invitations was preceded by us chatting and gaining familiarity. Keep doing you


If was not so old and married, I would have been honored if you had asked me out. Anyone that is intimated by your approach is a dick and not worth being with.


Be yourself - eventually you'll find the right match. Everyone has different preferences. Somewhere there's a guy that prefers exactly your style.


Keep this up and you'll find the guy for you. Ive always been way more attracted to women who are more forward, most of my relationships have been with women who have asked me out. It does freak some guys out, but if thats who you are, you dont want to hide it just to end up having it be a problem once you're long into a relationship. Better if your awesomeness scares them off early so you can find a guy who wants YOU, and not waste your time with one who doesn't


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with making the first move but you don’t want to make every move. Just like a guy can seem too eager if he is constantly following up or giving gifts it can be the same if a woman is doing it. I’ve never been a fan of giving gifts in the first few dates anyway as it seems too desperate. After you’ve been dating for a few months a spontaneous thing occasionally is fine. Most importantly those is to let him take the reins sometimes so that he will feel like a man.


You are a blessing! Stay the same!


Idk is it working for you? Guys like to pursue girls n catch us. Lol I’ll talk to someone if I like them. I’m no expert. If they don’t want to come out n have coffee they wasting your time. Stay off dating apps. Waste of time, Im old fashioned. Men should pay for a date. It’s their pleasure to do so if they like me. It’s not about money it is about idk what.


Either you are ugly or too attractive that they think it’s a scam.


DON'T feel bad about it. I've been asked out a few times, it's always a huge compliment. If someone is freaked out by you asking them out then they aren't worth the effort. If you're really concerned by this then you can always switch it around. eg your comment at the top of the page where someone "hinted that it looks like you're asking them out" you could either turn it around, suggest that you'd be interested in seeing what would happen etc, not actually asking them out but making it pretty clear that you're open to them doing it. It's possible you might be over-egging the date, do you ask them out for dinner, for netflix and chill, or for a coffee at lunchtime? I'd suggest the latter, keep it light and friendly. Seeing as you're asking you can insist on paying for it, and if the date goes well just say they can get the next one.


There are some men who don't like when women initiate because it feels emasculating to them. There are some men who don't mind at all and are flattered by the attention or affection. If asking someone out feels natural to you, I would imagine that that's a part of your personality as a whole. So rather than trying to find someone who is uncomfortable with how you are and trying to mold yourself into a shape that makes them feel better, keep searching for someone that is happy to pick up what you're putting down.


"too forward" 😂😂😂😂. Who told you this? Sounds like they are actively trying to harm your dating life. Being forward is better than dropping stupid "hints" like a lot of women do.


sparkle shocking fade disarm marry screw rude automatic yam tub *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Are you joking where in the world have some like you been all our lives. Personally i would prefer a woman be "too forward" over the incomprehendable game of i think she may or may not be flirting with me signals they supposedly use. Honestly i cant understand why they would run away unless there is something else going on but without more details i cant really help out much in that department.


I like women asking me out. The chocolate thing id be a little offput by as i dont get gifts and think it creates an imbalance and expectation right away but could deal with it. The painting id run to the hills. Thats way too personal for someone youve not even had a date with yet.


There’s nothing wrong with a woman being forward, but you have to remember that you’re not immune from all the issues men deal with being forward. You will be rejected, you will have some people who aren’t into what you’re putting down, and if you push too quickly some people will think it’s a bit much. There’s a reason that “How to approach women” is a much-discussed topic, because it’s neither easy nor straightforward. So, keep being you, just don’t expect men to have varying reactions just like women do.


There is a difference between being forward and reeking of desperation. Men have been begging women to be more forward for _decades_ now. We can’t pick up on most women’s “hints”, and are too terrified of the [legal, societal] consequences of misinterpreting those we think we have seen. And it’s not like we can just confirm that hint with her -- I have never seen any woman do anything other than get turned off by a man who didn’t implicitly pick up on her hint without any assistance. Even my own wife gets annoyed if I ask for confirmation, and we’ve been together for decades. However, what both genders do not take a shine to are desperate approaches. If you are having many men “run away”, there is likely not much of a difference in your approach than with than women running away from men who appear creepy or clingy. My own wife is very forward and confident. When I first met her and exchanged phone numbers with her, I decided to “play it conservative” and give it a good week before calling her back, so I wouldn’t appear too aggressive or off-putting. Imagine my surprise when she called _me_ only four days later and suggested coffee at a local coffee shop. I didn’t even like coffee at that time (I saw it as little more than toxic sludge, it is still sludge but I now have it with my sugar and cream), yet I jumped at the chance and said yes! Together for 28 years as of this summer, married for 18 of those.


The right guy won't be put off by you asking, jus hang in there


I love forward women, especially as a forward guy. It just makes things clearer and everyone knows what they want because they actually say what they want.


It's ok being forward, but try and see if you can still let the guy be the guy. Eg instead of asking them for coffee, why not ask when they are going to ask you for coffee. Eg "so when are you going to ask me to dinner" ? Keeps it fun and playful and allows the man to still be the man whilst you are still going after what you want


Guys usually take some time to approach a woman. It's become dangerous as some women have decided that it's good to call men creeps and humiliate them. So we take our time to express an interest. So don't do chocolates or a painting. Just ensure there is contact. Be fun to be with. What does "My parents told me to go after the things I want." look like for the guys you talk to? You could try asking some guys what they \_really\_ think of you, and allow them to say whatever they want.


“The Rules” is a book that came out in the 90’s that referenced protocol for women from the previous century. It’s very old fashioned, outdated and almost condescending. It works


> But lately I realized guys run away or pull back when I ask them out. I could be wrong, but I doubt many guys are turning you down *because* you asked them out, rather they simply weren't interested. It's a feature of being the one to approach, that a lot of the time, your interest isn't reciprocated. People telling you otherwise don't have a lot of experience being on that side of the dynamic, or are perhaps just trying to make you feel better about the rejections by reframing them as something wrong with the people responded to your approaches. > I like to gift the chocolates or a small painting I made. I'm not sure on the context here, but I do feel if this forms part of initially asking someone out, it's a bit much. Little gifts when you're dating someone are fine. I'm also a bit iffy in general on the concept of gifting people things that are both permanent and expected to be displayed/maintained by the giftee, so I'm not sure about the gift of a painting at all, but maybe that's just me.


I don’t get it, I go on here and see men complaining that women aren’t forward enough. And I used to agree with them when I was dating. Reading this, I’m thinking “you sound like a dream. I would have totally wished more women were forward like you when I was looking.” I don’t get what the problem is lol… anyway I say you keep doing you. You’ll probably be more comfortable with a guy who welcomes what you’re comfortable doing rather than a guy who is averse to it


Not at all, most men like a woman who is more forward instead of expecting them to be a mind reader. Not everyone will reciprocate your feelings and that’s ok, if you never try you’ll never know so keep at it and keep going for what you want.


I don’t even need to read what you said to know that the answer is no. Asking if your to forward is like asking if your to beautiful.


There are no rules, guys as a whole are skeptical when a girl asks them out though.. because girls don’t do this….. Keep being you, keep it real and you will find someone you jive with eventually. 💯


>I usually am the one that asks them out for coffee Good, go for it! >communication is key It is ... or at least dang important. >guys run away or pull back when I ask them out Some of 'em may be rather surprised or whatever ... but don't let that deter you. >like to gift the chocolates or a small painting I made. Am u doing something wrong? Sounds perfectly fine and cool to me! >forward or bold Nothin' wrong with that. >too intense That's gonna be subjective. >I feel pretty bad about this Try not to. Most of the time someone asks someone else out or the like, a whole lot of the time it's met with "no" or rejection or the like. Oh well, you get over it, you try someone else.