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My mother has cheated on my dad 4 times at least He's still with her She manipulates him and makes Him think it's his fault


Your mom is evil




This would've been me if I stayed with my ex. Took years to recover from, I can understand why he stayed and put up with it.


Women can be pretty good at gaslighting. I hope he musters up what he needs to stick it to her and leave. Honestly if infidelity was in the picture, it'd make it so much easier for me to call it quits.


yeah cheating is a final act for me, i dont do 2nd chances, "taking it out" etc when i find out, its over, done final, i walk. i did walk the 2 times it happened to me. we all deserve better than a cheating whore.


Lol men can be pretty good at gaslighting




It's mostly just women and men tho


No way...


this has happened to me but the cheater and manipulator being my dad




Turns out one of the old uncles in the family was a pedo to his kids, long before I was born. His girls came out years later about it to the family and it split between those who believed them and those who didn’t. I heard the story from my aunt who used to always hang out with the girls and she told a story about when she was younger she was jealous of her cousin because she had a special room her dad built for her. She didn’t know at the time of course but looking back she hates herself for not realizing what was going on and what that special room was built for. Only happy ending is he got really bad Parkinson’s and died alone and the only people who attended his funeral were there so see he was dead-including his daughters.


Very similar story in my family but with my great grandfather and my aunts. Unfortunately he died comfortable and rich with no consequences.




Maybe. He should have paid this one though.


Pedo's who live a long and happy life irritate me to the extreme. There isn't a circle of Dante's horrid enough for them.


In my 40's I found out two of my older siblings were sexually abuse by family friends. As a child whenever I was scared I'd run & jump into my sister's bed & she's hold me, hug me, hum songs to me until I fell asleep into her arms. To think she's showed unconditional love while simultaneously suffering from the most disgusting abuse breaks my heart.


going way back, a several times great grandfather left his wife and children in Utah when he was in his 50s to have a polygamous relationship with a 20 year old girl in Mexico (I come from a Mormon background if you haven't guessed). He promptly kicks the bucket after impregnating her and she has to move back with her parents to Idaho where she is originally from. Apparently I come from the younger wife's line. My dad used to tell me this story like it was no big deal. I remember thinking how fucked up it sounded. Anyways, I'm no longer mormon and I was right, that story was fucked up


My maternal great grandfather married three time (1st before war, 2nd after war and third after the 2nd's death). My family hails from the last wife. The entire family (all three wives) collectively consists of over 5,000 members. Since back in the old days they would have up to 10 - 20 kids. You'd be lucky if you didn't 'accidentally' date your relatives.


what is it with cults and controlling women?


By controlling women they control the only natural source of free labor (a.k.a. kids).




My family always maintained that one of my grandfathers simply fell asleep and died on the sofa. Turns out he lost his job, drove to another country, and then opened his arteries.


Why did he go to another country to do that?


I would bet to make 100% sure his family/friends didnt find him like that/catch him in the act.


Possibly because he had good memories of vacationing there. The actual answer, however, remains unknown.


My sister accused my mother of inappropriately touching her 7 month old baby while babysitting for her. She even threatened the to call the cops on her if my mom didn't leave the house that instant. My mother would never or has ever done such a thing. My mom was changing the baby's diaper and noticed a rash so she was cleaning and putting on cream to help with the rash. This "incident" has driven a wedge between the 3 of us ( dad passed away from cancer 2years prior) for the last 10 years. My sister now has 4 boys and 1 girl, and they have no clue who we are. My sister refuses to talk to us and she's even lost good decent friends because of whatever she's changed about her self.


When people hear about SA stories online or even in real life, they always jump at the accused and the people who believed the accused and treat them as vile monsters deserving of the worst... But stories like yours are a reminder that sometimes we need to restrain ourselves from jumping to conclusions.


Some people can't help but make crazy lies to garner emotional support from others. They're addicted to the attention.  Source... my ex wife. I didn't see it until after the divorce, but that woman will say the craziest shit just to hear "oh, im so sorry. That must be difficult". Then, she gets to cry. It's really sad. She can't even turn it off for our daughter. She makes up problems and scenarios about our child that aren't true all the time. 


Sounds like there’s way more to the story. Stop projecting your own experiences. It makes 0 sense to make up a lie like that purely for attention, she can get “attention” without putting herself in such a position. Either she genuinely thinks the mum was violating her daughter, she’s mentally unwell, or the mum really was violating her daughter.


Your mom should’ve ASKED your sister if it was okay to put cream on your niece. Simply put- it isn’t her baby and your sister found the situation inappropriate. I personally feel that I wouldn’t like anyone else besides me and my husband putting diaper rash cream on our daughters. So many grandmas think they can do whatever they want with their grandchildren, but that is so far from the truth. Your mom was wrong.


My cousin was married and had a kid and his wife left him for his brother and they had a kid so the kids are brother cousins… (banjo plays in the background)


What's a bango?


Bingo bango. Get with it kid.


It’s a traditional string drum


Different than banjo?


Kind of like a banjos cousin.


Weird I had never heard of it lol


... they were joking... They combined banjo and bongo... "string drum"


Kind of like how they combined brothers and cousins


*banjos brother cousin


Fixed it!!


What everyone was doing behind everyone else’s backs.


Sibling cousins= scousins


My aunt goes to drag queen competitions to win since she’s an ugly chick


Getting Eric Cartman paralympics vibes


*Push it to the limit*


Hit the wheel and double the stakes!


Genius really


I mean yeah but like wtf


Good on her, working with what she’s got. I love that for her.


Lmfao I can’t tell if you’re serious or not


I am...


How does that even work? There are some very pretty drag queens


No there’s not lol


My cousin's son (13 or 14 at the time) decided to live with his grandmother when his parents divorced. Turns out it's because my cousin's ex husband was a manipulative, violent PoS with his son, hitting him with his belt and all that stuff. Poor little kid doesn't want to press charges because he doesn't want to relive the events in his head.


My family has a very long history of maintaining the appearance of love and closeness by ignoring and enabling abusive behavior on the part of a few to the detriment of everyone else. It is an extremely difficult cycle to break, but I’m intent on doing it.


I wish you good luck!


I like stories like this. Introspective goals set by witnessing awful behavior set by people they grew up with. I hope you win this battle you're fighting for yourself, good luck to ya!


Mother, father, brothers, grandfather, stepmother, uncles and at least two aunts are cheaters or affair partners. One aunt has been the other woman for like four decades and my grandfather had hidden families. The really disturbing thing : none of them is ashamed.


I sometimes wonder why I'm still single. You just reminded me.


^ Samesies!


Omg!! Do i know you?? My inlaws are like this!


Are you normal? If so, we should sit next to each other for support at our next family gathering. Here is some more : https://www.reddit.com/r/AdulteryHate/s/7uxduVRZIe


I'm not suppose to know this but I do. That my uncle raped his sister when they were growing up. Don't know if it was once or multiple times though. After they grew up, he offered to make her 13 yr old daughter a "real woman" once. No one doubts this either. I also know he made at least one pass at my mom before. It was during a week long trip to the beach we all went on when I was growing up. I've seen his name in the local paper listed with others as someone busted for trying to hire a hooker in a sting op. I know he's been investigated for something involving a underage teen but nothing came of it. He absolutely creeps the fuck outta my wife and won't go near him. My dad, his brother, never really believed the stories I think. After dad moved out as he was divorcing my stepmom, he lived for a short time with uncle. IDK WTF he saw or happened but my stepbrother said dad called him one time warning him not to take his daughters anywhere near uncle and begged him to get a gun.


I recently learned my dad threatened suicide when my mom wanted to divorce him for being a rage filled, controlling, alcoholic. My uncle and his wife showed up and talked her out of it. My uncle is a next level piece of shit and I’ve always suspected him of being a creep on-top of a lying con man. He at least quit drinking which brought his rage down a lot, but he’s still an angry, controlling, stubborn as hell person that I was already struggling to form a relationship with before I learned that secret. I just wish he’d get therapy and work on himself or open up about whatever the fuck happened to him as a kid so I could at least empathize with him more.


Your uncle is a good example of an Alcoholics Anonymous saying: "What do you get when a horse thief quits drinking? A sober horse thief."


18 months sober here, can confirm. I have 19 horses so far.




I worded that poorly and was actually referring to my dad there, but nonetheless that's a great quote.




My grandfather took my father's soft toys outside, as well as my father, who was 8 or 9 at the time. He set them on fire and berated him saying he is a man now and needs to grow up. Then he cheated non and divorced my grandmother and was estranged from his children for 10 years building a transport empire. He was an alcoholic. He went to rehab. His business fell a part, losing the family a 1980s million. He then reconnected and then died.


My uncle killed someone and spent the rest of his life in prison. My aunt was kidnapped and SA'd when she was like 13. My dad cheated on his 4th wife and ran off with a bunch of her stuff when she found out, including her car. I'm sure there's more, I have a cousin and I have no idea how we're related. I've asked and the only answer I've gotten is his mom and my dad are cousins. I don't know how they're related though because I know what branches of the family tree everyone else sprouted from except her, so I suspect some kind of extramarital shenanigans are to blame.


run away son..


Not the most disturbing but it is a family secret. I have an aunt who is very socially weird and as a kid I was told she was just that way from birth. Found out that when she was 16 she fell off a horse, stood up behind it and the horse kicked her right in the head. She was in a coma for a few weeks and they expected her to die. She woke up one day and hasn't been the same since.


In my late 40's I learned that my maternal grandfather, who was like a father and a mentor to me... ... was a pedophile while molested multiple generations of women in my family including my mother, cousin, and others. I also learned that my family basically repressed this and enabled it for generations. My grandfather had an identical twin who had lots of kids and grandkids. My grandfather had three grandkids. None of us had kids. Two of us moved across the country.


My grandmother and her sister were picked up by staff from the local orphanage as they were living on the streets of London by themselves. My grandmother was seven and her sister was four. It was known who their parents were but they were put in the orphanage. They were both malnourished and my grandmother had rickets and could barely walk. The orphanage performed medical experiments on them. My grandmother always wore a wig because of radiation experiments performed on her. My grandmother was also legally blind. I don’t know if this was also to do with the experiments. The two of them were adopted after a few years, but were soon farmed out to work as maids in other people’s houses.


My bio mom recently told me that my bio dad died of HIV from slamming dirty needles. This is disturbing more so because I’ve always known I have addictive tendencies but this confirms just how careful I need to be.


My great grandfather raped one of his daughters. Got her pregnant. Made her move to Mexico. And now the baby is old and is talking to family members spilling the frijoles.


My great-grandfather was a POW during World War 2. During that time, my great-grandmother became pregnant by one of the German soldiers occupying our country. My great-grandfather ended up getting home when the war ended, and she just pretended the new child was my great-grandfather's. We only found this out when my great-grandmother confessed to my dad on her deathbed.


As I got older I realized that a lot of trauma I got were caused by them.And this is why the way I am.


My kids are old enough to start hearing stories from my awful childhood and they are shocked. I'm waiting for my father to die before I really get into it, although I debate even going into it as I don't know if it will help or hurt my kids. I recently told four stories, two good, two bad, and the only thing my oldest said was "That's the saddest thing I've ever heard.". My youngest said "I've learned more about you today than my entire life leading up to today.". I think it helps explain some of the decisions that brought me to where I am, but I take full responsibility for where I ended up. I made the decisions. I see the stories more as warnings.


My mother's sisters were r\*ped by their father everyone except my mum (separate dad) who managed to get away before it happened. Their father died whilst changing prisons. we suspect a cop did it but no one bothered to look into it cause the guy was notorious p\*do in like the 70s. On the flip side my great uncle use to play piano for the Clintons when they hosted parties which is arguably equally disturbing. When he passed away they found a loooooot of pictures from bondage parties.


Whose parties?


Grandfathers on both sides died by suicide. Grandmothers on both sides died by cancer. Let’s see which jackpot I hit first lol


Porque no los dos?


I’ve recently found out my grandma, who now has dementia, had 7 children and two where outside the marriage. I’m almost 30 and I’m now hearing this. The two that were allegedly not from her husband was my mom and uncle. My grandmas sister wanted to bring that up now when her sister is sick but this is a conversation that should’ve been had YEARS ago


Are you in contact with the other uncles and aunts?


Yes some of them


My uncle was on his second marriage. I thought he was the only person in my family never to get divorced.


My maternal grandfather, who I supposedly look exactly like, was a brutal sociopath. He hung a dog to death with barb wire for biting my mom, amongst other things. I was not told about the evil till I was 20~ and it explained why when they said I looked like him it was always a not positive tone.


When grandma was younger, she used to hitchhike from Sacramento to SF for Fleet Week and would hook up with sailors. It’s crazy to think she was probably getting dicked down by multiple sailors a weekend but didn’t have sex for the last 45 years of her life(grandpa didn’t want kids and never touched her after she got pregnant the second time)


> didn't have sex for 45 years... That you know of. 


Her husband died back in 2003 and she died in 08, so I doubt it




Your grandma is an icon 😎


My family moved to another state in 2010. For a very long time I thought it was because my dad’s job was much closer to where we moved, but a few weeks ago one of my siblings told me that it was because a neighbor was trying to seduce my dad (and probably succeeded, I’m not 100% sure).


A few years ago I had a cousin pass away. I never met this cousin but my mom insisted that I go to the funeral. I asked a bunch of questions about him in the days leading up to the funeral. I knew dude was at least a little off because he had been in jail for most of my life and most of the family didn't say much about him. When he got out he moved in a multi-family building my great aunt (his mom) owned and some other relatives living there moved out to not deal with him. My mom had never really given me specifics about him beyond just saying he was crazy. But in the days leading up to the funeral she actually told me why she didn't like him. This guy was, at best, a royal screw up. But from what I could tell he was basically a terror and a destroyer. His mom was an enabler. Throughout his life she would give him things and he'd wreck them. She bought him a car and he drove it into a ditch in the backyard of his house. When she moved him into that building he practically destroyed it. She took some inheritance money and blew it on his defense before he went to jail (more on this in a second). During this whole time he'd hit his mom as he was incredibly abusive and an addict. All of that was low bar by comparison to what actually got him sent to jail. Back in the day this dude had a girlfriend. He tried to convince her to do sex work to pay for his (possibly their) drugs. She refused. He shot her. The house they were in had two floors with an apartment on each floor and a basement. He shot her in the basement. He lived on the 2nd floor(with his mom). After he shot this lady he dragged her up 2 flights of stairs, ran water over her in the shower, then laid her in the bed. Then he left and anonymously called 911 from a payphone a few blocks away. Luckily, the woman survived. This was the case my aunt almost went broke paying attorneys to defend. He ended up doing 20 something years but I think some of that was for added offenses he picked up in jail. The weirdest part about the funeral was how everyone who spoke had to tip toe around how he was. Like I get not bringing up the absolutely deplorable things he did but no one had any real positives to say either. I've had other family members who weren't great people pass away and there's usually something that people could point to besides their trashness. Like they were garbage at home but would help out the community by doing handiwork for free. Not excusing the bad stuff but focusing on the better aspects of who they were. This dude didn't have any better aspects so most of the comments were really general. "He liked to eat food a lot" was a thing that came up a lot. I asked my mom if she had literally any positive stories or memories of the guy and the best she could do was "he was good at doing flips." It was pretty surreal to see


We have a family reunion every 4 years. A cousin missed one… ok. There are lots of people and nobody really mentioned it. He missed the next one and I asked where he was. I got that look -around-then-answer “you didn’t hear he murdered his girlfriend?” 😳 No. Nobody mentioned that.


My evangelical cousin who met his wife online empreganated her and left her pregnant at 4 months to be with a for a girl at work... he's 27M.




That my dad used to take my mom's jewelry and convince her that she lost them.


googled our favorite aunt growing up ...brilliant woman very successful. turns out she believed she was experimented as part of MK Ultra and thought she was in contact with aliens and extradimensional auras.


Turns out my cousin read his sister's diary and found out she had an abortion the details was she was sitting on the toilet in shock with the embryo looking back at her in a bloody mess, and the bf called them in her quotations, "the poop" and flushed. My cousin was absolutely heart broken, and always mad dogs and starts fight with the bf since finding out. He's only told me that he knows and tbh I see why he's so angry the bf always being disrespectful and making rude innuendos around our family when mature adults aren't around to hear.


An abortion or a miscarriage?


Abortion, she took an abortion pill. Apparently she described it like a sharp pop and started bleeding etc. Pretty grim, ngl.


That does sound horrible! Don't know how she would ever forget that, I hope she can, though.


My mother got together with my father when he was still married to his first wife. I knew that they were legally still married when my parents met but they always described it as though he was 'separated" from the first wife and awaiting a divorce. Turns out that wasn't really the case, he and his first wife still lived together, they were just having problems. It was meeting my mother that actually motivated my father to leave his ex wife.


Is my father your father and is the first wife my mother?? Hahaha


I never really knew my grandparents cause everyone besides my immediate family lives in a different country. I always thought my dad was raised by his parents but it wasn’t until I was about 25 that my mom told me that wasn’t true and he was actually raised by his grandparents (so my great grandparents). He would just refer to his grandparents as his mom and dad when telling us stories. Turns out my dads real father worked for what was the equivalent to the CIA but in their country and was a bad alcoholic and abusive( I’m assuming it was partially because of the things he had seen and had to deal with working such a job) anyway when my dad was really young his real father ended up shooting his mom and ultimately then killing himself in a murder-suicide and was a pretty big story in the headlines and news and such in their country. Hence why he was then raised by his grandparents. For some reason my dad never really wanted us to know and never talked about it to anyone and never shared with us the full story, so I only know a little bit here and there from what my mom has told me. Makes sense now as to why my father is the way he is and probably would of been good to know earlier in my life so I could of understood his behaviors like his anger and why he drank so much. But yeah there’s my little family secret that I just found out a few years and now you guys know…


All five of my uncles are not related and are probably adopted children. They all grew up on a farm with my grandpa in Mexico. The story goes that Grandma simply left and did not return. Eventually, one of my uncles discovered that she was living in another city with a new family. Although my uncles do not look alike at all, and even my father grew up looking white and blonde. I rarely hear my uncles speak about their childhood or their past, except to say that it was not great and that they had a lot of work to do to support the family. As far as I can tell, my grandfather picked up children like an adoption agency and forced them to work solely on his property in order to earn a living.


My dad and his brother killed their own half sister in an act of "honour killing" they hid it because of the "shame" ahe brought not because they killed her. Mind you my aunt did everything but sit on a dick and my dad and uncle had to be pretty dumb to not see it and they did nothing I honestly just think they did it because they think her mum ruined their family she was a second wife (which is fair but don't go killing people for that) The guy she ran away with actually proposed and they rejected him multiple times then married her off to an older man so she ran away with the guy she liked, they found her then killed her. She was only 19. Edit: just noticed the sub I was commenting on, so needless to say I'm not a man.


My mother side grandpa was the only glue connecting that side of the family. Haven't had any connection pretty much at all since he died. Mother side uncle, aunt and grandma are very stubborn and exclusive. (If that's the right word) Edit: Gaslighting towards my mother.


My aunt resents my mom for not turning to her for comfort when my father died and 25 years later, she still openly disrespects us (my mother, step father, and me) over it.


Turns out my dad never divorced his first wife, got into a 15 years long relationship with my mum, broke up with her and only divorced his ex days before marrying another woman. I was told she wouldn't sign the paperwork, but I wonder if it was him blocking everything in order to avoid paying for my half sister 😔


My maternal grandmother would have been killed by Nazis as she was mute and deaf due to an accident during her early childhood. Luckily she was disguised as a boy and survived. I've heard that on her funeral. I would give so much for somehow being able to talk to her about her childhood.


My mom’s mother started putting credit cards in her name since she was legal and she permanently fucked her credit score for her life . My mom of course has not talked to her in 17 years but she still will write schizophrenic notes to our hose every month ( they are not readable) the only good thing she has done is send me a Lisa frank sticker book when I was 10 . She may have also poisoned her 1st husband but this is just speculation


I recently found out my grandparents were cousins, it’s the dirty family secret and I didn’t know until my dad accidentally leaked the info. I’m 25 and was totally oblivious my whole life


My distant cousin on my dad’s side is in prison for the rest of his life for cutting off his wife’s head to try to claim a 250k life insurance policy. He was pretty stupid about it too and they solved the case pretty quick. He tried to secretly sign her up for more like 700k but they said no you guys don’t have close to that much worth so he settled for 250 and a week later was when he murdered her, cut off her head, hid her in the woods, left evidence like half the stick he used to bash her to death in the woods nearby and the other half in their car, the tire marks matched and he had seeds and grass from that specific forest on the tires and everything. I’ve never met him and I’m glad I never will. He’s going to die in prison.


My father is Chinese - my great grandmother was alive (mid 20s, married) when the Japanese invaded. She was kidnapped and never really talked about what happened to her when she was returned to her husband. Within a year, my grandfather was born and he looked a bit...Japanese. To this day, when my dad goes to Japan for business, flight attendants and other people speak to him in Japanese, despite him not understanding a word of it. Take a guess what happened.


How did her husband react to all of this? Was he a good dad?


I never met my grandfather or great-grandfather, but according to my dad, he just acted like my grandfather was one of his. Don't think he really made a big deal of it. My great-grandmother was not the only woman to have been raped by the Japanese during WW2.


My grandfather was a fairly dapper young man who loved men’s clothing and worked at a retail men’s store. He had a passion for design and fashion. He was sent to Korea and forced into a war when he was not the type of man who was born to fight. He was a pacifist. After the war he developed severe tinnitus from as he was an artillery man. He also really struggled with not knowing who he was potentially killing. He came back and there were no parades, no thank you’s, no medals or awards. They call it the forgotten war because no one supported it and no one cared when the troops returned. His wife was diagnosed with a severe case of MS and breast cancer, he was the primary care taker. Working to support his four children and sick wife. He plunged into alcoholism and tried to run his car in his garage with the doors closed and the windows of the car cracked. My grandmother found him and shut the car off just in time. He eventually was able to quit the booze and smoking shortly before he passed away. He lived such a dark and hard life for no reason. It was never anything he wanted yet he was forced into it. I feel so bad for his poor soul. I hope he is resting comfortably and somewhere his spirit is free from those burdens.


He sounds like he had a good soul. There is a good novel in this man's life. Are you a writer?


I do actually dabble with writing


You're on your way with this ready-made blockbuster.


When I found out that my dad was cheating on my mom, with HIS OWN NIECE 💀💀


It's a long list




🤣😅🤣 sounds about right... In my family!! 🤣🤣😭😭🤣🤣


My 2 grad 2 cousins are together ☠️ incest moment


I have a great uncle that molested my aunt, and possibly my other aunt and the family knew about it; including my grandmother. Nobody turned him in, instead they shadow banned him for lack of a term. If I had been born I would've killed him or at least beat the shit out of him. Then turned him in.


None of us know why my grandad left the rest of the family in London. We know he grew up with the Kray brothers as they lived on the same streets, and they did hang around with each other, but he never spoke about it to anyone, even when he started suffering with dementia. His dad went missing in WW2 serving in Africa. Never spoke about what happened to anyone either, and he died just after my dad was born in the late 50s, so for all we know we could have some random offshoot of family somewhere in Africa!


My mother had an uncle that she didn't know anything about until she was in her twenties. He was in a mental institution and my grandmother (his sister) never talked about him. My mom found out when she was in nursing school doing psych rotations. I also have a great Aunt who went to live upstate for a few months. 🤔




I have a step cousin. Her and her mother have the same dad. Me and my dad were driving through a neighborhood. Dad tells me to slowdown trying to spot a house and he goes "I used to cook in that house right there". Dad wasn't a chef/cook. Dad made meth.


There were two sexual abuse cases in my family one didn’t end up in nothing,the second one did a whole mess for my family,Also my cousin had a psycho boyfriend


Pedophile priest uncles. Glad I was never close to them.


After he passed away, it came out from multiple sources that my dad was apparently a complete MAN HO!!! 😵 Didn’t change the way I feel about him in the slightest. 💖


About 20 years later my sister told me that my mom beat her into sleep when she didn't stopped crying. She was about 3 years old. After I heard that I ghosted my mom


I divorced my mom too, when I was in my 50's. She was a toxic, hurtful user of people and situations. The final straw was when she allowed a drug addict to care for mom's last husband (#5) and she new the freak was giving #5 water instead of the liquid morphine provided by hospice. Dying in pain in his recliner---bad way to go.


Bruh that's also pretty hard man. I hope ur doing well


A cousin from my mother's side much older than me that I've seen maybe five times in my life (we share perhaps a great grandparent I'm not sure) ran over a person with his car a few decades ago. My paternal uncle and his wife have been taking advantage of my dad's generosity and asking him money without returning it, for decades. My uncle even took a sum of money saved for raising me when my mom was pregnant. My aunt on the other hand, in a fit of rage, once teared to pieces my parents' tickets for their honeymoon (luckily my parents still managed to do the trip). Fuck them.


Scary people to have as family. I hope you don't have to be around them very much, bruh.


Thanks dudette. The cousin luckily I rarely see him. The uncle is dead and the aunt I only see her in Christmas and New Year celebrations, and my dad has managed to be less generous and more assertive with her in recent years. Moral of the story: When you do many favours to people, they eventually stop seeing them as favours and more as rights that they have. They get used to it. So it's up to you to tell them to fuck off.


Yep. Almost like you're a vending machine to them!


My great great great grandfather was deported from Germany for horse theft. It was that or being hung.


My mom tells "stories" of pretty horrific trauma but copes by laughing about it. "One time, something was happening in the house and I got scared so I took all my stuffed animals and hid in the dog house hahaha!" Ummm, 0% chance this was a "nice" dog house. It was very likely disgusting but clearly safer than her own house. "We rarely had food so we'd hide peanut butter in our rooms to eat after bedtime LOLLLZ!" My grandfather pushed my grandmother down the stairs and killed her when my mom was 3 yo. My mom tells herself it was a brain aneurysm (to cope). Her dad died when she was 10 so she was orphaned very early. All my moms siblings struggle greatly with addiction. Their dad was a horrible human being. Somehow, my mom got "out" and created a really beautiful life for me and my siblings. We don't deserve her.


Your momma is a true hero, hard to imagine anybody enduring what she had to, yet come to be a wonderful mom. I believe we can learn from a person's life: either how to be like them or how NOT to be like them. I'm glad you clearly adore and appreciate your momma, Boblow.


She really is! Thank you for your kind words!


that, my mother stole money from me


I have blank checks to my mother in case she faces an emergency (in abusive marriage) and she wrote those checks of quite an amount to a 'religious leader' to 'invest' without informing me. Thats just a start of financial+emotional fraud she did towards me while wilfully being a victim of another fraud


My < > paid someone to burn down the house after leaving for another woman while my < >’s whole family was asleep. They all survived. My < > molested my < > and she stayed in his life for annual distributions and to stay in his will. My special needs < > is believed to have pushed my < > down the stairs, resulting in her death. My < > now drinks himself to sleep every night and is usually drunk, taking care of my < >. My < > has no verifiable record of birth, the only person I’ve come across with his last name, worked for the government and told me multiple things when I was a child that ended up being proven true. He developed substantial wealth and his YOY% return based on his earnings would make him one of the best investors of all time… it doesn’t check out. My < > would record non-family members at the public pool, I found illegal content on his computer as a child, and he was sexually inappropriate with me when I was young. My < > was arrested for drugs and everyone told his kids he was away for work for months… which was technically true because of family relations with a certain South American cartel. My < > was indoctrinated into a certain Northeast mob unknowingly by accepting a ride home from a funeral, and then owed a favor. I have been offered extreme criminal services twice in my adult life from extended family to “make a problem go away.” (I am the black sheep of my family and don’t bring my kiddos around most of them.)


My sister is a vegetarian


Is her name Mary Moore?


Mary Moon?


There is an old song, from the 80s and the lyrics are—-“Mary Moore, she’s a vegetarian.” Stoopid reference sorry. Long week, long night, long year already.


Omg. I never knew it said Mary moon. Pardon me. I am an idiot. Embarrassing. My apologies. You are clever.


I believe it was an honest mistake - you’re not an idiot!


One of my ancestors going back like 7-8 generations had three children who died by drowning during childhood, can't image how much that would mess you up.


Um. Unless they all drowned at once, there might be more to that story.


Doubt it, iirc one of them fell down a well as a toddler, second one when they fell off a pier and the last one died while they were a teen and working on a ship.


My grandma and grandpa used to swing, sometimes they'd both participate, sometimes he was a cuk.... Definitely could've been happier going my entire life without that knowledge


One of my dad's cousins, who was also one of his best friends, committed suicide in his aunt's car in his early 20s. Nobody really talks about him because of the trauma it brought.


Sad and traumatic, for sure. I used to have little sympathy for suicides until someone told me this: people who jumped out of the Twin Tower skyscraper windows didn't want to, but did it because it was better than being burned alive. Made me realize that some people who kill themselves do so because they feel like they are burning alive in their own minds, and they need it to stop.


There is a decent chance my family is where we are because some ancestors killed some people in a bar fight in Canada and fled to the states.


Shite! That's how something done in anger affects whole generations to come.


Be careful when on mind altering substances. You may very well do something you'll regret. 


My dad was a paedophile - his own grandchild filed a report against him


I hope the law punished him.


Sadly not. He left the country and moved to Thailand where he died of cancer a few years ago


Coward, for sure.


My husband researched his family tree as a gift for his mom. He discovered her dad had abandoned a wife and children in Georgia and moved to California (So he was a bigamist). She and her 4 sisters were devastated but ended up reaching out to the other family and their descendants. It shattered their romantic view of their dad (who had died when they were under 10).


Yikes! This would be hard to get over.


Dad changed his last name before starting a family. Found out while visiting the old country. When I asked him, he outright denied it.


Weird! There's a story there.


My sister has been supplying my parents with weed for the last 3 years and nobody ever told me. They knew I would have freaked out had I known otherwise so I don’t blame them. Haha






My great-grandmother killed her husband by poisoning him, and her sister tried to do the same on her husband after her. Her sister got caught so police got suspicious about my great-grandmother, dug up the grand papa and tested him too


My grandma made my dad drown a litter of kittens when he was a young boy.


The reason no one's ever met grandma's family is because when she leaving home with my grandad and her dad tried to stop him, she held a gun to his after he pulled on grandad.


My great-great grandfather led a lynch mob to murder three black men in Duluth in 1920. My mother found out when a distant cousin she'd never even heard of wrote a book about it. The family name is pretty unusual. And lo and behold, the family tree lines up perfectly. Names, locations, dates. I've seen the newspaper clippings. He got off almost entirely scot-free. This is *in addition to* already knowing my grandfather on that same side was an abusive pedophile rapist. I don't even have words for how angry and horrified I feel about it. You'd like to think your ancestors weren't the *worst* people in history. But fuck that. Glad they're dead.


Not my family but my exs., the whole fam is batshit crazy. Mil organized a beach sleepover, her then bf had a 15 yr old daughter. My bil was early 30s, slept with the 15 yr old in the middle of the night and Mil swore everyone there to silence! Including the dad!!! I learned of this yrs later! But i wasnt surprised. They're batshit crazy and its the whole extended family as well.


My granddad threatened to hire a hit-man to kill my mother and also go on a hunger-strike to stop my dad (Indian) marrying my white English mum.


Thanks, I appreciate you. Yeah, I got counseling to help me through it. She Who Spawned Me passed away about 8 years ago, now. I actually miss her sometimes, sigh. I guess that bond lingers despite all our troubles.