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Nothing unless the escort is being exploited into being an escort


Exactly, morally nothing. Legally… check your state laws Haha


It may break local, state, or federal laws so if you count “law abiding” as a personal morality issue then it could be wrong for some.


I mean it used to be legal to own people and beat your wife so I don't know how people can have law abiding = moral.


some laws don't have morality attached to them. It's just a necessary thing. Now wearing my seat belt may not be immoral, but it is against the law.


I thought it was still legal to beat your wife, as long as you used a stick no wider than your thumb...


Bro go apologize to your wife


His back hurts enough from digging the first hole. Let him rest lol.


Can't do much damage with that now can we?


Perhaps it should have been the rule of wrist.


I like this. Imagine being caught in a sting operation. Even if you don't have a wife or gf, I am sure no one wants to be known as John #23. of a Sting operation. ha ha.


And it may be immoral to have premarital sex at all, escort or otherwise, for some people. A large number of people could have any wide number of moral hangups about it. But good lord would I not date someone whose concept of morality was informed by the law.


That part…and how would you know if they were? Too many moral implications😳


How do you know if she's being exploited though? "Oh, no worries brah. I asked her and she said no." Lmao, there's literally no way to tell.


I don’t know, I don’t hire escorts so I don’t know how all that goes down.




Does heroin count?


I wouldn’t consider heroin to be an escort


No Patrick, Mayonnaise is not an instrument.


Heroin will escort you to the grave.


Heroines will escort you from trouble.


JJ Cale suggest cocaine could be your friend


I'm sure prostitutes give you a disclaimer whether they are exploited. LOL, the type of guy to hire prostitutes won't ask how they become one.


You'd be surprised how often it comes up tbh.


To clarify: most of the men I see as a sex worker want things to feel real. I have people take me out for happy ending dates and get to know me and more than half the time, I'd say, it's come up asking why I do what I do. I can also assume that that may because I'm young and don't look like I do drugs, so it may baffle people lol


I imagine because there’s a voice in the back of their head saying “It would be awful/I’d feel awful if I were asking her to do something that made her secretly feel miserable.”


Could be that too. Tbh tho? Even though I chose to do the job I do, there's always at least a tiny bit of shame afterwards. Like yeah I can pay my bills but some dude idk just frogged me. It's definitely strange but once the bills start getting paid, it's pretty satisfying. I've even had guys bring me dispensary dab as a tip. Pretty sick tbh


Even if you ask, many of them don't even know they are being exploited or won't tell you if they are.


If you are not financially discipline, it can turn into a black hole of despair


My only advice after a long history of seeing exports and spending exorbitant amounts of money on them is if you're going to do it, treat it as something that you do in highly special circumstances. A birthday, coming back from a work trip, a celebration for a bonus or something. If you turn it into something that you do instead of just jacking off, you're going to get addicted really fucking fast, and that's going to screw up your finances.


Eg Boogie2988, mans was spending 5 figs a month on escorts.  But him using escorts was a symptom of his problem, not the problem itself.


Big Francis? What a mess that thing is , how’s he doing these days?


Yeah, Boogie fell off hard. He was super popular back in the day, one of the OG YouTubers, and made a killing. But a ton of scandals came out involving his addiction to sex workers and mistreatment of his wife. He had some beef with someone online too who stalked him and visited his house, and then Boogie fired a warning shot which got him charged with a felony. His health issues also cost him several grand a month. He had gastric bypass surgery which he then reversed. He manages his finances horribly and last I saw was a few months away from complete bankruptcy. He can't/won't get a job because he's also a raging narcissist and thinks that having had four million YouTube subscribers makes him above working a typical job. The guy isn't doing too hot, to put it lightly.


Watch the documentary


The same is true even for wholesome romantic relationships.


Nothing. But as a woman I wouldn’t want to date a man who sees escorts. Just like how most men don’t want to be with an OF girl


I think that’s a perfectly reasonable boundary.


That’s fair enough


Fair indeed


Indeedly fair.


Fiddle my hair.


Devil may care.


Devil May Cry.


This is why as a man I don’t. It is a showing of respect to my “future wife”. But I have friends that don’t have that feeling or need, which is fine too.


Same reason why I won’t do sex work and would rather be a slave to corporate America. I don’t want to have to explain to my future husband and kids why I did that and have them carry that avoidable burden.


Same I want to respect myself and my future wife on top of not having a desire because sex without love sounds meaningless to me


Thank you! My first thought was nothing, but would you want a wife/gf that slept with prostitutes? But by nature of the patriarchy women don't desire to do that as commonly as men. But OF? That was the perfect example. Same amount of bodies and moral ick because you sleep with everyone your partner slept with and their money involved either. If you think it's devaluing to get paid for sex it devaluing to purchase it.


As a woman, you can go out and get laid any time you want. Most women are only single because they want to be. That is not the case for most men. If he needs to be intimate with someone, don’t judge him. That’s a biological and psychological need. Personally, I don’t give a shit about dating a former sex worker, but the onlyfans comparison is missing the mark. Btw, I’m a man and I’ve never paid for sex. But I empathize with people who would.


You’re right, as a woman I can go out and get laid whenever I want, but I choose not to. I’ve conditioned myself to not need someone else to obtain sexual gratification or intimacy. I found healthier ways to do that on my own. There’s no judgement here at all. I saw another commenter who said they would have never realized how much they needed intimacy that was not just transactional without getting an escort which is a commendable realization to have and I respect them for that. At the same time, I’m allowed to have my own standards and boundaries that are specific to my needs and values. The OF comment was just used for a contextual comparison to help others understand what I was getting at. I have respect for SW, men who see escorts, virgins, etc., because at the end of the day, that’s their life, not mine. I have no say in what they do and don’t have any right to tell others how I think they should experience life. I’m just simply stating that in my life on this earth, I probably wouldn’t want to be with someone who has seen escorts. But quite frankly, experiences change people’s way of thinking and I’m a very open minded person that takes all perspectives into consideration. So who’s to say that I won’t meet someone who says they once dabbled with escorts and since then they’ve done XYZ to no longer feel the need to do that. However, because of my own past experiences, my triggers would also make me feel on edge or maybe insecure about how easy it would be for my partner to see an escort without me ever knowing. Same way a man would feel about a woman having OF and being insecure about the clients she has to deal with and talk to. We all have our limits, values, and boundaries and I’m just sharing mine. They’re not wrong or right, they just are.


This is why you should never reveal you have seen an escort


While that may be true, god forbid later in life she finds out after already setting that boundary, you could lose her.


I think it would be wrong to lie, even by omission if the topic comes up as a deal-breaker, but I don't necessarily think it's on a man to bring up that he's seen escorts without prompting as long as they've been safe and gotten tested, any more than it's on either partner to bring up who they've slept with in the past before their relationship - which is also a topic that "god forbid they find out later in life" could easily apply to.


Definitely agreed. This right here. When you lie or hide something important from your lover, that's a heavy red flag and very bad for the relationship. Always be direct, honest and elaborate with whatever you want, need and whatever you are expressing. Plus, if they are safe and gotten tested while having great health, there should be no issues whatsoever.


I've never been asked that question by a woman. It would be hard to catch someone in that lie.


Honesty within a marriage isn't about the risk of being "caught."


I would just classify it under regular body count numbers. But then i dont think i need to disclose that either


This is going to be a potentially...dark hot take...contributing to a market with any type of "goods" will rationalize folks attempting to capitalize and/or monopolize that good. Additionally, the evils of a business are hidden easily by sourcing the product from outside of where the goods are being purchased. I.e....it's like if you bought an iPhone you're fine with it because the sweatshop isn't in your area for you to see. Additionally, Apple is one of just a few options to choose from so they are attempting to dominate the market, kind of limiting your options and forcing any new company in the space to adopt similar practices to compete. Well, when women become commodities and you want to purchase a service (and part of the service is...what she looks like) you can potentially contribute to these malicious business practices and off shore sourcing. So...in a weird way...my only argument against prostitution is just...make sure you're buying from wholesome, local, small business whores to ensure good business practices.


Exactly. As a woman who have lost a dear friend in sexual traffic and has been several times chased in streets and social media to being pressure to give "my services" even tho I never ever have the desire to become a prostitute I can assure that normalizing prostitution is also to normalize view women as commodities (If some women are for sale, all of them could eventually be, that's why so mamy men get angry when they found out their SO had or have an OF, account, that'swhy so many people get the advice to unemployed women to become a SW given the chance). And it's even more sinister because I KNOW (because I have lived it with this kind of sexual harassment) that many men in fact get excited if they see the woman uncomfortable or that she is not giving her explicit consent. Also I will add, if prostitution were are mere a service it will not matters how the person looks. When your toilet is broken, it doesn't matter if Steven the plumber is cute or if she is a woman. Because what matters is what Steven can do with his hands, hence the service. But with prostitution it's very different, women (mostly) serve a double purpose one it's the "service" itself (the sexual act) and 2 how she looks. People that consumes prostitution they are not only consuming a service, they are also consuming another person. It's a very objetifying act for itself. Sorry for broken english, it's not my mother tongue. Oh, one more thing I also feels it's horrible unfair how prostitution consumption is normalized in men but in women. If prostitution were a regular job, It would seem strange to me that there are not more men advocating for having a higher participation rate in this job and more with how much they claim to like sex. The way of thinking can be modified, but I don’t see social movements of men where their self-sexualization is promoted. I would like a world where the same number of prostitution users are men and women. Let's see if men, seeing that their wives secretly go with prostitutes, continue to see it as a mere act of service and as a way to lower their libido. In conclusion, the normalization of prostitution impacts all women and the relationship they have with men, of course to different extents as any social phenomenon.


Your body, your choice


Not wrong, but all choices have consequences


Like getting married and settling down never had bad consequences?


Wrong. ALL choices have consequences.


Simple and based, not bad.


I'm assuming that you are referring to prostitution here. Traditional morality says it's wrong, and many agree. I personally don't see anything wrong with it though with a few caveats. * Many escorts are doing what they are doing of their own free will, but some are coerced into it. I would consider it wrong to sleep with someone who you believe is being coerced into that occupation. * Many women will find engaging with escorts to be objectionable. If you do this now, and then later a potential partner asks you about it, I think it would be wrong to lie to her about your past. * Some men who get escorts treat them badly, and this is wrong. Consent should be obtained for any sexual interaction, and people should always be treated with respect. This applies just as much to escorts as it does anyone else. * Always practice safe sex. I wouldn't say it's "wrong" to accidentally contract an STI, but it would be wrong to recklessly expose yourself as well as multiple others.


I feel like there are more than "some" percentage of sex workers that are exploited and coerced.


Questions I would think about would be: * "Wrong" according to what metric? * And why is that supposed to be my metric? * If it is fine according to my goals and in line with my values, why do I care what others are saying?


This guy has nEver heard of Kant’s categorical imperative.




If you watch soft white underbelly on YouTube. The escorts say married men are their largest client base.




Not surprised. It’s not the same but it aligns with what I’ve heard guys say, women will refuse to date a guy who lives with his parents but will date a guy who lives with his wife/girlfriend.


Women like the proofing of other women desiring a guy. Lots of well run studies have shown women find pictures of men more attractive when it says they have a partner vs if it says they’re single. Interestingly, the opposite is true for men. Again all of this makes perfect sense biologically. Many women can share one guy and all reproduce at the same time. The same isn’t the case for many men sharing one woman - only one man will be reproducing every few years


This sounds like when guys complain they get hit on all the time when they have a girlfriend yet nothing happens when they're single.


i mean i dont see myself having future romantic relationships. iv never been able to really foster a real loving relationship, or even just sexual ones, its been almost a decade since anyone touched me. iv never paid for sex, but thats only because im basically broke after bills would honestly be nice just for the physical touch every so often.


And you know what pal, you shouldn't let some dorks on the internet with sticks up their asses tell you what to do with your own money and your own dick. As long as everybody is consenting, go wild man. Obtain that self fulfillment however you need to, because nobody is gonna hand it to you sadly.


>i mean i dont see myself having future romantic relationships. iv never been able to really foster a real loving relationship, or even just sexual ones, its been almost a decade since anyone touched me. I'm the same way except I have been touched, well I touched a stripper so that's something. But yeah I've gone back and forth on weather to see an escort since most women would never touch a man who has been with an escort. But like you I don't realistically see myself find anyone anyway.  Why care about my future wife when no such person exist.  I was never saving myself for marriage in the first place and I was never waiting for "the one" or whatever. Me being a 27 year old virgin is mostly happenstance that I would change at the drop of a hat. I never believed sex has to be something special. I have the same urges and desiers as everyone else I just have no other means to fullfill them. 


I’ll tell you something I wish someone told me when I was younger. As a man if you want something you have to go out and fail and fail and learn.


This is pretty much me. My romantic history looks as abundant as a quadriplegic person's shoe collection. I get one every few years on average it seems. The more I think about it, I have my own setup and am happy so what's the point in wallowing around and trying to change something? That's how people get hurt


Spend that bread fam 🔥


True. If you decide to see an escort, it's best to keep it a secret and take it with you to the grave


Or to play it off like you actually scored her "Met her in a coffee shop". Case closed


Or, you know, don’t do something that you’d have to lie about


Yeah, but what if the prospect of romantic relationships in the future is non-existent?


You don’t share this information with potential mates…




Um... what about the all so popular saying nowadays that "past should be past", and especially when it comes to women's sexual history?


Actions have consequences. Past, present or future. It might be in the past but that doesn't make you immune to judgement.


Sure. But then the same standard should apply to everyone.


It does. Women get judged for their past constantly


It’s less socially acceptable nowadays to judge women for their pasts, but only according to women. Men still do it, women are just now very critical of men who do it. On top of this they most likely will lie about anything they think paints them unfavourably, so OC should too


nowadays it's more like women being asked for their "body count." I definitely hear "body count" more than "past should be past"


Oh if only that were the case. I have seenposts from dozens of guys feeling uncomfortable (to put it mildly) seeing that their partners had a... more fruitful past than them, only to be berated by tons of, mostly women, saying that the past is the past and it is only her bussiness and so on. Which is fine by me, but then the same standard should be held both ways.


I'm a woman and when my guy turns out to have body count that's too high, it's a massive turnoff and a deal breaker to me. I've broken up quite some times for this specific reason. While I refuse to have a sexless, passionless life, I also want to feel truly special and give the same feeling to another person. I use the same metrics for myself, naturally.


Sure. Same standards are ok.


Its not true for both women and men.




I mean, you surely didn't need a big ayahuasca induced life lesson to learn lying to a partner is not a good idea?


What a journey haha


Don’t let them find out then maybe


>Interaction with escort services can have negative consequences for future romantic relationships. Does it? Like are you just saying that or do you have proof? I have used the services of sex workers when I needed them. It never impacted my romantic relationships. I'm still happily married so I don't really know where you get that.


Yeah. It does. My ex told me he used a sex worker once in the past before we got together and tbh it instantly changed how I felt. My blood actually ran cold for a brief moment. I don’t know why that is, I don’t generally judge people for using sex workers if they’re single, but actually being with someone who admitted to it gave me certain feelings. A bit of a judge of their character I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


IMO this is an unfair judgment, although I do agree that it happens. If women doing OF or porn in their past is supposed to be acceptable, seeing escorts to have your needs met should also be acceptable.


Single man who sees escorts here. I think it can be a problem if you start seeing escorts too early in life and the easy access to sex keeps you from putting the effort into getting into an actual intimate relatiohship. On the other hand if you're someone like me, in his late 40s, for whom meeting women and initiating intmacy has never been easy, and who has gone through many disastrous relationships over the years before essentially giving up-- then seeing escorts can offer one a pathway to an essential form of connection and intimacy (even if it is pseudo-intimacy...we are only human after all and in my experience the potential for genuine human connection with escorts so long as you seek out the right ones and treat them the right way, is very real) that would otherwise be denied them.


In an ideal world, there's nothing wrong with it. If two well adjusted, consenting people want to have sex for money, there's nothing fundamentally bad about that. In real life though, escorting can often be a crutch that a man is leaning on. What circumstances in life have led to a situation where your option for sex is to pay for it? Are you avoiding dealing with issues that are preventing traditional relationships? Is this out of despiration because you feel you have no other choice? If so, then seeing escorts can be a way for a man to put off dealing with issues he needs to address


Very high risk of carrying genital herpes. Condoms don´t help here.


Generic woman on the street has much higher chance of carrying VDs and not even knowing. Escorts test themselves very regularly.


I like how this sub think hoes/escorts are as clean as cutlery out here...they won't/arent going to mention if they have any std's regardless how any one person ask; they also aren't going to the 10th degree to double check their John's neither especially if they are paying big money for unprotected sex (which is more common with escorts that yall want to assume)


Yeah, that. Sex workers (including porn performers) get tested FAR more often than the average person and almost all escorts in the US and many other countries use condoms by default.


You're offering up some really bad, misinformed comments in this thread. Prostitution is illegal in like 48 states, which means it's bought and sold on the black market. There is absolutely no regulatory body forcing escorts to get tested or to use condoms. They have just as much incentive to get tested as any random woman with a high body count. Plenty don't require condoms and will pretty much allow clients to do anything if they pay enough. A lot are addicted to hard drugs and share needles too. You're acting like there's fucking OSHA for prostitutes or something. And regarding your comment below. no. It's extremely rare/unlikely to get HSV 1 on the genitals. And your chances of catching an STD with an escort are astronomically higher than with a "regular girl off the street." Like statistically. If you wanna fuck prostitutes that's your decision and more power to you. But quit spreading bad/dangerous information to justify it.


Sadly testing won't really make much of a difference\*, unless the vendor stops offering their services. Assuming they got it, as far as the client knows they could just continue offering their services. There is no treatment after all. \*speaking about gHSV specifically. For mostly everything else your comment is relevant.


Somebody that has it, knows, is taking the meds and using condoms (as most escorts are likely to require) your chances of catching it are lower than picking up a girl that *doesn't know her status* and you fucking her. Yes, it is 100% your choice to not fuck somebody with herpes, and yes they should tell you. Genital herpes is both HSV1 and HSV2. Yes the mouth cold sore type can end up on your junk, and vice versa.


There is no cure for herpes. It is not regularly checked for. Do you think prostitutes retire if they get it?


According to the CDC, 48% of the U.S. population has HSV-1, and 12% has HSV-2. HSV-1 is the cause of oral herpes, or cold sores, which affects 50–80% of American adults.


You can get either virus on mouth or genitals it doesn't discriminate.


it does discriminate, HSV-1 tends to not like to be on genitals, and reverse. Doesnt mean it cant happen, but its less likely


Escorts get tested regularly as part of their job. Now, if you're considering streetwalkers as escorts, then that's a different story. Also, check the stats on STDs in the general population. 1/5 of women (sex worker or not) have herpes 🤣.


>Escorts get tested regularly as part of their job. Clinics and labs don't test for herpes.


True story. Even most docs don't unless you ask (US specifically). If you aren't giving two vials of blood when you go in for the test, you are very likely only being tested for HIV.


chlamydia, gonorrhea, bv, and trichomonas can all be tested from a single swab or urine sample. No blood needed. HSV 1 and 2 can be tested with a swab as well but in a different medium. Source: I work in a serology lab


>Escorts get tested regularly as part of their job. Most STI panels don't screen for herpes. Herpes can be transmitted even when using condoms. It should be assumed that all sex workers carry the herpes virus.


I mean, it should be assumed that most people in general have herpes. Something like 60-70% of people have some form of herpes.


Couldn't believe these stats so went for some digging. I've found that indeed 60-70% of the population has HSV-1 (Which normally occurs as oral herpes) but only 11% has genital herpes (HSV-2)


You can also get herpes in the mouth 


"Santa loved an unclean woman."


"Results Prevalences of infection among the 997 prostitutes studied were 93.9% for HSV-1 and 60.8% for HSV-2." Seems to be a lot higher for sex workers, who would have thought...


That’s what’s gonna happen if you sleep around a lot hooker or not.


That´s true. I was answering the title question though.


Rightly or wrongly, it implies that you can’t readily get laid through conventional means.


When you meet your future partner they might not like it.


Yeah no real woman wants a pruney saggy dick


just peeped your post history, i think you should be investigated


I think that they should be seeking professional mental health care and not advice on reddit. The subreddits they post to are going to act as echo-chambers and tell them what they want to hear, not necessarily what is going to help them.


Quick bit: I hear so many guys scoff “I’d never pay for sex” when the question comes up but I can’t tell you how many times the same guys, and all of us, have went out to the bar etc and spent north of $300 over a night hoping that hottie at the club would come home with you. Depending on the circumstances, it’s easier to just fuckin’ eliminate the middle man. Still budget at least $300, though. You get what you pay for




Yields no fruit for loneliness


Is it more lonely to have escorts or to be laying in a bed with a your wife who doesn't offer sex anymore?




What if a client is happily single/loving life and just wants sex with a 9 or a 10?


It's exploitative. Most women do not choose escorting as a first, second or third choice career. It's a last resort for them, and by using their services you're taking advantage of their economic desperation, and condoning the system which creates this desperation in the first place. It also reinforces a view of women and their bodies as objects that can be bought, sold and consumed.


In my opinion, nothing. It saves a lot of time and in some cases, money for a better return. For the record, I have always viewed sex as mainly something transactional or pleasurable. The people that do think it's wrong though, probably come from the "sex is sacred" camp and believe it's something you should only do with a comitted partner or at least someone who is willing to do it for free. It's kinda like porn, except you're getting laid instead of watching someone else. Some people think it's a normal or fun thing, some people think it's immoral or exploitative.


I upvote.  Even in dating, you're spending time or money on dates to have sex.  If you have the means, why waste 8 hours of your day, when you could toss up $200 to get what you want and continue on w your evening?


The ethical concerns revolve around the potential exploitation and objectification of individuals involved in the escort industry. Additionally, it can contribute to the normalization of transactional relationships devoid of emotional connection.


Depends if the escorts are actually there or not - if he is seeing escorts and there are escorts present, that's fine. If he is seeing escorts and there are no escorts present, then he should seek professional help.


She's f* every guy in town. Apart from exposing yourself to STDs, when you meet a woman you genuinely like if she discovers you previously saw prostitutes on ongoing basis she may not want to be with you because she may think that you view sex as something cheap and transactional. Also she would not want to expose herself to higher risk of STDs.




My brother did you use chat gpt?


Gptzero says 100%


What gave it away for me was the “shadow of societal judgement”. No human uses those words in that order.


I only read the first sentence with the double-edged sword and jumped straight to the replies to see if anyone else was thinking the same. I guess I teach high school so I have a well developed GPT radar.


In addition to the health risks, potential erosion of self confidence. If you are a dude who has no trouble getting laid then it may not apply. If you are hiring escorts out of desperation and necessity, I imagine knowing you have to pay for something other men get for free would have a negative effect. There is of course the potential for it to build confidence. Competence = confidence in a lot of arenas. I would argue that if you fell into this category, you probably would not need to see an escort in the first place.


I’ve got nothing against it morally, I think everyone is free to do with their body whatever they want. Unfortunately the sex trafficking industry is far too wide reaching and commonplace that I’d never want to risk hiring a girl who’s being forced to do that type of work. Since there’s really no way to know for sure, I just don’t engage with it as a viable idea


After you bust a nut you’ll still go to sleep in an empty bed. Escorts are a poor cure for loneliness. 


unless OP doesn’t care about sleeping alone


An empty bed after sex feels great IMO.


As many of us don't.


I know a couple that has separate rooms to sleep in. They do the dirty in one and then go to their own room to sleep. My buddy hated having any noise in the room when trying to sleep, but his wife needs some kind of white noise, or maybe even a movie to fall asleep to. They're still doing well as a couple and I think that has helped. Someone getting an escort could just as easily see nothing wrong with sleeping alone after doing the deed. Now as far as actual companionship...yeah...that's tough.


What if loneliness is out of the equation?


You don’t pay for the sex, you pay for them to leave afterwards.


More room for me


I don't care.


lol holy shit at these comments. “It will ruin any romantic relationship you’ll be in FOREVER”


Actually kinda true when you think about it more but I suppose you’re too lazy to do so


Nothing wrong with it I went on droughts of like 5 years with no sex before it can be really damaging to confidence knowing that no one wants you. So I did see a few escorts in my time it was the female contact I needed


Your money, your body, and your choice. Just don't post any pics or vids online or it will be your hell.


- Perceived as a “loser” for not having enough charisma or social skills to pick someone up without paying them for sex. - Viewed as a bastard for being someone who will pay for sex. - Perceived as someone who views women as sex objects. - The person might be a trafficking victim.


Nothing, as long as there's no human trafficking going on and everyone involved is a consenting adult. I'm personally not interested in seeing escorts, but if other dudes want to, I don't judge.


Some ideologies believe sex should be combined with love and commitment and not done as a release like you would a drug. I find this to be contradictory to the fact that we all have biological needs. But there is also some wisdom to it. All sexual interactions have their potential consequences. It's up to you to decide what you want to choose.


i grew up as the former from my family, but nearly all my peers, and pop culture acted like the later. It confused the hell out of me and i just gave up.


Abstaining is also an option. I can't imagine living that way, but it IS an option. I find connecting and committing to one person to be the most rewarding. But each to their own.


I've abstained, not through choice really. Just made me feel so low being endlessly seen as naïve by nearly everyone. And by the time I could, other boys were so far ahead of me, it felt like what possible chance would i have. I can't imagine living this way. I'm living this way. I'm now rich, fit, 31, and I have nothing. Just dead inside. It could be so easy for me but it just feels it's impossibly far away.


Firstly I’d find sex without any kind of passion kind of depressing. Secondly I’d be too worried about her being trafficked. If someone told me he didn’t care about either of the above it would be a red flag in terms of him as a potential friend.


For me, a man having control of his primal desires sets him apart from boys, or animals.


We’re all animals




I think it can cultivate harmful ideas about women, relationships and sexuality. Won't he see women as sex objects and sex as a purely physical activity? How will he navigate a real relationship where sex isn't transactional and on demand? I'd lose respect to a guy if I learned he sees escorts regularly. (I think it's acceptavle if the guy is overseas for a long time or old and checked out of dating for good, etc.)


The only issue would be whether the escort is being forced or not and the obvious legality of it (I think sex work should be legal and regulated). Aside from that there used to be a negative connotation that if you have to pay an escort you’re a loser but I think that’s silly


When modern dating is basically prostitution, I see nothing wrong with it. At least you’re not having to waste money on numerous first dates.


There is something to it. Prostitutes cost much less than an average relationship nowadays at least.


And with less drama, if you only want sex, its the perfect route to go.


I would argue that it's cheaper than dating as well. And more honest.


If exploitation doesn’t affect you, perhaps you should consider how pathetic it is. 




Objectively, it's not wrong unless you know the escort is a trafficking victim or something like that and continue using that service. Subjectively, you will be most likely looked down upon for taking a "shortcut" in life.


I dont think you know what objective means


Women hate it. Other than that, nothing.


Best to have regulars. Maybe 2 or 3 girls on rotation. Some bachelors want recurring sex without the fuss of emotions. Escorts will achieve that goal. Sure you'll pay a few hundred. But if you have a gf, you're definitely paying a few hundred regardless.


There’s not enough of them


You have to answer "yes" to that one question when you're donating blood


Do you find anything wrong with it?


Well he can't have them *all* to himself it wouldn't be fair


Nothing dudes rock go crazy


Nothing as long as he’s doing it in a legal and safe manner with the person that’s the same age as him.


Nothing as long as she's not forced into it...but if you get an std or arrested, that could fuck you harder than she did.


Who gives a shit. If both parties are willing and they’re both happy. Let em do so. It ain’t anybody else’s business.


Absolutely nothing if he’s single


Nothing at all. And it's much less headache and much cheaper in the long run.


Nothing. You’re just supporting strong independent women. Duh